HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 12-14-04 Names Tabs.doc AGENDA #2427 CITY COUNCIL MEETING/WORK SESSION CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2004 AT 7:30AM ITEMS FROM THE FLOOR Anyone wishing to address an item not on the Agenda or having questions about items on the Consent Agenda should do so at this time. Questions and comments regarding Main Agenda items may be made when that item is addressed by the City Council. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDER: Final Payment for In-Place Recycling of Asphalt Pavements at Various Locations, Project No. 42692 Smallwood Tab I B. CONSIDER: Telecommunications Easement for AT&T Wireless along West side of Roland Right-of-Way Speer Tab II C. CONSIDER: Purchase of Replacement Vehicle through H-GAC Green Tab III D. CONSIDER: Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes for November 16, 2004 Wilson Tab IV III. MAIN AGENDA A. CONSIDER: Change Order for extension of project from Hillcrest to Thackery on Lovers Lane Smallwood Tab V B. CONSIDER: Bid and award for traffic signal installation at various locations, Project No. 42730 Smallwood Tab VI C. CONSIDER: Flag Pole Regulations McLaurin Tab VII D. CONSIDER: Bid for mowing contract Bradley Tab VIII E. DISCUSS: Request for construction site requirements McLaurin Tab IX F. CONSIDER: Resolution to adopt strategic goals Smith Tab X G. CONSIDER: Purchase of MICU through H-GAC Green Tab XI H. CONSIDER: Purchase of platform truck Green Tab XII I. CONSIDER: Changing June 15th and November and December City Council meeting dates for 2005 Livingston Tab XIII As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any agenda items listed herein. 9:00 A.M. EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR CONSULTATION WITH CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING POSSIBLE LITIGATION UNDER SECTION 551.071 OF THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE IV. Ao D. E. F. G. H. I. J. INFORMATION AGENDA - Tab XIV REPORTS, BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes for October 25, 2004 EMPLOYEE BENFITS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes for November 4, 2004 FINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes for September 26, 2004 PLANNiNG & ZONING COMMISSION PROPERTY CASUALTY & LIABILITY INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PUBLIC WORKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE URBAN DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE ZONING ORDINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes for September 28 & October 26, 2004 CAPITAL PROJECTS REVIEW COMMITTEE CAPITAL PROJECTS UPDATE for Week of December 1, 2004 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: AGENDA MEMO (12/14/04 AGENDA) December 8, 2004 Nina Wilson City Secretary Jennifer Shell, P.E. Civil Engineer Final Payment for In-Place Recycling of Asphalt Pavements at Various Locations, Project No. 42692 Consent Agenda CONSIDER APPROVAL OF FINAL PAYMENT TO CUTLER REPAVING, INC. in the amount of $6,306.86 for the labor and materials furnished for the In-Place recycling of Asphalt Pavements at Various Locations Project, Project No. 42692. The project included the following streets: 1 Hyer 4300 Douglas Lomo Alto 2 University Blvd 3600-3700 Williams Pkwy Thackery 3 Thackery 6400-6600 McFarlin Rosedale 4 Rosedale 3600 Dickens Golf 5 McFarlin 3700-3800 Golf Shannon (West of HPPC) 6 Greenbrier 4100-4200 Preston Douglas 7 Centenary 3600-3700 Thackery Baltimore 8 Marquette 3800-3900 Pickwick Baltimore 9 Caruth 3500 Turtle Creek Blvd Thackery 10 Caruth 3800 Baltimore Tulane 11 Bryn Mawr 3800-3900 Baltimore Tulane 12 Hanover 3800-4000 Baltimore Preston Road 13 Stanford 3700-4000 Turtle Creek Blvd Preston Road 14 Baltimore 7100-8000 Alley N of Lovers Lane Marquette 15 Shenandoah 3400 Hillcrest Key 16 Athens 6600 Daniel Rosedale 17 Dickens 6400-6500 Daniel McFarlin 18 Airline 7500-7600 Hanover Southwestern 19 Asbury 3600 High School Golf AGENDA MEMO (12/14/04 AGENDA) DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 8, 2004 Bob Livingston City Manager Jennifer Shell, P.E. Civil Engineer Final Payment for In-Place Recycling of Asphalt Pavements at Various Locations, Project No. 42692 On September 22, 2004, the City Council approved Cutler Repaving, Inc. for the above- referenced project. The Engineering Department has accepted the completed work. The actual work performed and the material furnished as provided by the contract brought University Park's project total to $315,342.83 (84% of the contract of amount). A payment in the amount of $6,306.86 has not been made to the Contractor for the retainage on this project. PROJECT COST HISTORY APPROVED CONTRACT AMOUNT 09/22/04 $377,266.35 The total cumulative value of the contract was decreased by $61,923.52, or 84% of the original contract. This occurred because quantities measured in the field were less than the estimated quantities. AGENDA MEMO (12/14/04 AGENDA) DATE: December 9, 2004 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Jacob Speer, Assistant Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Consider Telecommunications Easement for AT&T Wireless Along West Side of Roland Avenue Right-of-Way ITEM: AT&T Wireless plans to install wireless communication antennas on a TXU pole along the Dallas North Tollway across from the DCPCMUD booster pump station. AT&T plans to place the base cabinets associated with that installation in the southwest comer of Germany Park on land owned by the NTTA. The cables between the TXU pole and the base cabinets will need to mn along a 5 foot wide strip of land between the sound wall and the Roland Avenue curb line. They also need to install underground conduits in the same area for electric and telephone service to the site. That strip of land is owned by the City. Consequently, AT&T Wireless has requested a utility easement in the above mentioned strip of land to allow for the placement of their cables and associated hardware. AT&T Wireless has agreed to a request by the Park Director to enclose their base cabinet area with a nice, screening fence as specified by the Director. These antennas will serve the southwestern part of University Park as well as the Tollway. AT&T currently has service at that site, but wants to replace all existing equipment. Neither AT&T nor the City has any record of an easement for the existing facilities. AT&T Wireless has proposed a one-time payment of $1,500 for this easement. Staff informed ATTWS of the City's typical methodology for calculating the value of easements, which is 25% of the appraised value of the land. An appraised land value of $25 - $30 per square foot would generate an easement value of approximately $10,500 - $12,500. An easement value has not yet been agreed upon. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of a telecommunications easement for AT&T Wireless as described in the attached easement document and exhibits, with the easement agreement amended to set the fee at an amount determined by a property appraiser of the City's choosing to be paid by AT&T Wireless. ATTACHMENTS: · Proposed Easement Agreement and Exhibits "A" and "B" 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Documents and Settings~nwilson. UNIVPARK~Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3~ATT utlt~ easemnt Germany Pk 11 - 17-04.doc 1:32 PM 12/09/04 Site Overview Site Photos Site Photos AGENDA MEMO (12/14/04 AGENDA) DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 8, 2004 Honorable Mayor and City Council Christine Green, Purchasing Agent Purchase of Replacement Vehicle through H-GAC The Street Division is scheduled to replace one of its pickup trucks (Unit 1745) this year. A Ford F-350 with a service body is available through Philpott Motor Company via a contract with the Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments (H-GAC) Cooperative Purchasing Program. The City has had an interlocal agreement for cooperative purchasing with H-GAC since 1994. Purchases made through H-GAC fulfill all competitive bidding requirements. The total cost for this vehicle is $25,982.77. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends purchasing this vehicle through H-GAC in the total amount of $25,982.77. 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Documents and Settings~nwilson. UNIVPARKXLocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3\HGAC Order 2004 - F350.doc 1:17 PM 12/09/04 City of University Park Equipment Services 4420Worcola Dallas, Texas 75206 214-987-5475 Fax: 214-987-5479 December 9, 2004 To: Christine Green, Purchasing Agent From: Jim Gau Jr. Fleet Manager Subject: Replacement of Unit 1745 Attached please find the requisition for replacement of Unit 1745 in the Street Department. This unit is a 1995 I Ton Crew Cab truck that has reached the end of its ten-year expected life cycle. This unit will be replaced and retained as a backup unit. Unit 2561, which was replaced in 2002 and was retained as a backup, will now be sold at auction. We expect Unit 1745 to serve in a backup capacity for two years at which time we will cycle it out with another replaced unit. The new truck will be a 2005 Ford F350 Crew Cab truck with service body quoted through HGAC vendor Philpott Ford. The Street Department supervisors and the Assistant Director of Public Works have reviewed and approved the specifications submitted for purchase. Sincerely, Jim Gau Jr Fleet Manager MINUTES #2426 CITY COUNCIL MEETING/WORK SESSION CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2004, 7:30 A.M. Mayor Blackie Holmes opened the meeting of the City Council. Present were Mayor Pro Tempore Jim Roberts and Councilmembers Harry Shawver, Kelly Walker and Syd Carter. Also in attendance were City Attorney Rob Dillard, City Manager Bob Livingston and City Secretary Nina Wilson. Councilmember Shawver moved acceptance of the Consent Agenda. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the following: CONSENT AGENDA CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETiNG MINUTES: For November 2, 2004. MAIN AGENDA DISCUSS CITY COUNCIL STRATEGIC GOALS: Mayor Holmes moved this item to the beginning of the Main Agenda. At the City Council/Staff Retreat on October 7 and 8, a list of strategic goals and objectives were suggested. At the close of the retreat, Mayor Holmes selected Mayor Pro Tem Jim Roberts, Finance Director Kent Austin and Administrative Intern Kate Smith to condense and draft the strategic goals from this list. After discussion among the Councilmembers, it was suggested that the goals be adopted at the December 14th City Council Meeting and that a report be given to the Council on a quarterly basis with a staff member assigned to each goal. DISCUSS CITY COUNCIL INSPECTION OF 4305 GREENBRIER: Appearing at the November 2nd City Council meeting, Mr. Kenneth Crozier, 4305 Greenbrier, again explained why he had been unable to arrange a date and time in which he could meet representatives from the city, Councilmembers Walker and Carter, to determine if his property had been brought into compliance. At the November 2nd meeting, the Council told Mr. Crozier that he would need to make his property available for inspection on or before November 12th or the Council would determine how to move forward at its next meeting, November 16th. Due to circumstances beyond Mr. Crozier's control, a meeting had to be scheduled with Councilmembers Kelly Walker and Syd Carter and Code Enforcement Officer Russell Craig to inspect the property on Monday, November 15th to determine the current status of Mr. Crozier's property based on observations made. Councilmember Walker reported that all violations of the original complaint had been resolved. She did, however, suggest that Mr. Crozier work with the Fire Marshal on cleaning up the garage, which he will do. CONSIDER ORDINANCE TO AMEND SIGN REGULATIONS TO PERMIT TEMPORARY SIGNS FOR MAD FOR PLAID AND MAX-A-MILLION CARRIAGE RIDE: An amendment to the Sign Ordinance would approve the use of temporary signs for these specific entities only and only for the stated periods of time only, Mad for Plaid through January 31, 2005 and Max-A- Million Carriage Ride through December 31, 2004. Approval will be on an annual basis only and will not be extended to these or any other entities or individuals without future presentation to and approval from the City Council. Councilmember Walker moved approval of the ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve adopting the ordinance for a temporary signage amendment for Mad for Plaid and Max-A-Million Carriage Ride. ORDINANCE NO. 04/36 AN ORDiNANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, CHAPTER 12, SIGN REGULATIONS, BY AMENDING SECTION 12.235 TO PERMIT TEMPORARY SIGNS UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES; AMENDING SECTION 12.247 TO PERMIT TEMPORARY ADVERTISING SIGNS IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY IN SNIDER PLAZA; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL FROM C2 CONSULTING SERVICES FOR CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE FEE AUDIT: Based on reducing the scope of the audit from five years to three years, C2 submitted a revised proposal of not-to-exceed $6,000. Of that $6,000 total, University Park's share should be approximately $4300. The Town of Highland Park will share in the cost of the audit using a split based on population (72% UP, 28% HP). Charter Communications pays a 5% franchise fee to the City quarterly. Last year, Charter paid over $150,000 in franchise fees to University Park. The City has never conducted an audit of the basis for these fees, and it is possible that the audit's findings could result in additional payments. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts moved approval of the proposal. Councilmember Walker seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the cable television franchise fee audit. CONSIDER RENEWAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR SELF-FUNDED HEALTH PLAN FOR CITY EMPLOYEES: The renewal proposes a 2.6% increase in administrative fees, which include claims administration, PPO access, Medical Management, Disease Management, broker fees, Reinsurance, HIPAA compliance, and COBRA administration. Assuming stable enrollment in the health plan, annual administrative costs will increase from $84,096 to $86,232. Mayor Holmes moved approval of the renewal. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve adopting the renewal of administrative services for the self-funded health plan for City employees. CONSIDER RENEWAL OF LIFE INSURANCE AND LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES: The renewal rates for 2005 are unchanged from 2004. The renewal proposes $.19 per $1,000 salary volume for Life Insurance, $.04 per $1,000 salary volume for AD&D, and $.31 per $100 covered LTD payroll for a total annual cost of $98,323. Councilmember Walker moved approval of the renewal. Mayor Holmes seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the renewal of life insurance and long-term disability insurance for City employees. CONSIDER RESOLUTION FOR TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM GRANT PROJECT KNOWN AS STEP WAVE: The Police Department applied for and received a Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant. The total amount of the award is $5,656.00. The purpose of the grant is to fund overtime for officers to work selective traffic enforcement programs in an effort to increase safety belt use and reduce speeding violations. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts moved adoption of the resolution entering into an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation supporting the state's efforts to increase safety belt and speed enforcement. Councilmember Shawver seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the resolution for Step Wave. RESOLUTION NO. 04-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, APPROVING A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF TEXAS FOR TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION BY THE CITY MANAGER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CONSIDER TELECOMMUNICATIONS EASEMENT FOR AT&T WIRELESS ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF ROLAND AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY: AT&T Wireless plans to install wireless communication antennas on a TXU pole along the Dallas North Tollway across from the Dallas County Park Cities Municipal Utilities District Booster Pump Station. AT&T plans to place base cabinets associated with that installation in the southwest corner of Germany Park on land owned by the North Texas Tollway Authority. The cables between the TXU pole and the base cabinets will need to run along a 5-foot wide strip of land between the sound wall and the Roland Avenue curb line, which is owned by the City. Consequently, AT&T Wireless has requested a utility easement in the above-mentioned strip of land to allow for the placement of their cables and associated hardware. AT&T Wireless has agreed to enclose their base cabinet area with a screening fence as specified by the Park Director Gerry Bradley. These antennas will serve the southwestern part of University Park as well as the Tollway. The City Council requested that this item be considered at a future meeting with more details included on what will be contained in the box. CONSIDER PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT VEHICLES THROUGH H-GAC: Three pickup trucks are scheduled for replacement this year. Replacement vehicles are available through the Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments (H-GAC) Cooperative Purchasing Program. The City has had an interlocal agreement for cooperative purchasing with H-GAC since 1994. The proposed purchase will include: a 2005 Ford F-450 with service body, telescopic bed cover, and lift gate for the Facilities Maintenance Division to replace 1987 Ford E-250 van for a total cost of $39,519.77; a 2005 Ford F-250 extended cab with a utility body and lift gate for the Traffic Division to replace 1990 Ford F-250 pickup for a total cost of $27,816.77; a 2005 Ford F-250 extended cab with a utility body and a new post puller attachment for the Traffic Division to replace wrecked 2001 Ford F-250 pickup for a total cost of $28,210.43 (reimbursed by insurance settlement). The total cost for all three vehicles will be $95,546.97. Councilmember Shawver moved approval of the purchase. Councilmember Walker seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the purchase of three pick-up trucks scheduled for replacement this year. DISCUSS UTILITY PROJECT ON HILLCREST NORTH OF SOUTHWESTERN: Director of Public Works Bud Smallwood stated that Lovers Lane from Willard to Durham will be closed during this project. As many lanes as possible will be kept open. The project is ahead of schedule at this time. CONSIDER EMPLOYEE HOLIDAYS FOR CHRISTMAS SEASON: Since Christmas and New Year's fall on Saturday this year, employee holidays will automatically be on Friday, December 24 and Friday, December 31. Thursday, December 23, 2004, will also be a holiday; therefore, most services will be closed on Thursday and Friday, December 23 and 24. However, Fire and Police will maintain routine schedules, but Sanitation service will be modified to allow those employees days off also. Employees will be working a full day on Thursday, December 30, 2004. Mayor Holmes moved approval of the employee holidays for the Christmas season. Councilmember Walker seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve employee holidays for December 23, 24 and 31, 2004. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of December 2004. ATTEST: James H. Holmes III, Mayor Nina Wilson, City Secretary AGENDA MEMO (12/14/2004 AGENDA) DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 9, 2004 Bob Livingston Bob Whaling Change Orders for the Reconstruction of Lovers Lane Thackery Street to West of Hillcrest Road from Background. On December 9, 2003, the City Council approved SYB Construction to reconstruct the water and sanitary sewer lines from Thackery Street to Willard Street along Lovers Lane. On June 1, 2004, the City Council approved a change order for the construction of a 12" water line from Thackery Street to west of Hillcrest Road. SYB has completed all of the work approved to date and the amount of money spent is as follows: Original Contract Change Order No. 1 Total $ 1,489,258.00 $ 148,033.50 $ 1,637,291.50 Work to Date (100% Complete) $ 1,390,489.43 Unspent amount $ 246,802.07 Remaining 25% of original contract $ 224,281.00 Total amount available for additional work $ 471,083.07 On May 19, 2004, the City Council approved Rebcon, Inc. to reconstruct the storm sewer and street paving for Lovers Lane from west of Hillcrest Road to Willard Street. There are no change orders that have been approved for this project to date. Original Contract $ 2,216,645.25 Total amount available for additional work $ 554,161.31 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Documents and Settings~nwilson. UNIVPARK~Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3~Additional Work AGENDA MEMO.doc 1:01 PM 12/09/04 Staff has tried to minimize the amount of time Lovers Lane would be closed for reconstruction. To that extent, staff has completed the following items: · Prepared water and sanitary sewer improvement plans in-house to enable us to complete this underground utility work prior to the pavement reconstruction of Lovers Lane from west of Hillcrest Road to Willard. · Constructed the water and sanitary sewer improvements from Thackery Street to Willard Street under existing traffic conditions to minimize the traffic diverting through the neighborhoods as well as minimizing the closure of Lovers Lane. · Recommended to City Council to award the project to the 3rd bidder (Rebcon) instead of the lower bidders due to Rebcon's reputation of providing quality work in a timely manner for projects of this type. (Increased Project Cost by $50,000). Since the pavement reconstruction project has begun, we have discussed with Rebcon about reducing the overall contract time as follows: · To provide additional crews to reconstruct the Hillcrest Road/Lovers Lane Intersection starting in January 2005, instead of this work being started in August 2005. Rebcon will continue working at the same time on Lovers Lane from Durham (south) to east of Athens. Rebcon has agreed to do this. (No Increased Project Cost). · Change from 11" Reinforced Concrete Pavement w~ # 4 bars@ 18" OCEW w~ 8" of Cement Treated Subgrade to 12" Reinforced Concrete w/ double mat of # 4 bars @ 12" C-C-E-W w/ Compacted Subgrade. (Increased Project Cost by $31,000). ADDITIONAL PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION Staff has also looked at the possibility of additional pavement reconstruction along Lovers Lane from Thackery to west of Hillcrest. · This work could be completed while Lovers Lane is closed at North Central Expressway and Hillcrest Road, which would minimize the traffic impact on the University Park neighborhoods. · Staff has met with SYB and Rebcon about extending each contract because of their ability to do quality work and completion of said in a timely manner. · Both Contractors have agreed to do the work without prepared engineering plans. Staff will work on paving design issues as the work is being completed. · Staff recognized the poor pavement condition along Lovers Lane from Hillcrest to Thackery and permanent pavement repairs for the underground utilities were not completed under SYB's original contract. · Staff has met with the University Park Elementary School Campus Leadership Committee. The Committee understands the traffic adjustments necessary during the construction and recommends the work be done from west of Dickens Avenue to Hillcrest Road during the 2005 spring school semester and the work from Thackery Street to west of Dickens Avenue be done in the summer of 2005. 