HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-20-04406 MINUTES #2424 CITY COUNCIL MEETING/WORK SESSION CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2004, 7:30 A.M. Mayor Blackie Holmes opened the meeting of the City Council. Present were Mayor Pro Tempore Jim Roberts and Councilmembers Harry Shawver, Kelly Walker and Syd Carter. Also in attendance were City Attorney Rob Dillard, Finance Director Kent Austin substituting for City Manager Bob Livingston and City Secretary Nina Wilson. City Manager Bob Livingston was absenf and excused. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts moved acceptance of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Walker seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the following: CONSENT AGENDA CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: For October 5, 2004. MAIN AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING PARKING AMENDMENTS FOR SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY CAMPUS DISTRICT: Mayor Holmes opened the public hearing. Building & Zoning Administrator Wade McLaurin stated that, as a result of the construction of Ford Stadium, as well as additional parking structures on the SMU campus, the regulations found in the Zoning Ordinance regarding on-campus parking must be amended to appropriately address the conditions that currently exist. The proposed amendments include a "credit" for students, staff, or faculty who have the ability to use mass transit as provided by DART. In addition to the parking regulations, Section 14-206 of the Zoning Ordinance is also being created to better define the approved activities at Ford Stadium. This new section mirrors the previous requirements of Ownby Stadium, but allows for the stadium to be used for high school football two (2) days out of the academic year, in addition to high school football playoff games. This will allow for the continued use of the stadium for the Tom Landry Classic high school football event at Ford Stadium and will also bring the Zoning Ordinance up-to-date. There was no further discussion and Mayor Holmes closed the public hearing. Councilmember Shawver moved to approve the ordinance regarding parking amendments to Southern Methodist University Campus District. Councilmember Carter seconded,' and the vote was unanimous to approve the ordinance. City Attorney Rob Dillard asked if Councilmember Shawver meant both ordinances, so Councilmember Shawver moved to amend his motion to include both ordinances. Councilmember Walker seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve both ordinances regarding parking amendments to the University Campus District. ORDINANCE NO. 04/31 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, REPEALING SECTION 24-500, "PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN UC-1 AND UC-2", SUBSECTIONS (1) THROUGH (6) OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, IN ITS ENTIRETY, AND UPDATING AND REPLACING THE SAME WITH THE PROVISIONS SET OUT HEREIN, PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 407 ORDINANCE NO. 04/32 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY ADDING SUBSECTION (4), "FORD STADIUM", TO SECTION 14-206, "ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CONSIDER PURCHASE OF CodeRED NOTIFICATION SYSTEM CONTRACT: Fire Chief David Ledbetter stated that in an emergency, especially after hours, notifying staff members and crews to respond in a timely manner once they have gone home is a serious challenge. If citizens have to be notified, the only method is to go door-to-door. CodeRED is a web-based emergency notification system with the capacity to launch more than 60,000 telephone calls to homes and businesses in less than one hour. Emergency messages can be initiated from homes, offices, or anywhere an intemet connection is available. The system is not limited to employee notification but can be used for a variety of needs to notify citizens such as evacuations, hazardous material Spills, fire and flood disasters, missing children/persons, major weather alerts, terrorism alerts, street closings and water main breaks, etc. The cost of the service is available in a two-year contract and provides the City with 15,000 minutes of usage each year for $5,000.00 per year. Additional minutes are provided free of charge for training purposes. Councilmember Walker moved acceptance of the contract. Councilmember Carter seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the contract for the CodeRED Notification System. DISCUSS UDADAC'S RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF NORTHWEST HIGHWAY SCREENING WALL: Considerable discussion ensued regarding the use of both brick and concrete facades. Director of Public Works Bud Smallwood reported that the Committee would like to have the "portal" structures, proposed for the southeast and southwest comers at Hillcrest, physically connected to the wall rather than standing free. One Committee member suggested that long term maintenance issues should be considered before deciding to incorporate the use of brick. The cost to repair or rebuild brick sections of the wall would be considerably higher than that of concrete. The same would hold tree in the removal of graffiti. UDADAC unanimously recommended that the City Council direct staff to proceed with the project except for the use of brick. The City Council agreed and directed staff to proceed with the design using solid concrete rather than brick; giving the wall a stucco look. DISCUSS PILOT PROGRAM FOR NEWSPAPER RACKS IN SNIDER PLAZA: Assistant to the Public Works Director Robbie Corder stated that business owners along Snider Plaza and City staff members have voiced concern about the proliferation of individual news boxes in this retail area. In Snider Plaza, they have created issues concerning pedestrian and vehicle safety, litter, graffiti, and emergency access. In 2003, Snider Plaza had a total of 61 individual news boxes. In July, 2004, the number of news boxes in Snider Plaza had increased 26% for a total of 77 boxes. To address concerns related to the proliferation of separate news boxes, staff proposes the City purchase news racks that hold multiple publications and install the units at fixed locations in Snider Plaza. Individual news boxes would not be allowed in the Snider Plaza area. 408 The City will then lease individual boxes within the news racks to the publications to recover a portion of the cost. If successful, the pilot program along Snider Plaza could be expanded to other retail areas in the City. The total number of publications in Snider Plaza would be reduced from 77 to 54. Council directed staff to proceed with the pilot program to include further discussions with vendors of the news boxes. CONSIDER BID AND AWARD OF CONTRACT TO SYB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR WATER, SANITARY AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, ALLEY AND STREET PAVING IN THE AREA NORTH OF HILLCREST AND SOUTHWESTERN, PROJECT NO. 46310: The locations to be included in this project are Centenary/Marquette Alley from Airline Road to Hillcrest Road; Colgate/Caruth Alley from Airline Road to Turtle Creek Blvd.; Caruth Blvd. from Airline Road to Hillcrest Road; Greenbrier/Southwestern Alley from Airline Road to Hillcrest Road; Hillcrest Road from Caruth Blvd. to Greenbrier/Southwestern Alley; and Caruth Park Parking Lot. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts moved acceptance of the bid. Councilmember Carter seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the awarding of the contract to SYB Construction Company for Project No. 46310 in the amount of $2,253,957. CONSIDER ORDINANCE ABANDONING CERTAIN STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT TO 7064 TURTLE CREEK LANE: The ordinance will abandon certain right-of- way along the Lovers Lane frontage of the property at 7064 Turtle Creek Lane, the southeast comer of Lovers Lane and Turtle Creek Lane, owned by Mr. Steve Houghton. It includes a 3,729 square foot parcel and the fair market value is $101,839. After approval of the subject ordinance, a certified copy of the ordinance must be filed at Dallas County, and Mr. Houghton must incorporate the parcel with his property at 7064 Turtle Creek Lane via amending the plat. Councilmember Shawver moved approval of the ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the abandonment of the right-of-way adjacent to 7064 Turtle Creek Lane to Mr. Steve Houghton. CONSIDER ZONING ORDINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE' S (ZOAC) RECOMMENDATION AND REQUEST FOR REZONING OF DUPLEX ZONING DISTRICTS: Two separate requests were received requesting the City consider the potential benefits that might result from rezoning existing duplex districts to another zoning district that might encourage redevelopment. The first request was to rezone the north side of the 3200 & 3300 blocks of Rosedale from Duplex 2 (D-2) to Multi-Family District 3 (MF-3). The purpose would be to encourage redevelopment in those blocks that would be similar in use to that on the south side of Rosedale. The second request was to rezone all of the duplex districts within the City to Single Family Attached (SF-A). The purpose would be to encourage redevelopment throughout the City similar to what has taken place around the Middle School and provide more owner-occupied properties rather than the rental properties that currently exist in the duplex districts. The duplex districts cannot subdivide their lots and sell them off separately. ZOAC did not believe it was in the City's best interest to rezone the properties along Rosedale from D-2 to MF-3. They felt that this would be a "stepping down" in zoning classification and that the current D-2 properties provide a buffer between the MF-3 properties to the south and the Single Family district to the north. However, the Committee believes that the idea of rezoning the duplex districts to SFA is a worthwhile idea. The duplex and SFA structures are virtually identical, and would provide the City and its' neighborhoods with more owner-occupied residences. The Committee also felt that rather than a "blanket" rezoning of all the duplex districts in the City, these districts should be handled on a case-by-case basis as areas, but not as individual lots. ZOAC recommends that future applicants be sent to the Planning & Zoning Commission for approval of their rezoning request. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts moved approval of 4O9 ZOAC's recommendation, which is to make a decision on a case-by-case basis if an individual or the City makes a request. Councilmember Shawver seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the recommendation. CONSIDER DEADLINE FOR KENNETH CROZIER, 4305 GREENBRIER: A hearing was held on August 3, 2004 before the City Council regarding the condition of the property at 4305 Greenbrier, owned by Mr. Kenneth D. Crozier. After reviewing photos and staff files, the Council determined that the property was a public nuisance as a result of the overgrowth and junk that had been allowed to accumulate on the property. Mr. Crozier was given 60 days to bring the property into compliance. Mr. Crozier was then contacted on October 4th by Code Enforcement Officer Mike Brackin to set up a time in which he could inspect Mr. Crozier's property to determine if all of the violations had been corrected. Mr. Crozier agreed to meet Mr. Brackin at 9:00 a.m., October 11th, to inspect the property. Mr. Crozier then appeared at the October 5th City Council meeting under Items from the Floor without the knowledge of the Building Department staff and requested an extension of the original deadline. Since the Council cannot take action on issued discussed on Items From The Floor, he was requested to return on October 20th when the item could be placed on the agenda. At the October 20th meeting, staff recommended no additional time be granted to Mr. Crozier and that the Council ask the City Attorney how best to proceed. Mr. Crozier addressed the Council and stated that the Dallas Public Health Department had given him a report stating his property was in compliance. Mayor Holmes then requested Building and Zoning Supervisor Wade McLaurin to contact the Health Department for a copy of their report. Councilmembers Carter and Walker, along with a Code Enforcement Officer, will contact Mr. Crozier to set an appointment to see his property. The extension was denied. A decision will be made at the next council meeting on November 2, 2004 after Councilmembers Carter and Walker have viewed the property. DISCUSS REQUEST TO PUT NAME OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS ON THE CITY WEB SITE: The Information Services staff recently received a request to consider adding membership and scheduling information to the section of the City web site that lists all citizen advisory committees. Currently, that section of the web contains a paragraph explaining the purpose of the committees in general and directs the citizen as to the process for applying for membership on one of the committees. Staff asked Council to provide direction as to the type of information that should be included in the citizen committee section of the web site. Council directed Department Directors to make inquiry of their committee members as to their opinions on the subject and return to a future council meeting with that information. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of November 2004. s I51. Holmes IIIc/Mayor