HomeMy WebLinkAboutFood Services 2003S TEXAS } ¥ OF DALLAS } WHEREAS, The City of University Park, Texas ("City") desires to have the food establishments withtheirjurisdiction routinely inspected; and WHEREAS, The County of Dallas, Texas ("County"), has agreed to provide food inspectiOn and other environmental health services to the hereinafter mentioned City; NOW, THEREFORE, this Agreement is made by and between the City and the County. I. PU The City and County agree that the County will perform aminimum of two , ' i inspections each year for each food establishment within the City f( which C ty has submitted a request for inspection and for which a fee has been from the establishment. Additional inspectionswil/be performed as deemed necessary by County to insure that a food establishment is within compliance of City'sordinance. Ii. INSPECTION I NTS INCLUDED Each food establiShment inspection will be made by a Registered Professional Sanitarian employed by the Dallas County Department of Health and Hu man Services, in compliance with all state laws and regul promulgated by the Texas Board of Health. An examination of the following will be made during each inspection: food and food protection; personnel; food equipment and s;water source; sewage; plumbing; toilet and hand-washing facilities; garb and animal control; ; and other operation. Ilk BUDGET Each City will collect and submit to the County a minimum of$150.00 per year for mo (2) food establishment inspections requested, plus a $75.00 fee for each additional inspection requested by that City. Also, if a food establishment has been closed due to non-compliance of Chapter437, Health and Safety Code, a re-opening / inspection fee of $75.00 will be col/ the City prior to re-opening of the food establish ment/ facility. These fees are to be paid to the County within thirty (30)days of the request for payment, orno later than September 30, 2003. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES The County, upon request ofthe City management, will respondto Vector and / or mosquitoes) and Larvicidal (treating standing water) services will be provided on an as- needed basis atno additional cost. In the eventaeria/spraying is neededto control St. Louis Encephalitis or West Nile Encephalitis throughout the County, City will have the option to participate in the COUNTY'S EMERGENCY PLAN. Should the City agree to particiPate inthe plan, City must written notice to County and agree to the following: 1. Indicate the areas and amount of acres to be sprayed; and 2. Pay its fairshare of the cost incurred by the Contractor designated by the County Health Authority based upon the numberof acresto be sprayed multiplied bythe per-acre spraying cost. 2003. TERM The Agreement shall begin October 1,2002, and continue through September 30, VI. CITY ORDINANCE In orderfor this Agreement to be valid, the City must have oradopta city ordinance that provides for the inspection of food establishments by a Registered Professional Sanitarian. City must require the payment of a ) by each food establishment. Vii. TERMINATION Either ofthe parties shall have the right, in each party'S sole discretion andat its sole option, to terminate this Agreement the other party thirty (30)days written notice of its intention to terminate. VIII. AGENCY CountY and City agree and acknowledge that each entityis not an agent of the other entity and that each entity is responsible for its own acts, forbearance, negligence and deeds, and for those of its agents or sin conjunction with the rmance of work covered under this Agreement. IX. APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement is expressly made subject to City's Governmental Immunity and County's Sovereign Immunity. This Agreement and all matters pertinent thereto shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and exclusive venue for any legal actions between the parties arising from this Agreement shall be in Dallas County, Texas. X. SEVERABILITY Ifany provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions hereof shall not be affected or impaired and such remaining provisions shall remainin fu II force and effect. Xl. AMENDMENT This Agreement may not be amended except in a written instrument specifically referring to this Agreement and signed bythe parties hereto. Xll. NOTICE : ~ Any notice or certification provided for in this ntto be given by either party to the other shall be required to be in writing andshall be deeme when personally delivered orwithinthree (3) business days after being deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified, return receipt req or reg addressed as follows: To COUNTY: Suite 600 Dallas County, Texas 75207-2710 To CITY: Bob C~ty 3800 U Dallas The City of University Park has executed thisAgreement pursuant to duly authorized City Council 2222 , dated, t~o~st~ ~ 2002. The County of Dallas has executed this Agreement pursuantto Commissioners Court Order No. 2002-]L802 , on this ,2002. DALLAS ITY PARK: BY: