HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008.05.13 PZ Mn1'LANNING ANll ZONING COMMISSION UNNF.RSITY PARK, TEXAS MINUTES May 13, 2008 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of University Park met on Tuesday, May 13, 200$ at 5:00 P.M. in the City Hall Modular Building, 3800 University alvd., University Park, Texas. The following are minutes of that meeting. Commission Members Attending Robert H. West - Chairman Bea Humann Doug Roach Bill Foose Randy Biddle Present and Seated Ed Freeman Jerry Jordan Absent Reed Shawver Staff Members Attending Harry Persaud - Community Development Mgr. Lorna Balser - Planning Assistant Rob Dillard - City Attorney Mr. West opened the meeting, welcomed everyone in attendance and then read the specifics of the first case. PZ 08-006: John Bunten, representing the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas, requesting approval to amend the detailed site plan for Planned Development District PD-12, to include three (3) manufactured storage units which currently exist on the site. The subject tract is zoned PD-12 and operated by the Park Cities YMCA. Harry Persaud introduced the item with a PowerPoint presentation with photos which provided details of the site and the complexity of the area it exists within. He explained that complaints had been received pertaining to the storage units located on the site and that they had been given two options; either remove the storage units or amend the site plan so that the PD correctly depicts all that is on the site. Another more expensive alternative is to expand the primary structure to accommodate storage inside the building. Mr. West opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak in approval or opposition of the proposed amendment. John Bunton who resides at 3613 Wentwood and is a board trustee of the YMCA Park Cities introduced himself, and reviewed the history of the storage units' existence and their interactions with the city in regard to the storage units. He explained that there are two gates on the defined "storage area" and that the employees try to keep them closed at all times, knowing the surrounding residents concerns. Mr. Bunton explained that the YMCA has replaced the lining on the fence and planted photinias along the fence long ago which are now tall and thick. He also added that the trustee's on the board have sent letters to the surrounding residents with two planned events to explain the site plan proposal. One person attended the two events. Doug Roach asked Harry Persaud whether or not there was anything which could prevent the YMCA from just piling their equipment outside? Harry Persaud responded, "No". He asked Rob Dillard his opinion. Rob Dillard responded, "No, nothing he knew ot". Randy Biddle asked John Bunton whether they were asking for anything other than what is already presently there. John Bunton said "no". He made the comment that they were going to change the slats on the fence to the color green. Harry Persaud suggested that "green slats" be noted on the site plan. Bob West asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in opposition. Gil Brown, property owner who resides at 4007 Normandy across from the pool and next to the Unitarian Church approached the podium and stated that he was in opposition. Gayle Schoolcopf , property owner who resides at ~006 Shenandoah approached the podium. She stated that she feels most impacted by the storage area, stated she was in opposition and asked the Planning and Zoning members to consider the impact on the neighborhood. Harry Persaud further expanded addressing the options for the YMCA which are; expanding the building which would be very expensive or amending the site plan and making the acttiial storage units legal. Jerry Jardan asked about a solid screening wall. John Bunton stated that the YMCA does need a means of ingress and cgress to the area. Bob West closed the public hearing and asked for fiirther comments from the members of the Planning and Loning Commission. I~oug Roach stated that the YMCA has been there for at least 20 years. Bea Humann suggested more screening of the area. John Bunton added that the trustees of the YMCA have discussed that option. He said that they would also like to have more meetings with the residents in regard to public relations. Randy Biddle made a motion to approve the site plan with special conditions. ~I~he conditions are as follows: a. All permanent improvements and portable buildings in this Planned Development District will be constructed or placed and maintained in accordance with the amended detailed site plan. b. All slats in the gates and fence on Connerly Drive shall be replaced with new slats which are painted dark green or forest green in color; c. "I~he area north of the area shown on the site plan for temporary storage units shall be screened from view from the north by planting of evergreen shrubs that are at least 8' high at the time of planting and capable of reaching a mature height of 20', on 6' centers, behind the existing Bradford pears and live oaks, in a manner approved by the Community Development Manager. This required landscape screening shall be irrigated and kept in good condition at all times; d. That the existing storage buildings and any replacement buildings or containers placed in the storage area shall not exceed the dimensions shown on the site plan as 16'x73' and 10'3" in height and shall be painted the same color as the adjacent main building. Bill Foose seconded the motion to approve the zoning ordinance amendment with the special conditions and to forward it to the City Council. . With a vote of 5-0, the motion was approved. Mr. West read the specifics of the next case. PZ 08-005: Hold a public hearing and consider amend Section 28-111 (5) of the Comprehensive pool enclosures. The public hearing on this iter~ continued at this meeting. making a recommendation to the City Council to Zoning Ordinance to regulate gates for swimming ~ was initially held on April 23, 2008 and will be This item had previously gone before the Planning and "I.oning Commission at the April 23, 2008 meeting. Harry Persaud reviewed the regulations in further detail and what had been discussed at the previous meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Bob West asked if there were any questions. I-Ie opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition or approval of the ordinance. With no one approaching the podium, Mr. West closed the public hearing. Bill Foose read through the options again contained in the ordinance. Bea Humann made a motion to approve the ordinance and to forward ro the city council. Bill Foose seconded the motion and the motion and with a vote of 5-0, the motion was approved. Mr. West read the specifics of the next case. P7. 08-007: Hold a public hearing and consider mal<ing a recommendation to the City Council with regards to amending the Comprehensive Zonin~ ordinance to provide for incentives to encourage and promote articulation of~the front fa~ade of single family homes on lots less than 60 feet in width. Harry Persaud reviewed the item with a PowerPoint presentation. He explained that builders in the city are concerned about more regulations but that the Development Standards Committee had decided to provide an incentive with alternatives outlined in the ordinance proposal. Mr. Persaud reviewed the alternatives. He asked the members if there were questions. "There were none. Bob West closed the public hearing. Doug Roach made a motion to approve the ordinance with the condition that it apply to lots with "60' and less in width". Randy Biddle seconded the motion and that the attachments of the options should be included and forwarded to the city council. With a 5-0 vote, the motion was approved. With no comments or changes Doug Roach made a motion to approve the minutes which was seconded by Jerry Jordan. With a vote of 5-0, the minutes were approved. Mr. West read the specifics of the next case. PZ 08-008: Hold a public hearing and consider making a recommendation to the City Council with regards to amending the Comprehensive 7.oning ordinance to regulate features allowed in the required front yards in the single family districts. 1-iarry Persaud reviewed one particular "feature" in the front yard and showed photos of one violating home. He reviewed the current code and that the item had been taken to both ZOAC and UDAUAC committees. He then reviewed their discussions and recommendations which was the proposed ordinance before the Planning and Zoning Commission. He asked if anyone had any questions. Bob West asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition. With no one approaching the podium, he closed the public hearing. Bob West asked for a motion. Randy Biddle made a motion to approve the proposed ordinance as recommended and to forward to the City Council. Bea Humann seconded the motion. With a 5-0 vote, the motion was approved. Mr. West then asked for approval of the minutes from the April 23, 2008 meeting without any changes. With there being no further business before the Board, Mr. West adjourned the meeting. L%~~G~-,~~~ ~~~ __ _----- ---- ___-~~~ Robert H. West, Chairman Ylanning & loning Commission ~ ~g ~g Date