HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 02-20-06 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES February 20, 2006 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of University Park met on Monday, February 20,2006 at 5:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 3800 University Blvd. University Park, Texas. The following are minutes of that meeting. Commission Members Attending Staff Members Attending Robert West - Chairman Doug Roach H. Reed Shawver III Bill Foose Randy Biddle Harry Persaud - Community Development Mgr. Jennifer Deaver - Administrative Assistant Rob Dillard - City Attorney John Gillette - Fire Marshall Present & Seated Ed Freeman Bea Humann Mr. West opened the public hearing and introduced the commission members. He then read the specifics of the first case. PZ 06-001 - F & S Partners Inc., representing Preston Road Church of Christ, requesting a zoning change from MF-2 to PD-28 zoning district classification for a tract of land situated on the South West Corner of University Blvd and Preston Road, and described as lots 2, 3 and 4 located in the Rhea Miller's Subdivision, in the City of University Park; and consideration of a detailed site plan for the amended PD-28 zoning district. The subject tract is zoned PD-28 and MF-2 and owned by the Preston Road Church of Christ. Mr. Persaud gave a brief power point presentation showing a slide of the existing site, zoning of the different areas and summarized the number of affected properties within and outside of the 200 ft. buffer of the proposed project. Mr. Mike Boone was introduced and voiced his support of the project. He stated he has been a member of the church since 1956. Bathroom and nursery facilities were added in 1972 but with 550 members and an average attendance of 450 members, a modern youth and educational facility, a bride room, a funeral parlor, an elevator for the handicap and additional parking are needed. He then stated that attendance drops because of the need for more parking, and that the property has been land locked for 60 years so the apartment building was purchased for the purpose of adding more room for parking. There are no new seats being added to the sanctuary therefore the proposed project would not impede the flow of traffic. He met with neighbors to attend to their concerns. Mr. Bob Shaw, F&S Partners, was introduced and made a brief statement in support of the project. He stated he met with several of the area neighbors in the fall to let them know there would soon be an improvement in the parking. In December, a fenced in playground area was completed. He stated that the duplex on the west side is used as a buffer. With driveway, Planning & Zoning Minutes 02/20/2006 Page 2 of7 landscaping and lighting problems, some parking would be scaled back. He then presented slides of the parking, preschool education facility, playground, and commons areas to illustrate the hardship, followed by a conceptual plan of the new building. Elizabeth Crow of Chase Thomas, was introduced and stated some facts. She stated that she met with Bud Smallwood to exhibit the traffic and parking needs, accumulation count and existing traffic volume. There was a 50% difference compared to the volume Monday through Friday. With these totals there was never any sum subtracted for the volume added from the apartment building or the duplex. She stated that 106 spaces are now available. Mr. West opened the public hearing and inquired ifthere were any favoring/opposing parties in the audience. Phillip Brosseau, owner / resident of 4122 University Blvd. came forward. He stated that he was in favor of the proposed project and would be pleased to rid the 30 unit complex that has been undeveloped since 1974. Carol Egan, owner / resident of 4128 Mcfarlin Blvd. came forward She stated she is directly adjacent to the church and is very aware of the parking situation. She has lived there for 14 years with husband Brian and two daughters. The area was all zoned residential when they purchased the property. Stated although her property value may increase, their enjoyment would decrease. She then stated that Mcfarlin would be a gateway for the parking lot and the cut through should raise concerns of safety. The buffer being considered on University also should be considered for Mcfarlin. She then urged the committee to consider a partial approval of this plan. Mr. Brian Egan, owner / resident of 4128 University Blvd., came forward. He presented the committee and the audience with slides of the area in question. He stated that the area is a dismantled residential block and that parking consumes 28% of the block and current use is only 3.5% of the week, $30,000 per space in loss of income. He demonstrated the use of the lot for large vans, trailers, and buses, with photos. He then stated that the lot was equivalent to 8.3 residential lots at 70.00 per square foot. He showed photos of some other churches in the city that he felt had a high rate of efficiency. The photographs consisted of University Park Methodist Church, which owns the entire block, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, which has generous setbacks, Park Cities Baptist, also owns the entire city block. He then urged the board to grant the PD-28 with out alternative parking. Nancy Sommerman, owner / resident of 4124 University, came forward. She stated that her home is across the street from the duplexes owned by the church, and that when these are removed she would have traffic in her front yard. She expressed concerns of safety from having no designated drop off point for the children's facility, noise pollution and a rebound of heat from the concrete. She then urged the committee to deny the request. Lori Busbee, owner / resident of 4126 University, came forward. She stated that half of her block is consumed with parked cars every week and believes that this lowers her property value. She then urged the committee to deny the request. Mr. West then closed the public portion of the hearing. Mr. Biddle asked Mr. Shaw to expound on the plans of the nursery and the fellowship hall. Planning & Zoning Minutes 02/20/2006 Page 3 of7 Mr. Shaw explained that there are meals served in the fellowship hall and a Mothers Day Out program in place and that there was currently not enough room to facilitate these activities. Mr. Biddle inquired if there were any plans to position speed bumps on the lot. Mr. Shaw stated that it could be added to the plans and that there were openings at both ends of the lot to allow a systematized flow of traffic as opposed to the apartment parking lot. No mention of speed bumps had been made thus far. Mr. Roach inquired if there would be sporting events and other activities on a weekly basis that would cause additional traffic issues. Mr. Shaw stated that there might be basketball events that would take place but there would be more room to accommodate them and it would not be on a weekly basis. Mr. West inquired if there could be improvements made on the Mcfarlin side such as shrubs or buffers. Mr. Shaw stated that the property line on Mr. Egans side could be addressed. Mr. West inquired if there would possibly be a wall put in place. Mr. Shaw stated that a fence could be considered with some landscaping to provide privacy. Mr. Foose inquired if there were spaces on the bottom row of the lot. Mr. Shaw stated yes, and that the lots on the bottom were narrower. Mr. Shawver inquired if there could be a buffer created between Mcfarlin and University with a fire lane that meets code. Mr. Shaw stated that by eliminating the 12 spaces at the bottom it would create a detriment to the attendance because it provides 1 space for every 3 sanctuary seats, gets cars off of the streets, and that this resolve would only have a diminishing return. Mr. John Gillette, Fire Marshall for the City of University Park, stated that University Blvd. comes straight down due to improvements on University Blvd. and stops, therefore leaving no room to turn around. He also explained that all walls must be 150 ft from fire lane. Mr. Foose inquired how much parking was available in the lot of the apartment complex. Mr. Shaw stated there are 2 parking spaces per unit totaling 20 spaces. The new lot will curve in a clockwise direction with a designated drop off point. He stated that the plan was strategically thought out and will eradicate issues of on street parking. This plan will also improve right lane turning and furthermore save trees. He agreed that there is a need for landscaping to conceal cars from neighboring views. Mr. Foose inquired if one row on the north end of the lot could be removed and 15ft landscaping added to the west side could the fire lane still be maintained and can a fence be added in order to Planning & Zoning Minutes 02/20/2006 Page 4 of7 screen headlight nuisance, after removal of the duplex. Mr. Shaw stated that the fire lane would not conform. Mr. Roach stated his stance that though he would like to support the church but using residential land for non residential use by bulldozing homes for the purpose of putting in a cement lot is objectionable. Mr. Roach stated that the church had been in place for several years and that on street parking is constituent of living in the city. Mr. Biddle stated that a redeveloped plan could possibly include continuous ownership of the duplex. Parking could be eliminated on the north side, move the fence back as far east as possible and add the landscaping to the neighboring side of the wall continuing the wall on the Egan's side ofthe property. Mr. West made a motion to table the issue until the March 6th meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission, with a second from Mr. Roach, the motion was approved unanimously 5-0. Mr. West then read the specifics of the next case. PZ 06-002 - Lincoln Property Company, representing Highland Park lSD, requesting approval of an amendment to Planned Development District PO-17 to allow for a batting cage facility to be located on Douglas Avenue, North of and abutting the existing Seay Center. The subject tract is zoned PD-17 and owned by the Highland Park Independent School District. Mr. Persaud briefed the committee via a power point presentation showing a slide of the existing site, zoning of the different areas and summarized the number of affected properties within, and outside of, the 200 ft. buffer of the proposed project Mr. Bill Duvall, member of the Highland Park Sports club and resident / owner of 3117 Greenbrier, came forward in favor of the plan. He stated that he works closely with the Highland Park Athletics Department. He stated growth has caused a need for more facilities and the only feasible plan could be developed on Douglas Ave. He showed existing batting cages stating the proposed project would be half the height of existing cages. The new wall will match the Seay Tennis Center wall and will be solid to reduce noise levels. He stated there will be no access from the Douglas Ave. side. All athletes will access the facility from east side and this will also prevent noise upon entrance. Lou Kennedy, baseball coach for Highland Park High School, was introduced and made a brief statement in support of the project. He stated that this facility was needed due to growth of the program and that there were 3 teams of eager players with up to 55 kids practicing at a time, this facility he believes would aid in keeping pace with other programs. Mr. West inquired if the proposed facility would be equivalent in size of the existing cage. Mr. Kennedy stated yes with exception to the roof height, preventing noise from balls hitting the metal roof. Planning & Zoning Minutes 02/20/2006 Page 5 of7 Mr. West inquired