HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18-05457 MINUTES #2510 CITY COUNCIL MEETING/WORK SESSION CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2005, 7:30 A.M. Mayor Blackie Holmes opened the meeting of the City Council. Present were Mayor Pro Tempore Jim Roberts and Councilmembers Harry Shawver, Kelly Walker, and Syd Carter. Also in attendance were City Attorney Rob Dillard, City Manager Bob Livingston and City Secretary Nina Wilson. ITEMS FROM THE FLOOR Mr. Robert W. Carter, 4004 Colgate, addressed the council. Mr. Carter was interested in purchasing the alley in the 4000 block of Colgate north of University Park United Methodist Church. The mayor informed Mr. Carter that the abutting property owner had first refusal on buying adjacent property. The church is planning on purchasing the alley. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts moved acceptance of the Consent Agenda with the exception of the ordinance for University Park United Methodist Church, which he requested be pulled from the agenda for further discussion. Councilmember Walker seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the following: CONSENT AGENDA CONSIDER BID AND AWARD OF CONTRACT TO INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC EQUIPMENT MARKETING LTD. FOR LIGHTED CROSSWALK WARNING SYSTEM, 3500 LOVERS LANE, SCHOOL CROSSING, PROJECT NO. 42730.2500: The bid and award of contract was made to Intelligent Traffic Equipment Marketing Ltd., in the amount of $24,721.34. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: For May 3, 2005. CONSIDER ORDINANCE FOR APPROVAL OF EXPANSION AND CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 20, UNIVERSITY PARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: Approval of the ordinance will implement the conditions for the planned development as discussed by the City Council at it May 3rd meeting. The conditions set standards for the way the construction on the property will be handled and are intended to minimize impact on adjacent properties both during construction and after. After a great deal of discussion regarding the listed conditions of the University Park United Methodist Church's ordinance, Councilmember Shawver moved approval of the ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the ordinance as written. 458 ORDINANCE NO. 05/14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO AMEND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 20 FOR UNIVERSITY PARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH TO ADD THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 9-17 OF BLOCK 45, UNWERSITY HEIGHTS NO. 4 ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE 4000 BLOCK OF COLGATE, UNWERSITY PARK, TEXAS; APPROVING A CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MAIN AGENDA CONSIDER RESOLUTION TO CHANGE CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS TO 1ST AND 3P'v TUESDAYS AT 5:00 P.M.: Several circumstances would be improved if the Wednesday morning meeting were changed to 5:00 p.m. on the 3ra Tuesday of the month with an agenda review at 4:00 p.m. It would be possible to have more public hearings, a 5:00 p.m. meeting would be more convenient for residents, and meetings could be held in the Council Chambers allowing larger groups of people to be present. Mayor Holmes moved approval of the resolution for city council meetings to be held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 5:00 p.m. with an agenda review at approximately 4:00 p.m. beginning June 1, 2005. Councilmember Carter seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 05-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, ADOPTING MEETING DATES AND TIMES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CONSIDER ORDINANCE FOR CITY TREES: Park Director Gerry Bradley presented a list of tree species supported by the City's Arborist and the North Texas Urban Forestry Council. The list of tree species is intended to serve as an approved guideline in providing direction for tree planting on public property. Staff has been in contact with the National Arbor Day Foundation to obtain information regarding the City of University Park's recognition as a Tree City USA award recipient. The application requires a Tree Board or Department establishment, a Community Tree Ordinance, a Community Forestry Program and an Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation. Staff presented a comprehensive "Tree Ordinance" involving tree planting guidelines on all public property. Based on approval, staff will begin the application process with the National Arbor Day Foundation for Tree City USA recognition. Mr. Bradley requested Code Enforcement Officers assist the Park Department with enforcement. He also plans 459 to place the list of trees on the website in order to educate the public. These trees will be placed on city rights-of-way and in the parks. Mr. Randy Newsom, TXU Electric Delivery, requested the city work with TXU to come up with a compromise on the ordinance to consider trees that would work with the power lines. Mr. Newsome suggested that Section F. of the ordinance have "and Power Lines" added to the heading and that the following wording be changed on Section F to read: "No parkway tree shall be planted within 20feet of an overhead Power Line unless its mature height is less than 25 feet. For underground lines, call Dig Tess (1-800-Dig Tess) prior to digging." An ordinance with those considerations included will be considered at a future city council meeting. CONSIDER NEW BANNER DESIGN AND PARK INFORMATION SIGNS: Ms. Mari Madison, Design Strategies, presented the latest concepts of banners and signs for city council approval. Summer banners, fall banners and holiday banners were presented. A modification was requested on the summer banners. Park Director Gerry Bradley will show the merchants of Snider Plaza the modified selection of summer banners. The fall and holiday banners will be modified and presented at a future city council meeting. Park Information Signs for Caruth Park were also shown to the council. The Caruth Park signs will be modified as well and presented at a future city council meeting. DISCUSS CITIZEN SURVEY OPTIONS: In order to ensure that University Park city services are responsive and adequate resources are provided and placed appropriately within the community, staff would like to solicit residents' comments through a citywide citizen survey. The last time a citizen survey was conducted by the city was 1992. Conducting a citizen survey also falls under Strategic Goal #6 which is, Service Delivery: Commitment to excellence in city services. Three survey options were discussed: a proposal from SMU, Dallas Marketing Group, or Dallas Marketing Group for the survey and Joe McNamara for public relations. The council agreed that the Dallas Market Group would conduct the survey and that Joe McNamara would be used for public relations, if needed. DISCUSS RADIO INTEROPERABILITY: The North Central Texas Council of Governments commissioned RCC Consultants to assess the radio interoperability needs of local governments in Region 40 in order to insure communications among state, federal and local government agencies during emergency operations. The City of University Park is located in Region 40. RCC Consultants met with The City of Dallas, Dallas County, The Town of Highland Park and The City of University Park in January 2005 to discuss the needs of each entity. From that discussion RCC visited each entity's dispatch sites to view and assess first hand what equipment was on hand and what would be needed to accomplish interoperability. The assessment was completed and issued on March 9, 2005. From this assessment each entity must approve the recommendations to be eligible to receive funding from the Department of Justice to purchase the equipment. The North Central Texas Council of Governments will have oversight of the funds and issue equipment specifications for the equipment to be purchased and installed. Each entity, however, will be responsible for the maintenance of the equipment for reliability. The city is also responsible for filing for any radio frequency license required by the FCC 460 to operate the frequencies, procure frequencies necessary to operate the system and/or develop interlocal agreements with the agencies to operate on their frequencies. CONSIDER BID #05-09 FOR ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR UTILITY PARTS: The bids were awarded in groups by category to All-Tex Supply Pipe Supply, Inc., D & W Utility Supply, Ferguson Waterworks, Metro Valve Pipe, Municipal Water Works Supply, LP, and Techline, Inc. for the estimated annual total of $142,337.62. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts moved approval of the bid. Councilmember Walker seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the annual contract for utility parts. Mayor Blackie Holmes then convened the city council into Executive Session at 9:00 a.m. to receive legal advice from the City Attomey under Section 551.071 of the Government Code. The Executive Session was adjourned at 9:20 a.m. No action was voted on or taken during the meeting. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of June 2005.