HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Mn. 10-16-07~~A~~I]'~1(~ ~~ll ~.~t;~I~T~~~ <"C~N~~II~~~CC~I'~ I1~1V ~ l:"I"Y' ~'~ R.~, 'T' ~ ' . A4 AJ.~'4~r1.9}.:+1 A.I .. . .... C)ctqb~r 16, 204"~ '~'}~~ PI~.~~~~in~ ~s~c~ ~c~~i~~; C`~s~~~n~s~ion, ~ai the ~i~y ot'~n~~~rsity Fark ~aet c~~ T~e~~~y, C~cis:~~,er l Ei, 20t~7 ~t> 5 ~ ~ ~ ~.~ , i~t ~ie ~`ity ~3 alll ~c~du~~ ~~i1d~~~, :~ ~~~' t.Tni~~~~ty 8~~~.,, L.T~~.ver~ity F'ark, `I'ca~a~. '~Y~~ fallc~~i~~ ~~ r~~nut~~ +~f`~h~t ~~~t~~~. ~a~~issir~n ~~r~b~~~ ,~~te~~i~~ S~~f~` ' ember~ ~tt~r~~n~ R.c~b~~~t I~. ~J~:st ---• ~"hai~a~~a I}c~rn~ ~~ls~ .... P~~nui~t~ ~s~ist~at ~~:ed ~h~wv~r, ~~l J~r~.i~'~r 1`~~av~~ --• Ad~~~i~~°~ti~e ~~:r~tt~:r~ ~+~ug R.c~aeh R.c~~ ~}a11~.r~ ~- ~i~~ :~.tta~ey ~t.~~:~~dy ~3ii~dle ~~1~ ~c~a.~ssc P~°esex~t a~nd S~~t~d ~3ea ~~urnanr~ Jc~'r~r 1t~rclan , ~cl ~'re~r~~an N~~, ~~;st cap~n~~ th~ z~e~tin~;, vv~lc~~r~ecl everyc~rae in ~tlen.s~;~c~ ~nd then ~~ad tl~e s~a~~ific~ aF th~ c~s~. ~?7 t~7-~~ ~, ~~lc~ a~~b~i~ h~ari~~ ~'ad cc~~~~s~er a r~qu~~ ~~ ~~~~~i~a~ Surv~ys, Ine., ~~~r~s~nti~~~ th~ ~arrsp~r~~,~~ner ~~1 ~'l~i~r~~e~, C~L~", ,~n€~ r~~~ti~~ a r~p~at c~f I.,~t 5 axzc~ Lcat ~, ~31cs~:~ ~, Nit, '~e~no~t ~~n~~ ~:dc~i~ic~~~, bei~g ~ ~dd~t~c~~ cs~'t~~ ~it~r ~~ ~.~nive~°ssiYY F"ark, ~~c~~c ~Xn~c~~ly ~cav~rn ~ :~61 ~a a~~. ~G2U ~i~kle}~ ~r~~~u~. "T"~e r~alat vvill sul~~ivi~e tlae lc~t.~ i~st~ f~r~r ~~~~~~ f~znily attacl~~ ~~t~ Ic~~t~ iz~ ~~~t~~d ]~~vel~a}~me~t Ui~trict ~'C~-b ~~z~in~; dis~r~~:t c~~ssificatic~~, .A. v~a~~:~ ~~'n~t r~c~~i~~''f~~° t~e ~p~rc~val n~' tl~~s r~~slat. Mr. ~fest i~c~uire~ ~f ~~r~ ~~r~ ~.~~ ~~ie~ t~at ~i,~~e~i ~~ ~g~.~ ir~ favc~~ c~~ th~; r~pl.at, nc~~~: c~:r~~~ fc~rw~€~. H~ t~~~ inc~~t~~~d ~i t~~~e w~re' ~a~ cap~~i~g ~~x~tie~€. ~ ~~~i~;~~c~rin~ re~icl~~tt ~t~te~ ~~at she c~~apc~sed ~z~~l ~~~e~ tc~ ~~~.~.1`~C~. ~'e~~ th~~ re~nin~~~ ~rc~ t~~t if ~.~ie repl~~ m~~t~ a1~ c>f'th~ lc~~~~ r~uii~~~nt~ th~r~ if wa~Id. b~ ~.~pre~v~c~. T~e r~si~~~t t1~~tt ~~~u~r~~ if t~~~e wc~uid ~~ ~y' c~ax~~~ i~ a~~ns~t~r and Nir. ~e~t :~t~tec~ the:r~ w~s ~c~t. T~~ ~~i~~s~tt ~hen: r~fr~aa~~l ~~ ~aa~~' a~pe~~~~g ~~itia~. ~~, ~e~t i~~:c~u:ir~ i~'th~ ~~ai~t ~~~ in f~c~t rn~t all cit~ rec~€ur~m~~tts ~~ l~s. F3~~~~r s~ated ~c s. ~t~d~ I~id~ll~ z~~c~e th~ nat~tic~~ t~ ~pprc~ve t~~ rep~~t. Re~c~ ~h~w~~er ~~:c~nd~d th~ x~c~t~c~~ ~tir~~ich c~iet~, ~~~. Nir. l~v'e,;t r~~d tl~~ ~p~~if ~:~ ~f ~~ ~~~t c.~.s~. P~ t~7_t~17~ ~-1c~1~ a~u~a~ic 1~e~.'ng ~n~i c:~~si~er a r~qu~s~ b~ ~~ry ~. ~c~er~er, ~chite~t, r~~ar~sentir~~ ~r~p~~;~ rs~ner ~~x~d F°~rc~, tca ~m~nd t~~ ~~~~I~d sit~ ~1~ #ar`~l~ned. I~e~~lopn~ent L~istri~:~ ~'~-3~ t~ ~~.) ~~'~~ic~e f~r ~ ~~ta~~~t~ ~~~+~' c~~ac~~.se ~it~x ~ l~~tc~r° cc>urt'~v~i~;h ~i~l ~aa.n ~v~r'~~~te Cre~~ c~n tla~ n~~th~n ~~,~~ c~~'th~ pr~~~ ~rnd (~) tc~ a~icl a~isal ~~vi~ic~n in th~ ba~~yard. T'he sul~j~ct ~x~~ ~~ ~~~ate~ in t~i~ C~n~v~rsitY P~r~: Est~tes ~d~itic~n ~~~~~ ~it~t~~ ~t ~~~)I 'I`~a~tle Cre~~ :I~l~rr~., ~~~~+~~~niv~r~ity P~rl~. N1~. 4Ve~t i~c~uired i~ N~s. ~~1~~ ~r~~uld ~r~efly clar~~y ~~ ~ef~.~ls ~af~his ~a~~. ~~. ~a1s~r ~x~l~~~e~l t~is ~as ~pFr~v~ a~ ~.1~L~ in',~u~e af~t~#3~i ~ad ~v~a~ ~~s rc~~ir~c~ f~r t~at ~-~~~~cav~l. ~he then ~;ave a ~S~~~r ~c~ir~t ~r~se~~a~c~n il~~~~~~~ng ~~~~ ~~ ~(~~ ~'vc~t br~~fe~°, t~~ ~rsa~lin~ lisl fc~r lc~al n~tif~~:~~ic~~ ~~~c~rdin~ tr~ t~tat buf~'er a~~.p; ~t~~ sh~awe~. t~~ ~etail~~ ~ite ~1~.~~ zn~l~~r~i~~ l€~c~~ti~~ ~~ t~~ ~r~~tc~r c.:~u~~t a~d'~~i~~~ ~~f~~e gara~~, ~h~ th~n in~.Xi~eci Mr. Bc~er~er t~ el~~.~c~~tc~ t~~ d~t~il~ ~d ci~°awi~~~ in tl~~ pr~~~~~~io~. ~r. I~~r~°~ F'. ~3c~~rd~r, r~si~en~ c~f 3545 ~"sre~z~~ri~r a~c~ ~r~hite~t r~xt~~n~n~; prc~p~~y c>r~~er Ci~r~ld ~c~rc~; c~~n~ i~rw~°d, ~~ ~tat~d ~h~t tt~e pr~~a~~~ ~~~ ~~arr~€~3 ~cs~ ~ SF-I ta ~ 1'L7 ~~ Jun~ c~~ `~t~~~a ~t~ t~e ~~c~~~~;~ r~~r~er i~ rz+~w r~c~~~st~~~ ~~t~~tdment to tl~c~ ~zi~i~al I~:C~. ~-~~ st~t~~1 t~~t'a i~~d~~~pi:~~ p~an l~a~ r~cat ~~t ~~~~ cc~~pl~t~ a~r~~ that ].~~~f~~rts ~~~nc~~c:~~~~~ w~a~l~ ~e'w~r~i~.~ ~a~ ~a~t. '~h~ ~"~rp c~~ ~~~i~~~r~ has haaw~v~r rec~~zir€;~3 ~;~zt~~; l~anl~ i~~pr~ave~~r~ts ~~c~ ~s un~~r~ay. He ~he~a s~~~r~ t~a~ 1~e~ti,~~s ~f tl~e mc~tc~r cc>~,xrt, ~~ra~c, and ~S~~c~l ~~~ilica~, lt3r. 1~'~st i~~uir~ if ~~a~~ ~~~`~ ~i~in~ ~uart~~s ~vit~~~ ~he ~;~~~~e stru~ture ~~ 1~1r. ~3cs~r~~~° ~t~ted y~s. ~vi~°. ~est inqui~~d w~t~:t wauld b~ g~~ed ~y ~a~~~; th~ ~~:rage ~tr~:~;tur~ c~v~r the c~°e~~ ~~te~~ af~~~~~ t~~ c~ri~inai F~ a1~c~r~~. 1~~. k~ae~cier stt~:te~ t~at he ~c~pes Ec~r ~ b~tt~r vi~~b~lat~. ~r. ~~~t then ~s~~d'hcaw ~~~~ v~hi~les ~r+~uld ~t ~~ the znrstc)r cc~c~rt ~ncl i~ t~i~re ~er~ ~a~~n~ ~c~ s~°~~~~ IVIr. ~3~~~" ~rr+~p~~, zac~~~ oft~~ ~it~» ~Sr. ~3c~erc~er stat~c~ there ~;~~~~ ~~ s~:re~tai~~ ~nd ~e tl~en s~aa~e a~t~~ e~t~~siv~ cca~~ inv~lv~c~ i~ ~ra~ion c~at~trr~l. ~r. ~3i~~1c~ i~ac~~ir~' if tl~~r~ ~~re als+~ ~a1~~ ~~r~z~ ~~:e ~i~n~y's ~ar~t~~y, ic~~;at~ at ~r'~C~€3 ~:uni~~s ~:~l~:n, ~c~~°~li~e~~ ca1'th+~ s~t~.l~tr. B~er~~r stal.c~ t~~t ~~xa°~ ~~r~ ~.iscus~i~r~s ~f ~~.dix~~; an ~ ~c~~at f~~,ceg ~ ~~et ~~ca~~ gr~~d~, ~1~~~ t~~~t ~i~i~ c~fthe ~rc~~a~~ty ~i~a.t c;c~rald. n~rt ~;~ ~n~ hi~;h€~~° c~ue t~ c~ty c~r~i~~na~e, 1`v~r. C3i~:k ~a~~, ow~~x !~~~i~~~t c~f` ~9(~~ '~'ass~r, c~e f~r~~rd. ~~ i~~~~r~d if the ~a~o~sc~l ~1a~~ wc~~l~ hav~',~ny ef~`ect ar~ t~a~'~Ic~~ c~f'~"~t~€~'~'r~~~ ~os~~bly c~us~n~ a ~rc~bl~~n ~rzth ri~zn~ w~t~x,' l~'I~°. ~~c~r~er sta~~c:C that t~t~ ~~~~ ~c~u~d a~~~~ly irnpr~rve t~ae ~c~~~ of th~ cx ~~1~. ~3i~1 Fc~~~~ ~x~q~rirc~i at th~ ~~~.~°tur~ ~wc~~~d la:~~ ~wa~r ~c~~ th~ pr~~e~y 1~~~ ~z~~ 1VIr, ~aerc~~r st~te~3 ye~: Nir. I)illarc~ su~gest~i th~t'it ~~a~~ ~~ a ga~sr~ ir~ea to ~rait ~~ti~ ~ae I~~d;~c:apin.~ plan is c~amp~~ted ~r~c~ th~~t ta~~ t~a co~rn~il rsn Octc~ber ~~, ~~07. NIr. West th~~ inquir~r~ it tl~~r~ w~~re ~y ~c~~e a~~~asin~ ~~i~s t~~ ruc~r~l~ li~e ta s~ak. Mr. Van ~tiver, ~ep~~~~~~~ t~~'~rc~~~rty caw~~rs ~t;~7t~ ~~a~f~~ ~1er~; ca~n~ ~'c~~rard. ~-~e ~x~r~sseci ~~r~~~rns ~i'~~~ li~~tin~ c~~~ th~ nrm~ti~r ~caurt a~~ ~~is~ ~€i ~h~n ~t~tec3 t~a,t the ~`iraz~~~"s ~~u~ci ~Z~~r~ ~p~sre~i~.t~~ b~~~ ncatifzed c~f the~e i:;~t~~ p~c~~' ~r~~ ~l~at th~~ wc~G~lc1 cg~7~a~~; tl~~: }~~~a~~~cl ~l~.r~ unt~] ~l~~r c~~~ca~s~ic~n u~~.~d t~~ ~la~e. ~ir. ~c~crd~r state~l t~~.~ t~~~~ v~v~~.lc~ b~ nc~ I~r~;~ ~i~hts ~n~ :t~t~t t~i~r~ w~l~ ~e ~: ~r~~t deal c~f" c~c.n~ity ~c~ t~l~~ raa~~ ~~~ ~€~~ t~i~ ~rc~p~~ty. N~ ad~.ed that if t~~ pra~~~c~ pl~ ~w~s nvt ~p~r~v~~~: t~~n th~ ~;~r~~;~ wt~~d ~~ ~Si~~d w~aer~ zt w~s a~prc~~~d: z~t t~e o~~inal 1~D. Mr: l:~ill~.r~ in~u~~~ rxrhat k7~d c~f f~ncin~ ~~re ~r~~l~ ~~ +~n t~i~.t'~o~ s~c~~ ~r~d Mr. ~3~sc~rc~er st~t~c~ that ~t ~rc~~l~ ~~ ~~~st~~te~ ~-fwr~~~;ht ir~z~ ~nd w~a~id be p~~~~t st~l.e wit~ a~reat ~~~1€~f ~attur~ ~e~e~~~ic~~ ~s cv~l~ a~~ re~~~cir~~ ~c-~~ ~~~e e~~stir~~ ~~ncl~~;a.~in.~;, H~ ~c~~~d th~t it ~~a~ld k~~ ~~ry weli cove~~d. Mr, I~ass t~~;~in rai~ed c~~~~~c~~~ ~c~~a~e~i~~~ t~e lig~~~n~; bu~ ~r. ~~e~°d~r reassu~d h~rn that t~Z~ 1i~~l;ing °w~u11~ b~: di~~t~c~ d~w~z ~r~d i~a~r~trd.. ~ir. Wc~t ins~~xi~e~ zft~~°~'~~~~ ~~~~ ~aa~e r~~s}aca~i~~g'pa~i~°'t~~t ~i~h t~ ~~~k. Nc~n~ ~~rz~ fc~~~r~rc~ ~t~l ~~ c1c~s~ t~~ ~u1~~i~' la~~.:~~~~. ' Ntr. R~~ch stated ~~~t h~,vin~ ~i~~:~~si~~~ ~zt~ th~ ~ir~~e~'~ vv~~ ~. ~~~~° r~u~st a~ Mr. ~~i~e~. ' NI~~, Fc~a~~ m~de ~ rnca~ion tc~ ~~~:rc~~re t~~c r~u.est ~rzt~: th~ s~i~u~~t~~n ~~t a€~etait~ la.n~.sc~~e ~~~~ ~'car ~l~.e'~tc~ t~ ~he ~r~a~h~est a~c~ n~~th~ast ~f`tli,~ :~c~i~r. ~"r~u.rt is ~u~~r~~ittecl ~ad tl~~t C~,t ~he €~~~~ide 3i~~~~ f+~r th~ l1i~t~tc-~ ~;cauurt a~~~ ~ha11 l~~ limit~~ ici ~i~ture~ i~~~t ~n t~~ :~' l~.ndse:ap~ p~a~te~ ~~~:~s ~c~unc~ the 1~1~-t~r ~c~urt ~.~~1 ~l~.all ~~ ~i~t~ i~t~rard ~nd d~w~~~i°d. ~vlr. ~~~v~Xve~° se~c-a~~~~ t~e ~n~ati+~rt ~rhich c~rz~~c~, 5-t~. ~r. W~.~t th~n ~~~ec~ ~'c>z° ap~r~v~I ~# ~tlae mi~ute~; frozn th~ ~e~~~~n.be~ 17, 20~'7 m~ti~~ ~nrith ~n.y ~;~n~rt~ent~, c~r ~~~~e~. ~"~~ ~ac~ ~omme~t~ ~~r ch~~~s 1~~~~ ~€~ac~ ~«~~.e a r~cstic~n tc~ a~~rc~v~ t~i~ ~~in~t~s. ~it~ a s~c+~~~d ~°rc~m R~n~~ Bi~dle fi~i~ ~ac~tic~~ c~~d. 5-C. ' l~ith tlxer~ bcin~; ~c~ fu~h~~ ~t~sines~ be:~~~ th~ 8+~~°r~, Mr. ~~st ~~~u~~ the ~eetin~. , ~~ ~ ~' ~'``~ fr~~`~~~ ~ `~ 12.a~~~~t~H. VVest, ~~'h~~r~~ P1~n~n~; & 7c~ni(~~ Cc~m~issi~a~r o-~~~~~ ~ ~ -;~`~ C~~i,te