ifthe facility was used year round or only in season. Mr. Kennedy stated that the facility was primarily used during season. Mr. Roach inquired if the proposed facility could be constructed near the existing facility. Mr. Kennedy stated there is not adequate space. Mr. Roach inquired if the proposed facility could be constructed near the maintenance area. Mr. Kennedy stated that it would not be possible. Mr. Biddle inquired if there was a cut offtime for use of these facilities. Mr. Kennedy stated the cut off time he believes is 9:00pm. and that was the time decided 14 years ago. Mr. West inquired if there was anyone to speak in favor ofthe proposed plan, none came forward. He then asked if there were any opposing parties that wished to speak. Mr. Marcus Hudman, owner / resident of 4300 Hyer, came forward to speak in opposition of the proposed project. With him, he displayed a large bag full of baseballs he has collected from homerun hits off of the neighboring baseball field. He stated he has repaired numerous windows over the 27 years he has resided here and he continuously gets no response when he calls to complain to the school administration. He then urged the committee to deny this plan. Mr. Bill Mead and Lisa Mead, owners / residents of 4301 Hyer, came forward to speak also in opposition of the proposed project. He elucidated his disappointment in the school system, stating that they have not put much consideration into the project and what effects this plan would have on the surrounding community. Approximately two (2) years ago he opposed a plan for the school board to allow Semi - professional leagues to utilize the fields until hours beyond reason. The district also considered leasing these fields to outside leagues for profit. He stated that the cut off time was agreed to be 11 :OOpm and they routinely go beyond that time. He stated that all athletic facilities are now used 365 days per year by students at all grade levels in the community. Neighbors are forced to tolerate this uncharitable activity and he feels it devalues the neighborhood. He agreed that students do deserve modern facilities but not at the expense of being a poor neighbor. Although the district made an effort at one point by starting a cleanup program following football games, it only lasted one game and never occurred again. He then presented a bag full of 53 baseballs that had been collected from his lawn over the past year. Using a metal baseball bat, similar to the ones used by students at the batting cages, he struck a piece of wood to emulate the noise that comes from the existing facility. Mrs. Mead, using the power point slide, then showed the audience and committee members that her children's bedroom windows face the east side where the proposed site would be. Stating that they had added a second level when remodeling and had to purposely exclude windows from the east side of the addition. Mr. Mead then urged the committee to deny this plan and consider the noise pollution, light pollution, trash pollution, and unsightly devaluation of neighboring properties. Planning & Zoning Minutes 02/20/2006 Page 60f7 Mrs. Maddy Hervey, owner / resident of 4309 Hyer came forward opposing the proposed plan. She stated that she has resided there for 35 years and has endures constant noise, lights and pollution but it is especially intolerable now. Her son lives on the other side of the tollway and can also hear the noise from the school yard. She then suggested the possibility of an enclosed batting cage or a wall to obstruct the light, stating that she could read a book at night sitting in her driveway. Rhonda McGowan, owner / resident of 4305 Hyer, came forward. She stated she opposes the plan for new batting cages because of noise, trash, and lights. She then urged the committee to deny the plan. Mr. West then closed the public hearing. Mr. Roach inquired if the facility could be sound proofed. Mr. Duvall stated that to sound proof the facility would mean air conditioning and would cost 2.5 times more money, which had been donated by citizens. He stated that the facility could be accessed from east side, preventing a fraction of noise and light pollution, and that the door on the west side is an emergency exit remains locked. A discussion ensued regarding the time that the facility is closed to the public. It was questioned rather this decision was made by the school board or the parks board Mr. Dillard inquired if the facility is accessible after this time, what is the earliest time it is used, and by whom. Mr. Kennedy stated that the facility is used sometimes as early as 5:30 am. A timer automatically turns off the lights at 9:00 pm. He also stated that it is used by other leagues as well as citizens. Mr. Dillard addressed the accessibi I ity of people using this facility outside of the proper times and the liability of them being capable to do so. Mr. Roach inquired if PD-17 or the area near Lovers Lane where the maintenance building could be used for the proposed project. Mr. Duvall stated there is just not enough room at either location, and the only viable area would be north of and abutting the existing Seay Center. Mr. West inquired if an enclosed facility was unfeasible, Mr. Kennedy stated no. Mr. West motioned to redevelop a better plan and table this item until the next Planning and Zoning meeting scheduled for March 20, 2006. With a second from Mr. Roach the motion was approved unanimously 5-0. Planning & Zoning Minutes 02/20/2006 Page 7 of7 Mr. West asked for a motion on the minutes from the January 16,2006 Planning & Zoning meeting. Mr. Foose moved to approve the minutes, with a second from Mr. Roach. The motion was approved unanimously 5-0. There being no further business before the Commission, Mr. West adjourned the meeting. Approved by: . a:~~ k:/ Robert H. est, Charrman Planning & Zoning Commission