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Documents and Settings~nwilson. UNIVPARK~Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3~Additional Work AGENDA MEMO.doc 1:01 PM 12/09/04 Staff considered completing the work from Thackery to Hillcrest at night (to minimize the impact to traffic). SYB and Rebcon advised against it due to numerous construction issues. · Unacceptable noise level to adjacent residents. · Since hauling pits would be closed at night, removal items would have to handle twice. · Additional subcontractor cost (i.e., trucking) · Nighttime work has lower production rates compared to daytime production rates. · Availability of construction materials after normal working hours. Staff has concluded that nighttime work is not a viable option and should not be recommended. There are several concerns staff has about construction work between Hillcrest Road and Thackery Street regardless of when it occurs. They are as follows: · Since only eastbound traffic will be allowed through the construction area, there is a possibility of increased "cut-through" traffic through the neighborhoods. · When concrete is being placed, all traffic will be detoured from Lovers Lane. · Pool parking along Lovers Lane will be very limited when reconstruction is occurring between Thackery Street and Dickens Avenue. INCENTIVES University Park has been requested by the Lovers Lane Committee to provide incentives to Rebcon in an effort to minimize the construction time on Lovers Lane. Staff has reviewed this request and has the following comments: · The current project is already over 50% complete and at this time is ahead of schedule. · Rebcon has already agreed to bring in additional crews to further decrease the overall project schedule at no additional project cost. Incentives may be a viable option for the proposed additional pavement reconstruction work should the City Council want to consider and approve it. Reconunendation: Staff recommends that the proposed work for SYB and Rebcon be as follows: SYB Proposed additional work for Lovers Lane from west of Dickens Avenue to west of Hillcrest Road. The work is to start the week of January 10, 2005 and have a schedule of 75 working days. SYB's estimate is attached for your review ($452,830.00). (Project 42730.2300, Account No. 42.42.4430) 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Documents and Settings~nwilson. UNIVPARK~Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3~Additional Work AGENDA MEMO.doc 1:01 PM 12/09/04 Rebcon Attachments: The proposed changes in pavement and subgrade preparation items for the Hillcrest Road and Lovers Lane intersection work will increase the original project by $31,000. The work is to begin the week of January 10, 2005 and be completed by March 21, 2005. (Project 42730.2300, Account No. 42.42.4430) Proposed additional work for Lovers Lane from west of Thackery Street to west of Dickens Avenue will increase the original project by $246,335. The work is to start the week of May 23, 2005 and have a schedule of 75 working days. (Project 42730.2300, Account No. 42.42.4430) In an effort to have SYB finish approximately the same time Rebcon completes the Hillcrest Road and Lovers Lane intersection work, we would recommend that SYB be given a $1,500 per calendar day incentive for every day substantially completed before April 4, 2005 (with a maximum amount of $30,000). In an effort to have Rebcon complete the work on Lovers Lane from west of Thackery Street to west of Dickens Avenue, we would recommend that Rebcon be given a $1,500 per calendar day incentive for every day substantially completed before August 10, 2005 (with a maximum amount of $30,000). All provisions of their original contracts will remain in effect. 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Documents and Settings~nwilson. UNIVPARK~Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3~Additional Work AGENDA MEMO.doc 1:01 PM 12/09/04 PROJECT QUOTE SYB CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. DATE: DECEMBER 9, 2004 421 COMPTON AVENUE IRVING, TEXAS 75061 RE: LOVERS LANE METRO 972-399-1066 ** REVISED 12-9-04'* FAX 972-399-1586 CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK ATTN: MR. BOB WHALING WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE YOUR INQUIRY AS FOLLOWS: 1 LS PREPARE ROW $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 1 LS MOBILIZATION $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 1 LS SURVEY & STAKING $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 1 LS BARRICADES $ 11,000.00 $ 11,000.00 5240 SY PAVEMENT REMOVAL $ 10.00 $ 52,400.00 3900 SY 11" CONCRETE PAVEMENT $ 55.00 $ 214,500.00 390 SY 12" CONCRETE PAVEMENT $ 67.00 $ 26,130.00 4150 SY STABILIZATION $ 3.50 $ 14,525.00 100 TN CEMENT FOR STABILIZATION $ 100.00 $ 10,000.00 390 SY PROOF ROLLING $ 1.50 $ 585.00 450 SY DRIVEWAYS $ 36.00 $ 16,200.00 400 SY SIDEWALKS $ 30.00 $ 12,000.00 4 EA RAMPS$ 1,000.00 $ 4,000.00 131 LF 21" RCP $ 90.00 $ 11,790.00 3 EA 10' CURB INLET $ 2,500.00 $ 7,500.00 1 EA 10' GRATE INLET $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 2 EA INLET REMOVAL $ 800.00 $ 1,600.00 27 EA TEMPORARY ROCK DRIVES $ 200.00 $ 5,400.00 1200 LF MONOLITHIC CURB $ 1.00 $ 1,200.00 5 EA CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM $ 1,200.00 $ 6,000.00 400 SY REPLACE PLANT MATERIAL $ 10.00 $ 4,000.00 1400 LF SAWCUT $ 2.50 $ 3,500.00 We appreciate the opportunity to quote this project. Also, for future reference, please keep us in mind for any other projects that involve concrete paving or utility work. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, TOTAL $ 452,850.00 Randy Bennett SYB Construction Co., Inc. Accepted (Signature):, Page 1 of 1 LOVERS LANE - THACKERAY TO DICKENS REVISED CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Item Unit Total No. Description Qty Price Amount P.3 Prepare Right of Way STA 7.5 $600.00 $4,500.00 Remove Asph. Concrete Pvmt. w/Reinf. Concrete Base (4" HMAC Average and 6" Concrete Base P.5 includes 6" Curb) SY 3290 $9.00 $29,610.00 P.6 Remove Existing 4" +/- Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk SY 60 $5.00 $300.00 P.9 Sawed Breakout line - Full Depth LF 1800 $2.20 $3,960.00 11" Reinforced Concrete Pavement w/6" Mono Curb P.12 Class "C", 6 sack, 4000 PSI @ 28 Days SY 2370 $47.00 $111,390.00 30" Reinforced Concrete 6" Curb & Gutter Class "C", 6 P.13 sack, 3600 PSI @ 28 Days LF 200 $23.00 $4,600.00 P.14 8" Cement Modified Soil (8% Cement) SY 3000 $2.75 $8,250.00 P.15 Cement TON 72 $100.00 $7,200.00 P.16 6" Mono Reinforced Concrete Curb LF 220 $1.00 $220.00 4" Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk Class "A", 5 sack, P.20 3600 PSI @ 28 Days SY 60 $23.00 $1,380.00 Barrier-free Ramps (ADA Compliant) (Brick to be P.21 supplied by City of University Park) EA 2 $800.00 $1,600.00 P.25 Install Reflective Thermoplastic Striping 2-4" (Yellow) LF 1500 $0.60 $900.00 Replace Plant Material (Bermuda, St. Augustine, Asian Jasmine, Or Other) (Contractor Must Replace With P.27 Same Plant Materials) SY 75 $5.00 $375.00 12" Concrete Structural Slab Class "C", 6 sack, 4000 PSI @ 28 Days, #4 bars @ 12" C-C-E-W double mat SY 320 $71.00 $22,720.00 6" Compacted Subgrade SY 320 $1.50 $480.00 11" Reinforced Concrete Valley Gutter Class "C", 6 sack, 4000 PSI @ 28 Days SY 610 $65.00 $39,650.00 Additional Barricades LS 1 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 Surveying LS 1 $4,700.00 $4,700.00 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER $246,335.00 REBCON, INC. Page 1 of 1 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: AGENDA MEMO (12/14/04 AGENDA) December 8, 2004 Nina Wilson City Secretary Jennifer Shell, P.E. Civil Engineer TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS, Project 42730 Main Miscellaneous CONSIDER APPROVAL OF BID AND AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO DURABLE SPECIALTIES, INC. for the labor and materials furnished for Traffic Signal Installation at Various Locations, Project No. 42730. The locations to be installed are listed below. The budgeted account number is 42-42-4430, Project No. 42730-2300. Traffic Signals to be installed at: Boedeker, Airline, Hillcrest, and Dickens at Lovers Lane and at Hillcrest and Southwestern. Foundations for antique street lights to be installed at: Willard, Clebume, Boedeker, Durham, Dublin, Airline, Athens, Hillcrest, Snider Plaza, Hursey, and Dickens at Lovers Lane. Traffic Signal Installation at Various Locations, Project No. 42730 Bids were taken in the Conference Room at 4420 Worcola, Dallas, Texas 75206 at 1:00 P.M., December 2, 2004. Durable Specialties ........................................................................... $ Tahari Enterprises ............................................................................. $ Sharrock Electric .............................................................................. $ Roadway Solutions ........................................................................... $ 298,450.00 314,371.00 315,150.50 344,898.00 bidtabs 42730si~nals.xls DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: AGENDA MEMO (12/14/04 AGENDA) December 3, 2004 Honorable Mayor and City Council YVade McLaurin, Building & Zoning Administrator Flag Pole Regulations BACKGROUND: As a result of thc recent placement of a new flag pole in the front yard at 4000 University, we have received numerous inquiries as to whether there might be a violation of any current restrictions, due to the unusual height of the pole (45'). Currently, the only regulation in place which addresses flags located in residential districts is Sec. 12.212(c) of the Sign Ordinance which states: "flags representing a governmental body or entity, or an institution, not exceeding three (3) in number and which flags shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet each, may be allowed for each street floor business, residence or institution ". This ordinance allows the city to restrict the size of any flags on the pole in question, but not the height or location of the pole itself. University Park has never placed any restrictions, nor required any permits for flag poles in residential districts. The attached letter from Lou Lcbowitz, of 3918 University, suggests that since a flag pole is not included in the list of use types found in the Zoning District Use Chart (Sec. 8-100), the city should consider a flag pole as a "new land use" and proceed, according to Sec. 8-200 of the Zoning Ordinance, to the Planning & Zoning Commission for an interpretation as to the zoning classification into which such use should be placed. It is staff% opinion that a flag pole does not necessarily constitute a "use", and that those responsible for originally writing the Zoning Ordinance felt the same since it is not included in the chart. Fences are not included in the use chart either, but almost every property has one. The Zoning District Use Chart in 8-100 is intended as a list of uses, not structures. Regulation of structures is found elsewhere in the Ordinance. A legal opinion requested from the City Attorney has been included for Council review. At its November 30th meeting, the Zoning Ordinance Advisory Committee recommended that the city regulate the location and height of flag poles. Their solution was to restrict the height of flag poles to no more than the approved building height for the zoning district in which it is located. In addition, ZOAC suggested that these poles be required to be setback from any property line a distance at least equal to the height of the subject pole. Passage of these new regulations would make any existing flag pole, including the aforementioned pole at 4000 University, a non- conforming structure. RECOMMENDATION: Staff would recommend that an amending ordinance be drafted in order to enact the regulations suggested by ZOAC and that all future flag poles be held to this new standard. Any determination that flag poles are not already permitted accessory structures would require the city to consider all current poles located in the front yards of residential properties as being illegal, and would ultimately mean that they would have to be removed. It is my opinion that this is would not be in the best interests of thc city. SLJ Company Novemberl?,2004 Vk* FAX 214-987-5429 Mr. Wrd~' McLamin Building & Zoning Administrator City of University Park 442(3 Worchola Dallas, TX 75206 RE: ~lag P.91e located at 4000 University I~lvd. Dear Wade: As discussed, my wife and I wore surprised and concerned to see the flag pole that has been installed at the front of 4000 University Blvd. and strongly object to this both boca'usc of its size and location on the lot As discussed, in reviewing the Zoning Ordinances for :he City o£University Park. I could find nothing n the ordinances that deals specifically with flag poles on residential lots. However, I did note that Sect4on 7 100 specifically requires thai aE uses v, ithin the City comply ;~.ith Lhc Zanin6 Regulations described for the Zoning District in which troy are located, and that Section $400 specifically provides that Lal:d in each District may be used for any of thc following listed uses, and shall not be used for other tha~ those uses specified I also noted that Section 8-200 recognizes that new t.¥pes of land usc not anticipalcd in the Code may he appropriate in the City and provides a mechanism lbr detem~ination oF the appropriate classification of any new or unlisted form af I,qnfl use This Section provides that the question of ~.y ne,,'-' or m~!isted usc be tel'erred to the Planning and Zoning Commission to ¢onsidcr the nature and pertbrmance of the proposed usc. its ~ with the uses permitted in the v~ious Db;triers and dctcnnin: the Zoning Districts(s) within which such use shall be permitted it fi~r~hcr provides that 5* & Z will tnmsmit i:s findings m~d recommendalions to the Board of Commissioners who may in turn, approve the recommzndation or re,tko such deten'nination concerning r.]~c classification of'such use as is determined appropriate. Since flqere docs not appear to be anything in thc Code expressly providing lbr flag poles, il seems to me lhat this use needs to he considered by P & Z and a determination made as to wlmt Zoning Districl(s), iFany, a flag po',e cf this size and. ma~mitude would be appropriate. However, in the interim, we would respectfully requesl that the City enforce the existing Code al~d have this flag pole rernoYed Sincerely, LouisH Lebowitz, President NICIIOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, IIAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. Decemhm' 1. 2004 Wade McLaurin, Building and Zoning Admlnistralor 4220 Worcola Dallas, 'IX 752(16 Dear Wade: This will acknowledge yo~r request thal we fnrnish you a written legal opinion relbrencing a letter from Louis H. Lebowitz with regard to a 1lag pole located at 4000 UnivcrsiLy Boulevard. As stated in M~ Lebowitz's letter, there is nothing in the Code of Ordinances or in Comprehensive Zoning Ordinauce that cea sspeci fically with -flag poles" on m$1dentiat lots. Seclion 8.608 of the Zoning Ordinance amhorizcs -Ii'ce standing columns, stamaries~ bird baths, pedestals, and other art obiects." Whether a flag pole i'alls wilhin that listing of permitted items is a determination that nrust initially be made by the Building O/licial of ~he City Sect/on 31102 of the Zoning Ordinance, "General Definitions", subsecfion (22) defines "But/drag Official as "the person charged with the admi~dstration of ~he Zoning Ordinauce and building codes of the City of University Park" lfthe Building Official deternfines in bis administration of the Zoni~xg Ordinance that the flag pole in question is permitq.ed under Scction 8.608, the seclion describing permitted accessoo' obfects or appurtenances in lhe reqtfired front yard of premises located in residential districts, that de~em~inaticm is binding on ali parties unless and unlil it is 5npcaled to thc Zoning Bored of' Adiustment as provided in Section 27 el lhe Zoning Ordinance. Section 271(}2 provides, in part, as follows: ';Appeals to thc Board el Adjustment rmv be taken by any person aggric, ved, or by an officer, department or board of the nnmicipality afl~'ctcd by [my decision of the Building Oihcial. Such appeal shall be taken within fi~icen days alter the decision has been rendered by lhe Building OJ:ficial by filing with the officer whom the appeal is taken and with the Board of A4iustment a uotice o7 appeal specifyiug the grounds thereof. " Section 27-103 of thc Zoning ©rdinm~ce sins ou* the jurisdiction el the Board Adiusmrent which includes iix par! the pewer to hear m~d decide appeals where it is alleged there is an euor iu a~ny order, rcquirementi decision or detem~ination made by iht Building ()l~ficiai in thc entPrcement nfthe Zoning Ordinance. Wade Mci ,aurin Deccmbcr 1,2004 Page 2 Whether the Building Ofllcial determines that the flag pole is or is not a pcnr:itted use under Section 8.608. any person aggrieved by thai deternrination may appeal it lo the Zoning Board o[~ Adiustment. Mr ],ebowitz s suggestion is thai specific regulations of flag I~oles be considered by the Planning and ZonJug Commission m~d then fl~e City Councih Since the Zoning Ordinance Advisory Committee has made a rcconamendadon on that subject, it will no doubt go lk~rx~ard to the Plmaning m~d Zoning Commission and fl~en 1he Council to amend fl~e Zoning Ordinance lo specifically regnla*e flag poles in residential d~stricts. That. however, does not address Ibc question of the flag pole located at 4000 I h~versity Boulev~d. Since no permit was requested or required Mr the flag pole, it is my opinion fha1 you its the BuildinF OflSciaI must makc a delerminalion as lo wherhcr or not the l~ag ptfle is a pertained accessory ob~e~c or appurtenance under Section 8.608 For purposes of this lcttcr, I am assuming that lints determination has not previously been made by the Building Ol)Scial of file City. even though there arc other flag poles in thc City in the required fi out yard of a lot in a residential district If you determine that flag poles m'e not permitted, thcn all of those are presnmptively illegal m~d must bo removed Ilowcvcr, the lite[ that the City has not ever taken that position may make it difficult, if not impossible, to enfbrce such a position. I~' you determine that they are permitted, then such flag poles may remain, including tim one at 4000 University, ~d the subsequent enactment o~ specific regulations fiw flag poles will s2mply make ~hem [mn-conforming struclures. I do not disagree with Mr. Lebowi2's suggcstmn that flag poles in ~equired fl'onl yards may in fact be a new and unlisted use. That is consistent with thc idea that :he Plmming and Zoning undertake to lecommend regulation the~oE Should ynn have any fl~rther questions on this su[21cct, please let me know Very truly yours, "~j~IOLS, JACKSON, DJI I,ARD. RLD!meh Bob Livingston City Manager City of University Park 3800 ~ Jniversity Boulevard University Park, Texas 75205 69838 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.E $8~57r~'ElO0.02' Current location of 45 ft. tall fla9 pole. !a ,, 99,90' UNIVERSIIY 'BLVD. Location of 35 ft. tall pole to conform with proposed new regulations. AGENDA MEMO (1211412004 AG E N DA) DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: November 29, 2004 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Gerry Bradley, Director of Parks Parks Department- Mowing Contract BACKGROUND: For the past few years, the Parks Department has contracted mowing services with the private sector for all medians and right-of-way turf maintenance throughout the City. To date, the Parks Department has been extremely satisfied with the outsourcing of mowing services and has experienced direct savings associated with both equipment and personnel cost reductions. In an effort to expand the outsourcing of the turf mowing program, staff developed bid specifications that included both properties identified in the current contract and all remaining park properties including all eight (8) major park sites. On November 5, 2004, the Parks Department opened eight (8) sealed bids for the new mowing contract (please see attachment bid tab). Based on the bids evaluation, it was determined that Earth Green Landscape & Maintenance was the successful Iow bidder at $72,060.00. Staff has had an opportunity to visit with Earth Green's owners, evaluate their equipment, visit maintained properties and contactor provided references. As a result or staffs research regarding the qualifications of the successful Iow bidder, staff believes that Earth Green Landscape & Maintenance can provide required services. Funding to support the expansion of the contract mowing program has been identified within the Department's contract maintenance account. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is requesting that City Council approve the award of mowing contract to Earth Green Landscape & Maintenance for park mowing services. ATTACHMENTS: 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Documents and Settings~nwilson. UNIVPARK~Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3\agenda memo - mowing contract.doc 2:18 PM 12/06/04 Bid #05-01 Turf Maintenance - Annual Contract 10:00 A.M. Friday, November 05, 2004 1 Earth Green Landscaping & Maintenance 11/05/04 9:39 A.M. $45,600.00 $26,460.00 $72,060.00 2 Lifenet 11/05/04 8:30A.M. $52,060.00 $23,940.00 $76,000.00 3 Greener Pastures 11/05/04 9:35 A.M. $51,019.85 $42,120.00 $93,139.85 4 W.C.S. Inc. d/b/a Lawns of Dallas 11/05/04 9:50 A.M. $56,696.00 $44,064.00 $100,760.00 5 dyna-mist 11/05/04 9:30 A.M. $55,632.00 $62,388.00 $118,020.00 6 Forrest Hills Lawn Service Inc. 11/05/04 9:30 A.M. $91,390.00 $62,640.00 $154,030.00 7 Good Earth 11/05/04 9:39 A.M. $124,640.00 $87,300.00 $211,940.00 8 Cardinal Home & Lawn Care 11/05/04 9:35 A.M. REJECTED REJECTED REJECTED *Note: Cardinal Home and Landscape was rejected based on the following items: ,Business Location: 40 miles from city limits. ,Equipment Inventory: Residential vs. Commercial ,Lack of Client References: Not included in bid document ,Work Experience: 1 year with no commercial experience ,Insurance: Pending DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: AGENDA MEMO (12/14/04 AGENDA) November 29, 2004 Honorable Mayor and City Council Wade McLaurin, Building & Zoning Administrator Request for Discussion of Construction Site Requirements BACKGROUND: A letter was received from Peter Rogers, of 6200 St. Andrews, requesting that the city consider stricter regulations regarding contractor cleanup in and around the jobsites throughout the city. Mr. Rogers' letter specifically addresses the issue of nails or screws which find their way into the streets and alleys from these construction sites. Mr. Rogers' suggestion is that a "magnetic mat" be required to be kept on every construction site at all times to help prevent the damage to tires that is taking place currently. PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Any new requirements would be implemented through an ordinance which would amend the Intemational Residential Code. If the Council wishes, staff can draft an ordinance that might best address some of the above concems and retum at a later date for approval by the City Council. 