HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-05494 MINUTES #2519 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005, 5:00 P.M. PRE-MEETING DISCUSS PROJECTED SCHEDULE FOR EXCAVATION AND BOX CULVERT CONSTRUCTION ADJACENT TO CITY HALL: Public Works Director Bud Smallwood presented the information along with Steve Jeske of Jeske Construction Company. PRESENTATION OF EVACUATION PLAN FOR CITY: Fire Chief David Ledbetter spoke on the plans the city has for an evacuation in the event of a disaster. Mayor Holmes opened an Executive Session at 4:45 p.m. for a consultation with the City Attorney under Section 551.071 of the Government Code in the Conference Room. The executive Session closed at 4:57 p.m. Mayor Blackie Holmes then opened the regular meeting of the city council at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Pro Tempore Jim Roberts and Counciimembers Syd Carter, Kelly Walker and Harry Shawver. Also in attendance were City Manager Bob Livingston, City Attorney Rob Dillard and City Secretary Nina Wilson. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION RETIREMENT PLAQUE FOR PAT ROBERTS, PAYROLL SPECIALIST, FINANCE DEPARTMENT: City Manager Bob Livingston presented Payroll Specialist Pat Roberts with a retirement plaque and a gift check from the city, thanking her Ibr 18 years of service to the city. PRESENTATION OF OFFICER JAMES SAVAGE, POLICE OFFICER. OF THE FIRST QUARTER 2005: Police Chief Gary Adams presented a certificate to Officer Savage congratulating him or3 his nomination and selection by his peers. DEPARTMENT PIN FOR GARDENER JOSE AREVALO: City Manager Bob Livingston presented Jose Arevalo with a 15-year department pin and thanked him for his service to the city. PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION: Mayor Holmes presented certificates to Kathy Rogers, Executive Director of Rogers Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Hutchins, Texas as well as Beth Hook and Karen Outland, residents of the city. He thanked them for their invaluable assistance in relocating wildlife from Williams and Goar Parks. PROCLAMATION TO ESTABLISH AN ARBOR DAY OBSERVATION: Since 1982, the city has planted over 3,000 trees as part of the Trees for Town Program. A proclamation was read by Mayor Holmes establishing November 18, 2005 as Arbor Day. An annual tree planting event in the future will mark Arbor Day in the City of University Park. RECOGNITION OF BOY SCOUTS: Three boy scouts introduced themselves and announced the badges upon which they were working: Chris and William Morris of 3529 Marquette and James Anbouba of 3721 Centenary. 495 ITEMS FROM THE FLOOR Lisa Christopherson, 3304 Wentwood, spoke for neighbors in the 3200-3300 blocks of Wentwood, 3600-3700 blocks of Southwestern, 3400 block of Colgate and the 3500 block of Stanford regarding notices of sidewalk violations received around September 6. She requested an extension of the 30-day compliance time to replace the marked portions of the sidewalks. Since the jobs are small, it has been difficult to find companies that will submit bids. John Jackson, 3425 Colgate, requested an extension also and suggested that, when alleys or curbs and gutters are repaired, the contractor replace that entire block of sidewalks. Gregg Holmes, 3633 Granada, was instrumental in bringing other violations to the attention of Code Enforcement Officer Russell Craig and read a letter he had written to Mr. Craig. Randy Rost, 3224 Wentwood, spoke in favor of a 90-day extension and requested building fees be waived and the cost considered by council, as they constitute 1/3 of the cost of the sidewalk replacement. Steve Williamson, 3400 Colgate, feels the process is inefficient, and communication with residents should be improved. Mayor Holmes stated that an extension would be granted and, due to the concern of so many residents, the council would discuss the policy with the city manager, assistant to the public works director and community development officer. He also stated the policy had not been changed recently as thought by some residents, but was established a long time ago and that the city has always cited blocks rather than individual residents. Mayor Holmes will refer the sidewalk issue to the Public Works Advisory Committee and appoint two (2) visiting committee members from those who spoke at the meeting. Also, the city will stop issuing citations for the present time, and suggest the building department consider issuing a permit for an entire block rather than individual homes, and consider a repair policy, as well as, replacement policy. Councilmember Shawver moved acceptance of the Consent Agenda with the exception of the right-of-way license agreement for 3557 Centenary, whieh should be considered at a later date. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the following: CONSENT AGENDA CONSIDER SELECTION OF AN EXTERNAL AUDITOR: Weaver & Tidwell, L.L.P. was selected as the city's auditor for FY2005, 2006 and 2007 for a proposed tee of $55,500. CONSIDER ORDINANCE FOR A BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR CAPITAL PROJECT FUND BALANCE TRANSFER: Amend FY2005 Budget to authorize transfer of fund balance from General and Utility Funds to Capital Projects Fund for City Hall Project. ORDINANCE NO. 05/35 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE 2004-2005 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET, ORDINANCE NO. 05/20, TO APPROPRIATE $2,411,800 FROM THE GENERAL FUND UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE BY INCREASING EXPENDITURES $2,413,300 AND INCREASING REVENUES $1,500; AND TO APPROPRIATE $2,000,000 FROM THE UTILITY FUND UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE BY INCREASING EXPENDITURES $2,000,000; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 496 CONSIDER RESOLUTION RENEWING CITY INVESTMENT POLICY: The Texas Public Funds Investment Act requires a city's governing body review its investment policy and investment strategies not less than annually and that the policy be adopted. Only one slight change was proposed from the current policy regarding Certificates of Deposit to replace the words "state or national bank domiciled in this state" with the phrase "depository institution that has a main office or branch office in Texas." The resolution also names the finance director, city manager, and controller as investment officers. RESOLUTION NO. 05-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIl, OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE INVESTMENT POLICY OF TIlE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK HERETOFORE ADOPTED BY' RESOLUTION NO. 04-06; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CONSIDER RIGHT-OF-WAY LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR 3557 CENTENARY: This item was removed from the agenda and will be considered at the October 17 city council meeting after the city attorney has had time to consider the issue. CONSIDER DESIGNATION OF LOCAL RABIES CONTROL AUTHORITY: The Animal Control Officer will act as the local rabies control authority. The duties of the Local Rabies Control Officer shall be to enforce Chapter 826 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, as it relates to animal control and the minimum standards for rabies control, the ordinances or rules of the municipality, and the rules adopted by provisions of Chapter 826, Section 826.045, as they relate to rabies quarantine provisions. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: For September 6, 2005. MAIN AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER STRUCTURE AT 3624 MCFARJ, IN: Mayor Holmes opened the public hearing. As defined in Article 3.200 of the City of University Park Code of Ordinances, the structure constitutes a public nuisance. The main structure and two rear structures need to be maintained, there is a large amount of debris near the rear of the property, and it is consistently overgrown with weeds. It has been determined the residence is a hazard to safety, health and public welfare and is in violation of §3.201 (b) (5). Written notification regarding the violations was first mailed to the owner, Ms. Phyllis McDonald, in November 2004. Staff attempted to notify the resident of the violations by phone, but was unable to make contact. Subsequently, written notifications were mailed on February 1, 2005 and March 11, 2005 listing specific violations. Since no action was taken, a citation was issued on March 29, 2005 with a plea date set for April 13, 2005. A warrant was issued on May 10, 2005 for failure to appear before the court. Ms. McDonald was present at the city council meeting and stated she was unaware of the warrant. She discussed the progress made and distributed before and after pictures to the council. The item was continued until the November 8 city council meeting when Ms. McDonald will again appear to state the progress made. Assistant to the Director of Public Works Robbie Corder will send a list of items to be corrected by November 8. As there were no further comments, Mayor Holmes closed the public hearing. 497 CONSIDER CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TURTLE CREEK BOX CULVERT FOR CITY HALL EXPANSION, PROJECT 43710: In March 1995, the city council approved the park department's project for silt removal in Williams Park, Turtle Creek, and Curtis Park in the amount of $422,750. Change Order #2 accomplishes additional silt removal in the amount of $110,400. Councilmember Walker moved approval of the Change Order. Councilmember Carter seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve Change Order No. 2 for the Turtle Creek Box Culvert for City Hall Expansion. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF BID AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR IN-PLACE RECYCLING OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS, PROJECT 42693: This will include reconstruction of existing asphalt streets using in-place recycling of asphalt, as well as, two existing concrete streets, which will be overlaid with two inches of asphalt. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts moved approval of the contract to Cutler Repaving, Inc. Councilmember Walker seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the bid and award of contract. CONSIDER EMERGENCY CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER ALONG TURTLE CREEK BOULEVARD, SOUTH FROM LOVERS LANE TO VASSAR AND BALTIMORE, SOUTH FROM LOVERS LANE TO TURTLE CREEK BOULEVARD: The Utilities Division recently responded to a call from the building contractor constructing a new home on Turtle Creek Boulevard, south of Lovers Lane. The contractor, in drilling piers, discovered he had drilled through the city's sanitary sewer main along the rear of the property, which serves residences along the west side of Turtle Creek Boulevard and along the east side of Baltimore. The damage was repaired and the sewer main returned to service; however, the sewer was found 'to be in a deteriorated 'condition. Staff would like to proceed with the solicitation of bids for emergency construction of the sanitary sewer. Councilmember Shawver moved approval of the project. Councilmember Carter seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve construction of the emergency sanitary sewer. CONSIDER FUTURE RECONSTRUCTION OF PRESTON ROAD FROM UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD SOUTH TO ST. ANDREWS: The current curb & gutter reconstruction project includes replacement along the west side of Preston from University Boulevard south to St. Andrews. However, since the project was initiated a couple of years ago, the remainder of the street has deteriorated to a point where it would be more cost effective to construct the entire street than to continue with the replacement of curbs and gutters. The Public Works Advisory Committee voted Unani~nously to delete Preston Road from the current curb and gutter project, include Preston Road on the In-Place Pavement Recycling Project and proceed with planning and design efforts for reconstruction of Preston Road south of University Boulevard to St. Andrews. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts moved approval to proceed with planning for the future reconstruction of Preston Road. Councilmember Carter seconded, and the vote was unanimous to reconstruct Preston Road south of University Boulevard to St. Andrews. CONSIDER REPORT REGARDING BUILDING COVERAGE IN SINGLE FAMILY ZONING DISTRICTS: The City of University Park has no requirement for building coverage in single family zoning districts. The current impermeable surface regulations, by definition, include all building footprints and solid surface paved areas on a lot or building site. Community Development Manager Harry Persaud made a power point presentation based on the 498 permits issued this year. Options for council's consideration were to consider adopting new regulations to address building coverage as a percentage of lot area in the single family zoning districts or consider possible changes to the existing side yard setback requirements in order to reduce the size of the building footprint. Councilmember Walker requested more information on historical structures in the city and also felt that some of the cities used for comparison were too new. She would like to know more abont the coverage that older homes have and make a comparison between old and new homes. Mr. Persaud will make another presentation on' October 17. CONSIDER CONCEPT DESIGN ALONG PARKWAY AT LOVERS LANE AT SNIDER PLAZA AND PARK SITES AT HILLCREST AND LOVERS LANE: Dermis Sims, of the architectural firm of Dunkin, Sims and Stoffels, presented concept landscape plans along tb~e parkway at Lovers Lane ~ Snider Plaza and two park sites at Hillcrest and Lovers Lane. The council requested a more detailed and simplistic concept and also a budget at a future meeting. CONSIDER EVALUATION OF BRIDGE AND CREEK WALl, RAILING SYSTEM ALONG UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD BRIDGE AND CITY HALL CULVERT: The railing system will also be used on top of the newly-constructed channel retaining walls located along the Turtle Creek corridor just south of Vassar Road. City Council approved a design ,with mesh fencing. CONSIDER INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF COPPELL FOR ASSISTANCE TO HURRICANE KATRINA EVACUEES: Since University Park has few facilities which can be used for long term housing of evacuees, the mayor and council previously discussed providing up to $100,000 in assistance to an area city with facilities. The city was contacted by the City of Coppell, when they were in the process of renting approximately 10-15 apartments. With the funds the city provided, the number of apartments was increased to 20-25. Funds that University Park and Coppel! contribute will be earmarked for rent, utilities and six-month leases. Families are being screened through MetroCrest Social Services for eligibility.and background. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of October 2005. ATTEST: