HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Mn 03-19-07
March 19, 2007
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of University Park met on Monday,
March 19,2007 at 5:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 3800 University Blvd.,
University Park, Texas. The following are minutes of that meeting.
Commission Members Attending
Staff Members Attending
Robert H. West - Chairman
Bill Foose
Doug Roach
Randy Biddle
Reed Shawver, III
Harry Persaud - Community Dev. Mgr
Lorna Balser- Planning Assistant
Present and Seated
Jerry Jordan (absent)
Bea Humann (pre-session only)
Ed Freeman (pre-session only)
Mr. West opened the public hearing, welcomed everyone in attendance and then read the
specifics of the first case.
PZ 07-004: Hold a public hearing and consider making a recommendation to the City
Council regarding the adoption of the Snider-Hillcrest Strategic Plan.
This item was tabled at the February 19,2007 meeting.
Harry Persaud introduced the item by Townscape, mc.and informed the commission that
staff would like to move the item with a recommendation to the City Council. Robert
West asked Harry Persaud for his recommendation. Mr. Persaud introduced the options
available to take to the city council.
Bill Foose commented on the plan. He said that he was not sure that the plan needed
their approval at that time. Mr. Foose stated that there was no consensus of property
owners which would be affected and felt that it might take away some of the owners
building rights. On the other hand, he felt like the plan would be a guideline if adopted
and that the market would dictate the areas of the plan needed to be utilized. Mr. Foose
also stated that he feels that Snider Plaza would not have the infrastructure to support
major retail.
Robert West asked for further recommendations by the commission to be put into motion.
Doug Roach said that he felt that the city should listen to the merchant's association and
wants to consider adding an exact height of buildings. If doing so, he feels that the city
should leave the height limitation at four (4) stories. He does not care for the parallel
parking idea in Snider Plaza. Mr. Roach stated that he does however see the Snider Plaza
Strategic Plan as a pathway for the city.
Reed Shawver asked Doug Roach, "Is it the early stages as opposed to the later stages
that you feel most comfortable with?" Doug Roach answered "yes". He stated that he
feels that much of the plan might not be done for a long time. He said that a solution to
the parking problem partly depends on the Chase Bank project.
Robert West stated that he had read and re-read all the letters in reference to Snider Plaza.
After reading and re-reading them, he said that they pretty much go along with the report.
He feels that it gives the city a place to start and as the city develops this plan further,
specific standards on this matter will be addressed more closely.
Randy Biddle stated that he doesn't feel that the underground parking recommendation
will work. He stated that he likes some of the parking ideas though. He also voiced a
concern for the height of the buildings. He does not feel that four (4) stories and the
number of feet allowed are the same now as they were in the 1950's, 1960's, or 1970's.
Robert West stated again that this plan would be a beginning of planning for a start on the
plan. He asked that everyone be clear that this strategic plan would come back for further
development standards in the future.
Bill Foose asked the commission members ifit "was wise to dictate building height to
council at this time?"
Robert West responded that "this is not a PD. There is more to go on in this plan such as
the landscaping".
Robert West stated that his recommendation was that the commission decides if they
needed more time to study the item or to accept it.
Reed Shawver responded, "move forward".
Robert West stated that the plan gives them guidelines in order to move forward.
Bill Foose asked Harry Persaud if some of the changes could be done through the PD.
Harry Persaud highlighted the positive responses by accepting the plan with certain
guidelines for council.
Bill Foose verbally highlighted some of the comments and concerns from the previous
P &Z meeting.
Dennis Wilson, Townscape Inc.stated that the plan would enable the city to take one step
at a time with what it is we are all working towards. Each standard will have to be
reviewed and approved down the road.
Reed Shawver made a motion to approve the plan with the stipulations that:
1. The council must define four (4) stories in detail.
2. The Rosedale opening should be moved to the short term
Mr. Shawver stated that he feels that it is a good plan whether long term ever happens or
not. Both long term and short term are good. He said that he feels like the Rosedale
entrance changes should be moved to the short term.
Randy Biddle made a second on the motion. Bob West moved that the commission
approve the Hillcrest Strategic Plan with the recommendations.
Reed Shawver again stated that he feels like the Rosedale, both early and midterm
entrance changes, should be moved to the short term and that the city council should be
held to define the 4 stories in feet, which are stated in the cities zoning ordinance.
Robert West once again asked for a vote from the P &Z Commission members and the
motion was passed 4-1.
PZ 07-006: Hold a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending the
comprehensive zoning ordinance of the City of University Park, by amending Section
27 -1 OO( 1) general driveway requirements to regulate placement of driveways; and by
amending Section 26-100 off street parking requirements to require off street parking
spaces for multi-family residential dwelling units.