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 AGENDA MEMO (12/14/04AGENDA) DATE: December 14, 2004 TO: Mayor Hohnes and City Council FROM: Kate Smith, Administrative Intern SUBJECT: Formal Adoption of Strategic Goals The Mayor, City Council and staff participated in a team building and goal setting process facilitated by John and Carol Nalbandian from the University of Kansas on October 7th and 8th 2004. During the process, a list of Strategic Goals for the City of University Park was compiled. The goals have been reviewed and refined by the City Council and Staflk A resolution for formal adoption of the University Park Strategic Goals is attached. In 1989 the City of University Park produced a Master Plan intended for use by City staff and officials for the next 20 to 30 years. The Master Plan set a number of long term goals for the City. The Strategic Goals will serve as a renewal and refocusing of the City's overall Master Plan. Each of the six Strategic Goals drafted is found directly in the Master Plan. Staff will report to Council on the status of the Strategic Goals and objectives on a quarterly basis. A "Strategic Goal Responsibility Chart" has been created and is attached. This sheet includes information to date regarding staff that has primary and secondary responsibility for goal accomplishment, status, timeline and comments. An updated version of this chart will then be presented again to Council next quarter at the March 16, 2005 Council Meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution for adoption of Strategic Goals 2. Strategic Goal Responsibility Chart 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Documents and Settings~nwilson. UNIVPARK~Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3\Res for Adoption of Strategic Goals-Agenda Memo (2).doc 1:42 PM 12/09/04 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, ADOPTING STRATEGIC GOALS FOR THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council conducted a Goal Setting and Team Building Retreat on October 7 and 8, 2004; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor, City Council and Staff prepared a list of Strategic Goals and the Mayor directed select staff and council members to refine them, WHEREAS, the City Council directed staff to prepare a plan for implementation and reporting on goal progress on a quarterly basis; and, WHEREAS, the recommendations include important issues that will greatly strengthen and enhance the quality of life in the City of University Park; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: Section 1. That Strategic Goals to strengthen and enhance the quality of life are adopted for the City of University Park as follows: A. Traffic Flow and Parking: Improve traffic flow and parking while acknowledging limits to potential solutions. Key Objectives: · Develop traffic and parking improvements. · Communicate traffic realities. B. Conunercial Vitality: Redevelop conunercial areas with an emphasis on Snider Plaza and Miracle Mile. Key Objectives: · Study feasibility ofundergrounding Lovers Lane in Miracle Mile. · Develop a Master Plan for Snider Plaza and Miracle Mile areas, including: Engage planning consultant. Survey businesses to get input. Promote joint meetings with business owners and get consensus on the plans from citizens. C. Sense of Conununity: Enhance our sense of community, which values the importance of the conunon good over special interests. ]Cey Objectives: · Develop a plan to recognize model citizens in our community. · Conduct a New Resident Orientation. 70030 D. City Aesthetics: Maintain and improve the attractiveness of the City with attention to architecture, parks, and entranceways. ]~ey Objectives: · Identify initiatives based on recommendations from the Park Advisory Committee. · Develop a unified design and standards for entrances to the city. · Install attractive uniform signs in each park that give park history, regulations, and hours. E. Proactive Communication: Communicate effectively with residents via different forms of media to promote the City's image. Key Objectives: · Assess the effectiveness of current communication methods and make recommendations for improvements. · Evaluate the need for a specific position on City staff to manage website and cable channel content, handle media contacts, community relations, and produce publications. F. Service Delivery: Commitment to excellence in city services, such as improved infrastructure, strong public safety and financial stability. Key Objectives: · Consider citywide program for sidewalk maintenance. · Conduct study of improving restrooms in the parks. · Implement customer service/work order system (311 project). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is, accordingly, so resolved. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of University Park Texas on the 14TM day of December 2004. APPROVED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: JAMES H. HOLMES, III, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY ATTORNEY NINA WILSON, CITY SECRETARY 70030 University Park Strategic Goals Responsibility Chart Primary Secondary Item Number Goals and Objectives Responsible Responsible Status Timeline Comments Bud Smallwood Begin 3rd Quarter 1.1 Develop traffic and parking improvements. Chief Adams Consultant Not started 2005 Park Cities Edition of the Dallas morning news will print a map and list of construction projects that will occur in 2005. The article will be printed late December 2004. Information will also be posted on 1.2 Communicate traffic realities. Bud Smallwood Kate Smith Started Ongoing the City website. Study feasibility of undergrounding Lovers Lane in Bob Livingston Will require coordination with the North Texas 2.1 Miracle Mile. Bud Smallwood Consultant Not started Begin Late 2005 Tollway Authority and the City of Dallas. Have met with a consultant. In the process of Develop a Master Plan for Snider Plaza and Miracle obtaining a proposal to develop scope of the project 2.2 Mile areas, including: Bob Livingston Bud Smallwood Started Through 2005 and prelimary costs. 2.2.1 Engage planning consultant. Bob Livingston Bud Smallwood Started Spring 2005 Have spoken with a consultant but have not hired. Bob Livingston 2.2.2 Survey businesses to get input. Consultant Bud Smallwood Not started Will occur after consultant is hired. Promote joint meetings with business owners and get Bob Livingston 2.2.3 consensus on the plans from citizens. Consultant Bud Smallwood Not started Will occur after consultant is hired. Page 1 of 3 University Park Strategic Goals Responsibility Chart Develop a plan to recognize model citizens in our 3.1 community. Bob Livingston Kate Smith Not started Spring 2005 Researching programs from other cities. 3.2 Deveop a New Resident Orientation seminar. Bob Livingston Kate Smith Not started Spring 2005 Researching programs from other cities. Upgrade of existing facilities including: botanical plantings, park signs, restroom facilities, playgrounds, Identify initiatives based on recommendations from lighting, holiday decorations, turf maintenace program 4.1 the Park Advisory Committee. Park Board Gerry Bradley Started Ongoing 2005 and picnic facilities. Staff will work closely with the Park Board and Develop a unified design and standards for entrances consultants to develop a preliminary concept design for 4.2 to the city. Gerry Bradley Park Board Not started Summer 2005 entrances and gateways into our community. Preliminary sign design has been completed. The Parks Director will bring the item to the Park Board in Install attractive uniform signs in each park that give January 2005. The Park Director will bring the item to 4.3 park history, regulations, and hours. Gerry Bradley Park Board Started Feb-05 City Council for approval in February 2005. Assess the effectiveness of current communication A question regarding the effectiveness of current methods and make recommendations for coummunication methods used by the City will appear 5.1 improvements. Bob Livingston Kate Smith Not started Spring 2005 on the Citizen Survey distributed Spring 2005. Page 2 of 3 University Park Strategic Goals Responsibility Chart Evaluate the need for a specific position on City staff to manage website and cable channel content, handle November 2004 Other cities who have Communications Departments media contacts, community relations, and produce though Spring and Public Information Officers were surveyed to find 5.2 publications. Bob Livingston Kate Smith Started 2005 out salary information and job duties. Consider citywide program for sidewalk Bob Whaling Item is on the Agenda for the January 4, 2005 Council 6.1 maintenance. Bud Smallwood Jennifer Shell Started Jan-05 Meeting. Staff will conduct a study regarding restrooms including: maintenance cycles, service frequencies, locations, quantities, accessibility, botanical planting, 6.2 Conduct study of improving restrooms in the parks. Gerry Bradley Park Board Not Started Summer 2005 structure painting and programming costs. Robbie Corder Software purchased. Planning to load software on the (Cartegraph) system and implement the work order portion the first Implement customer service/work order system (311 Jim Criswell of the year. Anticipated start up for entire system is 6.3 project). Luanne Hanford (IT) Started Summer 2005 mid summer, 2005. Page 3 of 3 AGENDA MEMO (12/14/04 AGENDA) DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 9, 2004 Honorable Mayor and City Council Christine Green, Purchasing Agent Purchase of M.I.C.U. through H-GAC Attached is a memo from Jim Gau, Jr., Fleet Manager, describing the proposed purchase of an M.I.C.U. This vehicle is available through Frazer, Inc. and Twin States Truck via a contract with the Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments Cooperative Purchasing Program. The City has had an interlocal agreement for cooperative purchasing with H-GAC since 1994. Purchases made through H-GAC fulfill all competitive bidding requirements. The total cost for this custom-built vehicle is $151,025.00. This new M.I.C.U. will become the primary unit for the Fire Department. The existing M.I.C.U. will become the reserve unit and will be stored in the base of the Fondren water tower. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends purchasing this vehicle through H-GAC in the total amount of $151,025.00. 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Documents and Settings~nwilson. UNIVPARK~Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3\MICUmemo2.doc 1:20 PM 12/09 City of University Park Equipment Services 4419Worcola Dallas, Texas 75206 214-987-5441 Fax: 214-987-5479 December 9, 2004 To: David Ledbetter, Fire Chief Billy Bounds, Fire Paramedic Kent Austin, Finance Director Christine Green, Purchasing Agent From: Jim Gau Jr., Fleet Manager Subject: Purchase of New M.I.C.U. for Fire Department Attached please find the requisition and quote from the H.G.A.C vendors, Frazer Inc. and Twin States Truck, to provide the Fire Department with a new M.I.C.U. Les Jackson, Shop Supervisor, Billy Bounds, Fire Paramedic, and myself have visited with the H.G.A.C. vendors for the chassis and the M.I.C.U. unit and have agreed to the attached specifications for the new unit. This unit is identical to our existing unit and will allow for standardization of many components to enhance our ability to service and make repairs. Please review the attachments and sign off on the requisition if you approve the purchase as specified. If you have any questions, please contact Billy Bounds or myself and we will be happy to answer any questions relating to this purchase. Please forward the requisition to all addressees to gain the needed signatures and forward to Christine Green for placing on the December Council Agenda. Sincerely, Jim Gau Jr Fleet Manager AGENDA MEMO (12/14/04 AGENDA) DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 8, 2004 Honorable Mayor and City Council Christine Green, Purchasing Agent Purchase of Platform Truck Attached is a memo from Jim Gau, Jr., Fleet Manager, describing the scheduled replacement of the Traffic Division's platform truck. A Ford F-550 with a lift is available through Baby Jack Automotive Ltd. via a contract with the Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard). The City has had an interlocal participation agreement for cooperative purchasing with BuyBoard since 1998. Purchases made through BuyBoard fulfill all competitive bidding requirements. The total cost for this vehicle is $87,386.00 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends purchasing the platform truck through BuyBoard in the total amount $87,386.00. 