HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 08 03/20/67-12/20/71 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, March 20, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Assistant Manager Water Department Larry Wilson, Deputy Tax Collector James D. Woodard, Building Inspector Don Knutson, Permit Cler~', Roy L. Baker and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mrs. W. B. Parker and her small daughter of 3300 Caruth Boulevard were also present: Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Roy Miller of 3700 Wentwood, a member of the North Dallas Park Cities Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Gordon Rose of that organization and another gentleman appeared and asked permission for people using the bus to town be permitted to park their cars around Smith Park from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. It was explained to these gentlemen that the University Park Methodist Church had paid for the concrete head-in part~ih~.~ off of Greenbrier, Caruth and Pickwick Lane surrounding this park, also that at the present time there are no parking restrictions. However, it was felt that it would not be possible for the City to grant special permits to any one person to park their cars at this location for any specific time. The same applied to a group of people. Doctor and Mrs. Wether of 6819 Golf Drive appeared and requested that the City take some action in an effOrt to slow down traffic emerging from Rankin Street to Golf Drive; also that the City place stop signs on Snider Plaza stopping traffic traveling north and south with the intersection of Rankin Street. It was explained to these people that Doctor Weiner's letter recently received relating to these same suggestions had been referred to Chief Keene of the Police Department and other members of the Traffic Commission for.their study and recommendation. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner ~ Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF THE UNIVERSITY PARK SWIMMING POOLS BY CERTAIN QUALIFIED PERSONS; PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF THE POOLS; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES HERETOFORE ADOPTED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. The City Clerk presented a statement (Estimate No. 2) from Forrest and Cotton, Engineers, they have app.roved and recommended that we send Austin Paving Cpmpany a check for $18,596.60 which represents the amount due said company for work mn the Tulane Storm Sewer as of Fet~ruary 28, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized as recommended, to pay Austin Paving Company $18,596.60. The City Clerk presented a statement from Forrest and Cotton, Consulting Engineers, for services rendered during the month of February in the amount of $1,059.08. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above account be paid. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Sullivan, Jr., a former resident of 3325 MiltonSt~eet, be i'efunded $16.60 paid tl~is City on January 25, 1965. VFilliam Robert requesting that he This payment was for 1964 ad valorem tax on an automobile. Mr. Sullivan also presented evidence that the car in question~as purchased on January 2, 1964. ~k n~otion was made ~ Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Mr. Sullivan's request for a refund be granted. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. James t~. Burleson, CPA, requesting that his firm be employed to make the annual audit for the fiscal year 1966-67, and that they be permitted to begin this work in the not too distant furutr. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that this Accounting Firm be employed to make the 1966-67 audit provided their fee would not e~ceed $1,800.00 being the amount they agreed the audit would not e~ceed for the year 1965-66. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Pat Ryan, Physical Director, North Town Branch, YMCA, requesting permission for the organization to use our swimming pool from 6:00 a.m. until 7:~5 a.m. this year as in the two previous years. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that permission be granted to the North Town Branch of the YMCA to use our swimming pool as requested with the understanding that any one using the pool must first obtain from the City Hall a season tag. Also the 4!i' City Clerk was instructed to contact our insurance carried for the purpose of determining if the instructors of the YMCA should receive any type of remunerables from the City in order for our liability insurance to be in full force and effect. The City Clerk presented a letter from the Park Cities Baptist Church requesting permission to use the baseball diamond in Northcrest Park from 5 to 7:00 p.m. , Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above request be granted subject to there not being any conflicts with our Commitments to other individuals or organizations. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Scot McDonald, City Manager of Dallas, making inquiry relative to any joint street or drainage improvement:~projects that this City and his City might be able to work together during the coming year. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that a resolution be prepared by the City Attorney and a copy sent to Mr. McDonald setting out that our City is and will i~t: ~I~lltimes be glad to cooperate with the City of Dallas in any way possible. Also that the City Clerk be requested to offer to the City of Dallas copies of the drainage reports recently prepared by Forrest and cotton, Consulting Engineers, in lieu of the City of Dallas providing us with similar reports that they may have on hand or may obtain later which would be of interest to this City. The City Clerk explained to the Commission that the Samuel Clinic had notified us that beginning April 1 that the total cost for pre-employment examination will be $23.00 as compared to the $12.00 they have been charging. Communications from Doctor Joseph D. Quillian, Jr., Dean of Perkins School of Theology and others relative to the hazardous traffic conditions for pedestrians mt the intersection of Binkley and Hillcrest Avenue was discussed. The City Clerk e×plkined that Mr. C. B. Williams, District Supervisor.~ Plant Pest Control Division, Department of Agriculture, has informed us that on or about March Z7, the Federal Government will again make war on the fire ants in this area. David Templin appeared before the Commission and requested that consideration be given to the installation of lights on some of our tennis courts that could be operated by the insertion of a coin.in a meter. The City Clerk was requested to contact the proper officials at the Dallas Power and Light Company to determine if that company would be interested in making such an installation. City Auditor James E. Brown, Deputy Tax Collector James D. Woodard and Assistant Manager of the Water Department Larry Wilson all appeared and discussed ~with the Commission the fact that in the not to distant future the City will be faced with making a decision relative to its account procedure in the tax department for the year beginning January 1, 1968. They also discussed the desirability of redesigning the bookkeeping in the water department and explained that it would be beneficial to have the same type of machines in each department. They submitted fhe following report relative to type of equipment and cost of each. Two--SCM Typetronic Systems Style 9816/330, ZR-1P $44,815.00 Two--NCt~-400 Electronic Accounting System, $39,000.00 less trade-ins $1, 450. 00--Net $37,550.00 Two--NCR-390 Electronic Data Processing Machines, Model No. 449-7 $32,058.00 less trade-in of $600.00--Net $31,458.00 Two-- Burroughs E 1465S Electronic Accounting Machines $34,3Z5.00 less trade-in of $525.00--Net $33,800.00. Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers thanked the Commission for having sent him to the Texas Fire Marshal's Annual Conference in Austin. City Engineer Jack B. Kirven made a report on the proposed Amherst Strom Sewer relating to Ray Speers, Mrs. Robertson, Tinkle, et al. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 3RD DAY OF AI~RI~, A. D. , 1967. A T T MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1967, AT 7:30 I~.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University l~ark met in regular session on Monday, April 3, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present:Mayor 1Koy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick 1~. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest 1~.. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Assistant Manager Water Department Larry Wilson, Deputy Tax Collector James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Roy L. Baker and City Clerk Ralph tE. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Victor McCrea, Attorney for Mr. Leo E. Faubion, appeared and requested the City Commission to refund to his client $25.00 being the amount of cash bond the Municipal Judge ordered forfeited on April 1. After the situation had been explained by Mr. ~icCrea, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, and carried that this problem be referred to City Attorney Dick 1~. Wood for investigation and that if the records indicate that Leo E. Faubion's drivers license was expired at the time he was given a ticket that no refund be made. However, should the records reveal that at the time this party was given a ticket, if the state records show that he had a current drivers license that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to refund the amount of cash bond. Mr. J. W. Teague of 3917 Amherst appeared and made inquiry relative to what action, if any, the City intends to take relative to increasing the capacity of water flow under University and McFarlin Boulevards. It was his feeling that if floods occur again that the storm sewer now being installed between Lovers Lane and Bryn Mawr Drive would be of no value because the water would back up to that area thus defeating the purpose for which the storm sewer is created. Mrs. Tom Beaty of 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive, Mrs.!'4~lewton Hammer of 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive and Mrs. Walter B. Parker of 3300 Caruth also appeared requesting information about the storm sewer. Mayor Coffee explained that the engineering reports of Forrest and Cotton had taken in full cpnsideration all the drainage problems of this City and while it may be desirable to improve the situation in the vicinity of the City H~llaand the 3800 block of McFarlin but such improvement or lack of same Lovers Lane. Mayor Coffee then recoBnized the following people. Kincheloe, Jr. would in no way affect the people north of Mr. Richard of 4020 University Boulevard, G. iR.. Branch, M.D., 4005 University Boulevard; R. E. Collier, M. D., 4019 University Boulevard, Robert E. Wynne, 402.1 Glenwick Lane; R. B. Swarm, 4056 Druid Lane; O. M. Stubblefield, 4037 Druid Lane and Richard E. Gray, 6518 Hunters Glen Road. They came forward and stated they were interested in the City refusing to change the zoning any where in University Park and were particularly interested in Lot t of Block 12, Troth's Subdivison University Park Estates Addition, remaining a single family home; also they were interested in what action, if any, the City Commission proposed to take in regard to the recent application of Sam Leake and others recently passed on by the Zoning Commission. Mr. A. ti. Bell of 4041 Glenwick Lane addressed the Commission stating that as a home owner in that location he would much prefer that a duplex be put on the lot in question than for the lot to remain unimproved. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, and carried that the recommend- ation made by the Zoning Commission as of March 27, 1967, that the appeal of Mr. Sam Leake and others that the Zoning of the south one-half of Block 1 and 2, Idlewild Addition hot be changed but remain a "B" single family home area, concured in and approved. A motion was then made by Commissioner Germany, and carried that the recommendation of the Zoning Commission as of March 27, 1967 that the zoning of Lot 1, Block 12, Troth's Subdivicion University Park Estates Additon be changed from "A" Single Family Home to "C" Duplex Area be taken under advisement and that no action be taken at this time. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded and carried that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1966-67 BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF $40,000.00 FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED CASH RESERVES GENERAL FUND, FUNDS WILL BE USED FOR THE~PURCI-IASE OF ACCOUNTING MACHINES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT WHICH WILL BE USED IN THE TAX DEPARTMENT, WATER DEPARTMENT AND GENERAL PURPOSES. ONE-HALF OF THE $40,000.00 WILL BE CREDITED TO THE WATER FUND AND ONE-HALF TO THE GENERAL FUND. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, and carried that the City Clerk be authorized to determine the average monthly water bill paid by Mrs. Arthur C. Bosworth of 3624 University boulevard and that she be charged this amount plus 1/2 the iiifference between the average bill and the $49.00 bill she received March 31. Mrs. Bosworth had written a long letter explaining that an underground leak recently discovered accounted for the large bill. The Commission took under advisement the request of Mrs. 'Robert W. Stephens of 3617 Granada Avenue that she be paid $6.50 the cost of repairing the exhaust pipe on her car which was damaged recently on Boedecker Street. The Commission discussed a petition recently filed with the City by Mrs. W. II. Trimble of 4404 Emerson Street relative to drainage problems in this block. The City Clerk was requested to immediately proceed with discussions with City Manager Scott McDonald of Dallas, relative to the paving of Loma Alto Drive from Emerson Street north to Lovers Lane. It is felt that this improvement will assist in the drainage problem facing the people in this area. The City Clerk presented a petition signed by the members of the Police Department setting out that they "Are ready to take the necessary steps to refrain from putting any more money into a program that is not satisfactory Dr adequate for this City's Police Department". This statement is made relative to benefits under the Texas Municipal Retirement System. The City Clerk furnished the Commission with the following information. The Employees of the Police Department pay 5% on $3,600. salary or $180. per year. The City pays 2. 1% on the respective $3,600. or $75.60 for each employee; total for each employee $255.60 All other employees except firemen ~ay 5% on $3,600, or $180. each. The City pays 5% on $3,600 for each employee, $180., total for each employee $360. 10 All Firemen pay 6% of total compensation received, this amount is matched from the City Treasurer thus making a total of 12 % annually paid into their retirement system. It will be noted that the firemen are contributing considerably more in behalf of their retirement fund than the police. The following is an example based on the minimum salary of $500.00 per month. The Police fund receives $225.60. The firemen fund receives $720.00. City Clerk Hamman stated that it is his interpretation of the statutes that in his opinion "{C) A municipality which once elects to participate in the System may refuse to add new departments or new employees but shall never discontinue as to any members." quoted from The Texas Municipal Retirement Act, Including 1965 Amendments, a department could not withdraw. Chief Keene stated that he felt this statement was in error because he knew of municipalities that have withdrawn. Commissioner Germany and Mayor Coffee requested City Attorney Dick P. Wood to check the statutes for the purpose of determining if it will be possible for the police department of this City to withdraw from The Texas Municipal Retirement System. No other action was taken on the problem at hand however it was suggested that the Members of the l~olice Department give special consideration to increasing their participation in the Fund which, of course, would be matched by funds from the City Treasurer. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, and carried that Chief Keene be authorized to attend the Texas Police Regional Conference in Sweet- water, Texas on April 10, 1967 at the expense of the City. Fire Marshal Chambers submitted the following report for the month of March, 1967. False Emergency '' No Loss Loss Autos Grass Alarms First Aid Alarms Alarms Total 4 2 1 20 Estimated value of property protected $ 87, 500.00 Estimated value of contents protected $ 41, 500.00 Total property protected Insurance on protected property $123,000.00 $ 98,000.00 Estimated amount of loss for month of March, 12 4 43 $1,582.69 Marshal Chambers also displayed to the Commission, the Home Safety Plaque he had been presented for the year 1966. City Engineer Kirven explained to the Commission the effort he had been putting forward that the property owners in the 3600 block of Amherst might agree upon relative to the drainage improvements in this vicinity. There being no further business, the meeting PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 17TH DAY (~F APRIL, A.D.D, 1967. ATTEST' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, April 17, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Assistant Manager Water Department Larry Wilson, Deputy Tax Collector James D. Woodard, Building Inspector Don Knutson, Permit Clerk Roy Baker and City Clerk Ralph E. Hannah. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. Mr. Victor McCrea, Attorney for Leo E. Faubion, appeared again in behalf of his client requesting that the $2.5.00 appearance bond which the court 1¸2 forfeited April 1 be refunded. ment on December 21, 1966 for driving without a license. for January 28, 1967 and later postponed to February 18. court. Later a warrant was issued for his arrest. Fie posted cash bond in the sum of $25.00 and was to appear on April 1. Mr. McCrea appeared for him on that date at 11:30 a.m. The Judge had ordered the bond forfeited, adjourned the court and had gone home prior to the time of Mr. McCrea's arrival. Mr. McCrea appeared before the City Commission on April 3 stating that his client had an operators license at the time he was arrested but did not have same with him. He urged that the City Commission authorize a refund of the $25.00. The City Commission requested City Attorney Dick P. Wood to investigate the facts relative to this situation and told Mr. McCrea they would take the matter under advisement. Mr. Wood informed the City Commission that our Police Department had checked throu.gh~:ttie license bureau at Austin and according to the information furnished bytj~Fat agency, Faubion's ~rivers license ~ ~F4*ired on January 3, 1965 and that same had been renewed as of Feb. 17, 1967, Therefore requested and Mr. McCrea stated that he would appeal the case to County Court. Mr. McCrea was then told if the County Court saw fit to aquit his client that the $25.00 forfeiture would be returned. The only other people except City Employees were Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Cone, Jr., of 3417 Villanova. They had heard that a petition would be filed with the City Commission requesting that the baseball diamond in Northcrest !Dark be lighted for night playing and they wanted to register a protest against such installation. The City Clerk presented a statement (Estimate No. 3) from Forrest and Cotton, Consulting Engineers, that they have approved and recommended that we send Austin Paving Company a check for $35,663.01, which represents the Mr. Faubion was given a ticket by the l~olice Depart- His case was se/ He did not appear in 1L 3i amount due said Company for work on the Tulane Strom Sewer as of March 31, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized as re- commended, to pay Austin Paving Company $35,663.0I. City Clerk Hamman explained that he had contacted Dr. Edwin D. Mouzon, Jr., Charles M. Powell and Edward A. 'VVood, Jr. and they agreed to serve as the Equalization Board for the year 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded,that the following Ordinance be adopted. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, APPOINTING A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR THE YEAR 1967, FIXING TIME FOR THE FIRST MEETING AND THE COMPENSATION FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION The City Clerk stated that recently a traffic signal 14ght was installed at the intersection of Boedecker and Lovers Lane. He recomf~ended that the Ordinance controlling the placement of traffic signal lights be amended. Commissioner Germany made the motion which was seconded, and carried that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8 OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED ON THE 7TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D., 1950, AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGES 437-438 OF THE ORDINANCE RECORDS, AND AS AMENDED MARCH 17, 1952, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGES 23-24, AND AS AMENDED APRIL Z0, 1953, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 165, AND AS AMENDED SEPTEMBER 8, 1953, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGES 238- 239, OF THE ORDINANCE RECORDS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY The City Clerk presented a petition dated April 1Z, 1967, requesting "Two Hour" parking restrictions be imposed for the 3300 block of Westminister Avenue. There are 20 signatures on the petition and there are 20 single family homes in this block. Fifteen of the signatures represent homeowners, two were the signature of tenants and the remaining three signatures ate those of tenants or of relatives of the owners of record. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seco nded,~:put to vote and carried that the following Ordinance be adopted. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT SPECIFIC ORDINANCE RELATING TO TIME LIMIT PARKING ADOPTED THE 6TH DAY OF JUNE, 1960, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FOR PARKING TIME LIMITS IN DESIGNATED PLACES IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, STATING THE HOURS OF THE DAY WHEN SUCH TIME LIMIT IS EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING THAT THE SAME SHALL NOT APPLY ON CERTAIN SPECIFIED DAYS; STATING THE TIME LIMIT; PROVIDING FOR THE MARKING OF PARKING SPACES; DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS WHERE THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT THERETO; DEFINING OFFENSES AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES; PROVIDING THAT INVALIDITY OF PART SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE REMAINDER The City Clerk presented a petition bearing 18 signatures representing the ownership of nine homes in the ~zicinity of Northcrest Park opposing the installation of lights in that park which would suffice for night baseball games. The City Clerk had not received any request that the park be lighted therefore there was no action to be taken with the above petition except that it be filed. Marshal Chambers reported that he had been advised that our City had received a five cent credit to be applied against fire insurance premiums for the year 1967. However, this credit is not applicable to premiums paid on "Homeowners" fire insurance policies. City Engineer Kirven presented to the City Commission a rnap showing all the streets which had been resurfaced by the Dalworth Slurry Seal Company. He also exhibited a statement in the amount of $5,865.70 being the amount due the Dalworth Slurry Seal Company for service rendered April 10 through April 17, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany and carried that this statement be paid. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 1ST~ OF~YY~A.D., 1967. CITY CLERK MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARI~i, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, DN MONDAY, MAY 1, 1967, AT ~:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, May 1, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. ~Vilson Germany. Others present were: City Attorney Dick P. V~ood, City Engineer Jack B. t~iirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. I~leene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent Vfilliam E. V~est, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of l~ublic ~Vorks L. H. Sullivan, Assistant Manager Vfater Department Larry Vfilson, Deputy Tax Collector James D. I~oodard, Building Inspector Don I~inutson, Permit Clerk Roy Baker and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis of 3020 Milton Avenue appeared and presented a petition bearing 82 signatures requesting that ligths and backboards be installed on the tennis courts. They stated they would be in favor of coin operated machines to control the lighting. After discussing the matter the City Clerk was requested to investigate further and make a report on his findings at a later date. Miss Dorothy Amann of 3442 McFarlin Boulevard appeared and requested that"Two Hour" parking restrictions be imposed in the 3400 block of McFarlin Boulevard. It was explained to her that another petition had been presented opposing "two hour" parking restrictions and requesting that the south side of the north lane on McFarlin Boulevard be designated as a fire lane from the alley west of Hillcrest Avenue to Dickens Avenue. After a lenghty I'6 discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded and carried that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, CREATING A FIRE LANE ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE NORTH LANE ON MCFARLIN BOULEVARD FROM THE ALLEY WEST OF HILLCREST AVENUE WEST TO GOLF DRIVE The City Clerk presented a statement from Forrest and Cotton, Inc. , Consulting Engineers, for services rendered during the month of March in the amount of $1,264.68, relative to the Bryn Mawr Drive and Pickwick Lane Strom Sewer. The total number of man hours involved were 272 1/Z. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded and carried that the above amount be paid. The City Clerk presented a request from Mr. Paul C. Weyrather, occupant of an apartment at 4119 Lovers Lane, requesting that stop signs be erected in the alley which parallels Preston Road at its intersection with the alley extending east and west between Lovers Lane and Hyer Street stopping traffic moving both north and south. After discussing the problem, it was decided to take this matter under advisement. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded and carried that this City purchase four memberships for the period ending June 1, 1968 in the Greater Dallas County League of Municipalities. Fire Marshal Chambers submitted the following report for the activities of the Fire Department for the month of April, 1967. , Emergency No Loss Loss A(~tos' ~. . First Aid Alarms Alarms Total 2 ~ ~ 22 Proper~ protected, estimated value Insurance on property protected Estimated amount of loss for the month 13 $275,000.00 $z16,000.00 $ 3, 27a. zs 8 45 City Engineer Kirven presented a map showing the street~ that have recently been resurfaced with slurry seal, stating that the cost was $2,406.00. He also discussed with the Commission the resurfacing of Airline Road, particularly that portion from the alley north of Caruth Boulevard to Northwest Highway. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded and carried that the statement from the Slurry Seal Company in the amount of SZ, 406.00 be paid and that Airline Road be resurfaced all the way from Mockingbird Lane to Northwest Highway. Mr. Kirven also reported that he had recently been in touch with the Engineers of the Tollroad and that he was::rnaking progress relative to the construction of the wall on the Tollraod from Mockingbird Lane to the alley north of Stanhbpe. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 15TH DAY OF MfAfiY, A.D., 1967. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING CF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, MAY 15, 1967, AT 7:30 P. NI. The Board of Commissioners of the city of University Park met in regular session on Monday, May 15, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James 18¸ E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, ...... Super~ntender~t of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Assistant Manager Water Department Larry Wilson, Deputy Tax Assessor James'D. Woodard, Building Inspector Don Knutson, Permit Clerk Roy L. Baker and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Grady Jordan, owner of the residence at 4001 Loveri Lane, appeared and complained to the Commission about the carelessness of the Austin Paving Company employees stating they had trespassed on private property. They had used poor judgement in making the excavation for the storm sewer in front of his house and that in his judgement have abused City property. Mr. Jordan suggested that the City require the Company to remove all of the concrete from the circle in front of his residence and that it be replaced with new concrete. It was explained to Mr. Jordan that the contract with the Austin Paving Company sets out that any and all improvements disturbed in connection ~£.tahe stomr sewer shall be repaired and replaced and left in as good or better condition as prior to the beginning of the storm sewer work. Mr. Jordan was thanked for his interest and assured that the City through its engineers will endeavor to obtain a satisfactory repair and replacement of all improvements on both City and private property. The City Clerk stated that Mr. W. H. Benners may appear before the Commission and request that the City Clerk furnish him copy of the Notice of Appeal to the Board of Adjustment made on the 3rd day of March, 1965, by Thomas, Knight, Wright and Simmons, on behlaf of Harold W. Fisher and the Estate of Mrs. Fred Connerly, then owners of Lots 3 through 6, Block D of B. C. Lucas l~esubdivision. Prior to the time any action could be taken on the appeal, Mr. Harold W. Fisher died, to the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital. Mr. title to the property in question passed Paul H. Prasifka, Administrative Assi_s~ant' of that agency_, informed City Clerk Hamman by telephone _Kha__t hi~s organization did not care to pursue the appeal. not appear. Mr. Tom Ellis, County Clerk, Dallas County, to hold a county election, May 23, in the fire station. 1¸9 However, Mr. Benners did has requested permission After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded and carried that Mr. Ellis be advised that his request had been granted. The City Clerk explained that on May 10, our tow-in truck picked up a mustang car on the SMU Campus that belonged to W. T. Edwards, III. He reported that in our handling of the car the dust pan under the front of the engine was bent. Sgt. Cherry reported he was present at the time the car was picked up and he was positive it was not bent in the process of picking up the car. Mr. Baker, who handled the tow-in truck stated he did not feel the car was damaged from tow-in. The City Clerk personally examined the purported damage but was unable to determine when the damage occured. Mr. t~d~ards has submitted an estimate from Miracle Ford, Inc., 2-908 Lovers Lane in the amount of $Z1.63 and has requested that he be reimbursed for this amount. by Commissioner Germany, that his request be denied. After due consideration, a motion was made .seconded and carried that Mr. Edwards be advised Mr. Sullivan, Superintendent of Public Works, advised that in the immediate future the intersection of Villanova Drive and Baltimore Drive will be torn out and replaced with new heavy concrete. The City Clerk stated he felt that as soon as an agreement could be arranged with Mr. Hugh Grady that an agreement should be made with Austin Paving Company to enter Turtle Creek Branch through the vacant lot owned by Mr. Wilson Schoellkropf and the dirt moved on Mr. Grady's lot the first day the Austin Paving Company were on the Tulane job be replaced and that the channel of the branch be~w_id~e~ed an~ d ~e~epene_d~!~om~t_he C_o~n~e__r__o~f~la_~d owned by Mr. Higginbotham, Mr. Grady and Mr. Schoellkopf. It appeared that it is desirable to have Austin Paving Company take care of this problem as far south as the corner of the land owned by Mr. Byrd, Mr. Grady and Mr. Roberts. It is also felt that our maintenance crew can take over at the last point mentioned and do an excellent job. contact Forrest and Cotton, ]Engineers, Ciiy ]Engineer Kirven was requested to for the purpose of giving this problem further study and to prepare a drawing for exhibit to Mr. Grady when a conference was held. The City Clerk reported a telephone conservation recently had with W. D. Felder, III, stating that he had been appointed State Representative of the Natureiser Company. This Company has patents for converting garbage into fertilizer. They have a plant at Norman, Oklahoma and one at St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. Felder would like the privilege of exhibiting picture slides of the operation in one or both of these plants with the thought in mind of eventually selling the City a plant. He atated he had talked with some of the officials of Highland Park and that he felt the two cities might be interested in working together on the building and operation of a plant. The Commission expressed interest in this suggestion and agreed to give it consideration at some future date. City ]Engineer Kirven presented to the City Commission a map showing the streets which had been resurfaced by the Dalworth Slurry Seal Company. He also exhibited a statement in the amount of $8,735. 10 being the amount due the Dalworth Slurry Seal Company for service rendered May 1 through May 15, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded and carried that this statement be' paid. City Engineer Kirven also stated that the International Municipal Signal Association, Southwestern Section, will hold a Traffic Signal School in ]El Paso, Texas, June 4 through 6, 1967 and that he would like for B. R. McMurray to attend. He estimated the expense to be approximately $125.00. A motion was made by Commission Germany, seconded and carried that Mr. be authorized to attend this school at the expense of the City. McMurray Chief Keene reported that Doctor Claunch, Dean of SMU College, had offered to provide this City with scholarships for two of our firemen to attend the Southern Methodist University Firemen's School May 29 through June 9, 1967. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 5TH DAY OF ~_,UNE, A.D., 1967. ATTEST: cFrY C IZERK Eo L. Collector James D. Ralph E. Hamman. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, June 5, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner Robert g. Sullivan and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick 1~. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works H. Sullivan, Manager Water Department Larry Wilson, Deputy Tax Woodard, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Will Benners appeared and again stated to the City Commission that he is of the opinion that his next door neighbors Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sanders of 34Z5 Asbury Street are violating the zoning ordinance. He stated that he thinks they are operating a baby sitting service and from time to time Sanders accepts and keeps one or more small children for compensation. Benners also discussed with the Commission the nonconforming property Mrs. on Preston Road north of Normandy Avenue. Mrs. Margaret Z. Seideneck and her associate, Mrs. Hammer, appeared before the Commission and presented a petition requesting the City to permit store owners and their employees the privilege of parking on Snider Plaza and the streets in that vicinity for period longer than two hours. Mayor Coffee explained to these ladies that it would be illegal to make such authorization. The Commission discussed adopteing an ordinance having the following caption. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVEtK~TY PARK, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL fF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN, EXCEPT AS HEREIN EXPRESSLY PROVIDED; PROVIDING FOlK THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH CODE AND A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF AMENDING SUCH CODE; AND PROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE After due consideration, it was decided that~his subject be taken under consideration at the next Commission meeting June 19, 1967. The City Clerk presented to the Commission a Resolution signed by the members of the Board of Equalization on May 23, 1967 approving the General Rolls of the City Clerk as Ex-Officio Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of University Park for the calenday year 1967 whereupon a motion was made by Cbmmissioner Sullivan, ~ec~nded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanirnpusly that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, APPROVING THE GENERAL ROLLS OF THE CITY CLERK AS EX-OFFICIO TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1967. The City Clerk presented a letter signed by Mr. Andrew J. Osborne, Business Manager, Southern Methodist University, stating that SMU had been paying taxes on Lot 5, Block C Sorority Place, being the corner of Daniel Avenue and Dublin Street. However, the R. L. Thornton Alumni House was constructed on this lot during the year 1966 and SMU request that this property be exempt from taxation. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the request be granted. The City Clerk presented a statement from Forrest and Cotton, Inc., Consulting Engineers, in the amount of $1, Z76.49, being the akn~nt due that firm for supervision of the Tulane Storm Sewer for the month of April, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Clerk be authorized to pay Forrest and Cotton, INC $1, Z76.49 for the month of April, 1967. A letter recently received from Mr. Sam Leake requesting that he be advised When he can expect to be able to again make application for the change of zoning on the south one-half of Block t, Idlewild Addition from Single Family Home to Multiple Apartment, said land faces Lovers Lane and is the first block west of Preston Road was discussed. The City Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Leake explaining that there has been no change in the personnel of the Zoning Commission that recently considered his application for a change in zoning. Therefore, it appears that to make another application at this time would be of no avail. 24 The City Clerk explained that our Tax Department needs to begin work on preparing the 1967 tax statements and for that reason it is desirable to have an indication from the Governing Body relative to the tax rate that will be applied for the year 1967. The City Clerk also explained that should the City decide to hold an election for the purpose of determining this City imposing a sales tax that it will be possible to hold the election and if favorable for the sales tax to become effective January 1, 1968, and the taxes collected for the first three months of the year 1968 by the comptroller of theState of Texas, that his remittance would be made for such collection to the City sometime during the second quarter of 1968. After discussing the above two subjects, it appeared to be the unanimous decision of the City Commission that our City shall attempt to meet its obligation for the 1967-68 budget on a tax rate of $1.00 on the $100.00 assessed valuation. City Attorney Dick Wood discussed with the Commission the current zoning violation of the Varsity Shop. He was requested to proceed to endeavor to induce the owners of the parking lot at the rear of this store to conform to the authority granting the Varsity Shop and Daniel Cleaning by the Board of Adjustment. Chief I~eene discussed with.~the Commission the forth coming Police Chief's Conference which will be held in Galveston June 11 through 14, 1967. He also explained that the association expects to make a humanitarian award and one of our policemen by the name of Charles Myers who ~as been credited with the saving of a persons life while on vacation in 1966 will receive this award. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Chief and Mrs. Forrest ]E. Keene and Officer Charles Myers and Mrs. Myers be permitted to attend the conference in question at the expense of this City. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of May, Emergency No Loss Autos First Aid Alarms 1967. Loss Alarms T oral Alarms 25 3 22 17 7 49 Estimated Value of Property Protected Estimated Value of Loss to Property Insurance on Property Protected $422,000.00 $ 65,775.00 $382,600. O0 City Engineer Kirven exhibited a map showing the progress made in applying Slurry Seal to our streets since the date of the last Commission meeting setting out that the City is now indebted to Dalworth Slurry Seal Company for $13,408.80 for labor and materials to date. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to make payment upon.t~resentation of proper invoices. Engineer I{irven also advised the Commission of the progress he had made in connection with the installation of lighted tennis courts. He explained it would cost approximately $2,500.00 to light the double tennis court in Curtis Park wkereupon a motion was made t~y Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that the engineer be requested to proceed with the installation of lights on this court. Mr. Kirven further stated to the Commission that plans and specifications for the construction of the wall along the east side of the tollroad from Mockingbird Lane north to the alley north of Stanhope were in the hands of Contractor Eddy Mann and the officials of the Dallas North Tollway City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman explained to the Commission that it had been discovered that Tulane Boulevard has concrete paving approximately a block where said street intersects with Hanover and that the removing of this concrete will increase the cost of the Tulane Storm Sewer. This is occasioned by neither the engineers nor the cori~ractor having knowledge of this c~oncrete paving. The remainder of Tulane Street north to Bryn Mawr is flexible base with a thin layer of asphalt on top. It was explained that this additional cost if new curbs and gutters are installed will be approximately $700.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that the City Clerk be authorized to contact the engineers and request 'that all of the old concrete be removed and that new curbs and gutters be installed. Fire Marshal Chambers reported that he has been nominated for the office of Fourth Vice President of;the Texas Fire Marshal's Association which will convene in Lubbock, Texas, June 12 through 16, 1967 and that he would like to attend. After due consideration, a motion.was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried that Fire Marshal Chambers be authorized to attend this Conference at the expense of the City. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 19TH D~Y OF JUNF~ A.D., 1967. 'CI~Y'CL~RK ' '" .... Eo L. Collector James D. Woodard, Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. MINUTES O1~ THE REGULAiR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, June 19, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan, and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works H. Sullivan, Manager Water Department Larry Wilson, Deputy Tax Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Alan Hulsey of 7435 Greenbrier appeared and presented to the Commission a letter from the Department of Public Safety dated January 30, 1967, which stated that subject parties drivers license #5613897, was issued on February;17, 1966 to expire February 17, 1968. Therefore, he was the owner of a valid drivers license on the 17th day of December, when he was charged by this City for driving without a Texas Operator's License. Mr. Hulsey appeared fn court on December 17, 1966 and paid a fine in the amourt of $25.00 for not having a valid drivers license as charged. Mr. Hulsey now requests that the fine be remitted. After examining the letter from the Texas Department of Public Safety and upon recommendation of City Attorney Dick P. Wood, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the $25.00 fine assessed against Mr. Hulsey be returned. The City Clerk presented a statement from Austin Paving Company, approved by Forrest and Cotton, Engineers, which showed that the City owed the Austin Paving Company as of June 1, 1967, $26, Z10.79. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to make payment as recommended. The City Clerk presented a change order prepared by Engineers, Forrest and Cotton in connection with the Tulane Storm Sewer project. Due to the fact that most of Tulane Boulevard from Lovers Lane to Bryn Mawr is of flexible base, the engineers and the contractor figured the original bid as such and overlooked that a part of Tulane and all of Bryn Mawr Streets was concrete base. The engineers in an effort to be fi~r to both the contractor and this City, recommended that the cost fSr the removal of concrete be reduced from SZ. 00 per square yard to $1.25 per square yard. This will result in increasing the original bid from $363,699. 37 to $365,896. 87 or an increase of $2197. 50. After due consideration it was decided to take no action on this proposal at this time but that a representative of the engineering firm be requested to meet with the Commission at their next ~eeting which will be held July 3, 1967. The City Clerk again discussed the adoption of an ordinance approving the Municipal Code which has been prepared by the 1Miunicipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee, Florida. City Attorney Dick P. Wood submitted a written resume of things in his jud§ement should be incorporated in the code. The problem was again referred to Mr. Wood and the City Clerk for their study and recommendation. City Engineer Jack B. I~irven made a report to the Commission relative to the contract with ]Eddy Mann and Associates for the construction of the wall along the east side of the Tollroad from Mockingbird Lane to the alley north of Stanhope. Mr. Kirven reported that the revised proposal, estimates the total cost of the wall will be $16, 372.00. Of this amount the Tollway Authority will reimburse the City estimated cost of fence and Shrubs of $4,000.00. Mr. Kirven also explained that a purchase order had been issued for the lights to be placed in Curtis l~ark over the tennis courts. The City Clerk presented a letter from Dr. Quillian, Jr., relative to the City installing a traffic signal light at the intersection of I-Iillc rest and Binkley Avenues. After due consideration he was requested to advise Dr. Quillian that the problem is being given special consideration but it is felt that nothing definite should be decided until the University has completed the buildings. now under construction on the campus just east of this intersection. The City Clerk discussed with the Commission the meeting of the North Central Texas Council of Governments which will be held at the Inn of Six Flags, June 28, Mayor Coffee, the two Commissioners and Ralph Hamman will attend the meeting if possible and the City Clerk was requested to make reservations. The City Engineer presented a bill from the Slurry Seal Co. , aggregating $12,863.75, being the amount due services rendered to date. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the account be paid. The City Clerk read a letter from Officer Myers thanking the Mayor and Commissioners for having sent he and his wife to the Texas l~olice Association Convention held in Galveston June 12 through 14. Officer Myers was awarded by the Association, a Humanitarian Citation. Marshal Chambers thanked the Commission for sending him to the Firemen's Convention at Lubbock June 12 through the 15. City Attorney Dick P. Wood explained to the Commission that Judge Charles Long had set the date of June 2-9 for a ruling upon the Summary Judgement the City Attorney had requested on the Dunlap-Swain Litigation. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 3RD DJ ATTEST' Y OF JULY,~.D, 1967. ko ************************************* MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BDULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JULY 3, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, July 3, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Assistant Manager Water Department Larry Wilson, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Roy Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Will Sims and Mr. James Alvis, Engineers from the office of Forrest and Cotton, appeared and explained why it was felt that it would be fair to this City and to Austin Paving Company for the City to execute a change order reducing the cost of the removal of concrete from $2.. 00 a square yard to $1. 25 per square yard and also increase the overall estimated cost of the Tulane Storm Sewer Project to $365,896.87. After discussing the problem at hand, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Clerk be authorized to execute the change order and return six copies to the engineers. The City Clerk presented a statement from Forrest and Cotton in the amount of Sg, gl 1.63 for Engineering Supervision on the Tulane Storm Seser Project for the month of May. The Mayor and Gomrnissioners explained that they felt that the charges were exorbitant. Mr. Sims stated that he had not had an opportunity to check the staternent and suggested that no action be taken at this time and that he would make a careful investigation of the charges therein. Mr. Grady Jordan of 4001 Lovers Lane appeared and complained to the workman ship of repairs made by the Austin Paving Company at the circle south of Lovers Lane between his home and Mr. Flynn's home and also the slowness of the Paving Gornpany in completing its work. Mr. Sims and Mr. Alvis invited Mr. Jordan to go with them for the purpose of making an inspection of present conditions whereupon the three gentlemen excused them- selves for the purpose of making a first handl, inspection. The City Clerk explained that Mr. Flynn had telephoned and requested the Commission to intercede with the Austin Paving Company and urge the completion of the work south of Lovers Lane including the re-soding of his yard. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Gornmissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. 32 Autos RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, ORDERING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE FOR APPLICATION OF DEPOSIT ORY The Fire Marshal made the following report for the month of June, Emergency 1~o Loss Loss First Aid Alarms Alarms Total 1967. 5 24 20 5 54 Property Protected: Insurance on Property Estimated Loss for Month The Fire Marshal $115,000.00 $ 80,000.0O $ 2,431.00 also requested that he and Firemen John Kizer and Kenneth Parks be authorized to attend the Texas Training School at A & M University, July 16 to 21. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that this request be granted and that these gentlemen be permitted to attend this school at the expense of the City. The City Engineer made a report relative to progress having been made since the last meeting of the Commission on resurfacing streets. He presented a statement and recommended that the City par the Slurry Seal Company $12,029.29 for work completed. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Clerk and the Mayor be authorized to make this payment. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. /I R ATTESTS.. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARIS, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JULY 17, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, July 17, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. I~irven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. t~eene, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Collector James D. Woodard, Building Inspector Don I~nutson, Permit Clerk Roy L. Baker, City Auditor James E. Brown and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Paul Adams, Jr. of 3545 Greenbrier Drive, an attorney, and Mr. Ed Wood, 3504 Colgate Avenue, presented to the Mayor and Commissioners a petition consisting of twenty-five separate pages bearing signatures of approximately 400 people concerning the swimming pool. The first paragraph of the petition requested that an ordinance be enacted restricting the use of the pool to people residing within the corporate limits of this City and to non-resident owners of real estate and permitting persons owning r~e~l estate residing in Dallas that ate within the school district. The second paragraph is quoted as follows: "(2) Immediate action should be taken to replace the present pool facility with a larger and more modern pool. The present pool is old, ugly, outmoded, and unsafe. The Commissioners are hereby requested to take appropriate actions to cause a completely new facility to be constructed and ready for use at the opening of the 1968 season. Such facility should be professionally designed, and planned be qualified architects in the field of swimming pool design and comstruction, including beautification and landscaping of the pool There were approximately twenty people appearing in ~upport of the petition. Mr. Mack Elliott, 4361 San Carlos and Mrs. Myron V. Rejebian of 3724 Colgate Avenue and others complained to the Commission that the swimming pool authorities permit people ~ther than those authorized by c~rdinance to use the swimming pool. They also complained that the water is to deep in the shallow end of the large pool. They indicated that the guards were negligent in performing their duties. These people were told that the City Commission would make a careful investigation and give consideration to their request that the pool be enlarged and done over. It was pointed out that if the things requested by the people a.re accomplished, that it will probably be necessary to raise the price of admission. Mr. Marvin Sloman of 6009 St. Andrews appeared before the Commission to thank them for the survey that has been made in connection with his request that additional traffic signs be established on St. Andrews relative to its one-way traffic designation. Mr. George U. Soderstrom and Mrs. Jennie Deis, merchants bw!ning business establishments fronting on Varsity Plaza appeared in behalf of their petition requesting that this traffic artery from Wentwood Drive north to Northwest Highway be designated other than "Var~ity Plaza" They stated their preference would be "lmreston Center l~laza'' After due consideration, City Attorney Dick P. Wood was requested to prepare an ordinance or resolution changing the name of varsity Plaza to "Preston Center Plaza". Mr. Burton Gilliland and Mr. Toddie Lee Wynne, Sr. appeared and discussed with the Commission the long range plans concerning the Highland Park Presbyterian Church. They are particularly interested at this iime in relocating Shannon Lane from University Boulevard to McFarlin Boulevard 140 feet west. These gentlemen were requested to have their attorney discuss with Mr. Wood, the City Attorney, the possibility of this being accomplished. Mr. Don Porter, Vice President of the Hillcrest State Bank, submitted a proposal offering the City maximum interest rates allowed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on any funds intrusted to the bank during the period ending July 31, 1968. by Commissioner Germany, A£~er due consideration, a motion was made seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARIS, TEXAS, DE- SIGNATING THE HILLC1KEST STATE BANI~ AS DE- POSITORY FOlK THE YEAR ENDING JULY 31, 1968. The City Clerk stated that Mr. V~. H. Sims with Forrest and Cotton, under date of July 13, advised that a careful check had been made of the statement considered July 3, 1967, and same was found to be correct. The amount of the statement was $2,211.63. This makes a total of $6,287.78 that we have paid the engineers for Supervision of the Ti~lane Project. VFe have also paid the engineers ~otal of $57,254. 22 for Hydrolgical and Drainage Study. This makes a grand total of $63, 542.00 paid the engineers. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to pay Forrest and Cotton SZ, 211.63, being for supervision for the period April 16 through May 31, 1967. The City Clerk presented a statement from Austin Paving Company in the sum of $29, 581. 82, this being estimate No. 6 and has been approved by I. C. Finklea with Forrest and Cotton, Er~ineers. estimated that the contractor has earned $147,475. 83. we retain 10 percent leaving amount due $13Z,728.25. paid five estimates (less 10 percent, the sum of $103, 146.431. made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, As of June 30, it is He stated that ~Ve have heretofore A motion was put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to pay Austin Paving Company $29,581.8Z. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Bill Pitstick, Executive Director of North Central Texas Council of Governments, relative to annual dues, February 1, 1967 to January 1, 1968, in the amount of $1,392. 12. He was instructed to notify Mr. Pitstick thatkhis request will be given consideration when the City Commission adopts the budget for the fiscal Fear 1967-68. The City Clerk presented a written proposal from Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Funderburgh offering to purchase from the City the remainder of Lot 10, Block 6, Summitt Lawn Addition, for a cash consideration of $900.00. He explained that this tract of ground is fifty feet wide abutting the alley and parallels the west Central Expressway Access Road and is approximately one foot wide abutting Rosedale consisting of 4,800.7, square feet of land. He stated that this is practically the same size tract of gorund previously sold to Mr. Joe Pitzinger, 4,045 sq. ft. of land for $1, 300.00, August Z0, 196Z. After discussing the proposal the City Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. and Mrs. Funderburgh that the City will extend to them an option to purchase this 4,800.7 square feet of land abutting their home for a period of sixty days from July 17, 1967; this option to expire September 15, 1967, for the sum of $1, 300.00. The City Clerk presented a request from Joe Rich, County Chairman, Democratic Party of Dallas County, to use the Fire Station for a Democratic Primary Election to be held on May 4, 1968. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried unanimously that the request of Mr. Rich be granted. 37 Tl~ere being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 7TH DAY OF A UST, A.D., 1967. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, August 7, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Pro Tern E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Harnman. Mayor Pro Tern Germany called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. rn. Pursuant to a petition presented to the Commission on July 17, 1967, the City Attorney prepared a Resolution changing the name of "Vari~ty Plaza¥ to "Preston Center Plaza" A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by Mr. Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION CHANGING THE NAME OF THE STREET KNOWN AS VARSITY PLAZA TO PRESTON CENTER PLA ZA Chief of The City Clerk presented an amendment to the swimming pool ordinance which was approved on March 2.0, 1967, prepared by City Attorney Dick P. Wood. After discussing the amendment, it was decided that this amendment be considered at a later date. The City Clerk presented a statement from Forrest and Cotton, Engineers in the amount of $1, 324.07, being for Supervision of the Tulane Storm Sewer during the month of June, 1967. This makes a grand total of $64,866.07 this City has paid the Engineering Firm. A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by Mr. Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above amount be paid. A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by Mr. Germany, put to vote and carried unanimpusly that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON Tt~E BUDGET OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1967 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1968. A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by Mr. Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City bear the expense and send Junior Dunalp, Assistant Superintendent of Public Works to a conference at Port Arthur, Texas, August 17-18; said conference being "Personnel Safety" giving special attention to the handling of refuse (garbage). A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by Mr. Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK REGULATING TRAFFIC IN SAID CITY i~EQUIRING OPERATORS TO BRING ALL MOTORE VEHICLES,MOVING NORTH AND SOUTH ON DURHAM STREET TO A FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS CARUTH BOULEVARD AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF 39 The City Clerk presented a letter dated July 29, 1967, from Mr. Charles S. Dawson, Director of Plants and Grounds for Southern Methodist University. Attached to this communication was a blue print showing the location of a proposed parking lot the University desires to create on the south side of University Boulevard upon Lots 2 through 13, Block Z, University Court Addition. They request that four mast arm street lights be located near the rear of the land in question abutting the alley. The specific location was shown on the blue print. They further request that these four lights be connected to the city's street lighting system setting out that they would reimburse the City for the expense of installation, maintenance and operation of said lights. A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by Mr. Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Clerk be authorized to negotiate an agreement with Southern Methodist University according to their request and that the Dallas Power and Light Company be authorized to make the installation. The C~y Clerk exhibited to the Commission a request from J~ome Cartwright, Attorney for Mrs. Sallie Williams that the City abandon a portion of the north and south alley through Block 12, of University Park Addition. He also presented an ordinance abandoning same as requested; said ordinance retaining an easement in favor of the City due to the fact that there are municipal utilities in this alley. The City Clerk also presented a proposed deed to be signed by Mrs. Sallie Williams deeding to the City a tract of ground approximately eight feet in width off of the rear of Lot 16, Block 1Z, University Park Addition. The City Clerk was instructed to forward the instruments in question to the Assistant City Attorney for his study and appr oval. 4¸0 A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by Mr. Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Chief I41eene be granted permission to attend the Department of Public Safety Planning Committee Meeting which will be held in Austin, Texas, August 9 and 10, 1967. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of July, 1967. Emergency No Loss Loss Total Autos Grass First Aid Alarms Alarms Alarms 3 1 Property Protected Insurance on Property Amount of Loss 28 12 3 (nc) 47 $90,000.00 $70,000.00 $ 15o.oo No claims made on any of the above fires. City Engineer Jack Kirven reported that all materials have been received for the installation of the lighting of the tennis courts in Curtis Park. Mr. Sullivan stated that he would try to begin the installation work not later thant~l~e week of August 14. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Parker of 3300 Caruth Boulevard appeared and discussed with the commission the installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Caruth Boulevard and Hillcrest Avenue to take the place of the four way stop signs at this intersection. It was Mr. Parker's feeling that red blinker lights on Caruth and yellow blinking lights on Hillcrest would suffice and be more beneficial than the present stop signs. Also attending this meeting was Mrs. Tom Beaty of 3912 Bryn Mawr and she inquired relative to progress being made relative to the lighting of the tennis courts in Curtis Park. Mr. Will H. Benners appeared before the Commission and again complained that his next door neighbor, in his judgement, is operating or conducting a baby sitting business in his residence in violation of the zoning law. Mr. Benners stated that his only interest in the matter is that the zoning ordinance of this City be enforced to the letter. Mayor Pro Tern Germany suggested to Mr. Benners that if he had evidence to prove that his neighbor is violating the zoning ordinance that he, Mr. Benners, should file a complaint against the neighbor and he was assured his complaint would be given consideration by the corporation court. Mr. Benners stated flatly that he WOULD NOT file a complaint against his next door neighbor. Mr. Germany then stated that when the City Attorney returns from his vacation that the problem will be discussed with him. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE Z1ST DAY OF AUGUST, A.D., 1967. ATTEST:/~- ~;/ * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, August 21, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Collector James D. Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Superintendent Woodard, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. and recognized that there were seven or eight visitors and inquired if they all were interested in the same subject and if so what their problem was and if they had a spokesman. Mr. A1 Hester of 3040 Fondren Drive addressed the Mayor ~tating that he would try to act as spokesman and that the purpose of his and the others attending the Commission Meeting was to discuss with the Commission the establishment by Southern Methodist University of a parking lot on the south one-half of Block 2 of University Court Addition. Mr. Hester stated that they did not desire the protesting of the creating of the parking lot but they would appreciate the City Officials joining with the neighboring property owners in an effort to induce Southern Methodist University to beauti~ the lot or rather make it as attractive as possible so that it will not depreciate the value of ~eighboring property. Some of those present pointed out that the hard sufrace parking lot will result in a greater flood condition and that there will be more Rater running down the alley toward Airline Road then there has been from the unimproved lots. Mr. Kirven, City Engineer, explained that this problem has been discussed with the engineers representing Southern Methodist University and he felt in the due course of time this excess of rain waters can be channeled into a storm sewer under Airline Road. Miss Ima Herrin, one of the owners of a residence at 3001 University Boulevard, suggested that a masonry wall be constructed along the east and west property lines from the alley to a point north which would represent the building line of the residents on University Boulevard. Mr. Joe Sherman, Director of Public Relations, Southern Methodist University, appeared and stated that certainly the University has no desire to do anything that would depreciate the value of the homes in the area and that it is his understanding 43¸ that they had planned to construct a chain link fence along the east and west property lines and that he would discuss with the officals of Southern Methodist University the desire of the neighbors that a masonry wall be substituted for a fence and that such a wall not extend toward University Boulevard any further than the building line of the residents facing that street. Mr. Sherman stated that he personally would be glad to work with Mr. Hester and the other property owners in an effort to obtain a development that will be satisfactory to all concerned. The City Clerk exhibited a letter from Dick P. Wood, Jr. , Assistant City Attorney, setting out that he did not find any conflicting statutes relative to the abandoning of a part of the alley through Block 1Z, University Park Addition; therefore, a motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by the Mayor, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING A PORTION OF AN ALLEY LOCATED IN BLOCK TWELVE, UNIVERSITY PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK IN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS The City Clerk advised the Commission that Johnson Chevrolet Company has finally delivered to the City the five trucks that were authorized to be purchased on January 3, 1967 for a consideration of $2B,K57.25. The original proposal of Juhnson Chevrolet Company was to accept five Ford trucks in trade allowing $2,010.00 credit on the purchase price. Mr. Hamman explained that during the intermin from the date i~he purchase was made until date of delivery, the City had spent more than $1,500.00 repairing two of the trucks in question and that they are now in usable condition and he recommended that the City retain all of the five trucks offered in trade and that Johnson Chevrolet Company be paid the full purchase price of $28,757. 25. A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by the Mayor and carried ~u~nanimo_usl~ _tha~t the abo~v__e act~o~__~_ ~pproyed~.- 4¸4 The City Clerk presented a statement from Forrest and Cotton, Inc. in the amount of $1,233.02 for service rendered during the month of July on the Tulane Storm Sewer. This makes a total of $8,844 87 paid the firm for I i Tulane Supervision and a grand total of $66,099.09 for all services. A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by the Mayor and carried unanimously that Forrest and Cotton, Inc. be paid $1,233.02 for services rendered during the month of July, 1967. ".~ · The City Clerk presented a statement from Austin Paving Company in the -.~ sum of $33,831.06, this being Estimate No. Seven and has ~en approved by I. "' C. Finklea with Forrest and Cotton, Engineers, this being the amount due for work on the Tulane St~m Sewer for the month of July, 1967. A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by Mayor Coffee, and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to pay Austin Paving Company $33,831.06. The City Clerk reported that it was necessary to rent a tractor for use in clearing the Turtle Creek Branch from the end of the Tulane Storm Sewer to Turtle Creek Boulevard. A satisfactory machine was available from Darr Equipment Company at a rental of $1,000.00 per month. Should the City decide to purchase this machine the rental will be applied on the purchase price. This company's asking price .for the machine is $14,000.00. They would be willing to accept a~?par;~iaL.~l~ayme~t a T. D. 18 that the City owns· However, the amount of the trade-in authorized has not yet been established. A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by the Mayor and carried unanimously that the Commission approve the action of renting the tractor and further that the City Clerk negotiate with the Darr Equipment Company relative to trading the T. D. 18 Tractor the City owns for the rented equipment and that he report to the Commission at its next meeting the net amount the Darr Equipment Company would accept in trade. City Engineer Kirven made a report that Eddy Mann & Associates had constructed 100 foot of wall eight feet in height paralleling the Tollraod in the vicinity of Mockingbird Lane. He stated that the 1350 ft. of wall will cost the City $16, 37Z.00 and recommended that the City pay Mr. i~ann at this time $1,212.74. A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by the Mayor and carried unanimously that this payment be made. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 5TH DAY O~PETEMBER, ATT~~/~~' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARk, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1967, AT 7:3~) p..M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Tuesday, September 5, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, and Commission E. Wilson Germany. Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan A.D., 1967. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. ~eene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred g. Chambers, Deputy Tax Collector James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Roy Baker and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. and recognized that there were approximate[ y twenty guests present. He inquired Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. 4'6 relative to the purpose of those present and determined that there were two groups present. One group were interested in obtaining the ingredients of fluoride in water purchased from the Dallas County Park Cities Water District. Also it was readily observed that some of the people present were very much opposed to the adding of fluoride. Dr. John Baum of 3628 University Boulevard and Doctor Richard Crout of 3816 Greenbrier Drive both gave lengthy addresses relative to the benefits to be derived from water cnntaining fluoride. Mrs. John Rargin of 3009 Westminister and Mrs. T. Hayes Harville of 4440 Larchmont addressed the Commission in opposition to the use of fluoride in our water. Mrs. I-Iarville stated that her husband is a practicing M. D. and had given the subject considerable research and that they are very much opposed to additional fluoride being added to our water. She explained that unfortunately her husband could not be at the Commission meeting and had requested that she speak in opposition to the proposal. The Mayor explained that this City and the T~wn of Highland Park purchases our water from the'Dallas County Park Cities Water Control and' Improvement District No. Two and that that District is an independent political subdivision and its affairs are controlled by a Board of Directors that are elected by the voters of the two municipalities and that final decision on this subject would necessarily come from this Board of Directors. Mr. Clarence R. Holcombe of 3056 Fondren Drive addressed the Commission asking when the Board of Adjustment would act on his appeal of August 24 alleging that the City had acted illegally in granting a permit to Southern Methodist University for the construction of an accessory parking lot in the 3000 block of University Boulevard. Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi of 2.945 University Boulevard addressed the Commission reading from the Zoning Ordinance pointing out that in her opinion the City had acted illegally in granting permission for this parking lot and that the application should have gon'e to the Board .of Adjustment and that they should have held a public hearing prior to the time the permit was issued. It was explained that Southern Methodist University had been permitted to construct a parking lot at the corner of McFarlin Boulevard and Airline Road and that the following churches had constructed parking lots: Church of Christ--Preston Road and McFarlin Boulevard Lutheran Church--Corner of Lovers Lane and Dublin Street Baptist Church--Corner of Tulane and Northwest Parkway Episcopal Church--corner of Westminister and Central Expressway and that none of these applications were acted on by tlae Board of Adjustment but permits had been issued by the City on the premise that such parking lots were authorized under Paragraph 5, Section V of the Zoning Ordinance; also that Paragraph C of Section VII of the Zoning Ordinance requires that an institution or private school or public auditorium of any character shall provide a parking space sufficient io accommodate one motor vehicle by each ten persons measured by the seating capacity of the main building. Those interested in Mr. Holcombe's appeal were advised that the problem would be referred to the Board of Adjustment and City Attorney for determination. Most everybody in the auditorium left when the Mayor announced that pursuant to legal notice appearing in the official publication August 17, 1967, the Commission would hold a public hearing and adopt a budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1967 and ending September 30, 1968. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1967, AND ENDING/ SEPTEMBER 30, 1968, AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES AS SET OUT IN SAID BUDGET. Mrs. John B. Lowe (Harriett) of 3300 Rosedale addressed the Commission and wondered if the budget just approved carried an increase in salary for the 4¸8 police and firemen. She praised very highly the performance of these organizations and stated she felt they should be given a generous raise and further she thought the taxes of University Park were entirely to low and should be raised. Further that she felt that our City should contribute to the financing of the Regional Airport. Mayor Coffee explained to Mrs. Lowe that the budget just approved carried a six percent increase in salary effective October 1, 1967 for all employees of this City. He further explained that it would not be legally possible for this municipality to participate in the financing of the Regional AirpOrt. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be approved. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, LEVYING THE AD VALOREM TAX OF SAID CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARii FOR THE YEAR 1967 TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF CURRENT EXPENSES OF SAID CITY; AND FIXING THE TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME DELINQUENT; PROVIDING FOR PENALTY AND INTEREST; AND PROVIDING FOR SPLIT PAYMENTS; AND REPEALING ALL TAX ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARil, TEXAS, CREATINGA FIRE LANE ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF AIRLINE ROAD FROM MCFARLIN BOULEVARD NORTH TO FONDREN DRIVE, PROHIBITING THE PARKING OF ANY VEHICLE ALONG SAID FIRE LANE AT ANY TIME AND PROVIDING A PENALTY The City Cerk presented a letter dated July 29 from Southern Methodist University requesting "that the City install four mast arm street lights on light poles already located in the alley in the 3000 block between University Boulevard and Fondren Drive for the purpose of lighting the parking lot recently constructed. Tl~ey desire that these lights be placed on our street lighting circuit and that the University pay the City for the cost. City Engineer Kirven reports that we have 483 street lights and that the average cost per light during the last 12 months has been $30. 36. This, of course, includes current and maintenance. The Dallas Power and Light Company estimates that the four street lights desired by SMLI will cost $95.00 annually. It is recommended that we asr SMLI to forward to the City a check for $130.00 in payment of the operation of these four li~hts for one year in advance". A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan that no action be taken at this time but that the matter be taken under advisement. The City Clerk explained that sin~e the date of the last Commission Meeting we have paid Eddy Mann and Associates $4, 859.96 for tl~e construction of 400 running feet of the 8 foot screening wall along the Tollroad. ~Ve had previously paid him $1,212.74 for 100 linear feet. ~Ve now owe him $1,916. 13 for 158 linear feet recently installed. This will make a total of $7,979.83 that we will have paid Mr. i~4ann for the completion of 658 linear leer. It will be appreciated if a motion is made approving the payment of $7,979. 83 to Eddy Mann & Associates for the construction of 658 linear feet of wall being the total an~ount due him to date. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Ger~any, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above expenditure be approved. The City Clerk explailed that the City is desperately in need of a heavy tractor equipped with bulldozer and loader. V~e rented such equiprmnt on August 9 from D~rr Equipment Company paying $1,000.00 rent in advance. The Company has inspected the very old model International Tractor owned by the City and offers to accept the tractor at $2,000.00 as a trade-in and credit the City with tl~e $1,000.00 rent we l~ave paid leaving a net amount of $11, 500.00, as sales price of the tractor we are now renting. This is the same piece of equipment that they advertise for sale in their July-August Catalogue for $16,750.00. (This is a 1964 model that originally sold for more than $30,000. and is in excellent condition. It is felt that it is a good buy and that we will get good service.) A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to issue a check to the Darr Equipment Company for $11, 500. 00 in payment of the used Caterpiller 955 ~raxcavator with bucket teeth and blower fan, Serial No. 60A2195. Mr. Thomas Max Nyaard of 4020 '~Vindsor Avenue appeared and presente~ a petition bearing thirty-two signatures of people residing in the 3900 knd 4000 blocks of Windsor Avenue requesting that certain stop signs and other traffic warnings be installed in that area. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimo~.sly that this petition be referred to Chief Keene and that such devices be installed as Chief tieene and his committee may see fit. Tax Collector Ralph E. Hamman presented Tax Collection Concellation Certificate No. 534 requesting permission to transfer from the active ledger to the inactive ledger the accounts attached to the Certificate, total amount involved was $3,067.04. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above request be approved. The City Clerk presented several letters, some addressed to the City Commission and some to the Chief of Police, requesting that a traffic signal light be placed at the intersection of Caruth Boulevard and Flillcrest Avenue. The City Engineer had done some research on what a traffic signal would cost located here and estimates that the materials will cost appro~imatel~ $2, 100.00, electrical contractor and city labor will probably cost as much as $500.00 maki'ng a total of estimated cost SZ, 600.00 for a modern up to date installation. A motion was made By Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried t'hat City Engineer I~irven proceed with the installation of the traffic signal as requested. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report for the month of August, 1967. Emergency False No Loss Loss Autos Grass First Aid Alarms Alarms Alarms Total 3 4 15 1 10 7 40 Property protected, value Insurance on protected property Estimated amount of loss $232,500. O0 $173, o0o. oo $ 5, lOZ. 50 There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ATTEST:~i~/~C~~. ~ .-' TH ~AY ~EPTEMBER, ?/ A.D., 1967. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER !8, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, September 18, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. t~irven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. ~eene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public WorKs L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the Roll Call. Name Address Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Mayes 4519 Potomac Avenue Mrs. George Cleveland 4528 Potomac Avenue Mr. & Mrs. H. G. Blasingame 4523 Potomac Avenue ~V~rs. John W. Loewe 4520 Potomac Avenue Mr. & Mrs. O. Schaffnit 4525 Potomac Avenue Mrs. George Edgley 4515 Potor~ac Avenue Mrs. N. L. Newton 4500 Potomac Avenue Mrs. Tom Beaty & Tom, Jr. 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive Mrs. Newton Hammet 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Beloate, Jr. 4507 Potomac Avenue Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi 2945 University Boulevard Mrs. Dorothy A. Hapberg 4508 Potomac Avenue Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Lasater 4512 Potormac Avenue Mrs. Margaret R. Blocker 4535 Potomac Avenue Mrs. Diane Robertson 4501 Potomac Avenue T. Haynes Harvill 4440 Larchmont Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi of 2945 University Boulevard addressed the Commission requesting that they pass an ordinance prohibiting the stock piling of dirt, rocks or any other unsightly objects on vacant lots. After listening to Mrs. Gozzaldi, the Commission referred the problem to the City Attorney with the request that he prepare an ordinance to be considered by the Commissi on. Mr. C. IF. (Count) Mayes of 4519 Potomac Avenue addressed the Commission stating he had been selected by his neighbors to discuss with the Commission the fact that it now appears that entrance to the Tollroad north can be made from Potomac Avenue as well as Roland Avenue. Mrs. Geo~ige Cleveland of 4528 Potomac Avenue and Mrs. Dorothy Hagberg of 4508 Potomac and others discussed the problem with the Commission. After everyone had had an opportunity to express themselves fully, Mayor Coffee announced that the matter would be referred to the Traffic Committee of this City for its study and r e c ommendati on. The City Clerk presented Estimate No. 8 being for work done by the Austin Paving Company during the month of August on the Tulane Storm Sewer between Lovers Lane and Bryn Mawr Drive requesting the City to make remittance in the amount of $51,764.76. He also presented Estimate No. 1 on that part of the Tulane Storm Sewer from Bryn Mawr Drive north to Greenbrier done during the month of August, 1967. No. 1 is $15,523.80. Both estimate No. 8 and No. Forrest and Cotton, The amount of Estimate 1 ha~ been reviewed by Engineers and our City Engineer. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the above two Estimates be paid. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK REGULATING TRAFFIC IN SAID CITY REQUESTING OPERATORS TO BRING ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING EAST AND WEST ON WINDSOR AVENUE TO A FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS WESTWIC~x ROAD AND ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING NOR~-I ON ST. ANDREWS DRIVE BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENT~ER OR CROSS WINDSOR AVENUE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION AMENDING THE BUDGET, APPROVING ALL EXPENDITURES MADE DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1966 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1967, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF CREDIT BALANCES TO ACCOUNTS WHERE EXPENDITURES HAVE BEEN IN EXCESS OF BUDGET ESTIMATES, AND ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCES TO ACCOUNTS WHERE SUCH FUNDS ARE NEEDED. The City Clerk presented a written proposal of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Funderburgh of 2608 Rosedale avenue to purchase the western part of Lot 10, Block 6 of Summitt Lawn Addition consisting of 4, 805 sq. ft. and abutting Lot 9 upon which their home is located for a net consideration of $1, 300.00. A motion ~vas made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried 54 that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A DEED TOA CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND O~VNED BY THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AND LOCATED WITHIN THIS CITY'S BOUNDARIES, AND MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED AS BEING THE REMAINING NORTHWESTERN PART OF LOT 10, BLOC~ 6, SUMMITT LAWN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARi%, TEXAS CONSISTING OF 4,805 SQUARE FEET OF LAND The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. W. H. James, explaining that galvanized pipes throughout their residence at 6108 Golf Drive were necessarily replaced with copper plumbing after receiving a water bill of $44. 34. A large leak occured under the house. Previous bills for several years had not exceeded $14.00. A motion was~ made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the City Clerk be authorized to make an adjustment. Mrs. Tom Beaty of 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive appeared and stated she had heard some of the people living in the 3900 block of Bryn Mawr have filed complaints against the City charging damage to parkways and invonvenience due to the construction of the storm sewers in that area. Mrs. Beaty stated she and her neighbors could be of assistance to the City in defending these complaints and they would be glad to do so. Commissioner Germany requested the City Clerk to contact the Engineers, Forrest and COtton, and suggest that they try to determine when the Tulane Storm Sewer will be completed. Dr. T. Hayes Harville of 4440 Larchmont appeared before the Commission and stated he was very opposed to additional fluoride being added to our drinking water. Mayor Coffee explained that this was a problem for determination by the Directors of the Dallas County Park 'Cities Water Control and Improvement District No. Two whereupon a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, se¢.onded, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION, CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, RELATIVE TO THE DALLAS COUNTY PARm CITIES WATER CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. TWO ADDING FLUORITE FOR WATER TREATED AND SOLD TO THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PAR~ AND THE TOWN OF HIGHLAND PARIX Chief meene explained to the Zommission that he would like to attend the Texas Police Chief's Association Regional Conference which will be held October 1 and Z, 1967 in Amarillo, Texas. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the Chief be authorized to attend this conference at the expense of the City. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ZND DAY OF J~CTOBER, A.D., 1967. ATT EST~ · -',-' .... -,-~I~~g ~I-~ ~I.~.,.'" ~I-~.,. ..... .,- ;I-~ ~g ~I-~ q~ ;I~ -'I-~ ~'I~ ;I-~ -'I~ q~ ~'I-' ~g ~'I-~ ;I~ ~I'- ~,-"~ ~I~ ~I~~g ~I-~ -'I-~ ~ ~I~q~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PAR¢~, HELD IN THE CITY i~I.~LL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER Z, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, October Z, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following wet e present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present-were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Woras L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. the City Engineer were requested to give this letter consideration. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. 1V~r. V~ill Benners of 3431 Asbury Street appeared and again stated that the City investigate the carrying on of a business next door to him. He maintains that these people are operating a childs care service. Mr. Benners was again told that the City would be glad to cooperate with him but we would need his help in proving that these people ~,re violating the zoning law. Mr. Benners again refused to be of any assistance. Mr~ Flarless tK. Benthul, l~resident of the Park Cities Jaycees, and members Earnest Moore, Jack I~alb, Gorman Green and Ray Adams appeared before the Commission and explained that their opganization would li~e to sponsor a banquet sometime in November honoring all police and firemen that have served this City twenty years or more. These gentlemen were told that the Commission~!w~il~ al~p~eciate their carrying forward this project. The City Clerk presented a statement from Forrest and Cotton, Inc. in the amount of $1,757.60 covering cost of supervision of the Tulane Storm Sewer for the month of August, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above amount be Paid. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mrs. ~vValter P. V~icks, 3916 Bryn Mawr ~nying any part of her name having been submitted by Mr. Robert Frahm as giving notice of claim that her property had been damaged. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Robert J. Johnson owner of the Bryant Air-Conditioning and Dr. Julius Tomlin owners of the Noel t~age Building requesting that additional street lights be installed in the vicinity of their buildings; also that stop sings be put on Central Expressway south of Yale and a stop sign south of Fondren at the railroad. The City Clerk and It was pointed 57, out that the stop sign on Central Expressway at Yale is in the corporate limits of Dallas; therefore, this should be referred to the City of Dallas. Careful investigation should be made to see how many street lights, if any, the City should have installed. The City Clerk reports that Austin Paving Company had written Forrest and Cotton, Inc. that if they are permitted to use their big paver and pave the full width of Tulane Street at one time, the project can be completed by December 15. However, should they be required to use a smaller paver it will be approximately January 1, 1968 before the job can be completed. This problem was referred to the City Engineer for his discussion with Forrest and Cotton, IErrgine e r. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Max A. Daniel, 3225 Milton requesting that he be given an adjustment because of a terrefic water leak under his residence. Apparently the meter was under-read in August or Mr. Daniel would have discovered the leak prior to the time it was read September 25 when he was sent a bill for $91.62. City Auditor James Brown and City Clerk Hamman have carefully investigated this situation and recommended that Mr. Daniel be given an adjustment of $26.78 due to the fact that the meter was under-read in August. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carriedunanimously that Mr. Daniel be given an adjustment of $26.78 as requested. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report for the month of September, 1967. Emergency Assist No Loss Loss Autos First Aid Highland Park Alarms Alarms Total 1 23 Property Protected Insurance on Property Estimated Amount of Loss 1 $370,000.00 $229,000. O0 $ 6,607.94 18 7 50 Marshal Chambers had selected a "Miss Flame" to represent University Park. Sally Thomas, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas, Drive. stated that the Highland Park Senior High School Her name is 3313 Bryn Mawr She is 17 years old and a sen£or.. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 16th/D~ / EST: ~ kr OF OC~TOB~R, A.D., 1967. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PAR~x, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, October 16, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. t~irven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. ~eene, City Auditor James E. Brown, PFrchasing Agent William E. West, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. S~amley Quisenberry appeared as agent for Mr. Raymond A. Williams, Jr. and offered a contract to purchase from the City the 131.67 acres of land in Collin County at a price of $625.00 per acre, 1/4 cash, the remaining 75% to be paid in ten annual installments at 5 1/2 per cent interest on the unpaid balance. After due consideration, ~4r. Quisenberry was told that his proposal was not exceptable. However, the City would give consideration to a proposal of $6Z5.00 per acre all cash with the City retaining 1/4 of the mineral interest or the City would give consideration to selling the property for $650.00 per acre with 1/4 cash with Vendor's Lien Note for the remaining 75 percent payable in ten annual installments with interest at the rate of 6 1/2 per cent on the unpaid interest payab, le annually and the City to retain a fourth of the mineral The City Clerk presented the following statements from the Austin Paving Company and recommended that they be paid. Estimate No. 9 on the First Section of Tulane Storm Sewer, $11,656.99. Estimate No. Two being the Pickwick Lane Extension in the amount of $16,676. 61. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany and carried unanimously that the above amounts be paid to Austin Paving Company for work done during the month of September. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that authority be granted to execute Change Order on Section One of the Tulane Storm Sewer in the amount of $1, 159. 50 and Change Order on Section Two in the amount of $120.00. The City Clerk presented written requests from Mr. R. M. White of 3000 East Potomac regarding a tax refund in the amount of $13, 30 and Mr. Grover L. Morris, 5925 Chalet Court (University Garden Apts.) in the amount of $13.00. Both parties purchased their cars after January 1, 1967 and taxes were paid through error. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, ~put to vote and carried unanimously that the above request be granted. The City Clerk presented a request from Mr. Tom Ellis, County Clerk, asking permission to use the Fire Station for holding a county election, precinct No. l13Z, November 11, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner balance, rights. 60 Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that permission be granted as requested. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved with the understanding that Southern Methodist University pay $130.00 annually in advance to cover the expense of the lighting. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF FOUR MAST ARM STREET LIGHTS IN THE ALLEY BETWEEN FONDREN DRIVE AND UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD EXTENDING FROM AIRLINE EXTENSION EAST TO DUBLIN STREET (Pole Nos. 5N-ZE-407, 408, 409 and 4101 Chief zxeene and City Engineer ~irven discussed with the Commission the need of two mast arm street lights being installed at the corner of Rosedale and Airline Road to protect the City Water Reservoir and also that six mast arm street lights be placed on University Boulevard and Fondren Drive east of Central Expressway. After some discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONIIKS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARzx AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND O~;ERATION OF SIX MAST ARM STREET LIGHTS ALONG THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SPUR TRAC~x FROM UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD SOUTH TO THE ALLEY SOUTH OF FONDREN (Poles Nos. 5N 3E 70, 5N ZE T319, 5N 3E T318, New Pole, 5N 3E 647 and 5N 3E 648) AND TWO MAST ARM STREET LIGHTS ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF I~OSEDALE AND AIRLINE AND THE ALLEY EAST OF AIRLINE (Pole NOs. 5N ZE 338 and 6806) The City Attorney presented the following ordinance. AN ORDINANCE LIMITING THE RIGHT OF OWNERS OF PROPERTY TO USE A VACANT LOT OR LOTS IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARix, TEXAS FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES; PROHIBITING THE DEPOSIT OF CERTAIN WASTE MATTER ON PROPERTY IN THE cITY; MAmING PRO- VISIONS FOR THE TEMPORARY USE OF CERTAIN VACANT PROPERTY FOR UNLOADING AND TEMPORARILY STORING LAND FILL; REQUIR- ING REMOVAL OF SUCH LAND FILL OR OTHER MATERIAL AT THE END OF THE PERMIT PERIOD; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLA- TION OF TtRIS ORDINANCE; FIXING A LIEN AGAINST THE PROPERTY OF THE OWNERS WHERE THE OWNER FAILS TO GARRY OUT THE TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE The Ordinance was carefully reviewed by the Mayor and Commissioner Germany and a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded and carried unanimously that the ordinance be adopted subject to certain changes that the City Attorney was requested to make. The City Clerk presented a proposal from Carver Sound Equipment Co. relative to the installation of a public address system for the au~li~rorium. After giving careful consideration to the need and the proposal offered, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that the proposal be accepted offering to install two corner speakers in lieu of one 844A Altec Speaker (installed on the wall above the Council Table) total cost being $866.00. ~ The City Clerk is to issue a Purchase Order to Carver Sound Equipment Company for this installation. The City Engineer presented sealed bids for the electric work in connection of the installation of the traffic signals to be installed at the corner of Caruth and Hillcrest. The bids were as follows: Putnam Electric Company $791.00 Able Electric Co. $1, 374.00 A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the contract be awarded to Putnam Electric, the low bidder. The City Clerk explained that the annual conference of the Texas Municipal League will be held in Houston November 5 through 7 and that he felt that it would be desirable for this conference to be attended by the Mayor, Chief Keene and himself. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, and carried unanimously that the people named be authorized to attend this conference at the City's Expense. 62 There being no further business, the meeting ~ecessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 6TH D. ATTEST:/~ ~/ Y OF NOVEMBER, A.D., 1967. in a recessed men'ting FridaY, October 27, 1967, at 4:00 p.m. Present were: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner Robert L. SUllivan and E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 4:00 p.m. The City Clerk presented a proposal of Raymond A. Williams, Jr. through Realtor Stanley Quisenberry to purchase 131.67 acreas of land in Collin County being the land the City purchased September 26, 1956 from Stephen S. Kahn et ux. The would be purchaser proposed to pay the City $650.00 per acre as determined by a registered surveyor. Twenty-five per cent of the purchase price to be paid in cash, the remaining seventy-five per cent of the purchase price to be paid in ten equal installments on or before maturity date, the purchaser to execute Vendor's Lien Notes bearing interest at the rate of six and one-]~.alf per cant per annum on the unpaid balance. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the proposal be MINUTES OF A RECESSED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~L~IELD IN THE CITY HALL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1967, AT g:00 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park convened accepted and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the sales agreement and contract and further that when the Southwest Title and Abstract Co. has examined the titel and is ready to deliver to the City the cash payment and properly executed Vendor's Lien Notes that the Mayor be authorized to execute and deliver to the Southwest Title and Abstract Co., Warranty Deed to the land. The Commission then discussed the desirability of submitting to the voters of this City the proposition of this City adopting a one per cent sales and use tax. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. AN ORDINANCE ORDERING A SPECIAL ELECTI ON .TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, ON THE QuEsTION OF THE ADOPTION OF A ONE PERCENT (1%) LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX WITHIN THE CITY; DESIGNATING THE DAY OF THE ELECTION AND THE POLLING PLACE; APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICIALS THEREFORE; PROVIDING THAT ALL DULY QUALIFIED i~ESIDENT ELECTORS SHALL BE QUALIFIED TO VOTE; PRESCRIBING FORM OF BALLOT; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELECTION; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO SAID ELECTION A motion was then made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted, ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARAx, TEXAS, CREATING A FIRE LANE ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF PRESTON ROAD FROM THE ALLEY ~OUTH OF COLGATE AVENUE NORTH TO WENTWOOD DRIVE, PROHIBITING THE PARAxlNG OF ANY VEHICLE ALONG SAID FIRE LANE AT ANY TIME AND PROVIDING A PENALTY The City Clerl~ then presented a letter from Mr. George Cullum, Sr. requesting that the City waive its charge to Southern Methodist University in the amount of $2, 250.00 which was formerly made for police service. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor be authorized to advise that the City will waiveiits charge for the year 1967-68. Commissioner Sullivan presented a memorandum to those present relative to the proposed ordinance regulating land fill on vacant lots. After due consideration, it was decided that the ordinance proviously prepared by City Attorney Wood be given further study. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 20th E )Y OF November A.D., 1967. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER g0, 1967, AT 7:30 p.m. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in November 20, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. regular session on Monday, were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Au~l~tor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called themeeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Frank W. Cawthon appeared to request the Commission to hold a public hearing on his application for a change of zoning on the vacant lot at the northeast corner of Glenwick Lane and Preston Road. His application was acted upon favorably by the Zoning Commission on March 27, 1967. After some discussion, the City Clerk was requested to advertise in the official publication that a public hearing would be held the third Monday in January, which would be January 15, 1968, to hear the application of Mr. Cawthon for a change of zoning. The City Clerk reported that the Municipal Code Corporation had revised and made corrections in the proposed Code they have been preparing for this City. The revisions and corrections include those made by the City Attorney and the City Clerk and also includes all ordinances enacted through October 4, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: ESTABLISHING THE SAME, PROVIDING FOIl THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN, EXCEPT AS HEREIN EXPRESSLY PROVIDED; PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH CODE AND A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF AMENDING SUCH CODE; AND PROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE The City Clerk presented a p~tition signed by all of the people residing on Vassar Drive from Lovers Lane to Turtle Creek Boulevard requesting that three mast arm street lights be installed in the area on poles now existing. Mrs. Paul Darr, 3020 McFarlin and Mrs. O. DeAcutis, 3028 McFarlin, appeared relative to a petition signed by 17 people residing on either Dyer Street or McFarlin Boulevard requesting that a mast arm street light be installed on McFarlin Boulevard at or about the center of the block. City Clerk Hamman pointed out that street lights are a great deterrent of crime and recommended that the following resolution be approved whereupon a motion was made t~y Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF THREE MAST ARM STREET LIGHTS ON VASSAR DRIVE FROM LOVERS LANE TO TURTLE CREEK BOULEVARD ON POLE NOS. 5N 1E 9, 5N 1E 24 AND 5N ZE 27; AND ONE MAST ARM STREET LIGHT IN THE 3000 BLOCK OF MCFARLIN BOULEVARD ON POLE NO. 3020. The City Clerk presented a statement from Forrest and Cotton, Inc. in the amount of $1,Z31.20 for engineering supervision of the Tulane Storm Sewer Porject rendered during the month of September, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, pilt to ~Zote and carried unanimously that the above amount be paid. The City Clerk presented the following statements from the Austin Paving Company and recommended that they be paid. Estimate No. 10 or~ the First Section of the Tulane Storm Sewer in the amount of $11,07 1.57. Estimate No. Three being the second section of the Tulane, Bryn Mawr and Pickwick Lane Project in the amount of $8,069. 53. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above amounts be paid Austin paving Company for work done during the month of October, 1967. City Clerk Hamman presented a request from Burleson and Walker, Certified Public Accountants, requesting that they be paid $800.00 as a part of the audit fee in connection with their audit as of September 30, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Clerk be authorized to make this payment. The Cit. y Clerk presented ~rittlerc.~quest from Carol N. Gibson in the amount of $10.60; Mrs. D. M. Brodie in the amount of $1Z.90 and Miss Nancy J. Green in the amount of $12.80 that they be refunded the amounts set out by their names so they were assessed erroneously but had paid the assessments. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that all the above request be granted. The Ci~ ~rrimission then discussed the One Percent Local Sales and Use Tax Election which is to be held December 5, 1967. It was decided that they would mail a letter to all property owners in University Park urging that they vote for or in favor of this tax. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City absorb the cost of the plaques presented to the Firemen and Policemen's Banquet which was held November 8, 1967. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report for the month of October, 1967, of the fire department's activities. Emergency No Loss Loss Autos Grass First Aid Alarms Alarms Total 3 1 26 18 6 54 Estimated value of property protected Estimated value of insurance on property Estimated amount of loss for the month $652,000.00 $359,500.00 $ 3,650.00 Marshal Chambers stated that the Twentieth Annual Firemen's Instructors; Conference would be held in A~ tin, Texas, November 28 and 29, 1967 and that he would like to attend this conference. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Fire Marshal Chambers be allowed to attend this conference at the expense of the City. There being no further business, the meeting/~ecessed. // PASSED AND APPROVED THIS T~TH/~)A/~ OjF ~ECEMBER, A. D. , 1967 CITY CLERK // // / MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967, AT 7:30 p.m. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, December 4, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner Robert g. Sullivan, and Commissioner E. Wilosn Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan~ Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamrnan. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Wallace Campbell, representative of Hersey-Sparling Meter Company, appeared and presented an agreement setting out the price they vould charge this City for different size water meters during the year 1968. They also agreed to rebuild 5/8 inch meters installing new Dry Seaied Register for the price of $24.25 which is a 75 cent reduction of the 1967 price. After due consideration, a motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by Mr. Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Cla-k be authorized to accept the contract. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be appr ov ed. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A DEED TO A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND OWNED BY THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AND L(]EATED IN COLLIN COUNTY CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 131.67 ACRES OF LAND BEING THE LAND PURCHASED FROM STEPHENS. KAHN ET UX SEPTEMBER 26, 1956, RECORDED IN VOLUME 522, PAGE 174, COLLIN COUNTY DEED RECORDS, TO RAYMOND. A. WILLIAMS, JR. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following ORCINANCD be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 2 ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ONE-WAY STREET FOR VEHICULAR TRAFFIC ON ROLAND AVENUE FROM MOCKINGBIRD LANE NORTH TO STANHOPE AVENUE; PROVIDING FOR THE ERECTION OF SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF ITS PROVISIONS; PRESCRIBING PENALTY FOR VIOLATION; CONTAINING SAVING CLAUSE The City Clerk presented a statement from Forrest and Cotton, Inc. in the amount of $2,002.03 representing cost of supervision of the Tulane Storm Sewer during the month of October, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above amount be paid. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. S. J. Nadel of 3141 Bryn Mawr Drive calling attention to the fact that the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company apparently intends to raise the rate of all telephone service within the Dallas Area when the company establishes the "MetroPlan" After brief discussion, the City Clerk was requested to contact Mr. Null, Supervisor of Public Utilities of the City of Dallas and ascertain if the Telephone Company has made application to the City of Dallas for permission to increase the telephone rates. The City Clerk presented a letter from Chi Omega Sorority reporting they had an underg~round water leak which resulted in the November billing being $9Z. 58, average bill for the same period last year was $41.52.. The Management of Chi Omega Sorority had submitted a statement from Public Service Plumbers that the leak had been repaired and requested that the Sorority be 7O granted and adjustment. After due consideration, a motion was ma~e by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above request for an adjustment be granted. The meeting of the Greater Dallas County League of Municipalities, Thursday, December 7 was discussed. be out of the City and could not attend. Commissioner Germany stated he would However, the Mayor, Commissioner Sullivan, City Manager Hamman and Chief Keene will probably attend. The City Clerk explained that Mr. Jasper Fisher of Frisco was rented the Collin County Farm, now under contract of sale to Mr. Raymond A. Williams, Jr., on June 17, 1964 for the year 1965. This was a verbal agreement. Since that date, from time to time, Mr. Fisher has contacted the City Clerk for the purpose of determining the possibility of his use of the land for the next year. However, Mr. Fisher has not talked to anyone connected with this City during the year 1967 about renting the property for 1968. On November 1, Mr. Fisher was advised in writing that the City had contracted the sale c[ the land to Mr. Raymond A. Williams, Jr. and if he, Mr. Fisher, desired to farm the land during 1968, he should contact Mr. Williams. Mr. Fisher came by the City Hall on Friday, December 1 and stated that he had expended certain funds on the land in question expecting the privilege of using it during 1968. Mr. Fisher did not appear before the Commission as he stated he would and it appeared to be the unanimous feeling of those present that the City had no legal nor moral obligation to Mr. Fisher. City Attorney Dick 1~. Wood presented two different versions of an ordinance for consideration limiting the right of owners of property to use vacant lot or lots for the storing of dirt fill. After due consideration, Commissioner Sullivan suggested that no action be taken at this time and that this problem be given further consideration. Mrs. Z. L. Majors, Jr. had appeared before the Commission on November 20 seeking a refund relative to some parking tickets that had been issued her for violations committed on the SMU Campus. Chief Keene explained that Mrs. Majors carried her problem to Municipal Judge John P. Koons on December 2 and that Judge Koons had recommended that Mrs. Majors be given a refund of $11.00. The following is the Fire Marshal's report for the month of November, 1967. Emergency No Loss Loss Autos First Aid Alarms Alarms Total I 34 23 7 65 Estimated value of buildings protected Estimated value of contents protected Insurance on buildings and contents Estimated amount of loss Build. & Contents $425,000.00 $ 58,500.00 $483, 500.00 $355, 800.00 $ 8,820.43 There being no further business, the meeting recessed. A TT~~PASSED AND APPROVED THIS~o~~THE 18TH DAY O DECEMBE1K, ~iTY ~LEtKK 1967. 72¸ MINUTES OF A RECESSED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1967, AT 4:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in a recessed meeting Monday, December 11, 1967, at 4:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioners Robert L. Sullivan and E. Wilson Germany, City Attorney Dick P. Wood and City Clerk RalphE. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 4:30 p.m. The City Clerk presented the official election returns of the special election held December 5, 1967 on the question of the adoption of the one percent ~1%) Local Sales and Use Tax within said City. The official returns were signed by C. M. Powell, Prest~ding Judge, Ewing Moseley, Alternate Judge, R. S. Gozzaldi and R. B. Neff, Clerks. The returns showed that 2423 votes were registered and that 2038 o£ the votes Bast were in favor of the proposition and that 366 votes .were cast against the adoption of the one percent (1%) Local Sales and Use Tax. The City Clerk then presented the following Ordinance. ORDINANCE AND ORDER CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, ON DECEMBER 5, 1967, ON THE QUESTION OF ADOPTION OF A ONE PERCENT (1%) LOCAL SALES AND[.US~ TAX WITHIN SAID CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivkn, seconded,kput to vote and carried unanimously that the above ordinance be adopted. The City Attorney then discussed with the Commission the suit pending against the owner of the north 38 1/Z feet of lots 13 and 14, Block F, University Annex Addition being located at the northeast corner of Highschool Drive and Brentwood Alley. Mr. Wood explained that the owner of the land had agreed to 7¸3' write the City a letter requesting that the City demolish the building and haul away the debris and further that the City take a non-suit relative to the present litigation. It appeared to those present that an agreement as outlined above would be a desirable way to settle tlmis~ litigation~ There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 8TH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.?D., 1967. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, December 18, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. BrOwn, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7~30 p.m. Mr. Said Youdim, a student at Baylor Medical School, who resides at 2901 Knight Street, appeared before the Commission and requested that the City refund to him $20.00 fine that he paid on December 1Z, 1967 having been arrested for driving an automobiie in Texas without a proper license. He P e rmit 7¸4 admlted having been in Texas for two years but stated he was not aware of the fact that his California drivers license was not valid. Since being stopped by our patrolmen on November 12, 1967, he has obtair~ed a valid Texas drivers license and exhibited it to the Board of Commissioners. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany', put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to make the refund as requested. The City Clerk explained that the Municipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee, Florida has delivered to us 102 copies of the Code of Ordinances pursuant to contract entered into and approved by the Board of Commissioners on December 21, 1964. We have heretofore paid the Corporation $3, 166.66. It is recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to forward the Municipal Code Corporation the balance due for this completed work, the sum of $2,695. 18 as shown in their statement of December 13, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that remittance be made to the Municipal Code Corporation in the sum of $2,695. 18 as full payment for the new Code of Ordinances recently delivered. The City Clerk presented statements from Austin Paving Company relative to Estimate no. 11, SectionI of the Tulane Storm Sewer Project requesting payment of $48, 103.73 for work accomplished during the month of November, 1967; also Estimate No. 4 of Section II of the Tulane, Bryn Mawr Drive and Pickwick I,ane Storm Sewer in the amount of $8,77 1.27 for work accomplished during the month of November, 1967. The above estimates have been checked and approved by Forrest and Cotton Engineers. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put t~ vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to make the above payments. The .City Clerk then presented s~t~ement from the~North Central Texas Council of Governments, one in the sum of $100.00 being membership fee from February l, 1967 and ending January 31, 1968, the other being dues for membership in the Regional Planning Commission for the fiscal year beginning February l, 1967 and ending January 31, 1968 in the amount of $1, 392. 12. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above amounts be paid. The Board of Commissinners then discussed the sodding of the Parkways on Tulane Boulevard. It is now estimated that it will take an additional 3, 300 square ~rards of sod to place parkways in their original condition. The contract calls for a fixed price of 50 cents per square yard. The question was shall the City instruct Austin Paving Company to proceed at this time or should we accept credit for 700 ya~s included in the contract and the City take over the responsibility of replacing the sod. After due consideration it appeared to be the unanimous opinion that the City should undertake the re-soding of these parkways by our Park Department. It was pointed out that some of the parkways were originally in bermuda grass and some in St. Augustine grass. Our Park Foreman, Mr. Jud Shores, shall contact the respective owners and replace the parkways to their original condition as near as possible. The City Clerk explained that Mr. Raymond A. Williams, Jr. has decided to pay all cash for the farm he is purchasing from the City which is in Collin C~ounty; therefore the Southwest Land Title Company has requested that they be furnished with an amaneded resolution. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. AN AMENDED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A DEED TOA CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND OWNED BY THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AND LOCATED IN COLLIN COUNTY CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 1~31.67 ACRES OF LAND BEING THE LAND PURCHASED FROM STEPHEN S. KAHN ET UX, SEPTEMBER 26, 1956, RECORDED IN VOLUME 522, PAGE 174, COLLIN COUNTY DEED RECORDS, TO RAYMOND A. WILLIAMS, JR. A Mr. Saiter of 4332 Congress Street explained that he and his wife Susan Cowing Saiter moved from University Park in 1965 but has continued to register his automobile at his former address and had paid the City ad valorem taxes on this car for the years 1965, 1966 and 1967. He further explained that the Tax Department of the City of Dalias had taxed him on this same car for the year 1967 and have demanded that he make payment to them since he was a resident of that City. He requested that we refund the $6.70 he paid University Park on October 18, 1967, Account No. 11781E, our receipt 708Z. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that this refund be made. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ZND OF JANUARY, A.D., 1968. / // MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY .2.', 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Tuesday, January 2, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. The following Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, Assistant City Engineer ~Sennett McMurray, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, and'City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Col. and Mrs. C. L. Moss of 7048 Turtle Creek Lane appeared before the Commission andprotested the proposed lowering of the concrete dam in Curtis Park at the rear of their homes and the homes of Mr. T. R. Mansfield of 7056 Turtle Creek Lane and Mrs. W. O. Murray of 7064 Turtle Creek Lane. Col. Moss stated that he had discussed this problem with his neighbors and they had asked him to represent them before the Commission. Mr. Mansfied is reported to be very ill ~,nd confined to his bed and Mrs. Murray is elderly and does not leave home at night. Col. Moss suggested that the culvert under Lovers Lane be enlarged ao that more water could come through into the lake. He further stated that since the City had constructed the 84 inch storm sewer in Curtis Park from Lovers Lane just east and by-passing the lake that water had never risen higher than the spillway of the present dam. Mayor Coffee and Commissioner Germany assured Col. and Mrs. Moss that they would give consideration to their suggestion and that certainly there is no intent to do any- thing that would depreciate the value of any of the homes in the area. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded , and carried that the City remit $590.00 to the Texas Municipal League paying 1968 dues to that organization. Mr. Bennett McMurray presented statement from Mr. Eddy Mann in the amount of $1, 285. 50 in payment of the construction of 106 linear feet of eight foot concrete, wall between the Tollroad and Roland Street. The bill had been approved by Mr. Mc~furray. A motion was rmde by Commissioner Germany, seconded and carried that the bill be paid. The Commission discussed at considerable length the adopting of an Ordinance limiting the right of owners of property or others to use a vacant lot or lots for the purpose of storing dirt. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded and carried unanimously tl~at~the following Ordinance be adopted. NUMBER IV AN ORDINANCE LIMITING THE RIGHT OF OWNERS OF PROPERTY TO USE A VACANT LOT OR LOTS IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF STORING DIRT OR FILL; PROHIBITING THE DEPOSIT OF LAND FILL ON ANY VACANT LOT WITHIN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK; REQUIRING THE REMOVAL OF SUCH LAND FILL FROM THE PROi~ERTY WHERE IT IS NOW STORED; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF T HIS ORDINANCE. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of December, 1967. Emergency No Loss Loss Autos False Alarms First Aid Alarms Alarms T oral 4 1 Z1 Property Protected Estimated Value Estimated Loss for the Month Insurance on Property, estimated 17 19 62 $ 11,1Z9,383.05 $136,853.05 $ 8,579.150.00 He also made the following report for the entire year of the Fire Departments activities. False Emergency No Loss Loss Grass Total Autos Alarms First Aid Alarms Alarms Fires for 1967 31 4 263 Z07 85 10 600 Total Estimated loss for the year 1967 was $264,249.23. Chief Keene explained to the Commission that the Texas Police Association will hold a conference in I~dinburg, Texas, January 7 and 8 and that he would like to attend. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded 7¸9 'and carried that the Chief be authorized to attend this conference at the expense 'of the City. Chief Keene also explained to the Commission that~he warranty was out on the 1967 Patrol Cars and that apparently the cost of maintenance was increasing every month. After due consideration, a motion was made that the City Clerk and Chief Keene make a careful inspection of all automobiles used in the Police, Fire and other departments and report back to the Commission thier findings on January 15, 1968 for further consideration. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 15TH DAY OlZ)JANUARY, A.D., 1968. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY ~LL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of Univ'ersity Park met in regular session on Monday, January 15, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy ~C. Coffee, Commissioners Robert L. Sullivan and E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Collector James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. 80¸ The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the Roll Call. NA ME Mary C ollett Mr. & Mrs. O. M. Stubblefield iMor!ris Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Maiden, Jr. 4024 Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Wagner 4025 Mrs. Helda W; Cooper 4029 Mr. & Mrs. Max Drilling 4041 Il. P. Kincheloe, Jr. 4020 John C. Biggers 4008 Mr.. & Mrs. Robert E. Wynne- 4021 Mrs. Frank Hundley 4032 Mrs. R. E. Reece 4028 A. H. Bell 4041 Fred N. P, eek 37 18 Frank W. Cawthon 4040 David Kidder 3928 Gorden P, Wagner 3700 H. Terry Hines 400 1 William Lynch 3941 John Fred Stephens 3704 Bill Hinton 6114 James R. Bower, Jr. 6801 James McNees 5302 J. T. Dunkin 3619 ADDRESS 3424 Haynie Avenue 4037 Druid Lane' 3916 Potomac Avenue Glenwick Lane Glenwick Lane Glenwick Lane Druid Lane University Boulevard University Boulevard Glenwick Lane Glenwick Lane Glenwick Lane Glenwick Lane Villanova Drive G1 enwick Lane University Boulevard Caruth Boulevard University Boulevard Glenwick Lane Caruth Boulevard Northaven Road Baltimore Drive Wenonah Howell Street Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 P. M. The City Clerk presented a statement from Forrest and Cotton, Engineers, in the amount of $1,. 382.60 being for services rendered in connection with the supervision of the Tulane Storm Sewer for work pmrformed during the month of November, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above amount be paid as requested. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF A MAST ARM STREET LIGHT ON OU]~ STEEL TRAFFIC POLE AND TO PROJECT TO THE EAST OVER THE PEDESTRIAN ISLAND LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF LOVERS LANE AND ARMSTRONG BOULEVARD. Mayor Coffee stated that the Board ~Z[ould proceed to hold a public hearing pursuant to legal advertisement appearing in the official publication December 21 and December ?-8, 1967, relative to the Zoning Commission's recommendation of March 27, 1967, upon the request of Frank W. Cawthon that the zoning from "Single Family Home" to "Duplex" be extended to include Lot 1, Block 17., Troths Subdivision, University Park Estates ~ddition. He stated that the report of the Zoning Commission was reviewed by the City Commission April 3, 1967, and the proposition was taken under advisement. Mr. Cawthon again appeared before the City Commission on November Z0, 1967 and requested that he be granted a public hearing in connection with his request and the recommendation of the Zoning Commission. The Board of Commissioners ordered that the public hearing be held January 15, 1968. Mayor Coffee then asked those in the auditorium who were in favor of the zoning change to come to the Council Table, whereupon the following came forth. Mr. Frank Cawthon and his Attorney Morris Jaffe, Mr. and Mrs. Max Drilling, 4041 Druid Lane and Mr. A. H. Bell, 4041 Glenwick Lane. Mr. Jaffe, representing Mr. Cawthon, explained that Mr. Cawthon had purchased this property in 1940 and at that time the land on the west side of Preston Road opposite this lot was occupied by a church and the zoning on the west side of Preston Road was zoned multiple apartment "D" District in 1940. The church has since been remodled into an apartment. Mr. Jaffe stated that apartments, duplexs and business were all in this area. He also pointed out the heavy traffic on Preston Road. Mr. Jaffe stated t~at in his opinion this would not be spot zoning if the zoning was changed. Mr. J. T. Dunkin from the c, ffice of Marvin SFringer spoke and indicated that "two family homes"or "Duplex" use would not harm the neighborhood. After the neighbors listed above had had an opportunity to express themselves as being in favor of the zoning change Mr. Ralph Hamman, City Clerk, read a letter signed by Mr. E. Henri Yfieser stating he would be out of the City but he owned the buildings at 6701 and 6707 Preston Road and he is in favor of the proposed request. A telegram signed by Homer Huddleston owner of 66 17-19 Preston Road was presented setting out that he was in favor of the proposed zoning change. Mayor Coffee then asked all those in the auditorium that were opposed to the zoning change to please step forward whereupon the following came forth. Mr. John Biggers, 4408~University; R. P. Kincheloe, Jr., 4020 University; David Kidder, 3928 University; Mr. Gorden P. Wagner, 3700 Caruth and Mr. O. ik4. Stubblefielf, 4037 Druid Lane. Mr. John Biggers of 4008 University stated he was not representing anyone but would like to submit to the Commission a petition bearing approximately 86 signatures urging the denial of this appeal. Mr. David Kidder, 3928 University; Mrs. Robert Wynne, 4021 Glenwick; Mrs. Hilda Cooper, 4029 Glenwick; Mrs. H. C. Maiden, Jr., 4024 Glenwick; Mr. W. Lynch, 3941 Glenwick; Mrs. Frank Hundley, 4032 Glenwick; Mr. O. M. Stubblefield, 4037 Druid Lane; Mr. R. P. Kincheloe, 4020 University; Mr. Gorden Wagner, 3700 C ruth and Mrs. R. t{. Reece, 4028 Glenwick all spoke in opposition of the zoning change stating they thought the area was beautiful, they did not want apartments or duplexs, that a duplex would be detrimental to the area; also that a duplex would damage or lower the value of surrounding property, and this would also be considered spot zoning. After everyone had had an opportunity to express themselves, Mr. Hamman was requested to read the letters received in the office opposing the zoning change. Letters had been received from Dallas C. Biggers, Jerry 83 S. Stover and Mrs. F. C. White. Two affadivits signed by Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Stubblefield of 4037 Druid Lane and Mr. Frank T. I-Iundley of 4032 Glenwick Lane were also presented. After the above people had had an opportunity to express themselves Mr. Jaffe made rebutal in favor of the appeal and Mr. John Biggers rebutal was in opposition. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the appeal be denied. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 5TH DAY OF~EBRUARY, A.D. , 1968. TTEST' l- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, February 5, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor RoY C' Coffee, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent ~)f l~ub].i¢ V~o~ks L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor and Collector James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. The Mayor recogBized Mr. Ed A. Wood, 3313 Mar~luette, Mrs. Jane Rejebian, 3724 Colgate Avenue and Mrs. Dewey Godfrey, 3504 Caruth. Mr. Wood acted as spokesman stating their purpose was to discuss with the Board of Commissioners improvements of the ~wimming ppol. He further stated that he and the ladies present would be glad to work on a committee in an advisory capacity relative to the proposed improvement. The Mayor and Commissioners thanked Mr. Wood and the ladies for their interest. Other guests present were Mrs. Tom Beaty, and M~'s. Newton Hmmett of 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive. 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive They stated that their purpose of attending the meeting was to express their appreciation for the Tulane Storm Sewer recently completed. They complimented the contractors and engineers on having done a good job. The City Clerk presented a recommendation fro Chief Keene and Sgt. Malicote that stop signs be placed on Purdue Street at the intersection 0f Tulane Boulevard and a stop sign on Tulane Boulevard at the southeast corner being the intersection with Bryn Mawr Drive stopping traffic going north on Tulane. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by put to vote and carried unanimously that the following C ommis stoner Sullivan, Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. V. ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK REGULATING TRAFFIC IN SAID CITY REQUIRING OPERATORS TO BRING ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING NORTH AND SOUTH ON TULANE BOULEVARD TO A FULL STOP BEEORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS PURDUE STREET AND ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING NORTH ON TULANE BOULEVARD BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER BRYN MAWR DRIVE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF 85¸ The City Clerk presented a statement from Forrest and Cotton, Inc. Consulting Engineers, in the amount of $830.75 for supervision of the Tulane Storm Sewer for the month of December, 1967. He stated that a total of $73,~02. Z7 had been paid this firm since June, 1966. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Forrest and Cotton, Inc. be paid the $830.75. The City Clerk presented a statement from Pak-Mor Manufacturing Company in the amount of $3,979. 26, being for 18~.cubic yard containers which cost $221.07 each. He explained that we sell these units to merchants of our City for $250.00 each. A motinn was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivin, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Pak-Mor Manufacturing Company be paid $3,979. 26 for the 18 three cubic yard containers. The City Clerk ex!~laihe~.'.that recently one of our patrolmen lost control of his car, jumped the curb and hit a tree bending the frame and sustaining considerable other damage. He recommended that the Board of Commissioners authorize the purchase of a ford from Kenray Ford Sales, Inc. net price $2,014.43. Ed Maher, Inc. wated Sg, 122.50 exchange and Horn-Williams Ford Company wanted $2, 214.40. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that authority be granted to purchase a new ford from Kenray Ford Sales, Inc. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mrs. H. W. Smith of 6601 North Central ]Expressway requesting that she be given an adjustment on her water bill due to a leak which she stated had been repaired. Water consumed amounted to $46.80. Her average bill is $26.40. It is recommended that she be given an adjustment of $10.20. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Mrs. Southward be given an adjustment in t~e of $10. Z0. The City Clerk presented two letters, one from Mrs. Jessie M. Smith of 3524t Beveraly Dr ye stating she had paid the City $4.70 for 1967 taxes. The statement should have gone to Jessie II. Smith of 35Z1 Granada. Mrs. G. A. Kinder of 4700 Abbott Street paid the City $8.90 for 1967 personal taxes and she states that she moved from University Park in August, 1966. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to make the refunds as requested. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Attorney be paid SZ, 000.00 pursuant to his invoice submitted. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. R. J. Johnson, owner of the property bounded on the west by Central Expressway, the north by Fondren Drive and on the east by the T & N. O. Railroad and on the south by an alley between Fondren Drive and Dyer Street requesting that the City have installed a mast arm street light on Pole No. 5N-ZE-590 in the alley at the rear of his building. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF TIlE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF A MAST ARM STREET LIGHT ON POLE NO. 5N-ZE-590 AND EXTEND THE LIGHT ARM EAST AND PARALLEL WITH TFIE ALLEY AT THE REAR OF Z701 FONDREN DRIVE. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Fred J. Agnich, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Dallas County Republician Party, requesting 8¸7 permission to use the white frame building in Goar Park as a voting place for the first primary June 1, 1968. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that permission be granted as requested. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Robert Beer, agent for Mr. Leon C. Jackson, owner of the building at the corner of Hillcrest and University Boulevard, requesting that three of the parking spaces on Hillcrest now restricted to "two hours" be changed to "Z0 minutes" After considering this request, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that no action be taken at this time. Mayor Coffee announced that he and Commissioner Sullivan and Commissioner Germany had given careful consideration to petitions presented January 15 and February 5 requesting them to stand for re-election to sef~ve the City in their present capacity until the first Saturday in April, 1970 and that they had decided to file for re-election. Mayor Coffee then ordered that a City Election be held in the City of University Park on April 6, 1968. A motion was then made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor's order be approved and placed in the City's permanent records. ORDER AND NOTICE OF CITY ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK ELECTION ORDER I, Roy C. Coffee, Mayor of the City of University Park, Texas, by virtue of the power vested in my by law, do hereby order that a City election 8¸8 be held in the City of University Park, Texas, between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. electing the following officers of said City. on Saturday, April 6, 1968, o'clock, for the purpose of MA Y OR COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER and that said election shall be held at the City Hall, located at 3800 University Boulevard, University Park, Texas, in said City, and the following named persons are hereby appointed judges thereof. Charles M. Powell, Ewing S. Moseley R. B. Neff R. S. Gozzaldi Presiding Judge Alternate Presiding Judges The Presiding Judge conducting said election shall appoint not to exceed 8 clerks to act at such election. ELECTION NOTICE The City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to post a properly executed copy of this Order and Notice of election at the City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, University Park, Texas, the place where this election will be held. Said Notice shall be posted 40 days before the date of said election, and published in a newspaper having general pirculation in the City of University Park, Texas mot more than thirty (30) days nor less than ten (10) days before said election. Signed and executed this 5th day of February, s/ Ralph E. Hamman City Clerk 1968. s/ C. Park, Texas Seal Charles Wetburn appeared before the Boarq of Commissioners and stated that he and others connected with the Southern Methodist University School of Theology were concerned about traffic on Hillcrest ~ear the intersection of Binkley Avenue and that many of them felt that the City should install traffic signal lights at this intersection. This gentleman was assured that the Board of Commissioners were aware of traffic hazards existing in this area, that the problem was under study and that when the buildings on the SMLI campus have been completed in this area that some definite action will be taken. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of January, 1968. Autos Emergency First Aid Grass No Loss Alarms Loss Alarms Total 7 20 2 Z1 1Z $645,000.00 $477,400.00 $ 18,460. z5 Estimated Value of Property Pr~otected Insurance on Protected Property Estimated amount of Loss for the Month There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 19TH DAY OF F~BRUARY, A.D., 1968. EST' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, February 19, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Protein E. g. Sullivan. Also present were: Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. 8¸9 6Z Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer 9O Mayor Protein Germany called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. He recognized Mr. Will H. Benners of 3431 Asbury. Mr. Benners stated that he felt the City had been negligent in permitting his next door neighbor to carry on a nursery in violation of the zoning law. Chief Keene was requested to have the Police Department make a check obtaining the name and address of anyone carrying children to this address to be left for care; also to try and determine how much money, if any, the parents of the children were paying the occupany of the residence to take care of the children. Mr. Benners agreed that should the City see fit to file charges against Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sanders of 3425 Asbury that he would appear in court as a witness that children had been left at this address for care. Mr. Walter Parker of 3300 Caruth Boulevard appeared to thank the Commission for the installation of the traffic signal lights now being installed at the corner of Flillcrest and Caruth Boulevard. Mr. Hat McGraw, 3501 Colgate Avenue, appeared and explained to the Board of Commissioners that the Methodist Conference had purchased Dr. Selecman's old home located on Lot 10 and parts of Lots 9 and 11, Block Z, Walkers Addition and that the Bishop of this Conference desired that this building be converted to an office building so that his office could be moved from downtown to be located nearer Southern Methodist University. Mr. McGraw was advised that the area in question is and has been since 1940 zoned for "C" or "Duplex Area" and that a permit cannot be granted as requested unless the zoning is changed to and "E" district which would permit and Office Building. Mrs. Tom Beaty, 3915 Bryn Mawr and Mrs. Newton Hammett, 3909 Bryn Mawr, were present and ~uggested that the accessory buildings at the. swimming pool as well as the fence that surrounds the pool be painted a brighter color. A petition was presented signed by the three owners of property in the north half of Block 8, Hursey Addition requesting that the re-establishment of "two hour" parking in that block. After discussing this petition with Chief Keene and Engineer Kirven, it was decided that a fire lane on the south side of Daniel from Snider Plaza to Dickens would be desirable ~ind Chief Keene was requested to contact the property owners on Haynie Avenue that use this street for egress and ingress to their garages for the purpose of discussing this proposition. Chief Keene and Sgt. Cherry and City Engineer Kirven recommended that an ordinance prohibiting the parking on University Boulevard between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, from Preston Road west to the west City Limits be adopted. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, and carried that the following ORDINANCE NO. VI. Ordinance be adopted. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT SPECIFIC ORDINANCE RELATING TO TIME LIMIT PARKING ADOPTED THE 7TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1963, AND ALL ~i~NDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FOR PARKING TIME LIMITS IN DESIGNATED PLACES IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK; STATING THE HOURS OF THE DAY WHEN SUCH TIME LIMIT IS EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING THAT THE SAME SHALL NOT APPLY ON CERTAIN SPECIFIED DAYS; STATING THE TIME LIMIT; PROVIDING FOR THE MARKING OF PARKING SPACES; DESIGNATING CERTi~IN STREETS WHERE THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF; DEFINING OFFENSES AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES; PROVIDING THAT INVALIDITY OF PART S~F_ALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE REMAINDER The Board of Commissioners discussed the improvement of the swimming pool and gave consideration to the proposal of Pool Tile Company's proposal of $17,415.00 for materials and labor to tile and sand blast the pool. After due consideration, the City Clerk was requested to try and obtain other proposals for the consideration of the Commission at its next regular meeting which will be March 4, 1968. 02. The City Clerk discussed with the Commission the admission fees to the swimming pool for the year 1968. It was decided to take this subject under abeyance until such time as an ordinance is adopt~ed governing rules and regulations for the current year. The City Clerk explained that we had just received 50,000 four cent postal cards for use in the Water Department when the U. S. ~_gmess raised the rate of postage from 4 cents to five cents which necessitated the adding of one .':' cent postage to each water bill before it is mailed. We rented a Postage Meter Machine and a postage meter from Pitney-Bowes Company to assist in meeting the emergency of adding the one cent postage to the postal cards' The postage meter cannot be bought but it can be leased for a minimum of $24.00 per quarter and not to exceed $4Z.00 per quarter, the exact amount depending upon six percent of postage purchased. The postage meter mailing machine can be purchased for $1,011.00. It seals and places postage on the envelopes automatically. City Clerk Hamman asked City Auditor James Brown to explain to the Commission the advantages and disadvantages in the equipment. After Mr. Brown had presented pictures and explaii~ed the c[ifferent functions that could be accomplished by the equipment Pitney-Bowes proposed to sell to the City for $1,011.00, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, and carried that the City Clerk be authorized to issue a Purchase Order to Pitney-Bowes for $1,011.00 for a postage meter mailing machine; further, that the City rent from Pitney-Bowes, a postage meter to be used in connection with the above equipment. The City Clerk explained that the City's contract with Blue Cross-Blue Shield is due for renewal March 1, 1968 to remain fn force beginning April 1, 1968. They have offered to increase our hospital room benefits from $15.00 a day to $35.00 a day; also to increase surgical benefits from $300.00 to $5,000.00. The present premium for each employee is $7.~8¢ per month, one-half of which is paid by the City. The Company offers the new coverage for $8.48 per month. If the majority of our employees desired this additional coverage, would the Board of Commissioners approve the payment of an additional 55 cents per month per employee? After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded and carried that if the majority of the employees of this City desired the additional coverage as set out above, that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a new contract and that the City in the future deduct $4.24 per month from the pay of the employees and that the remainder of the cost be born by the City. Chief Keene presented the request of George A McLane, President of the Highlander Banii that the band be premitted to hold a rummage or garage sale in the girl's gym of the Highland Park Senior High School. After die,cussing the problem with the City _Attorney, Chief Keene was instructed to advise George McLane that the City will interpose no objection to a garage sale. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. C ITI~ C LEi~K 94¸ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. : The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, March 4, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Guests were Mrs. Tom Beaty of 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive and Mrs. Newton Hammett of 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. and recognized Mr. Andrew J. Osborn, Business Manager of Southern Methodist University and Mr. Osborn ~tated the purpose of his presence was to suppliment a letter written February 6, 1967, signed by Willis M. Tare, President of SMU, relative to the City abandoning East Normandy Avenue and the alley between East Normandy Avenue and East Shenandoah Avenue from Airline Road east to Dublin Street. After a brief; discussion of this request, the Board of Commissioners requested Attorney Dick P. Wood to prepare an Ordinance for their consideration at the Commission Meeting March l~, 1968. A petition was presented bearing approximately twenty signatures requesting that pyrecanthas be planted between the wall and the curb on Roland Avenue from the alley north of Potomac Avenue to the alley north of Stanhope. The ladies presenting the petition were assured that when the tollrmad is fully completed and Roland Avenue has been repaired that consideration will be given to their request. A statement dated February 14, 1968 from Forrest and Cotton in the amount of $793. 22 was presented by the City Clerk and taken under advisement by the Board of Commissioners. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. VII seconded by Commissioner Pool of the Pool Tile Company and Alton B. Collins relative to thelimprovement of the swimming pool. Mr. Pool proposed to furnish all materials and labor for the sand blasting and the application of tile for a total consideration of $17,415.00 or he would provide all laobr to install the ceramic tile including the sald blasting for a consideration of $8,760.00. The proposal from Mr. Alton B. Collins was for labor only and his proposal was $9, 300.00. After due consideration it was decided that the City should buy the materials from F. E. Biegert Company, Inc. and award the labor contract to the Pool Tile Company for the consideration of $8,760.00. The Commission discussed the purchase of a machine to be used in stripping traffic lanes and a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, The Board of Commissioners considered the proposal from George E. ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK REGULATING TRAFFIC IN SAID CITY REQUIRING OPERATORS TO BRING ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING NORTH AND SOUTH ON LOMA ALTO DRIVE TO A FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to purchase a machine, the cost not to exceed $1,000.00. It was pointed out that the City is in desperate need of a street sweeper. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the City Clerk be requested to advertise for bids for a street sweeper to be considered as early as possible. The Fire Marshal presented his monthly report for February, 1968 and requested permission to attend the 13thAnnual Siminar of the Texas Arson Conference at Austin, March 12 to the 15th. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried that Fire Marshal Chambers be premitted to attend this conference at the expense of the City. Emergency No Loss Loss Autos First Aid Alarms Alarms Total 4 29 19 4 56 Estimated value of property protected Estimated amount of insurance on property Estimated amount of loss for the month $97,000.00 $48,000.00 $ 9,000.00 Chief Keene discussed with the Commission the desirability Of creating a fire lane on the south side of Daniel Avenue from Dickens Avenue east to the entrance of the parking lot owned by the Hillcrest State Bank. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. Villi ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, CREATINGA FIRE LANE ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF DANIEL AVENUE FROM DICKENS AVENUE EAST TO THE ENTRANCE OF THE PARKING LOT OWNED BY THE HILLCREST STATE BANK, PROHIBITING THE PARKING OF ANY VEHICLE ALONG SAID FIRE LANE AT ANY TIME AND PROVIDING A PENALTY There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS~!S/~.Y~M~ARCH, A.D., TEST: 1968. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, March 18, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Superintendent of Publi. c Works L. It. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Others present were: Doctor Richard Rubottom, Jr., Vice ~ixesident of Southern Methodist University and Mr. Charles Dawson, Plant and Grounds Manager of the University. Mr. and Mrs. James McCaul of 3905 Bryn Mawr Drive, Mrs. Tom Beaty of 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive and Mrs. Newton Hammett of 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive and James Alvis, Engineer, representing Forrest and Cotton. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. and ~recognized Dr. Richard Rubottom, Vice President of SMU. Mr. Rubottom appeared before the Board of Commissioners in behalf of the request that the 98¸ Board of Commissioners pass an ordinance abandoning East Normandy Avenue between Airline Road and Dublin Street and the alley between East Normandy and East Shenandoah Avenue also extending from Airline Road east to Dublin Street. Mayor Coffee requested City Attorney Dick Wood to explain the procedure that it would be nece~.sary to follow prior to the City adopting such an ordinance. After Mr. Wood had made the explanation, Dr. Rubottom stated that the University would try and obtain the necessary signatures from all the other owners of property in East University Place Addition and file same with the City Clerk so that the City Plan Commission can be convened. The City Clerk presented statements from Forrest and Cotton, Inc. in the amount of $799. 22 plus an additional $5.44 as final and complete payment for all services heretofore rendered. This makes a total of $74,046.93 paid this Engineering Firm for its comprehensive survey of the Flood condition in this City. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that final payment be made. The City Clerk presented for payment final statements from the Austin Paving Company in the amount of $42,765.82. These statements had been approved by Forrest and Cotton, Engineers and by our City Engineer. The City Clerk explained that after the contract had been awarded to Austin Paving Company, its President Mr. Walter Hill verbally agreed that when payment was made, the City could deduct $1,000.00 as a special diseount authorized by Mr. Hill. Therefore, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously the approval of a final payment of $41,765.82 to the Austin Paving Company for the construction of the Tulane Storm Sewer. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. H. M. Reily, Project Engineer, of the Texas Turnpike Authority, attaching an agreement between the City of University Park and the Turnpike Authority giving the said authority an easement over. tKo~land Avenue from Mockingbird Lane north to the entrance of the North Dallas Tollway. This agreement also recited that tl~e Texas Turnpike Authority will pay the City of University Park $4, 100.00 in cash in lieu of being required to build a chain link fence abutting tKoland Avenue from Mockingbird Lane north to the alley north of Stanhope. After due consideration a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement. The Commission then discussed the sending of a policeman to the North Central Texas Regional Police Academy, the first session of will be ol~en~d V~ednesday, March 20, 1968. The cost to the City will be $300.00. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Police Chief Forrest E. I~eene be requested to select one of our policemen to enroll in this school. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND AI~PROVED THIS THE 1ST DAY OF ~RIL, A.D., 1968. 100 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Mondaf, April 1, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan, and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Woodard, Premit Clerk Larry Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Dewey Godfrey, Jr., 3504 Caruth Boulevard and Mrs. Jane: Rejebian, 3724 Colgate appeared to discuss with the Board of Commissioners the rates to be charged for the use of the swimming pool for the current season and beautification of the area and the repair of the filter system. They also requested, that the snack bar be eliminated. Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Weiner of 6817 Golf Drive appeared and again requested that stop signs be placed at the intersection of Rankin Avenue with Golf Drive and that Rankin Avenue and Snider Plaza stopping traffic traveling north and south on Snider Plaza. These [people were advised that some buttons will be placed in the street at the intersection of Rankin Avenue and Golf Drive which the traffic committee believes will slow down traffic at this location. Chief Keene and others present were of the opinion that it would not be practical to place stop signs on Snider Plaza as requested. Mr. Walter Parker of 3300 Caruth Boulevard addressed the Board of Commissioners stating that he and his neighbors are very grateful for the storm sewer work done on Colgate Avenue and for the erection of traffic ~ghts at the corner of Caruth Boulevard and Hillcrest Avenue. He stated that this being election year that he and his friends were already electioneering for the reelection of the present administration. Pursuant to advertisement appearing in the official publication March 26., the Board of Commissioners received, opened and read aloud sealed proposals to sell this City a street sweeper. The following are the proposals submitted. Browning-Ferris Machinery Co. for a 4 wheel, 4 cubic Yard Wayne-Net $11,9Z0.00 Martin Equipment Company for a 4 wheel, 4 cubic yard Mobil Sweeper $13,651.40 Berry Brothers Machinery Inc. for a 3 wheel, Z 1/2 cubic yard Pelican $13,700.00 After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that a committee consisting of Mayor Coffee, Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Super- intendent of Public Works L. It. Sullivan and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman be appointed to analyze the bids and be given authority to purchase what in their jud§ement was the best buy. Further that in the due course of time, the 1967-68 budget be amended and funds be provided out of the City surplus to pay for the street sweeper purchased. The City Clerk explained that on March 4, 1968, the Board of Commissioners authorized the purchase ora paint stripping machine, the cost not to exceed more than $1,000.00. However, upon investigation it was revealed that in addition to the quoted price of $795.00 for the machine desired, there needed to be added a self propelled unit for $150.00, a bead dispenser for $150.00, a trailer for $125.00, and two extra ten gallon paint tanks at $16.95 I 02 each meking a total of $1,253.90. It is felt that this is excellent equipment and is needed very badly. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City purchase from the Little Manufacturing Company the Paint Stripping Machine for $;1, Z53.90. The City Clerk explained that the Board of Commissioners recently authorized by telephone the employment of Austin Paving Company to repair the east side of klillcrest Avenue from Granada Avenue south to Potomac Avenue. This work has been accomplished and a statement received from the Company covering all materials and labor for $3,937.50. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Austin Paving Company be paid $3,937. 50. The City Clerk explained that we withheld final payment t~ the Slurry Seal people of $8, ~62.67 pending this companys return to our City to do repair work that we felt was their obligation. Recently their manager, Mr. Young, offered to compromise and deduct Sg,000.00 from their final payment if the City would not require the company to make the repairs previously requested. Mr. Jack B. t4irven, City Engineer, recommended that this compromise settlement be accepted. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that a check for $6,462. 67 be forwarded to Slurry Seal Company as full and complete payment for service rendere, d during 1967. Petitions were presented and it was recommended that the mast arm street lights be authorized at the oorners of Binkley Avenue and Auburndale and at Hursey Street and l~ankin Avenue. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above ~aa~st arm street lights be installed. We had written request from the Park Cities North Dallas YMCA and the Town North Branch YMCA requesting permission to use our swimming pool from 6:00 to 7:45 a.m. , Monday through Fridays for the current season. The City Clerk was instructed to inform the management of these two organizations, the City will interpose no objection to their use of the swimming pool ~mom 6:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. , Monday through Friday for the current season as granted in previous years with the understanding that the name of the supervisors will be furnished the City and they will be considered employees of the City while using the pool. Further that the members of the respective YMCA's will be required to purchase swim tags in keeping with the ordinance governing the operation of the pool for the current season. A letter was presented from Mr. Bill E. Caffee, Director of Securities Southern Methodist University, that a four-way stop sign be placed at Daniel Avenue and Durham Street. After a Brief discussion, it was decided that this request should be denied. However, steps should be taken to prohibit parking on Daniel Avenue that would obstruct proper vision at this intersection. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of March, 1968. Emergency False No. Loss Autos First Aid ~rass Alarms Alarms Loss Alarms Total 1 22 2 Estimated property protected Insurance on Property estimated Estimated amount of loss 3 17 12 $445,000.00 $$17,000.00 $ 20,150.00 57 104' Chief Keene explained that he would like to attend the State Police Conference which will be held in Beaumont, Texas, April 7 and 8. A motion ~as made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that permission be granted and Chief Keene be authorized to make this trip at the expense of the City. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE lb~~ ~O~~/i~~pR~~Ay OF A A.~ D. , 1968. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular sessio~ on Monday, April 15, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, City En~neer Jack B. Kirven, Keene, City Auditor James Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. and recognized that there were approximately twenty people in the auditorium all of which apparently came to witness the canvassing of the reutrns of the City Election held April 6, 1968. No one signed the roll call but the follo~ving is the nam e of persons known to the City Clerk. Mrs. Tom Beaty and Mrs. Newton Hamrnett of 3915 and 3909 respectfully of Bryn Mawr Drive; Mrs. Dewey Godfrey, Jr. Boulevard; Mrs. Jane Rejebian of 3724 Colgate Avenue; Mr. Wood, Mr. Robertson, of 7323 Marquette Street; Mr. Fred Peek of 3718 Villanova Drive and Mr. Edwin M. Jacobs of 3602 Bryn~Mawr Drive. The Mayor then requested the City Clerk to read the following Ordinance. of 3504 Caruth and Mrs. Ed William F. Farrell, Jr. of 3538 Caruth Boulevard; Mr. James S. Jr. of 2928 Bryn Mawr Drive; their attorney, Mr. Dan Stansbury ORDINANCE CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF TI-IL CITY ELECTION HELD APRIL 6, 1968, DECLARING ROY C.~COFFEE ELECTED MAYOR, ROBERT L. SULLIVAN AND E. WILSON GERMANY ELECT~ED COMMISSIONERS OF THIS CITY, AND ORDERING THEIR IMMEDIATE IMSTALLATION. Wlaen this had been accomplished, a motion was made by Commissioner GerrnanF, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried that said Ordinance be adopted. The City Clerk presented Public Official Bonds executed by Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioners E. Wilson Germany and Robert L. Sullivan, written by tl~e Travelers Indemnity Company, Hartford, Connecticut. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ACCEPTING BONDS TENDERED BY ROY C. COFFEE, E. WILSON GERMANY AND ROBERT L. SULLIVAN, AS PRIBICIPALS, AND THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, AS SURETY. Mayor Coffee then requested City Attorney Dick P. Wood to administer the Oath of Office to Commissioner Germany and himself. 1 The City Clerk then explained that the Board of Commissioners would need to appoint a City Manager-Clerk to attend the meetings and keep a record of the proceedings of the Governing Body. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried that t~alph E. I-Iamman be appointed City Manager-Clerk. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried that the following Ordinance be adppted. ORDINANCE NO. X AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING RALPH E. HAMMAN CITY MANAGER-CLERK AND EX OFFICIO TAX COLLECTOR AND ASSESSOR, CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, TERM BEGINNING APRIL 15, 1968, ENDING AT THE WILL OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE SAID CITY. ORDINANCE NO. XI AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING DICK P.. WOOD CITY ATTORNEY TO SERVE AT THE WILL OF THE GOVERNING BODY ORDINANCE NO. XII AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING DICK P. WOOD, JR. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY TO SERVE AT THE WILL OF THE GOVERNING BODY ORDINANCE NO. XIII AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING FORREST E. KEENE AS CHIEF OF POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS ORDINANCE NO. XIV AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING JOHN P. KOONS CITY JUDGE TO SERVE AT THE WILL OF THE GOVERNING BODY ORDINANCE NO. XV AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING DR. RAY THOMASSON, lVi. D., OF 44Z1 MCFARLIN BOULEVARD, AS HEALTH OFFICER OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AND DESIGNATING. SAMUEL'S CLINIC AS THE HOSPITAL TO RECEIVE AND TREAT CITY EMPLOYEES IN CASES OF EMERGENCY Marshal Chambers explained that he had been chosen as one of six Baptist Ministers in this area to attend a Crusade for Christ meeting that will 1 O? be held in Los Angeles, California from April 26 through May 4, 1968 and that he would appreciate permission to be absent from the City during this week. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee and carried that the City will interpose no objection to Marshal Chambers absence from the City as requested. Mayor Coffee then asked if there were any comments from the audience whereupon a Mr. Dural addressed the Commission stating that he would like to serve on the tennis committee if the Board of Commissioners were going to appoint such a committee. Mayor Coffee requested Mr. Dural to write the Board of Commissioners a letter setting forth his desire and also furnishing the name and address of other citizens that he knew were interested in updating out tennis courts. Mrs. Rejebian and Mrs. Godfrey inquired relative to the Ordinance governing the operation of the swimming pool for the current season and they were advised that the Bm rd of Commissioners would endeavor to adopt a proper ordinance at its next regular meeting which will be held on May 6, 1968. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS TFIE~H DAY OF MA~A. D. , 1968. Y CLERK 108 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN TiHECITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, MAY 6, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, May 6, 1968, at 7:30 ]?.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent xWilliam E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Supt. of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. He observed that there were twenty-five or thirty guests and extended an invitation to anyone to address the Commission that desired to do so. Mr. Don Maloney, A Director of the Park Cities Junior Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Board of Commissioners setting out that his group would like to have the privilege of designating the white frame house in Goar Park as their headquarters and for this privilege they would be willing to help clean up and redecorate the building. Mr. Maloney lives at 3724 Purdue Street, his home telephone No. is~M9-6001, his 'business telephone No. 526-4192. Attending this meeting with Mr. Maloney were: Chuck Schriever, Vice President Elect; Charles McVay, President Elect; Bob McConnell, Inter-Club Di~rector Elect; Earl Holland, Treasurer and Larry Browndyke, Vice President. Mayor Coffee and the Commissioners told the gentlemen they would take this proposal under consideration.. Mr. J. Kyle DuVall of 36i2 Villanova Drive next appeared and again brought to the attention of the Board of Commissioners his desire that the tennis courts be repaired and purauant to request made to him on April 15, he suggested that a committee be appointed consisting of himself, his wife Julie, William F. Farrell, Jr. 3538 Garuth Boulevard, Jack Foster of 3512 Wentwood, Keith Reddick of 3829 Colgate and Cynthie Barthlow of 3837 Caruth Boulevard. Mr. Du Vail was told that the Board of Commissioners in the not to distant future would appoint a tennis committee to work with him, employees of this City and others for the proper development of our tennis courts. Pursuant to legal advertisement appearing in the official publication April 23, 1968, sealed proposals were received, opened and read aloud proposing to sell this City eleven automobiles. The proposals are as follows: Mohr Chevrolet Co. $36, 368.42 Less Used Cars $14, 512.00 Net $2!, 856.42 Steakley Brothers Chevrolet Less Used Cars Net Friendly Chevrolet Less Used Cars Net Horn-William Ford Less Used Gars Net Kenray Ford Sales, Inc. Less Used Gars Net Ed Maher, Inc. Less Used Gars Net $29,002.27 $16, zs0.00 $12,752.27 $28,720.62 $19,o5o.oo $ 9,670.62 $28,875.00 $14,000000 $14,875.00 $28,826.27 $15,455.00 $13, 371.27 $28,545.00 $18,776.00 $ 9,769.00 110 A motion was made by Commissioner Gernaany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the proposals be referred to a committee consisting of the Mayor, Chief Keene and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman for the purpose of analysising and that the committee be given authority to accept and purchase the bid that in their judgement is the best bid. It was pointed out that the Chevrolet prices did not include the 60 amp ampmeter. The Police Department feels that this ampmeter is very desirable. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XVI AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, APPOINTING A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR THE YEAR 1968, FIXING TIME FOR THE FIRST MEETING AND THE COMPENSATION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF ~QUALIZATION. A motion was then made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XVII. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK ELECTRICAL CODE, CHAPTER 9, ARTICLE IV, "REGIS~-RATION OF ELECTRICIANS, SECTION 9-75, EXAMINATION OF APPLICANTS" BY ADDING 9-75 (a-l); PROVIDINGA MEANS WHEREBY LICENSED ELECTRICIANS FROM OTHER CITIES MAY DO WORK IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK WITHOUT TAKING AN EXAMINATION; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH: PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY The City Clerk presented the request of the Dallas County Election Board that permission be granted to use the Fire Station, 3800 University Boulevard for a special election May Ii A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that permission be granted as requeste. The City Clerk presented a written request signed by Mr. Richard Rubottom, Jr., Vice l~resident of Southern Methodist University, that Lots 1 through 5 of Block 2, East University l~lace Addition and Lots 2 through 12, ]Block 2, University Court Addition, be removed from the tax rolls as of January, l, 1968 be cause this land is now used for shcool purposes. The property first described has been owned by SMLI since 1955, the remaining property has been owned since 1945 and SMU has paid ad valorem tax on all this property through the tax year 1967. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that this request be granted. City Clerk Ralph E. Flamman recommended that Tax Certificate of Credit No. 535, representing personal property taxes for the years 1938 through 1967 be cancelled or transferred to the inactive ledger. Many of these assessments have proved to have been assessed through error; the remaining ones appear to be uncollectable. The total amount is $9,531. 29. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Tax Certificate of Credit No. 535 in the amount of $9,531.29 be transferred to the inactive ledger. Consideration was given to the request of Mr. Eon Sailers of 2901 Southwestern Bpulevard that he be reimbursed $33.24 being the amount he recently paid Stephenson Lawn Sprinkler Service for repairing sprinkler heads that were and still are in the parkway which were damaged by our employees recently when constructing the curb abutting his property. After due consider- ation Engineer I~irven and Superintendent Sullivan explained that after the construction of the new curb and gutters which were done by the City at a ~on.siderable 112i savings to Mr. Sailers, it was necessary that the sprinkler heads in the parkway which is City property had to be raised. It appeared to be the general feeling that it would not be proper to grant Mr. Sailers request and City Clerk Hamman was instructed to advise Mr. Sailers. After due consideration, of the recommendations made by the swimming pool committee consisting of Mayor Coffee, Coach Sam McClure, Floyd Bigert of Bigert Tile Company, George Pool, Pool Tile Company, Mr. Ed Wood, Mrs. Dewey Godfrey, Jr., Mrs. Jane Rejebian, Mrs. James McCaul and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, ~C~o~i~ed-tb~,~[~mi~is~e~.~ermany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XVIII ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF THE UNIVERSITY PARK SWIMMING POOLS BY CERTAIN QUALIFIED PERSONS; PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF THE POOLS; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS: REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES HERETOFORE Al)OPTED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY The letter from Mr. D. A. Weckworth of 3705 Northwest Parkway was discussed and it appeared to be the general opinion, of those present that no change should be made in the traffic pattern around the Park Cities Baptist Church. It was suggested, however, that signs be errected on Northwest Parkway pointing out that it is a two way street. The City Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Weckworth and explain to him the situation. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE APPOINTING E. WILSON CLiP, MANY AS MAYOR PRO TEM TO SERVE DURING THE ABSENCE OF THE MAYOR A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that City Auditor James E. Brown be authorized to attend the Municipal Finance Officers Association ofthe United States and Canada Conference which will be held in New Orleans, june 2 through 6, 1968, at the expense of the City. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of April, 1968. Emergency No Loss Loss Total Autos First Aid Alarms Alarms Alarms 4 19 ZZ Estimated value of property protected: Estimated amount of insurance on property Estimated amount of loss to property 4 49 $218,000.00 $154,000.00 $ 25,996.00 Fire Marshal Chambers then requested that the City stand the expense in sending ten of the firemen to the t~ractical 3-day Course in the Latest Methods of Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured which will be conducted May 27, 28 and 29, 1968 by the American College of Surgeons, Local Trauma Committee with the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. The following is the name of the employees, to be registered: Loyd West John Lynch Ronny Brignon Charles Curtis Bill Davis Job Kizer Bob Curtis Kenneth l~arks l~onald Montgomery Jerry Brown A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above lised firemen be permitted to attend this school at the expense of the City. Commissioner Sullivan pointed out that the fountain on Snider Plaza has not been operating for sometime and should be put back in service. Superintendent L. H. Sullivan said the fountain was out of order and as soon as the swimming pool is repaired attention will be given to the fountain. Mrs. Russell Rembert of 3904 Shannon Lane presented a petition requesting that a street light be installed in the vicinity of Shannon Lane where it makes a turn from south to west. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved, and also that the City Clerk be instructed to authorize the Dallas Power and Light Company to make the installation. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF A MAST ARM STREET LIGHT AT THE CORNER OF SHANNON LANE WHERE IT TURNS FROM NORTH AND SOUTH TO EAST AND WEST There being no further business, the meeting ~cessed. PASSED/hAND APPROVED THIS THE 20T ~.~Y~~ /~~~"~~'..~ ~ o~OF MAY ~--' D., 12~/~~,./~~......~1968' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, MAY 20, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, May 20, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Pohce and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, l~rmit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don I~nutson, Assistant Engineer Bennett McMurray and City Clerk 1Kalph E. Harnrnan. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. He recognized that there were approximately 25 citizens present, many of whom did not ider~tify themself but the following persons present were known either by the City Clerk or identified themselves: Mrs. Tom Beaty, 3915 Bryn Mawr; Mrs. Newton Harnrnet, 3909 Bryn Mawr; Mrs. Dewey Godfrey, Jr., 3504 Caruth; William F. Farrell, Jr. 3535 Caruth, recent candidate for Mayor; James S. l~obertson, Jr. , 2928 Bryn Mawr, recent candidate for Commissioner; Vincent A. Carrozza, 7301 Turtle Creek Boulevard; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haughton, 3625 1Kosedale; Mr. Mclnnis, 6801 Golf Drive; and Mrs. Ben Sanford, 3809 Amherst; Mr. Mayer, 3812 Amherst; Mr. and Mrs. Elmore M. Mr. and Mrs. ~r~m Hunter, Klenk, Robert P. Gruber of 2905 Dyer.Street. Mr. Vincent A. Jr. 3705 Southwestern; l~rs. Anthony 3609 Rosedale and Carrozza addressed the Commission stating that he represented a part of the people in the auditorium and they wanted the Governing Body to explain why they are raising the fees to the swimming pool for the current year. He and several of the l~epple in the auditorium protested the action that had been taken. They took the position that the City should not raise fees until it had exhausted its reserve cash fund. Further that the City should have called for a vote to issue bonds to remodel the swimming pool since this work should be classified as a capital improvement. Mayor Coffee and the Commissioners explained to Mr. Carrozza and the others present that the City had no bonded indebtedness and for several years had made capital improvements from current funds or reserve cash. which had been accumulated. One lady in the auditorium critized the action heretofore taken by the Board of Commissioners in raising the swimming pool fees without proper notice to the citizenry in general. Mayor Coffee explained that the Commission had previously appointed a Swimming Pool Committee and that this committee had recommended certain improvements at the swimming pool including the installation of ceramic tile. Mrs. Dewey Godfrey, a member of the Swimming Pool Committee, addressed the audience stating that last fall she and other members of the committee had circulated a petition and secured naore than 400 signatures from the citizens requesting the Board of Commissioners to improve the pool and that those signing this petition .were told at the time they signed same when it would be presented to the Governing Body and requested their presence at that time. She stated that .when the petition was presented no one appeared except two of the interested citizens that had circulated the petition.. Mr. Bob Gruber addressed the Board of Commissioners requesting that consideration be given to opening the pool at 6:00 a.m. so that he and other adults could make use of the pool before going to the office. After ~e conclusion of the meeting, the following people approached the Mayor and requested that they be added to the Swimming Pool C ommitt e e. Name Address Mr. and ~Vlrs. Frank Haughton Mr. and ~Mrs. Ben Sanford Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter, Jr. Mrs. Anthnny Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Elmore M. Klenk Vincent A. Carrozza 3625 1Kos edale 3809 Amherst 3705 Southwestern 3812 Amherst 3609 1Kos edale 7301 Turtle Creek Mr. R. R. Mclnnis of 6801 Golf Drive addressed the Board of Commissioners complaining about the fact that other people residing on Golf Drive and some of the people on Turtle Creek Boulevard whose homes abut Turtle Creek Branch are guilty of throwing grass, tree trimings, other trash and ~iebris into Turtle Creek Branch. He suggested that all thepeople abutting Turtle Creek Branch be written letters requesting them not to continue this practice. Mayor Coffee stated his suggestion would be taken under advisement. Commissioner Germany explained that part of Turtle Creek Branch in question is private property being owned by the home owners abutting the stream. Mayor Coffee thanked those present for their interest in civic affairs and invited them to feel free to attend any and all Commission Meetings. Sealed bids were then opened and read aloud in connection with the purchase of 500 feet of 1 1/2 inch fire hose and 500 feet of 2 1/2 inch fire hose. The following is the name of the Company and bids submitted. Name Price on 1 1/2" Price on 2 1/2" General Fire Extinguisher Corp. Acord Fire Extinguisher Co. Fabric Fire Hose Co. Texas Rubber Supply, Inc. American LaFrance 85~ per foot $1.01 per ft. 90~ per ft. 90~ per ft. $1.09 per ft. $1, 16 per ft. {$505.00) $1. 39 per ft. ($695.00) $1. 30 per ft. $1. 34 per ft. $1. 59 per ft. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the budget be amended and that approximately $1,000.00 be transferred from the reserve account to pay for this unexpected expense and that the bids be referred to the Fire Marshal, Purchasing Agent, and City Clerk for careful analysis and if the specifications of the low bidder meets specifications required by the City that a Purchase Order be given to such bidder. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. James B. Burleson with Burleson and Walker, Certified Public Accountants, requesting that his firm 1 178 be employed to make the annual audit for the fiscal year 1967-68 and that they be permitted to begin this work in the not too distant furure. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Cornmissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that this firm be employed to make the 1967-68 audit provided ~their fee would not exceed $1,800.00. City Clerk Hamman presented a request from Mr. Tom Ellis, County Clerk, that the County be permitted to use the Fire Station June 18, 1968 for the purpose of holding a special election to elect a State Representative for District 33, Place 5. A motion was made by Corn. missiOner Germany, seconded byCommissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that premission be granted as requested. After discussing the 1968 Biennial Institute for Mayors, Councilmen and Commissioners which will be held in E1 Paso, Texas, June 6-8, 1968, it was decided that the Mayor or either of the Comr~issioners could attend this Conference at that time. A motion was made, seconded, put to vote and carried that the City Clerk be authorized to purchase four tic.kets in the amount of $3.00 each and make reservations for the Mayor, two Commissioners and City Manager to attend the North Central Texas Council of Govern:ments luncheon which will be held at the Inn of Six Flags, May 29 at 1Z:15 p.m. A petition was presented requesting that a street light be installed on Daniel Avenue where the alley intersects just west of Snider Plaza on Pole Number 5N 2E 75. After due consideration, 'a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried that the following Resolution be approved and that the City Clerk be instructed to authorize the Dallas Power and Light Company to make the installation. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENKNCE, AND OPERATION OF A MAST ARM STREET LIGHT ON DANIEL AVENUE WHERE THE ALLEY INTERSECTS JUST WEST OF SNIDER PLAZA (POLE NUMBER 5N gE 75) Chief Keene addressed the Board of Commissioners stating that he would like to take a two day vacation. City Engineer Jack B. Kirven requested permission for Assistant Engineer Bennett McMurray to attend a traffic signal school which will be held June 26-29, 1968, at the Terrace Motor Motel at Austin, Texas. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Mr. McMurray be permitted to attend this school at the expense of the City. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THI~ D DAY OF NE, A.D., 1968. CITY' CLERK ;,... MINUTES OF A RECESSED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in a recessed meeting Wednesday, May 29, 1968, at 4:45 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, City Auditor James 120 E.' Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Swimming Pool Manager Sam McClure, Captain Joe B. Churchman, Lt. J. D. Brown, Sergeants Brenson Cherry and Charles Malicote and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Also present were members of the Swimming Pool Committee which had been appointed by the Mayor and Commissioners: Chairman Ed Wood, Mrs. Jane Rejebian, Mrs. Dewey Godfrey and Mrs. James McCaul. Swimming pool guards present were: Randolph Hancock, Ralph Jones, Brenda Neal and four or five others. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order and authorized City Clerk Hamman to introduce everyone present. Mayor Coffee and the Commissioners then discussed with the guards the importance of their duty and stressed the fact that the Board of Commissioners desire that the ordinance governing the rules and regulations of operating the pool be carried out as written. Members of the Swimming Pool Committee each addressed the Board of Commissioners urging that special attention be given to prohibiting the entrance to the pool of anyone not authorized under the ordinance.. There being no further busi~iess, the meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 29TH 1968. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF' THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, June 3, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: The following Wilson Germany and City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and recognized Mr. and Mrs. Boyd L. Henderson of 4401 Southwestern Boulevard, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bair of 43Z9 Southwestern Boulevard and Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Allen of 4317 Southwestern Boulevard. Mr. Henderson acted as spokesman for the group and presented a letter of transmittal and a citizens petition; said petition bearing approximately 500 signatures. The petition requested that the City construct a masonry wall along the Dallas North Tollway from Lovers Lane north to Greenbrier Drive. It was explained to those present that when the Dallas North Tollroad was firs~ discussed, the majority of the people living in the houses on Loma Alto ~cross from the Tollroad indicated that they would prefer shrubbery in keeping in what was there at that time in preference to a masonry wall. It was also discussed at that time the underirability of cedars because of their attraction for ~agworms. Mr. Henderson stated that he purchased his home at 4401 Southwestern Boulevard in September, 1967; also that many of the signatures of this petition were new in the area and that he is certain that the great majority of the homeowners living between Douglas Avenue and Loma Alto from Amherst north to Greenbrier Drive would appreciate the City ,122 having a masonry wall not less than six feet in height constructed along the west property line of Loma Alto Drive. After due consideration, Mr. Henderson and his associates were requested to work as a committee with City Engineer Jack Kirven, and City Clerk Hamman for the purpose of trying to arrive at a solution of this problem that would be satisfactory with everyone. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Horn and thier son, A. C. Horn, Jr., the tenant of 3505 McFarlin, and Miss Leverett, the occupant of the adjoining apartment together with Dean and Mrs. C. C. Albritton, appeared and protested to the Board of Commissioners the recent action of the Police Department for entering the apartment occupied by A. C. It was brought out that neighbors orA. G. Horn, Jr. without a search warrant. Horn, Jr. had complained to the Police Department relative to a loud and noisy party in progress and requested the police to investigate. It appears that upon investigation, the police found marijuana in possession of one of the guest. Mayor Coffee and the Commissioners, City Attorney Wood and Chief of Police Forrest E. Keene all stated that the evidence had been delivered to the Dallas County Grand Jury and there was no action this City could take at this time. The City Clerk presented to the Board of Commissioners a Resolution signed by the members of the Board of Equalization on May 21, 1968, approving the General Rolls of the City Clerk as Ex-Officio Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of University Park for the calendar year 1968 whereupon a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, APPROVING THE GENERAL ROLLS OF THE CITY CLERK AS EX-OFFICIO TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1968. 123 A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XX AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, APPOINTINGA BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, FIXING THE TERM OF OFFICE AND COMPENSATION OF THE MEMBERS SO APPOINTED A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXI ORDINANCE ~PPOINTING A COMMISSION TO BE KNOWN AS THE ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK TO RECOMMEND THE BOUNDARIES OF THE VARIOUS ZONING DISTRICTS AND APPROPRIATE REGULATIONS TO BE ENFORCED THEREIN, FIXING THE TERM OF OFFICE AND COMPENSATION OF TIlE MEMBERS SO APPOINTED A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION The Board of Commissioners discussed the desirability of creating a number of Advisory Committess and a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Advisory Committees be established and the persons named herein be appointed to serve on the respective committees. 124? SWIM POOL PA R KS Ed Wood, Jr. Jane Rejebian Mrs. Dewey Godfrey Mrs. James McCaul, Jr. Torn Jarrnon STREETS AND ALLEYS Mrs. R. B. James Mrs. Frances Chantilis Mrs. Newton Harnrnett Mrs. Mary E. Brosseau Hanc el McCord Pete Willins William R. Goff Pete C hantilis Melvin Jackson Mrs. Martha Carlson Gage Prichard PARKING AND TRAFFIC Wendell C ulwell Michaux Nash Richard Kincheloe TENNIS COMMITTEE Mr. and Mrs. J. Kyle DuVall William F. Farrell, Jr. Keith Reddick Jack Foster Cynthia Bartholow John May W. D. White, Jr. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commission Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that this City purchase five memberships in the Greater Dallas County League of Municipalities for the period ending June 1, I969 at $22.00 each. A motion was made 'by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanirr~siy that the prograrning of the frame building in Goar Park be the responsibility of the City Clerk and that .he shall keep in mind uses heretofore made of the building. The following is a report of the Fire Marshal of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of May, 1968. Autos Emergency False No Loss Loss First Aid Alarms Alarms Alarms Total 9 22 1 19 7 58 Property Protected Insurance on Property Estimated Loss $260,000.00 $145,000.00 $ 4,750.00 Estimated Value Estimated Value Fire Marshal Chambers also explained to the Board of Commissioners that it appeared to be the feeling of several of the Highland Park Senior High School Teachers that Firemen John Lynch and John I~izer were instrumental in saving the life of Miss Beth Fleming, a Highland Park Senior, who became choked on food and was revived by being given mouth to mouth respiration. Miss Flemings father has written a lovely letter of commendation which is appreciated. Fire Marshal Chambers reported that the Firemen's and Fire Marshals State Association Convention will be held in Austin, Texas, June 11, 12 and 13, 1968 and since he is running for Fourth Vice President he would like to attend this conference. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimosuly that Fire Marshal Chambers be authorized to attend this conference at the expense of the City. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 17TH DAY OF/~UNE., A.D. , 1968. A TTEST: * * * * * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, 3une 17, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Captain Joe Churchman, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent 126 William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilosn, Building Inspector Don Blnutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Boyd Henderson of 4401 Southwestern ]Boulevard ~ppeared and inquired what progress the City had made relative to constructing the wall along the Tollroad from Lovers Lane south to Greenbrier Drive. Mr. Jack Kirven, City Engineer, presented Mr. Eddy Mann, a builder of concrete walls and Mr. Mann proposed to build the re-enforced concrete wall six inches wide and six feet above ground, the distance of approximately 5,900 feet furnishing materials and labor for a fee of $10.00 per linear foot with the proviso that the City would allow an additional $500.00 for contingency fee making a total not to exceed $19, 500.00. Mr. Kirven explained that the Tollroad was agreeable to the City removing the chain link fence recently installed and that the City would be permitted to retain the fence and post with the understanding that the City would provide portable barricades equipped with sufficient flashers; said barricades to be the width of the shoulder and to be placed at the south end of the construction area. Further that traffic c'ones be set along the back of the curb on the tollroad along the raised paved shoulder; aaid cones to be not more than thirty feet apart. by Commissioner Germany, After due consideration, a motion was. rmade secOnded by the Mayor, put to vote and carried unanimously that a contract be entered into with Mr. Mann for the construction of the wall as outlined above and that the budget be amended and that $20,000.00 be appropriated from the City's reserve fund to cover this expense. Mr. University, University until October 15, Richard Rubottom, Executive Vice President of Southern Methodist appeared and requested that the City extend to Southern Methodist 1968, the requirement that ail dirt and rocks ~ be removed from the land at the corner of Daniel Avenue and Boedecker Streets, owned by the University, known as the Hutton W. Summers Tract. After due consideration, a motion was made and seconded that the above request be granted. Mr. Ed Wood, Chairman of the Swimming Pool Committee, supported by members Mrs. Jane 1Kejebian, Mrs. Dewey Godfrey and Mrs. James McCaul, appeared and presented a letter complaining of the swimming pool ordinance requirement that the family rate for tags to one family be sold for $5.00 where more than five tags are purchased, required that these tags all be purchased at one time. After due consideration, a motion was made by Mr. Germany, and carried unanimously that the ordinance be amended and that this requirement that all tags be purchased at one time be cancelled but that where more than five members of the same family desire tags the number of tags purchased for teen-agers where the family has previously bought five tags, the remaining tags be sold for $5.00 each. The Members of the Swimming Pool Committee complained relative to the r~umber of floor tiles coming loose. Also that several people had complained about the pool floor being slick. City Clerk t-Iamman explained that Mr. George Poole, the contractor, will endeavor to find a material that can be used to replace this tile without having to drain the pool. The members of the committee felt that all loose tile should be replaced as quickly as possible and suggested if necessary that the pool be closed two or three days for such repairs. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by the Mayor and carried unanimously that the City Clerk be instructed to prepare specifications and advertise for bids for two new fire trucks, as soon as possible; that such specifications should be of sufficient bredth that several of the manufacturers of fire trucks would be able to submit offers to sel~ I28 this City the desired equipment. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by the Mayor, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION APPOINTING EXAMINING AN~D SUPERVISING BOARD OF ELECTRICIANS All of the members recently appointed to the Tennis Committee were preaent: said members being as follows: Mr. J. Kyle DuVall, William F. Farrell, Jr., Keith Reddick, Jack Foster and Cynthia Bartholow. Their purpose for attending the meeting was to discuss with the City Engineer plans and specifications for the rehabilitation and improvement of our tennis courts. After the Commission Meeting adjourned, the me~r~bers of the tennis committee conferred with the City Engineer for approximately one and one half hours discussing the problem at hand. Members of the committee are to make further investigation and report to the City Engineer who in turn will report to the City Commission. There bine no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND A~I?R'O-V'~ED-)THIS THE1ST~ OF. JULYS. D. , 1968', * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JULY 1, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University l~ark met in regular session on Monday, July 1, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works g. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The Mayor called the meeiing to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. The following guests were known to the Mrs. Newton Hammett, Mr. Ed Wood, appeared to be 15 or Z0 guests. City Clerk. Mrs. Gene Beaty, There Mrs. Jane Rejebian, Mrs. Dewey Godfrey and Mrs. Frances McCaul. The Mayor recognized Doctor Richard Rubottom, Executive Vice President of Southern Methodist University, Mr. A. J. Osborne, Business Manager of Southern Methodist University and a Mr. Adams of SMU. They were accompanied by Mr. E. Taylor Armstrong of 3801 Centenary, Attorney for Southern Methodist University. These gentlemen discussed with the Board of Commissioners their recent request that the alley between Shenandoah and Normandy and Normandy Avenue, each extending from Airline Road east to Dublin Street be abandoned. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that this problem be referred to the City Plan Commission 130 when Southern Methodist University has filed with the City Clerk a revised plat of the area in question. A Miss Joan and Miss Mary EschriCh of 4127 Hyer Street and another lady appeared to complain about the low water level of the swimming pool since it has been tiled and the scum gutters have been put back in service. These ladies also critized the Commission for having spent funds for the tiling of the pool. Mrs. Rejebian and Mr. Wood addressed the Commission defending the water level of the pool as now established and insisted that the water remain at scum gutter level. Mayor Coffee explained that it was impossible to operate the pool in a manner that would meet~with everyones ideas. Mr. Germany expressed the desire to take the matter under consideration and see what could be worked out. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, ORDERING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE FOR APPLICATION OF DEPOSITORY The City Clerk explained that the City was very much in needof three 1/2 tone pick-up trucks and three 2 ton dump trucks for the purpose of replacing worn out equipment. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for six new trucks as recommended. Bids to be opened and read aloud at the CommissiorL Meeting August 5, 1968. City Engineer I~iirven reported to the City Commission that at the request of Mayor Coffee he had made some calculations relative to the resurfacing of Hillcrest Avenue from Potomac Avenue to Northwest Highway, Preston Road and Douglas Street from Lovers Lane north to our City limits. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that Engineer Kirven be requested to write specifications for this work and that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids to be received August 5, 1968. The paving of Loma Alto Street from Lovers Lane south to the alley north of Emerson Avenue was discussed and the City Clerk' was requested to contact the proper officials with the City of Dallas since the property abutting this street on the west side is in that City and that he request the City of Dallas to give consideration to ordering the street paved, prepare plans and specifications and award a contract for this much needed improvement with the understanding, of course, that the City of University Park will cooperate with the City of Dallas by levying assessments against the property owners on the east side of the street and further that the City of University Park will pay its pro rata part of the cost of this improvement. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of June, 1968. Emergency No Loss Loss Total Autos First Aid Alarms Alarms Alarms 1 30 19 3 53 Estimated value of property protected: Insurance on protected property: Estimated amount of loss for the month $80,000.00 $67,500.00 $ 1,15o.oo There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE/~h DAY OF~LY, A.D., GirlY CLERK 1968. 132 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BO ULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JULY 15, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, July 15, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order prornptly at 7:30 p.m. He recognized Mrs. Martha Gene Beaty of 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive and Mrs. Newton Hammett of 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive and Mr. William F. Farrell, Jr. of 3538 Caruth Boulevard. There were approximately ten other unidentified people. City Clerk Hamman presented a proposal signed by Mr. Cam~owell, President of the Hillcrest State Bank, offering the City maximum interest r~ates allowed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on any funds intrusted to the bank during the period ending July 31, 1969. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, DE- SIGNATING THE HILLCREST STATE BANK AS DE- POSITORY FOR THE YEAR ENDING JULY 31, 1968 A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK EXTENDING SYMPATHY TO MR. AND MRS. JUNIOR D. DUNLAP BECAUSE OF THE DEATH OF THEIR SON, JOHN WALTER DUNLAP A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, Ordinance be adopted. put to vote and carried unanimously that the following ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK REGULATING TRAFFIC IN SAID CITY REQUIRING OPERATORS TO BRING ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING EAST AND WEST ON I-IAYNIE AVENUE TOA FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS DICKENS AVENUE AND ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING EAST AND WEST ON HAYNIE AVENUE TO A FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS GOLF DRIVE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF Fire Marshal Chambers explained that the Texas Firemen's Training School will be held at Texas A ~ M University, College Station, Texas, July Z1 through July Z6, 1968 and that he, Lt. Burnett Smith and Loyd West would like to attend this 39thAnnual Fire School. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the three gentlemen be granted permission to attend this school at the expense of the City. City Clerk Hamman presented a letter from Mr. G. B. Cooper of 4Z1Z Normandy Avenue stating that he had had a terrific water leak underneath his house and had lost 117, Z00 gallons of water. He stated in his letter that he had never used more than the minimum 3,000 gallons and his ledge showed this to be true. Mr. Cooper requested the City to make an adjustment and stated that all repairs had been made. A motion was made by Commissioner 1.33 ORDINANCE NO. XXII 134 Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Mr. Cooper be given an adjustment of one-half the loss, credit his account with $22.24. The Board of Commissioners discussed the employment of Ray Goodson, l~rofessional Engineer, to prepare plans, specifications and supervision of the improvement of Loma Alto from Lovers Lane south to Emerson including storm sewers which should be installed ahead of the permanent paving. Mr. Goodson concurs with Engineers Forrest and Cotton that certain storm sewers should be constructed ahead of the paving of Loma Alto in Loma Alto, Grassmere, Arm.strong, Druid Lane, Glenwick Lane and Douglas Avenue. The storm s-ewers are estimated to cost $109,000.00, estimated cost of the paving of Loma Alto $60,000.00. Mr. Goodson's fee will be $1,800.00 for staking out the projects and his estimated fee for other work would be $12, 189.60 or a total of $13,989.60. The City Clerk was requested to contact Mr. Goodson and ask him to amend his estimates to include storm sewer line J-5A in Glenwick Lane from Armstrong to Douglas; also the extension of Line J5 from Druid Lane north to Hyer Street. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Ordinances be prepared for the determining of the necessity of improving Loma Alto and that Mr. Ray Goodson, Professional Engineer, be employed to prepare plans and specifications not only for the :improvement of Loma Alto but also the installation of storm sewers in the area as recommended by Forrest and Cotton in their report of December, 1966. City Clerk Hamman was requested to contact Mr. Scott McDonald, City Manager of Dallas, and solicit their moral and financial cooperation for the improvement of Loma Alto. 135 The Board of Commissioners discussed the improvement of Boedecker Street from the alley south of Yale Boulevard north to Milton Avenue. A motion was made by Mr. Germany, seconded by Mr. Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Ordinances be prepared for the determining the necessity of this improvement and that Mr. $. D. Mahoney, Professional Engineer, be employed to prepare plans, construction of the project. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. ATTEST~ specifications and supervise the A.D., 1968. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Mond..ay, August 5, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Also present ware: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. The following Wils on Germamy. City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Keene, Cit.syAuditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chamber, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson, Payroll Clerk Miss Ora Mae Nichol, Secretary Mrs. Margaret Taylor and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. 13'6 The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the Roll Call. Name Address Mr. Warren Schaumburg Mrs. Tom Beaty Mrs. Newton Hammet Richard Corder Mrs. Niel E. Cleaver Mrs. Vincent A. Carrozza M. F. Floyd Mr. & Mrs. Hardy T. Carroll Mrs. W.E. West Mr. Byron E. Hollinger Shreveport, Louisiana (American LaFrance) 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive Seagoville, Texas (Ward LaFrance) 4124 Caruth Boulevard 7301 Turtle Creek Texas Bitulithic Company 6227 St. Mortiz Avenue 3008 Dyer Street 3324 Hanover Street The following firemen also were present: John Lynch, Vernon Sims, Butnett Smith, M. C. Cope,. Eugene Ellard and A. M. Belcher. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. He asked if Captain Hardy T. Carroll was present 'whereupon Captain Carroll came forward. Mayor Coffee stated that Captain Carroll had retired June 30, 1968, after serving this City in a faithful and loyal manner for Thirty-three years and seven months. He then presented Captain Carroll a gold watch which had the name cf the City and the date of employment and date of ret'L~eme~l..:engraved on the back. Captain Carroll thanked the Board of Commissioners and stated that he had been very happy working for the City. Marshal Chambers then presented Captain Carroll a Cashier's check in the amount of $50.00 being a gift from the employees of the Fire Department. The Mayor then stated that pursuant to lagal advertisement appearing in the official publication July 11, 1968, that sealed, proposals for one seventy or seventy-five foot standard snorkel and 1,000 gallon pumper fire trucks would be opened. City Clerk opened and read aloud the following proposals. American gaFrance Snorkel $62,400.00 1,000 gallon pumper $37, 200.00 Mack Truck Snorkel Fire Apparatus Ward LaFrance Snorkel 1,000 gallon Pumper No Bid $38,094.00 Snorkel $60,600.00 Pumper No Bid Snorkel $62,416.00 Pumper ~38,834.00 A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded,;:put to vote and carried that the City Clerk and Mayor carefully tabulate the proposals and that the low bidder be awarded the contract and that funds be provided in the 1968-69 budget for payment of this new equipment. Mayor Coffee then stated that sealed proposals for three Z ton dump trucks and three 1/Z ton pickup trucks which had been advertised in the official publication July 18, 1968, be opened. read aloud the following proposals Kenray Ford Company City Clerk Hamman opened and 3--1969 F600 dump trucks (2 ton) 3--1969 1/Z ton pickup trucks Allowance on 6 tradeins Ed Maher, Inc. $8, 557. 35 $6,409.08 $63o.oo 3-- 1969 Fl00 3-- 1969 F600 Allowance on 6 tradeins ~6, 114.78 SB, Z37. 5Z $38o. oo A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the proposals be carefully tabulated and further consideration be given to same at the next regular meeting which will be held August 19, 1968. Mr. Byron E. Hollinger of 3324 Hanover, Sales Engineer for General Motors Corporation, appeared and stated that his company could not bid at this time because of the price changes and requested that these bids be thrown out. It was explained to him that these proposals would be carefully tabulated and considered at the next meeting because of these changes. Mayor Coffee then stated that sealed proposals would be opened and read aloud relative to the resurfacing of the following streets. 138 Armstrong Boulevard: University Boulevard to Lovers Lane Dougals Avenue: University Boulevard to Emerson Douglas Avenue: Emerson to Lovers Lane Douglas Avenue: Lovers Lane to alley north of Colgate Loma Alto: Mockingbird Lane to alley north of Windsor Loma Alto: Alley north Windsor to University Preston Road: St. Andrews to Lovers Lane Preston Road: Lovers Lane to Northwest Highway Hillcrest: FIillc rest: Hillcrest: Hillcrest: Hillcrest: Northwest Parkway: Potomac to Granada (west 1/2 only) Granada to Daniel Daniel to Lovers Lane Lovers Lane to Bryn Mawr Bryn Mawr to Northwest Parkway Preston Road to Airline Road. City Clerk Hamman opened and read the following proposals: Contractor Days to Begin Work After Execution of Contract Working Days · Total Texas Bitulithia Co. General Texas Asphalt Austin Paving Co. Uvalde Const. Co. 10 $6. 58 per ton 30 $78,960.00 1Z $6. 86 per ton 35 $82, 320.00 40 $6.87 per ton Z0 $82,440.00 20 $6.9B per ton ~ 50 $83,640.00 A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the City Engineer and City Clerk be requested to tabulate the proposals and the low bidder be awarded the contract and that the current budget be amended and $80,000.00 be appropriated from tlhe reserves for the payment of this improvement. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXIII AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT OF A PORTION OF BOEDECKER STREET (NO. 414); DEFINING THE PORTION OF SAID STREET AS A SEPARATE DISTRICT: DECLARING THE PURPOSE TO ASSESS PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENT AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND OWNERS THEREOF; aND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH J.D. MAHONEY, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ,139 A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXIV ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT OF A PORTION OF LOMA ALTO DRIVE (NO. 415); DEFINING THE PORTION OF SAID STREET AS A SEPARATEi DISTRICT; DECLARING THE PURPOSE TO ASSESS PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENT AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND OWNERS THEREOF; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH RAY GOODSON, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, TO PREPARE AND FlEE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS It was brought out that the City of Dallas passed an identical ordinance at their council meeting which was held this afternoon since the property on the west side of Loma Alto Drive is located within the corporate limits of the City of Dallas. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolutions be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF A MAST ARM STREET LIGHT ON POLE NO. 5N 2E 371, LOCATED IN THE ALLEY BETWEEN DANIEL AVENUE AND ROSEDALE AVENUE IN THE 3100 BLOCK RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARI~i AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF A MAST ARM STREET LIGHT ON POLE NUMBER 5N 1W 357 LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOMA ALTO DRIVE AND POTOMAC AVENUE The City Clerk presented a written communication dated July 17, 1968, signed by Mr. Luis Garcia, stating that he had paid $4.50 for 1966 personal property taxes that was billed to t~im through error. Mr. Garcia stated that he had never been a resident of University Park and requested that the $4.50 be refunded to him. Mr. Woodard, Deputy Tax Collector, explained that notices had been sent to a Mr. Luis Garcia several times and returned and when the clerks sorking in the Tax Department found the Oak Cliff address in the City Directory they mailed the tax statement and Mr. Garcia sent in the payment. A motion was 140' made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried tha~ Mr. Garcia be refunded the $4. 50 as requested. The question of fines charged by the University Park ~-olice Department was disucssed. It was brought out thatthe amount this City charges was not on par with High,nd l~ark or Dallas. Chief Keene and City A~torney Dick Wood were in accord that Dallas charged to much for stop sigr~ and red light violations. City Attorney Dick 1~. Wood sta~ed that if Chief Keene would recommend that higher rates be charged, he wouid check and try to adjust the fines to correspon~l with other towns more in line with Grand Prairie, Richardson, etc. The City Engineer Jack B. Kirven exhibited a 1939 aerial view of Boedecker Street between University Boulevard and Daniel Avenue. It was pointed out that Boedecker Street makes a sharp turn a~ University Boulevard and that Southern Methodist University owns both acreages of land on either side of Boedecker Street between University Boulevard and Daniel Avenue. As Boedecker Street is going to be paved in the very near future, the question of replatting this acreage so that the sharp turn can be eliminated by making an "S" curve was discussed. City Attorney Dick P. Wood advised that J. Osborne, Business,Manager of Southern Methoilist University, or some other official be cantacted to see if the replat would fit into the University's future plans and get their approval before proceeding further with the thought of replatting the acreage in question. Chief Keene, Engineer Kirven and Marshal Chambers discussed with the Board of Commissioners the possibility of taking the parking lot used by the City Employees located on the corner of Haynie and Golf Drive and owned by this City and the probability of purchasing the land owned by Mrs. Lawrence Kahn being Lot 1, Block 1, of Francis Daniel Park No. 2 Addition, which is immediately north of the parking lot owned by the City, and building a new Fire and Police Department. It was pointed out that this was the most feasible location if the land could be purchased from Mrs. Kahn because if' the present fire station was moved more than a two mile radius from the center of the City the key rate on insurance might go up. Chief Keene reported that he had talked to Mrs. Kahn by phone and she stated that at this time she had several prospective buyers for this land. Marshal Chambers made the following report Of the activities of the Fire Department for the' month of July, Emergency No Loss Autos First Aid Alarms 1968. Loss Alarms T oral 3 28 14 Estimated value of Property protected: Estimated amount of insurance on property Estimated amount of loss for the month 2 47 $45,000. O0 $35,000.00 $ 3, ooo. oo City Engineer Kirven explained that a Traffic Signal School would be held in Waco, Texas during the month of October and that he would like for Assistant Engineer Bennett McMurray to attend this school if possible since he worked on all traffic signal lights, etc. He explained that this school would cost less than $75.00 to attend and would last one week. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that Mr. 1VicMurray be authorized to attend this school at the expense of the City. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ~ DAY OF AU~ST, A.D., 1968. CITY CLERK 142' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, August 19, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee.and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, of Police a'nd Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Purchasing Agent William E. West, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Harnman. Name The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting. Mrs. Tom Beaty Mrs. Dewey Godfrey Mr. Keith Reddick Mr. Bill Goff Mr. Edward A. Wood, Jr. Address 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 3504 Caruth 3829 Colgate 3216 Greenbrier 3533 Colgate Avenue Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. A mot/on was made by Commissioner Sullivan, and carried that the following Resolution be approved. seconded, put to vote RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON THE BUD- GET OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1968, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1969. The City Clerk made the following report relative to the purchase of six trucks. The following bids were opened and considered on August 5, 1968. Kenray Ford Company 3--1969 F600 Dump Trucks 3--1969 Fl00 1/2 ton pickups Less Tradeins TOtal Net $10,777.00 $ 6,409.08 $17, 186.08 63O. 00 $16,556.08 Chief Brown, Ed Maher, Inc. 3--1969 Fl00 1/2 ton pickups 3--1969 F600 Dump Trucks Less Tradeins Total Net A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, 143 $ 6, 114.78 10,457. 52 $16,57Z. 30 380.00 $16, 19Z. 30 seconded, put to vote and carried that a Purchase Order be issued to Ed Maher, Inc., the low bidder for $16, 19Z. 30 against Keyray's bid of $16, 556.08. The Board of Commissioners then discussed statement recently received from the North Central Texas Council of Governments being annual dues from February 1, 1968 ending September 30, 1968, in the amount of $66.67 and a statement for the same period in the sum of $960.00 being dues in the North Central Texas Regional Planning Commission. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, put to vote and carried that the above statements be paid and that the City Clerk be instructed to convey to the management of the North Central Texas Council of Governments that this City desires to withdraw as a member of the Nroth Central Texas Regional Planning CommisR on. This action is taken because this City has an assured source of water supply until approximately the year 2000; also our municipal boundaries are determined since we are bounded on three sides by the City of Dallas and on the other side by the Town of Highland Park. A petition was presented requesting that a mast arm street light be installed on Durham Street where the alley intersects between Milton and Rosedale Avenues. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, put to vote and carried that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF A MAST ARM STREET LIGHT ON POLE NUMtBER 144 5N ZE 341, LOCATED ON DURHAM STREET AT THE ALLEY BETWEEN ROSEDALE AND MILTON AVENUES City Attorney Dick P. Wood discussed again with the Commission the request of Southern Methodist University that the alley intersecting Block 6 and that Normandy Avenue from Airline Road east to Dublin Street be abandoned; however, no action was taken. The City Attorney also explained that he had had some correspondence with the Texas Attorney General's Office relative to the objection raised by Mrs. Winters, Commissioner of the Firemen's Pension Commission because we had deposited $200,0~00.00 with the Hillcrest State Bank and accepted Treasurery Receipt from the Republic National Bank setting out that the Hillcrest State Bank had deposited with the Republic National Bank $200,000.00 in U. S. Treasurery Notes to secure the deposit held by the Hillcrest State Bank. Mr. Wood requested that he be furnished a photo copy of this receipt so that he -eould again take the matter up with Mrs. Winters. Chief Keene explained that the North Texas Chapter of Former F B I Agents will convene in Fort Worth, Texas, August 22, 23 and 24 and that he would like to attend this conference. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, put to vote and carried that Chief Keene be granted permission to attend. There being no further busiress, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 3R~ pY OF SEPT~MBER, A.D., 1968. 145 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Tuesday, were present: Mayor 1Koy C. Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan, Also present were: September 3, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. I~eene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. arid Mrs. H. Grady Hardin, 4300 Grassmere Lane, Miss Dot Dobbins and George Gurk appeared before the Commission and requested that the "Campus Y" be permitted to use the white house in Goar Park once a month for coffee parties. Mr. Hardin is an SMU Professor connected with Perkins School of Theology. It was explained to these people why the City discontinued permitting the "Campus Y" to use the property in question this spring. These people assured the Board of Commissioners that if they were permitted to use the house again this fall that close supervision would be provided. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that premission be granted for the use of the building Friday, September 13 with the understanding that this use was on a trial bases and that the party would be over not later than twelve midnight. 14'6 Other citizens attending the meetin were: Mr. Ed Wood, Mrs. Tom Beaty and Mrs. Jane Rejebian. l~ursuant to legal advertisement appearing ih the official publication August 22, 1968, the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing for the purpose of adopting a budget for the fiscal year beginning October l, 1968, and ending September 30, 1969. the period of $2, 186,080.00. The proposed budget set out estimated receipts for It is estimated that it will be necessary to transfer from the General Fund Reserves to the Water Fund $167,470.00 thus the total budget will be $2,353,550.00. Estimated expenditures listed therein are $2, 310, 350.00, unappropriated funds total $43,2~)~0).00 thus accounting for the total acount of the proposed budget of $2,353. 550.00. Contents of the proposed budget were discussed at considerable length, disc. ussion being entered into by most everyone present and after due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the proposed budget be amended to allow base pay for common laborers of $2.07 per hour and that base pay for truck drivers be raised to $2. 2.3 per hour and that funds be provided to contribute $100.00 per year to policemen as a clothes and equipment allowance. Each policeman is to be authorized reimbursement to the extent of $100.00 for purcl~ses made; evidence of such purchases to be furnished. ORDINANCE NO. XXV AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1968, AND ENDING SEPT- EMBER 30, 1969, AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES AS SET OUT IN SAID BUDGET. A motion was then made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. 1:4 7 ORDINANCE NO. XXVI AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF GOMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, LEVYING THE AD VALOREM TAX OF S~ID CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK FOR THE YEAR 1968 TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF CURRENT EXPENSES OF SAID CITY; AND FIXING THE TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME DELINQUENT; PROVIDING FOR PENALTY AND INTEREST; AND PROVIDING FOR SPLIT PAYMENTS; AND REPEALING ALL TAX ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY ~ The Board of Commissioners then gave further consideration to the request of Southern Methodist University that the alley between Shenandoah and Nor~mandy Avenues and Normandy Avenue from Airline Road east to Dublin Street be abandoned. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried that City Attorney Dick P. Wood be requested to prepare an ordinance abandoning the street and alley requested and that the caption should read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. XXVII AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS ABANDONING THE PUBLIC EASEMENT AND CLOSING EAST NORMANDY AVENUE FROM AIRLINE ROAD TO DU]~LIN STREE, AND ABANDONING AND CLOSING THE ALLEY BETWEEN EAST NORMANDY AVENUE AND EAST SHENANDOAH AVENUE FROM AIRLINE ROAD TO DUBLIN STREET. ~ The City Clerk presented a petition signed by eight property owners within the ~zicinity of where Purdue ~nd Hanover Streets intersect Turtle Creek Boulevard requesting that proceedings be instituted for the removal of the vacant dwelling known as 7409 Turtle Creek Boulevard. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Clerk contact Mr. Charles M. Powell, owner of the dwelling at 7409 Turtle Creek Boulevard and that he be furnished a copy of the petition and that he be requested to advise the City his intention as to the remodeling or removal of this dwelling. 148 Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of August, 1968. Emergency False No Loss .Loss Autos First Aid Alarms Alarms Alarms Total Alarms 3 21 1 19 Estimated Amount of l~operty Prctected: Estimated Amount of Insurance on Property Estimated Amount of Loss for the Month 3 47 $70,000.00 $59,500.00 $ 400.00 There b~igg no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 16T/~Y O~F S~PT~/~BER, A.D., CIT/FCL~R1K '~ -~ ' 1968. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY 'PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, Seotember 16, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following Wilson Germany and City Engineer Jack were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. '1'4 9 The following are the names of the people attending this meeting. Mrs. Tom Beaty, Mrs. Newton Hammet, Mrs. Jane Rejebian, Mrs. Dewey Godfrey, Mr. Edward A. Wood, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Carlosn, Mr. Grady Bishop and Mr. Beck. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. The City Clerk stated that in fziew of the fact that this City's fiscal year ends September 30, 1968 and from time to time throughout the current year the Governing Body has authorized the expenditure of funds in excess of the amount set up in the current budget and funds for specific expenditures were to be transferred from unappropriated balances and unallocated fund, he recommended that the following Resolution be approved whereupon a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION AMENDING THE BUDGET, APPROVING ALL EXPENDITURES MADE DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1967, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1968, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF CREDIT BALANCES TO ACCOUNTS WHERE EXPENDITURES HAVE BEEN IN EXCESS OF BUDGET E$~TIMATES, AND ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCES TO ACCOUNTS WHERE SUCH FUNDS ARE NEEDED. The City Clerk then presented a petition signed by fourteen home owners in the 3600 block of Rosedale Avenue and "four way stop signs" be created at the intersection of Rosedale and Thackeray Streets. A'i motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXVIII ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK REGULATING TRAFFIC IN SAID CITY REQUIRING OPERATORS TO BRING ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING NORTH AND SOUTH ON TI~_ACKERAY STREET TO A FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS ROSEDALE AVENUE AND ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING EAST AND WEST ON ROSEDALE AVENUE TOA FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS THACKERAY STREET AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF 1'50 The request of Dr. Julius Tomlin, owner of the Noel l~age Building, that some police assistance for the direction of traffic along beside of that building and at the intersection with University Boulevard and the East Central Expressway Access Road, was presented. The traffic problem at this location was discussed and the Chief of Police was requested to make a careful study. The City Clerk brought out that the creating of a fire lane on the East Central Expressway Access Road might be desirable. The request was taken under advisement. Engineer Kirven reported that progress was being made on the wall being constructed adjacent to the Tollroad. He also reported that the Texas Bitulithic Company had resurfaced Hillcrest and Northwest Parkway and that approximately 61,000 tons of asphalt had been installed. He also presented to the Commission preliminary plans for the paving of Boedecker Street including the change on the street at the northeast corner of Boedecker and University Boulevard. Mr. Kirven was requested to submit the proposed plan of the intersection to the proper officials of Southern Methodist University for approval; also to work with the City Attorney relative to th~ abandonment of certain areas of the street and the obtaining from Southern Methodist University a Quit Claim Deed to the land to replace that abandoned. He also presented a statement from Rollins and Mahoney, Engineers, requesting payment of $1,750.00 being 35 percent of the agreed fee of $5,000.00 for the preparation of full plans and specifications for the paving of Boedecker. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Rollins and Mahoney be paid $1,750.00 at this time. Mr. Kirven also discussed with the Commission the creating of left tarn lanes on Hillcrest Avenue. After quite a bit of discussion, Mr. Kirven was requested to create left hand turn lanes on 'l~illcrest at Normandy Avenue and Binkley Avenue. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS A TTES~i~~ 1968. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARIS, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, October 7, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. B[irven, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred g. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard and Permit Clerk Larry Wilson. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7~30 p.m. Mr. Max N. Heidenreich of 6805 Willow Lane appeared to express his and other families thanks and gratitude to the Board of Commissioners for their sons being able to practice swimming with the YMCA at the swimming pool during the summer months from 6:00 a.m. until 7:45 a.m. He stated University Park has a50 meter pool and if it had not been for his sons practice swimming there he would not have received a $10,000.00 scholarship to SMU. He asked if the Board of Commissioners would give consideration to letting this pool be used by young people during the summer months so they would have a chance for the olympic trials. Mayor Coffee told Mr. Fleidenreich to prepare a proposal to submit to the swimming pool committee. Mr. Sam Weintraub, Jr. of 4444 McFarlin, Mr. Edwin Rose, Jr., 4432 McFarlin and Mr. 1Kichard Bernet, 4445 Larchmont appeared before the Commission for the purpose of discussing Greenway Park. Mr. Weintraub stated that the park was in a deplorable condition and that the owners of the property, because of the lack of money, could not maintain the park. He stated that there were over 100 children in the area and they needed a place to play, as well,as adults, who if the park was kept up could use same for exercise, etc. He suggested that the City of University Park try to lease the property on a long time bases. It was suggested that the City might try to purchase the property. After due consideration, the City Attorney was requested to check with the City Attorney of Dallas, Alex Bickley, and a title company and investigate all regarding the park to see what could be worked out and report to the Board of Commissioners at a later date. Mrs. W. O. I-Iuneycutt of 3825 Stanford, appeared and explained that she was the manage of Warhawks Soccer Team. These boys are in the "B" Division and none are over nine years of age. She stated there was no soccer field or goais in University Park and these boys were having trouble becuase of no place to practice. She asked the Board of Commissioners to consider installing soccer goals in one of the parks in University Park. After inspecting the plans for the size of soccer fields and goals, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan was requested to check on Burleson: Park to see if that park would accommodate one soccer goal with the field to be the minimum size of 80 by 50 yards. Del S. Frnka of Z637 Westminister had written the Board of Commissioners requesting an adjustment on his water bill for the month of September. FIis water bill for that month was $30. 16 due to a water leak. After discussing this problem, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Del S. Frnka be given an adjustment in the amount of $3.99. City Attoney Dick P. Wood explained that the Members of the Board of Adjustment at their meeting on September 30, 1968, approved a Resolution in memory of Mr. John C. Harris who died on September 6, 1968. Mr. Harris had served on that Board from May 15, 1950 until June 3, 1968. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that a joint tKesolution be approved in memory of Mr. John C. Harris. Mr. Tom E. Ellis, Dallas County Clerk, had written a letter requesting permission to use the Fire Station to hold a General Election November 5, 1968. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the request be granted. City Clerk Ralph Hamman had recieved a letter from Mrs. Jerry L. Culp Z813 Purdue Street, requesting permission to sue the White Frame House in Goar Park on Saturdays from three until four thirty p.m. for the Brownie T roup meetings. She stated shw would like to have akey in order not to disturb the Police every week. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that permission be granted to Mrs. Culp to use the building in Goar Park with the exception that the key remain in control of the City or the Police Department. 154 A motion was made b~ Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Rollins and Mahoney, l~rofessional Engineers, be paid $2,750.00 being 90 per cent of $5,000.00 less $1,750.00 previously paid, for services rendered to date in connection with the final plans and specifications for the paving of Boedecker Street. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of September, 1968. Emergency No Loss Loss Total Autos Grass First Aid Alarms Alarms Alarms 2 1 37 19 2 61 Property Protected Insurance on same Estimated amount of loss Two fire deaths September 3536 Milton Avenue. 1, 1968, $4,000,000.00 $3,500,000.00 $ z5, ooo.oo Mr. and Mrs,, Middleton DeCamp In the absence of Chief of Police Forrest ti',. Keene, Marshal Chambers explained that Southern Methodist University will hold a school on Police Science and Supervision, October 21 through November 15, 1968 at a total cost of SZ00.00 and that Chief Keene would like for Charles R. Myers be granted permission to attend this school. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Charles R. Myers be allowed to attend this school at the expense cg the City. City Attorney Dick P. Wood discussed with the Commission the changing of the Board of Commissioners from three to five members and the length of term from two to four years. It was decided to wait until spring so that enough publicity could be given in order for' the citiznes to determine what they want. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 21ST DAY OF O~/TOBER, A.D. , ATTES~ ~ // '~--~i T Y ~LERK 155 1968. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, October 21, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and Building Inspector Don Knutson. The following guests were present: Name ADDRESS Mrs. Tom Beaty Mr. William F. Farrell Mr. Jim McNeese Mr. Cam Dowell Miss Mary Collett Mr. C. W. Cullwell Mr. John Roach Mr. Sam Weintraub Mr. Sid gevit Mrs. Dewey Godfrey Mr. Edward A. Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Smith Mr. and Mrs. Vernon S~ms Mr. Tie Davis Mr. Robert MacKay Capt. W. G. Gill ey 4424 4433 4444 4436 3504 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 3538 Caruth Boulevard Attorney for Hillcrest State Bank President, Hillcrest State Bank 3424 Haynie Avenue Larchmont garchmont McFarlin McFarlin Caruth 3533 Colgate Avenue Mineola, Texas 4434 Somerville Jacksboro, Texas 3532 Rankin 3528 Rankin Fireman 1'56 Name Address C. W. May Fireman Loyd West Fireman 1K onnie Brignon Fireman Bob Curtis Fireman Billy J. Davis Fireman Bill Aly Fireman Mr. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mayor Coffee asked if Fireman Vernon Sir~Ls was present whereupon Sims came forward. The Mayor stated thatFireman Sims had retired after serving this City in a faithful and loyal manner from June 13, 1942 until September 30, 1968. He then presented Fire,man Sims a gold watch which had the name of the City, date of employment and date of retirement engraved on the back. Fireman Sims thanked the Board of Cornmissioners and stated he had been very happy working for the City. Fire Marshal Chambers came forward and presented Fireman Sims a Cashier's Check in the amount of $50.00 stating it was a gift from the Fire Department. M~yor Coffee asked the guests in the auditorium if any one had business to transact whereupon several people stated they were there relative to l~ark A (Greenway Park). City Attorney Dick P. Wood stated that he had visited with Mr. Ted McMaster, Assistant City Attorney for Dallas, and asked if a private individual could buy or lease the park area east of 'the Tollroad. Mr. McMaster's reply was "absolutely not" He then asked Mr. McMaster if the City of Dallas would consider improving the park, if so the City oil University Park would like to join the City of Dallas with this improvement and would like to have jurisdiction to police same with the authority to make arrest, etc. Mr. McMaster could not answer this question but he would be glad to take it up with the Dallas Commission for their consideration. Mayor Coffee stated that the City of University Park would be glad to join Dallas in the improving and policing the park and that the City would have to wait until a later date to get a decision. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded,~.~put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ENGINEERS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF BOEDEKER STREET FROM THE ALLEY SOUTH OF YALE BOULEVARD EXTENDING NORTH TO MILTON AVENUE AS PREPARED BY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, ROLLINS AND MAHONEY AND ORDERING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS The City Clerk had received a letter from Mr. Paul S. Adams, Jr. , Attorney for Southern Methodist University, and an application signed by R. Richard Rubottom, Vice President of Southern Methodist University, stating that the computers, etc. formerly owned by Remington Rand, Inc. and University Computing Company was now owned by Southern Methodist University and used for school purposes and request that the property be removed from the tax rolls. A check of the records indicate that Southern Methodist University on September 2.3, 1968, paid the 1968 tax to this City in the amount of $401.80. After discussing the matter, Mr. Woodard, Deputy Tax Assessor was instructed to investigate and see that SMU did have possession of this equipment as of January 1, which will be November 4, Mr. Jim McNeese, 1968 and give a report at the next meeting 1968. Attorney for the Hillcrest State Bank, appeared in behalf of Mr. Cam Dowell, President of the Hillcrest State Bank, and presented a request for re-zoning of Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 all in Block 3, University Park Addition from "D" Apartment House District to an "E" Business District. He filed 38 petitions signed by property owners within ZOO feet of the property in question and 44 petitions signed by other citizens of University Park in favor of the re-zoning. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that the request for re-zoning be referred to the Zoning Commission for their consideration and recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. 1'58 It was pointed out that the 1968 Texas Municipal League Conference will be held in Dallas at the Statler Hilton Hotel, November 10 through 12, 1968, Officials desiring to attend this meeting were advised to contact City Clerk R lph Hamman in order for him to make proper registration. City Auditor James ]E. Brown received two letters, one from Mr. William R. Black, owner of the house at 3728 Binkley and one from Irene H. Sribny, Realtor, regarding a water bill in the amount of $119.20 for the month of September. The letter set out that the house was vacant, that Mr. Black went over twice a week and the realtor was over there every day and that they had not seen any evidence of a water leak and he would like an adjustment of some kind. Mr. Brown was advised to check into the problem, make a complete investigation and report back to the Board of Commissioners at their next meeting. The Board of Commissioners had received a letter from Mrs. John F. Rainey of 2640 Westminister dated October 21, 1968, stating her water bill for the month of October was $50.98. She stated in the letter that it was her feeling that the meter was not read but estimated during the months of June, July and August. She asked for an adjustment. Mr. Brown was authorized to give Mrs. 1Kainey an adjustment figured on the bases of her bills for the same period last year. Mr. Tie Davis of 3532 Rankin Street appeared and presented a petition signed by 14 property owners in the 3500 block of ]~[ankin Asking the Board of Com- missioners to take immediate steps to impede traffic in the 3500 block of Rankin. He s~ted that this was a long block into and out of the curve where the street becomes Golf Drive. He stated there were numerous small children in this area and if the condition remains it will only be a question of time before a tragedy occurs. He stated that most of the racing was done around 5:00 p. rn. After due consideration, City Engineer Kirven, the Traffic Committee and Chief of Police Forrest E. tieene was authorized to make an investigation and report their findings at the next meeting. Mr. C. W. Culwell, 4424 Larcl~mont, appeared and discussed the parking on Hillcrest Avenue. He stated that he pays approximately $10,000.00 in City Sales Tax. He explained that customers were entitled to a place to park but because of the lack of parking on the SMU Campus students would park tl~eir cars and leave them while attending classes. Mr. Culwell stated that at one time he hired an off-duty policeman to check on this problem. His suggestion was tl~at the City purchase another three wheel motorcycle. It was Mr. Culwell's opinion that one motor cannot properly patrol all of University Park and he felt Chief Keene would agree. Mayor Coffee told Mr. Culwell that the problem would be taken up with Chief Keene and see what he says about same. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 47~ DAY OF NOveMBER, A.D., 1968. // MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, November 4, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and i60' Commissioner Robert L. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Purchasing Agent William E. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Kirven, City Auditor James E. Brown, West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Super- intendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Collector James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk R lph E. Hamrnan. The following guests were present: Rev. Ross Kirven, Durant, Ot~lahoma, Mrs. Tom Beaty; 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive, Mrs. Walter Parker, 3300 Caruth Boulevard; Mr. Ed Wood, 3533 Colgate; Mr. Sam Weintraub, Jr. 4444 McFarlin Boulevard and Mr. Grady Bishop of 3008 Westminist. e.r Avenue. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Sam Weintraub, Jr. of 4444 McFarlin again appeared and discussed with the Commission the development of the land south of University Boulevard between Loma Alto and the Tollroad as a park. Tile Board of Commissioners instructed Ralph Hamman to contact Mr. Lynn Crossley, President of the Greenway Gorporation, the possibility of the City of University Park and the City of Dallas developing this land as a park. A motion was made by Commissioner Gerrr~any, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXIX ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK REGULATING TRAFFIC IN SAID CITY REQUIRING OPERATORS TO BRING ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING EAST AND WEST ON RANKIN AVENUE AND ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING EAST AND WEST ON MILTON AVENUE TO A FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS THACKERAY' STREET AND ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION ON THACKERAY STREET TO A FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER RANriIN AVENUE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Paul Adams, Sr., Attorney for Southern Methodist University, and the request of Mr. Richard Rubottom, Vice President of the University, setting out that the Computors formerly owned by Remington Rand and the University G omputing G ompany are nowcowned by Southern Methodist University and are used for school purposes. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the request be granted as of Sanuary 1, 1969, that the computer be removed from the tax roll. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the sum of $10.00 be returned to Mr. Sam A. Swindle, 3643 McFarlin because same is an overpayment of 1968 Tax Account No. 14462. The City Clerk recommended that Mr. Dick P. Wood be paid $1,264. 30 in connection with the Appellees' Answer to Appellants' Motion for Rehearing Cause No. 17125-Jack R. Swain, et al vs Board of Adjustment and the City of University Park in the Court of Civil Appeals. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to make payment to Mr. Wood in the amount set out above. Mr. Grady Bishop then appeared and presented to the Board of Commissioners a proposal f~ group life insurance to be written by the Great Southern Life Insurance Company. The proposal was referred to the City Clerk for his study and recommendation. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of October, 1968. 162' Emergency Autos First Aid Grass False No Loss Loss Total Alarms Alarms Alarms Alarms 5 2~ 1 Estimated value of property protected: Insurance on property; Estimated value of amount paid There being no further business, PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 18T ATTEST: 3 26 5 64 $213,000.00 $175,500. oo $ 4, 550.00 the meeting recessed. H/D-~Y OF NOVE/~IBER, A.D., 1968. ******************************************* MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1968, AT 7:30 The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, November 18, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. tieene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The Mayor Called the meeting to order pro~.mptly at 7:30 p.m. and recognized that there were several guests among which were Bill Golf, Ed Wood, Mrs. Tom Beaty and Grady Bishop. The Mayor inquired if any of the guest desired to discuss with the Board I6:3 of Commissioners any problems. Mr. Sam Weintraub, Jr., 4444 McFarlin again appeared before the Board and urged that the City endeavor to acquire and develop the tract of land south of University Boulevard between Loma Alto and the Tollroad as a park. The problerr~iil~.6t~:~d were discussed with City Attorney Dick Wood, Mr. Weintraub, a Mr. Cury and other friends residing in University Park near the land in question. Mr. Burton Gilliland appeared and presented a plat showing the relocating of Shannon'Lane from University Boulevard south to McFarlin. He explained that this change is desired by the officials of the Highland Park Presbyterian Church in order to enlarge the main structure by adding to the west side of the present building. The problems involved in this request were discussed at considerable length and Mr. Gilliland was requested to discuss the problem further with some of the owners of property in the Wind s or Place Addition. A Mrs. Kenneth Way of 3~3~- Milton Avenue in company with several neighbors appeared and presented a petition requesting that "Two Hour" parking restrictions be established on Milton Avenue from Athens Street east to Airline Road. The petition contained fifteen signatures. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to i~ote and carried that the petition be referred to City Clerk Hamman for an analyzation and if a majority of the home owners in this block had signed the petition that the "Two Hour" restriction be created. A careful check of the petition reveals that there are 19 properties in this block, 18 owners and that 12. of the property owners had signed the petition. Mr. Stanley Patterson owner of two properties had not signed the petition but stated to Mr. Hamman over the telephone that he had no objection to the "Two Hour restriction therefore the follwoing ordinance was adopted. 16 4 ORDINANCE NO. XXX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT SPECIFIC ORDINANCE RELATING TO TIME LIMIT PARKING ADOPTED THE 7TH DAY (DF JANUARY, 1963, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FOlK PARKING TIME LIMITS IN DESIGNATED PLACES IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK; STATING THE HOURS OF THE DAY WHEN SUCH TIME LIMIT IS EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING THAT THE SAME SHALL NOT APPLY ON CERTAIN SPECIFIC DAYS; STATING THE TIME LIMIT; PROVIDING FOR THE MARKING OF PARtxlNG SPACES; DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS WHERE THiS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFOIKCEMENT THEREOF; DEFINING OFFENSES AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES; PROVIDING THAT INVALIDITY OF PART SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE REMAINDER Pursuant to advertisement appearing in the official publication October 31, 1968, sealed bids for the improvement of Boedeker Street from the alley south of Yale north to Milton Avenue were opened and read aloud and are as follows: Austin Paving Company Texas Bitulithic Company Uvalde Construction Company $61,308. 50 $67,785. 50 $60,441. Z0 A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that the bids be referred to the City Engineer and to the City Clerk for tabulation and further that the City Clerk endeavor to obtain from Southern Methodist University an adjustment of the Boedeker Street dedication at its intersection with University Boulevard; these things to be accomplished and reported to the Board of Commissioners at its next meeting which will be December 2., 1968. On August 5, 1968, this City awarded a contract to the Texas Bitulithic Company for the resurfacing of certain streets in this City in the amount of $78,960.00. On November 12., 1968, this City received Estimate No. 1 for work done through September 13, 1968, for Type "D" Fine Graded Surface Course, with required Tack Coat--6,082. 5 Tons At $6. 52 per ton Total Contract Work Less 10% Retained[ Total Due This Estimate $39,657.90 $39,658.90 3,965.79 $35,692. 11 165 A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Clerk be authorized to pay Texas Bitulithic Co. $35,69Z. ll as requested. City Clerk Hamman presented a letter dated November 7, 1968 signed by Robert E. Goodrich, III of 31Z9 Daniel Avenue stating that he paid 1968 taxes in the amount of SZ0. Z0 on an automobile that he purchased January Z3, 1968 and requested a refund since he did not own the car on January 1, 1968. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Mr. Goodrich be refunded the SZ0. Z0 as requested. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded b? Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Miss Ora Mae Nichol be authorized to attend the Texas Conference on Vital Statistics in Austin, December Z and 3, 1968, at the expense of the City. Near the conclusion of the meeting Engineer Kirven stated to the Board that it was his feeling that certain extensions of water and sewer lines should be made pMior to the time Boedeker Street is paved. He was requested to give this problem further study and report his recommendations to the Board of Commissioners December Z, if possible. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ZND DAY OF DEC/]EMBER, A.D. , 1968. ATTEST: . ~. I6'6 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY' BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 2,~ 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, December 2, 1968, at 7:30 p. rm. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. tteene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Superintendent of Public Wor~s L. Chambers, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Wilson Germany and City Attorney Dick P. H. Sullivan, Fire Marshal Fred L. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Others present were: Mrs. Tom Beaty, 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Fewell, 4325 Greenbrier Drive; Mr. Cam Dowell, 6517 Hillcrest Avenue;'Mr. James M~cNeese, 1309 Main Street; Mr. and Mrs. Akin, Students, Colgate Avenue; Mr. Weintraub, Jr., 4444 McFarlin Boulevard and Miss Mary Collett, Southern Methodist University'; Mr. Ed Wood, 3533 Marvin Wise, 3444 University' Boulevard and Mr. Sam 3424 Haynie Avenue. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. The' City Clerk presented to the Board of Commissioners a copy of the minutes of a meeting held by the Zoning Commission November 19, 1968. At that time the Zoning Commission considered the appeal filed with the Board of Commissioners on October 21, of Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 3, "D" Apartment District to an "E" Business District. 1968, requesting that the zoning classification University Park Addition be changed from a The minutes of the I67 Zoning Commission reflected that Mr. 1{alph Baker, Mr. Clyde Jackson, Mr. John Morris and Chairman Mark Martin voted to recommend to the Board of Commissioners that no change in the present zoning classification be made at this time. Member George Connell requested that the minutes reflect that he abstained from voting. Mr. James McNeese and Mr. Percy Fewell, both representing the Hillcr~State Bank,'_ appeared and requested the Board of Commissioners to hold a Public Hearing on this question stating that they had additional information to submit which in their opinion might justify the Board cf Commissioners to over-rule the recommendation made by the Zoning Commission. Mr. Marvin Wise, an attorney and homeowner of 3444 University Boalevard, appeared t~efore the Board of Commissioners and urged that they concur in the recommendation made by the Zoning Commission and deny the appeal for this change in zoning. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Board of Commissioners accept the recommendation of the Zoning Commission and that the appeal for a change in zoning be denied. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. George P. Cullum, Sr., a member of the Board of Trustees of Southern Metho~list University, reqaesting that the City waive its annual charge of $2, 250.00 for police and fire service so that same could be considered a part of the Sustentation Fund. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor be authorized to advise Mr. Cullum that the City will waive its charge for the year 1968-69. 168 Hhe City Clerk presented a petition signed by five owners of business' facing Northwest Parkway immediately east of Preston 1Koad. The petition requested that the name be changed to Northwest Flighway and that the street numbers be adjusted according .to the Dallas numbers. Mr. Hamman recommended that this request be denied because no part of l~lorthwest Highway is within the corporate limits of University Park. He explained that our street numbering system differs from that used by the City of Dallas and it is through this numbering system that the taxing authorities distinguish the municip~ity that is entitled to taxing revenue. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that City Clerk Hamman be authorized to write these five business' and explain the reason their request was denied. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Hudson S. Miers of 2829 Purdue Street requesting an adjustment on his $43.06 water bill for November 11. After comparing this bill with statements for comparable months in 1967, it appeared Mr. Hudson Miers would be entitled to an adjustment of $18.24. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the adjustment in the amount of $18. Z4 be given to Mr. Miers and that he be advised of the adjustment. The City Clerk presented a letter from iV~rs. Leo LaBorde of 3132 Amherst Street stating that this City had levied a $3.60 tax on a volkswagon erroneously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the request of Mrs. gaBorde for a $3.60 refund be granted. t69 Mr. Sam Weintraub, Jr. , 4444 McFarlin Boulevard, again appeared before the Board of Commissioners and urged that this City endeavor to acquire title either through a lease or purchase of the land east of the Tollroad and of University Boulevard. ~%' .... The City Clerk presented preliminary construction cost and estimate for storm sewers and paving of Loma Alto Drive prepared by Raymond L. Goodson, Jr. ,; estimated cost $172,999.00. Mr. Goodson recommended that both the storm sewer and the paving be advertised as a single job and not separated. The bore estimate is based on six inch concrete paving. Engineer Kirven recommended that the paving be eight inches thick. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City proceed and advertise for bids for this work as quickly as possible and further that the contractors be requested to make an alternate bid for eight inch paving then upon receipt of the bids, the Board of Commissioners can determine the thickness desired. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXXI ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TE~XAS, CREATING A FIRE LANE ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF LOVERS LANE FROM PRESTON ROAD EAST TO THE ALLEY WEST OF SNIDER PLAZA EXCLUDING EXISTING OFF-STREET PARKING, PROHIBITING THE PARrilNG OF ANY VEHICLE ALONG SAID FIRE LANE AT ANY TIME AND PROVIDING A PENALTY City Engineer Ifirven discussed with the Board of Commissioners the a[ssessment to be levied against the abutting property owners for the paving of 170 BoedeKer Street. The City Clerk and the City Engineer were instructed to find out the amount of assessment the City of Dallas would levy in a similar situation and to present to the Board of Co~nmissioners their ifndings on December 16 at which time the Board of Commissioners will try to arrive at a proper decision. Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of l~0vember, False Emergency No Loss Autos Grass Alarms First Aid Alarms 1968. Loss Alarms T oral Alarms 1 3 1 24 Estimated value of buildings protected Amount of Insurance on buildings Estimated amount of loss Marshal Chambers stated that the will hold their Austin, Texas, 20 14 $565,000.00 $43Z,000.00 $ 18,906.00 63 Texas Firemen's Training School Twenty-First Annual Fir emen's In:~ructors Conference in December 10 and ll, 1968, and that he would like to attend this conference. Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Marshal Chambers be allowed to attend this conference at the expense of the City. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. 6TH D. OF DECEMBER, A.D., A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by 1968. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1968, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, December 16, I968, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert g. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. I~irven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Bieene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. ~Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Other~g~uests present were: Mrs. Tom Beaty of 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive and Mr. a~d Mrs. Akin, Students, Southern Methodist University. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Messrs. Roland Cox, Frank Reedy and Aubrey Good all of the 2900 block of ~uthwestern Boulevard appeared and complained of the fact that the curb and gutter on the south side of the street had sunken and water stands for several days when it rains. After discussing the metter with the City Engineer, the Board of Commissioners told the gentlemen that it would be necessary to d~termine what a reputable contractor would charge to make the repairs necessary and when this had been accomplished, each of the property owners involved would be advised that the City will do the work for one-half the price a contractor would charge. City Engineer Kirven and City Clerk Hamman discussed with the Commission the necessity of holding a public hearing for the paving of Boedeker Street. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by t72 Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the date of January ZO, 1969, be set for the public hearing and[ that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXXII ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, DETERMINING TH]F. NECESSITY OF LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF ON BOEDEKER STREET BEGINNING AT THE NORTH LINE OF A 15 FOOT ALLEY NORTH OF EAST BINKLEY AVENUE TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF YALE BOULEVARD. THEN BEGINNING AGAIN AT MCFARLIN BOULE- VARD WITH CERTAIN RADIUS ADJUSTMENT ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNE1K AND CONTINUING FROM THE NORTH CURB LINE OF MCFARLIN BOULE- BARD NORTH TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF MILTON AVENUE, SAVE AND EXCEPT A PORTION OF THE STREET INTERSECTIONS AT FONDREN DRIVE. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, DANIEL AVENUE AND ROSEDALE AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, FOR A PART OF THE COST OF IMPROVING SAID STREET AND FIXING A TIME FOlK THE HEARING OF THE OWNERS OR AGENTS OF SAID OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY OR OF ANY PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID IMPROVEMENTS AS PROVIDED BY ARTICLE l105-b, TITLE ZS, REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS, BEING CHAPTER 106 O17, THE ACTS OF THE SIXTIETH LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, ADN THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLER~ TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AND EXAMINING AND APPROVING THE STATEMENT OR REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY A motion was made by Commissioner Ger:many, seconded by Commissioner Sallivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for one garbage truck and suitable body. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously thai; a refund of SZ. 37 be made to Judge William M. Taylor which had been credited to his tax account through error. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ZND/~Y OF JANUA/~Y, A.D., 1969. 175 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1969, AT 7:30 p.m. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, January 6, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. I~eene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. FI. Sullivan, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following guests were present. Mr. Edward A. Wood, Jr. 3533 Mrs. Tom Beaty 3915 Mrs. Newton Hammett 3909 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Baker 3801 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McCardle 4433 Mrs. Ed Daniel & Son Carter 4405 Mr. Grady Bishop 3008 Colgate Avenue Bryn Mawr Drive Bryn Mawr Drive Wentwood Drive McFarlin Boulevard Southwestern Boulevard Westminister Avenue Mr. Grady Bishop appeared to again discuss with the Commission the changing of the life insurance carried on employees from the Equitable to the Great Southern Life Insurance. After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that no change be authorized in the life insurance policy in effect at this time. However, the City Clerk was instructed to discuss this metter with the other employees and that a recommendation be made to the City Commission prior to September 1, 1969 being the renewal date of the life insurance with the Equitable Insurance Company. 174 The City Clerk presented a statement from the Texas Municipal League in the amount of $708.00 being dues for the calendar year of 1969 by all cities in the population bracket of ZOL25 thousand. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that membership in the Texas Municipal League be retained and that the remittance paying dues be made promptly. Mr. Ralph Baker, 3801 Wentwood Drive, appeared and introduced Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McCardle, Mrs. Ed Daniel and her son Carter and also Mrs. Baker. He stated that their purpose for attending the Commission Meeting was to request that consideration be given to repairing and enlarging the City Hall. He stated that a number of citizens had discussed this problem with him and it was his feeling that the majority of the citizens of this City would appreciate the Board of Commissioners taking thc., above action provided that the enlargement of the City Hall would not ~ecessitate the violation of any of our present zoning laws. Chief Keene addressed the Commission requesting permission to enrool Sgt. Mallicote in a three month police school at Southern Methodist University which began January 6, 1969, the cost would be approximately $400.00. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that this request be approved. Marshal Chambers made the following reports. First was the report of the Fire Departments activities for the month of ~December, 1968, then he made a report for the entire year. DECEMBER, 1968 False Emergency Autos Grass Alarms First Aid No Loss Alarms Loss Alarms Total 1 4 5 1 2Q 17 10 57 Estimated value of property protected Estimated amount of Insurance on Property Estimated amount of actual loss paid ENTIRE YEAR $432,500.00 $341,000.00 $ 17,977. 31 Emergency False No First Aid Autos Grass Alarms Loss Deaths Loss Total 296 44 9 7 232 4 Value of property protec~ied Amount of Insurance on Property Amount of Loss Paid There being no further business, the meeting recessed. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JANUARY Z0, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. 78 673 $19,08Z, 600.00 $15,549,450.00 $ 161,163,92 A.D., 1969. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, January Z0, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments 1,76 Forrest E. B[eene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the roll call. Name Address G. Roger Gielow Mrs. George S. Gee A. R. Hagler B. J. Knight D. W. Smith R. R. Rubottom Mrs. H. F. Backart Mr. & Mrs. R. T. Buckart Fred W. Bryson L. F. Griffin Mayor Coffee called the meeting t 6305 Glendora, Attorney for George Gee Owner of 2836 Rosedale Avenue 2900 McFarlin 2853 Fondren Drive 2901 Milton Avenue Southern Methodist University 2848 McFarlin Boulevard 2848 McFarlin Boulevard 3504 Villanova {owner of 2900 Fondren Dr.) 2837 Milton Avenue o order promptly at 7:30 p.m. and stated pursuant to legal advertisement appearing in the official publication December 26, 1968 and January Z and 9, 1969, the Board of Cornmissioners will hold a Public Hearing relative to the levying of an assessment against abutting property and the owners thereof to cover one-half the cost of the improving of a part of Boedeker Street. Doctor Richard Rubottom, Jr., Vice President of Southern Methodist University, protested that in view of the fact aht Soathern Methodist University owns all the land in the north half of Blocks 2 and 3 of East University Place Addition and the farther fact that the future development of this un- improved area has not been determined, it was the feeling of the officials of Southern Methodist University that it may be a waste of money to pave Boedeker Street at this time from the alley soath of Yale to Yale Boulevard. BIe requested that that section be eliminated from the proposed improvement; this being the land 177 abutting Lot 10 of Block 2 and Lot 1 of Block 3. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that this half of block be eliminated from the proposed improvement. Mrs. Velma V. Burkart and her son, owners of Lot ll, Block B, Dan P,o Addition {2848 McFarlin Boulevard) appeared and asked if the street by her property would be widened. She also wanted to know if all the broken paving in Boedeker Street abutting her property would be removed. She further stated that she felt that a street light needed to be installed and that if and when the proposed paving was done the City should give attention to establishing traffic control devices in the area; probably that stop signs would suffice. She felt that the cost of the impicovement is excessive although the street does need attention. Mr. B. J. Knight, owner of Lot 1, Blcok B, Dan 1Ko Addition (Z853 Fondren Drive) felt that the cost of the proposed improvement is excessive and that the City should bear a larger participation. Mr. A. tK. Hagler, owner of Lot Z4, Block 6, University Court Addition {Z900 McFarlin Boulevard) stated that he would appreciate the City reducing the amount of the assessment and absorbing more of the cost than proposed. He stated however that in his judgment the overall cost is not excessive and is in keeping with present day construction prices. Doctor Fred W. Bryson, owner of Lot 24, Block 3, University Court Addition, {Z900 Fondren Drive) rotated that his property is owned for revenue purposes and he feels that he may experience a difficulty in obtainign a fair return from same when the cost of the proposed improvement is added to the cost of the property and that he was hopeful that the amount of the assessment could be reduced. 178 A Mr. Geilow, an attorney, stated that he represented Mr. George S. Gee, Jr., owner of Lot 11, Block 4, Summitt Lawn Addition (2836 Rosedale Avenue) stated that in his judgment ~nd that of his client that the proposed assessment is excessive and the cost of the pavem, ent will not enhance the value of the property as much as the assessment will cost. l~lr. Linnwood Griffin, Jr., owner of Lot 1, Block 4, Summitt Lawn Addition (Z837 Milton Avenue) was represented by his b~r Mr. L. F. Griffin. He stated that although the street needed improving it was his feeling that the valu of the property will not be enhanced as much as the cost of the assessment. Mr. D. W. Smith, Owner of Lot 11, Block 8, Westminister Place Addition IZ901 Milton Avenue) stated he doubts that the value of his home will be enhanced as much as the cost of the improvement. However, the improvement is needed and should the Board of Commissioners feel that the City's participation is justified and they cannot reduce the amount of tire assessment he shall endeavor to pay same. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXXIII ORDINANCE CLOSING HEARING AND LEVYING ASSESSMENTS FOR ONE-HALF THE COST OF IMPROVING A PART OF BOEDEKER STREET, KNOWN AS DISTRICT NO. 414, IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, FIXING CHARGES AND LIENS AGAINST i~ROi~ERTIES ABUTTING THEREON AND AGAINST THE OWNERS THEREOF, PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS AND THE ISSUANCE OF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATES IN EVIDENCE THEREOF, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. A motion was made by Commissioner Gerrnany, seconded by Commissioner S~llivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. 17 9 ORDINANCE NO. XXXIV AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE RELOCATION OF BUt'likEliER STREET BETWEEN UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND DANIEL AVENUE; ABANDONING THE OND RIGHT-OF-WAY BETWEEN UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND DANIEL AVENUE TO SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY, THE OWNER OF ALL THE ABUTTING PROPERTY, AND EXCHANGING THE ABANDONED PROPERTY FOR THE NEW RIGHT-OF- WAY FOR BOEDEIKER STREET. A motion was made by Commissioner Sallivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH LYNDON G. WALAx ER TO LEASE ONE TRACT OF LAND CONSISTING OF 48.75 ACRES FOR A CONSIDERATION OF~ONE DOLLAR AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, TO BE USED BY THIS CITY IN ITS OPERATION WITH THE DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE. James E. Brown, City Auditor and Supervisor of the Water Department, discussed with the Board of Commissioners the making of an adjustment of $35. 08 to Mrs. William C. Burns, 3729 Purdue Street, for water lost from the time the meter was read November 22 and December 23 prior to the time her water system was repaired December 12, 1968. He explained to the Commission that the above is one-half of water charged this person for the last three months in excess of the amount she paid for water for comparable period in 1967. The City Clerk discussed the request of January 17, 1969 of Mr. L. M. Jordon, Presidmnt of the Dallas County Park Cities Water Control and Improvement District No. Two that this City increase its purchase price of water. No specific amount was mentioned by Mr. Jordon. After due consideration, the Mayor suggested that Mr. Hamman contact the proper officials of Highland Park and ascertain if a conference could be arranged first with them on this subject. Also that he try and determine the estimated expense the District will have during the 1968-69 fiscal year including retirement of bonds and payment of interest. 18 0 There b~ing no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 3RD DAY OF FEBRUARY, A.D. 1969. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in reg,~lar session on Monday, February 3, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present w~re:: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Harnman. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting. Name Mrs. Tom Beaty Mr. Edward A. Wood, Jr. Mrs. Dewey Godfrey Mrs. Jane Rejebian Mr. Jerry Stover Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bernays Address 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 3533 Colgate Avenue 3504 Caruth Boulevard 3724 Colgate Avenue 4524 Druid Lane 3612 Colgate Avenue Mayor Coffee called the me eting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. The Mayor stated that pursuant to legal advertisement appearing in the official publication January 23, 1969, sealed proposals would be oper*ed for the purchase of a garbage truck and body. The following bids were submitted. Horn-Williams Ford $6, 375.00 Kenray Ford Sales and Service $6,272.48 Ed Maher, Inc. $6,098.59 Only one bid was submitted for a body to go on the above truck and that was by Pak-Mor Manufacturing Company of San Antonio in the amount of $4,400.00. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above bids be carefully tabulated and if the dealers were all bidding on the same specifications that the purchase be awarded to ]Ed Maher, Inc. , the low bidder. Also that a purchae order be issued to Pak-Mor Manufacturing Company for a body to be installed on this truck. The City Clerk presented a statement from the North Central Texas Council of Governments for annual dues for the fiscal period beginning October 1, 1968 and ending September 30, 1969 in the amount of $100.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner put to vote and carried unanimously that the above statement be Germany, paid. The City Clerk presented a proposal from Flersey- Sparling Meter Company to furnish the City meters through the calendar year of 1969. This matter was taken under advisement until the City Clerk has had an opportunity to discuss with their representative the payment of freight on old meters to be reconditioned. Heretofore the Company has paid freight one way. The new proposal sets out that the City is to pay freight both ways. The City Clerk presented a proposal from Southern Methodist University to deposit $1,Z50.00 to be used in payment of special police to supervise meetins at the coliseum and on the campus as the Chief of Police may see fit for the 1'82 be placed in that block. installation of the light. by Commissioner Sullivan, Resolution be approved. period January 24 until June 1, 1969. Adter due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the proposal from Southern Methodist University be accepted. The City Clerk presented a petition signed by the seven property owners in the 3800 block of Windsor Lane requesting that an ornamental street light The signers of the petition will pay for the cost of the A motion was made by Commis~ oner Germany, seconded put to vote and carried unanimously that the following RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF AN ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHT IN THE PROXIMITY OF 3850 WINDSOR LANE The Tax Assessor and Collector recommended the cancellation of a $53.00 personal property tax levied against Claude C. Lightfoot, Creek Boulevard. This is the property formerly ocvupied by Mr. An assessment of $103.00 was levied against Mr. Lightfoot which was the last amount of personal property rendition made by Mr. Florence. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the cancellation be approved as requested. The City Clerk presented a request from Mr. Tom Ellis, County Clerk, to hold an election February 25, made by Commissioner Sullivan, vote and carried unanimously that the request be granted. Chief Keene request permission to attend the Texas Police 1969, in the Fire Station. A motion was seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to Association Regional Conference in Waco, Texas, February 9 and 10, 1969. 6525 Turtle Fred Florence. 183 A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Chief I{eene be permitted to attend this conference at the expense of the City. The City Clerk presented an offer from Missouri River Co~struct~Ors, Inc. to purchase 36 acres of land from the Cit~ at the corner of Lombardy Lane and Shady Trail for $5,000~00 per acre. The City Clerk was instructed to advise the Missouri River Constructors, Ind. that in the judgment of the Board of Commissioners their offer was entirely to low. The request of the Park Cities Water District that the City increase its rate was taken under advisement. The City Clerk explained to the Board of Commissioners that Harris Yarbrough, Jr. had written a letter to the City offering to donate the building and the fence on Lot 17, Block 44, University Heights Addition to the City if it would remove same and that Sam Rutherford, House Movers, had agreed to move the building to the Garland Farm for a fee of $850.00. After due consider- ation, it was decided to accept these proposals. The following Municipal C onfer~..nces were discussed. The Dallas Metropolitan Area Suburban Cities will meet February 5 at the Dallas Athletic Club and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman will attend. The Greater Dallas County League of Municipalities will meet Thursday, February 6, 1969 and Mayor Coffee, Commissioner Germany, City Clerk Hamman and Chief of Police Forrest Keene will Attend. Region 13, Texas Municipal League will meet Thursday, February 13, at the Baker Hotel and Mayor Coffee, Commissioner Germany, City Clerk Hamman and Chief Keene will attend. '84 Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the Fire Departments activities for the month of January, 1969. Emergency No Loss Loss Total Autos Grass First Aid Alarms Alarms Alarms 2 4 31 22 Estimated value of property protected Insurance on property protected Actual Loss Paid There being no further business, 61 $'57,600. O0 $50,400. O0 $ 4,541.95 the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 17TH OFFEB~.~ARY, A.D., 1969. ATTES~~ cIT~y CLERK MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMIS~ ONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY ~LL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, February 17, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, CommissiOner E. Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Mail Clerk Dennis Porter and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Wilson Germany and City Attorney Dick P. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. The City Clerk presented an ammended proposal from Hersey-Sl~ rling Meter Company agreeing to absorb freight from factory to University Park on fully rebuilt old Hersey Meters. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the proposal be accepted. Chief I~eene presented a request from Mr. Lon Sailers, Scoutmaster, that Troup 70 be permitted to hold a Boy Scout Jamboree in Curtis Park from 2:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, 1V~arch 27, Also that they be permitted to erect for that occasion a 28 foot Old Man Texas facsimile at the corner of Lovers Lane and Dickens Avenue. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that the City will interpose no objection~to the Boy Scout Jamboree in Curtis Park on March 27 ~or the erection of the 28 foot Old Man Texas facsimile at the corner of Lovers Lane and Dickens Avenue with the understanding that an indemnity bond will be filed with the City protecting it from any damage that might occur. The Mayor presented a letter from Mr. Lut'her M. Jordan, Jr., l~resident of the Dallas County l~ark Cities Water Control and Improvement District Number Two requesting that proper representatives of the two Park Cities meet with the Board of Trustees of the V~ater District on February 27, 1969 at 2:00 p.m. in the Highland Park Town Flall for the purpose of discussing the increasing of the rate per thousand gallons that the two cities are now paying for water. After due consideration, the Mayor was requested to inform 1V~r. Jordag that the officials of this City will be glad to meet with the Trustees of the ~Vater District, as requested. The Mayor presented a letter from Mr. Thomas H. I-light, Attorney, 186 representing Virginia S. Andrews, putting the City on notice of a claim for damage sustained on the 24th day of January, 1969, when a truck owned by the City driven by P~aymond Finley Young ran into the back of her car. No action was taken relative to this notice of claim except that the City Attorney should be furnished with a copy. Chief Keene presented to the Commission a letter from Mr. Lee Hammond representing the Mosler Safe Company relative to police alarm control installations. After due consideration, a motion was made and carried that Mr. Hammond be advised that the City will give consideration to his request that institutions within a two mile radius of this City be served as set out in his proposal of February~17, 1969. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 3RD~ [ OF MARGH,/~A.D., 1969. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MINUTES OF THE REGULA~ MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY ~LL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, ~RCH 3, 1969, .AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regalar session on Monday, March 3, 1969, at 7:3,0 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert g. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Larry' Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson, City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following guests were present: Mr. Hardy Ladd Mrs. Tom Beaty Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi Superintendent of Public Works Woodard, Permit Clerk Mail Clerk Dennis Porter and 372.8 Stanford Street 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 2945 University Boulevard Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 P. M. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried .unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ENGINEERS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF LOMO ALTO DRIVE FROM UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD NORTH TO LOVERS LANE AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AT LOMOALTO DRIVE, GRASSMERE LANE, ARMSTRONG BOULEVARD, GLENWlCK LANE AND DOUGLAS AVENUE AS PREPARED BY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER RAYMOND L. GOODSON, JR. , AND ORDERING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner S,~llivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Engineer Raymond L. Goodson, Jr. be employed to supervise and inspect storm sewer construction in the vicinity of Lomo Alto paving project; also the supervising and inspecting of all paving to be done in connection with this.project with the understanding that this work be done on an hourly bases of $8.00 per hour with a guarantee that the maximum cost will not exceed $Z,400.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. 1,8 8' ORDINANCE NO. XXXV AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT SPECIFIC ORDINANCE RELATING TO TIME LIMIT PARKING ADOPTED THE 7TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1963, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FOR PARKING TIME LIMITS IN DESIGNATED PLACES IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK; STATING THE HOURS OF THE DAY WHEN SUCH TIME LIMIT IS EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING THAT THE SAME SHALL NOT APPLY ON CERTAIN SPECIFIC DAYS; STATING THAT TIME LIMIT; PROVIDING FOR THE MARKING OF PARKING SPACES; DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS WHERE THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF; DEFINING OFFENSES AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES: PROVIDING THAT INVALIDITY OF PART SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE REMAINDER A motion was made by Commissioner Gern~any, seconded by Commissioner S,~llivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the followirg Ordinance be adopted: ORDINANCE NO. XXXVI ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, CREATING A FIRE LANE ALONG BOTH SIDES OF THE EAST CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY ACCESS ROAD FROM FONDREN DRIVE NORTH TO UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, PROHIBITING THE PARKING OF ANY VEHICLE ALONG SAID FIRE LANE AT ANY TIME AND PROVIDING A PENALTY The City Clerk presented a .written comm-nication from Mr. Bill E. Caffee, Director of Securities, Southern Methodist University, requesting permission to make a painted cross walk across Airline Road from the campus at a point even with the alley between Fondren Drive and University Boulevard. He also requested that the City install a mast arm street light on a power pole that is on the parkway at this location. After due considfiration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vo~e and carried unanimously that the above request be granted ~the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF A MAST ARM STREET LIGHT ON POLE NUMBER 5N-2E-401 LOCATED ON AIRLINE ROAD NEAR THE ALLEY BETWEEN FONDREN DRIVE AND UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 189 Fire Marshall Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of February, Emergency No Loss Autos Grass First Aid Alarms 1969. L o s s Tot al Alarms Alarms 4 4 23 19 3 53 Estimated value of Property Protected Estimated amount of insurance on property Estimated amount of loss for the month $92,000.00 $7 6,500.00 $ 6,769.66 Marshal Chambers stated that the Fourteenth Annual Seminar Texas Arson Conference will be held in Austin, Texas March 11 through 14, 1969 and that since he is an officer and also on the program he would like permission to attend this conference. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Marshal Chambers be granted permission to attend this conference at the expense of the City. Mr. Hardy Ladd of 3728 Stanford Street complained about traffic congestion on Lovers Lane from the Tollroad east to Preston Road. He also brought out that the streets in the vicinity of Lovers Lane, Douglas and Preston Road needed very badly to have traffic lanes re-established. Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi of 2945 University Boulevard urged the Board of Commissioners to proceed immediately with the remodeling and enlarging of the City Hall. The Board of Commissioners discussed at considerable length the recent request of the Dallas County Park Cities Water Control and Iml~rovement District No. Two that the City agree to increase the amount now being paid the District for water which is 18 cents per thousand gallons to 25 cents per thousand gallons. The Board of Commissioners carefully reviewed a memorandum submitted by Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan on this subject 1 90 and after due consideration City Clerk Hamman was authorized to contact the proper officials of the Town of Highland Park and advise that this City is willing to increase the rate of payment for water to the District for a period not to exceed two years at 2.2 cents per thousand gallons. City Clerk I-{amman explained to the Board of Commissioners that Lt. J. D. Brown and Sgts. Brenson Cherry and Charles D. Mallicote had graduated from the Southwestern Police Academy conducted on the campus of Southern Methodist University; that they had obtained their certificates of graduation showing that they had completed the cour se offered by the University and they were eligible to purchase class rings. each. A motion was made, seconded, These rings cost approximately $35.00 put to vote and carried unanimously that the City pay for the rings for these gentlemen and any other employees that later may enroll and complete this course of study. It is understood of course that these rings will have engraved thereon "The City of University Park" and the date of graduation. Pursuant to a previous request, the City Attorney presented an Ordinance with blank dates for the Board of Commissioners to consider relative to the holding of an election for the purpose of determining the desirability of increasing the Governing Body of this City from a Mayor and two Commissioners to a Mayor and five Aldermen. After due consideration, it was decided that no action be taken at this time and this matter be taken under advisement. A motion was made by Commissioner Ger~r~any, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. 179'1 IlESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF A MAST ARM STREET LIGHT ON POLE NUMBER 5N-2E-374 LOCATED IN THE ALLEY AT THE REAR OF 3020 DANIEL AVENUE There being no farther business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 17TH DAY OF MAJ~CH, A.D., CITY/CLERK ' 1969. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY ina IlK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners o£ the City of University Park met in reg,~lar session on Monday, March 17, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Biriven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Mail Clerk Dennis Porter and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. and observed that there were approximately sixty people in the auditorium. It was determined that a large number of those present had come for the purpose of discussing with the Board of Commissioners the proposed ordinance that 1'92 they were considering ordering an election for the purpose of determining if the majority of the citizens of University Park desired to change the form of government from a Mayor and two Commissioners to a Mayor and five Aldermen. Mayor Coffee requested that those in favor of the change in government to raise their hands. Fifteen people voted "yes" He then asked those against making a change to raise their hands whereupon thirteen hands were raised. Later in the evening, Mr. Douglas Adkins, who had expressed himself as to being opposed to making any changes addressed the Mayor pointed out that several people had engered the auditorium that he knew were definitely opposed to making any change and requested the Mayor to ask for another hand raising rote. Commissioner Germany pointed out that he felt the meeting should procede since no change would be rmade without submitting the proposition to a vote by all of the people of University i)ark at a special election. No record had been obtained of those attending this Board of Commission Meeting. However, the following is tlhe name and address of gl of those attending known to the City Clerk. Name Roy C. Coffee, Jr. James S. Robertson, Jr. Edwin M. Jacobs Mrs. Tom Beaty Mr. & Mrs. Ted Miller, III Mr. & Mrs. Lance Torrance Richard ]Z. Gray Gordon 1K. Dysart I~ieith t~eddic k Douglas Adkins William Goff Mrs. 1l. S. Gozzaldi R. P. Kincheloe Mr. & Mrs. R. I~. Hubbell William V. Trager L. G. Dupre ]Zd Barry William F. Farrell, Jr. Address 3009 Bryn Mawr Z928 Bryn Mawr 3602 Bryn Mawr 3915 Bry:n Mawr Z904 Purdue Unknown 6815 Hunters Glen 3224 Hanover 38Z9 Colgate 4333 Y~mers on 44ZZ Nor:mandy Z945 University Boulevard 4020 University Boulevard 4136 University Boulevard 3716 McFarlin Boulevard 4133 San Carlos 3405 Wentwood 3538 Caruth Boulevard I93' After everyone present had been given an opportunity to express themselves fully relative to the proposition at hand, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that this proposition be taken under advisement and action post- poned to October 6, 1969, being the date of the first Commission Meeting in Oct obe r. The Mayor then announced that pursuant to legal advertisement appearing in the official publication February 27 and March 6, 1969, that sealed bids would be opened and read aloud in connection with the paving of Lomo Alto Street from Lovers Lane south to Emerson Avenue and the construction of storm sewers in the vicinity and on Douglas Street in the vicinity of Highland i~arkSenior High School. Although nine contracting firms had been requested to submit a proposal only two responded. Cullum Construction Company Uvalde Construction Company $Z7 1,448. 30 $274, 178.20 A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the bids be referred to Consulting Engineer Mr. Raymond Goodson, Jr. who was present and to the City Engineer Mr. Jack B. Kirven for their study and tabulation and if no errors or no irregularities found that a contract be awarded to the Cullum Construction Company todo this work. It was recommended that Mr. J. D. kX4ahoney of Rollins and Mahoney, Consulting Engineers, be employed to supervise the paving of Boedeker Street from McFarlin Boulevard north to Milton Avenue, for a fixed sum of $880.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put. to vote and carried unanimously that Mr. J. D. Mahoney be employed to supervise the paving of Boedeker Street from McFarlin Boulevard north to Milton Avenue for a fee not to exceed $880.00. 194 On February 10, 1969, one of our garbage trucks ran into the rear of a car driven by Mrs. Clarence Starr which had stopped at the red light at Daniel Avenue and Airline Road. It was established that the brakes on our garbage truck failed to hold,. It was recommended that the City pay Mr. and Mrs. Starr for the repair of their car and medical expenses in the amount of $87~6. 15 and a release signed by both Mr. and Mrs. Starr. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Mr. and Mrs. Starr be paid $876. 15 for medical expense and the repair of their car after a proper release had been executed by bo'eh Clarence and Ouida Bowman Starr, said release prepared by the City Attorney. The Board of Commissioners discussed adopting an ordinance governing the operation of the swimming pool for the current year and also the request of Max N. Heidenrich, Dallas Park Cities Aquatatics, to be permitted to use the swimming pool this summer. It was decided to take these problems under advisement until the next Board Meeting, which will be April 7, 1969. The Board of Commissioners discussed the request of Mrs. Don 1K Dowler, President of the Assistance League of Dallas that her organization be permitted to hold a bazzar at the 1K. L. Thornton Alumni Center from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., April 30, 1969. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote ar. Ld carried unanimously that the City Clerk be authorized to notify Mrs. Dowler that the City will interpose no objection to her organization holding the bazzar as requested. The Board of Commissioners discussed at cond derable length a petition signed by several of the employees requesting that the employees longevity be recognized and that an ordinance governing vacations be adopted. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that an ordinance be adopted to be effective April 1, 1969 that every employee who has served for twelve months or longer be given a two calendar week, inclusive of holidays, vacation each year and that employees who have served the City for fifteen years or longer be given a three calendar week, inclusive of holdiays, vacation. Thereupon the following ordinance was adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXXVII AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK GRANTING TO ALL EMPLOYEES THAT HAVE BEEN ON THE PAYROLL TWELVE MONTHS OR MORE PRIOR TO APRIL 1 OF EACH YEAR A TWO CALENDAR WEEK, INCLUSIVE OF HOLDIAYS, PAID VACATION; ALL EMPLOYEES THAT HAVE BEEN ON THE PAYROLL FIFTEEN YEARS OR MORE PRIOR TO APRIL 1 OF EACH YEAR A THREE CALENDAR WEEK, INCLUSIVE OF HOLIDAYS, ANNUAL PAID VACATION; EMPLOYEES MAY, WITH THE APPROVAL OF THEIR DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR, BE ABSENT FROM DUTY ONE OR MORE DAYS; WHICH TIME SHALL BE CHARGED TO THEM AGAINST THEIR ANNUAL VACATION Mr. James E. Topham, representing the Three M Company, and our Assistant City Engineer B. R. McMurray, samples of street signs for intersections. presented to the Board of Commissioner~ After lengthy discussions by all present, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that this City adopt the standard sign with green background and white letters and that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase the materials and that our Public Works Department proceed with the installation of the new type signs on Preston Road, Hillcrest Avenue and other prominent thoroughfares as rapidly as possible. Chief Keene presented a letter dated March 17, 1969 from Mr. H. E. Yarbrough, Jr. , requesting that no parking be permitted in front of his residence at 3937 Villanova Drive. After due consideration, it appeared to be the unanimous opinion that it would not be proper to create a"no parking" zone in front of just one residence located 140 feet from any cross street. 196 Mr. Yarbrough's problem was referred t~ack to Chief Keene and his traffic committee for further study. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 7TH~ OF APRIL,/2~. D. , 1969. /~/ // MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY' BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University r~ark met in regular session on Monday, April 7, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: Assistant City Attorney DickP. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of-Public Works L. H. Sullivan, D puty Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Dennis Porter and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following is the names and addresses cf the people attending the meeting who signed the roll call. NA ME Roy C. Coffee, Jr. Mrs. R. B. James A DDR ESS 3009 Bryn. Mawr Drive 3Z40 Purdue Street Mail Clerk NA ME ADDRESS Doug D. Domeen Joe Grey Mrs. Tom Beaty 3915 Mrs. N. T. Hammett 3909 A. R. Burr 2845 R. R. Rubottom 3429 Mrs. Dewey Godfrey 3504 E. A. Wood 3533 Mrs. Henry K. Goetz 31.29 Mr. and Mrs. E. Uecker 3100 Mrs. Ben Sanford 3809 Jack Goodall 49 19 Max N. Heidenreick 6805 (Dallas News) 3908 Miramar Bryn Mawr Drive Bryn Mawr Drive University Boulevard University Boulevard Caruth Boulevard Colgate Avenue Caruth Boulevard Hanover Street Amherst Street I~ie yh ol e Willow Lane Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. N. T. Hammett of 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive appeared and asked how and when the Park Committee could set up a meeting. Mayor Coffee explained that all the members of this Committee should try and get together at a time and place that would be convenient for them, elect a chairman who in turn could represent the committee before the Board of Commissioners at the regular Commission Meeiings to submit recommendations made by the r~ark Committee for the Board's consideration. Mrs.~R. B. James of 3240 Purdue Street appeared and stated that there were no drinking fountains in Northcrest Park and that people using that park had to carry their drinking water. Superintendent of Public Works g. H. Sullivan was requested to place two fountains in Northcrest Park. Me~sers. Richard Rubottom, Joe Grey, A. R. Bart, JackGoodall and Max N. Hei(i~nreich appeared before the Board of Commissioners for the purpose of requesting the use of the City's swimming pool this season. Mr. Heidenreich acted as spokesman for the group stating that their senior swimming team was without a I~oo1 and also a sponsor to bear its name and it was their desire to use the University Park pool because it was a 50 meter pool and that this is the size required for AAU teams. 198 It was brought out that Mr. W. W. Wigley, Chairman of the Park Cities- North Dallas Y. M. C. A. Aquatic Committee had written the Board of Commissioners requesting permission for their swi:m team to use the swimming pool from 6:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. and also a verbal request from the Town North Y. M. C. A. requesting use of the pool £~m 6:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Max N. Heidenreich was granted authority to contact the Park Cities Y. M. C. A. and the Town North Y. M. C. A. to see if an agreement could be worked out in order for all applicant's to use the swimming pool between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adbpted. ORDINANCE NO. XXXVIII AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING AND PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF A PORTION OF HURSEY STREET ABUTTING LOT 6, BLOCK 6, HURSEY ADDITION, KNOWN AS 3428 MILTON AVENUE; ALSO CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK ON MILTON AVENUE IN FRONT OF LOT 6, BLOCK 6, HURSEY ADDITION, TO BE KNOWN AS DISTRICT NO. 416, IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS APPROVING AND ADOPTING MINIMUM WAGE SCALE CONTAINED IN SUCH IMPROVEMENT; MAKING APPROPRIATION FOR THE PAYMENT OF' THE CITY'S PORTION OF THE COST; LEVYING ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THERE- OF; approving plans and specifications prepared by the city engineer and directing him to prepare estimates, and declaring an emergency A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that tlhe following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. ~iXXXIX ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 'OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF ON LOMO ALTO DRIVE BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH LINE OF EMERSON AVENUE AND CONTINUING NORTH TO THE SOUTH LINE OE LOVERS LANE, A DISTANCE OF 1,728. 5 FEET IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS OR CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, FOR A PART OF THE COST OF IMPROVING SAID STREET AND FIXINGA TIME FOR THE HEARING OF THE OWNERS OR AGENTS OF SAID OV~ZNERS OF SAID PROPERTY OR OF ANY PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID IMPROVEMENTS AS PROVIDED BY ARTICLE l105-b, TITLE 28, REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS, BEING CHAPTER 106 OF THE ACTS OF THE SIXTIETH LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, AND THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERIf TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AND EXAMINING AND APPROVING THE STATEMENT OR REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. James B. Burleson, Certified Public Accountant, requesting that his firm be employed to make the annual audit for the fiscal year 1968-69 and that they be permitted to begin this work in the not too distant future. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that this firm be employed to make the 1968-69 audit provided their fee would not exceed $1,800.00. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Leo F. Corrigan, Jr. requesting that the "two hour" parking restirction recently placed i~m the 6900 block of Preston Road and on the north side of Grassmere Lane from Preston Road to the alley be removed. He further requested that the "two hour" restriction placed on the south side of Hyer Street from Preston Road west to the alley remain and be enforced. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXXX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. XXXVADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MARCH 3, 1969, RESCINDINGA PART OF SUB-SECTION {b) OF ARTICLE II. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. 2OO ORDINANCE NO. XXXXI AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, APPOINTINGA BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR : THE YEAR 1969, FIXING TIME FOR THE FIRST MEETING AND THE ' COMPENSATION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION --J A motion was made bY Commissioner Germany, 6econded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXXXII ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LINIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF THE UNIVERSITY PARK SWIMMING POOLS BY CERTAIN QUALIFIED PERSONS; PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF THE POOLS; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES HERETOFORE Al)OPTED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY The recommendation that Article III, Service Charges, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of University l~ark be amended and that the minimum charge for water to be increased from $1. 20 for the first 3,000 gallons of water -- metered to $2.40 and that the rate to be charged the Highland Park Indepenient School District be increased from 30 cents per thousand gallons to 40 cents per thousand and the rate to be charged Southern l~[ethodist University including sanitary sewer charge to said Southern Methodist University be increased from 27 cents per thousand gallons to 40 cents per thousand gallons will be taken under advisement until the next meeting which will be April Z1, 1969. City Clerk Hamman presented a letter frorn Southern Methodist University dated April 17, 1969, signed by Dr. R. Richard Rubottom, Jr. , Vice President requesting that the City sign an application for the assignment for a frequency to the City which would be based on the University Campus and operated by the SMU Security Department. The FCC rules that only a governmental agency can -- request assignment of a police frequency. After discussing this problem, it was decided to place the matter in abeyance. Fire Marshall Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of March, 1969. Emergency No Loss Loss Total Autos Grass First Aid Alarms Alarms Alarms 20 I 5 1 20 21 9 56 Estimated value of property protected Estimated amount of insurance on property Estimated amount of loss $831, 500.00 $676,500. O0 $ 6,612.22 There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE Z1ST DAY OF APRIL, A.D., 1969. ATT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALE AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1969, AT 7:30 r).M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University l~ark met in regalar session on Monday, April 21, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Protein E. Wilson Germany, and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick2. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred g. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Nam e W. W. Hamman. The following guests were present: Address Wigley Park Cities North Dallas YMCA & Mrs. E. E. Uecker 3100 Hanover Street 202 Name Roger B. Harlan Mrs. Marvin Wise Jack Semmones Mrs. Vincent Carrozza Mr. & Mrs. Neil E. Cleaver Mrs. Myron 1Kejebian Mrs. Dewey Godfrey Address 3213 Colgate Avenue 3444 University Boulevard 4332 North Haven 7301 Turtle Creek 4124 Caruth Boulevard 3724 Colgate Avenue 3504 Caruth Boulevard Mayor t°rotem Germany called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. W. W. Wigley, Chairman, r~ark Cities North Dallas Y. M. C. A. Aquatic Committee and Mr. JackSemones, Executive Director of Town North Y. M. C. A. appeared and discussed the use of the swimming pool this season. These gentlemen stated they had worked out a schedule whereby both Y's could use the pool from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and that they had used this pool for the last several years. Mr. Max N. Heidenreich, who had attended the Commission Meeting March 17, and had been requested to meet with the officials of the Y. M. C. A. to try and work out a schedule for a group of Aquatic Swimmers to use the swimming pool during these hours also, had written the Board of Commissioners stating that he could not attend this meeting and had been unable to meet with the Y. M. C. A. officials, and requested that the Board of Commissioners wait until May 5 to make a decision on the hours for his group and the Y. M. C. A. to use the pool. After discussing the problem it was decided to wait until the meeting May 5 to try and arrive at a decision regarding the use of the swimming pool this season. Mr. Wigley and Mr. Semones then stated that they would like a decision as soon as possible in order to make plans for their operation. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. 203 ORDINANCE NO. XXXXIII AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT SPECIFIC ORDINANCE RELATING TO TIME LIMIT PARKING ADOPTED THE 6TH DAY OF JUNE, 1960, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FOR PARKING TIME LIMITS IN DESIGNATED PLACES IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK; STATING THE HOURS OF THE DAY WHEN SUCH TIME LIMIT IS EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING THAT THE SAME SHALL NOT APPLY ON CERTAIN SPECIFIED DAYS; STATING THE TIME LIMIT; PROVIDING FOR THE MARKING OF PARKING SPACES; DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS WHERE THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF; DEFINING OFFENSES AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES; PROVIDING THAT INVALIDITY OF PART SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE REMAINDER The Board of Commissioners then discussed amending Article III, Service Charges, the Code of Ordinances, City of University Park, increasing the minim,~m charge for water to residences from $1.20 to $2.40, the Highland Park Independent School District from 30 cents per thousand gallons to 40 cents per thousand gallons and Southern Methodist University from 27 cents per thousand gallons to 40 cents per thousand gallons. This rate increase is due to the Dallas County Park Cities Water Control and Improvement District No. Two raising its rate to the City of University Park in order to help clear their bonded indebtedness. The City of University Park has heretofore paid the Water Board 18 cents per tho-sand gallons. They are now asking the City to pay 25 cents per thousand gallons. This situation was discussed at considerable length. Later, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried that the following Ordinance be adopted. ~ ~"~:" ORDINANCE NO. XXXXIV. AN ORDINAl%ICE AMENDING CODE OF I~RDINANCES, CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, ADOPTED NOVEMBER 2.0, 1967, ARTICLE III, CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO, WATER AND SEWER, SECTION 22-48, ESTABLISHING RATES FOR WATER City Attorney Dickl°. Wood, brought to the attention of the Board of ATTES ' 204 Commissioners that the Texas Legislature during the week of April 14, 1969 passed House Bill No. 117 and Seanate Bill No. 145 known as the "Tort Claims Act" and that said Legislation is now awaiting the Governor's signature and that he as City Attorney advised that the City Clerk be requested to discuss with a number of insurance agents coverage this City will need and its cost. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. 5TH OF M_AY, . D. . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS C~ THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, MAY 5, 1969, AT '7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of 'University Park met in regular session on Monday, May 5, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor RoF C. Coffee, Commissioner E. 'Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney DickP. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, [Fire Marshal Fred g. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson and City Clerk Ralph E. Harnman. The following is the name and address of the people attending the meeting who signed the Roll Call. 205 Name Address Mrs. Amy T. Tarver Mrs. Kenneth S. Palmer Charles B. Zuber, Jr. Tillie Zuber Mrs. L. A. Stoll Druisella G. Carpenter Mrs. C. B. Zuber Mrs. Martha B. Slater E. Zuber Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel DiSalvo Edwin M. Jacobs Fred K. Newberry, Jr. Joe Gray Mr. & Mrs. Kemp Johnson Carig G. Matthews A.R. Barr Mike Sorrells Mrs. Elizabeth W. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Johnson, C. Don Crowder Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lyons Bob Cope (for Mrs. B.D. Wood) Mrs. E. J. Fischer Mrs. Vincent Carrozza Max Heidenreich Mrs. Ben Sanford Mrs. Jim L. Hunter, Jr. Jack Semones Vance Burton C. P. Burton Mr. & Mrs. J~. Don Miller Russell B. Winn George W. Sanderson Mr. & Mrs. Bert K. Herron 4436 Emerson 4438 Emerson 4527 Druid Lane 4527 Druid Lane 450 1 Glenwick Lane 4502 Emerson 450 1 Druid Lane 4504 Druid Lane 450 1 Druid Lane 6903 Lomo Alto 3602 Bryn Mawr Drive 4437 Grassmere Lane 3907 Miramar 4437-9 Glenwick Lane 4437 Hyer 2845 University Boulevard 2820 Purdue 4502 University Boulevard Jr. 4500 University Boulevard 3708 Durango 4320 Flyer 4430 Druid Lane 3453 Stanford 7301 Turtle Creek 6805 Willow Lane 3809 Amherst 3705 Southwestern Boulevard Town North Y. M. C.A. 10Z20-B Regal Oaks Drive 4428 University Boulevard 4436 Glenwick Lane 4436 Hyer Street 4436 Hyer Street 4437 Emerson Street Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. and announced that pursuant to legal advertisement appearing in the official publication April 10, 17 and 2~i, 1969, a public hearing would be held relative to the levying of an assessment against abutting property and the owners thereof to cover one half the cost of improving Lomo Alto Drive beginning at the south line of Emerson Avenue and continuing north to the south line of Lovers Lane. Mr. Craig G. Matthews of 4437 Hyer Street inquired relative to drainage. He was advised that proper storm sewers would be installed a head 206 of the paving whereupon Mr. Matthews stated that he was very glad that the City was going to install storm sewers and pave Lomo Alto Drive and t~,at he felt that the Assessment was fair. Mr. 1K. g. Winn of 4436 Hyer Street also stated that he was glad that the street was to be paved and that he felt the assessment was fair. Mr. tKobert A. Johnson, Jr. representing his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson of 4502 University Boulevard made inquiry relative to the widening of Lomo Alto Drive abutting his mothers property. I-Ie ~s advised that it had been decided not to widen Lomo Alto from Emerson Avenue south to University Boulevard at this time Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Burton of 4428 University Boulevard had previously made the same inquiry and were happy to know that that part of Lomo Alto would not be widened at this time. Mr. Fred K. Newberry of 4437 Grassmere Lane addressed the Board of Commissioners several times. He felt that the assessment was excessive also that the paving should be of less width than designed in order to save the trees. Mr. Gabriel DiSalvo,~wner of 5811-25 Grassmere Lane stated that in his opinion the street did not need paving with concrete; further that he thought the width of the porposed street and the assessment were excessive. Mrs. Amy T. Tarver of 4436 Emerson Aw~nue made inquiry relative to drainage. Mr. K. P. Johnson of 4437-39 Glenwick Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Don Miller of 4436 Glenwick Lane objected to the widtl~L of the paving on the grounds that it maight necessitate the removal of trees. Mr. F. K. Newberry and Mr. Gabriel DiSalvo were apparently the only ones attending the hearing that expressed objection to the assessment. All others appeared to be more interested in preserving the trees than the cost of the assessment. After every one had had an opportunity to express themselves fully, Mayor Coffee declared the hearing closed and a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXXXVI ORDINANCE CLOSING HEARING AND LEVYING ASSESSMENTS FOR ONE- I4_ALF THE COST OF IMPROVING LOMO ALTO DRIVE BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH LINE OF EMERSON AVENUE AND CONTINUING NORTH TO THE SOUTH LINE OF LOVERS LANE, KNOWN AS DISTRICT NO. 415, IN TME CITY OF UNIVERSITY I~ARK OR CITY OF DALLAS IN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, FIXING CHARGES AND LIENS AGAINST PROPERTIES ABUTTING THEREON AND AGAINST THE OWNERS THEREOF, PROVIDING FOR TME COLLECTION OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS AND TME ISSUANCE OF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATES IN EVIDENCE THEREOF, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyons of 4320 Myer Street appeared and presented a petition bearing sixteen signatures of homeowners in the 4300 block of Myer requesting two hour parking from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays excluding legal holidays. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the request for two hour parking be granted as requested in the 4300 block of Myer Street. City Clerk Hamman recommended that Tax Certificate of Credit No. 537 representing personal property taxes for the years 1940 through 1968 be cancelled or transferred to the inactive ledger. Many of these assessments have proved to have been assessed through error; the remaining ones appear to be uncollectable. The total amount of taxes is $2,987.44. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Tax Certificate of Credit No. 537 in the amount of $Z, 987.44 be transferred to the inactive ledger. 208 Mr. Max Heidenreich, Coach Burr of Southern Methodist University, Mike Sorrells, Joe Gray and Edwin M. Jacobs appeared and again discussed with the Board of Commissioners the desirability of a group of approximately 20 expert swimmers have use of the swimming pool from one to one and one- half hours each day prior to the timethe pool is open to the public. Mr. Jack Semones, Manager of Town Nortlh Y. M. C.A. and Mr. Vance Burton in charge of swimming for the Park Cities Y. M. C.A. urged that the two Y. M. C.A.'s be permitted to make use of the pool five or six mornings each week from 6:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Mr. Semones stated, that his group would consist of approximately 40 swimmers and Mr. Burton stated that the Park Cities Y. M. C. A. would have approximately 50 swimmers that were eligible for senior instruction. After the Board of Commissioners had listened attentively and conferred among themselves, Mayor Coffee announced that the City would be glad to authorize the use of the pool as requested and agains suggested that the three groups get together and work out a schedule that would be satisfactory to all concerned. Fire Marshal Chabmers ma.de the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of April, Emergency No Loss Autos First Aid Alarms 1969. L o s s T oral Alarms Alarms 4 18 16 4 42 Value of property protected Insurance on property protected Estimated amount of loss for the month $695,000.00 $538,000.00 $ 3,292.76 There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 19TH DAY OF MAY, A.D., 1969. ATTEST: MAYOR CITY CLERK MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY I~ARI~, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, MAY 19, 1969, AT 7:30 2. M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in reg,~lar session on Monday, May 19, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following is the name and addresses of the people attending the meeting who signed the Roll Call. Name Address W. Ray Spears 3600 Doloris Roberts 2728 Ronald L. Mitchell 2720 Mrs. Newton T. Hammett 3909 Mrs. James Cain 4117 Mrs. Joe Moore 4108 J. A. McCaul, Jr. 3905 Melvin R. Nichols 3911 E.A. Wood, Jr. 3533 Mrs. Ben Sanford 3809 Roy C. Coffee, Jr. 3009 Mr. & Mrs. Ilemphill Ilosford 6719 Mrs. James ti. Snell, Jr. 4'104 Mrs. A. M. Brenneke 4014 Mr. & Mrs. 1K. R. Mclnnis 6801 Mr. & Mrs. P. A. Mct<iinney 6813 Mrs. R. B. James 3240 Mr. & Mrs. Weiner 6817 Mr. & Mrs. Morton D. Newman 6725 Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Mighell 6705 Amherst Street Daniel Avenue Daniel Avenue Bryn Mawr Drive Shenandoah Avenue Shenandoah Avenue Bryn Mawr Drive Bryn Mawr Drive Colgate Avenue Amherst Street Bryn Mawr Drive Golf Drive Shenandoah Avenue Shenandoah Avenue Golf Drive Golf Drive l~urdue Street Golf Drive Golf Drive Golf Drive '21ff Name Address Mrs. Joe B. Wood 6637 Joan Hugh Martin 3536 Charles Inge 3544 Mrs. Roy R. Matthews 3556 Mrs. Odgen Bains 6715 Dr. & 1V~rs. Frank Bradley 6709 Mrs. Morris Harrell 66Z9 Nichol Golf Drive Rankin Avenue Rankin Avenue Rankin Avenue Golf Drive Golf Drive Golf Drive Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mr. James A. McCaul, Jr. of 3905 Bryn l~4awr Drive, Mr. M. R. of 3911 Bryn Mawr Drive and Mrs. Newton Hammett of 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive appeared and explained to the Commission that recent rains put flood water in their front yards and that they felt the City should make plans to extend the storm sewer from the intersection of Bryn Mawr and Tulane Boulevard eastward to Baltimore Drive thence north to Northwest Highway. They felt that this improvement would alleviate the stacking up of the water at Bryn Mawr and Tulane. It was pointed out to these people that the recent rain in University Park was more than four inches in approximately and hours time. The Board of Commissioners also stated they would give consideration to the constructing of additional inlets in Tulane Boulevard so that the water could get into the storm sewer quicker. Mrs. Doloris Roberts of Z7Z8 Danile Avenue presented to the Commission a petition bearing approximately 30 signatures requesting that the condition of the dog pound be improved. She stated that on recent visits she had found the place real filthy. She proposed to the Board of Commissioners that if the City would release to her without charge, dogs kept in the pound until time of their disposal, she would find them a home. It was explained to Mrs. 1Koberts that the purpose of constructing the dog pound partly underground was to deaden the sound of the dogs barking which in years gone by had been a nuisance to the people residing within several blocks of the dog pound. It was also explained to her that the dog pound is connected to the sanitary sewer and that there really is no excuse for not keeping it clean and sanitary and in the future the City will attempt to keep the area clean. Mr. Phillip A. Mct~iinney of 6813 Golf Drive appeared and presented a petition bearing approcimately 30 signatures requesting that a study be made of the condition of Turtle Creek Branch from Curtis Park to the City Hall pointing out that this water way is being used for the purpose of deposing of debris, concrete and other items which result in the accumulation of silt and in their judgment this constitutes a health hazard and is resulting in flooding of properties abutting this creek. The petition was signed by people living on or near Golf Drive and Turtle Creek Boulevard and Turtle Creek Lane. It was explained to the people present that the part of Turtle Creek Branch at the rear of thier homes is private property and that each of their deeds conveys to them land to the center of the creek. Further, that the City could not go upon private property unless the owners of the property executed easements and requested the City to clean out this natural water channel. It was also pointed out to those present that retaining walls, sunken gardens and other improvements have been made by some of the property owners in the area that is regularly flooded when large rains occur and that all of these things should be removed. The City Clerk presented a petition bearing 5Z signatures of people residing on Shenandoah and Normandy Avenues requesting that the Board of Commissioners enforce the zoning law and stop the operation of a private school at the southwest corner of Shenandoad and Preston 1Koad. This petition was supported by Mrs. Frances Cain, 4117 Shenandoah, Mrs. Dorothy Moore, 4108 Shenandoah, Mrs. James H. Snell, Jr. 4104 Shenandoah and Mrs. A. M. Brenneke of 4014 Shenandoah. The ladies were assured that the City would take immediate steps to enforce our zoning law and stop this unlawful operation. A motion was made by Commissioner Gerrnany seconded by Commiss[oner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that 'the following Resolution be 212 approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY t?ARK AUTHORIZING THE PLACING, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF A MAST ARM STREET LIGHT ON THE SOUTH- EAST CORNER OF BOEDEKER STREET AT THE INTERSECTION OF MCFAltLIN BOULEVARD The City recommended the cancellation of the last half of a 1968 tax assessment levied against Julian C. Roberts in the amount of $6.05 and the authorization to return to Mr. Roberts the sum of $5.05, thus cancelling an assessment of $11. l0 levied against this party on a buick automobile be sold in August, 1967. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above be approved and that Certificate of Credit to the Tax Roll No. 538 in the amount of authorized. Mayor Coffee received a letter from James L. Webster, Executive Secretary with the Park Cities North Dallas Y. M. C. A. setting out that that institution and the Town North Y~. M. C. A; and the "Senior Swim Team" had arrived at a schedule beginning at 5:45 to 8:45 a.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put: to vote and carried unanimously that the respective groups using the pool as requested above furnish the City Clerk with the names and addresses of the participants and that anyone l~ving outside of our corporate limits be required to pay $15.00 for season swimming tag and those residing within the City of University Park be required to purchase swim tags at the regular price of $7.50 each. Also that the City be provided with the names Df the supervisors and that said surpervisors shall be considered employees of this City and receive as compensation $1.00 and other consideration. It was pointed out that the annual election of officers for the North Central Texas Council of Governments would be held Wednesday, May 21, 1969, 1g:15 p.m, at the Inn of Six Flags. It was determined thatMayor Coffee and City Manager Ralph E. FIamman would represent our City at this luncheon. City Clerk Hamman stated that dues for membership in the Greater Dallas County League of Municipalities of $2.2.00 per person are due now. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that memberships be purchased for the following: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan, City Manager tKalph E. Hamman and Chief of Police Forrest E. Keene. The Board of Commissioners discussed the installation of sidewalks, curbs and gutters. It was pointed out that the City had been doing this work for $1.00 per linear foot and the going price by reputable contractors is more than $3.00 per linear foot. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that future work be contracted on the bases of $2.00 per linear foot. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinances be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. XXXXVII ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK REGULATING TRAFFIC IN SAID CITY REQUIRING OPERATORS TO BRING ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING NORTH AND SOUTH ON FIURSEY STREET TO A FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS WESTMINISTER AVENUE, RANKIN AVENUE, MILTON AVENUE, ROSEDALE AVENUE, DANIEL AVENUE, LOVERS LANE, AND i~ROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF 2 I4 ORDINANCE NO. XXXXVIII ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK REGULATING TRAFFIC IN SAID CITY REQUIRING OPERATORS TO BRING ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING WEST ON POTOMAC AVENUE, SAN CARLOS DRIVE, NORMANDY AVENUE, SI-IEiNANDOAI-I AVENUE AND STANHOPE AVENUE TO A FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTE1K ROLAND STREET, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF The Board of Commissioners discussed a letter from Mr. Jerry Bywaters complaining of water getting into his study during the recent flood. It was determined that the normal water level of the lake beside of his home is slightly lower than the floor level of his study. The fact that there are certain drians or impediments under both Lovers Lane and Amherst was discussed and it is felt that these obstacles should be eliminated. Engineer Kirven explained that he had previously recommended that such action be taken but met with objections from the people living in the area most ~itally effected. The matter was again referred to the City Engineer for his study and recommendation. Mayor Coffee and City Engineer Jack Kirven explained to the Board of Commissioners that if the paving of Lomo Alto Drive from Emerson Avenue north to Lovers Lane was 31 feet from back of curb to back of curb instead of 33 feet as designed, many of the trees in the parkways could be saved and the narrowing of the pavement by two feet would not efJ.~ect the flow of traffic. After careful consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the engineers plans be amended and the width of the paving of Lomo Alto Drive be reduced to 31 feet. A motion was then made by Commissioner (--;ermany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. 2'I 5 ORDINANCE NO. XXXXIX ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, CREATING A FIRE LANE ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF LOMOALTO DRIVE FROM UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD NORTH TO LOVERS LANE, PROHIBITING THE PARKING OF ANY VEHICLE ALONG SAID FIRE LANE AT ANY TIME AND PROVIDING A PENALTY There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ZND DAY OF JUNE, A.D., 1969. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JUNE Z, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. 'The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, June 2, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following ~vere present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, Fire Marshal Fred g. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Collector James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following is the name and address of the citizens present known to the City Clerk. 216' NA ME Mr. & Mrs. Il. S. Gozzaldi Mrs. Tom Beaty Mrs. Newton Hammett Douglas J ohanning Edward A. Wood, Jr. Mrs. Dewey Godfrey Mrs. Walter Parker Mrs. James FI. Snell, Jr. ADDREt~S Z945 University Boulevard 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive Z809 Daniel Avenue 3533 Colgate Avenue 3504 Carul;h Boulevard 3300 Caruth Boulevard 4104 Shenandoah Avenue Prior to the convening of the regular Board ,Df Commissioners meeting Tax Assessor and~Collector 1Kalph FIamman discussed with the Board the fact that all improvements of this City made before January 1, 1941 were assessed on one bases and all improvements since that date have been assessed on the Tax Manual adopted in 1941. FIe was instructed to furnish the Board of Commissimners with a comparable value showing the difference in the old system from the values obtained by using the manual. This information will then be studied by the Board of Commissioners and assist them in determining the advisability of making a re-assessment of all improvements constructed before January 1, 1941. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Douglas Johanning of 2809 Daniel Avenue addressed the Board of Commissioners suggesting that instead of building sidewalks on Boedeker Street from University Boulevard to Milton Avenue that sidewalks be constructed in front of the vacant lots on Daniel Avenue and University Boulevard. The legal complication involved in such a change was explained. It was suggested that City ClarkHamman contact Mr. J. Osborne, Business Manager of Southern Methodist University and request that some sidewalks be constructed in front of the vacant lots on Daniel Avenue. Mrs. James Snell, Jr. of 4104 Shenandoah Avenue appeared and urged the Board of Commissioners to stand firm on their com:mitment of May 19 that the zoning law will be enforced and that the private school which has been carriec'I~I-~1~7 on at the corner of Shenandoah Avenue and Preston Road be forced to discontinue operation. The Board of Commissioners discussed the request of the North Central State Bank that they be permitted to connect their Mosler Alarm System to our police dispatcher. After due consideration and upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City will interpose no objection to the authorizing of the above request. The Board of Commissioners then discussed the request of Leonard Blaylock, III, that the City refund to him $20.00. He was arrested for speeding. He posted bond of $30.00 and was to appear in corporation court May 3, 1969 to show his Texas drivers license to the Municipal Judge and request that the SZ0.00 charged for the absence of a drivers licnese on his person at the time of arrest be refunded. He stated his absence was due from court because of the extraction of a wisdom tooth the previous day. He did not ask the court to post pone the hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Chief of Police make a careful investigation and if Leonard Blaylock, III, was the owner of a valid drivers license at the time he was arrested for speeding in April, 1969, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to return the $20.00 fine assessed. The Board of Commissioners discussed the proposal of Alvey~Equipment Company to sell this City a Holmes 600 sixteen ton~ power wrecker mounted on a two tone Chevrolet truck for $9,475.00; als. o that ]Ed Maher, Ind. had offered to sell the sa.me wrecker mounted on a two ton Frod Truck for $9,567.20. It was explained that the Alvey Equipment Company could make immediate delivery After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City purchase the equipment from the low bidder, Alvey Equipment G ompany. Chief Keene reported to the Board of Comn~issioners that a Mr. Elliott of 4361 San Carlos Drive has requested permission to close San Carlos Drive on the evening of June 27 for the purpose of holding a block p~cnic party. Chief Keene was requested to discuss this request with other citizens of~fthe area prior to concent to such action. Chief Keene explained that the Texas Police Association's 70th Annual Conference will convene in Brownsville, Texas, June 8 through 11, 1969 and that he would like to attend. Marshal Chambers explained that the Firemen and Fire Marshal's Association will convene on June 9 through 13, 1969 at McAllen, Texas. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above gentlemen be permitted to attend the functions described at the expense of the City. The Fire Marshal made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of May, 1969. Emergency No Loss Autos First Aid Alarms Los s T oral Alarms Alarms 6 26 15 4 54 Estimated value of property protected Estimated amount of insurance on property Estimated amount of loss paid $415,000.00 $338,000.00 $ 2,350.00 There being no further business the , meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 1~ D/Al ~Di~/~UNE, A.D., ATTEST: YOR 1969. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOUISEVARD, ON MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, June 16, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chaknbers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the roll call. NAME ADDRESS Gage A. Prichard 3417 Earl Holland 3239 Jim Frazer 5722 Mel Nichols 3911 Bill Goff 3108 ]Ed Wood 3533 Jane Godfrey 3504 Martha G. Beaty 3915 Mrs. Joe Billy Wood 6637 Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Mclnnis 6801 Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Weiner 6817 Carlton Meredith 6825 Bryn Mawr Drive Milton Avenue Alpha Bryn Mawr Drive C aruth Boulevard Colgate Avenue Caruth Boulevard Bryn Mawr Drive Golf Drive Golf Drive Golf Drive Golf Drive Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Mel Nichols of 3911 Bryn Mawr Appeared and asked if it was still the plan of theCity to enlarge the storm sewer inlets in Tulane so that water would not accumulate at the intersection of that street and Bryn Mawr. Commissioner Sullivan stated that the City would endeavor to get this work accomplished prior to the spring rains in 1970. 220 Mr. Earl Hollard and Mr. Jim Frazer appeared in behalf of the Junior Chamber of Commerce explaining that a parade was being planned for July 4; said parade would be from the Higland Park Shopping Village to Goar Park. They requested permission for a group of their ms:rche~S: ,~O carry old fashion muzzle loading shot guns with the understanding they would be loaded only with powder and paper. After consulting with the Chief of Police these gentlemen were told that the City will interpose no objection to their request provided they will file with the City Clerk an Indemnity Bond protecting the City from any damage and further that the parade will be carried on under the supervision of our Chief of Police. Mr. Gage A. Prichard of 3417 Bryn Mawr Drive appeared and complained of the garbage service. He stated that for some time now they had only been receiving one pick uP a week in his block. It was explained to Mr. Prichard that the City had been experiencing a labor shortage but we have recently been able to hire more than Z5 college and high school boys all of which are working in the labor department and it is felt that in the not too distant future the City will be able to provide two garbage collections each week throughout the City. Mrs. Dewey Godfrey and her brother Mr. Edward A. Wood, Jr. and Mrs. Martha Gene Beaty complained that the tile is coming loose in the bottom of the swimming pool again. Mr. Wood stated he was not convinced that the tile used in the bottom of the popl was of t]he proper type of material. It was explained thatihis tile was purchased from the Floyd Biegert Company, one of the largest tile merchants of this area and represented to be non-slip. It was also explained to Mr. Wood that the Mayor land Commissioners had personally exi~mined the tile used in the bottom of the pool and that it was 22! definitely not the type of tile used on walls or drainboards. The City Clerk presented a resolution from the Board of Equalization recommending that the rolls of the Tax Assessor and Collector for the calendar year 1969 be approved, whereupon a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY i~ARK, TEXAS, Ai~i~ROVING THE GENERAL ROLLS OF THE CITY CLERK AS EX-OFFICIO TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY t~ARK, TEXAS, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1969. Doctor and Mrs. M. F. Weiner, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Mclnnis, Mrs. Joe B. Wood and Carlton Meredith all expressed their interest in flood conditions on Turtle Creek at the rear of their homes. Engineer I~irven explained that he was making a careful study of the present condi[tion and would in the near future take photographs which will show obstructions that have been created in recent years. These photographs will be compared to photographs taken several years ago of the area. Mr. Carlton Meredith stated that he realized several years ggo that the greater part of their rear yards was not usable and that he had abandoned the use of the area that floods. He further stated that should it be determined by the City that it is desirable to clean out and widen the present channel, that he will be glad to cooperate with the City by granting an easement and helping any way he can. City Attorney Dick P. Wood discussed with the Commission a new proposed schedule of some 58 violations setting up the amount that the police department would be authorized to accept on a plea of guilt also showing the in minimum amount that the court should assess/ the event the offender chooses to appear in court rather than enter a plea of guilt. After due consideration, 222 a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded,7~put ot vote and carried unanimously that the proposal of Municipal Judge Joh Koons, Chief of l~olice Keene, City Attorney Dick P. Wood and Dick P. Wood, Jr. be adopted. Mr. Earnest Randall, a general contractor, presented to the Board of Commissioners a written proposal relative to the enlarging and remodeling of the City Hall. He exhibited proposed site, floor plans and a drawing showing the elevation and how the building would look when completed. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE7THEY OF JUL~A.D., 1969. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JULY 7, 1969, AT 7:30 _~.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, July 7, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following Wilson Germany were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were City Engineer Jack ~B.. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City West, Fire Marshal H. Sullivan, Deputy Swim Pool Auditor James E. Brown, i~urchasing Agent William E. Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works g. Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry W~son, Manager James Mcgaughlin and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. 223 The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the Roll Gall. Name Address Tony DuVall 4215 Mrs. Frederick Smith 6701 Mrs. Billy Joe Wood 6637 IL. A. Wood, Jr. 3533 Geroge W. McDaniel, Jr. 3645 Mrs. Myron Rejebian 3724 Mrs. Dewey Godfrey 3504 Mrs. R~om ]Beaty 3915 Mr. Reagan W. George 4348 MackM. Elliott 4361 Wallace S. Selkirk 3528 Gage Prichard 3417 W. R. Goff 3108 W. D. Jordan 3429 Matt Murphy 350 1 Mrs. Collins Bland 3309 Mrs. Hudson Dunlap 3915 Mrs. N. E. Cleaver 4124 Mrs. Robert Halpin 3425 C. H. Cobb 3533 Mrs. M. G. ShePard 4200 Miss Suzanne Shepard 4200 University Golf Drive Golf Drive Colgate Avenue Haynie Avenue Colgate Avenue Caruth Boulevard Bryan Mawr Drive San Carlos Drive San Carlos Hanover Street Bryn Mawr Drive Caruth Boulevard Caruth Boulevard Southwestern Boulevard Wentwood Drive Southwestern Boulevard Caruth Boulevard University Boulevard Marquette Street Druid Lane Druid Lane Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mr. George W. McDaniel, Jr. 3645 Haynie Avenue, appeared and complained that when he appeared in corporation court on June 7 to protest a ticket that he had been given h~vn f.~ speeding~ thee judge found him guilty and imposed a fine of $15.00. He told the judge that he would like to appeal the case to county court. However, Mr. McDaniel did not post bond within the ten day period allowed by statutes. He told the Board of Commissioners that he was unaware of the fact that he had to post bond. During the week of 3~ane 23, Mr. Rees Jones, Warrent Officer, nntififid Mr. McDaniel that he must pay the $15.00 fine. On July 2, Mr. McDaniel presented a bond to Mr. Jones and of course, Mr. Jones could not accept the bond. l~.:¥McDaniel requested the Board of Commissioners to accept the appeal bond. He was informed that the Board of Commissioners does not have the authority to accept 224 tl~Le bond but they would refer the bond and his appeal to the City Attorney and the Judge of the Corporation Court. Mr. Tony DuVall, Matt Murphy and W. D. Jordan appeared to inquire When the City would ~ccept bids for the repair of tennis courts. Engineer Kirven stated that plans and specifications for the repair of the courts had been prepared and would be advertised and bids accepted on August 18, 1969. Mr. Wallace S. Seltdrk of 35Z8 Hanover Street and Mr. Gage Prichard of 3417 Bryn Mawr Drive addressed the Board of Cor. mmissioners complaining of the condition of the swimming pool and the management. Mr. Mack Elliott of 4361 San Carlos Drive addressed the Board stating that in his judgment the ope,ration of the swimming pool so far this year was far superior to its operation of' previous years. He praised Mr. James McLaughlin, the current manager very highly and stated that he disagreed with the propel complaining. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. R?SOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, COMMENDING MISS BEVERLY BERRY OF 3901 LOVERS LANE FOR HER HEROIC AND SUCCESSFUL EFFORTS IN TFIE SAVING OF THE LIVES OF MRS. RUBY EEL KNIGHT AND HRS. KNIGHT'S DAUGHTER JOYCE JONES, AGE 11, FROM DROWNING ON JUNE 30, 1969. A motion was made by Commissioner Gerr~any, seconded by Commissioner S,~llivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved and that copies of said Resolution be mailed to Congressmen Earl Cabell, Ray Roberts, Olin E. Teague, Jim Collins, James C. Wright, Jr. , Graham Purcell and Senators Ralph Yarbrough and John Tower. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONE]5~S, CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, REQUESTING MEMBERS OF CONGRESS TO OPPOSE NATIONAL LEGISLATION TH_AT WOULD IN ANYWAY RESTRICT THE EXEMPT TAX STATUS OF MUNICIPAL BONDS. 2 2:5 A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, ORDERING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE FOR APPLICATION OF DEPOSITORY. City Clerk Hamman presented a statement from Callum Construction Company in the amount of $22, 197. 15 for work done on Lomo Alto Storm Sewer; said statement had been approved by Raymond L. Goodson, Jr. , Engineer, A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to pay Cullum Construction Company $Z2, 197. 15 for said work. City Clerk Hamman presented a letter from Mr. Tom E. Ellis, County Clerk, requesting permission to use the Fire Station on August 5, 1969 for the holding of a Constitutional Amendment Election. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that this request be granted. City Clerk Hamman presented a statement from City Attorney Dick P. Wood dated July 1, 1969 in the amount of $Z,056.75 being f~r legal services in the Supreme Court of Texas in connection with Jack R. Swain vs. Board of Adjustment of the City of University Park, Texas. A motion was made, seconded put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to pay DickP. Wood $~,056.75. Fire Marshal Chambers explained that the Texas Firemen's Training School will be held at Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, July 20 through July 25, 1969 and that he, Private Ronald Montgomery and Private Paul Miller would like to attend this 40th Annual Fire School. A motion was 226: r~.Lade by Commission Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the three gentle,men be granted permission to attend this school at the expense of the City. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of June, 1969. Emergency No Loss Loss Total Autos First Aid Alarms Alarms Alarms 6 27 18 5 56 I~stimated value of property protected ]sstimated insurance on property Estimated amount of fire damage paid There being no further business, $285,000.00 SZlS,000.00 $ 3, z00.00 the meeting recessed. to-ASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 2 /~ U~ . 1ST Y OF J , A.D., 1969 ATTEST: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MY.]STING OF TH]5 BOARD OF COMMISSION]SRS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN TH]5 CITY FIALL AUDITORIUM, 3/8:Q~) UNIVERSITY BOUL]SVARD, ON MONDAY, JULY 21, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, July 21, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of l~olice and Fire Departments Forrest ]5. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Superintendent of Public Works L. FI. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Building 2'!27 Inspector Don Knutson, Permit Clark Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the roll call. Name Address Mrs. Joe B. Wood Mrs. Frederick Smith Don l~orter Mrs. Tom Beaty R. H. Mighill 6705 Ruth Mighill 6705 Mr. & Mrs. Hemphill Holsford 6719 Mr. & Mrs. R. R. Mclnnis 6801 Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Myers 6821 Talbot Rain 6625 Dr. Weiner 6817 Anne Cleaver 41Z4 Susan Cleaver 4124 Carol Cleaver 4124 Mrs. N. E. Cleaver 4124 Dr. Frank Brady 6709 Mrs. Dewey Godfrey 3504 Mrs. M. V. Rejebian 3724 Mrs. Joe H. Roberts 6510 Joan Martin 3536 6637 Golf Drive 6701 Golf Drive Flillcrest State Bank 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive Golf Drive Golf Drive Golf Drive Golf Drive Golf Drive Golf Drive Golf Drive Caruth Caruth Caruth Caruth Golf Drive Caruth Colgate T~l~tle Creek Rankin Avenue Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Doctor Hemphill Holsford of 6719 Golf Drive addressed the Board of Commissioners setting out that he and a group of citizens living on Golf Drive came before the Board on May 18, 1969 requesting that some action be taken relative to the flooding condition at the rear of their homes during heavy rains. The Mayor asked Mr. t~irven, City Engineer, to make a report on what has been accomplished. Mr. Kirven stated that he had walked uP and down the creek several times obtaining information relative to obstacles that should be removed that are now inpeding the flow of storm water.s. He stated that some photographs have been taken showing recent conditions; that these photographs 228 were being compared with aerial photographs showing condition of this natural water channel several years ago. Mr. Kirven stated that as soon as possible he would make a full and complete report to the Board of Commissioners of his findings. Mayor Coffee stated that when this report had been reviewed by the Board that the property owners involved would be advised. He again pointed ocLt that prior to the time any work could be done on this channel by the City that all of the property owners would have to execute easements in favor of the City. Mr. Ed Wood, Jr. of 3533 Colgate Avenue, representing himself as chairman of the swimming pool committee, appeared and presented the Board of Commissioners with a 13 paragraph communication recommending that certain changes be effected at the swimming pool. Among his reccornmendations was tPaat tha pool be closed until necessary repairs to the bottom of the pool was made. He also recommedned that the pool be closed at least one day a week preferably on Monday so that the employees could efficiently vacuum the pool after the sediment would have an opportunity to settle before vacuuming pointing out that with the pool in use from 5:45 in the morning until 10:00 at night, it was not possible for the sediment to settle. He also recommended that the City purchase life saving equipment to be kept at the pool at all times and that personnel be trained in its use. This would alleviate having to call the emergency squad maintained by our Fire Department. Among other things be recommended that the refreshment stand be elinaated. l~ursuant to legal advertisement appearing ~:~n the official publication July 10, 1969, bids from banks to act as City Depository for the period Au. gust 1, 1969 to July 31, 1970 were opened. Mr. Don Porter appeared and presented the bid for the Hillcrest State Bank offering to pay the City maximum interest that the Fedrral Deposit Insurance Corporation will permit the bank to pay. This was the only bid submitted. After due consideration, a motion 22 '9' was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to rate and carried unanimously that the t~011owing resolution be approved. RESOL~ITION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, DE- SIGNATING THE HILLCREST STATE BANK AS DE- POSITORY FOR THE YEAR ENDING JULY 31, 1970. City Attorney Dick 1~. Wood was requested to prepare an ordinance authorizing the Police and Fire Departments of this City to cooperate with other municipalities in case of an emergency; also that this City would accept the aid from other government units in the event and emergency should arise in this City. City Engineer Kirven explained to the Board of Commissioners that Southern Methodist University is adding an addition to Perkins Hall and had requested that they not be required ~o install fire fighting equipment in the new building as recommended by Mr. Morris C. Horton, Assistant Chief Engineer, Fire l~revention and Engineering Bureau of Texas. After due consideration, it appeared to be the unamomous feeling of the Board of Commissioners that Southern Methodist University be required to make the install- ation as recommended by the Fire Prevention and Engineering Bureau of Texas. Mr. Grady Bishop of 3008 Westminister Avenue, appeared before the Board of Commissioners prior to their assembling in the auditbrium and again urged their consideration of substituting policy of the Great Southern Life Insurance Company of Houston, Texas for the life insurance policy the City now carries and has .4 nce 1938 with the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Mr. Bishop was told that City Clerk Hamman would c~is~uss with the ~epartment heads the proposed change. 230 There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 4TH MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MOND/~Y, AUGUST 4, 1969. AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of' University Park met in regutlar session on Monday, August 4, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney DickP. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. I~irven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Mrs. Tom Beaty of 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive, Mrs. Jane Rejebian of 3'724 Colgate Avenue, Mrs. Dewey Godfrey of 3504 Caruth Boulevard and three other ladies whose names were not obtained attended this meeting. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. 213 ORDINANCE NO. L ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK FINALLY ACCEPTING THE IMPROVEMENTS OF A PORTION OF BOEDEKER STREET TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS DISTRICT NO. 414 IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AND ORDERING THE ISSUANCE TO UVALDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, OF THE CERTIFICATES OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF SAID PORTION OF SAID STREET AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LI ORDINANCE AUDITING AND ALLOWING CLAIM AND FINAL ESTIMATE OF UVALDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR COMPLETED WORK AND THE IMPROVEMENTS OFA PORTION OF BOEDEKER STREET, KNOWN AS DISTRICT NO. 414, AND DIRECTING THE DELIVERY OF CERTIFICATES OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT IN PAYMENT OFA PART OF AMOUNT DUE UVALDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING PURCHASE FROM THE UVALDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, PAVING CERTIFICATES ISSUED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS ON BOEDEKER STREET FROM MCFARLIN BOULEVARD NORTH TO MILTON AVENUE AGREGATING $31, 317. 3Z. The City Clerk presented a statement from Cullum Construction Company in the amount of $50,856.75, being Estirrmte No. 2 for work completed on storm sewer improvements, Lomo Alto, Grassmere, Armstrong, Glenwick, and Douglas. Said Estimate had been approved by Raymond L. Goodson, Consulting Engineer and Jack B. Kirven, City Engineer. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, Put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to pay Cullum 232' Construction Company the additional $50,856.75, 'being Estin~l;~e No. 2. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LII ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE OF ANY GOODS, WARES OR MERCHANDISE INANA, B, C, OR D DISTRICT AS DEFINED BY THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THIS CITY, D~FINING THE USES THAT ARE PERMISSVJt~!;.; DECLARING THAT THE VIOLATION THEREOF IS A MISDEMEANOR; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION, AND CONTAINING A SAVING CLAUSE. A motion was made, seconded and carried utnanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1969 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1970. The Gity Glerk presented a statement from Rollins and Mahoney, Consulting Engineers, being balance due for plans and supervision of Boedeker Street in the amount of $1, 380.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to pay Rollins and Mahoney $1, 380.00. The following is the Fire Marshal's report of the Fire Departments activities for the month of July, Autos Emergency FirSt Aid 1969. False No Loss Loss Grass Alarrns Alarms Alarms Total 6 28 4 1 19 5 63 Property Protected Insurance on Property Estimated Amount of Loss $150,000.00 $~04, 500. 00 $ 3,050.00 There being no further business, the meeting recessed. 233 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 18T~.yo~~/~O~ AU~GU~, A.D.,~ 1969. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, August 18, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Roy C. Coffee was the only member of the Board of Commissioners present. Employees present were as follows: City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, r~urchasing Agent William E. West, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the roll call: Name Address Mrs. Tom Beaty Tom Sneary Will Jordan W. R. Golf E. A. Wood, Jr. Mrs. Myron Rejebian Susan Cleaver Carol Cleaver 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 10264 Gooding Drive 3429 Caruth 3108 Caruth 3533 Colgate 3724 Colgate 4124 Caruth 4124 Caruth 234 Name Mrs. N. E. Cleaver T. K. DuVall K. Lynch Address 4124 Caruth 4215 Llniversity 4300 Unive r.~ity Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. and announced that due to the fact that both Commissioners, F.. Wilson Germany and Robert L. Sullivan, as well as City Attorney Dicki~. Wood, were out of the city that no business could be transacted because of the lack of a quorum. Mayor Coffee took note of the fact that the City had advertised for bids in connection with repairs to the tennis courts. City Clerk Hamman announced that the only bid received was from the Jennite Company. Engineer t~irven stated that four other contractors ~ad asked and received plans and specifica- tions for the project and he did not understand why the others had not submitted bids. Mr. Tom Sneary, representative of the Jennite Company, requested that the bid of his company not be opened but remain in the hands of the City Clerk until Board of Commissioners has had an opportunity to discuss the problem. It was decided that the City would again advertise for bids to be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, September Z, 1969. Any and ail bids received by that tiptoe will be opened and read aloud at the regular Board of Commission meeting which will be held Tuesday, September Z, 1969 at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting recessed. 235 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Tuesday, September 2, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner IL. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, DePuty Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the roll call. NAME ADDRESS Mrs. Tom Beaty 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive Art W. Jordan 5916 Chalet A. Earl Ladd 3532 Hanover Bob Irby 3604 Wentwood Bill Farrell 3538 Caruth Boulevard Tom sneary 10264 Gooding Drive E. A. Wood, Jr. 3533 Colgate Avenue Mrs. M. V. Rejebian 3724 Colgate Avenue Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Knott 3229 Caruth Boulevard Tony DuVall 3215 University Boulevard Hayden R. Pitman 3701 Bryn Mawr Drive Matt Murphy 3501 Southwestern Boulevard G. F. Bowers 4004 Centenary Drive Mardi B. Jones 3608 Haynie Avenue Mrs. M. G. Shepard 4020 Druid Lane Mr. & Mrs. T. O. Bartholow 3837 Caruth Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. 236 stating that Pursuant to advertisements appearing in the official Publication on August 7, and August 21, 1969, sealed bids would be opened and read aloud in connection with the proposed repairs to the City owned tennis courts. The proposals were as follows: The Jennite Company, Dallas, Texas Casey & Glass, Inc., Corpus Christi, Texas Mr. Tony Du Vail of 3Z15 University Boulevard and Mr. $29,974.04 $22,589.55 Bill Farrell of 3538 Caruth Boulevard and several other memebers of the tennis committee were present and requested permission to examine closely the proposed bids whereupon a motion was made and seconded that the bids be referred to the tennis committee and the City Engineer for study. The members of the tennis committee and Mr. Kirven retired to the Engineer's Office and before the Board of Commission had ajourned they returned to the auditorium and Mr. DuVall recommended that the City accept the low bid of Casey & Glass, Inc. of SZZ, 589.55. Mr. Kirven pointed out that this bid did not include certain concrete work and fencing. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, Put to vote and carried unanimously that the Casey & Glass, Inc. bid be accepted[ and that the City Engineer and City Clerk be authorized to negotiate with the contractor for the installation of the items left out of his bid and if a satisfactory agreement can be made that this work be included. However, if a satisfactory agreement cannot be made that this contractor be authorized to proceed with the repair work needed and that the City Engineer and City Clerk endeavor to get the other work done by another reputable contractor. In the event it is impossible to get the additional work done, then the City will undertake to do this work with its own employees. 237 Pursuant to legal notice published in the official publication on August 21, 1969, the Board of Commissioners held a Public hearing on the City budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1969 and ending September 30, 1970. After the proposed budget had been discussed, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, Put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LIII AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1969 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1970, AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES AS SET OUT IN SAID BUDGET Mayor Coffee pointed out that the proposed budget carried a six percent increase for all employees; also that the City would be able to continue the tax rate of $1.00 on the hundred dollar appraised value based on 60 percent of 1940 valuations. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, Put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LIV AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF uNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, LEVYING THE AD VALOREM TAX ON SAID CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK FOR T-IL YEAR 1969 TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF CURRENT EXPENSES OF SAID CITY; AND FIXING THE TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME DELINQUENT; PROVIDING FOR PENALTY AND INTEREST; AND PROVIDING FOR SPLIT PAYMENTS; AND REPEALING ALL TAX ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND DECLARING AN EM.ERGENCY The City Clerk recommended that the following ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LV AN ORDINANCE THAT THE 1VLAYOR OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, OR IN HIS ABSENCE THE MAYOR PRO TEM OF THE CITY OF 238 UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, OR IN THE ABSENCE OF BOTH, THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, BE AND HE IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO DECLARE A STATE OF EMERGENCY IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, Put to vote and carried unanimously that th'e above ordinance be adopted. The City Clerk presented a petition signed by 100 percent of the owners of property in the 4400 block of Druid Lane which is between Armstrong .~ Boulevard and Lomo Alto Drive, .requesting that the City restrict parking to two hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A ncLotion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, Put to vote and carried unanimously that the request be granted and that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LVI AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT SPECIFIC ORDINANCE RELATING TO TIME LIMIT PARKING ADOPTED THE 7TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1963, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FOR PARKING TIME LIMITS IN DESIGNATED PLACES IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK; STATING THE HOURS OF THE DAY WHEN SUCH TIME LIMIT IS EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING THAT THE SAME SHALL NOT APPLY ON CERTAIN SPECIFIC DAYS; STATING THE TIME LIMIT; PROVIDING FOR THE MARKING OF PARKING SPACES; DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS WHERE THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING FOlK THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF; DEFINING OFFENSES AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES; PROVIDING THAT INVALIDITY OF PART SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE REMAINDER The City Clerk recommended that the City of University Park become a part of the "North Central Texas Crime In~[0rmation Center". He explained that the City of Dallas had recently been granted a gift of $82,000.00 from the Federal Government for the purpose of installing a large computer which will be connected to the Department of Public Safety, Austin, Texas and to the Federal Crime Center in Washington, D.C. The City of Dallas has extended an invitation to the City of University Park and 19 other law enforcement ,2:39 agencies in this area to participate in this system. City Clerk Hamman explained that an IBM Typewriter and other terminal facilities adequate for this City's participation would be installed in our Police Department on a rental basis of Also, a monthly telephone charge of $50.00 would be $156.00 per month. made. One time charges for installation and permanent equipment would cost $111.75. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, Put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a contract with the International Business Machine Corporation for Type I Terminal Facilities at a rate not to exceed $156.00 per month and that this City become a member of the "North Central Texas Crime Information Center" A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, Put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for automobiles for the Police Department, Fire MaYshal, City Engineer and Public Works SuPerintendent.' 'Also for two station wagons, one for the Engineering Department and one for the Fire Department. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the Fire Department's activities for the month of August, 1969. Emergency No Loss l_oss Total Autos Grass First Aid Alarms Alarms Alarms 2 3 30 18 9 62 Estimated value of property protected Estimated amount of Insurance on property Estimated amount of loss paid $2, 820,000.00 $2, ZVZ, 750.00 $ 19, zso. oo Mr. Tony DuVall and other members of the Tennis Committee requested 240 that the other tennis courts be lighted like the one in Curtis Park. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, Put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Engineer be instructed to investigate the cost of lighting each of the unlighted courts and if possible report back to the Board of Commissioners in time that this work would be authorized when the tennis courts are resurfaced. The City Clerk presented a written recommendation from the Police Department that an additional s.t~:~et light be installed in Curtis Park. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, Put to vote and carried unanimously that this recommendation be approved. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 15TH D,AY 1969. MINUTES OF THE R~GULAR MEEI'IB~ OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARKs HELD IN THE CITY HALl, AUDITORIU,~ 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON ,~C)NDAY, SEPTE~,~ER i5~ 1969, AT 7:30 P.`M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on ,Monday, September 15~ 1969, at ~:30 p.m. The following were present: `Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. ~ilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor 3ames E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the Roll Call. Name Address T. W. Bray B. W. Ficke Bill Golf Mrs. Tom Beaty Art W. 3ordan Will Jordan Tony DuVall Tom Sneary Mrs. Dewey Godfrey '"15 Turtle Creek Boulevard 3500 Greenbrier Drive 3108 Caruth Boulevard 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 5916 Chalet, Apt. 4211 3429 Caruth Boulevard 4215 University Boulevard 10264 Gooding Drive 3504 Caruth Boulevard Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at -:30 p.m. The City Clerk presented a statement from Cullum Construction Company in the amount of $116,0~4.82 being Estimate No. 3, storm sewer improve- ments, Lom0 Alto, Grassmere~ Armstrong, Glenwick and Douglas. He stated that heretofore said company has been paid $v3,053.90 and $21,014.30 has been retained to be paid with the final estimate. Estimate No. 3 has been approved by Consulting Engineer Raymond L. Goodson and City Engineer Jack B. Kirven. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to pay Cullum Construction Company $116~0v4.82 as requested. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany~ seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION AMENDING THE BUDGET, APPROVING ALL EXPENDITURES ~V~kDE DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1~ 1968, AND ENDING SEPTEP~BER 30, 1969, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF CREDIT BALANCES TO ACCOUNTS ~IHERE EXPENDITURES HAVE BEEN IN EXCESS OF BUDGET ESTIMATES, AND ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCES TO ACCOUNTS , WHERE SUCH BUNDS ARE NEEDED The City Clerk presented a letter signed by Dr. R. Richard Rubottom dated June 19, 1969, requesting that a traffic signal light be installed at the intersection of Hillcrest and Binkley Avenues. After discussing the problem it was decided that a "Right Turn Only" sign be placed on the northeast corner of Binkley at the intersection with Hillcrest Avenue directing the westbound traffic to turn off of the campus onto Hillcrest. If said sign does not prove to be satisfactory, further consideration will . be given to placing a traffic signal l'ight at this location. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Earl Luna, County Chairman of the Democratic Party requesting the use of the Fire Station for conducting a Democratic Primary on Saturday, May 2, 19-0, and a run-off election, should one be necessary on June 6, 19-0. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above request be granted. The City Clerk presented a letter signed by Mrs. Stuart L. Hamilton, Constitu- tion Week Chairman of the James Campbell Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, requesting that Mayor Coffee proclaim the week of September 1--23, 1969 as Consti- tution Week. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Mayor Coffee proclaim the week of September 1--23, 1969 as Constitutional Week in the City of University Park. The City Clerk presented a letter signed by Mr..Perry L. Howell, Sr., Secretary of the Hillcrest Masonic Lodge No. 1318, owners of the two story building located at 660- Hillcrest Avenue, requesting that said lodge be exempt from paying ad valorem taxes on the building as they now use the entire building for Lodge purposes. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Hillcrest Masonic Lodge No. 1318 be exempt from paying ad valorem tax as requested. The City Clerk explained that Fireman Jack F. Kizer has proposed to teach First Aid to a group of Campfire Girls provided the City would permit the use of the auditorium seven Wednesday nights beginning September 1~ through December 10, 1969. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that permission be gra~ted for the use of the auditorium as requested. A motion was made, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City Clerk be authorized to purchase two tickets and make reservations for the Mayor and City Manager to attend the Council of Governments luncheon, Thursday, September 18 at the Inn of Six Flags, 12:15 p.m. It was pointed out that Region 13 of the Texas Municipal League will hold their fall meeting Wednesday, September 24, 1969 in the Terrace Room, Baker Hotel, and that Steve ~atthews will be the principle speaker, Tickets are $6.50 each. The Governing Body will let the City Clerk know at a later date who can attend in order that reservations may be made. It was pointed out that Mr. Thomas Anthony, a former member of the Board of Adjustment, has resigned due to the fact that he has moved to Denver, Colorado. This problem will be taken under advisement. The City Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Ben H. Cordsen of 4506 Druid Lane, requesting that he be given an adjustment on a water bill in connection with a leak he had in the plumbing system at 4414 University Boulevard, a duplex he owns. After some discussion, it was decided to take this matter into consideration at the next Commission meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that City Attorney Dick P. Wood be authorized to go to Washington, D. C. to qualify to practice before the United States Supreme Court. This is in regard to the Dunlap-Swain Zoning suit. 244 A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan~ put to vote and carried unanimously that Assistant Engineer Bennett McMurray be authorized to attend the International Municipal Signal Association School, Waco, Texas, October 6 through 10, 1969 at the expense of the City. City Engineer 3ack Kirven discussed the resurfacing of the four tennis courts. He stated that he had talked to Mr. Gilbert with the cyclone fence company and that that company would do the fence work for $1,9v4.00. he also discussed the lighting stating that there would be no power problem at Curtis, Caruth and Burleson Parks but there would be in Williams Park, but that this lighting could be worked out after the courts had been resurfaced. ~r. Kirven's suggestion was that since the Casey & Glass, Inc. who had been awarded the contract but had not included the concrete work and since winter was near that the 3ennite Company of Dallas be authorized to begin work on the tennis courts whereupon Mr. Tony DuVall addressed the Board of Commissioners stating that at the last meeting that it was decided to accept the bid from Casey & Glass, Inc. of corpus Christi, Texas. Mr. Will Jordan of 3429 Caruth addressed the Board of Commissioners and read a petition signed by seven persons residing in the 3400 block of Caruth Boulevard in favor of the tennis courts beir~ lighted, said lights to be off by 10:00 p.m. This petition was filed w~th the City Clerk. ~. B. W. ~icke of 3500 Greenbrier Drive addressed the Board of Commissioners and read letters protesting the lighting of the tennis courts in Caruth Park, said letters were signed by Miss Edith Sherman, Mrs. Igetta Sherman and Mr. M. Ratcliff. ~ir. T. W. Bray of 7v15 Turtle Creek addressed the Board of Commissioners stating that he was against the lighting of the tennis courts in Caruth Park also. These letters were filed with the City Clerk. City Engineer Kirven was instructed to contact the Casey & Glass, Inc, Corpus Christi, tell him he was awarded the bid, to prepare a contract and see when 245 %his company can begin work. There being ~no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 6TH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D., 1969. ~ MI hlrrES OF THE RSBULAR ~:EETING OF THE BOARD OF CONMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM~ 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON ~ONDAY~ OCTOBER 6, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in reg~ular session on ~onday, October 6, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City At~ditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L~ H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor ,~mes D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the roll call. Address Mary Ann Collins ~s. Martha Gene Beaty Tie Davis Jim Robertson ~r. & ~;~s. E. M. Jacobs 3560 Marquette 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 3532 Rankin Avenue 2928 Bryn Mawr Drive 3602 Bryn Mawr Drive 246 N~me Addres~ Bill Farrell Mr. m Mrs. E. H. Barry Dan Stansbury Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi ~,~s. Dewey Godfrey Mr. ~ Mrs. 0;:~, Stubblefield Glen Shumaker Bill Golf U~s. M. V. Rejebian George P. MacAtee David Gleeson Gage Prichard Richard E. Gray Doug Adkins ~s. Charles M. Powell, Sr. Robert T. Halpin ~,~. & ~s. Roy C. Coffee, Jr. Ralph D. Baker Peter S. Chantilis 3538 Caruth Boulevard 3405 Wentwood Drive 4343 Shenandoah Avenue 2945 [hiversity Boulevard 3504 Caruth Boulevard 4037 Druid Lane 3426 Potomac Avenue 3108 Caruth Boulevard 3~24 Colgate Avenue 3916 Shannon Lane 2808 Binkley Avenue 341~ Bryn Mawr D~ive.- 6815 Hunters Glen Road 4333 Grassmere Lane 3508 Haynie Avenue 3425 University Boulevard 3009 Bryn ~awr Drive 3801Wentwood Drive 3502 Bryn Mawr Drive Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. George P. MacAtee, owner of the west 100 feet of Lot 3, Block C, Idlewild No. Two Addition, appeared before the Board of Commissioners and stated he would like to demolish the present structure on this land and erect a new building which will comply with all of the City building and zoning ordinances. However, he would appreciate the City removing from the street in front of this property, the asphalt curb that has been there for several years. After due consideration~ Commissioner Germany stated that it was generally felt that in the due course of time the asphalt curbs in the center of Lovers Lane from Douglas Street west to the Tollroad would have to be removed and he could see no objection to the granting of Mr. ~acAt~e's request. ~ayor Coffee stated that sealed proposals for fifteen vehicles which had been advertised in the official publication on September 25, 1969 be opened. City Clerk Hamman .opened and read aloud the following proposals. Garland Dodge, Inc. Kenray Ford Sales, Inc. Ed Maher Horn-WiIiiams Ford Southwest Chrysier-PIymouth Price Old Unit $43,577.55 $11, ""~. $49, lvl. C~5 $16,"25. 2542, 943.22 $1w, 950. $41,~45.00 $10,6~5. $40,106.10 $16.,900. Net $31,802.55 No Truck bid $32,446.~5 $24,993.22 $31,0~0.00 No Truck bid $23,206.10 No Truck bid A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that the bids be carefully tabulated and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to accept the proposal of the low bidder. The Board of Commissioners on September 15, 1969 had requested the City Clerk to make an investigation relative to written request of Mr. Ben H. Cordsen regarding Service Account No. 2388-B, 4414 University Boulevard. City Clerk Hamman stated that a careful investigation had been made and it was found that subject meter showed a consumption of 6-,200 gallons of water from July 15 to August 19. It is apparent that Mr. Cordsen did have an underground leak that he was not aware of until receiving the August statement. Mr. Cordsen has three meters that serve this property. The meter in question had an average consumption for the same months in 1968 of 10,~00 gallons of water. The City Clerk recommended that the bill in question in the sum of $30.58 be credited with $~.80. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the above recommendation be granted. Ci%y Attorney Dick P. Wood stated that since the Board of Commission Meeting September 15, 1969, he had made a study relative to the request of the Hillcrest ~asonic Lodge that it be exempt from taxation on its building and equipment as of January 1, 1969 and in his opinion it would be properq, to grant this request provided the Hillcrest Masonic Lodge did not sell insurance, etc. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried that the request of the Hillcrest Masonic Lodge be exempt from taxation on its building and equipment as of January 1, 1969. 248: City Clerk Hamman presented a written request from 2~rs. L. Warren Baker of 4221 Greenbrier stating that she had paid a 1969 tax on September 16 for a car which was not purchased until after 3anuary 1, 1969 and requested a refund of $1~.20. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that Mrs. Baker be refunded $1-.20 as requested. City Clerk Hamman explained that Mayor Coffee, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan and himself had recently inspected the following described equipment: Used Case Crawler Tractor Loader Model BR-1000, S/N "01003v, powered by a OMC diesel engine Model 3--1, S/N 3A932, equipped with a Case front end loader S/N 1006~85, with an 80 in. wide 1-½ C. Y. material bucket with ~ teeth, torque converter, and power shift transmission, 24 volt electrical system, oil bath air cleaner, front and rear lights, Case rear mounted ripper, S/N 1008612, tractor to be mounted on 16 in. wide street plates, completely serviced and ready for operation. F.O.B. University Park . . . . $10,500.00. He explained that the City was desperately in need of equipment of this kind and that Berry Brothers had offered to sell the above equipment t~o the City for $10,500.00 allow- ing $~50.00 credit for Allis Chalmers Model HD-10 Dozer that the City purchased used approximately 17 years ago for $4,500.00. After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the City Clerk offer to pay Berry Brothers $9,000.00 in exchange. Fire i~arshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of September, 1969. Autos False Alarms Grass Emergency No Loss Loss Total First Aid Alarms Alarms Al~m~ 20 21 5 51 Estimated value of property protected Estimated amount of insurance on property Estimated amount of loss paid $250,000.00 $215,000.00 $ 5,500.00 24 9: Commissioner Germany stated that earlier in the year, the Board of Commissioners had discussed changing the Governing Body from a .~ayor and two Commissioners to a Mayor and five Aldermen but at that time it was decided to wait until the first meeting in October to consider this matter. He stated that since Commissioner Sullivan could not be present at this meeting thst he preferred to defer this discussion until the next regular meeting which will be October 20, 1969. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 20TH DAY OF OCTOBER, ,969. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HEDL IN THE CITY HA EL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1969, AT 7:30 ~.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, October ~-0, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert g. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City rngineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred g. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. 250' The Following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the Roll Call. Name Address Dan Stansbury Tie Davis E. H. Barry Doug Forde Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi E. M. Jacobs 3602 Gage Prichard 3417 Mrs. Jane Rejebian 3724 Mrs. Dewey Godfrey 3504 Charles M. Powell, Sr. 3508 Robert T. Halpin 3425 Gene Uecker 3100 Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Weiner 6817 Bob Lowery 3633 Mary C ollett 3424 Mrs. Stanley Neely 4408 Richard E. Gray 6815 Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cleaver 4124 Jerry N. Jordan 3624 rere Shenandoah 3532 Rankin Avenue 3405 Wentwood Drive 3601 Haynie Avenue 2945 University Boulevard Bryn Mawr Drive Bryn Mawr Drive Colgate Avenue Caruth Boulevard Haynie Avenue University Boulevard Hanover Street Golf Drive Granada Avenue Haynie Avenue Windsor Parkway Hunters Glen Caruth Boulevard Hanover zStreet Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Gene Uecker of 3100 Hanover Street addressed the Board of Commissioners inquiring about an election to be held to determine if the number of elected officials should be increased from three to six members. He requested that the c[ifference in the form of governments be explained. City Attorney Wood explained that the alderman form of governments is described in Chapters One through Eleven of Title 28 of the General Laws of Texas and calls for the election of a mayor and five aldermen. The Commission Form of Government is described in Chapter Twelve and gives the Commissioners all the powers and rights set forth in Chapters One through Eleven and the governing body shall consist of a mayor and two commissioners. Mr. E. H. Barry of 3405 Wentwood Drive and Mr. Richard Gray of 6815 Hunters Glen made talks against changing our present form of government. Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi of 2945 University Boulevard addressed the 2:5 t Board of Commissioners stating that she had heard that certain people were considering petitioning the City to change its form of government and she presented to the Board of Commissioners a petition containing approximately 250 signatures protesting any change in our present form of ~overnment. Mr. Doug Forde of 3601 Haynie Avenue and Mrs. ,lane Rejebian of 3724 Colgate Avenue both expressed themselves as being very much in favor of increasing the number of elected officials from three to six members. Doctor and Mrs. Wether of 6817 Golf Drive addressed the Board of Commissioners inquiring what progress if any had. been made relative to the cleaning of Turtle Creek at the rear of their home. City ]Engineer Jack Kirven explained that he had not had an opportunity to make a full and complete survey but definitely before the City could do any work in the channel of Turtle Creek from Curtis Park to Vassar Drive that the City would need to acquire easements from all of the owners of property abutting the channel. Mayor Coffee suggested to Dr. ~Veiner that he might discuss with his neighbors the granting of the easement that would be required. Dr. Vgeiner asked if he might be put on the Park Committee and he was told to contact Mr. Bill Golf who is chairman of that committee. Mrs. N. E. Cleaver of 4124 Caruth Boulevard asked if plans had yet been made to recondition the swimming pool. She was assured that such action would be taken in the near future. She also asked why the City purchased a snorkel fire truck whereupon it was expiainecl to her it was neec[ecl to protect ~ne tall buildings on the ~outhern Methodist University Campus and other tall buildings in the commercial areas. It was explained to her that any and all fires affect the city's fire rate; therefore, it is the citys obligation to have, at all times adequate equipment. 2 52 After everyone in the aucitorium had had an opportunity to express themselves fully on any and all subjects discussed, the Board of Commissioners conferred and Commissioner Germany stated that it was apparent that the people opposing the change in the present form of government had presented a much stronger proposition than the proponents had, he made a motion that the subject be tabled. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Sullivan and carried unanimously. Mrs. Stanley Neely of 4408 Windsor Parkway inquired relative to the designating of Roland Street a one way north and it was explained to her that such action had previously been taken and signs would be put up in the near future accordingly. The City Clerk presented a petition signed by all of the propsrty owners except one on the north side of McFarlin Boulevard from the alley west of Hillcrest to Dickens Street requesting that mo hour parking be established along the north curb. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, Ordinance be adopted. put to vote and carried unanimously that the following ORDINANCE NO. LV II AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT SPECIFIC ORDINANCE R_E~YTING i~TD TIME LIMIT PARKING ADOPTED THE 7TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1963, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FOR PARKING TIME LIMITS IN DESIGNATED PLACES IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK; STATING THE HOURS OF THE DAY WHEN SUCH TIME LIMIT IS EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING THAT THE SAME SHALL NOT APPLY ON CERTAIN SPECIFIC DAYS; STATING THE TIME LIMIT; PROVIDING FOR TH~. MARKING OF PARKING SPACES; DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS WHERE THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF; DEFINING OFFENSES AND PRES[CRIBING PENALTIES; ~PROVIDING THAT INVALIDITY OF PART SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE REMAIN]DER The City Clerk presented a recommendation from the Chief of Police that stop signs be placed on the north and south sides of Druid Lane at its intersection with Lomo Alto thus stopping traffic traveling north and south. The 253 Police Department also recommended that stop signs be placed on the east and west of Lomo Alto where all streets intersect said Lomo Alto Drive from University Boulevard north to Lovers Lane. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LVIII ORDINANCE OF THE BOAtKD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK REGULATING TRAFFIC IN SAID CITY REQUIRING OPERATORS TO BRING ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING NORTH AND SOUTH ON LOMO ALTO DRIVE TO A FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS DRUID LANE; ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING NORTH ON LOMO ALTO DRIV~ TO A FULL STOP BEFORE ENTERING LOVERS LANE AND ALL MOTOR VEHICLES MOVING EAST AND WEST ON EMERSON AVENUE, GLENWICK LANE, DRUID LANE, G1KASSMERE LANE, AND HYER STREET TO A FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS LOMO ALTO DRIVE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF ~The City Clerk stated that he had carefully investigated the request of Mr. Earl Simpson, owner of 3414-16 Potomac A~zenue, dated October 8, 1969, and recommends that Mr. Simpson be given an adjustment of $6. 31 on a SZZ. 50 water bill because of an underground leak. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the recommendation for an adjustment of $6. 31 be granted. City Clerk Hamman recommends that the Mayor and Mrs. Coffee and Chief Keene be authorized to attend the 57th Annual Texas Municipal League Conference in San Antonio, Texas, November 9 through 11. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that Mayor and Mrs. Coffee and Chief Keene be authorized to attend this conference at the expense of the City. City Clerk Hamman presented a statement from Cullum Construction Company in the amount of $37,542.46, Lomo Alto paving and storm sewers, 254 being their estimate No. 4 for work completed as of September 30, 1969. Work completed to date aggregates $251,856. $7. $~189, 128.72 has heretofore been paid and t'his City retains a total of $25, 185.69. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to pay Cullum Construction Company $37,542.46. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 3RD DAY OF NOVi 1969. ATTEST: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, November 5, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney DickP. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Del~srtments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Purchasing Agent William E. West, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard and Permit Clerk Larry Wilson. Others attending the meeting who signed the attendance list are: Name Address H. Grady Bishop 3008 West.minister Avenue Burton Gilliland 9250 Meadowbrook ,255 Name Harris Yarbrough, Jr. Jim Trayer Tony DuVall Nietzi Cleaver Anne Carrozza Address 3937 %rillanova Drive Park Cities Jaycees 4212 University ]Boulevard 4154 Caruth Boulevard 730 1 Turtle Creek Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Burton Gilliland, Chairman Property A ~cquisition Committee, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, addressed the Board of Commissioners requesting the City of University Park to hold an election for the purpose of re-locating Shannon Lane 140 feet west of its present location. City Engineer Jack B. Kirven presented the plans and specifications and stated that the Highland Parki~resbyterian Church now owned the property on both sides of the 6400 block of Shannon Lane extending from University to McFarlin Boulevards. In order for the church to add onto the present church campus and for more plant improvements, the church requests the re-location of Shannon Lane. Mr. tiirven stated that the church is trying to purchase Lots 7, 8 and 11, Block C of Windsor Place Addition; if this can be accomplished, Shannon Lane could be straightened from Windsor Avenue to University Boulevard. Mr. Gilliland stated that the church was not asking for variances or exceptions from the zoning ordinance and would conform to all zoning and building ordinances when building any new structures; also that the church would bear all expense involved in the re-locating of Shannon Lane. After discussing the matter, Commissioner Sullivan suggested that no action be taken at this time but that the matter could be considered at the next regular Commission Meeting on November 17, 1969. City Attorney DickP. Wood was requested to prepare an ordinance ordering an election as to the question of re-locating Shannon Lane to be considered at that time. 256 Mr. Harris Yarbrough, Jr., owner of Lot 17, Block 44, University Heights Addition No. 4, addressed the Board of Commissioners and asked if he could purchase the 6,8Z0 square feet of land owned by this City {adjoining his property) located in the excess of the right-of-way at the southeast corner of l~reston Road and Greenbrier Drive, formerly platted to be an approach to Caruth Boulevard, at SZ.00 per square foot or $13,640.00. He stated that he would prepare and enter into a ~contract with the City setting out that if and when he sold both properties as one lot, that he would reimburse the City for the diifference if he receives more than the SZ.00 per square foot he has previously paid the City. After considering this, Mr. Yarbrough was told that he should submit the offer in the form of a proposed Contract of Sale in writing for further consideration by the City. City Attorney Dick P. Wood stated that he or Assistant City Attorney Dickl~. Wood, Jr. planned to go to Washington, D. C. Thursday, November 6, to file an answer with the United States Supreme Court as to the Dunlap- Swain zoning suit. Mr. Tony DuVall of 4Z15 University Boulevard addressed the Board of Commissioners asking about the progress being made on the tennis courts. He was told that when Casey and Glass, the contractors, had finished their part of the work, the fences, etc. would be installed. The Board of Commissioners discussed a communication dated October 20, 1969, signed by Mr. Chul R. Chung of 826 I-Ioke Smith Drive, requesting a refund of $3.60 paid this City through error on 1969 personal property tax. Mr. Chung moved from University Park in July, 1968 and when he purchased 1969 license plates, he failed to give the clerk his new address. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, put to vote and carried that Mr. Chung be given the $3.60 refund as requested. The Board of Commissioners discussed a communication dated October 21, 1969, signed by Mrs. R. R. Ruland of 3914 Bryn Mawr Drive, requesting an adjustment on her water bill due to an underground leak. It was recommended that Mrs. Ruland be given an adjustment of $9.5Z. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, put to vote and carried that Mrs. Ruland's account be credited with $9.52. City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers and Purchasing Agent W. E. West addressed the Board of Commissioners relative to a temporary portable metal building to be placed on the side of the fire station for the new fire truck. Mr. Kriven stated that he had talked with several contractors and that he would have sealed bids that could be opened on November 17. After discussing this situation, Mr. Kirven was instructed to contact Mr. Randall and Mr. J. Murrell Bennett, Architects, and see if they could not work out a plan for an addition to the City Hall including the fire station. The consensus was that a temporary portable metal building was not too desirable. Fire Marshal Fred Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of October, 1969. Emergency No Loss Loss Autos First Aid Alarms Alarms T oral 3 23 24 ''~9 59 Property Prctected Estimation Estimated Amount of Insurance on P~operty Estimated Amount of Loss $636,0OO.00 $376,000.00 $ 34,975.00 There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE/~H DAY OF ~/~VEMBER, A.D., 1969. 2 58 I~iINUTES OF THE REGULAR ~EETING OF THE BOARD OF COi~"vilSSIONERS OF' THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN ~{E CITY HALL AUDI TO RI Ui~I , 3800 UNIVER- SITY BOULEVAPd9, ON i~'~ONDAY, NOV~¥1BER 17, 1969, AT 7:30 P.iv~. - The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, November 17, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer 3ack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Eeene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, and Building Permit Clerk Larry Wilson. Others attending the meeting who signed the attendance list are: ADDRESS Mrs. John Massey Mrs. Will Brooks Mrs. Tom Beaty Burton Gilliland G. H. Vaughn Paul Baker Jim Trayer Wayne O. Bower Jerry N. Jordan Gage Prichard Earl Cabell, Jr. John C. Bigger 4152 Hyer Street 4146 Hyer Street 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 9250 ~eadow Brook Lone Star Gas Company Lone ~tar Gas Company Park Cities Jaycees 4147 Hyer Street 3624 Hanover Street 3417 Bryn Mawr Drive 2821 Amherst Street 4008 University Boulevard Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. t~lr. Wayne O. Bower of 4147 Hyer Street addressed the Board of Commissioners regarding parking in the 4100 Block of Hyer Street. He presented a petition signed by approximately sixteen property owners in that block requesting that both sides of the 4100 block of Hyer Street be restricted to "two hour parking", Monday through Friday between the hours 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the following ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LIX AN ORDINANCE Ai~'iENDING THAT SPECIFIC ORDINANCE RELATING TO TIME LL~gT PARKING ADOPTED THE 7TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1963, AND ALL AMENDI~IENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FOR PARKING TIME LIMITS IN DESIGNATED PLACES IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK~ STATING THE HOURS OF THE DAY WHEN SUCH TIME LIMIT IS ~FECTIVE; PROVIDING THAT THE SAME SHALL NOT APPLY ON CERTAIN DAYS; STATING THE TII&E LIt~ilT~ PROVIDING FOR THE MARKING OF PARKING SPACES; DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS ~;~HERE THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORC~i~NT THEREOF; DEFINING OFFENSES ~ND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES PROVIDING THAT INVALIDITY OF PART SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE RF~AtNDER Mr. Burton Gilliland, Chairman ~roperty Acquisition Committee, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, addressed the Board of Commissions relative to the City holding an election for the closing and relocating of Shannon Lane. City Engineer Jack B. Kirven presented the plans and specifications and explained why the church desired that Shannon Lane be relocated, i'~lr. John Bigger of 4008 University Boulevard, addressed the Board of Commissioners and stated that before the street could be dlosed and relocated that under Article 974-A property owners in the area of the Highland Park Presbyterian Church would have to be given the opportunity to revise or replat said area. City Attorney Dick P. stated that under Article 1019 that the question of' closing and relocating streets had to be submitted to all qualified voters in the City of University Park. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that this City hold an election on December 20, 1969 and that the following ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LX AN ORDINANCE ORDERING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY P.6RK, AS PROVIDED BY ARTICLE 1019, VERNON'S ANNOTATED CIVIL STATUTES, ON THE ~UESTION OF: CLOSING THAT PART OF THE 6400 BLOCK OF SHANNON LANE, B~NG A RIGHT-OF-~;IAY 50 FEET }'~IDE EXTENDING NORTH FROi'¥I MCFARLIN BOULEVARD TO UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND ESTABLISHING A NE?'I STREET TO BE KNOWN AS SHANNON LANE, ~'IHICH HAVE A 50 FOOT RIGHT-OF-'~AY AND BE LOCATED NOT ~IORE THAN 139.9 FEET ~JEST OF THE PRESENT DEDICATE9 STREET KNOWN AS SHANNON LANE Mayor Coffee requested Fire marshal Fred L. Chambers open and read aloud sealed proposals for fire hose whi'ch are as follows: 260 Acord Fire Extinguisher Co. Fabric Fire Hose Company General Fire Extinguisher Corp. Texas Rubber Supply, Inc. 500 ft. 1-~ in. @ $1.24 per ft. 1000 ft. 2 ~ in. © $1.75 per ft. ! 500 ft. 1-E-in. @ $.78 per ft. 1 1000 ft. 2 i~-in. @ $1.15 per ft. 500 ft. 1 2-in. @ $.85 per ft. 1000 ft. 2 ~ in. @ $1.16 per ft. 500 ft. 1 ~ in. © $.84 per ft. 1000 ft. 2 2-in @ $1.21 per ft. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put ~ vote and carried that the City accept the proposal of Fabric Fire Hose Company, the low bidder. Mr. G. H. Vaughn and Nit. Paul Baker, Representatives of the Lone Star Gas Company, addressed the Board of Commissioners and discussed the Gas Company's proposed new schedule of residential and commercial rates for gas service applicable to customers in the City of University Park. It was pointed out that this City's rates has been the same since 1960. Mr. Vaughn stated that the proposed rate is the same as approved by 'the City Council of Dallas November 3, 1969; also if the proposed rate is accepted, said rate would be effective on the first billing date after passage of an ordinance. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried that the following ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LXI AN ORDINANCE FIXING A~D DETEf~'ilNING THE GENERAL SERVICE RATE TO BE CHARGFD FOR SALES OF NATURAL GAS AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO RESIDENTIAL AND COi¢~ERCIAL CONSUI.,iERS WITHIN ~qHE CITY LIMITS OF U~VERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER IN ~{ICH SUCH RATE MAY BE CHANGED, ADJUSTED AND AMENDED AND DEC~RING AN E~tERGENCY City Engineer Jack B. Kirven explained' {o the Board of Commissioners that he had made a study of the traffic problem at the corner of Binkley and Hillcrest Avenue and in his opinion there were three different ways the City might solve the traffic congestion. (1) The City could purchase traffic signal with left turn signal which would cost about $10,000.00 plus installation. (2) The City could purchase traffic signal without left turn signal which would cost approximately $5,000.00 plus installa- tion or (3) the City could purchase buttons and place in the street. However, if 261 i the buttons were used, the parking space on both sides of Hillcrest Avenue from Shenandoah Avenue to Granada Avenue would have to be removed. Engineer Kirven was instructed to contact ~ir. Caffee, Director of Security, Southern Methodist University, to see if a solution could be worked out by using the ~ra~llc buttons. Engineer Kirven stated that ~ir. William D. Jordan of 3429 Caruth had coniacted him about Turtle Creek ~]hannel. Mr. Jordan lives on the east side of the channel and ~r. F. E. ?~'ood lives on the west side of the channel. The banks are caving in ~nd ~r. Kirven suggested taking a tractor and digging out the channel and construc{in9 a retaining wall with steps so that the children could walk up or the City could dig out the channel and place a wall with a concrete bottom. Mr. Kirven was instructed to contact ~r. Jordan and explain to him that if he would execute an easement for ingres~ and egress and pay the City $1,000.00 the City will proceed with construction similar to other properties to the north on Turtle Creek Boulevard. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APP?DVED THIS THE 1SI DAY OF DECEi.,iBEP~.D., 1969 I{~INUTES OF THE REGULAR ~,I{{EYING OF THE BOARD OF COi~'~ilSSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE C!l~f ~ALL AUDITORIU]~,i, 3800 UNIVEtSITY BOULEVARD, ON ]'~iONDAY, DECE'~iBER 1, 1969, AT 7:30 P.~. The Board of Commissioners of~'the City of University Park met in regular §e~sion on i:'londay, December 1, 1969, a-6 7:30 p.m. The following were present: ~ayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. ?~ilson Germany and 262" Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood~ Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene5 City Auditor James E. Brown5 Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan5 Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard5 Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and Assistant City 5ngineer Bennett l~icl~lurray. Others attending the ~eeting who signed the attendance list are: ADDRESS ~rs. Tom Beaty 3915 Bryn ~a~r Drive Gage Prichard 3417 Bryn i'~'~awr Drive ~im Trayer Park Citie'~ Jaycees W. 3ames Carmichael 2525 One Main Place Dr. & ~rs. ~. F. Weiner 6817 Golf Drive ~q. R. Golf 3108 Caruth Boulevard l%iayor Coffee called the meeting %o order promptly at 7:30 p.m. ~. James Carmichael5 an attorney representing a i~irs. Ella E. Saunders5 addressed the Board stating that ~irs. Saunders had been issued a traffic ticket on or about June 3~ 1969. The court date ~as set for June 21~ reset for July 12 and again on July 26 at mhich time Attorney Carmichael entered a plea of no contest and i~rs. Saunders was fined $15.00. He gave notice of appeal on this date and on August 45 i~irs. Saunders paid the $15.00 fine. The transcript of appeal was prepared on August 14~ 1969. Attorney Carmichael stated that his client l~rs. Saunders mas confused and did not realize she should not pay the $15.00. Attorney Carmichael request that the City refund ~irs. Saunders the $15.00 she paid on August 4. After discussing the problem5 City Attorney Dick P. ?~ood was instructed to check ail police records and make a report at the next regular Commission Meeting on December 15, 1969. ~ A statement from Casey & Glass~ Inc. in the amount of $225589.55 for laykold surfacing of eight tennis courts was presented. $145662.00 of the $22~589.55 is for materials and $5~937.55 for labor. City Engineer Kirven recommended that this amount be paid. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan~ seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Casey and Glass, Inc. be paid $22,589.55 as per agreement dated September 22, 1969. Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan stated that city employees would start work on the fences, curbs, etc. on December 2. The first two courts to be completed first will be ~'llliams and Burleson 'the nets for the tennis courts were ordered on November 21, 1969. The Dallas County Fire Chief's and Fire ~'~iarshal's Association Annual Banquet will be held Dece=ber 10, 1969. Tickets are $4.00 each. It is recommended that this City purchase 10 tickets. University Park's ?Miss Flame" will be a guest. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, secon~e .... by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that this City purchase ten tickets to be used by the officials of th~s City and "i~.~iss ~lame". Chief Keene discussed with the Board of Commissioners the fact that all of this C~ty's police report forms will have to be changed to conform with the North Central Texas Crime Information Cen~e_ and the National Crime Informa- tion Center regulations as well as the state legislature's passage of an amended article which sets out that all records and the court seal shall read '%lunicipa! Court" and not "Corporation Court". Also this amended article states that beginning in September, 1970 all police will be required to have 140 hours of basic training. He suggests that this City become a member of the North Central Texas Regional Police Academy which is a branch of the North Central Texas Council of Governments. Chief Keene stated that by September of 1970 this City would have several men who should attend a training school. After discussing this matter, Chief Keene ~vas instructed to meet with City Attorney Dick P. ~?ood and Corporation Court Judge John P. Koons to work on the proposed forms this City shoul¢~ use. 264 It was brought out that the Greater Dallas County League of ~unicipalities ~eeting would be held Thursday, December 4, 1969. No one from thi~ City could attend on that date. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan~ seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that. Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers be granted permission to attend the Twenty-Second Annual Fire Department Area Conference in Austin, Texas, December 2 and 3 at the expense of the City. The following is the report of the Fire Departments activities for the month of November~ 1969. . False Emergency No Loss Loss Total Autos Alarms First Aid Alarms Alarms Alarms 4 1 24 Estimated Value of Property Protected Estimated Amount of Insurance on Property Estimated Amount of Loss 18 6 53 $ 170,000.00 $ 120,500.00 $ 9,700.00 The 1000 gallon pumper fire truck ordered from American LaFrance has been delivered. There being no further business~ -the meeting recessed. PASSE[~ AND APPROVED ~IS THE 15 TH ATTEST: DAY OF DECH~'i~~3. ~ 1969. 265' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF CO~.ffSSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY bi~LL AUDITORIUM, 3800 L~IVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, December 15, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and C~mmissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. ~Vood, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Others attending the meeting who signed the attendance list are: Name Address Mrs. Tom Beaty 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive Charles Inge 3544 Rankin Avenue Grady Bishop 3008 Westminister Jim Trayer Park Cities Jaycees Bob Wilson 2819 - 62nd St., Lubbock, Texas Steve Wilson 2612 Throckmorton 7:J227 Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Grady Bishop appeared and discussed with the Commission the substituting of a life insurance group policy written by the Great Southern Life Insurance Company for the group policy the City now has on employees with the Equitable Li~e Assurance Society of the United States. Mr. Bishop was asked if his company would be interested in providing the City with hospitalization along with the life insurance con-tract. ~,k. Bishop stated that in his judgement the City had the best hospitalization available with the Blue Cross-Blue Shield. However, he would give the matter serious consideration and thought, and report back to the Commission in the near future. 266 Mr. Don Houseman, Jr. has proposed that the City authorize him to place a binder policy protecting the City in regard to 'the Texas Claims Tort Act effective January 1, 1970 until such time as the Board of Commissioners can give consideration to the purchasing of proper insurance coverage. It is recommended that this be done. A motion was made by Commissioner Sul:livan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried that Mr. Houseman be authorized to place a binder policy to protect the City. Said binder to ]be in keeping with the recommendation of the insurance company. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner :Sullivan, that the City pay James R. Buttrill $307.00 as 1969 vacation allowance. Mr. Buttrill was employed in May, 1964 and resigned in May, 1969 at which time ]ne had not received a vacation for the year 1969. The City Clerk reported that the officials of Southern ~ethodist University have requested that 15 pieces of real estate in the vicinity of the campus owned by them be classed as tax exempt beginning with January 1, 1970 as the properties are now a,nd will be used for school purposes. These properties brought the City $1,684.40 in taxes for the fiscal year of' 1969. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that this be taken under advisement until January 5, 1970. On December 5, 1969, one of our garbage trucks driven by Raymond Y. Finley backed into the front of a 1969 Chevrolet owned and driven by ~il!iam Logan Allender. Both parties were given tickets to appear in court January 3, 1970. ]'he garbage truck was not damaged. Garrett Chevrolet Company has offered to repair ~Ir. Allender's car for $163.38. It is the feeling of the City Clerk and his recommendation that the City either immediately repair Mr. Allender's car or authorize him to have same repaired by the Garrett Chevrolet Company. The City Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Allender and request him to get two additional estimates on the cost of repairing his car and that when the case had been heard by the ~,[unicipal 3udge on 3anuary 37 1970, that should the Judge find Mr. Finley guilty that Mr. Finley through his insurance company or -the City will reimburse ~v[r. Allender on the basis of the lowest estimate for repairs -submitted. lhere being no further business~ the meeting recessed. PASSSD AND APPROV~D THIS iHS 5IH DAY OP JANUAR¥~ A.D. ~ 1970. -'X- -X- * -X- % -~' ~<- * -X- -X- -X-, ~ -X' * -X-, ->5 * ~- * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, January 5, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. F2eene, City Engineer Jack B. I{irven, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Others attending the meeting who signed the attendance list are: 268 NA ME Jerry Jordan Charles Carr }'~d Wood Ann Wood Jane Godfrey Ethel Gozzaldi 1VIartha Gene Beaty [)on Houseman ADDRESS 3624 Hanover Park Cities Jaycees 3533 Colgate 3533 Colgate 3504 Caruth 2945 University 3915 Bryn Mawr 3708 Caruth Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Don Houseman appeared and discussed with the Board of Commissioners t]he Texas Tort Claims Act and the possibility of providing adequate protection through insurance. After considerable discussion, a motion was made .by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Houseman Company provide this City with full coverage excepting the s'wimming pool and he recommended that the City continue to keep in force the policy written by Mrs. Gladys Lang on the swimming pool and the fire and theft policies on automobiles, trucks and other equipment. Mr. Houseman estimated that the coverage he proposes will c:ost 'the City approximately $13,938.00. The City Clerk presented election returns submitted by Mr. Charles M. Powell, Presiding Judge of the Special Election held December 20, 1969. Those w~ting for relocating of Shannon Lane 139.9 feet west of its present location--705. Those ~oting against closing of Shannon Lane at it.~ present location--88. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by. Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried unanimously that an order be entered declaring the result of this Special Election O].~DER DECLARING'THE RESULT OF SPECIAL ]ELECTION HELD DECEMBER 20, 1969, THOSE VOTING FOR RELOCATING SHANNON LANE 139.9 FEET WEST OF ITS PRESENT LOCATION--705; THOSE VOTING AGAINST CLOSING OF SHANNON LANE AT ITS PRESENT LOCATION--88; TOTAL VOTES 903. The City Clerk presented a statement from the North Central Texas 2:69' Council of Government in the amount of $100.00 ~or the ~iscal year beginning October 1, ~969 and ending September J0, 1970. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Co£fee, put to vote and carried unanimously that the above statement be paid. The City Cle~kpresented statements dated December ~l, 1969 from City Attorney Dick P. Wood. One being Legal Services in Connection with C~use No. 69-I1438-A: James T. Bradley vs. Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park, Texas, in the 14th District Court of Dallas County, Texas, in tl~e amount of $250.00; also Legal Services in Connection with Cause No. 69-75-D; Roswell Eldredge Hubbell vs. Board of Adjustment of the City of University l~ark, Texas, in the 95th District Court of Dallas County, Texas in the amount of $450.00. Total amount $700.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried unanimously that City Attorney DickP. Wood be l~aid $700.00 for the legal services described above. The City Clerk presented written request from Mrs. Joseph C. Patoskie of 4337 San Gabriel, Dallas, Texas, seeking a refund of $28. 20 on taxes paid on motor vel~icles used in connection with her business located at 4008 Commerce Street because said vehicles are used in her business and were rendered to the City of Dallas for taxation. She sent l~hoto copies of tax receipts from the City of Dallas showing that her 1969 tax including motor vehicles in the amount of $111.91 had been paid. A motion w~s made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, l~ut to vote and carried unanimously that Mrs. Joseph C. l~atoskie be refunded $Z8.20 as requested. The city Clerkl~resented a written request from Mr. 1Kodger B. Herrington of 3221 Wentwood Drive seeking k refund in the amount of $6~00 because he redeemed a dog in the dog pound and later discovered the dog was 270 not his; his dog that had been lost later returned home. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded, put to vote and carried unanimously that }~lr. Rodger B. Herrington be refunded $6.00 as requested. The Board of Commissioners discussed the request of Mr. l~aul S. Adams, Jr., Attorney for Southern Methodist University, dated November 5, ].969, that certain residential properties immediately east of SMU, now owned by the University, reported used solely for school purposes be removed from the tax roll as of January 1, 1970. The assessed value of the properties in question for the year 1969 was $1,684.40. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried unanimomly that the City Clerk be authorized to contact Mr. Paul S. Adams, Jr., Attorney for Southern Methodist University, advising that the properties would be removed from the tax roll as of January 1, 1970. The City Clerk reported that studies are being made and that a recommendation will be forth coming in connection with the request of Southern Methodist University as of December 19:. 1969, that the ten-inch water line crossing the campus from Hillcrest Avenue to Airline Road at a point approximately even with Hillcrest Avenue be discontinued. Chief Keene discussed with the Commission the fact that recently when large fires occurred in University Park the dispatcher had so many inquistive calls from citizens that the Fire Department could not call back to firemen and police that wer off duty and were needed to be of assistance. A motion was n~ade by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried that the City Clerk be authorized to provide for the Police Department, a non-listed telephone. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of December, 1969. Emergency No Loss Autos First Aid Alarms Loss Alarms Total Alarms 27 6 14 z5 13 6O Estimated value of property protected Estimated amount of insurance on property Estimated Amount of loss $3,620,000. oo SZ, 615,000. oo $ 392, zoo. oo There bing no further business, the meeting adjourned. A.D., 1970. * * * -¥ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY i~ARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, January 19, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert g. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Others attending the meeting who signed the attendance list are: NA ME ADDRESS Mrs. Martha Gene Beaty Mr. & Mrs. R. R. Mclnnis Mrs. N. E. Cleaver Mrs. V. A. Carrozza Mrs. Jane Godfrey Will Benners 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 6801 Golf Drive 412.4 Caruth Boulevard 7301 Turtle Creek 3504 Caruth Boulevard 3431 Asbury Street Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. and recognized a few visiotrs but none had any comments to make at the beginning 272 of the meeting. The City Clerk presented a petition signed by 12 of the 13 property owners in the 4000 block of Grassrnere Lane. The petition requested that ~o hour parking restrictions from*;00 a.m. to 4:00 p. rn. be passed for this block which extends from Preston Road east to Hunters Glen Road. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LXII AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT SPECIFIC ORDINANCE RELATING TO TIME LIMIT PARKING ADOPTED THE 7TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1963, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FOR. PARKING TIME LIMITS lin DESIGNATED PLACES IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK; STATING THE HOURS OF THE DAY WHEN SUCH TIME LIMIT IS EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING THAT THE SAME SHALL NOT APPLY ON CERTAIN SPECIFIC DAYS; STATING THE TIME LIMIT, PROVIDING FOR THE MARKING OF PARKING SPACES; DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS WHERE THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF; DEFINING OFFENSES AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES; t~ROVIDING THAT INVALIDITY OF PART SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY ~DF THE REMAINDER The City Clerk presented a statemetn from the Texas Municipal League in the amount of $708.00 being annual mernbership fee for the calendar year of 1970. The basis Of this fee is the population category 20,000 to 25,000. A rnotion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Texas Municipal League be sent $708.00 being annual membership fee. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. L~III ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE~ CITY OF UNIVERSITY P.ARK FINALLY ACCEPTING THE IMPROVEMENTS OF EOMO ALTO DRIVE, TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS DISTRICT NO. 4!5, IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK OR DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND ORDERING THE ISSUANCE TO CULLUM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., CONTRACTING AS TEXAS CORPORATION OF DALLAS, TEXAS, OF THE CERTIFICATES OF 273 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT' AGAINST THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF SAID PORTION OF SAID STREET AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. LXIV ORDINANCE AUDITING AND ALLOWING CLAIM AND FINAL ESTIMATE OF CULLUM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., CONTRACTING AS TEXAS CORPORATION OF DALLAS, TEXAS FOR COMI~LETED WORK AND THE IMPROVEMENTS OF LOMOALTO DRIVE, KNOWN AS DISTRICT NO. 415, AND DIRECTING THE DELIVERY OF CERTIFICATES OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT IN PAYMENT OF A PART OF AMOUNT DUE CULLUM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., CONTRACTING AS TEXAS CORPORATION OF DALLAS, TEXAS. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK AUTHORIZING PURCHASE FROM THE CULLUM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., CONTRACTING AS TEXAS CORPORATION OF DALLAS, TEXAS, PAVING CERTIFICATES ISSUED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS ON LO!MO ALTO DRIVE FROM EMERSON AVENUE NORTH TO THE SOUTH LINE OF LOVERS LANE, AGGREGATING $33,079.24. After the routing business had been completed the Board of Commissioners discussed the request of Southern Methodist University that the City abandon the ten inch water line crossing the SMU Campus from Hillcrest Avenue to Airline Road. Cullum Construction Company had presented Southern Methodist University a proposal that they would relocate one fire hydrant and accomplish all other necessary work for the discontinuous of this line for and estimated cost of $930.00. It was pointed out that $400.00 of this cost was for removing and reinstalling one ' existing fire fire plug. After consideration, the City Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Andrew J. Osborne, Business Manager of Southern Methodist University, and explain it was the City's feeling that SMU should bear all the expense of moving the fire plug and report back to the Board of Commissioners on February 2 any proposed agreement that could be worked out with the University. 274 Mrs. Dewey Godfrey of 3504 Caruth and Mrs. V. A. Carrozza of 7301 Turtle Creek asked questions relative to the swimming pool. The City Clerk explained tlhat he had recommended to the Board of Commissioners that the tile be removed from the floor of the swimming pool and that that part of the pool be sand blasted and painted. Mrs. Godfrey concurred in this proposal but requested that the swimming pool committee be permitted to meet with the Board of Commissioners to discuss other things such as painting the permanent building and beautifying the area. Commissioner Germany instructed that the written recommendation filed with the Board of Commissioners by Mr. Edward Wood during the summer of 1969 be copied and furnished to the Board of Commissioners for their consideration. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APi~ROVED THIS TI~IE 2N.~/ · v~Cl~fY -CI~ERK 1970. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY t~ARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1970, AT 7:30 f~.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of 'University_~ark met in regular session on monday, February 2, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of 2'75 Name Address Mrs. Martha Gene Beaty Robert Giles B.C. Booe Harry Hoovers, Jr. ]Dr. Dee Ogden Jim Strause Mrs. Marvin Wise Roy C. Coffee, Jr. Richard E. Gray Jane Godfrey Fred N. Peek Mrs. Chipman signed the attendance list. 4097 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 7221 Bucknell, Dallas, Texas 75214 4521 Belclaire, Dallas, Texas 75205 3528 University Boulevard 4224 Amherst Street Valley ]~ead ow 3444 University Boulevard 3009 Bryn Mawr Drive 6815 Hunters Glen 3504 Caruth Boulevard 37 18 Villanova Drive 4133 Emerson Avenue Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Harry Hoover, Jr. of 3528 University Boulevard appeared and complained of the manner in which Judge I~oons had been conducting the court and recommended that an investigation be made. Mayor Coffee requested Mr. Hoover to write a letter to the Board of Commissioners setting out in what way he felt an Pul~i¢ Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. Prior to meeting in the auditorium, the City Clerk discussed with the Board of Commissioners the renewal of the hospitalization with Blue Cross. He explained that the City's expense over the past twelve months resulted in a slight credit and that the company had proposed to provide the same benefits for the coming year as previously furnished and increasing the room rent from $15,00 to $20.00; major medical room rent from $35.00 to $40.00. Also in addition a $150.00 accidental injury suppliment. These benefits would be furnished for a total of $8. 53 per employee as compared to $8.48 we have paid for the past two years. After duscussing the metter it appeared to be the general feeling that we should accept the new proposal. The Board of Commissioners then convened to the Auditorium. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who 2'76 improvement could be accomplished. Doctor Dee Og{ten and Mr. B. C. Booe, owners of the eight unit apartment located at the south corner of Emerson Avenue and the Tollroad, appeared and re. quested that some beautification be made along t]ae Tollroad in University Park adjacent to their property. They also stated that they and the owners of the eight apartment on the north corner of Emerson and the Tollroad would be interested in getting the 27 foot un-named street between their property and the Tollroad extending from the alley south of Emerson to the alley north of Emerson paved with concrete. Thes~ gentlemen were assured that the City would give their request due consideration. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN OFFENSE OF SODOMY AND DEFINING PUBLIC SOLICITATION FOR CONSENSUAL SODOMY AND PROVIDING FOR AN OFFENSE OF PUBLIC SOLICITATION FOR THE OFFENSE OF SODOMY AND DEFINING "t:'UBLIC PLACE"; PROVIDING FOR A FINE OF NOT LESS THAN $100.00 AND NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 and PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE City Clerk Hamman reported that he and Mr. of the -Physical Plant, Southern Methodist University, Charles Dawson, Director l~d discussed the request of Southern Methodist University that the City pay Cullum Construction Company, Inc. $930.00 for expense in retaining fire plugs and the discontinuance of a ten inch water line across the campus. He stated that Mr. Dawson would have to discuss with his committee at Southern Methodist University their standing for one-half this expense and the City contributing the onther half. Mr. Dawson probably will have his report by February 16, the date of the next Board of Commissioners Meeting. Chief Keene discussed with the Board of Commissioners the enrolling of nine policemen in the A & M Training School which will be held in Duncanville, Texas at a cost of $75.00 per policeman. He stated that the mean are to attend this training school on their off-duty time and the City will not be expected to pay them compensation for attending the school and neither will it be necessary for the City to pay officers overtime for same because of a shortage of men while the men are attending this school. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the City send nine policemen to the A & M. Training School in Duncanville at a cost of $75.00 per person. The City Clerk discussed the request of*Mrs. C. A. Tatum that the two hour parking standards be omitted from the east end of Grassmere Lane temporarily. She and the other neighbors report that no violations ever occur on the east end of Grassmere and that no one has parked on the west end since the standards have been erected on that end. After due consideration, it was decided that the two hour parking restriction would be painted on the curb from where present upright standards have been installed east to Hunters Glen. Fire Marshal Chambers made the following report of the activities of the Fire Department for the month of January, Emergency ~o Loss Autos First Aid Alarms 1970. Loss Total Alarms Alarms 4 23 Property k~rotected Estimated Amount of Insurance Estimated Amount of Loss 25 13 65 $1,5zs, ooo.oo $1,144,9oo.oo $ 1,7oo.oo At the conclusion of the meeting, Mayor Coffee announced that the City will hold its regular municipal election on April 4, 1970, and that he would not be a candidate for re-election. I-Ie further stated that applications had been delivered to him by Mr. Wilson Germany requesting that his name be placed on the ballot for Mayor and from Commissioner Robert g. Sullivan and Mr. Fred N. Peek that their names be placed on the ballot for Commissioners. 278 Mr. Richard E. Gray of 6815 Hunters Glen and Commissioners Germany and Sullivan and several employees expressed their regret that Mayor Coffee would not be a candidate and praised him very highly for accomplishrne.r~ts during his 20 years as Mayor of this City. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. i~ASSED AND AP-PROVED THIS THE 16TH/~Y OF F~,,B~UARY, A.D., 1970. / / CITYY CLE~~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, February 16, 1970, at: 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee, Commissioner E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney DickP. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Assessor James D."Woodard, Ralph E. Hamman. Fire Marshal Fred L. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Name Mrs. l~. B. James Mrs. N. T. Hammett Mrs. Tom B~eaty Mary Louise Bland Mrs. Collins Bland Mrs. Marvin Wise Mrs. Wiley M. Sanders Fred N. Peek Anne Cleaver Mrs. N. E. Cleaver Mrs. Vincent Carrozza Jane Godfrey Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Grady Bishop 279 Address Wood, Jr 3240 39O9 3915 3309 3309 3444 3633 3718 4124 4124 7301 3504 Purdue Street Bryn Mawr Drive Bryn Mawr Drive Went~ood Drive Wentwood Drive University Boulevard Haynie Villanova Drive Caruth Boulevard Caruth Boulevard Turtle Creek Caruth Boulevard · 3533 Colgate Avenue 3008 Westminister Avenue Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. He recognized Mrs. Marvin Wise, 3444 University Boulevard, representing the League of Women Voters in the r~ark Cities, who come forward and read aloud letters of gratitude for services rendered by Mayor 1Koy C. Coffee and 1Kalph E.Hamman, City Manager. After the letters had been read by Mrs. Wise, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that said letters be made a part of the minutes of this meeting and that they be entered in the permanent ordinance records. The City Clerk presented Order and Notice of City Election to be held on April 4, 1970· Said Order appointed a presiding judge and three alternate presiding judges. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that said order be approved. Mr. Grady Bishop, 3008 Westminister Avenue, appeared and discussed with the Board of Commissioners hospitalization and life insurance the City carries on all employees. Mr. Bishop stated that he felt sure that no one could offer the City a better hospitalization service than Blue Cross-Blue Shield and he recommended that the City increase the benefits, particularly the hospital room allowance which is at present only $15.00 a day. Again Mr. Bishop recommended that the City substitute for the Equitable Life Assurance policy a policy to be written by the Great Southern Life Insurance Company. After due consideration, the Board of Commissioners thanl~d Mr. Bishop for his interest and told him they desired to give the subject further consideration. The City Clerk explained that Mr. Charles Dawson, Plant and Ground Supervisor, Southern Methodist University, has requested that the University be authorized to enter into contract with some company to place at a proper location on their campus a large van for the purpose of accumulating trash which would include waste paper, tree trimings, etc. that are not now removed by this City. Debris of this kind is and has in the past been removed from the area in trucks belonging to the University and by their employees. Mr. Dawson stated the University did not desire to discontinue any services now furnished by this City. After due consideration, the Board of Commissioners requested the City Clerk to advise Mr. Dawson that the City will interpose no objection to the University entering into contract or working out any method they desire the removal of trash and debits from the campus. The City Clerk presented a statement from King Lawn Sprinkler Company addressed to Mr. C. P. Burton of 4428 University Boulevard in the sum of $320.42 and a carbon copy of Mr. Burton's letter dated February 10, 1970 to the company. This statement was forthe repair of lawn sprinkler in the parkway abutting Lomo Alto Drive that had to be removed and replaced when the storm sewer was recently constructed in LomoAlto . After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that the City pay this account and charge same to the Lomo Alto Storm Sewer Project. 28 Mrs. C°11ins Bland, 3309 Wentwood Drive, addressed the {Board complaining of the cracks in the resurfaced tennis courts. She also asked what repairs, if any, would be made at the swimming pool. Mrs. Tom Beaty, 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive and another lady, stated that the inlets on Bryn Mawr Drive at the intersection of Tulane were not of sufficient size and were not as large as the inlets that were there previous to the construction of the new storm sewer. Mrs. R. B. James, 3240 Purdue Street, addressed the Board of Commissioners recommending that a field house be constructed in Northcrest Park that would provide room for the gardener to keep their working tools in, water hos;etc, and also that the building have rest rooms for males and females. Mrs. James was told that the Board would take the matter under advisement. Chief Keene pointed out that rest rooms in parks, while desirable, also constituted an additional hazard. He explained that frequently vandals demolish the plumbing fixtures; also that these buildings offer a harbor for delinquents. The Fire Marshal stated that he would like to attend the Annual Fireman's Arson Conference which will be held March 9 through 13, in Austin, Texas. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that Fire Marshal Chambers be p~rmitted to attend this conference at the expense of the City. The Fire Marshal submitted the following annual report of the activities of the Fire Department for the calendar year 1969. (see reverse side) The meeting recessed. Later while the Board of Commissioners were in session in the Mayor's Office, it was decided that the Blue Cross room allowance should be increased 282 0 0 0 ~ ~ 0 O0 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O~ ~..~ 0.,~ 0 0 ,,.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U1 ,,.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (DO 0 L.FI ,.,0 U1 ~-~ 0 0 0 0 CiD C) 2 8 2 from the present $15.00 a day to $30.00 a day and that the major medical room allowance should be increased to $50.00 a day. Again the life insurance policy on employees was discussed and Commissioner Sullivan was requested to outline specifications for consideration by the Board and then the Board could ask for competitive bids upon the identical coverage. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ~D DAY oF~ARcH, A.D. , ATTEST~ ***************************** MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. 1970. * * * * * * * * * : The Board of Commissioners of the City of University Park met in regular session on Monday, March Z, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Roy C. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney DickP. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Building Inspector Don Knutson, Assistant City Engineer B. R. McMurray, Payroll Clerk Ora Mae Nichol, Clerk, Water Department Leslye Weaver, and City Clerk Ralph E. Hamman. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. 284 Name Mrs. Martha Gene Beaty Mrs. Ralph E. Hamman Mr. Leland Nelson Mrs. Susan H. Allen Mary C ollett Will Benners Spencer A. Ruebel Mrs. Tom Shelby Mrs. Deloris Roberts Mr. k Mrs. R. R. Mclnnis David Hargrave James H. Shields, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. W. F. Weiner Mrs. M. J. Wise Mrs. J. L. Hunter Mrs. Collins Bland Mary Louise Bland Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Wood, Jr: Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi Mrs. W. M. Sanders James B. Burleson Jane Rejebian Jane Godfrey Anne Cleaver Mrs. N. E. Cleaver Mrs. Vincent Carrozza David W. Burgher Address 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 3137 Caruth Boulevard 3916 Colgate Avenue 7902 Stanford Street 3424 Haynie Avenue 3431 Asbury Street 4316 McFarlin Boulevard 3304 Amherst Street 2728 Daniel Avenue 6801 Golf Drive 3243 Hanover Street 2905 Purdue Street 6807 Golf Drive 3444 3705 3309 3309 3533 2945 3633 2939 3724 3504 4124 4124 7301 6111 Univ e r s ity B oul eva r d S outhw e st e rn B ouleva rd Wentwood Drive Wentwood Drive Colgate Avenue Univ e r sity B oul eva rd Haynie Avenue Daniel Avenue Colgate Avenue Caruth Boulevard Caruth Boulevard Caruth Boulevard Turtle Creek Westwick Road Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Deloris Roberts, Z728 Daniel Avenue and Mrs. Tom Shelby, 3304 Amherst Street, addressed the Board of Commissioners relative to the condition of this City's dog pound. The City Clerk presented a letter dated February 17, 1970, signed by Mr.. Tom Crouch, County Chairman, Republican Pa:rty of Dallas County, requesting permission to sue the facilities at Goar Park to conduct the Republican Primary and Precinct Convention in Precinct 172 on Saturday, May 2 and in the event of a Second Pri:mary, on Saturday, June 6, 1970. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and[ carried unanimously that Mr. Tom Crouch's request be granted. 285 City ClerkHamman presented a letter dated February 23, 1970, signed by Marie Jarog, Executive Director of the National Multiple Sclerosis ..... Society, requesting permission to solicit funds for that organization from May 10 to May 17th with May 1Zth as the advertized date for the day time soliciting. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried unanimously that the request be ~) granted with the understanding that said organization shall comply with this ~ City's ordinance pertaining to charitable solicitations. The Board of Commissioners discussed the request of Ed Maher, Inc. that the City pay $3, 314. 37 for damage done'to the police cars from October 6, 1969 to date of delivery of the new cars on February 17, 1970. The City Clerk recommended that one-half this cost being $1,657. 18 be offered in compromise. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried unanimously that Ed Maher, Inc. be paid $1,657. 18 for damage to police cars used by the i°olice Department from October 6, 1969 until February 17, 1970. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LXVI AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF RALPH E. HAMMANAS CITY CLERk- MANAGER Mayor Coffee, Commissioner Germany and City Attorney Dickl°. Wood exFressed appreciation to Mr. Hamman for his 32 years of outstanding service and congratulated him highly for his ability as administrative officer of this City stating that he would be missed very much. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following ordinance be 286 ad opt ed. ORDINANCE NO. LXVII AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING LELAND NELSON CITY MANAGER-CLERK AND EX OFFICIO TAX COLLECTOR AND ASSESSOR, CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, TERM BEGINNING MARCH 2, 1~70, ENDING AT THE WILL OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE SAID CITY Mayor Coffee requested City Attorney DickP. Wood to administer the Oath of Office to Mr. Leland Nelson. After this had been accomplished, Mayor Coffee, Commissioner Germany and City Attorney Dick P. Wood and otTher people in the auditorium came forward to offer congratulations to Mr. Nels on. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. MANAGER` * * * * * PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 1 i~ ~~ . 6th OF MA C A.D., 1970 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM, 3800 .UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, ON MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. The Board of Commissioners of the City of Un~iversity Park met in regular session on Monday, March 16, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. The following were present:l~iayor Roy G. Coffee and Commissioner E. Wilson Germany. Also present were: City Attorney DickP. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Building Inspector Larry 28 '7 Wilson, Purchasing Agent Bill Terrill, City Clerks Ralph E. Hamman and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Nam e Address Martha Gene Beaty Deloris Roberts Michaux Nash, Jr. Fred N. Peek Mrs. Louise Estes Lindsey Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Owens Will Jordan Bill Lenill Ivan Steele Mrs. V. T. Wright Mrs. H. B. Tennant Mr. & Mrs. A. Bujalski Mr. & Mrs. Ben Sparkrnan Mrs. G. K. Wines Sibil Dziewonski Mrs. D. O. Kretzinger Mrs. Hayes Gilland 3915 2728 4400 3718 4301 4300 3429 6020 6020 4525 4525 5300 3917 4315 Bryn Mawr Drive Daniel Avenue McFarlin Boulevard Villanova Drive Greenbrier Drive Hanover Street Caruth Boulevard Milton Avenue Milton Avenue Livingston Livingston Montros e Drive McFarlin Boulevard Hanover Street 3104 AmhErst Street 3544 Haynie Avenue 5412 Druid Lane Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Deloris Roberts, 2728 Daniel Avenue, addressed the Board of Commissioners stating that she was satisfied with the condition of the dog pound. The City ~eceived a petition for "Two Hour Parking" restriction on Druid Lane from Preston Road to WestwickRoad. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to 'vote and carried that the following ordinance be adopted: ORDINANCE NO. LXVIII AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT SPECIFIC ORDINANCE RELATING TO TIME LIMIT PARKING ADOPTED THE 7TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1963, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FOR PARKING TIME LIMITS IN DESIGNATED _PLACES IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK; STATING THE HOURS OF THE DAY WHEN SUCH TIME LIMIT IS EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING THAT THE SAME SHALL NOT APPLY ON CERTAIN SPECIFIC DAYS; STATING THE TIME LIMIT; PROVIDING FOR THE MARKING OF PARKING SPACES; DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS WHERE THE ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT 288 THEttEOF; ~DEFINING OFFENSES AND -PRESCRIBING PENALTIES; -PROVIDING THAT INVALIDITY OF -PART SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE REMAINDER The -police Department request that Athens Street be made a one-way street from Daniel Avenue north to Milton Avenue ~because of sight restriction, narrowness and the many accidents in this area. The "No,PARKING" on the east side of Athens Street will not be removed. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried that the following ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LXIX ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ONE-WAY STREET FOR VEHICULAR TRAFFIC ON ATHENS STREET FROM ITS INTERSECTION BIITH DANIEL AVENUE NORTH TO MILTON AVENUE; PROVIDING FOR THE ERECTION OF SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF ITS PROVISIONS; PRESCRIBING PENALTY FOR VIOLA TION; CONTAINING SAVING CLA USE The City Clerk presented a letter from William D. Jordan, 3429 Caruth BOULEVARD, requesting that the City build a storm sewer on the west end of his property. Mr. Jordan's letter set out that he is willing to pay $1,000.00 on the construction of the storm sewer. The Engineering Department has estimated the cost of material for building the sewer to be $5,000.00 and on a contract job $15,650.00. The City Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. William D. Jordan to see if an agreement could be worked out whereby Mr. Jordan would pay $5,000.00, being a portion of the cost for constructing the storm sewer, if the City would bear the balance of the expense. A motion was made by Commissioner Gerrnany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried that Burleson and Walker, Certified Public Account- ants, be authorized to do this City's annual audit for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1970, provided said audit could be made for a fee not to exceed $1,800. oo. The Board of Commissioners discussed the YMCA Town North Branchl.s request that they b.e permitted to use the swimming pool again this season from 7:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. As the swimming pool was used by that organization the Park Cities Y and the Dallas Swim Club tza~i sea~o~, the City Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Pat Ryan, Manager of the Town North Branch, to see if the other groups desired to use the pool and if so for the organizations to work out a satisfactory agreement as to the hours, ~tc. The Board of Commissioners also decided that the pool would be closed each Monday to the citizens for a general clean up. Said organizations listed above may use the pool Monday through Friday. The opening date of the pool will be May Z9 and the closing date August 31, 1970. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor Coffee, put to vote and carried that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to pay Houseman Insurance $3,074.00. Part of this amount is for increasing the automobile liability and the other part is for the general liability coverage under the Tort Claims Act. through Ma~ch 31, 1970. C of re e, This amount is only for the period January 1 A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Mayor put to vote and carried that City Attorney Dick P. Wood be paid $2, 184.80 being expense incurred regarding the Dunlap-Swain case. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APP1KOVED THISTHE/~HDAY OF~PRIL, A.D., 1970. 290 MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY HALL AUDITORIUM MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1970, AT ?:30 1~.M. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order at 7:30 p. m. A motion was made by Commissioner Gern~any, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Mr. Pat O. Humphreys, 4001 Druid Lane, presented a petition requesting that the "two hour parking" be eliminated in the 4000 block of Druid Lane. After a long discussion, the traffic committee was requested to make a study of the parking problem and make a recomnaendation at the next meeting. Mr. J. R. Volk, 41gl Normandy Avenue, requested that the City of University Park consider the l~assage of a non-prescription drug ordinance s:[miliar to the ordinance passed by the City of Pallas. City Attorney Dick P. Brood was requested to make a study of the Dallas Ordinance and have a presentation at the next meeting. Mrs. R. B. James, 3240 Purdue Street, requested that toilet facilities be installed in Northcrest l~ark. Bhe Board of Commissioners explained that no decision would be made at this time. A motion was made by Commissioner Ge~nany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that an Order Declaring Result of City Officers' Election'r held on April 4, 1'970, be approved. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by C. ommissioner Germany, put to vote and carried that the following Ordinance be adopted. The motion also set out that the pool hours would be from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and closed on Monday for the 1970 season. ORDINANCE NO. LXX 29__:.._ '~ ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR PERMITS AND PERMIT FEES AND PROVIDING FOR THE HOURS AND MONTHS OF OPENING OF UNIVERSITY PARK SWIMMING POOLS. Two bids were received on ZZ, 000 tax statements for 1970. Walravens bid was $597. 30 and C & S Printing was $6Z5.46. A motion was made by Comm- issioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and · carried that the bid of Walravens in the amount of $597. 30 be accepted. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that the request of Mrs. Robert J. Clark, 3828 Colgate Avenue, to use the white frame house in Goat Park for a DeMolay Party, Saturday, April Z5, 1970 be grante~d. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried that the request of the Park Cities YMCA to use the tennis courts on Saturdays, 9-11 a.m. from May 11 to May 23, 1970 be denied. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried that City Engineer Jack Kirven proceed with the installation of lighting of the tennis courts in Burleson Park provided the cost did not excede $Z, 500.00. Mr. Kirven was requested to get an estimated cost for the lighting of the tennis courts in Williams Park and make a report at the next ~neeting. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 13TH DAY OF APRIL, A.D., 1970. 292' MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CITY HALL AUDITORIUM MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1970, AT 5:00 P.M. Mayor Coffee called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. The invocation was given by Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers. A motion was made by Commissioner Germany, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Congratulatory comments were made by the outgoing Board of Commissioners. The Oath of Office was administered to the newly elected Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Suilivan and Commissioner Fred N. t~eek by City Attorney DickP. Wood. Comments of gratitude were expressed by the new Board of Commissioners. Mr. Ralph E. Hamman pointed out that a portrait of the former Mayor Roy C. Coffee had been placed in the auditorium. The benediction was given by Roy C. Coffee. There being no further business, the meeting recessed and the guests went into the Engineers Office for a reception. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 20TI-I DAY OF APRIL, A.D., 1970. 29 MINU T ES BOARD OF COMMISSION ME15TING CITY HALL AUDITORIUM MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Others present were: City Attorney DickP. Wood, City 15ngineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest 15. Keene, City Auditor James 15. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Purchasing Agent Bill Terrill, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard and City Clerk Leland Nelson. Those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list are: Name Address Deloris Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Richard 15. Gray Mrs. Martha Gene Beaty 3915 Jane Godfrey 3504 Mrs. Pat O. Humphreys 4001 Mrs. Louis 15. Adin, Jr. 4032 Mrs. N. E. Cleaver 4121 Mrs. Vincent Carrozza 7301 Jack I. Womack 40 19 Frank Haughton 3628 H. C. Lockett, Jr. 2921 Jane Rejebian 3724 Mayor Germany called the 2728 Daniel Avenue 6815 Hunters Glen Road Bryn Mawr Drive Caruth Boulevard Druid Lane Druid Lane Caruth Boulevard Turtle Creek Druid Lane Ros edale Avenue Purdue Street Colgate Avenue meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Deloris Roberts, 2728 Daniel Avenue, appeared and again complained about the dog pound. The dogs needed fresh water and hay because it was dirty. The water trough was too large and dogs were getting distemper. The Board of Commissioners asked the City Manager to contact a veterinarian or veterinarians to see what kind of a contract would be worked out to have a veterinarian handle the confinement of the dogs. A motion was made by Mr. Peek, seconded by Mr. Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the Minutes of the Meeting of April 13, 1970, 294 be approved as correct. The Board of Commissioners again discussed the request of William D. Jordan that a storm sewer be constructed at his residence, 3429 Caruth Boulevard. It was brought out that in 1961 when a storm sewer segment was constructed from the north, the cost to the property owners was $1,000.00. Tihe Consumer Price Index has increased 26.5 percent since 1961 making the cost now $1,265.00. A motion was made by Comr~lissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, put to vote and carried unanimously that City Engineer Kirven review the Interim Report, Drain.age Improvement Study ]East Fork Turtle Creek, prepared by Forrest and Cotton, Consulting Engineers, to see if this sewer fits the recommendation made by that firm, and if said recommendation is adaptable the city will construct the storm sewer provided Mr. Jordan will execute an easement to this city and bear the expense of $1,265.00 as this is the last segment of this particular storm sewer. The Board of Commissioners discussed an ordinance which was adopted March 16, 1970, placing a two hour parking restriction in the 4000 block of Druid Lane. On April 6, 1970, a petition was presented, signed by the re. sidents who had signed the petition requesting the restriction, requesting that the two hour parking restriction be removed. The traffic committee was requested to make a study. report, a motion was made by After the traffic committee had made their Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and~carried unanimously that the parking restriction remain through the month of May and if at that time, the property owners still did not want the restriction, that same be removed. 295 A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Germany, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LXXI ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK REGULATING TRAFFIC IN SAID CITY; REQUIRING OPERATORS TO BRING ALL VEHICLES MOVING IN AN EASTERN AND WESTERN DIRECTION ON HANOVER STREET TO A FULL STOP BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENTER OR CROSS THE INTERSECTION OF HANOVER AND DUBLIN STREET; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, put to vote and carried unanimously that Certificate of Credit to Tax Roll No. 539, representing personal property taxes for the years 1939 through 1969 in the amour of $5,941.75, be transferred to the inactive ledger. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that Doctor Edwin D. Mouzon, Jr. Charles M. Powell, and Edward A. Wood, Jr. , be appointed to serve on the Board of Equalization. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, put to vote and carried unanimously that the present Board of Adjustment continue until successors could be appointed. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, put to vote and carried unanimously that Doctor Raymond Thomasson be appointed City Health Officer, term ending April F, 1972. 296' City Clerk Nelson recommended that the budget be amended so that four monitors at $150.00 eachand one radar with tradein at $1, 300.00, total $1,900.00 could be purchased for the Police Department. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Cor~lmissioner Peek, put to vote and carried unanimously that the budget be amended as recommended. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek., seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carried unanimously that the following persons be appointed: Forrest E. I~ieene, Chief of Police and Fire; DickP. Wood, City Attorney, ~)ickP. Wood, J.r., and City Clerk Leland Nelson. Assistant City Attorney; City Judge, John Koons The Oath of Office was administered to the above. City Clerk Nelson requested that the Board of Commissioners ai~point an Insurance Committee to make a study of an insurance plan for the city employees. The City Clerk was authorized to pay over and above budget amount for a manager of the swimming pool. City Attorney Dick Wood stated that he had looked into the problem of Neiman-Marcus. He found that the parking lot permission was given specifically to Neiman-Marcus; hence, no requirement that it be kept open to the public. This property is known as Lots 10 through 18, Block 78 of University Heights No. 6 .Annex Addition. Mr. Wood was requested to inw~stigate the ownershil~ said property and make a report to the Board of Commissioners at a later date. W~hen the proper owner is established, the City will[ approach same to see if the City may open same on a $1.00 per year basis if the City will maintain same. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. P~k~SSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 4TH DAY OF 1ViAY, A D. 1970. CITY C LERI~ 297 MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, MAY 4, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany and City Manager Leland Nelson. Due to the lack of a quorum, the Board of Commissioners will meet at the next regular meeting date, May 18, 1970. MINUTES BOARD OF COMN~SSIONERS MONDAY., MA~. 18, 1970, AT 7:~0 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also, present were: City and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, City Auditor James E. Brown, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Permit clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Leland Nelson. Those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list are: Name Address Mrs. Geneviene Larsen Miss Sherry Placko Tom Rose Robert A. Waddell J. W. Joiner C. H. Clary & Son David Joiner Mary Louise Bland Mr. & Mrs. C. Milton Daniell Hal Watson, Jr. S. D. Rena Virginia H. Ezell 6138 Bandera 3319 Westminister Avenue 3410 Rockbluff 7110 Benning Avenue 6335 Northwest Highway ALPA--3300 W. Mockingbird 6335 Northwest Highway 3309 Wentwood 4321 Southwestern Boulevard 6400 Meadow Road ALPA--3300 W. Mockingbird 3124 Amherst Street 298 Name J. D. Hancock, Jr. Lon Morrison, Jr. Mrs. L. E. Adin, Jr. Jack Wommack Carswell Cobb Bill Johnson Jane Godfrey Mr. & Mrs. Myron Rejebian W. R. Goff Arch McCulloch Frank Monroe Richard E. Gray Anne Cleaver Mrs. Russell Smith Mrs. N. E. Cleaver Hudson C. Lockett, Jr. Mrs. Ben Sanford Mrs. B. B. Leitch, Jr. Mrs. Jim Hunter, Jr. Mrs. M. G. Shepard Mrs. B. C. Halley, Jr. Robert P. Gruber Mr. & Mrs. R. McInnis H. K. Pelton Keith Baker W. W. Betts Thomas C. Unis Address 4339 Versailles Avenue 4505 Lorraine 4032 Druid Lane 4019 Druid Lane 3533 Marquette 3525 Marquette 3504 Caruth Boulevard 3724 Colgate Avenue 3108 Caruth Boulevard 3420 Cornell Avenue 3701 Villanova Drive 6815 Hunters Glen Road 4124 Caruth Boulevard 4024 Druid Lane 4124 Caruth Boulevard 2921 Purdue Street 3809 Amherst Street 3713 Southwestern Boulevard 3705 Southwestern Boulevard 4020 Druid Lane 4015 Druid Lane 2905 Dyer Street 6801 Golf Drive 718 Maryland Drive 5740 Northmoor Drive 6102 Glendora 6832 Westlake Mayor Germany called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the Minutes of the meeting of April 20, 1970 be approved. This passed unanimously. Mrs. Geneviene Larsen appeared before the Board requesting that she be refunded $25.00 for a fine paid to Judge Koons for a plea of guilt charge on April ll, 1970 for negligent collision. Mrs. Larsen filed an appeal bond which was accepted by Judge Koons to appeal the case to the County Court. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the fine be refunded to'Mrs. Larsen if she is found not guilty in County Court. This passed unanimously. After discussing a Codeine "Cough Syrup" Ordinance, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that the following Ordinance be adopted with the understanding that Section IC be amended using the wording "that the prescription can be refilled only on specific instructions from the doctor." This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. LXXII AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS CONTAINING CERTAIN AMOUNTS OF CODEINE: -CONTAINING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING A FINE FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200°00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; PROVIDING SAVING AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES. A motion was made by Commissioner.Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that an ordinance adding two alternate members to the Board of Adjustment be submitted to the Zoning Board for their study and approval. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put 'to vote and carried unanimously that the .following ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. LXXIII AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, APPOINTING A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, FIXING THE TERM OF OFFICE AND COMPENSATION OF THE MEMBERS SO APPOINTED~ A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. LXXIV AN ~RDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, APPOINTING A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR THE YEAR 1970~ FIXING PLACE OF MEETINGS AND THE COMPENSATION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that the following resolution be approved. This passed unanimously. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO, LXXV ORDINANCE APPOINTING A COMMISSION TO BE KNOWN AS THE ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TO RECOMMEND THE BOUNDARIES OF THE VARIOUS ZONING DISTRICTS AND APPROPRIATE REGULATIONS TO BE ENFORCED THEREIN; FIXING THE TERM OF OFFICE AND COMPENSATION OF THE MEMBERS SO APPOINTED 1. Streets and Alleys 3. Parks 5. Tennis This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that Citizens Advisory Committees be appointed for the following: 2. Parking and Traffic 4. Swimming Pool 6. Employees Benefits The following is the names of the persons to serve on the various committees. term will end on the First Saturday in April, 1972, or as soon thereafter as their successors have been appointed and qualified. STREETS AND ALLEYS Peter Chantilis Melvin Jackson PARKING AND TRAFFIC W. V. (Bill) Traeger Hancel McCord Their 300 Martha Carlson Daws Echols Tom Crist ~ARKS Mrs. R. B. James Mrs. Frances Chantilis Mrs. Newton Hammett Mrs. Elizabeth Brosseau Peter Wiggins William R. Goff Arthur Barnes, Jr. TENNIS Mr. & Mrs. Bill Farrell John E. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Ted Bartholow Mr. & Mrs. W. D. White, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Glaze Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bowers Michaux Nash, Jr. R. P. Kincheloe, Jr. SWIM POOL Lovell Turner Jane Rejebian Jane Godfrey Frances McCaul Henry H. "Hank" Dickerson, Jr. FRINGE BENEFITS (Employees) Don Houseman Newman Long Willard Crotty A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Mayor Germany, that Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan be appointed Mayor ProTem to act in the absence of the Mayor. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that Mayor Germany be authorized to execute a permanent easement and two temporary easements to the City of Dallas on tbe City's former landfill site, located on the Lombardy chaunel for drainage and drainage work. The permanent easement is 65 feet by 320 feet and is essentially the same as is on record. This passed unanimously. --~- A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the City proceed with the lighting project in Williams Park with the understanding that the cost to the City will not exceed $6,440.00. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that Sherry Placko, Hillcrest Rainbow Assembly No. 242, and her advisor, Mr. Waddell, be granted permission to use the "Y" Building in Goar Park, Saturday, May 23, 1970, from approximately 4:00 p. m. to lO:O0 p. m. for an Italian Dinner. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that any consideration, to the representatives from the Air Line Pilots Association who appeared and made a formal presentation of their positions be postponed until the meeting June l, 1970. This passed unanimously. The written request of CATV Systems, Inc. will be deferred until July. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following resolution be approved. This passed unanimously. 30 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, APPROVING THE GENERAL ROLLS OF THE CITY CLERK AS EX-OFFICTO TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR OF THE'CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1970. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, put to vote and carried unanimously that a Resolution of Appreciation honoring Ralph Emerson Hamman, who has served this City as City Secretary and City Manager from May 12, 1938 until March 2, 1970 be approved. Said resolution shall be spread upon the official minutes of the City of University Park. A motion was made by C0m~issiOner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, put to vote and carrie~ unanimously that a Resolution of Appreciation honoring Roy Clarence Coffee, who has served this City as Mayor fr6m April 4, 1950 until April 4, 1970 be approved. sai~ Resolution shall be spread upon the official minutes of the City of University Park. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that City Engineer Jack Kirven be a~thorized to proceed with the work on the storm sewer at Caruth Boulevard and Caruth Lake with City labor. Major E. Wilson Germany was appointed to represent this City at all North Central Texas Council of Government meetings, with Commissioner Sullivan and ~o~missioner Peek as alternates. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 1ST DAY OF~JUNE,~A. D., 1970. MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1970, AT 7;30 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. AlSo present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City'Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief o Police and Fire Departments Forrest ~. Keene, Fire Marshal'Fred L. Chambers, Depuhy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Superintendent of~Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Leland Nelson. The following is the names and addresses of the persons attending tho who~signed the attendance list: NAME Jerry S. Stover Martha Gene Beaty Robert Swann Jane Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Pat Humphrci~": ADDRESS 4025 Druid Lane 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 4056 Druid Lane 3504 Caruth Boulevard 4001 Druid Lane 302 Laurie Humphreys Mrs. Russell Smith Starkey A. Wilson Jack E. Williams Jane & Eddie Barker Mrs. Louis Adin Richard D. Bass Mrs. B.C. Halley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Higginbotham Mrs. Robert P. Gruber 4001 Druid Lane 4024 Druid Lane 7045 Vassar Drive 4076 Purdue Street 3417 University Boulevard 4032 Druid Lane 6905 Vassar Drive 4015 Druid Lane 7037 Vassar Drive 2905 Dyer Street Mayor Germany called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Mayor Germany, that the Minutes of the meeting of May 18, 1970 be approved. This passed unanimously. Mr. Jerry Stover, 4025 Druid Lane, addressed the Board relative to the remodel- ing of the City Hall. A motion was made by Mr. Fred Peek, seconded by Mr. Wilson Germany, that Starkey Wilson, who is building a home on tb~ cor~r of Vassar Drive and Lovers Lane, be permitted to move into this home without constructing sidewalks on Vassar Drive. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Mr. Peek, seconded by Mr. Germany, that no action be taken on the request of the Air lJine Pilots Association at this time. Mayor Germany stated that the Board of Commissioners would put the request aside for now but possibly at a later date they would be heard. This passed unanimouly. A motion was made by Mr. Peek, seconded by Mr. Germany, that the following Ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. LXXVI AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. LXVIII WHICH PROVIDED FOR TIME LIMIT ON PARKING FOR DRUID LANE. Mr. Robert Swann of 4056 Druid'Lane requested that he go on record as being opposed to th~ restriction being removed. A motion was made By Mr. Peek, seconded by Mr. Germany, requesting the City Clerk to contact Doctor Angus MacDonald, from the Holt Veterinary Clinic, to see if he would consider doing the veterinarian sevices for the City on a month to month basis. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Mr. Peek, seconded by Mr. Germany, authorizing City Attor- ney Dick P. Wood to write and sign letters giving sixty days notice to property owners who are in violation of Section II of the Zoning Ordinance. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Mr. Peek, seconded by Mr. Germany, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. LXXVII AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY VEHICLE T~BE LEFT-IN ANY PUBLIC PLACE MORE THAN TWENTY-FOU~ HOURS; PROVIDING FOR A PO~IND, THE IMPOUNDING OF SUCH VEHICLES IN VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, FOR POUND FEE~ AND THE SALE OR DESTRUCTION OF THAT WHICH IS IMPOUNDED AND UNCLAIMED; AND, FIXING ff PENALTY AS PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATIONS There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 15th DAY OF JUNE, A.D., 1970. ATTEST. CIT CLERK MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, City Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L.H. Sullivan, Purchasing Agent Bill Terrill, Deputy .Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Clerk Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list: 303 NAME Mrs. Robert Po Gruber Peter Chantilis EoAo Sigler WoMo Trant CoE° Lee BoP. Sharp!eh Rudy Rogers Mrs. VoAo Carrozza E.A. Wood, Jr. Mrs. R.S. Gozzaldi Mrs° Leslye Weaver Dave Pennington ADDRESS 2905 Dyer Street 3502 Bryn Mawr Drive 2732 Westminister 2800 Westminister Southwestern Bell Telephone Southwestern Bell Telephone Southwestern Bell Telephone 7301 Turtle Creek 3533 Colgate Avenue 2945 University Boulevard 7008 Dublin Street 4zt~5 McFarlin Boulevard Mayor Germany called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 P.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the minutes of the meeting of June 1, 1970, be approved. This passed unanimously. Mayor Germany presented }-~s. Leslye Weaver, who retired after serving twenty-two years and eight months as an employee in this City's Water Department, a watch. Mayor Germany recommended that F~. Richard E. Gray, 6815 Hunters Glen Road, be appointed as a menber of the Board of Adjustment caused by the vacancy created by 3O4 M~. H. Bascom Thomas, Jr. who is moving out of the City of University Park. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seccnded by Commissioner Peek, that Mr. Richard Gray be appointed as recommended. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that a Resolution of Appreciation for Henry Bascom Thomas, Jr. and Naming Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Honorary Citizens of the City~ of University Park, Texas; said resolution to be spread upon the official minutes of the city: and that a copy be given to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bascom Thomas, Jr., be approved. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that Houseman Insurance Company be paid $7,971 for automobile liability and $5,766 for general comprehensive insurance for the period March 31, 1970 to March 31, 1971. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. LXXVIII ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVE~RSITY PARK PROHIBIT- ING PARKING ON PORTIONS OF DANIEW~ AVENUE, UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND AIRLIN~ EXTENSION AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THEREFOR A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that no four way stop signs be placed at the intersection of Daniel Avenue and Durham Street but control speed by enforcement. Th~s passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. LXXIX ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF CO~IISSIONERS OF THE CITY O? UNIV.ERSITY PARK DESIGNAT- ING STOP SIGNS FOR THE INTEr, SECTION OF WESTMINISTER AVENUE AND CLEBURNE STREET AND PO~VIDING FO~ A PENALTY FOR THE VIO- LATION THEREOF A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan~ seconded by Commissioner Peek, t~at the request for a four-way stop sign at the intersection of McFarlin Boulevard and Boedeker Street be denied. This passed unanimously. The Board of CommisSioners stated they desired to take no action on the request of Peter Chanti!is~s petition for a four-way stop sign at t~e intersection of Turtle Creek an~ Bryn Mswr Drive be taken at this time but possibly it would be .brought up at a later date, A motion was made by Commissioner Peek~ seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously, ORDINANCE NO, LXXX ORDINANCE OF THE BOAMD OF CO~ISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ~NIVF~MSITY PARK, REGULAT- ING PARKING IN SPECIFIED PLACES AND PRO- VIDING A PENALTY THEREOF Mr. C.E. Lee and Mr. Rudy Rogers~ representative from Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, presented a proposal for a new telephone system for the City. They were re- quested to meet with the Board of Commissioners and the City Clerk at a later date. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase eight Channel Bearcat Receivers from %~olesale Electronic Supply Company for a price of $575.00 and one 4 by 5 Super Graphic Camera from Texas Oklahoma Photo Supply Company for a price of $1,176.05. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that the following ordinance be adopted. Th~ passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. LXXXI ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THIS CITY; DEFINING HIS DUTIES; NAMING THE FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND FIXING THE CO~EN- SATION FOR SUCH OFFICE There being no further business~ the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 6TH DAY OF JULY, A.D., 1970. CITY CLERK [ MAYOR / 305 MINUT ES BA O1{D OF C OMMISSIONE1KS MONDAY, JULY 6, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. r~resent were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dickl°. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson and City Manager geland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list: 3O6 NAME ADDRESS T. A. Rose, Jr. W. F. Karnes GaFy A. Dent Chuck Wadley Mrs. R. P.Gruber Dale Lyndon Gross Mrs. Vincent Carrozza Mrs. N. E. Cleaver Mrs. R. B. James 5722 Stonegate 9420 Folkstone Road 402 South Akard Boy Scouts of America 2905 Dyer 3041 Milton Avenue 7301 Turtle Creek 4124 Caruth Boulevard 3240 Purdue Street Mayor Germany called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. ~ A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Mayor Germany, that the minutes of the meeting of June 15, 1970, be approved. This passed unanimously. Mayor G rmany announced that this was the date and the hour for the public hearing in regard to the Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. This amendment removes the issuing of a swimming pool from the Board of Adjustment to the Permit Section of City Hall. The hearing was closed. Commissioner Sullivan moved and Mayor Germany seconded that the following Ordinance be adopted. This passed unanim ou sly. ORDINANCE NO. LXXXII . ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 5-USE REGULATIONS-ALL DISTRICTS- OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK WHICH WAS ORIGINALLY ADOPTED ON THE 18TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1940, AND AMENDED ON OCTOBER 20TH, 1952, AND ON VARIOUS OTHER DATES SO AS TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF PRIVATE SWIMMING POOLS ON ANY RESIDENTIAL LOT IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, AND SAFEGUARDS This was the hour and date set for Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance designating alternate members to the Board of Adjustment. Mayor Germany announced that the Public Hearing was closed. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Mayor Germany, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. 30:7 ORDINANCE NO. LXXXIII AN ORDINANCE r~ROVIDING FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND MEMBERSHIP FOlK i~ THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY r~AtKK AND NAMING THE MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES TO SUCH BOARD Chu~k Wadley of the Boy Scouts of America appeared before the Board of Commissioners. Appearing with Mr. Wadley was Mr. Dale Gross and Police Chief Forrest E. I~eene. Mr. Wadley explained that many boys in the Highland Park Independent School District had indicated an interest in l~olice work. To help this interest a Boy Scout Troop pertaining to Police functions was to be organized. He was asking that the Police Department of the City of University Park help in sponsoring this organization. The sponsorship would require members of the l~olice Department to help in various phases of instructions. Mr. Gross and hopefully a parent of one of the boys would be the scout leaders. Mr. Wadley asked that the City provide the Council Chamber fro a meeting place. After much discussion the Board of Commissioners decided that the organizational meeting could be held in the Council Chambers. Other meetings could also be held on City property if the Boy Scouts could not find suitable arrangements at other locations. Mayor Germany announced that the next item of business was the bids on radar for the l~olice Department. City Manager geland Nelson said that the one and only bid was submitted by George F. Cake & Co. in the amount of $1,295.00. Other bids had been solicited but since this was one particular kind of radar, a Stephenson Radar, only one coupany could bid. Police Chief Forrest Keene indicated that this was the type of radar that his organization needed. Commissioner sullivan moved and Mayor Germany seconded that the bid be allowed. This carried unanimously. 308 City Manager Leland Nelson asked the Board of Commissioners to approve the payment of a bill for renewal of the Fire & Comprehensive Building Insurance for the City of University Park. The amount of the bill is $3,248.00. City Manager Leland Nelson explained that by cancelling the insurance as of June 30th and renewing on that date the City could save $800.00. Commissioner Sullivan moved and Mayor Germany aeconded that this bill be allowed. This passed unanimously. President Bill Karnes and Gary Dent of National Trans-Video Incorporated appeared before the Board of Commissioners to request a franchise for cable television in University Park. Mr. Karnes explaiaaed the company's proposal to the Board of Commissioners. After much discussion and the answering of many questions, Mayor Germany explained that this proposal would have to be given further discussion after the Board had, ,had time to digest and read the material sent to each of them by National Trans-Video Incorporated. A Resolution was presented to take bids for the depository for the City of University ~)ark during the coming year. This Resolution authorized the taking of bids for the depository as of August 1, 1970 to July 31, 1971. Commissioner Sullivan moved and Mayor Germany seconded that this Resolution be passed. This carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 20TH DAY OF JULY, A. D. , 1970. EST' MINUT ES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, JULY 20, 1970, AT 7:30 2. M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also present were: City Attorney DickP. Wood, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest I~. Keene, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Auditor James E. Brown, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Purchasing Agent Bill Terrirll, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan and City Manager Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. NA ME A DDR ESS Albert Lidji Mary A. Hr~rr, r~att Martha Gene Beaty Robert Pospick Mrs. Robt. P. Gruber 4320 Lovers Lane 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 27 36 Purdue Street 2905 Dyer Street Mayor Germany called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the minutes of the Board of Commission Meeting of July 6, 1970, be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. Mayor Germany made a report regarding the organization of the various citizen's committees, scope and function of these advisory bodies, and progress reports on each committee's actions. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, put to vote and carried that an ordinance relating to parking restrictions on trailers and over night parking be postponed to be discussed August 3, 1970. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner 310 S~.ullivan, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. LXXXIV ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS QF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK PROHIBITING PARKING ON PORTIONS OF HILLCREST AVENUE AND LOVERS LANE AND PROVIDING A ~ENALTY THEREOF The request of Earnest Randall that he be paid $2,087.45 for work in July, 1969, on the proposed remodeling of the City Hall was postponed to be discussed at a luted date. A letter from Mr. Harold G. Adams, representing W. J. Bouska, owner of the south 80 feet of Lot 15, Block E, University Annex Addition, (6112 Highschool Avenue) requesting the discontinuance of business be postponed until August 1, ]971 was discussed. This is non-c6nforming property which according to this City's Zoning Ordinance was to convert from business to residential as of January 1, 1965. The Board of Commissioners concurred that the request should be handled as a legal matter. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the Hillcrest State Bank be designated as this City's Depository Bank for the year ending July 31, 1971. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that Certificate of Credit to Tax Roll for the years 1938 through 1969, personal property tax only, in the amount of $9,323.55 be removed from the active ledger to the inactive ledger. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that City Manager geland Nelson be authorized to attend the International City Management Conference, September 20 through 24, 1970 in San Diego, California. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the recommendation of the swimming pool committee that the swimming pool be closed Sunday, August 30, 1970, be approved. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that ~owell and Powell be authorized to inspect the water tower located at Rosedale and Airline Road and to prepare specifications for bids for the repair and painting of the exterior. This pa s s ed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 3RD DAY OF AUGUST, A.D., 1970. Ar MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CITY HALL AUDITORIUM MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. r~eek. Also Fresent were: City Attorney DickP. Wood, City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire DeFartments Forrest E. Keene, Auditor James E. Brown, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Permit Clerk Larry Wilson, Superintendent of r~ublic Works g. H. Sullivan and City Manager Leland Nelson. 31'2 The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Name Address Mrs. R. B. James Mr. & Mrs. Ben Sanford Mr. John H. Hu~son Mary A. Hammett Martha Gene Beaty D. L. Hawkes Bryan L. Billups Mrs. N. E. Cleaver Mrs. Vincent Carrozza Dr. & Mrs. M. F. %Veiner Mrs. Robert P. Gruber Mrs. Dewey Godfrey Slyden Diehl Mrs. Jim L. Hunter Mrs. Gene V. Pickenson Mr. & Mrs. R. R. Mclnnis 3240 Purdue Street 3809 Amherst Street 3100 Southwestern Boulevard 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive 39 15 Bryn Mawr Drive 805 Yorkshire 4000 Colgate Avenue 4124 Caruth Boulevard 7301 Turtle Creek 6817 Golf Drive 2905 Dyer Street 3504 Caruth Boulevard 4076 3705 3316 6801 Stanford Street Southwestern Boulevard Caruth Boulevard Golf Drive Mayor Germany called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the minutes of the Board of Gommission Meeting of July 20, 1970, be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner r~eek that the following Ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimou sly. ORDINANCE NO. LXXXV ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONttKS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, REGULATING OVER NIGHT PARKING, MOBILE HOME AND TRAILER PARKING, FORBIDDING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES OVER ONE-TON AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THEREOF The Board of Commissioners again discussed the installation of left turn ~ignal in all four directions at the Lovers Lane and Preston Road intersection. To facilitate a left turn signal, additional right-of-way will be needed on the east side of the intersection. The Administrative Staff was instructed to prepare an up-dated signalization program. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the following Resolution be approved. This pas s ed unanimously. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, DESIGNATING THE HILLCREST STATE BANK AS DEPOSITORY FOR THE YEAR ENDING JULY 31, 1971. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that Administrative Order No. Five- Funerals, be approved. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. LXXXVI ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, REGULATING THE USE OF ALL PARKS IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK; LIMITING THE USE OF PARKS TO THE HOURS OF 11:00 P.M. TO 6:00 A.i~l. DAILY AND PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLATION The Zoning Administrator for the City of Dallas sent the City of University ~ark a notice of an August 6 hearing for re-zoning the Caruth ~roperty which is just south of the NorthparkShopping Center. Three lots within the City of University r~ark are in the 200 feet radius requiring notification. Several citizens in this City appeared to seek the Board's help in asking for disapproval for re-zoning the old Caruth Homestead for duplex, triplex and commercial areas. Mayor Germany explained the legal position of University Park and also requested City Manager Leland Nelson to attend the Public Hearing, Thursday, August 6, 1970, as an observer only. There bi~ing no further business, the meeting recessed. CITY CLERK 3 14 MINUT ES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. Members present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also present were: City Attorney Dick P. Wood, Assistant City Attorney Dick P. Wood, Jr., City Engineer Jack B. Ifzrven, City Auditor James E. Brown, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard, Purchasing Agent Bill Terrill and City Clerk Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the Attendance List. Name Address Richard Barron Buck Boyan Mike Barnes E. J. Stern W. H. Benners, Jr. Mrs. Harvey Haseltine, Mr. & Mrs. Lee Carter Mary A. Hammett Martha Gene Beaty Mr. & Mrs. JackR. Boyan Mrs. C. M. Hunt Mrs. Bill Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Tony Mayer Barbara Dabney Mrs. Robert P. Gruber Jr. 4321 Cole Avenue, Apt. G 4321 Cole Avenue, Apt. G Rt. 1, Box l19-A, Kingsland, 4220 Normandy 3431 Asbury Street 3917 Greenbrier Drive 3544 3909 Bryn Mawr Drive 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 4324 University Boulevard 3108 ~imherst Street 3021 Amherst Street 3812 Amherst Street 3816 Amherst Street 2905 Dyer Street Ga. Mayor Germany called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Tony Mayer, Mr. Lee Carter and Mr. W. H. Benners, Jr. discussed with the Board the maintenance of the parks, elimination of litter, purchasing of tlay equipment, purchasing of land for parks (Greenway Park), placing of trash in containers, cleaning in front of business' on Hillcrest Avenue and the repairing of curbs on Asbury Street. Mrs. Harvey Haseltine, Jr. discussed with the Board, left turn signals ~t the intersection of Preston 1Koad and Lovers Lane especially going north and south. Mr. E. J. Stern stated that he wished to express his appreciation to the Fire Department for the quick action in putting out a fire in his home r e c ently. Mr. Tony Mayer discussed the lack of enforcement of the stop sign at Turtle Creek and Amherst Street. A motion was made and seconded that the minutes of the Board of Commission Meeting .August 3, unanimously. As .Monday, September 7, 1970, be approved as correct. This passed 1970, is a recognized holiday, a motion 315 the installation was made, seconded, that the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners be Tuesday, September 8, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. This passed unanimously. Mr. Jack R. Boyan, 4324 University Boulevard, discussed the seriousness of the drug problem in University Park and over the nation. He asked permission for the use of a house where drug abusers could find themselves. Mr. Boyan was advised that the Board of Commissioners would consider the problem. On May 18, 1970, Mayor Germany executed a permanent easement and two temporary easements to the City of Dallas on the Lombardy Channel for drainage and drainage work. When the City of Dallas ~eceived these easements, they realized there was no egress or ingress to the drainage easement; therefore, the City of Dallas is a.§king for a triangular shape of ground (423 square feet) for going onto the site, through an easement. A motion was made, seconded, that Mayor Germany be authorized to execute an easement as requested. This passed unanimously. 316' adopted. motion was made, seconded, that the following ordinance be This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO, LXXXVII ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK DESIGNATING STOP SIGNS FOR THE INTERSECTION OF AMHERST, DUBLIN AND DURHAM STREETS AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF A motion was made, seconded, that the following resolution be approved. This passed unanimously. RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON THE BUDGET DF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1970, AND ENDINGSPETEMBER B0, 1971. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 8TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D. , 1970. CItY CLERK MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CITY ~LL AUDITORIUM TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. Present were: ~ayor E. Wilson Oermany, Commissioner ~obert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. ~eek. Also Fresent were: Assistant City Attorney DickP. W~od, Jr., City Engineer Jack B. Kirven, Chief of Police and Fire Departments Forrest E. Keene, Auditor James E. Brown, Fire Marshal Fred L. Chambers, Superintendent of Public Works L. H. Sullivan, Deputy Tax Assessor James D. Woodard and City Clerk Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those ~tt~ding the meeting who signed the attendance list. Name Address Mrs. tl. B. James 3240 Martha Gene Beaty 39 15 W. 1l. Goff 3108 James T.. Bradley 3909 Sharon Griggs 6319 Lenny Licht 6313 Mr. & Mrs. Cully Culwell 6319 Leow Robin 6207 Mrs. D. B. Bradley 4208 James P. Bradley 4208 John M. Bradley 4208 J. J. Bradley 4208 W. C. Emerson 3637 Max A. Daniel, Jr. 3504 Robert A. Keith 2905 Charles -P. Adler 3224 Ed Wood 3533 Wallace S elkirk 3528 Marvin Brown 6427 Joe Smith ~544 G. Z. Haviland 3941 Mr. & Mrs. Winston Means 3425 Charles Burger 6319 Fred Z. Mills, Jr. 3513 -Purdue Street Bryn Mawr Drive Caruth Boulevard University Boulevard Hillcrest Avenue Hillcrest Avenue Hillcrest Avenue Hillcrest Avenue i~'mhe r st Street Amherst Street Anherst Street Amherst Street Haynie Avenue ttanin Avenue University Boulevard Lovers Lane Colgate Avenue Hanover Street Hillcrest Avenue Belfort Centenary Drive McFarlin Boulevard Hillcrest Avenue Wentwood Drive Mayor Germany called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the minutes of the meeting held Jk~u~5,1Z,'~l~70, be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. Mayor Germany stated that a public hearing on the budget for the year 1970-7 1 had been advertised and asked if anyone would like to make any comments. Mr. Wallace Selkirk, 3528 Hanover, asked about an amount set up in the budget for the s~imming pool. Mayor Germany declared the l~aring closed and a motion was made by Commissioner -peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 88 318 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTINGA BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1970, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1971, AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES AS SET OUT IN SAID BUDGET A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, unanimously. that the following Ordinance be adopted. This passed ORDINANCE NO. 89 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, MAKING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1970, ON - ALL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK ' Mr. Walter Emerson, 3637 Haynie Avenue, appeared before the Board and discussed the treatment of water fowl and fish in the University Park section of Turtle Creek. He suggested that University Park follow the procedure of Highland Park; that is to get a permit before fishing, etc. Mr. William Goff, Chairman of the Park Committee, made recommendations to the Board of Commissioners relative to the beautification of the parks. Mr. Max A. Daniel, Jr. and Mr. Cully Culwell, owners of business establishments in the 6300 block of Hillcrest and presented petitions signed by all owners of business' in the 6200, 6300 and 6400 blocks of Hillcrest Avenue requesting that the two hour parking restriction be changed to one hour parking. The petition also requested an additional patrolman be hired to enforce the one hour parking limit. These gentlemen stated they would bear a part of the expense for the hiring of a patrolman. Chat'les Adler, 3224 Lovers Lane, discussed the ordinance dealing with peddlers, solicitors and itinerant merchants. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by -- Commissioner Peek that the Hersey-Sparling Meter Company be paid 1'9 $4, 657. 85 to rebuild 184 meters. This paSsed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the old YMCA building in Goar park be demolished. This pa s s ed unanim ou sly. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, secohded by Commissioner Peek that Ella Engh Saunders be given a $15.00 refund on a traffic ticket issued July 26, 1969. This passed unanimously. A motion was. made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following ordinances be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 90 AN ORDINANCE ELECTING A SINGLE COMPOSITE PARTICIPATION DATE FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, PARTICIPATING IN TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM TO BE USED FOR CALCULATION OF NORMAL AND PRIOR SERVICE CONTRIBUTION RATES AND FOR DETERMINATION OF FUNDING PERIODS OF CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS TO TEXAS MUNICIr~AL RETIREMENT SYSTEM. ORDINANCE NO. 91 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR INCREASED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CUR1KENT SERVICE ANNUITY RESERVE AT RETIREMENT OF THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS. ORDINANCE NO. 92 AN ORDINANCE UNDERTAKING TO PROVIDE FOLK, AND GRANTING "ANTECEDENT SERVIE CLKEDIT" AND "SPECIAL PRIOR SELKVICE CREDIT" AT THE RATES HEREIN SPECIFIED, TO QUALIFYING EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OFI~IVERSITY PARK, TEXAS. ORDINANCE NO. 93 AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE MAXIMUM EARNINGS TO BE CONSIDERED IN CALCULATING DEPOSITS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO BE MADE BY REASON OF CURRENT SERVICE OF EMPLOYEES OF THIS CITY WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. 320 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 21ST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D., 1970. MA Y OR ,/~ / MINU T ES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 21, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. CITY HALL AUDITORIUM Present were: Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Also present were: Dick P. Mayor 52. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Peek. Wood, Jr., Jack B'. Kirven, James E. Brown, Forrest E. Keene, James D. Woodard, Bill Terrill and Fred L. Chambers. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. NA ME ADDRESS Harvey Ladd H. C. Maiden, Jr. Lawrence W. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Wise Larry Maxwell Richard E. Gray Martha Gene Beaty Mrs. R. B. James James A. Kilgore Mrs. Wilma Hogg Cay Soloman Jane Godfrey Ed Wood William T. Soloman Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Perdue Mrs. Claude C. Albritton, Mrs. Robert P. Gruber John L. Mathen Ben & Barbara Sanford 3728 Stanford Street 4024 Glenwick Lane 1Z00 Republic Bank Building 3444 University Boulevard 3411 University Boulevard 6815 3915 3240 3704 3617 3641 3504 3533 3641 3413 3436 2905 3632 3809 Hunters Glen Road Bryn Mawr Drive Purdue Street Alica Circle Haynie Avenue Haynie Avenue Caruth Boulevard Colgate Avenue Haynie Avenue Villanova Drive University Boulevard ~ Dyer Street Haynie Avenue Amherst Street NAME Barbara Dabney Klaus Penzel Mary Evelyn Mayer ADDRESS 3816 Amherst Street 3439 University Boulevard 381Z Amherst Street Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, 3 2 i ~eek, that the minutes of the meeting of September 8, correct. This passed unanimously. Mr. Lawrence W. Jackson, an attorney, appreared in behlaf of H. Louis Nichols, Attorney for the Hillcrest State Bank, requesting that the zoning be changed from '~D" Apartment House District to "E" Business District on Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10 of University Park Addition which is just west of the bank. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the request be referred to the Zoning Commission for a public hearing. This passed unanimously. A motioon was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 9¢ AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE FIRE PREVENTION CODE A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the petition for two hour parking in the 4000 block of Glenwick Lane be referred to the Traffic Cpmmittee for their study and the committee will make their recommendation at the meeting October 5, 1970. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following resolution be approved. RESOLUTION AMENDING THE BUDGET, APPROVING ALL EXPENDITURES MADE DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1969, AND seconded by Commissioner 1970, be approved as C~fY CLERK 322 ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1970, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF CREDIT BALANCES TO ACCOUNTS WHERE EXPENDITURES HAVE BEEN IN EXCESS OF BUDGET ESTIMATES, AND ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCES TO ACCOUNTS WHERE SUCH FUNDS ARE NEEDED A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that Earnest Randall be paid $2,087.45 for work he did for remodeling City Hall. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to advertise for bids for an ice machine. This passed unanimously. Mr. Harvey Ladd, 3728 Stanford Street, appeared before the Board, request- ing that left turn lanes with buttons be placed at two intersections (1) Douglas and Lovers Lane and (2) Dallas North Toll Road and Lovers Lane (Lomo Alto). It was suggested that this left turn lane could be similar to the one at Hillcrest and Lovers Lane. This request was referred to the Traffic Committee for their study. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 5TH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D., 1970. MINUT ES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 5, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. CITY HALL AUDITORIUM -~resent were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Also present: Dick2. Fred g. Chambers, James E. Wood, Jack B. Kirven, Forrest E. Keene, Brown, James D. Woodard, L. H. Sullivan, Larry Wilson, Bill Terrill and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Name Address Mrs. R. B. James 3240 Robert A. Keith Z905 Jean Stovall 2807 Dale Lyndon Gross 3041 T. B. Donoho (z~owell & r~owell) 2.010 Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Culwell 4424 Mrs. Robert r~. Gruber 2905 Mrs. Dewey Godfrey 3504 Martha Gene Beaty 3915 Ed Wood 3533 Max A. Daniel, Jr. 3504 William H. Daniel 6301 Mrs. H. K. Goetz 3129 Mr. r~ ointer r~urdue Street University Boulevard Binkley Avenue, Apt. Milton Avenue Fidelity Union Tower garchmont Dyer Street Caruth Boulevard Bryn Mawr Drive Colgate Avenue Rankin Avenue Hillc rest Avenue Caruth Boulevard 108 A motion was made by Commissioner r~eek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the minutes of the meeting September Z1, 1970, be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. 32 _Peek, that the low bidder, Water Tank Service Company, Inc., $5,000. for painting the water tower at Rosedale and Airline Road, be awarded the contract. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner 324 A motion was made by Commissioner i°eek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that this City sell t]~e 1940 Seagraves Ladder Fire Truck to the City of Nacogdoches,~he bid being $1,000. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the low bid of Texas Rubber Company, $1,525. be accepted for 1000 feet of 2 1/2 inch and 500 feet of 1 1/2 inch hose. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner r~eek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the low bid from Hamblen Tire Company, $12,660. 10 for our yearly supply of tires and tubes be accepted. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the bid from the r~ak-Mor Company for 18 three cubic yard container at $221.07, total $3,979. 26 be accepted. A motion was made by Commissioner r~eek, Sullivan that the following invoices be approved. Pak-Mor Mfg. Co. $1,603. 38 Utility ]Equipment Co. $2,894. 50 Darr I~quil~ment $2,582. 62 This passed unanimously. Dale Gross, 3041 Milton Avenue and Mr. This passed unanimously. seconded by Commissioner repair telescopic cylinder repair boom on aerial truck repairs on caterpillar r~ointer requested that the two hour l~arking limits along the east side of Hillcrest Avenue, Rosedale, Haynie, McFarlin and University Boulevard be replaced by a three hour restriction. This request will be considered by the Administrative Staff and the Citizens Traffic Committee. Mr. C. W. Culwell, owner of the Varsity Shop, 6319 Hillcrest Avenue again discussed the two hour parking restrictions on Hillcrest Avenue. 325 seconded by Commissioner Jude 1Kesearch Hospital, City Clerk Nelson was requested to notify all owners of property in the 4000 block of Glenwick Lane before October 19, 1970, setting out the recommendation of the Traffic Committee regarding the two hour parking in that area. Doctor Keith Cox, representing the dentist in the Park Cities area, discussed with the Board the placing on the November ballot the question to fluoridate or not fluoridate the water in the Park Cities. He was told that the Board would confer with officials of Highland Park and that the two city's feelings would be transmitted to the r~ark Cities Water District prior to the election of the Board members in January. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that Vernons Engineers be hired to prepare plans, etc, to pave Durham, Milton to Westminister; Roland Street from alley south of Emerson to alley north of Emerson; alley west of Hillcrest from Granada 155 feet south. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, Peek, that the application for a permit for ALSAC St. Danny Thomas Teenage March, November ZZ to December Z2, 1970 be considered at the meeting October 19, 1970, and the application for a permit for UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund~ -Trick or Treat for UNICEG Campaign - October 31, 1970 be denied. This passed unanimously. City Attorney Dick~. Wood was requested to draw an ordinance against night time solicitation. There being no further business, the ~meeting recessed. PA~~ APPROVED THIS T~ 19TH DAvY OF OCTOBER, A.D. , 1970. CITY CLERK 326 MINUT ES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY HALL AUDITORIUM MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also present: Dick=°. Wood, Jack B. Kirven, Forrest re. Keene, James E. Brown, James Murphy, Fred L. Chambers, L. H. Sullivan,~ Larry Wilson and Leland Nelson. The following is the names and addresses of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. NA ME ADDRESS Mrs. Pauline Tripp 4308 Martha Gene Beaty 3915 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Tipton 3217 Douglas B. Reid 3225 Mrs. John C. Binford 3556 Mr. & Mrs. Wm. A. Dunn 3553 Mrs. Dewey Godfrey 3504 Mrs. Vincent Carrizza 7301 Robert E. Gruber 2905 Gloria J. Wise 3444 Richard E. Gray 6815 North Central Expressway Bryn Mawr Drive Northwest -~arkway Northwest r~arkway Binkley Avenue Granada Avenue Caruth Boulevard Turtle Creek Dyer Street University Boulevard Hunters Glen Road Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, 1970, r~eek, that the minutes of the meeting October 5, correct. This passed unanimously. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Tipton and Mr. seconded by Commissioner be approved as Douglas Reed appeared and again discussed the planting procedures in the parkway in the 3200 and 3300 blocks of Northwest Parkway. geland Nelson was requested to .contact the Telephone Company as some of their heavy equipment damaged some of the bushes and small trees while putting down a cable. After discussion with the Telephone Company ancl~.a~:ske~ch worked up by the engineer, Mr. Nelson will notify Mr. Douglas Reed and other owners of property for their approval. 327 A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the ordinance pertaining to charitable solicitations be considered at the meeting November Z, 1970. This passed ~imously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek;~hat the application from ALSAC St. Jude Research Hospital Danny Thomas Teenage March, November 22 through December ZZ, 19~,0, be denied. This pass ed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Mayor Germany that the application from the Dallas Chapter, National Hemophilia Foundation to solicit funds from November lg through November 18, 1970 be approved. This motion passed with Commissioner Sullivan voting "Nay" .A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the request of Jonald J. Malouf that a police escort be provided for children crossing Hillcrest Avenue at Southwestern Boulevard, be denied. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the request for "two hour:' parking in the 4000 block of Glenwick Lane be denied. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 95 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONEiKS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK DESIGNATING STOP SIGNS FOR BINKLEY AVENUE WHERE IT INTERSECTS HIGH SCHOOL AVENUE AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOlK THE VIOLATION THEREOF. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following Ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. 328 ORDINANCE NO. 96 AN ORDINANCE BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOUNDING OF CATS THAT ARE DELIVERED TO THE CITY POUND, AND THE REDEMPTION OF SUCH CATS, AS AN AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY RELATING TO ANIMALS, FOWLS AND REPTILES. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that this City not enter in joining the State of Texas in a suit against auto makers for illegal price fixing. This passed unanimously. Leland Nelson was requested to visit the City of Dallas and also the City of Irving before any decision is made relative to entering With all municipalities to join in a study of emergency ambulance service. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ZND DAY OF NOVEMBER, A.D., , MA Y OR / ~ITY CLERK~ / MINUT ES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. CITY HALL AUDITORIUM / / *~ re sent were: Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Pe.ek. 1970. Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Also present: Dick P. Wood, James Murphy, Forrest Keene, James Brown, Fred Chambers, James Woodard, Larry Wilson, Bill Terrill and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the Attendance List. 329 NAME ADDRESS H. Louis Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Hemphill Hosford Mary Collett Douglas Yater H. L. DeFord Mrs. Myron Rejebian I~. A. Wood, Jr. Mrs. Dewey Godfrey Mr. & Mrs. K. C. Tipton Nancy Johnson A. V. Metier Jane W. Robertson Jacky Spears Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Hefner Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Wise Mrs. W. B. Sanford W. N. Babb Cully Culwell Martha Gene Beaty Joann Traeger James Kilgore Mr. & Mrs. 1K. T. Halpin Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Gruber Mr. & Mrs. Claude C. Albritton, Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Boone Mr. & Mrs. James Wiley 3904 Euclid 67 19 Golf Drive 3424 Haynie Avenue 1500 North Edgefield 3628 Greenbrier Drive 3724 Colgate 3533 Colgate Avenue 3504 Caruth Boulevard 3217 Northwest Parkway 3421 Haynie Avenue 3701 Haynie Avenue 2928 Bryn Mawr Drive 2920 Bryn Mawr Drive 3420 University Boulevard 3444 University Boulevard 3809 Amherst Street .3410 University Boulevard 4424 garchmont 39 15 Bryn Mawr Drive 37 16 McFarlin Boulevard 3704 Alice Circle 3425 University Boulevard 2905 Dyer Street Jr. 3436 University Boulevard 3516 University Boulevard 6006 Golf Drive -Peter L. R. Mr. & Mrs. C. B. Rickey Mr. & Mrs. W. Bremner Eddie Barker Mr. k Mrs. D. L. Hawley F rank Haughton Sebaan 3515 Haynie Avenue Maxwell, Jr. 3411 University Boulevard 3215 Hanover Street 3600 Milton Avenue 3417 University Boulevard 805 Yorkshire Dr., Grand Prairie, Texas 3625 Rosedale Avenue Mayor Germany called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the minutes of the meeting of October 19, 1970;. be approved. This passed unanimously. Mayor Germany stated this was the date and time ~et for the Board to hold a public hearing regarding the Hillcrest State Bank's application for re-zoning the east 10 feet of Lot 7 and Lots 8, 9 and 10 of University Park addition from "D" Apartment House District to "E" Business District. 330 Mr. H. Louis Nichols, Attorney for the Hillcrest StateBank, appeared and urged the Board to change the zoning. Mr. Marvin Wise, Mr. James Kilgore and Mrs. Jane Albritton appeared urging the Board of Commissioners not to change the zoning. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, ti%at the recommendation of the Zoning Commission that the change in This passed unanimously. seconded by Commissioner This passed unanimously. zoning on the above described property be denied. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, Sullivan that the following ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 97 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15-40 OF ARTICLE Ill..CHARITABLE SOLICITAT- ION OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AND DEFINING THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH A PERMIT MAY BE GRANTED BY THE CITY CLERK A motion was made by Commissioner 2eek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the offer from Jerry C. Caldwell, Realtor of Garland, desiring to purchase the land owned by this City and located in Garland be refused at this time. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the recommendation of the Traffic Committee that no stop sign be erected at the intersection of Tulane and Southwestern on Southwestern be accepted. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner -~eek that the City Clerk be authorized to send a check in the amount of $960.00 to the City of Dallas for this City to join in the Dallas County A,bulance Survey Study. This participation is for the Phase I study only. The Board would reserve the right to reconsider joining the *~hase II area study at the conclusion of the study of Phase I. This passed unanimously. The Board discussed the request of the Safeway Store that an election be held to abandon an alley to the east of their present store in Snider r~laza. The Safeway Stores, Inc. would bear the expense of holding such an election. City Attorney Wood was requested to prepare an abandonment ordfnan'ce for the meeting of No~ember 16; also Mr. Wood was requested to prepare' all' the necessary papers to expedite a quick and early election. The contract With Dryden and Collins to construct additions and alterations to the City Hall and the contract with Mr. F. A' Hunter, Delinquent Tax Attorney, to collect delinquent taxes for this City will be discussed a~ the meeting November 16, 1970. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 16TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 'A.D. ,' 1970. ..... MA Y OR · A '/ CLTY CLERK MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 16, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. CITY HALL AUDITORIUM Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also present: CidkWood, JackKirven, James Murphy, Forrest Keene, Fred Chambers, James Brown, Bill Terrill, L. H. Sullivan, La'rrM Wilson and Leland Nels'on. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. 332 NAME ADDRESS Martha Gene Beaty 3915 Orlando DeAcute s 3028 John F. Moore 3024 Mrs. A. N. Harkrider 3020 Mrs. Paul Dart 3020 Mrs. B. B. Foster 3048 Carl N. Wilson 3032 Mr. & Mrs. H. L. DeFord 3628 Barbara Kno~ 3100 Susie Begguist 3020 Luc rebia Watson 3020 EdS. Wesson, Jr. 7702 Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi 2945 Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Trukham 3049 E. A. Wood, Jr. 3533 G. W. Zimmerman 3008 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gruber 2905 Gully Culwell 4424 Mrs. Roy FI. Matthews 3556 Mrs. D. tK. Brown 3552 Mrs. D. 'L. Fiawks 3419 Mrs. M. H. Beckham 3417 James K. Abney, Jr. 2820 Bryn Mawr Drive McFarlin Boulevard McFarlin Boulevard Dyer Street Mc Farlin Boulevard McFarlin Boulevard McFarlin Boulevard Greenb~er Drive University Boulevard Daniel Avenue Daniel Avenue Meadow Road University Boulevard Fondren Drive Colgate Avenue McFarlin Boulevard Dyer Street Larchmont Street Rankin Street Rankin Street Granada Granada Avenue Amherst Street (Park Cities Jaycee's) Mayor Germany called the meeting ot order. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the monutes of the meeting November 2, 1970, be approved. This passed unanimously. Mr. C. W. Culwell, President of the Hillcrest Merchants Association, appeared and again discusse'd two hour ~arkin~ on Hillcrest Avenue, Monday through Friday nights. Mayor Germany explained to Mr. Culwell that it was the feeling Of the Governing Body that this request was not feasible. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. 333 ORDINANCE NO. 99 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMlViISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, PROVIDING TWO HOUR PARKING IN THE 3000 BLOCK OF MCFARLIN BOULEVARD AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THEREOF Mr. DeAcutes and Mr. Carl Wilson, representing property owners in the area of the SMU Warehouse located on the corner of McFarlin Boulevard, Dyer Street and Airline Extension, requested time to protest the parking and paving on the side yard of said building. Mr. Nelson and Mr. Kirvenwere requested to meet with the Administrative Staff of Southern Methodist University to discuss beautifing the side yard of this building. Miss Barbara Knox discussed with the Board, the placing of a traffic light or four-way stop at the intersection of Daniel Avenue and Durham Street. Chief Keene stated that the Traffic Committee, as well as the Administrative Staff, had made a study of the area and it was their recommendation that neither of the above were needed. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 100 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, RESTRICTING PARKING FROM 6:30 A.M. TO 9:30 A.M. AND 3:30 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M. ON THE FRONTAGE ROADS OF NORTH CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF UNIVERSITY PARK AND INCREASING SPEED LIMIT FROM THIRTY MILES PER HOUR TO THIRTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR AND PROVIDING A PENALTY A motion was mm~de by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that Magnolia Chemical Company be paid $2,036.24 for chemicals used during the summer at the swimming pool. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner 334 Sullivan that the Park Cities Junior Chambers of Commerce proceed with sponsoring April 17, 1971 as "Founders Day". The purpose is to establish an annual celebration as the birthdate of the City of University: This passed unanimously. Park. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 7TH DAY OF DECEMBER, A. D. , CITY CLERK~ v~- ~TMA Y OR / / 1970. ************************************* l~ re sent were: Fred N. z3eek. MINUT ES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 7, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. CITY HALL AUDITORIUM Mayor E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Also present: Dick P. Wood, JackKirven, James Murphy, Forrest Keene, Fred Chambers, James Brown, J. D. Woodard, L. H. Sullivan, Bill Terrill and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who ~sig~ed the attendance list. . · Name Address C. C. Thornhill, Jr. Keith T owell John Barnhill Mark Dye Joe Jones George Jones Jerry Jones Jimmy Jones gonnie Pendergraft Exchange Bank 6809 Sperry 2421 Connecticut Lane 6435 Glenrose 6858 T okalon 6858 T okalon 6858 T okalon 6858 T okalon 11Z34 Crissa 335 NA ME ADDRESS Charles Seckar 6628 Jim Truebtood 580 1 Richard Seale 6921 Brad Welch 2218 Mike Minyard 6814 Chris Robede 2443 Lewis Seale 6921 Gerry Worrall 6748 Martha Gene Beaty 3915 Jim Mowrey Noel R. Dye 6435 W. A. Bonds 7211 Mrs. Robt. P. Gruber 2905 Ed Wood 3533 Jane Godfrey 3504 Vlesas Lervis Ellsworth Alexander Kenwood Connecticut Lane Ellsworth gakewood Boulevard Bryn Mawr Drive Page Building Glenrose Twin Tree Dyer Street Colgate Avenue Caruth Boulevard Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made byCommissioner l~eek, seconded by Mayor Germany that the minutes of the meeting of November 16, 1970, be approved. This passed unanimously. A motion-,was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 101 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, PROVIDING TWO HOUR PARKING ON THE WEST SIDE 6900 BLOCK OF PRESTON ROAD AND PROVIDING A ~ENALTY THEREOF Mr. Jim Mowrey, Manager of the Front ~age Resturant in the Noel ~age Building, appeared requesting permission to operate a private locker club in connection with the restaurant. Mr. Mowrey was advised that this did not come under jurisdiction of the City but under the jurisdiction of the Liquor Control Board. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the following Ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. 336 ORDINANCE NO. 102 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING~;RTICLE II, NUISANCES, SECTION 13-33 (4) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, REGULATING THE DISTRIBUTION OF PRINTED MATTER AND OTHER ADVERTISING DEVICES ON PUBLIC AND PROVATE PROPERTY AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THEREOF CITY C LERt~- A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that Certificate of Credit [~b Tax Roll No. 541 for the years 1942 through 1970 in the amount of $2, 331.80 be transferred to the inactive roll. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the low bid from Martin Equipment Company in the amount of $1,319.05 for an asphalt kettle be accepted. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that this City request a six month delay in negotiating a new sewer contract with the City of Dallas and that the present contract be extended for an additional six months. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that a lease- purchase option be negotiated for the Ch'antilis-Coffee property, with the purchase price based on $3.50 per Sl~uare foot and the lease based for seven percent of the purchase price if the lot is purchased and further that the purchase price m~,st be within the subsequent appraisal. This passed unanimously. Boy Scout Troup No. 39 and their Scoutmaster, Mr. Bond, attended the meeting in order for the scouts to obtain a merit badge. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. P~-g'S~_~D~ AND APPROVED THIS THE Z1ST DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D., 1970. k 337 MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY HALL AUDITORIUM DECEMBER 21, 1970, AT 7:30 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, commissioners Robert L. Sullivan and Fred N. Peek. Also present: DickP. Wood, Jack B. Kirven, James Murphy, Forrest Keene, Fred Chambers, James Brown, J. D. Woodard, L. H. Sullivan, Bill TerrilI, Larry Wilson and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Name Martha Gene Beaty Ed Wood Address 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 3533 Colgate Avenue Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that the minutes of the meeting of December 7, 1970, be approved. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimous ORDINANCE NO. 103 AN ORDINANCE ORDEI~ING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS AS PROVIDED BY ARTICLE 1019, VERNON'S ANNOTATED CIVIL STATUTES ON THE QUESTION OF: CLOSING AND ABANDONING THAT PORTION OF THE PRESENT TEN FOOT ALLEY WHICH EXTENDS NORTH FROM WESTMINISTER AVENUE TOWARDS LOVERS LANE FOR A DISTANCE OF 165 FEET AND IS LOCATED BETWEEN BLOCK"tg" CAMPUS HEIGHTS ADDITION NO. IAND BLOCK"A" OF UNIVERSITY PARK RESUBDIVISION; and establishing a new alley of variable width from fifteen to thirty feet wide on a part of lot 9, BLOCK"D" CAMPUS HEIGHTS ADDITION NO. I, LOCATED 85 FEET SOUTH OF LOVERS LANE AND EXTENDING EAST FROM SNIDERPLAZA FOR A DISTANCE OF 14Z FEET WHERE IT CONNECTS WITH THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF THE REMAINING TEN FOOT ALLEY AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT ATTACHED HERETO 338 A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the contract with Dryden and Collins, Architects, to remodel the City Hall be approved with the revision of 8. 3 per cent of a maximum $450,000.00 project. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the lease option agreement between the City and Coffee, Coffee and Chantilis be approved. Also that the budget be amended in the amount of $15,433.00. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the list of employees who are 65 years of age or over be retained for the year 1971. This passed unanimously. A letter from Steve Simmons, District Manager for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, informing that the new rates approved by the City of Dallas will go into effect for University Park on December 12, 1970 was discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peekthat Mr. F. H. Wilson, 4119 Lovers Lane be refunded $12.90, being an over-payment of tax. This passed unanimously. An ordinance amending Section 20-99 of the Code of Ordinances, changing the speed limit from 15 to 20 miles per hour will be considered at the meeting January 4, 1971. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. P~ED AND APPROVED THIS THE 4TH DAY OF JANUARY, A.D., 1971. MINUT ES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING COMMISSION CHAMBER MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1971, 7:30 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Gerynany and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also pre sent were: Dick Wood, Jack Kirven, James Murphy, Forrest Keene, Fred Chambers, James Brown, J. D. Woodard, L. H. Sullivan, Larry Wilson and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Name Address 339 1K. S. Gozzaldi 2945 Martha Gene Beaty 3915 Mr. & Mrs. R. P. Gruber 2905 Michaux Nash, Jr. 4400 Spencer A. Rubel 4316 R. P. Kincheloe, Jr. 4020 W. V. Traeger 3716 Ira T obolowsky C. A. (Searcy) Miller University Boulevard Bryn Mawr Drive Dyer Street McFarlin Boulevard McFarlin Boulevard University Boulevard McFarlin Boulevard Lawyers Inn, SMU Fidelity Union _Tower Building Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the minutes of the meeting of December 21, 1970, be approved. ~his passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, the the ordinance amending Section 20-99, setting maximum speed limits at schools, churches and hospitals from 15 miles per hour to 20 miles per hour be considered at the meeting January 18, 1971. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 104 340 AN ORDINANCE MANEDING SECTIONS 4-23, 4-24, 4-26, 4-27, 4-32, 4-35, 4-36, 4-38, AND REPEALING SECTION 4-25, ALL CONCERNING THE LICENSING, CONFINEMENT AND REDEMPTION OF DOGS AND RABID ANIMAL SECTIONS OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY i~AI~K AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THE1KEOF A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the bid from Conley Harley Davidson for a 1971 t~>lice motorcycle without trade-in in the amount of $2,592. 20 be accepted and that the budget be amended to reflect same. This passed unanimously. Jack Kirven made a report on the study of the traffic problem on the Miracle Mile. Ira Tobolowsky, L~w Student from Southern Methodist University, discussed the parking situation around the University. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that E. R. King, Clarence Lee and J. E. Hamilton be p~rmitted to work during the year 1971 even though they are 65 years of age and over. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that a letter Insurance be written to the Board of/Commissioners stating that this City will purchase a new pumper to replace the 34 year old Peter Pirsch Pumper within the next two years in order for the key rate to be lowered from 19 cents to 17 cents. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek seconded, that the City Manager be permitted to attend two training schools once a month for four months, tuition for both schools is $64.00. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that this City endorse the Legislation - - A Deterrent To Crime, a Legislative Program proposed by the Texas Law Enforcement. Legislative Council of which the Texas Police Chiefs Association is a member. Also the City Manager was 34i requested to write a letter to the Legislators advising of this City's endorsement of the proposals. This passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 18TH DAY OF JANUARY, A.D., MA Y OR ST: ~/ cyrY CLERK 1971. MINUT ES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK COMMISSION CHAMBER MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1971, 7:30 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also present were: Dick Wood, Jack Kirven, James Murphy, James Brown, L. H. Sullivan and Leland Nel s on. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list: Name Address Mrs. R. B. James 3240 Purdue Street Mrs. Lovie Butler Rt. Two, Grapevine, Texas Mr. John E. Butler Rt. Two, Grapevine, Texas C. O. Behune Rt. Z, Box 248-C, Grapevine, Texas Martha Gene Beaty 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive Valente Hernandz 4415 Buena Vista Joseph J. Wilkins 3819 Hickory Tree, Mesquite, Texas Trannie I. Wilkins 3819 Hickory Tree, Mesquite, Texas Laurie R. Norrell 3819 Hickory Tree, Mesquite, Texas Mrs. Robt. P. Gruber 2905 Dyer Street Ed Wood 3533 Colgate Avenue Mrs. Vincent Carrozza 7301 Turtle Creek Mrs. M. N. Brenner 3600 Milton Avenue 342 Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, Sullivan, that the minutes of the meeting January 4, passed unanimously. seconded by Commissioner 1971 be approved. This portion leaving a balance for the employee of $5.08, Mayor Germany presented watches to the following employees who have retired or will retire on January 31, 1971 from this City's Maintenance Department: John Edd Butler, Joseph Jerry Wilkins and Valente Herandez. He expressed appze¢iation for the faithful manner in which these employees have served the City Comments of gratitude were expressed by both Commissioner Sullivan and Commissioner Peek. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the present time limit, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on school days, remain the same on the school zone restrictions. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the bid of Curran III Aerial Surveys, Inc. , in the amount of $1,775.00 be accepted. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following tax refunds be made because the automobiles were not owned on January 1, 1970: John W. Wilson, 3100 Caruth - $9.70; Elmer H. Laschinger, 3451 Asbury - $10. 10 and Mrs. Cleo Cross Harding, 4060 Purdue - $14.40. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the Blue Cross-Blue Shield Contract which the City carries in conjunction with the employees be increased in surgical benefits from $300.00 to $500.00 and the major medical benefits be increased from $5,000-$10,000. to $10,000 and SZ0,000. The City pays $5.08 of the ermployees employee and depende~s under 19 years of age $22.24 and with sponsored dependent $28.77. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, Peek that the City purchase two walkie-talkies for $1,238.66. unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 1ST DAY OF FEBRUARY, 34° seconded by Commissioner This passed A.D., 1971. MINUT ES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK COMMISSION CHAMBER MONDAY, FEBRUARY l, 1971, 7:3~P.M. Present were Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also present: DickP. Wood, Jack B. Kirven, James Murphy, James Brown, Forrest Keene, L. H. Sullivan, James D. Woodard, Bill Terrill, Larry Wilson and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. NA ME ADDRESS Jane W. Robertson Z928 Jack Williams 4076 Bert Woolum 3340 L. W. Sharp, Jr. 3013 Mr. & Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi 2945 Jeff D. Chalk 3230 Gloria J. Wise 3444 Mrs. Robert P. Gruber 2905 Bryn Mawr Drive Purdue Street Bryn Mawr Drive Bryn Mawr Drive University Boulevard Hanover Street University Boulevard Dyer Street 344" Mrs. Jack Lowe Fred McC onathy Paul R. Waters J. N. Jordan Richard E. Gray Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, Sullivan that the minutes of the meeting of January 18, This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, 3100 Milton Avenue 835 1 Southwestern Boulevard 3136 Bryn Mawr Drive 3624 Hanover Street 6815 Hunters Glen Road seconded by Commissioner 197 1 be approved. seconded by Commissioner Peek that the Order Declaring Result of Special City Election held on January 20, 1971 be approved. This passed unanimously.. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissiore r Sullivan that the low bid from Taylor Chevrolet for five automobiles in the amount of $13,285.84 and an E1 Camino Pick-up in the amount of $2,871. 37 be accepted; also the low bid of Larry Lang F~rd in the amount of $1g, 877.50 for five pick-ups be accepted. This passed unanimously. Mr. Fred McConathy appeared and requested that the zoning in the 3100 block of Rosedale Avenue be changed from single family to multi-family use. He also presented a petition signed by property owners in the 3100 block of Rosedale. As a letter from Mr. L. W. Sharp had not been received by some of the members of the Board, it was decided to take this matter under consideration at the meeting of February 16, 197 1. City Manager Leland Nelson was requested to follow up on a letter from Mr. Henry Graeser, Director of the Dallas Water Utilities, regarding the extension of the sewer contract which expires in April. Mr. Graeser is requesting the Dallas City Council to exte-nd the present contract for a six month period. 3-4 5 Mayor Germany excused himself and Mayor Pro Tern Robert Sullivan presided over the remainder of the meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following Ordinance and Resolution be approved. This pas sed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 106 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT OF A PORTION OF DURHAM STREET, DISTRICT NO. 417; ROLAND STREET, DISTRICT NO. 418; AND ALLEY WEST OF HILLCREST AVENUE EXTENDING APPROXIMATELY 162.5 FEET SOUTH FROM GRANADA AVENUE,' DISTRICT NO. 419; DEFINING THE _PORTION OF SAID STREETS AND ALLEY AS SEPARATE DISTRICTS; DECLARING THE PURPOSE TO ASSESS PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENT AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND OWNERS THEREOF; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH VERNON ENGINEERS, INC., PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ENGINEERS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF DURHAM STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF MILTON AVENUE TO THE SOUTH LINE OF WESTMINSTER AVENUE; AND ROLAND STREET FROM THE ALLEY SOUTH OF EMERSON AVENUE TO THE ALLEY NORTH OF EMERSON AVENUE AND ALLEY WEST OF HILLCREST AVENUE, EXTENDING APPROXIMA TELY 162.5 FEET SOUTH FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF GRANADA AVENUE, AS PREPARED BY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, VERNON ENGINEERS, INC. AND ORDERING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the regular scheduled meeting date be changed from February 15 to February 16, 1971. This passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 16TtH DAY OF FEBRUARY, A.D., 1971. 346 MINUT ES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK COMMISSION CHAMBER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1971, 7:30 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also present: Dick P. Wood, Jakkk Kirven, James Murphy, Forrest E. Ketene, James E. Brown, L. H. Sullivan, Bill Terrill, Larry Wilson and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Name Address Mrs. J. B. Lowe Ron Calhoun Mr. & Mrs. D. L. Hawkes Mrs. R. B. James Mr. & Mrs. Tony Mayer 3812 Mr. & Mrs. Ben Sanford 3809 Henry Dabney 3816 Warren Hall 7501 Mrs. Harold A. Goodman 3212 Mrs. James Wiley 6006 John H. Hudson 3100 M. Sullivan 3012 S. J. Nadel 3141 Mr. & Mrs. Lee Stratton 4232 Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Perdue 3413 Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Wise 3444 Ed Wood 3533 Mrs. Dewey Godfrey 3504 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Carrozza 7301 Mrs. Joe E. Ward (Girl Scout) 3624 Bert Wollum 3340 Dorothy Dorr 3416 Mrs. Wiley M. Sanders 3633 Marshall Terry 27 17 Martha Carlson 3520 Richard E. Gray 6815 O. 1K. Mattingly 3918 Jack Sanders 4136 3100 Milton Dallas Times Herald 805 Yorkshire, G.P. 3240 Purdue Street Amherst Street Amherst Street Amherst Street Turtle Creek Colgate Avenue Golf Drive Southwestern Boulevard Southwestern Boulevard Bryn Mawr Drive Southwestern Boulevard Villanova Drive University Boulevard Colgate Avenue Colgate Avenue Turtle Creek Maplewood B~.~pi i:Maw~i~ Drive Wentwood Drive Haynie Avenue Lovers Lane Centenary Drive Hunters Glen University Boulevard Greenbrier Drive Name Address Mr. & Mrs. Leo Howell 3108 Stanford Street Lisa Ward 3624 Maplewood Mrs. Henry Gaetz 3129 Caruth Boulevard Mordi Jones 3608 Haynie Avenue Mrs. Walter C. Emerson 3637 Haynie Avenue Reagan W. George 4348 San Carlos Drive Mrs. J. Claude Evans 3542 University Boulevard Mr. & Mrs. Parker F. Wilson 3645 Bryn Mawr Drive Mrs. Frank B. Haughton 3625 Rosedale Avenue Godfrey M. Collins 3560 Marquette Street J. Murrell Bennett 37 17 University Boulevard Marylu Schwartz Dallas News Mrs. Robert P. Gruber 2905 Dyer Street Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Gambrell 3543 University Boulevard Harry C. Hoover, Jr. 3528 University Boulevard Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Kamlieter 3828 Amherst Street Nancy Uranson 3425 Colgate Avenue Col. & Mrs. D. E. ISockbrader 3245 Amherst Street Mary Buckingham 3449 Potomac Avenue Helen Harwig 3721 Amherst Street S. Harwig 3721 Amherst Street Jerra Guisenger 3005 Amherst Street Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lowenberg 3901 Amherst Street Mrs. M. D. Bremner 3600 Milton Avenue Jay Duberna Dallas Times Herald Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the minutes office meeting of February 1, 1971, be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following Resolution be approved. This passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 71-1 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN EXISTING CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF DALLAS FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE FOR A MZXIMUM PERIOD OF TWELVE MONTHS Prior to considering the request for rezoning the 3100 block of Rosedale Avenue, Mayor Germany stated that he had never sent out any endorsement for the resoning of the 3100 block of Rosedale. 348' A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Mayor Germany that the application of Mr. Fred McConathey to rezone the 3100 block of 1Kosedale Avenue from single family district to multi-family use be referred to the Zoning Board. Commissioner Sullivan voted "No" This motion carried that the application be referred to the zoning commission. The request from Mr. James B. Burleson of Burleson, Baker & Company that their company be given the contract to do the annual audit for the year 1970-71 and the fee be increased from $1,800 to $3,000 will be considered at the meeting March 1, 1971 in order that the State Statutes on purchases over $2,000 may be checked. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that traffic lane regulating buttons in the amount of $757. 18 be purchased to replace the old experimental buttons that were placed on Hillcrest several years ago and that the budget be amended in the amount of $757. 18. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that Mr. E. W. Dublin, 2705 Daniel Avenue be refunded $13.40 for a 1969 tax assessment l~aid through error. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the Sanitary Landfill Contract between the City of University ~ Park and The City of Garland be approved. This passed unanimously. ,~ A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that Raymond L. Goodson, Jr., Consulting Engineer be paid $3,760. 60 for work performed from November 18, 1970 through January 30, 1971 for design of an Access Road to the sanitary landfill be paid. This passed unanimously. 349 The meeting was now open to the public on items not on the agenda. Mayor Germany stated he wanted to make a statement about the Boards' decision to withdraw from the North Central Council of Governments. He emphasized there was no objection to the personnel or the philosophy behind the Council of Governments but that the City felt that the programs conducted by COG was not relevant to the City of University Park and did not particularly serve the interest of the Citizens. After the Mayor's statement, the following people appeared in opposition to the withdrawal or in favor of such withdrawal. Oliver Mattingly Tony Mayer Marshall Terry Godfrey Collins J. Claude Evans Lee Straton, Jr. Leo Howell Ben Sanford Norman Uranson Mary Ellen Mayer Mrs. Jack Lowe S.J. Nadel Richard Gray Harry Hoover J. Dickson Mrs. H. A. Goodman Carolyn Sanders Doris Stratton Doctor and Mrs. Herbert Gambrell next spoke about the aledged arson problem behind the 3500 block of University Boulevard. She ~uestioned the City's fire and police department sincerity in finding solutions to the problem. Mayor Germany explained that he felt that both the police and fire departments were the finest in the area and they would continue to try and help solve this particular problem. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 1ST DAY OF MARCH, A.D., 1971. ATT ST: i · CITY CLERK 35O MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK COMMISSION CHAMBER MONDAY, MAR~H 1, 1971, 7:30 P.M. Present were:: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also present: Dick P. Wood, Jack B. Kirven, James Murphy, Forrest Keene, Fred Chambers, James Brown, James Woodard, Larry Wilson, Bill Terrill and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending~ho signed the attendance list: Name Address Wm. Bailey 3731 Monty Buck 5224 Mrs. R. M. Perdue 3413 Mrs. H. L. DeFord 3628 R. O. Lowery 6829 Richard E. Gray 6815 Martha Gene Beaty 3915 Bill Goff 3108 Mrs. Vincent Carrozza 7301 Mrs. Ben Sanford 3809 Mrs. Robert P. Gruber 2905 Mrs. M. J. Wise 3444 Tie Davis 3532 Van Ness, Dallas, Texas Belmont, Apartment 106, Villanova Drive Greenbrier Drive Inverness Lane Hunters Glen Road ~r)rn Mawr Drive Caruth Boulevard Turtle Creek Amherst Street Dyer Street University Boulevard l~a nkin Street Dallas, Texas Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner .Peek that the minutes of the meeting of February 16, 1971 be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that Burleson, Baker & Company, Accountants and Auditors, be awarded the audit contract for the 1970-71 audit for a fee of $3,000.00. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that Monty Buck be given a Sg0.00 refund on a cash bond he had posted. This passed unanimously. Mr. W. R. Goff, Chairman of the Park Committee appeared in relation to the recommendation of the Park Committee. City Clerk Nelson was requested to contact Landscape Architects Scott Lallier, Dan Heyn and Richard Myrick for the purpose of discussing design, working drawings and fees. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, Peek that the following Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 71-Z RESOLUTION AUTHOltlZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED FROM THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK TO SAFEWAY STORES, INC. ON AN EXISTING ALLEY CONTAINING THE OBLIGATIONS OF SAFEWAY STORES, INC. TO REMOVE ALL UTILITIES THEREFROM AT ITS OWN COST AND EXPENSE When discussing the warranty deed from the City to the Safeway Stores, inc., it was decided that this should be a special warranty deed and that Hexter-Fair Title Company should be the title company to hold same in escrow until the Safeway has given the City a deed for the alternate alley and a utility easement for the necessary services to the businesses in that block. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that an invoice from the Vilbig Construction Company in the amount of $1, 670 and the Gregory Excavating Company in the amount of $1, 881 being for clean-up work on the abandoned landfill site on Royal Lanebe paid. This passed unanimously. seconded by Commissioner This passed unanimously. 352 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the bid of General Electric for eight transistorized radios in the amount of $4, 872.00 be accepted. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconRed by Commissioner Sullivan that all bids for a sewer flusher be rejected. This passed unanimously. An ordinance regarding basic changes to holidays and vacations will be discussed at the meeting March 15, 1971. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 15TH DAY OF MARCH, A.D., 1971. MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK COMMISSION C HA MBERS MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1971, 7:30 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also present: Dick P. Wood, Jack Kirven, Larry Wilson, L. H. Sullivan, James Murphy, Bill Terrill and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Name Address Mr. & Mrs. H. L. DeFord Jack Williams R. T. Halpin Martha Gene Beaty Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Gruber 3628 Greenbrier Drive 4076 Purdue Street 3425 University Boulevard 3915 ]Bryn Mawr Drive 2905 Dyer Street 35 3 Mayor Germany called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 P. M. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the minutes of the meeting of March 1, 1971, be approved as correct. This pas s ed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the low bid of Shell Oil Company in the amount of . 1800 per gallon of gasoline be accepted. The bid is for the supplying of approximately 14,000 gallons of gasoline monthly for theperiod April 1, 1971 to March 31, 1972. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded that the Southland Farm Company be paid $1,080 for fifteen tons of fertilizer. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, Meter Company be paid $3,622.28 for rebuilding 114 5/8 by 3~/:4 meters and rebuilding four 1-inch meters, also testing all of the City's large size meters to be sure that the meters are accurately recording the amount of water used. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded that Resolution 71-3 increasing commercial garbage and trash rates approximately sixty-three percent {63%), said rates to become effective April 1, 1971 be approved. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded that J. N. Holt Veterinary Hospital keep all of the animals picked up by this City for a fee of SZ.00 per day. Also after the statutory time retention as required by this City's Ordinances, said animals be delivered to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals where the animals may be adopted out to the public. This pa s s ed unanimously. seconded that Hersey-Sparling 354 The ordinance relating to holidays and vacations will be discussed after a comparison can be made on the days that Dallas County cities take as holidays, A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to iourchase three diving board stands and four lifeguard stands from Swim Quip Company for $4,300.68. This paused unanimously. The bids for the paving of Durham Street, Roland Street and the alley west of Hillcrest were as follows: Texas Bitulithic Company Uvalde Construction Co. Austin Paving Company Bi-Co Pavers, Inc. $19, 624. 30--45 days for working $23,046. 17--30 days for working $27, 347. 25--60 days for working $28, 134.25--180 days for working Texas Bitulithic Company was the low bidder. The contract will not be let until an ordinance for establishing assessments is passed. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 5TH DAY\OF APRIL, A.D., 1971. etc. MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK COMMISSION CHAMBER MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1971, AT 7:30 P.M. Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Dick p. Wood, Jack B. Kirven, James Murphy, Forrest Brown, James D. Woodard, Fred L. Chambers, Larry lore sent were: Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Alos present: E. Keene, James E. Wilson and Leland Nelson. 355 The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the Attendance List: Name Address Mrs. R. B. James Mr. & Mrs. H. L. DeFord Mr. & Mrs. R. M. perdue~_~ Martha Gene Beaty Mr. &~Mrs. R. P. Gruber 3Z40 Purdue Street 36Z8 Greenbrier Drive 3413 Villanova Drive 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive · Z~.01 Dyer Street Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. motion was made by Commissioner Peek, Sullivanthat the minutes of the meeting :of March 15, as correct. Mr. seconded by Commissioner 1971, be approved This passed unanimously. Louis FIexter spoke asking that the City of University Park update the lighting in and around the preston Center Shopping Center. It was explained that this would be postponed until the Dallas Power and Light Company and the City Administration presents a proposal to updgrade lighting within the City limits of University park. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that a public hearing be held on May 3, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. on paving assessments for a portion of Durham Street, Roland Street and a portion of an alley west of I-Iillcrest Avenue south from the line of Granada Avenue. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the budget be amended in the amount of $1,500.00 to be contributed for an overall plan to beautify Northcrest parkway between Hillcrest Avenue and Airline Road. The City of Dallas will contribute $4,500. This overall plan is in conjunction with the North Dallas Chamber of Commerce and the City of Dallas. Richard Myrickis the landscape architect. This passed unanimously. 356 A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner peek that the proposal of A. Scott Lalli:er & Associates be accepted to design a playground and to make an overall conseptual plan for this City's park system. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner p~e~,, , seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following invoices be paid: J. Fred Lang Agency for the owners, landlord and tenants liability policy for the swimming pool in the amount of $1,353.; J. & W Rental, Inc. in the amount of $1,530 for rental of a Grade-All used at the Royal Lane landfill and Machinery & Parts Corporation in the amount of $1,032.63 for repairs to this City's 966 Caterpillar. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner peek that the Town North Branch of the YMCA be permitted to use the swimming pool prior to opening hours for the months of June, July and August with the following restrictions: not to interfere with any of the City's functions at the pool and any citizen can swim prior to going to work. Also each individual using the pool. shall pay the normal rate for admission. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner peek that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimous ly. ORDINANCE NO. 107 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2-182, EMPLOYEES' SICK LEAVE: SECTION 2-183, OFFICIAL CITY HOLIDAYS DESIGNATED; AND SECTION ~.'184, EMPLOYEES VACATION, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS. After discussing a tax re-evaluation for this City, a motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that this matter be postponed until the City Attorney could draw a resolution allowing the City to spend funds to make the tax-evaluation and when the resolution is written, the Board would meet in a called meeting. passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. pASSED AND AppROVED THIS THE 19TH DAY OF APRIL, A.D., -% MAYOR / /? - -,,, ATTE · C/CLERK , ~,,.- ;,,.- * *.,-"' , * * ;:.' .,..,. .,. * ;~ .... .,. * * * .,-'" . ;','. .,.-'- . ;,." ~:.. * 357 This 1971. MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY OF UNIVERSITY pARK MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971, 7:30 p.M. present were: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. peek. Also present: Forrest E. Keene, Kirven, James Murphy, L. H. Sullivan, Fred L. Chambers, Jack B. James E. Brown, Bill Terrill and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the Attendance List. Name Address Lester Jordan Doctor Weiner Richard E. Gray Martha Gene Beaty Mrs. Marvin Wise Mr. & Mrs. R. p. Gruber Mrs. Vincent Carrozza Richard Bryan Alex McKeigney 4416 Larchmont 6817 Golf Drive 6815 Hunters Glen Road 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 3444 University Boulevard Z905 Dyer Street 7301 Turtle Creek 3336 Hanover 3330 Hanover 3'58 Name Mr. & 1Mrs. D. R. McConn Stan Shannon John H. Blankenship Roy Iron Jeff Chalk Address 3300 Hanover Street 3513 Milton Avenue 719 Westwood, Richardson, Texas 2979 Talisman, Dallas, Texas 3230 Hanover Street Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner peek, secnnded by Commissioner Sullivan that a resolution presented April 5 authorizing the tax collector of the City to make a tax study of all real property improvements in the City of University park, obtain assistance from other taxing authorities, appraisers, etc. in making such study and re-evaluation; said resolution also gives the Mayor and City Secretary authority to enter into a contract with other taxing authorities to use available information in the study of ail real property improvements be made a part of the minutes of the meeting of April 5, 1971. This passed unanimously~ Mayor E. Wilson Germany presented an extra large American Flag to Southern Methodist University to'be placed in Moody Coliseum. Mr. Lester Jordan of the Atheltic Department accepted the flag for Southern Methodist University. Doctor and Mrs. Myron F. Weiner, 6817'Golf Drive, asked the Board of Commissioners to remove one of the trunk line sewers traversing his back yard. Dr. Weiner wants to construct a swimming pool in the rear yard at his home and in order to do so a twelve inch sewer line would have to be diverted into the 27 inch line and two manholes and a connecting sewer would have to be built, the cost of construction being $2,500. Dr. Weiner request the City to pay the $2,500 for construction cost. Mayor Germany explained to Dr. Weiner that the sewer is on a dedicated easement filed with the county records and for that reason the City would not bear this expense. A motion was made by Cor~missioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner peek that both Data processing In-house Equip~z, erf~ proposals be rejected. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan to accept the proposal of Alpha Systems, which is located on the Southern Methodist University Campus, to do the accounting work for this City, said proposal to be subject to the approval of satisfactory ¢ont~ak~-~byf the City Attorney. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner peek that a used maintainer and a heater planer be purchased so that street resurfacing and rehabilitation can be accomplished. This passed ur~a~imously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner peek that the following invoices be paid: Gamon-Calmet Industries in the amount of $1,Z00 for the repair of 60 5/8 x 3/4 inch meters; Larry Lunge Ford in the amount of $1,7 16 for an industrial engine for the City's brush chipper and Minnesota Mining in the amount of $1, 1Z7. 38 for various sign blanks to construct traffic signs. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following Ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 108 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY pARK DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREA WHERE pARKING IS pROHIBITED BETWEEN SIGNS AND pROVIDING FOR A pENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF (3412 Binkley) A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner peek that the following Ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. 36O ORDINANCE NO, 109 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY pARK DESIGNATING STOp SIGNS FOR THE INTERSECTION OF ROSEDALE AVENUE AND AIRLINE ROAD AND DESIGNATING OF C.ERTAIN AREAS WHERE pARKING IS pROHIBITED AT THIS OFFSET INTERSECTION AND PROVIDING FOR A pENALTY FOR~THE VIOLATION THEREOF A motion:was made by:Commissioner peek, seconded by Commissioner .Sullivan that the Mayor be. authorized tc~ write Mr David W Kendall, Chairman National Railroad passenger Corporation,~ Washington, D. C. setting out that the City of University park desired to be included among the~ cities in the Dallas Metropolitan Area wh° favor rail passenger service through the Dallas Union Terminal;Station. Mr. TRichard L. Bryan, 3336 Hanover, presented a petition signed by property owners in the 3200 and 3300 blocks of Hanover Street, requesting a storm sewer at the northeast corner of Hillcrest and Hanover. City Engineer Kirven was instructed to make a study of this situation. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. pASSED AND AppROVED THIS THE 3RD DAY OF MAY, A.D., 1971. * * * * * * * * 361 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK April 23, 1971,5:00 P.M. MAYOR'S OFFICE Present were: Mayor ProTem Robert L. Sullivan, Commissioner Fred N. Peek and Leland Nelson. On the motion of Commissioner Fred Peek, seconded, the enclosed resolution was unanimously approved giving the Mayor and City Manager-Clerk authority to enter into agreement with the Highland Park Independent School District for tax valuations and such agreement be in the maximum amount of Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($17,500.00). PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 23RD DAY OF APRIL, A.D., CITY ~MANAG ER- C I~ERK ******************************* 1971. ****** MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK COMMISSION CHAMBER MONDAY, MAY 3, 1971, 7:30 P.M. Present wereL Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Lo Also present: H. Sullivan, J. D. Forrest E. Keene, Jack B. Kirven, J. A. Murphy, Woodard, Larry Wilson, James E. Brown, Bill Terrill, Fred L. Chambers, Dick P. Wood and Leland Nelson. 362 The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the Attendance List: Name Address Mr. & Mrs. George W. Davis 3101' Annie Will M. Klugh 3037 Mr. & Mrs. M. Benedict 3040 W. tl. Speer 3600 Mr. & Mrs. tl. P. Gruber 2905 Martha Gene Beaty 3915 Mr. & Mrs. Il. L. DeForde 3628 Mrs. Vincent Carrizza 7301 1K. T. Halpin 3425 B. C. Booe 4524 Westminister Avenue Westminister Avenue Milton Avenue Amherst Street Dyer Street Bryn Mawr Drive -:Greenbrier Drive Turtle Creek University Boulevard -27 Emerson (4521 Belcalir) Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the Minutes of the Meeting of April 19, 1971 be approved after changing the word condition of to contract by in paragraph 4, line 4, page 2. This pas s ed unanimously. Mayor Germany stated the the Public Hearing for the paving assessments : for a portion of Durham Street, a portion of Roland Street and a portion of an alley west of Hillcrest Avenue extending approximately 162.5 feet south from the south line of Granada Avenue would be held at this time. The hearing had been advertised on April 8, 15 and 22, 1971 in the Park Cities News and all owners of property had been notified by registered mail on April 12, 1971. Mr. Maurice T. Benedict, 3040 Milton Avenue, owner of Lot 15, Block 4, and Mrs. Annie Klugh, 3037 Westminister, owner of Lot 1, Block 4, both in Westminister Place Addition, both protested the paving of the portion of Durham Street. Mrs. Fredna H. Davis, 3101 Westminister, owner of Lot 11, Block4, 363 Westminister Place Addition, stated she did not have themoney to pay for the paving but if the City wanted to pave same, she had no objection other than the money situation. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that the hearing be closed. This passed ~r~animously. , A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 110 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS AFTER NOTICE ANDA PUBLIC HEARING IN THE TIME AND MANNER REQUIRED BY LAW AND AFTER SUCH HEARING WAS CLOSED DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF ON DURHAM STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF MILTON AVENUE TO THE SOUTH LINE OF WESTMINISTER AVENUE; ROLAND STREET FROM ALLEY SOUTH OF EMERSON AVENUE TO THE ALLEY NORTH OF EMERSON AVENUE AND ALLEY WEST OF HILLCREST AVENUE EXTENDING APPROXIMATELY 162.5 FEET SOUT} FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF GRANADA AVENUE IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, FIXING THE AMOUNT THAT SUCH ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS SHALL BE ASSESSED FOR THEIR PROPORTIONATE PART OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS AS PROVIDED BY ARTICLE l105b, TITLE 28, REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS, BEING CHAPTER 106 OF THE ACTS OF THE SIXTIETH LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE CF TEXAS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the Texas Bitulithic Company, the low bidder, be awarded the contract for the paving of a portion of Durham Street, a portion of Roland Street and a portion of the alley west of Hillcrest Avenue. The bid being $19,62z~. 30. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 111 AN ORDINANCE REMOVING THE PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON THE EAST SIDE 364 OF 6000 BLOCK PRESTON ROAD AND NORTH SIDE OF 4000 BLOCK NORMANDY AVENUE A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the bid of Hall Sprinkler Company in the amount of $4, 8Of). be ~cce. p~ed fOr ~l~e,.,!ni~tallation/of a sprinkler system aiong the TOllWa~ and the parkway abutting Northwest Highway from Hillcrest Avenue to Airline Road providing the Hall Sprinkler Company would give the City a time schedule. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the low bid of Star Plastering Company in the amount of $3,795 be accepted to plaster the swimming pool floor. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the Mayor and City Manager-Clerk be authorized to refund to Mr. Laurence Hamric $11. 30 being taxes paid for an automobile that he did not own as of January 1, 1970. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following invoices be paid: Parr Equipment Company - $1,629.40 for repair of 955 Caterpillar used in landfill operation at Garland; Able Electric Company - $2, 570.69 being labor and materials for lighting system and conduit at swimming pool, this is partial payment; and Larry Lange Ford - $1,706. 34 for repairs to various City vehicles. This passed unanimously. City Manager-Clerk Leland Nelson was requested to acknowledge receipt of a communication from the City of Piano asking this City to pass a resolution relative to the commuter or salary tax as proposed by the City of Dallas on persons residing outside their city limits and tell them that it was the feeling of the Governing Body of this City that no 365 action be taken at this time. After discussing the request that this City become eligible for flood plain insurance and a letter from the Texas Water Development Board, it was decided to place this matter in abeyance for the time being. The Board of Commissioners considered the petition presented by Richard L. Bryan on April 19 requesting a storm sewer to alleviate the standing of water at the northeast corner of Hillcrest and Hanover. The estimated cost for a storm sewer at this location would be approximately $5,000. This request will be given further consideration. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 17TH DAY OF MAY, A.D., / ATTE ~ C IT ~NAGER'C LERK MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK COMMISSION CHAMBER MAY 17, 1971, AT 7:30 P.M. Present were: ~/iayor E. Wilson Germany, Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Others present: Dick P. Bill Terrill, Jack Kirven, L. H. Keene and Leland Nelson. 1971. Commissioner Robert L. Wood, J. A. Murphy, James E. Brown, Sullivan, Fred Chambers, Forrest E. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the Attendance List: 366 NAME ADDRESS Mr. & Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi 2945 University Boulevard Charles M. Powell, Sr. 3508 Haynie Avenue A. B. Barker 4056 Lovers Lane H. Braker 4012 Lovers Lane O. L. Manning 4060 Lovers Lane Dr. & Mrs. G. R. Branch 4005 University Boulevard Dr. & Mrs. J. T. Downs 4011 University Boulevard Mr. & Mrs. John C. Biggers 4008 University Boulevard Miss Patti Gruber 2905 Dyer Street Mrs. Robert P. Gruber 2905 Dyer Street Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Collier 4019 University Boulevard Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Harlan 3625 Granada Avenue Mrs. William Klugh 3037 Westminister Avenue Mrs. Vincent Carrizza 7301 Turtle Creek T. D. Boan 4020 University Boulevard R. P. Kincheloe, Jr. 4020 University Boulevard Mrs. V. E. Wallingford 4012 University Boulevard Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Wise 3444 University Boulevard Robert T. Halpin 3425 University Boulevard H. W. Risser 4020 Lovers Lane Charles R. Lessure 4016 Lovers Lane Mr. & Mrs. H. L. DeFord 3628 Greenbrier Drive Mrs. Jean B. Bally 4028 Lovers Lane Emily Olson 4024 Lovers Lane Richard E. Gray 6815 Hunters Glen Road W. V. Traeger 37 16 McFarlin Boulevard Mr. & Mrs. George B. Miller 4032 Lovers Lane Mrs. John J. Jauok, Jr. 4036 Lowers Lane D. L. Hawks 3419-21 Granada Avenue David T. Kodler 3528 University Boulevard Bruce C. Belling 151 Preston Tower Bldg. Mayor Germany called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek:, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the minutes of the meeting of May 3, 197~ be approved. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Board that the application of J. Fred McConathy requesting that the zoning in the 3100 block of Rosedale Avenue be changed from "B" Single Family to "D" .Apartment House District be denied. This passed unanimously. A letter from Mr. John W. Clark, Jr., Attorney for Mr. McConathy, was presented asking that the zoning request be withdrawn from appearing before the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners discussed the recommendation of the Zoning Board that immediate attention be given to a proposed new comprehensive zoning ordinance study. It was decided that this subject would be delayed until a future time. The request of Mrs. V".B. Klugh, 3037 Westminister Avenue, that she be permitted not to lay sidewalks alongside her property when the paving of Durham Street is done, was denied. It was explained to Mrs. Klugh that sidewalks has been included in her pro rata part of the cost of paving Durham Street and also not to have sidewalks was a hazard. The request of Mrs. Delos W. Rentzel and her neighbors, Mrs. James A. Baker and Dr. and Mrs. Harry Wynn Rickey, that a street light be provided in the alley behind her home at 3400 Caruth Boulevard was denied. City Manager-Clerk Nelson was requested to write Mrs. Rentzel and advise her of the reiighting study wich is now being made for the City. If and when the lighting study is completed and approved, it will increase the lighting capacity on Hillcrest which should give relief to people in their back yards.. A motion was made by Commissioner l~eek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following Ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 11Z ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARI~i, TEXAS, CREATING FIRE LANES ALONG DURHAM STREET FROM DANIEL. AVENUE NORTH TO MILTON AVENUE AND I~ROVIDING A PENALTY FOR TIlE VIOLATION THEREOF A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner l~eekthat Resolution No. 71-5 be approved. Said Resolution is authorizing 368 the City Manager-Clerk to exchange with the Republic National Bank of Dallas original Customer's Receipt No. 165495, dated August 15, 1966 par value $700,000 bearing interest at 5 1/4 °~0 for a U. S. Treasury Note bearing interest at 5 percent, maturing August 15, 1972, in the amount of $700,000. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek'., seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following invoices be paid. This passed unanimously. City of Garland - $3, 858.04 - first quarter operation of landfill at Garland Larry Lange Fore, Inc. - $1, 324. 32 - new motor for garbage truck Houseman Insurance Company - $7,491.00 - Automobile Liability Houseman Insurance Company - $5. 766.00 ~ General Municipal Liability The Board requested that a letter be written to the Insurance Company requesting the retention of Property Damage Insurance. This letter is necessary in light of the recent ruling of the Attorney General. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the request from Taylor Chevrolet Company to withdraw their bid and cancel the purchase order because they could not meet the specifications on police vehicles was approved. Larry Lange Ford, Inc. was the next low bidder, total bid $11,029.20 that could meet specifications on police vehicles; therefore, the bid was awarded to Larry Lange Ford, Inc. This passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 7TH DAY OF JUNE, A.D., 1971. CITY: 1VLA NA GER - C/L ERK MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK CITY HALL AUDITORIUM JUNE 7, 1971, AT 7:30 P.M. Present were: Mayor E. ~Vilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also present: Dick P. Wood, Forrest E. Keene, Jack t~irven, James Murphy, James Brown, L. H. Sullivan, Fred Chambers, J. D. ~Voodard, Bill Terrill and Leland Nelson. The following is the names and addresses of the persons attending the meeting who signed the Attendance List. Name Address Martha Gene Beaty Mrs. R. B. James Mr. & Mrs. H. I_,. Mr. R. T. Halpin E. A. Wood, Jr. N. J. Needham DeFord Mayor Germany called the 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 3Z40 Purdue Street 3628 Greenbrier Drive 3425 University Boulevard 3533 Colgate Avenue 43Z8 McFarlin Boulevard meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, Sullivan that the minutes of the meeting of May 17, passed unanimously. Mayor Germany explained to the audience the status of the City Hall remodeling. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, Commissioner Peek, una nim ou sly. 3 69' seconded by Commissio;~er 1971 be approved. This seconded by that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed 370 ORDINANCE NO. 113 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10--7, ARTICLE I, SALE , STORAGE, AND USE OF EXPLOSIVES, L. P. G., ETC. PROHIBITED BY THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AND DEFINING A TRUCK ROUTE FOR L. P. G. CARRIERS A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Corem- issioner Sullivan that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimous ly. ORDINANCE NO. 114 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, CREATING FIRE LANES ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF TURTLE CREEK LANE FROM TURTLE CREEK BOULEVARD TO LOVERS LANE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the bid from Highway Machinery Company in the amount of $12, 500.00 for an Austin-Western Motor Grader Model 99L; said 1962 Motor Grader carries a 90 day warranty on all parts and labor, be approved. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissior. Ler Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the bid of Conley-Lott Nichols Machinery be accepted. Company for a heater planer in the amount: of $7,930.00/. The bid includes the help of an engineer from the manufacturer to help install the heater and to train a man in the operating techniques. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissio~Ler Sullivan, seconded, that the fol- lowing invoices be approved. This passed unanimously. (1) Bowles & Edens Corporation - $1,098. 30 for pipes and valves used at swimming pool. (2) Pak-Mor Manufacturing Company - $1,647.78 for telescopic cylinder to be put on sanitation truck. (3/ General Electric Company - $1,409.80 for two walkie talkie radios and a battery charger to be used by motorcycle patrolmen. The Board of Commissioners discussed the appointing of a Board of Equalization. It was decided to take this appointment under consideration at the June 21, 1971 meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that personal property taxes for the years 1935 through 1970 in the amount of $25, 237. 37 and real property tax in the amount of 60 cents, total taxes $25,237.97 be placed on the inactive tax roll. This passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. t~ASSED AND AI~I~ROVED THIS THE Z1S~T DAY OF JUNE, A.D., 1971 ,-.-"' , , .,.... , , , ...... -.- -.- , , ...... -.- -.- , , , , , , , ~..... , , , , ,-.-"' -.-°' , ¥. , MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY i~ARK CITY HALL AUDITORIUM JUNE 21, 1971, AT 7:30 1~.M. 37] Present were: L. Sullivan. Also present: Mayor E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert DickP. Wood, Jack B. Kirven, James Murphy, L. H. Sullivan, J. D. Woodard, Joe Churchman, James E. Brown, Fred L. Chambers, Larry Wilson and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. 372 NAME Mr. & Mrs. M. Ratcliffee Robert W. Shytlis Martha Gene Beaty H. L. DeFord James Sanders Mrs. Robert P. Gruber Richard Bywaters W. D. Jordan Liz McAuley Mrs. Frand E. Wood R. T. Halpin Melvin W. Jackson ADDRESS 3501 Caruth Boulevard 3736 Stanford Street 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 3628 Greenbrier Drive Associated Communications Service 2905 Dyer Street 3425 3429 3441 3437 3425 3629 Caruth Boulevard Caruth Boulevard Caruth Boulevard Caruth Boulevard University Boulevard Colgate Avenue Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the minutes of the meeting of June 7, 1971, be approw.~d as correct. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that Charles l~owell, Edward A. Wood, Jr. and Arthur Barnes be appointed members of the Board of Equalization for the year 1971. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded that the following bids be accepted: Low bidder, Liquified Petroleum Gas, Inc. in the amount of $.097 per gallon with no charge for storage tank for 35,000 gallons of propane to be used in heater planer operation and iow bidder Associated Communications Service in the amount of $321.00 per month - total payment for year $3,852.00 for maintenance of the two-way radio equipment. This passed unanimous ly. Mr. Robert W. a letter from Jerry N. Shytlis, 3736 Stanford Street, appeared in behalf of Jordan, requesting that the City use the federal program called "Legacy of Parks" under the jurisdiction of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. It was decided that this subject would need further study. 373 The Texas Highway Department Proposal will be placed in abeyance for the time being. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the request from the Highland Park Presbyterian Church that they be given permission to use Williams Park to palyvolleyball on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday even- ings from 7:00~ p.~m. until dark for the month of July only if no problems arose. This passed unanimosuly. The church's request was for the entire summer. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the City Manager be allowed to make refunds on swimming tags where errors are made by the City's office in charging people who should not have been charged or where there are duplicate payments. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the Purchasing Agent be requested to take bids on a lease with an option to buy and also bids on the outright purchase of an air compressor with actual purchase of the air compressor to be made after this City's new budget year. This passed unanimously. The lighting of the Caruth Park tennis courts was discussed. Those appearing for the lighting were: l~ichard Bywaters, Jordan, 3429 Caruth. Appearing against were: Mr. 3425 Caruth and W. D. Bev. Ficke, 3500 Greenbrier, F. E. Wood, 3437 Caruth, M. 1~. 1Katcliffe, 3501 Caruth and Mr. McAuley, 3441 Caruth Boulevard. This subject will be discussed again at the meeting of July 6, 1971. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the following invoices be paid; Bowles & Edens - $1,033.68 for 24 joints of six inch mechanical joint cast iron pipe used for the water main extension 374 under Roland Street to put in fire hydrants preceeding the~paving of Roland Street and Darr Equipment Company - $3,317.75 for repairs to the final drive and universal joint on the caterpillar used at the landfill site. This passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 6TH DAY OF JULY, A.D., 1971. ~-~ ~A Y OR GITY ~ANAGER2 RK MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK CITY HALL AUDITORIUM JULY 6~ 1971 AT 7:30 P..M. Present: Mayor E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan. Also Present: Dick P. Wood, James Murphy, L.H. Sullivan, Jack B. Kirven, James E. Brown, Fred L. Chambers, Larry Wilson, Bill Terril!, J.D. Woodard, Forrest E. Keene, and Letand Nelson. The following is the names and addresses of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Name Address Paul Witt Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lallier Mrs. Robert R. Gruber Lydia Lucrecia Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Gozzaldi Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Harlan B.W. Fickle Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. ?erdue 3417 Shenandoah 7727 Bryn Mawr 2905 Dyer Buenos Aires, Argentina 2945 University 3625 Granada 3500 Greenbrier 3413 Villanova Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. -- 375 A motion was madeby Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the minutes of the meeting of June 21, 1971, be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the request for lighting of the Caruth Park tennis courts be postponed until the meeting on August 2, 1971. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the ordinance which one-ways Shenandoah Avenue from Hillcrest Avenue west to Key Street be postponed until the meeting on August 2, 1971. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the proposal of a coordinating committee-to help the Highway Department in the classification and selection of the ]=ederal Aid Urban SYstem be approved, subject to certain reservation by the City. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the ordinance written by City Attorney ~ood, prohibiting trailer homes~ as defined by the City ordinances, from being used as a place of abode in University Park. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the resolution designating July 19, 1971, as the date for opening depository bids for the coming year be approved. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the following invoices be accepted; Bowles and Edens Corporation in the amount of $1257.25 for 475 feet of six inch cast iron pipe which was used on the Durham Street water line - Larry Lange i~ord in the amount of $1153.28 for a variety of repairs to City vehicles. $464.48 of this particular invoice is for repairs to a patrol car involved in an accident. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the request for approval of a street light in the area of Caruth and Turtle Creek, and in addition, 376 two street lights which will light the lot being bought from Coffee, Coffee, and Chantilis, be approved. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the approval of the location of the creative play area in Caruth Park which was presented by Mr. La!lief be accepted. This passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PAooED AND APP~VED T~S Th~ 19TH DAY OF/~~JULY. ~.D.,~[~971. ~~ ~.I TY ~;~AGER-CLERK / MI N~.FFE S BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK CITY .HALL AUDITO, RIUM JULY 197 1971 AT 7:30 P.M. Present: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan, and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also Present: Forrest E. Keene, Jack Kirven, James Murphy, LH. Sullivan, James D. Woodard, Bill Territl, Larry Wilson, and Le!and Nelson. The following is the names and addresses of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Name Addre s s R.B. Kincheloe Col. and Mrs. S.Z. Abelow Mrs. M.B. Cohn Jerry W. Lynch Albert Lidji Cleo P. Imes J.P. Floyd T.N. Fun ks Bryant F. Giland 4020 University Blvd. 5848 Del Roy Drive, Dallas Dallas 4331 Lovers Lane Lou Latt~more, Inc. 1118 Tenison 3402 Univers ity 4502 Lovers Lane 3402 University Dick Manders Jerry E. Kirsch Lois Gordon Lynn ;,7i 1 so n B.H. Allen D.Y. Mei senbach E.C. Elrod J.L. Hickman $.J. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bonnet Maxine Allen E.D. Duncan Bob 7'Ii nega rd A .C W~ne · ~': gard .~,~.T. I'"/i negard N.J. ~ikulec Don Petter ',~. V. Eraeze Estelte McCary Lin Kimmer, Jr. Lin Kimmer, Sr. Andrew Hijl Jennifer Lanier Jack Lanier S.C. Gill, Jr. K.W. Valentine J.E.I.'Thee 1 er ~'~' .E. Brownlee H.L. King Sam Fancher R.M. Ri zo R.$. Gozza!di George L. Starnes Mrs. Robert P. Gruber Harry Hill R.M. Lindsley Roy Hannah, Jr. Marc Sullivan Jim Alley ~Ars. Tom Morton Leslye I)le aver Clifford Russell Gall Russell Conley Andre~s Frank J. Evans James O. Moody L.E. Murrell Mrs. Vincent Correzza Mrs. ~-~7.M. Sanders Mary Helen Lunn Mrs. Norman Hines Norman Hines Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Nagle, Jr. ~.~r. and ~Vms. H.M. ~,"lilley 4502 Lovers Lane 4441 Lovers Lane 4441 Lovers Lane 3402 University 3402 University 4400 Lovers Lane 3816 Stanford 3402 University 10770 Lake Gardmns Dr. 4416 Hyer 4412 Hyer 4325 Lovers Lane 4325 Lovers Lane 4331 Lovers Lane 4333 Lovers Lane 4331 Lovers Lane Hillcrest State Bank 3716 McFarlin 4333 Lovers Lane 4439 Lovers Lane 4439 Lovers Lane 4432 Concho 2012 Meadowcreek 2012 Meadowcreek 5523 E11 sworth 5023 Manet/ 10203 Estacado Drive 5918 E. Mockingbird 4325 Harvey, Mesquite P.O. Box 30214 2932 Milton 2945 University 4510 Fairway 2905 Dyer 3817 ~'entwood 2108 Main 6827 Antler 3012 Southwestern 3100 Bryn Mawr 2931 Lovers Lane 7008 Dublin 3402 University 3402 University 4423 Lovers Lane 4516 Lovers Lane Grand Prairie Arlington, Texas 7301 Turtle Creek 3633 Haynie 10804 Cotillion 3429 Amherst 3429 Amherst 4117 Amherst 4356 Lovers Lane 377 378 Frank M. Adams 2414 Lowery Street Michael K. Bartlett 4424 Bryn Mawr Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek, that the minutes of the meeting of July 6, lc)71, as amended, be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. Mayor Germany and the other members o£ the Board listened as Superintendent J.P. F:loyd of the Park Cities Branch Post Office expressed his concern over the fact that for many months parking was allowed on the property owned by Hillcrest State Bank. Chief of Police, ~:'orrest Keene has forbidden the parking of automobiles on this area as it is a violation of the zoning ordinances of the City of University Park. Mayor Germany assured Mr. Floyd that the board was aware of the parking problem. Many owners attended and questioned the proposed plan for a new traffic pattern for Miracle Mile as presented by Jim Murphy, Engineer for Planning and Public :Abrks. Mayor Germany informed the citizens of attendance that no action would be taken at this time. Mayor Germany further stated that it was the feeling of the Board that any 'traffic change of Miracle Mile would be ~nsidered and instituted when and if Lovers Lane were widened between Douglas and Preston Road. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that a tax refund in the amount of $13.40, be made to H.L. Markham, Jr., 3505 Stanford. Th.~s passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the bank depository for the coming year, ending July, 1972, be awarded to Hillcrest Stae Bank. Their application is as follows: Maturi ty One Year or more 180 Days to One Year 90 Days to 179 Days Maximum percent per annum 6 1/4 3/4 5 1/2 On deoosits of less-than $100,000.00, the bank will pay interest at the following rates: Maturity 90 Days or more, but less than One Year 1 Year or more, but less than 2 Years 2 Years or more This passed unanimously. Maximum per cent per annum 5 5 1/2 5 3/4 A motion was made by Con~nissioner Peek, seconded, that the following bids be approved. 1. Larry Lange ~ord: in the amount of $7,894.41 for a truck and packer body with the addition of $292,80 for steel-belted tires. The total amount of the bid being $8,187.21. 2. Pak-Mor Manufacturing Company: in the amount of $8,890.00, for a packer body capable of using a cable system for emptying garbage recepticles. The Board asked that the budget be amended to allow for additional money for the purchase of the garbage truck. These passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the bid for 90,000 square yards of slurry seal be awarded to Dalworth Slurry Seal, Inc., for .88¢ per square ya~t, or $16,920.00. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the following bids be approved: 1. _Conl~f-Lo%% Nichols Machinery Company~ for an engine driven air compressor - on a lease/purchase agreement of $200 per month !o be applied to the net cost of the air compressor which is $3,151.00. 2. Eagle Signal Company: in the amount of $5,298.67 for a traffic signal at Dickens and Lovers Lane. /hese passed unanimously. There were no bids received for the water line on Hillcrest. This is to be re-bid. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded, that the following inv6ices be approved: 380 1. Larry Lange Ford: in the amount of $2,032.63, for a ne~ transmission and rear end for garbage truck #1623, and miscellaneous repairs to f:ord vehicles. 2. City of Garland: in the amount of $4,737.?4 for our proportionate share of landfill costs at the Garland landfill site. These passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that %he west side of Dickens Avenue in the 6400 through ~he 7000 blocks and the east side of the 6600 block be fire-!aned. This passed unanimously. The ~ard considered the reco~endation from the City Manager in regard %o additional charges for carry-ou~s. This discussion was precipitated by ~he building of residences in Block 19 of Stratford Manor. The Board direc%ed lhe Administrative S~aff to at,emit to work out an alley dedication for Block 19 of Stratford Manor and ~o further bring to the Board of Co~issioners a complete lis~ of carry-outs at a la,er da~e. ~s. Norman Hines ask~ thai the City check in~o a safety nuisance at 3433 Amherst. Mayor Germany asked ~hal the Ci~:y ~anager check in~o this problem. There being no further business, ~he meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED ~IIS ~E 2ND DAY OF~U~T.. A~D., 1971. MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK CITY HALL AUDITORIUM AUGUST 2, 1971, AT 7:30 P.M. 38 Present: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. ~thers present: Dick P. Wood, Jack B. Kirven, Fcc rest E. Keene, Fred L. Chambers, James E. Brown, James D. Woodard, L. H. Sullivan, James A. Murphy and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Mr. & Mrs. Hal Jackson 3405 Mr. & Mrs. Morrelle K. Ratcliffe Mrs. Vincent Carrozza 7301 Mr. & Mrs. H. L. DeFord 3628 Jane Rejebian 3724 Ann Tucker 3628 Edith P. Sherman 3505 Mrs. Izetta Sherman 3505 Vincent Kaun 3540 Gene G. Marwill 3500 Bev. Ficke 3500 Richard C. Knight 3504 Siz McAuley 3441 Larry Wood 3437 Dick Bywaters 3425 R. H. Swenson 3501 Caruth Boulevard 3501 Caruth Boulevard Turtle Creek Greenbrier Drive Colgate Avenue Marquette Greenbrier Drive Greenbrier Drive Rankin Street Ranking Street Greenbrier Drive Greenbrier Drive Caruth Boulevard Caruth Boulevard Caruth Boulevard Rankin Street Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the minutes of the meeting of July 19, 1971, be approved. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following Ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. Bev Ficke Hal Jackson Larry Wood Luther Fisher 382 ORDINANCE NO. 117' AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A ONE-wAy STREET ON SHENANDOAH AVENUE FROM HILLCREST AVENUE TO KEY STREET AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THEREFOR The Board of Commissioners again discussed the lighting of the tennis courts in Caruth Park. All property owners in the vicinity of Caruth Park had previously been notified of the proposal. The following persons appeared and expressed desire to have the courts lighted. Mr. Fincher Jane Rejet~ian Ann Tucker Richard Bywaters The following persons appeared opposing the lighting of the tennis courts. Richard Knight Miss Sherman Dr. W eidrnan A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Mayor Germany that the tennis courts in Caruth be lighted. Commissioner Peek voted "Nay". The Board of Commissioners discussed the recommendation of the City Plan Commission to name two different half blocks of dedicated streets in the City of University Park. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the following resolution be approved. This passed unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 71-7 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY PLAN COMMISSION TO NAME TWO DIFFERENT HALF BLOCKS OF DEDICATED STREETS IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS (Lomo Alto Drive Extension and Armstrong Boulevard Extension) The cost study of carry out service will be discussed at the meeting of September 7, 1971. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the request from the Highland Park Presbyterian Church that they be granted permission to use Williams Park to play volley ball on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 7:00 p.m. until dark during the month of August was unanimously approved. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following resolution be approved. This passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 7 1-8 RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBE1K 1, 1971, AND ENDING S)EPTEMBER 30, A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, Sullivan, that the following resolution be approved. RESOLUTION 71-9 1972. seconded by Commissioner This passed unanimously. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, DESIGNATING THE HILLCREST STATE BANK AS DEPOSITORY FOR THE YEAR ENDING JULY 31, 197Z. Mr. Gene Marwill, Mr. R. H. Swenson and Mr. Vincent Kaun appeared and discussed the ordinance fire laning Dickens Avenue from McFarlin Boulevard to Lovers.. Lane which was adopted on July 19. Mr. Marwill asked why the property owners were not notified. It was explained to Mr. Marwill and the other gentlemen that the Police Department had made the recommendation and the Traffic Committee has reviewed same with the thought in mind of the safety of neighborhood children and pedestrians and for 384 that ~reason the ordinance would stand. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. I~ASSED AND APPROVED, THIS THE 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, -,-'" * * * ;1'- ;','- * * * ;l'--,-'" * :1-' * ;1'- * * * * '* ;',-' * * * ;',-' * * A.D., 1971. * * * * * * * * * * MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK CITY HALL AUDITORIUM AUGUST 16, 1971, AT 7:30 P.M. Present: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Comrr[issioner Fred N. Peek. Others present: DickP. Wood, For rest E. Keene, JackB. Kirven, James Murphy, James Brown, Bill Terrill, Larry' Wilson and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Mrs. W. T. Payne 3316 Mrs. Dan P. Johnston 3301 Mrs. W. P. Malone 3237 Eula Mae Hayton 3300 Mrs. G. C. Wilson 4412 Homer Watson 3485 Mr. & Mrs. W. A. McNeill 4408 M. J. Dowling 4415 Mrs. Pauline Hammon 3329 Mrs. Bill West 3008 Mr. & Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi 2945 Mrs. Doug Peabody 3213 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Tipton 3217 Scott Lallier 7727 Marc Sullivan 30 12 Stewart Prather 2817 Purdue Street Purdue Street Purdue Street Purdue Street Bryn Mawr Drive Hanover Street Bryn Mawr Drive Southwestern Boulevard Milton Avenue Dyer Street University Boulevard Northwest Parkway Northwest Parkway Bryn Mawr Drive Southwestern Boulevard Amlher st Street W. R. Goff 3108 Glen Shumaker 3426 J. 1~. Nelson 3700 Mr. & Mrs. H. L. DeFord 3628 Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Perdue 3413 R. Harlan 3625 J. M. Bennett 3621 Duffield Smith, Jr. 3213 O. M. Stubblefield 4037 Mrs. R. P. Gruber Jules Herlong M. L. McDaniel Mr. k Mrs. John G. Biggers 4008 Douglas B. Reid 3225 Mrs. George R. Hicks 4412 Mrs. C. W. Coon, Jr. 4329 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Myers 2731 Leslye Weaver 7008 Marion Morton 2931 Curtis Parker 3553 Charles Zapffe 27 20 Louis Hexter 3915 Caruth Boulevard Potomac Avenue Greenbrier Drive Greenbrier Drive Villanova Drive Granada Avenue Granada Avenue Bryn Mawr Drive Druid Lane 2905 Dyer Street 3442-46 McFarlin Boulevard 3444 McFarlin Boulevard University Boulevard Northwest Parkway Stanford Street Stanford Street Daniel Avenue Dublin Street Lovers Lane Villanova Drive Stanford Street Euclid Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the minutes of the meeting of August 2, 1971 be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. Mr. Scott Lallier discussed his creative play area plans for Caruth Park. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that further consideration for the creative play area plans be deferred until after the budget hearing. This passed unanimously. The Board of Commissioners will discuss the street lighting program at the meeting September 7, 1971. Mr. Louis Hexter stated that he would contribute $3,716 toward the lighting in Preston Center Plaza Shopping Center which is owned by him. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. 386 ORDINANCE NO. 118 ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE DISPENSING OF ANY FLAMMABLE LIQUID USED AS A MOTOR FUEL OR DESIGNATED AS A FLAMMABLE LIQUID AT A WHOLESALE OR RETAIL SALE FROM ANY MOBILE SERVICE UNIT, VEHICLE, TANK TRUCK, OR OTHER MOBILE DEVICE INTO THE FUEL TANK OF ANY MOTOR VEHICLE PARKED ON ANY OFFSTREET PARKING FACILITY OR ANY PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY OR STREET WI[THIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE DELIVERY OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS TO AUTHORIZED UNDERGROUND INSTALLATIONS AND TO STREET MAINTENANCE INSTALLATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION SITES WHEN APPROVED BY THiE FIRE MAP~g-IAL AND PROVIDING FOR A FINE NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($Z00.00) FOR EACH VIOLATION THEREOF A motion was made by Commissioner Peek,. seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following ordeinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 119 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, PROVIDING TWO HOUR PARKING ON ARMSTRONG BOULEVARD EXTENSION AND LOMO ALTO DRIVE EXTENSION AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THEREOF The Board of Commissioners will consider fire laning Asbury Street from the offset of High School on the east to the offset of High School on the west for approximately 175 feet on September 7, 1971. All persons owning property on the north side of Asbury Street in the vicinity where the fire lane is proposed will be notified before the meeting Septernber 7, 1971, as well as persons residing on the south side of Asbury. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1Z0 ORDINANCE DEFINING DISORDERLY CONDUCT AND MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON ACTING ALONE OR WITH OTHERS TO ENGAGE IN DISORDERLY CONDUCT AND PROVIDING A PENALTY A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following resolution be approved. This passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 7 1- 10 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, ACCEPTING THE BID OF DALWOtKTH SLURRY SEAL, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,9Z0 FOR PAVING PORTIONS OF ARMSTRONG BOULEVARD, DOUGLAS AVENUE AND HILLCREST AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH DALWORTH SLURRY SEAL, INC. On January 18, 1971, the City of University Park entered into an agreement with Horace Dryden, Architect, to remodel the City Hall with the provision of 8. 3 percent of a maximum $450,000.00 project. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to enter into an agreement with Dryden, West & Humphries, Architects, revising the estimate not to exceed $750,000 for cost of remodeling City Hall with the architect fees not to exceed $6Z, 500 and that the agreement entered into on January 18, 1971, be cancelled and annulled and the new agreement substituted therefor. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that 1Kesolution No. 71-11 be approved. Said resolution is authorizing the City Manager-Clerk to exchange with the Republic National Bank of Dallas, Receipt Numbers 13582/83 and 13584, dated March 1Z, 1962, par value $200,000 and $100,000.00 respectfully, bearing interest at four percent for a U. S. Treasury Note bearing interest at seven percent and maturing November 15, 1975 in the amount of $300,000.00. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Mayor Germany that Resolution 71-12 be approved. Commissioner Sullivan voted "Nay". Said resolution sets out that the City of University Park supports the application of the North Central Texas Council of Governments for a Federal Grant for making a Systems Analysis Study and Regional Plan for Solid Waste Disposal for the North Central Texas Region and the City pledges its proportionate share 388 of approximately $1,460, which share is based on the 1970 population distribution. The Board of Commissioners postponed discussing the final plan for the projected Dallas-Ft. Worth Regional Transportation System until the Gity Manager could talk to Mr. John Keller, D:istrict Engineer, regarding Preston Road. A motion was made by Gommissioner Peek, seconded by Gommissioner Sullivan that the bid from Superior Utilities in the amount of $17,000 on the replacement of the cast iron water main on Hill. crest Avenue from Hanover Street to Southwestern Boulevard be accepted and that the budget be amended to take care of this contingency. This passed uaanimously. A motion was made by Gommissioner Sullivan, seconded by Gommissioner Peek that the invoices from Dart Equipment Gompany in the amount of $1,250.00 for the rental of a caterpillar 955-K traxcavator and Scott Lallier in the amount of $1, 269. 80 being for master plans on the parks be approved. This passed unan- imously. Mr. Charles Zapffe asked the Board of Commissioners several questions regarding the tax evaluation. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 7TH DAY ,,OF SEPTEMBER, A.D., 1971. ./ G IT Yi MANA GER~-C I~ERK MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS COMMISSION C HA MB]ER SEPTEMBER 7, 1971, AT 7:30 13.M. Present: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek Others present: Dick P. Wood, Jack B. Kirven, James Murphy, Bill Terrill, l~orrest Keene, Fred Chambers, James Brown, Larry Wilson and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list: Martha Gene Beaty 3915 H. L. DeFord 3628 J. C. Winborn 4209 A. J. Sebastian, Jr. 3517 Robert Bell 4010 Douglas B. Reid 3225 Lynne Dower 4131 Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Perdue 3413 Norman Hines 3429 Martha Carlson 3520 Don Pike 4201 Warren H. Hall ·7501 Carroll Bennett 6007 Ed Merritt 3526 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Halpin 3425 Mr..~k Mrs. D. H. Byrd 6905 W. H. Hunt 4205 Mr. & Mrs. G. B. Rickey 3215 F. H. Blanchard 3000 John F. Shelton 3535 Richard L. Powell 3548 C. Douglass Forde, Jr. 3601 A. E. Ladd 3532 H. Sam Davis, Jr. 2824 Mr. & Mrs. John C. fSiggers 4008 R. S. Woods 3400 G. T. Blackman 4016 A. M. Wiesner 6620 Gharles Adler 3224 Herb Durham Edgar J. Murphy Bryn Mawr Drive Greenbrier Drive Hanover Street Hanover Street Shenandoah Avenue Northwest Parkway Normandy Avenue Villanova Drive Amherst Street Centenary Drive Purdue Street Turtle Creek St. Andrews Asbury Street University Boulevard Vassor Drive McFarlin Boulevard Hanover Street Purdue Street A sbury Street Bryn Mawr Drive Haynie Avenue Hanover Street Hanover Street University Boulevard Bryn Mawr Drive' G entenary Drive Golf Drive Lovers Lane 3507 Bryn Mawr Drive 3401 Wentwood Drive 390 Dan B. Hay Albert Munster Robert W. Ryan, Jr. M. F. Richardson Frances Bell Roy F. Cooper R. G. Wells Robert O. Mizell Leon C. Jackson D. E. Crouser, Jr. Frank Hundley Cecil L. Smith Robert M. Allman J. N. Marshall, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. D. LeonPeavy Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank Williams C. C. Roessler Mr. & Mrs. S. A. Knapp Mr. & Mrs. N. S. McBrayer Mr. & Mrs. D. W. Rentzel George M. Focke Mr. & Mrs. J. Curtis Baker Mrs. C. F. Barnard Carlton Meredith, Jr. Goetz Harwig Robert Nic oud Robert J. Munn Mrs. Roy T. Johnsey Harry Baird Mr. & Mrs. H. Yeargan, Jr. JohnA. Henry, III Mrs. James E. Wilson John N. Pingree Donald J. McMahon Frank B. Haughton Mr. & Mrs. K. C. Tipton Ray Davis Mr. & Mrs. D. L. Hawker David E. Conrad Nigel C. Stewart Ted O. Bartholow E. J. Eddie Stern Jerry N. Jordan M. B. Wright C. H. Davis Mr. & Mrs. L. R. Current MaryA. Brown Ed R. Crissey James P. Melton 3603 4208 4336 3501 4010 2716 3816 3720 6209 3457 4032 3500 3548 4441 4408 4312 3317 3812 4004 3400 3229 3813 3116 6825 3712 4009 3244 4417 3500 3016 3529 3233 2900 3824 3625 Hanover Street Purdue Street University Boulevard Hanover Street shenandoah Avenue Stanford Street Lovers Lane Caruth Boulevard Hillc rest Avenue Am]xer st Street Glenwick Lane Bryn Mawr Drive Milton Avenue McFarlin Boulevard Shenandoah Avenue Stanford Street Marquette Street Wentwood Drive Colgate Avenue Caruth Boulevard Villanova Drive Centenary Drive Caruth Boulevard Golf Drive Amherst Street Greenbrier Drive Stanford Street Grassmere Lane Marquette Street Fondr en Dr~ve Hanover Street Purdue Street Purdue Street Pur.due Street Rosedale ~reet 3217 Northwest Parkway Alpha Corp. 3521 Granida Avenue 2729 3848 3837 4220 3624 3231 3333 3425 3545 3320 3835 Purdue Street Garuth Boulevard G aruth Boulevard Normandy Avenue Hanover Street Greenbrier Drive Stanford Street A sbury Street Northwest Parkway Villanova Drive Northwest Parkway 3 9 Jean P. Zipp, Jr. 4025 Paul K. Lusk, Jr. 3717 W. H. Kosanke 3711 Courteney Thompson, Jr. 3313 Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Bruce 3309 Mrs. S. D. Livingston 31Z8 Mrs. Dick Sable 3949 Norman Germany 3540 W. C. McNeill 4408 Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Shirley 36Z1 P. B. Robertson 4409 R. It. Lutrick 3316 Mrs. W. P. Malone 3Z37 John M. Morris 3611 Charles Zapffe Z?Z0 Mrs. Douglass Peabody 3Z13 J. R. Nelson 3700 Dr. Watt W. Winn, Sr. 3520 Mrs. R. P. Gruber 2905 Mr. & Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi 2945 Mrs. Tom Morton 2931 Mrs. R. W. Archer Z93Z Leslye Weaver ?008 Donald R. Brown 3552 G. W. Wildrum 3833 C. W. Gully 3900 Mary Neaves 3440 Bryn Mawr Drive Purdue Street Northwest Parkway Marquette Street Marquette Stre.et Caruth Boulevard Marquette Street Wentwood Drive Bryn Mawr Drive Southwestern Boulevard Druid Lane Stanford Street Purdue Street University Boulevard Stanford Street Northwest Parkway Greenbrier Drive Hanover Street Dyer Street University Boulevard Lovers Lane Westminister Avenue Dublin Street Rankin Street Southwestern Boulevard Southwestern Boulevard Lovers Lane Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. Mayor Germany read a proclamation declaring the week of September 17-23, 1971 as "Constitution Week" in the City of University Park. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peekthat the minutes of the meeting of August 16, 1971, as amended, be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. The Mayor announced that this was the hour and date set for the public budget hearing whereupon the following people spoke regarding the tax re-evaluation, and the budget for 1971-72, etc.: Mr. Paul K. Lusk and Robert Bell. All in the auditorium were told that when the tax rate was established, it would be posted on the bulletin board in the main lobby of the City Hall. Chief t{eene, representing the Firemen and Policemen, who all attented the meeting, stated that this City's Fire and Police Personal 392: were one of the lowest paid (paid departments) and worked more hours than any town in the surrounding area as well as throughout the state except the Town of Highland l~ark. Hours for this City's Firemen ar.e 7Z, police 44 hours per week where other towns are fire 56, police 40 hours per week. Several people asked how much it would cost to raise fire and police salaries and lower the hours. Mayor Germany stated that it would cost approximately $~08,000. The following persons again began discussing the budget and stated they were in favor of better fire and police protect:ion for the City: Mrs. Rentzel, Mr. Robert Bell, Mr. E. J. Stern, Mr. Jerry Jordan, Mr. Carlton Meredith, Mrs. Mary Neaves, Mr. Albert Munster, Mr. W. T. Wright, Mr. R. S. Wood, Mr. Nigel C. Stewart, Mr. Robert J. Munn and Mr. L. R. Current. The above named people were also asking questions relating to the re-evaluation of the property in this City. Mayor Germany stated ~his was not a Board of Equalization Meeting but a public hearing on the budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1972. After many questions had been asked, Mayor Germany declared the hearing closed and a motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 121 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1971, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1972-, AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES AS SET OUT IN SAID BUDGET. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. 395 ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, CREATING FIRE LANES'ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF ASBURY AVENUE IN FRONT OF 354? THROUGH 3555 BLOCK AND NORTH SIDE IN FRONT OF 3600'THROUGH 3608 BLOCK, EACH SIDE BEING APPROXIMATELY 175 FEET, AND FINALLY PROVIDINGA PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF The discussion of the Selectronic Business Machines, located at 69Z9 Snider Plaza, regarding the parking situation by the store along Westminsiter Avenue ~s postponted to be hea~l at a later date.. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the bid of Maher Bros. Ford in the amount of $8,2]7. 21 for a truck to be used in the Sanitation Department, be accepted. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the recommendation of the Burroughs Corporation to lease a remote terminal (to be placed in City Hall) from the Equilease Leasing Corporation at a rate of $Z37.80 per month be accepted subject to a show and tell session. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that Naylor Supply Company be allowed to reline with plastic liner, in the amount of SZ, Z00 the sewer line in the 3900 block of Lovers Lane with the City doing certain excavations for the connecting sewer lines, etc. This passed unanimously. The Board of Commissioners will discuss the street lighting program at a later date. As requested by the Board of Commissioners at the August 16 meeting, Mr. John Keller of the Texas Highway Department was contacted regarding the Dallas-Ft. Worth Regional Transportation study to determine what the various designation meant on the highway study. It was explained that specifications for the type of thoroughfare on Preston Road had not been developed but early next year specifications will be made for an urban primary road which is to be the designation of Preston Road. Mr. Keller indicated that no follow-up action on the plan would probably be in effect for at least five years. A mo~ion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the plan be approved with the stipulation that when the specifications on ~n urban primary road are finalized that the specifications be presented to the Board for their final approval. This passed unani].~ously. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ZOTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D., 1971. CI~,Y MANAGER'2 CLERK f MINUTES CITY OF UNIVERSITY ]?ARK 394 Present: BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING C OMMISSI ON C HA MBER SEPTEMBER Z0, 1971; AT 7:30 P.M. Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L, Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. 395 Also present: Jack B. Kirven, Fred Chambers, J. A. Murphy, Bill T:errill, Larry Wilson and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list: Martha Gene Beaty 3915 MRS'. Dan P. Johnston 3301 Mrs. W. T. Payne 3316 Mrs. W. P. Malone 3237 Mrs. W. E. West 3008 Mrs. P. S. Paul 3012 Mr. & Mrs. R. S. Gozzaldi 2945 W. R. Minick 6929 J. E. Minick 6929 Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Emerson Mrs. Vincent Garrozza 7301 Mrs. Charles Barus 7305 Jim Frazier Park Bob Driegart Park Mike Marttlet Park Paul Erwin Park Charles Cart Park Mr. Kingwork Park T. A. Caffall, Jr. Park Bryn Mawr Drive Purdue Street Purdue Street Purdue Street Dyer Street Dyer Street University Boulevard S r~d.er Plaza Snider Plaza 3637 Haynie Avenue Turtle Creek Turtle Creek Cities Jaycees Cities Jaycees Cities Jaycees Cities Jaycees Cities Jaycees Cities Jaycees Cities Jaycees Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the minutes of the meeting September 7, 1971, previously mailed be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. Mr. William R. Minick, President of Selectronic Business Machines:,: 6929 Snider Plaza discussed the parking situation along the Westminister Avenue side of his store. He requested that the two-hour parking restriction be removed and that he be allowed to make the area private parking for employees and customers. It was decided to leave the two-hour parking restriction as is until both Mr. W. R. and J. E. Minick could study this situation and report back to the City Manager what their decision should be. 396 A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner This pas sed unanimously. Sullivan that the following Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 123 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, PROVIDING TWO HOUR PARKING IN THE 3000 BLOCK OF DYER STREET AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THEREOF A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by Mr. Peek that low bid from Humble Oil for oil anti'grease be accepted. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the low bid of Cleburne Truck and Body Sales, Inc. , SZ, 880 for 18 three cubic yard containers be accepted. This ]passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded bY Commissioner Peek that the request from the Park Cities YMCA to use Caruth and Goar Parks to play football on Wednesday and Saturday be granted. This passed unanimous ly. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to enter into a contract with Superior Utilities to do the water main along Hillcrest Avenue after the insertion of the words in paragraph Z of the Performance Bond are added. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissionrr Peek that the City inform the Texas Municipal League that this City cast its vote against the Texas Municipal League getting into new areas of service (1) cooperative purchasing plan and (Z) utility consulting service. This passed unanimously. The City of University Park will not join the County of Dallas in the Emergency Employment Act of 1971. The Board of Commissioners postpo ned discussing the uniform allowance for the Fire Department until a later date. Mike Bartlett with the Park Cities Jaycees discussed the Founders Day Ceremonies and parade for the year 197Z. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Mayor Germany that li~e Park Cities Jaycees be granted permission to use Goar Park for the Founders Day Ceremonies on April 15, 197Z at 10:30 a.m. and to use the same parade route as used on April 17, 1971. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the City borrow money from the Hillcrest State Bank as the checking account will be depleted by October 1, 1971 as tax money will not be coming in as anticipated. This passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 4TH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D., 1971. MAYOR 398 MINUT ES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY I~ARK COMMISSION CHAMBER~ OCTOBER 4, 1971, AT 7::30 P.M. Present: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Others present: J. A. Murphy, Larry Wilson, Fred L. Chambers, Pick P. Wood, Hurst Sullivan, James D. Woodard, James E. Brown, The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attenadance list: Mrs. Bob Heard Robert Swarm Martha Gene Beaty A1 GrOsberg K. L. Reddick N. C. Stewart Patty Parker Thomas L. Tyler Mrs. Robert P. Gruber Dr. & Mrs. T. Haynes HarVill R. T. Halpin Mrs. W. P. Malone Mrs. William F. Sertz, Jr. Mrs. Ed Be&rden 3923 4056 3915 2732 3829 3848 Bryn Maw~' Drive Druid Lane Bryn Mawr Drive Stanford Street Colgate Caruth Boulevard 8623 Southwestern Boulevard, Apt. P. O. Box 1095, SMU 2905 Dyer Street 4440 Larchmont Avenue 3425 University Boulevard 3237 Purdue Street 3212 Villanova Drive 3607 Amherst Street 236 Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the minutes of the meeting of September 20, 1971, be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the following Resolution be approved. This passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 7 1- 14 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, APPROVING THE GENERAL ROLLS OF TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY i~ARK, TEXAS, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 197i. 3'9 9 A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded byCommissioner Peek that the following Ordinance be adopted. This passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. AN O1KDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, MAKING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1971 ON ALL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY t~ARK AT SEVENTY- FIVE CENTS ON EACH AND EVERY ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR VALUATION A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that Resolution No. 71-15, be approved after the following words had been added in paragraph 3, page 2, "result in the forced consolidation." Resolution No. 71-15 asks that President Nixon intervene in Federal cases so that the integrity and jurisdiction of Independent Governmental Agencies are protected izn accordance with the Constitution and Laws of the United States. The City Manager was requested to send this Resolution to President Nixon. This passed unanimously. Mr. Robert Swarm discussed with the Board of Commissioners the noise from the car wash located at 6815 Preston Road. Chief Keene was requested to check into the nuisances regarding the car wash. Mrs. Bob Heard appeared in behalf of her son, a student at the University of Texas, who had received two tickets, one for speeding and one for no operators license. The Director of Finance was authorized to make a refund in the amount of $20.00 subject to confirmation of a clerical error by the Police Department. There bein no further business, the meeting recessed. .~PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 18TH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. , 1971. A TTEST:cIT/'Y~ MANAGER-C%ERK 4OO MINUT ES CITY OF UNIVERSITY 13ARK BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING COMMISSION CHAMBER OCTOBER 18, 1971, AT 7:30 P.M. 13resent: Mayor E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Fred N. Others present: Dick13. Wood, Jack B. Kirven, Fred L. Chambers, James E. Brown, L. H. Sullivan, Floyd Miller, James A. Murphy, James D. Woodard, Bill Terrill, Forrest E. Keene and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Grady Bishop Wanda & Larry Herriott C. Robert Young Howard Beasley, Jr. B. C. Booe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. M. 13erdue Mrs. Nan Simpsonl Marie McCarthy Mike Katz Mr. & Mrs. James Lane Mrs. Morton King Mrs. Robert 13. Gruber Mrs. W. 13. Malone Capt. & Mrs. M. C. Cope Tom Campbell 3008 Westminister 6000 Chalet Court #5114 Great Southern Life Insurance 370 1 Greenbrier Drive 452 1 Belc. laire 3413 Villanova Drive 3433 Bryn Mawr Drive 10600 13reston Road 10600 13reston Road 1214 LaFiesta, Grand 13rairie 4049 Stanford Street 2905 Dyer Street 3237 13urdue Street 1211 Ber].dey 6708 Hilaleah Mayor Germany called the meeting to order'. Mayo Germany asked that Mr. Tom Norwell Campbell, who retired from the Fire Department September 30, 1971, after serving 26 years and five months to come forward. He presented Mr. Campbell with a watch and congratulated him on his many years of faithful service to this City. Chief of the Fire Department Forrest Keene then presented Mr. Campbell a. cahsier's check and also congratulated him. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the Minutes of the meeting October 4, 1971, received through the mail be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. The Board of Commissioners denied the request of Mrs. Morton King, Immediate Past President of the American Association of University Women to use Northcrest Park for a Hobby and Craft Art Fair to be held in April, 197Z. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the two hour parking restriction remain in the 6600 block of Hillcrest Avenue on the west side. .This passed unanimously. Several business establishments in the area had requested the two hour restriction b~ changed to 30 minutes. The City Manager was requested to notify Mr. R. J. Stephens of the decision of the Board setting out the reason for their action was because with the present police force they could not adequately enforce the thirty minute restriction, etc. Mr. Howard Beasley, Jr. discussed the property owned by the City located at the intersection of Greenbrier Drive and Preston Road. He would like for the property to be landscaped and improved. This land is now being used for a parking lot by the University Park Methodist Church. Mr. Beasley was told that the Church would be requested to get some plans and specifications to present to the Board for their approval to landscape the lot. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the City reimburse the City of Garland $4,7 1Z. 61 being this City's portion of landfill costs for the months of July, August and September. This passed unanimously. 402 A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that Ben Griffin Tractor Company be paid $1,624. 13 for repairs to a back hoe attached to a Ford tractor. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that Great Southern Life Insurance Company be awarded the contract for insurance on City employees. Their bid was Seventy-two cents per thousand on the $2,000 life insurance and Seven Cents for accidental death and dismemberment. Said company has an option whereby City employees can purchase extra insurance at the same rate the City pays. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the bid of Riverview Equipment Company in the amount of $17, gOO for a front- end loader be accepted. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the low bid from P. A. Ross Machinery Company in the arnount of $6,600 be accepted to purchase a concrete mixer. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the low bids of Mot~z~r Truck Equipment in the amount of $1,521 for truck body with hoist and Maher Bros. in the amount of $4, 1ZS. 85 for a truck chassis be accepted. This pass.ed unanimously. The Board will appoint a member and an alternate member to the Dallas County Co-operative Study Committee. Mr. B. C. Booe, Jr. discussed with the Board placing a wooden fence on top of the chain link fence which separates Roland Street from the Tollway at the end of the 4500 block of Emerson Avenue. Several years ago the Board tenatively gave an O. K. to place a wooden fence at this location. 403 It was explained that this item had not been put in the budget and the fence would cost approximately $1,500. The Board assured Mr. Booe that they would make every effort possible to try and place a wooden fence on top of the chain link fence. Mrs. R. M. Perdue discussed again at length the improvement of the pay equipment in the City's parks. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 1ST DAY OF NOVEMBER, A.D. 1971. Present: MINUTES CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING COMMISSION CHAMBER NOVEMBER ~, 1971, AT 7:30 P.M. Mayor E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Fred N. Others present: Dick P. Wood, Jack B. Kirven, Fred L. Chambers , James E. Brown, James A. Murphy, Bill Terrill, Forrest E. Keene and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Mrs. W. P. Malone Mrs. Carrie Lee Carter Mrs. Gladys Wood Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Humphl'eys _Troup 641, Patrol 3 Mr. ~ Mrs. Allen Sprinkle 3237 Purdue Street 3212 Rosedale 3208 Ros edale 3212 Ros edale Girl Scouts, University Park 3221 Colgate Avenue 404 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Tipton E. A. Wood, Jr. W. J. Bouska Mrs. tt. P. Oruber Martha Gene Beaty 3217 Northwest Parkway 3533 Colgate Avenue 8648 Forrest Hills Boulevard 2905 Dyer ~Street 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek., seconded, that the minutes of the meeting of October 18, 1971, received through the mail be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. The Board of Commissioners received a request from the residents of the 3200 block of Rosedale requesting that Athens from Milton to P~osedale be reverted to a two-way street. After hearing the residents in the area, and after hearing comments from the Administrative Staff, the Board of Commissioners denied the change from a one-way to a two-way street on Athens from Milton to Rosedale. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the City accept the bid of Maher Brothers. Ford, Inc. :in the amount of $11, 135. for five police vehicles. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the low bid of Buckner Chrysler Plymouth in the amount of $3,336.26 for an automobile for the Public Works Department be accepted. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the City accept the low bid for a sewer flusher from Sanitary Hydraulics in the amount of $7,725. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek,, seconded, that the City buy an "A" frame and winch assembly from Fleet Equipment Company in the amount of $1, 886. The bid was predicated on tlhe fact that this was the lowest and best bid. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that a resolution be passed commending the long and faithful service of Judge W. L. (Lew) Sterrett. This resolution is in conjunction with a "Lew" Sterrett night on November 8. This passed unanimously. Mayor E. Wilson Germany appointed Commissioner Fred N. Peek as the member to represent University Park on the Cooperative Study Committee of the Dallas County League of Municipalities. He, also, appointed Commissioner Robert L. Sullivan as an alternative member to this committee. The Board postponed the consideration of payment of dues to the North Central Texas Council of Governments until all members of the Commission could be present at a meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the Budget of the ]Engineering Department, be reduced by $54, 500 and that the remaining budget be distributed as follows: Steam Cleaner Flat top sanitation truck Paint striper Concrete mixer Truck tractor Pickups Sewer Cleaner Equipment trailer Brush chipper Sewer Inspection camera Sanitation container trailer Garage Department Sanitation Department Street Department Street Department Meter Department Meter Department Sewer Department Street Departmer~t Sanitation Department Sewer Department Sanitation Department $1 5 2 5 8 4 ll 2 4 4 1 025. 650. 200. 776. 272. 600. 563. 500. 675. 400. 000. The total amount of the capital outlay in the Public Works Department is $51, 661. This passed unanimously. Mayor Germany asked if there were any further items. Troup 641 of the girl scouts talked about the pollution problems of Curtis Lake in Curtis Park. Enclosed and made a part of these minutes are the official statements of Troop 641. 40'5 406 Allen Sprinkle, 3221 Colgate, complained to the Board of Commissioners about the limb from his Bois d'Arc tree which was cut by the Park Department in the alley behind his house. It was his claim that this trimming had emasculated the tree and damaged it so much that it could not be trimmed properly hereafter. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 15TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A.D., 1971. CITY MANAGER ZCI~ERK Copy NoV. 8, 1971 November 1, 1971 Ladies and Gentlemen Our Girl Scout Troop 641 is being represented tonight by myself, Jean Barrier, Lee Brown and Jenny Wise to present our riews on pollution in Curtis Park. Now we know you get awfully tired of hearing about pollution, but we think we have some solutions tonight. First of all, take the land on Curtis Park grounds. It has a lot of trash, but that can be taken care of if we all work together. It is said that there is strength in numbers. So if we all clean up the park, then keep it that way, we'll have a chance. Our troop is going to slean up this park. All we ask is that we can have some support from you by letting us put up 4 or 5 signs by the trash cans about pollution. We think it will help and are ready to try. The messiest thing is really the water. It it weren't still, it would probably be a lot cleaner. We saw the filter on the section of the pond with the bridge over it. There was a tremendous amount of improvement inthe cleanliness, of the water. If it is money needed to buy the filter or fence-like thing in the water, then our troop could go over into Snider Plaza and collect contributions from people with your permission. If these things we've said tonight can be called solutions, maybe we could see some action take place. We're ready to do our part. MINUT ES CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK BOARD OF COM'MISSION MEETING COMMISSION CHAMBER NOVEMBER 15, 1971, AT 7:30 P.M. Present: Mayor E. Wilson Germany, Sullivan and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Commissioner Robert L. Others present: Dick P. Wood, Forrest E. Keene, Fred L. Chambers, James E. Brown, James A. Murphy, Jack B. Kirven, James D. Woodard, Charles Myres, Bill Terrill, Larry Wilson and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting Greenbrier Drive Bryn Mawr Drive Birchbrook, Apt. Granada Avenue Turtle Creek Turtle Creek Dyer Street Rosedale Avenue Purdue Street 1026 who signed the attendance list: J. R. Nelson 3700 Martha Gene Beaty 39 15 JohnS. Pearcy 60 17 W. Blair Sidles 3638 Mrs. Stagg Renz 7406 Mrs. Vincent Carrozza 7301 Mrs. Robert P. Gruber 2905 John M. Jackson 3029 Mrs. W. P. Malone 3237 Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, secOnded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the minutes of the meeting of November 1, 1971, be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. Bids were received from General Electric in the amount of $14,234. 16 and RCA, $Z0, 618 for the following equipment to update the present mobile communications system. 1 Base Station 1 Remote Control Unit 12 Mobile Units (7-Police; 5-fire; 2. public works) Z Motorcycle Units Nec e s s ary installation The above is a budgeted item with $16,975. allocated. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the bid of General Electric in the amount of $14,234. 16 be accepted. This passed unanimously. Wage increases will be discussed at the December 6 meeting after the City Attorney has had an opportunity to check 'with proper authorities regarding the interpretation. The lease-purchase agreement on propwerty owned by Coffee, Coffee and Chantilis was discussed. The property owners indicated that they desired to sell rather than continue the lease-purchase. The following has been pr opos ed. +~ Total costs $Z22,879 50 percent credit against rent paid (14, 147. 3Z x . 50) 7,073.66 Balance due December 1, 1971 $215,805. 34 Z9% payment due in December 62., 583.55 Balance due on or before Sept. 30, 1972. with interest rate of 6 percent per annum$153, 2gl.79 A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the above plan be accepted. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek:. seconded by Commissioner Sullivan, that the City construct a fence between Roland Street and the Tollroad, 370 feet long, being the only remaining unfenced strip along the Tollroad, with white cedar in the amount of $850 and City labor $5.00, total cost $1, 350 and that the budget be amended in that amount. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the following ordinance be approved. This passed unanimous ly. ORDINANCE NO. 125 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, CREATINGA FIRE LANE ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF VILLANOVA DRIVE IN FRONT OF 4011 VILLANOVA DRIVE BEING APPROXIMATELY 75 FEET, AND FINALLY PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF Mr. Wo Blair Sidles discussed the sanitary sewer problem in the City. Mr. Sidles was assured that the Governing Body was aware of the problem, that money was in the budget for equipment and that this matter was being taken care of as quickly as possible. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 6TH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. , / 1971. MINUTES CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING COMMISSION CHAMBER DECEMBER 6, 1971, AT 7:30 P.M. Present: Mayor E. Wilson Germany and Commissioner Fred N. Peek. Also present: Dick P. Wood, Forrest E. Keene, Jack B. Kirven, James E. Brown, James D. Woodard, L. H. Sullivan, Fred L. Chambexs, James A. Murphy, Bill Terrill, Larry Wilson and Leland Nelson. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. Mrs. Martha Gene: Beaty Mfrs. W. P. Malone Mr. Donald Hawkes Mrs. Robert P. Gruber Mr. Robert T. Halpin Jarry Park 3915 Bryn Mawr Drive 3237 Purdue Street Grand Prairie, Texas 2905 Dyer Street 3425 University Boulexrard W. F. ~k.A. - T.V. The following were salesmen who attended the meeting. Pat Wadelle Robert Nichols Ted Bartholow Mike Mires 410 The following are merchants or representatives from business establishments on Hillcrest Avenue who appeared in regard to the parking on Hillcrest Avenue. Charles Burgir J. 1K. Griffeth Don Porter Cully Culwell Edgar Hoffman Jack Michaelson Gerald St.ern Max A. Daniel, Jr. Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, of the meeting of November 15, 1971 be approved as correct. unanimously. Mr. C.. W. Culwell acted as spokesman for the group of merchants appearing requesting that the two hour parking on Hillcrest Avenue be changed to "One Hour" parking. The Board of Commissioners told the persons attending the meeting they would take the problem under consideration and would discuss same at the meeting of December Z0, 1971. Mr. Donald Hawkes, owner of a duplex at 3531-33 Granada Avenue, appeared and requested the City to establish a "No Parking" zone in front of his duplex. Mr. Hawkes also owns 3419 and Z1 Granada Avenue. After discussing the parking situation, Mr. Hawkes was told that the City would paint the curbs yellow two or three feet on both sides of the driveway approaches at both duplexes. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the following bids be accepted. This passed unanimously. Paint Striping Machine Brush Chipper Equipment Trailer Kelly Cresswell Company A s phundh Browning-Ferris Bids for small pickups were rejected. seconded, that the minutes This passed $2, 155 4,450 7., 830 Bids received for a landfill compactor will be discussed at the meeting of December Z0, 1971. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded, that the City proceed with the Dallas Power and Light Company's street lighting program. The total charge is SZ0,556.81 with said program being scheduled over a five year span. Hexter Company will pay $3,716 for removal costs on lighting in Preston East. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Peek, that the City begin work On the landscaping project on Northwest Highway from Hillcrest to Airline Road and that the budget be amended in the amount of $1Z, ZOO being cost of the project enclusive of labor. This passed unanimously. The Board of Commissioners discussed the wage increase given to City Employees effective December 1, 1971. The Firemen's union representative challenged the giving of the statutory longevity as of December 1, so the Director of Finance went back and picked up the few increases for 15 days that occured during the 90 day freeze. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ZOTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D., 1971. MAYOR CITY /I~ANAGER-CLEgK seconded by Mayor Germany, 412 MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETLNG CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK COMMISSION CHAMBER DECEMBER 20, 1971, AT 7:30 P.M. Mayor E. Wilson G rmany, Commissioner Robert L. Present were: Sullivan and Commissioner l~red N. Peek. Others ~resent were: Dick 13. Sullivan, James E. Brown, James D. Kirven, Larry Wilson and Leland Nelson. Wood, Forrest E. Keene, L. H. Woodard, James A. Murphy, Jack B. The following is the name and address of those attending the meeting who signed the attendance list. P~. T. Halpin Mrs. Vincent Carrozza Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Mrs. R. P. Gruber Mr. & Mrs. William L. Wood, Jr. Herrera The following salesmen attended. Robert Nichols ~gt Waddle 3425 University Boulevard 7301 Turtle Creek 3533 Colgate Avenue 2905 Dyer Street 4536 South Versailles H. B. Alien Jack Bartholow The following merchants from Hillcrest Avenue attended. Max~A..Daniel, Jr. $.. R. Griffeth C. W. Culwell Charles Burger Mayor Germany called the meeting to order. A motion was tnade by Commissioner Peek:, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the minutes of the meeting of December 6, 1971 be approved as correct. This passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the bid of J. W. Bartholow in the amount of $54, 390 for a compactor be accepted. This Company will provide a warranty for a two year period. This passed unanimously. The Board of Commissioners discussed the parking on Hillcrest 413 Avenue. It was decided to place a "one-hour" parking restriction on the following areas for a 90 day trial period. 1. Hillcrest from the 6201-6427 blocks on the west side but not to include any side streets. Hillcrest State Bank parking lot and Hillcrest, west side, from Haynie to the alley on Daniel. A motion Was made by Commissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that the following ordinances be adopted. This passed unanimously~,' ORDINANCE NO. 126 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 20 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY ADDING A NEW SECTION; PROVIDING PARKING RESTRICTIONS IN SHOPPING CENTERS; PROVIDING ENFORCEMENT BY C OMMISSION'ED PRIVATE GUARDS; PROVIDING A PENALTY SECTION; AND PROVIDING SEVERABILITY OF PARTS OF CODE ORDINANCE NO. 127 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK BY AMENDING CHAPTER 17 WITH THE ADDITION OF ARTICLE III., PROVIDINGA DEFINITION OF "PRIVATE GUARD:" PROVIDING AN INVESTIGATION, FIXING FEE FOR ISSUANCE OF COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE ORDINANCE NO. 128 ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OFf UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING SECTION 13-36, JUNKED MOTOR VEHICLES, PERMITTING THE OWNER OF SUCH VEHICLE TO REQUEST A HEARING; A PROVISION REQUIRING A PUBLIC HEARING PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF SUCH VEHICLE WHEN SUCH HEARING IS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER OR OCCUPANT OF THE PREMISES ON WHICH SUCH VEHICLE IS LOCATED; A PROVISION THAT AFTER'SUCH' VEHICLE HAS BEEN REMOVED IT SHALL NOT BE RECOi~ TRUCTE-D MAKE OPERABLE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSAL OF SUCH JUNKED MOTOR VEHICLES ORDINANCE NO. 129 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, TO SELL AND DISPOSE OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY LEFT 414 WITHIN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF SUCH SAI~E, AND PROVIDING FORA PENALTY The Board of Commissioners discussed various ecological groups trying to enjoin the Trinity River Authority from completing the Walli~ville Resevoir Project. They feel if this project is stopped, the whole Trinity River Project is gone. A motion was made by Coramissioner Peek, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan that a resolution be approved authorizing the Trinity River Authority to have James A. McMullen, III, to intervene for the City of University Park into Cause No. 71-H-983. This passed unanimously. The following bids were received on eighteen 3 cubic yard garbage containers. Cleburne Truck & Boy Sales $160 each - $2,880 · Pak-Mor Manufacturing Co. $180 each - $3,240 This is not a budgeted item and will haye to be financed out of the water fund ' and reimburse the general fund on a monthly basis from additional charges, A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Peek that the low bid of Cleburne Truck & Body Sal[es be accepted. pas sed unanimously. The Board discussed the request for a light at Hillcrest and Bintdey. It was decided to look into the problem further before taking any action~. There being no further business, the meeting recessed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 3RD DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. , 1972.- This