Harry Persaud presented a PowerPoint Presentation and reviewed a list of items identified
for the consultant. Eighty acres of Multi-Family (MF-2) currently exist in within the city
with 5 Multi-Family permits issued for 2006 which consists of27 units and 81 bedrooms.
Mr. Persaud also reviewed the slope of the driveways whereby the city prefers a
maximum slope for the driveways of 12%. In addition, Mr. Persaud reviewed the current
driveway standards, the spacing of driveways, and the number of spaces required.
Robert West then opened the hearing for public comments.
Those in favor or against were asked to speak.
Frank McEntire, a resident who resides at 3439 Westminster came forward. He stated
that he has seen the long term effects. He stated that he supports the driveway and
parking standards. He reviewed the historic aspects of the buildings and parking in
Snider Plaza, but feels that people are no longer content with 1-2 cars as in years past.
Mr. McEntire reviewed the current trends of building on the duplex lots. With 4 units of
3 bedrooms each, the builders need to be providing 8-12 parking spaces but then the type
of cars that they drive do not even fit into the garages. He stated that his home is located
at Westminster and Hursey. He has seen how the buildings have been built.
Matt Franklin, a builder at 3120 Rosedale came forward. He does not feel that the City
of University Park should be considered a "college town". Mr. Franklin displayed a site
plan for possible tandem parking underground. He also feels that the city should separate
the levels of Multi-Family.
Don Gale, a builder and resident who resides at 3712 Binkley came forward. He feels
that the issue is more complicated than the number of spaces required per unit.
Mr. Gale stated that relaxed platelines would provide for an 8' garage door where more
cars could be removed from the streets. He also stated that with the current ordinance,
builders will lose 25% of all buildable area because of the size of most lots. He feels that
most builders cannot get enough parking stalls on the ground. Mr. Gale stated that the
goal of the builders is to build a better product, provide units for residents over 60 and for
Matt Dixon, a landlord who owns 7 buildings in University Park and lives in PIano came
forward. He does not feel that it is right that MF-2 areas be required to provide for guest
parking while no other zoned areas are required to do so. He stated that if this ordinance
is passed, the cost of the condos will increase, which will possibly come at a loss to the
builder. He asked the commission to pose the question, "What do Multi-Family owners
think?" He then stated that he had spoken with 66 property owners and 30-50% opposes
the ordinance.
Mr. Dixon also stated that the next steps for the city should be to notify all the property
owners through direct correspondence in the mail, advertisements in the paper, and water
Richard Means, a builder, came forward. He stated that he has built assorted
homes/developments in the City of University Park. As an example, he stated to the
commission a Multi-Family residence that he built at 3429 Westminster. In this facility,
a married couple with a boat, a single woman, a law student and a single professor reside.
He does not feel that each of them requires 3 parking spaces.
Robert Elliott, a builder at 4152 Emerson which is on the comer by the high school. He
feels that there are different housing needs over by the high school. He asked the
commission to not paint a paintbrush through the MF-2& MF-3 both, but to make
changes necessary because as each building plan is approved, the city looses parking.
Brantley Booe III, a resident who resides on Bryn Mawr feels that parking goes hand and
hand with any MF-2 or MF-3 properties so as to maximize the property while
accommodating the room in each unit available.
Robert West closed the public hearing. He stated that he feels that the ordinance seems
restrictive and that more research is required.
Reed Shawver stated the "posterchild" for why the standards are needed is at Daniel &
Doug Roach made a motion to table the item. Bill Foose seconded the motion. The
motion to table the item was passed 5-0 based on the commission looking at more
flexibility, the differences between MF-2 and MF-3 and the size and placement of
PZ 07-003: Hold a public hearing and consider an Ordinance amending the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance by adding Section 28-106 (a) to provide for Special
Exception for a front yard fence in the SF-2 zoning district. This item was tabled at the
February 19, 2007 meeting.
Robert West called the public hearing to order. The commission reviewed the responses
received from all mailed notices sent.
Robert West stated that he does not feel it is a good idea for front yard fences and made a
motion to deny.
Reed Shawver seconded the motion.
The motion was passed to deny the ordinance 4-1.
PZ 07-005: Hold a public hearing and consider a request by Bailey Group
L.L.C.,representing the property owner, requesting a replat of Lot 1, Block 1, Walker's
Addition, being an Addition of the City of University Park, more commonly known as
3457 Binkley A venue. The replat will subdivide the lot into two single family attached
lots located in Planned Development PD-6 zoning district classification. A variance is
not required for the approval of this replat.
Robert West made a motion to approve. Doug Roach seconded the motion to approve.
The motion was passed 5-0.
Robert West asked the commission for an approval of the February 19,2007 minutes. It
was approved by the commission 5-0 based on a change in the 2nd to last paragraph from
"Reed Shawver" to "Randy Biddle".
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Robert H. West, ChairInan
Planning & Zoning Commission
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