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 City of University Park Equipment Services 4419Worcola Dallas, Texas 75206 214-987-5441 Fax: 214-987-5479 December 9, 2004 To: Jacob Speer, A.P.W.D. Dave Rogers, Traffic Supervisor Kent Austin, Finance Director Christine Green, Purchasing Agent From: Jim Gau Jr., Fleet Manager Subject: Purchase of Platform Truck Attached please find the specifications for the City of Mesquite, and the Texas BuyBoard Bid from Baby Jack Automotive Ltd., for a platform truck for the Traffic Department. This unit was selected by the Traffic Department as its choice for a replacement for their present unit. We would like to purchase the exact unit from the same specifications used by the City of Mesquite with only one exception. The Traffic Department wishes to have an insulated boom instead of the non-insulated boom that the City of Mesquite purchased. The insulated boom will provide a margin of safety should the platform come in contact with power lines in the intersection. The insulated boom will also negate the generator option and wiring to the platform which would compromise the insulation value of the platform. This truck will replace Unit 1278, a 1997 Ford Bucket Truck, which will be transferred to pool service for the Parks and Facilities Maintenance departments, and will also replace unit 1274, a 1990 Ford % ton pickup in the Traffic department. This reduces the equipment inventory in the Traffic department by one unit. Please sign the attached requisition and forward to all addressees for their signature and forward to Christine Green for placement on the December Council Agenda. Sincerely, Jim Gau Jr Fleet Manager AGENDA MEMO (12/14/04AGENDA) DATE: November 18, 2004 TO: Honorable Mayor & City Council FROM: Nina Wilson City Secretary SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATES FOR 2005 Attached you will find a list of meeting dates for January through December 2005. June is a short turnaround month with only one week between meetings; therefore, you may wish to consider moving the June 15th meeting to June 22nd. During the holiday months of November and December, you may also wish to consider changing from two meetings per month to one meeting per month, as has been done previously. RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: List of City Council Meeting Dates 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 U:\Docs\Cit~ Council\Cit~ Council Meeting Dates Memo.doc 3:35 PM 11/18/04 CITY CO UNCIL MEETING DA TES January - December 2005 Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday January 4 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. January 19 7:30 a.m. February 1 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. February 16 7:30 a.m. March 1 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. March 16 7:30 a.m. April 5 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. April 20 7:30 a.m. May 3 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. May 18 7:30 a.m. June 7 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. June 15 7:30 t~nt July 5 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. July 20 7:30 a.m. August 2 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. August 17 7:30 a.m. September 6 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. September 21 7:30 a.m. October 4 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. October 19 7:30 a.m. November 1 4: OO p. nt 5:00p. nt November 16 7:30 t~nt December 6 4: OO p. nt 5:00p. nt December 21 7:30 t~nt Pre-Meeting Meeting Meeting Pre-Meeting Meeting Meeting Pre-Meeting Meeting Meeting Pre-Meeting Meeting Meeting Pre-Meeting Meeting Meeting Pre-Meeting Meeting Meeting Pre-Meeting Meeting Meeting Pre- Meeting Meeting Meeting Pre-Meeting Meeting Meeting Pre-Meeting Meeting Meeting Pre-Meeting Meeting Meeting Pre-Meeting Meeting Meeting BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES October 25, 2004 The Board of Adjustment of the City of University Park met on Monday, October 25, 2004 at 5:00 P.M. in the Council Conference Room of City Hall, 3800 University Blvd. University Park, Texas. The following are minutes of that meeting. Commission Members Attending Staff Members Attending Lon Houseman Acting Chairman William Hitzelberger, III. Acting Secretary Beth Dargene Steve Metzger Wade McLaurin - Bldg. & Zoning Administrator Jennifer Patrick - Administrative Secretary Rob Dillard - City Attomey Absent & Excused: Jerry Grable - Chairman Roy Kull - Secretary Jim Lake Bill Lang Mr. Houseman opened the public hearing and introduced the commission members. Mr. Houseman made a brief statement to all in attendance explaining a quorum was in effect, due to four (4) members, being present, and therefore any decisions made would require a unanimous decision. Mr. Houseman asked if there were any objection from the applicants. All applicants understood and accepted the quorum. Mr. Houseman asked for a motion on the minutes from the August 23, 2004 Board of Adjustment meeting. Mr. Metzger moved to approve the minutes, with a second from Mr. Hitzelberger. The motion was approved unanimously 4-0. Mr. Houseman read the charge of the Board of Adjustment and asked that all those that would be speaking to please stand to be swom in. Mr. Hitzelberger read the specifics of the first case. B.O.A. 04-09 Bill Mead, owner of the property at 4201 Stanford, requesting a variance to Section 9-1001 of the University Park Zoning Ordinance to allow the replacement of an existing carport in its current location. The existing carport does not have the minimum three (3) foot setback from the rear property line. The applicant is requesting a two foot four inch (2'-4") variance to the required three (3) foot setback from the rear property line. Mr. Bill Mead, resident/owner of 4201 Stanford, was introduced and made a brief statement describing his intentions. The nine year-old carport has reached a deteriorated state, and is Board of Adjustment Minutes 10/25/2004 Page 2 of 3 constructed of aluminum. Replacing the carport in its existing location, would not only improve the aesthetics of the structure, it would preserve the large live oak tree as well. Mr. Houseman inquired if there were any favoring/opposing correspondence. Mr. Hitzelberger noted favoring coorespondence from Mr. Wendell Fields Jr., resident of 4216 Stanford. Mr. Metzger stated, after examining the renderings, it appeared the overhang of the new proposed carport extends further over the rear portion, than the current carport. Mr. Mead stated the renderings reflect an almost exact replacement of the existing structure, with the exception of the exterior materials used. A discussion ensued regarding the footprint of the structure remaining unchanged, as defined by the renderings presented. Mr. Houseman asked Mr. Mead if the other setbacks complied with the zoning ordinance requirements. Mr. Mead replied yes. Mr. Houseman closed the public hearing and asked for a motion. Mr. Metzger moved to approve the variance, with a second from Mr. Hitzelberger. The motion was approved unanimously 4-0. Mr. Houseman opened the public hearing. Mr. Hitzelberger read the second and final case. B.O.A. 04-10 David & Kara Baxter, representing the owner of the property at 2828 Amherst, requesting a variance to Section 8-806(2)(a) of the University Park Zoning Ordinance to allow the construction of a fence and retaining wall in excess of the maximum allowable of eight (8) feet on a corner lot. The applicant is proposing to construct a 7' fence on top of a 3 '-6" rock retaining wall, for a total of 10'-6" along a side street. Mrs. Kara Baxter, representing the owner of 2828 Amherst, was introduced and made a brief statement. The severe slope of the lot down to the sidewalk, and privacy issues for the future owners were the basis of the request. Mrs. Baxter noted a fence variance for Gage Homes had been previously approved for the address directly north of 2828 Amherst for the same reasons. Mr. Houseman inquired if there were any favoring/opposing correspondence. Mr. Hilzelberger noted favoring correspondence from the residents of 4216 Stanford. Mr. Houseman asked the board members if they had any questions. Board of Adjustment Minutes 10/25/2004 Page 3 of 3 Mr. Dillard asked staffto clarify the difference in grade. Mr. McLaurin explained the slope had a difference, from east to west of anywhere from four feet (4') to five feet (5'). Mr. Dillard asked if the current grade was similar to prior to the start of construction. Mr. McLaurin explained new requirements had been instituted. The height of the exterior grade beam on either a slab or a pier and beam foundation shall be no higher than the average of the grade beam heights of the residences located on the adjacent properties. In such case where the subject property is located on a corner lot, or where no structure currently exists on an adjacent property, the grade beam height on the proposed residence shall be no more than six inches (6") above the one adjacent structure's grade beam. (Ordinance 03/10 adopted 4/16/03). Staff noted the adjacent property owner's finished floor elevation was at 615.01, with the maximum allowable finished floor elevation for 2828 Amherst at 6 t0.16. A discussion ensued regarding the different elevations of the subject property, sidewalks, and the fifteen (15) foot required sight triangle at the alley. Mr. Metzger asked how 2828 Amherst compared to 2829 Stanford, the home noted by Mrs. Baxter, as receiving a variance for a fence, owned by Gage Homes. Mr. McLaurin stated he did not have the comparison data for the two lots, noting the lots would have to be almost identical due to proximity. Mr. Metzger stated that the requests, of The Baxter's and Gage Homes were different in regards to the overall fence height needed. The fence height request for 2828 Amherst was six inches higher than the request of Gage Homes. Mr. Baxter stated he would be willing to slope the side yards and construct a three-feet (3') tall retaining wall with a seven (7) foot tall fence on top. Mr. Houseman closed the public hearing, and asked for a motion. Mr. Metzger moved to approve the variance request subject to the overall fence height not to exceed ten feet (t0') from the grade, including the stone caps, with a second from Mr. Hitzelberger. The motion was approved unanimously 4-0. There being no further business before the Commission, Mr. Houseman adjourned the meeting. Approved by: Lon Houseman, Acting Chairman Board of Adjustment t 1/22/2004 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS COMMITTEE MINUTES A meeting of the Employee Benefits Committee was held on Thursday, November 4, 2004 at 7:30 am. Present at the meeting were Chairman Bill Clifton, Lee Roever, Jim Klancnik, David Burgher, and Steve Herod. Also attending the meeting were Director of Human Resources Luanne Hanford, City Manager Bob Livingston, Councilmember Jim Roberts, Wausau Benefits Account Representatives Cheryl Lang and Rob Stow, and the City's Broker of Record, Jerry Jensen, of The Jensen Company. Chairman Bill Clifton called the meeting to order at 7:45 am. Mr. Jensen distributed to committee members a notebook that included the benefits renewal information. Ms. Hanford also distributed benefit surveys of peer cities. The first item on the agenda was a discussion of Life, AD&D, and Long Term Disability (LTD) insurance renewal. Mr. Jensen told the committee that Metlife, the City's current carrier for these coverages was willing to renew the coverages at no increase. The committee reviewed the survey information and discussed the bids received from other companies. After discussion, Lee Roever made a motion to recommend to the City Council renewal of the Life, AD&D, and LTD coverages with Metlife. David Burgher seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous in favor. The next item on the agenda was a discussion of the health plan renewal. Mr. Jensen told the committee members that the renewal pricing for administrative services and stop loss increased 15.8% from last year. Raising the Specific Stop Loss insurance from $60,000 to $75,000 would lower the premium, but the City would be assuming an additional $15,000 in risk per claim. The City has also exceeded the Aggregate Stop Loss claims cap already this year, so it has been difficult to get insurance companies to submit a competitive bid for Stop Loss Insurance. Ms. Hanford told the committee that, based on conversations with Mr. Jensen and with Committee Member Roger Lamboum and Committee Chairman Bill Clifton, the stop loss insurance renewal had been put on the November 2nd Council Agenda in order to lock in the rate. After discussion about claims, the committee member agreed that the decision was prudent. The committee then discussed ways to reduce the cost of the plan. Based on the survey of other cities, the committee discussed raising the individual annual deductible from $300 to $500, raising the maximum individual out-of-pocket from $2,000 to $2,500, and changing the prescription drug co-pays from $5, $25, and $40 to $10, $25, and $50. Non-network deductibles and maximum out-of-pocket would increase, as well. The committee also discussed the possibility of increasing employee premiums. Mr. Livingston told the committee that he did not want to recommend a premium increase for employees because the city did not provide market pay increases to the majority of the employees this fiscal year. The committee noted that raising premiums a little does not generate that much revenue and if the premiums went too high, some employees might drop the coverage. Bill Clifton asked if the committee had considered restructuring contribution amounts based on employees salary. The committee discussed this suggestion and recommended that Ms. Hanford develop a plan for 2006 and the committee could meet in July, 2005 to discuss it. After further discussion, the committee recommended increasing the deductibles, out-of- pocket maximums, and the prescription drug co-pays as discussed (and listed above) but not increasing employee contributions 2005. The last item on the agenda was a discussion of contracting with a company to provide part time on-site health care. The committee members recommended discussing this issue at a meeting in January, 2005. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 am. Bill Clifton, Chairman Luanne Hanford, Dir. of HR PARK ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES September 26, 2004 The Park Advisory Board of the City of University Park met on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 4:00pm at the Peek Service Center, 4420 Worcola St. Dallas, Texas. The following are the minutes of that meeting. Committee Members Attending: William Pardoe - Chairman Darrell Lane Jackie Spears Julia Baltser James E. Roberts - Councilmember Staff Members Attending: Bob Livingston - City Manager Gerry Bradley - Park Director Brent Jones - Park Supervisor Absent J. Mac Fuller Amber Johnson - Administrative Secretary Lucy McRae Liz Farley Aisc present at the meeting were residents of University Park - Margaret Reed and Leslie Clover-Brown. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Mr. Pardoe. II. Citizen Request Do,q Park - Margaret Reed and Leslie Clover-Brown requested of the Park Board to consider three different locations that may support a Dog park within the University Park - Park System. The most desirable location presented by the representatives was the property south of Germany. This property is not currently owned by the City. Board member Darrel Lane asked that the item be tabled until the next meeting when a representative of the Public Works Department could be present to discuss the proposed relocation of the lift station located on the property. Mr. Bradley indicated that he would approach Mr. Bud Smallwood, Director of Public Works to have a Public Works Staff representative available at the next meeting to discuss the property's current and future proposed development. YMCA Facility Utilization Agreement - Mr. Bradley gave a brief presentation regarding the proposed Facility Utilization Agreement between the City and the YMCA regarding field usage and associated fees. Mr. Pardoe requested a vote to support the agreement and the majority of board member voted in support of the contract and the introduction of a $10.00 fee for field rentals. The Majority of Board members voted "yes" in support of the motion. Mr. Bradley indicated that he would meet with the YMCA in the next week to confirm their approval prior to bringing the item to City Council in December. Works In Progress - Mr. Bradley gave a brief presentation regarding the status of current projects on the Department's current "Works in Progress" list. Adjournment There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by Mr. Pardoe. William Pardoe, Chairman Date Park Advisory Board ZONING ORDINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES September 28, 2004 The Zoning Ordinance Advisory Committee of the City of University Park met on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 12:00 P.M. at the Peek Service Center, 4420 Worcola St., Dallas, Texas. The following are minutes of that meeting. Committee Members Attending: Robert F. Spies - Chairman Edward D. Biggers Gretchen Henry Kim Kohler Dayton C. Macatee Clay Snelling Scott Helbing Pat Mills Absent & Excused: Anne Harrison Staff Members Attending: Bob Livingston - City Manager Bud Smallwood - Director of Public Works Wade McLaurin - Bldg. & Zoning Administrator Jennifer Patrick - Administrative Secretary Rob Dillard - City Attorney Council Liaison - James E. Roberts Call to Order. Mr. Spies called the meeting to order and introduced a new member, Gretchen Henry, to the other committee members. Continue discussion from July 27, 2004 - requests by Wanda Means, Ram Custom Homes, to rezone the 3200 block of Rosedale from Duplex District 2 (D-2), to Multi-Family District 3 (MF-3) and Chuck Barnett, Barnett West Homes, request to rezone all duplex districts to Single Family Attached (SF-A) in order to stimulate growth. Mr. McLaurin reviewed the differences between the zoning districts as requested by Mr. Spies at the last Z.O.A.C. meeting on July 27, 2004. In regards to Wanda Means request of rezoning the 3200 block of Rosedale from Duplex District 2 (D- 2), to Multi-Family District 3 (MF-3), it was determined by the committee members and staff that it would be more feasible to rezone the area to the Single Family Attached District (SF-A) in order to maintain the buffer between the single-family and multi-family districts. As well as, the Single Family Attached District (SF-A) would be more attractive due to increased owner occupation in the neighborhoods. The multi-family zone change would be negative by creating too much density and the buffer zone would be eliminated. In regards to Chuck ZONING ORDINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 09/28/2004 Page 2 of 4 Barnett's request of rezoning all Duplex Districts to Single Family Attached Districts (SF-A), this was discussed as having merit, due to the following reasons: again, more owner occupied structures, redevelopment of the older Duplex Districts, new structures maintaining the look of the duplex, and maintaining the buffer. Staff consulted with Mr. Dillard and determined the normal legal notification process would be sufficient if rezoning were to occur. Mr. Macatee asked if the single family attached structures were larger, than those in the Duplex District. Staff informed the members that the restrictions in the Duplex District were the same as the Single Family Attached District, the only major difference being land ownership. The single family attached district has the lot replatted or split in half and the duplex structures reside on one lot as previously discussed. Both districts have zero lot lines and there were not any negative aspects found by the members in regards to rezoning. Mr. Spies asked if anyone had any further comments, and noted clarification of the rezoning of all duplex districts in regards to lot width was needed. Either, by reducing the required current lot width of the duplex district down to fifty feet (50') to enable the replatting of the lot to two - twenty-five foot lots or allow other sized replatted lots. Staff noted the zoning ordinance could be amended to reflect any changes after an ordinance was created and approved by Council. The legal process was discussed, as well as changing the definition of a duplex and it was decided the rezoning of the duplex district' should not be a blanket change. Mr. Dillard recommended possibly eliminating both Duplex Districts, and creating two different Single-Family Attached Districts to allow different regulations. Further discussion included: property owner's rights in regards to rezoning (possibly allowing the owners the choice), discussion on ensuring traditional duplex's would not be eliminated, and the members determined any rezoning of the Duplex Districts would be done on a case by case basis. Mr. Spies asked for a motion. Mr. Macatee moved to allow the rezoning of the Duplex Districts to Single Family Attached Districts or as otherwise outlined by the Planning and Zoning Commission, with a second from Mr. Kohler. The motion was approved unanimously 8-0. Continue discussion from July 27, 2004 -Discuss/Consider request by Carol Allred, owner/resident of 3668 Asbury, regarding the possible requirement of circular drives, in the case of where a no-parking zone exists on one side of the street. Staff reviewed previous information submitted in regards to Ms. Allred's request, specifically no parking along the south side of Asbury due to a fire lane. Discussion between staff and members included: changing the impermeable surface requirements in the district and materials, egress of permitted drives (front from street, rear from alley), and implementing a circular drive stipulation for the district. Paving options could include: perforated pavestone, standard concrete and possibly gravel. Mr. McLaurin noted when using perforated pavestone, a fifty percent (50%) credit is given to the builder towards the impermeable coverage ZONING ORDINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 09/28/2004 Page 3 of 4 and if installed correctly loose debris from the installation would be minimized. Mr. Roberts stated he believed City Council would like to review the use of gravel. Mr. Smallwood stated if gravel was installed properly and retained, it would be sufficient to use as a parking surface. Members noted no parking would be allowed unless an approved "paved" surface is utilized. As, discussed previously, the covenant or deed restriction would have to be recorded and filed for property owners. Staff noted driveway configurations would have to be modified as well as, possibly allowing head-in parking (when parking is not permitted due to fire lane restricted areas or similar instances). Mr. Dillard stated he would investigate whether a stipulation of circular drives could be imposed. Staff reiterated that the ordinances would have to be revised to reflect any changes. Discuss/Consider request as forwarded by City Council in regards to possible implementation of residential masonry requirements. Staff discussed past Z.O.A.C. meetings, in which the members had found it was not in the best interest of the city, at that time, to impose these requirements. The members believed this would allow different styles of architecture throughout the city. Staff presented a Powerpoint presentation showing different residential structures throughout the city, noting the different materials used for the exterior of the homes. One home in particular, on Stanford constructed by David Weekley Homes, has received complaints of having too much hardy-plank on its exterior. Discuss/Consider request as forwarded by City Council in regards to clarification of allowable projections into side-yards. Staff stated there have been issues with interpretation of the zoning ordinance, specifically: 9-601 Special Side Yard & Building Wall Regulations. The wording used in: (1) projections of windowsills, belt courses, cornices and other architectural features projecting not to exceed twelve inches (12"). Staff noted builders are defining the term, architectural features. At the Z.O.A.C. meeting, staff will provide examples of proposed changes to the