HomeMy WebLinkAboutUPUMC Carter05/03/2005 08:52 FAX 9729806815 ~001 SOLUTIONS FOR THE FUTURE. TO: COHPANY: FAX: COVER SHEET Mr. James H. Holmes, III Mayor, City of University Park 214/987-5399 F R 0 b'l: Bob and Janice Carter The Panda Group C O1'4 PAN Y: 972.980.7159 PHONE: 972.980.6815 FAX: D ATE: 05/03/05 PROJECT CODE: TOTAl. PACES: COHMENTS: CO N F I D E N T I AL AND t~ R I V I LIE(~ ED: The ;nfurmalian contained in this facs;mileis privileged and confidential infarmalion intended far Ihe sole u~e af I'hu addressee. If the reader of this facsimile is not the inlended reciplenl, you are hereby notified lhal any dissemination, distribution er copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If y'ou have received Ibis FAX in error, please immediately nolffy Iha person listed above, and return Ihe original message by mall to Ihe send,st al Ih, address listed b~Jow via regular moil. THI~ PANDA CROUP 4100 SPRING VALLEY, SUITE 1001 DALLAS, TEXAS 75244 T: 972 .980. 7 I 59 F: 972. 9 n 0. 6 B 15 w w w. t h e p a n d a g r o u p.¢o m 05/03/2005 08:52 FAX 9729806815 ~002 ~20 VT :2005 New York Report Praying for a'Bigger ChurCh. Suing, Too. In New Jersey, a Megachurch Fights to Win Approval to Build on a New Site which is predominantly block but else has 0 significant number of members of other Besides a large sar~ctuary. Christ Th~ site in Rockwway Townships N.J., where Christ Church wants to b'uild a new church~ A biotechnolo~,y firm now owns the lO1- acre property. The toms}llp ha~ not approved the ~hur~b'a building pla~a, '.~'hieh ware s~bmitted nearly two years ago. The pewe are usually filled at Christ Church'~ five SUnday a~ervices in Montclair, N.J. ricoh Methodist I~plscopol Church, tn Ja- maica. Queen~/, and a former United States men," Mr. Reason said of Dr. Irelmld, who Is black, Sharon Givens, of Bloomfield. who has at- tended Christ Church for o year and a half, said she first heard Dr. Ireland preach on the church after moving to the area. "I love said. "I run tiirou~h emotions here that lust by its diversl~y. "I'm Iookin~ forward to cnn actually offer I~ople in the church and community but in'Rockiway," she said. churches, Christ Church's desire for more space has caused It to.run In~o a legal thick- et. In April 2003, the church entered into a 'contract wltll Agllent Teahno~oglea to buy Its 101-acreproperty on Green Pond Road It Rockaway Township approved the church's pla~ for t~ae site, In March 2005, the township passed a senior law that Dr. Ireland be- ll~ves was aimed at keeping Christ Church out. He said the church tiled s~lt in Federal District Court in l~ewark On April 15 to avoid missing a deadline for appealing the law. The suit said the townshlp~ Its council. planntn~ board, envh'onmantal commi~aion The church's complaint cites a federal law requtring government& to Eive Justifica- tion for any Iow that places a burden on a re- ligious organization through land-use poli- cies. The new law Da Rockaway Township, which clarifies what can bo built in different perm of town, replaces an ordinance that WlilJlnm Dimin, tho lawyer for the town- ship's planning board, said was too vmzua. Mr. Dl~IiIn also said tile approval proceli$ for Christ Church had not taken a~l unusual- ly long time for a project of ira size. Critics of the church's plml have ques- lloned the exemption the church received from the State Depal~Inent of ~nvlronmen- tel Prot~ctlon to build in the protected HIRh- laa~ds region~ saying the plan~ have changed alnce tho exemption was gr~nted. Lisa Soiher~, one of the founders Of ¥oice~ lowed by law. and mayor manufactured im_prol~r barri- remain optimistic that his church will even- ers to the plans, deliheratety itr~od their . tually he able to build a new homo In Rocks-