verbiage. Discuss/Consider Minutes from 7/27/2004 Z O.A.C. meeting. Mr. Spies asked for a motion. Mr. Helbing moved to approve the minutes, with a second from Mr. Biggers. The motion was approved unanimously 8-0. Follow-up items. Mr. Spies requested additional information from staff regarding item #3 - specifically: information on the fire lane restricted streets, where "no parking" exists. In regards to items #4 and #5 - discussion will resume at the next Z.O.A.C. meeting. ZONING ORDINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 09/28/2004 Page 4 of 4 Establish future meeting date. Mr. Spies verified the next meeting to be on the fourth Tuesday of October 2004. AdjoHPrl. There being no further business before the Committee, Mr. Spies adjourned the meeting. R.,,~, Chairman, r. ~i;;es, Z.O.A.C. Date ZONING ORDINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES October 26, 2004 The Zoning Ordinance Advisory Committee of the City of University Park met on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 12:00 P.M. at the Peek Service Center, 4420 Worcola St., Dallas, Texas. The following are minutes of that meeting. Committee Members Attending: Kim Kohler Acting Chairman Edward D. Biggers Dayton C. Macatee Clay Snelling Pat Mills Staff Members Attending: Bob Livingston - City Manager Bud Smallwood - Director of Public Works Wade McLaurin - Bldg. & Zoning Administrator Jennifer Patrick Administrative Secretary Rob Dillard City Attorney Council Liaison: James H. Holmes III - Mayor James E.Roberts Mayor Pro-Tem Absent & Excused: Robert F. Spies - Chairman Anne Harrison Scott Helbing Gretchen Henry Call to Order. Staff noted Mr. Spies had a previous engagement and was unable to attend; Mr. Kohler stepped in as acting chairman. Mr. Kohler called the meeting to order, and welcomed Mayor Holmes to today's Z.O.A.C. meeting. Consider recommendation fi.om previous discussion's - duly 27, 2004 & September 28, 2004 - Discuss/Consider request by Carol Allred, owner/resident of 3668 Asbury, regarding the possible requirement of circu[ar drives, in the case of where a no-parking zone exists on one side of the street. Staff reviewed previous information/discussions regarding the parking issues created by a "no-parking" zone on only one side of the street. Mr. McLaurin presented a PowerPoint presentation outlining the allowable and non-allowable circular drives configurations, the required mutual access agreement, which would have to be filed with Dallas County, and the "credit" given to builders when using a permeable pavestone. Staff recommended creating a detail of gravel or crushed granite approved by the Director of Public Works and the City Engineer (including a definition of loose material), to utilize for circular drives when the impermeable area for the lot is at its maximum. Further discussion included: drainage fees imposed in the past, versus a variance process of the impermeable requirements, comparison of grass versus gravel, and the specific streets impacted (Asbury and Granada). The possible use of a parallel inset and loose material in the right of way was noted by staff as dangerous. The committee then reviewed the past changes to the zoning ordinance in regards to circular drive requirements. Mr. Kohler asked for a motion. Mr. Macatee moved to recommend creation of a detail of gravel or crushed granite (approved by the Director of Public Works and the City Engineer-including a definition of loose material), to utilize for circular drives, when the impermeable area for the lot is at its maximum, with a second from Mr. Biggers. The motion was approved unanimously 5-0. Continue discussion fi.om September 28, 2004 - request as forwarded by City Council in regards to implementation of residential masonry requirements. Staff' presented information via PowerPoint, as previously requested by the committee, compiled by a survey conducted on other municipality's masonry requirements. The committee had previously discussed implementation of masonry requirements four (4) to five (5) years ago, dismissing the notation in order not to restrict different styles of architecture throughout the city. Mayor Holmes thanked the committee for convening, noting the changing times have dictated a change is needed to the masonry requirements, to maintain a level of aesthetics throughout the city. Problems noted were: the proliferation of builders/construction companies flocking to the city for the opportunity to make a profit, not necessarily building in the city for the "long haul", and the lack of these builders/companies being figures in the community or having local investments. The committee-reviewed pictures provided by staff' of residential structures constructed of masonry, stone and hardy-plank siding. Rather than imposing masonry requirements, the committee discussed possibly identifying and defining inferior materials (i.e. excluding hardy-plank and stucco from the masonry definition). Staff' noted the cost of building within the city would rise, but would protect the integrity of the city as a whole. Other items brought to attention were: the durability and fire safety of brick over time, the high maintenance of the hardy-plank/stucco applications, and the lack of any tie ins, when utilizing hardy- plank for an exterior finish of an residential application. The possible solution, presented by committee members, was to implement a 100% masonry requirement for the first floor of a structure and/or creating an Architectural Review Committee to approve "Cape Cod" or stucco structures. Mayor Holmes closed discussion noting he was confident the committee would make a decision in the best interests of the city. It was determined discussion should continue to the next meeting of Z.O.A.C., to allow additional input from the other members, and with additional information provided by staff~ Mr. Kohler asked for a motion. Mr. Macatee moved to continue discussion to the next meeting with additional information provided by staff specifically; masonry requirements and the method of approval for hardy-plank/stucco structures from the following cities - Colleyville, Coppell, Frisco and Southlake, with a second from Mr. Biggers. The motion was approved unanimously 5-0. Continue discussion fi~om September 28, 2004 - Discuss/Consider request as forwarded by City Council in regards to clarification of allowable projections into side-yards. Staff presented proposed changes for the Single Family District, as requested from the committee, to the verbiage in Section 9-601 of the zoning ordinance, in regards to the definition of architectural features. A review of the allowable sideyard setbacks and allowable projections followed. The committee recommended adding eaves after cornices on item 1, delete item 2 and verified the gutters were included. Staff noted the same changes would be made to Section 10- 600, in regards to proposed changes to side yard projections for single-family attached. The committee recommended defining that no more than four single- family attached units could be in a continuous row on item 2, adding eaves after cornices on item 5.a and deleting item 5.b. Further discussion included: the distance between chimneys in the single-family attached districts, the definition of belt courses and window overhang allowed in the single family district, but not in the single-family attached district. Mr. Kohler asked for a motion. Mr. Macatee moved to recommend approval of the proposed changes to Section 9-601 and Section 10-600 of the zoning ordinance, with the condition of the requested changes, as noted by the committee, with a second from Mr. Snelling. The motion was approved unanimously 5-0. Discuss/Consider gdinutes fi~om the September 28, 2004 Z.O.A.C. meeting. Mr. Kohler asked for a motion. Mr. Biggers moved to approve the minutes, with a second from Mr. Macatee. The motion was approved unanimously 5-0. F'ol[ow-up items. Mr. Kohler noted the additional information requested from staff regarding item #3 specifically: masonry requirements and the method of approval for hardy- plank/stucco structures from the following cities - Colleyville, Coppell, Frisco and Southlake Establish future meeting date. Mr. Kohler verified the next meeting to be on the fourth Tuesday of November 2004. There being no further business before the Committee, Mr. Kohler adjourned the meeting. Approved by: Robert F. Spies, Chairman, Z.©.A.C. 11/30/2004 CAPITAL PROJECTS UPDATE Week of December 1, 2005 Project No. Description Cost Major Tasks Uncompleted Target Date 42450 Fondren Tower- Fire Station No. 2 $30,000.00 (E) In-house construction (FD & FM) RLG completion of structural design TBD Complete 42730 Lovers Lane Reconstruction II - Hillcrest to NCE (1) Water & sanitary sewer construction (2) Pavement & Drainage Improvements $4,000,000.00 (E) Utility (Water - Hillcrest to Thackery) Utility (Sanitary Sewer - Hillcrest to Thackery) Utility (Water / San Sewer - Hillcrest S to alley) Drainage (Baedeker E to Cleburne) Drainage (Baedeker W to Airline) Pavmt (Baedeker to Willard) Pavmt (Baedeker W to Durham) Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Feb-05 42903 NCE Wall - Streets - Landscaping Tree / Street Lighting - Sidewalks $150,000.00 (E) Street light equipment installed "Entry Plaza" construction Complete Sum-05 42980 C& G Replacement FY00-01 Change No 1 (**) $2,223,254.65 (A) $351,523.50 (A) Amherst, Durham to Airline Amherst, TC Blvd to Preston Asbury, Golf to High School Baltimore, Lovers Lane to Hanover Complete Mar-04 Complete Complete Page 1 42980 42980 C& G Replacement FY00-01 C& G Replacement FY00-01 (continued) (continued) Page 2 Bryn Mawr, Boedeker to Airline Boedeker, Hanover to Southwestern Caruth, Turtle Creek Blvd to Thackeray Centenary, Thackeray to Baltimore Glenwick, Preston to Westwick Glenwick, Preston to HPHS parking garage Grassmere, Preston to Westchester Granada, Hillcrest to Key Glenwick, Preston to HS Garage Greenbrier, Preston to Douglas Hanover, Preston to Baltimore Hyer, Preston to Westchester Larchmont, Armstrong to Lomo Alto Marquette, Baltimore to Pickwick Marquette, Turtle Creek Blvd to Thackeray McFarlin, Preston to Westchester Normandy, Armstrong to Lomo Alto Preston, San Carlos to McFarlin Purdue, Durham to Dickens Rosedale, Thackery to Golf San Carlos, Preston to Armstrong + Lomo Alto Shenandoah, Douglas to Armstrong Shenandoah, Roland to Armstrong Shenandoah, Hillcrest to Auburndale Stanford, Airline to Hillcrest Stanford, TC Blvd to Prteston Complete Complete Complete Complete Delete Complete Complete Complete Delete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete TBD Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Corn ~lete Stanford, Douglas to Lomo Alto Stanhope, Douglas to Lomo Alto Stanhope, Preston to Douglas Thackeray, Rosedale to Milton University Blvd, Golf to alley east of Haynie Wentwood, Tulane to Pickwick Williams Pkwy, University to McFarlin (partial) Windsor Pkwy, Douglas to Preston Pkwy Windsor Pkwy, Douglas to Lomo Alto Complete Dec-04 Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete 46310 MPY-Caruth Park Area Water / San Sewer / Stm Sewer $2,135,000.00 (E) Start Construction Mar-04 43700 43710 City Hall - Renovation and Expansion City Hall II - Drainage Improvements 43710 City Hall III - 24" Water main Installation 48100 48200 Paint Fondren Elevated Tank MPY-Auburndale-Key / Water / Sanitary Sewer / Storm S~ ............. (E) $3,000,000.00 (E) $630,000.00 (E) $300,000.00 (E) $555,000.00 (E) Conceptual Design Construction Plans & Specs * Design * Corps of Engineers 404 Permit * Wetlands Mitigation Credits * Bids Water main construction Pavement Repairs Specification / Bid Documents Bids Design Bids Complete Sp-05 Jan-04 Complete Complete Mar-05 Complete Complete Complete TBD Spt-04 TBD Page 3 48300 Automated Meter Reading $1,200,000.00 (E) AMR installation - Cycle 1 (N of Lovers Lane) AMR installation - Cycle 2 (S of Lovers Lane) AMR installation - Cycle 3 (Parks, large meters, Training of City staff (Mobile Unit) Complete Complete Complete Complete Page 4