HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013.07.02 City Council Meeting Minutes 651
(9) City of University Park City Hall
3800 University Blvd.
University Park,TX 75205
Meeting Minutes
City Council
Tuesday,July 2,2013 5:00 PM Council Chamber
Present: 4- Mayor W. Richard Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Bob Clark, Councilmember Bob
Begert and Councilmember Dawn Moore
Excused: 1 - Councilmember Tommy Stewart
A. 13-173 3:31 -4:17 P.M. The Council convened into closed Executive Session
under Government Code Section 551.076 to deliberate the
deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security
personnel or devices. No action was taken. Executive Conference
Room, 1st Floor, City Hall.
A. 13-169 4:20 - 5:02 P.M. The City Council convened into open work session to
receive agenda item briefings from staff. No action was taken.
Council Conference Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall.
A. INVOCATION: Mayor W. Richard Davis
B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Davis / Boy Scouts
Boy Scout Clay Rejebian, Troop 82, assisted in leading the Pledge of Allegiance.
Clay stated he is working on his Communications merit badge.
D. INTRODUCTION OF STAFF: City Manager Bob Livingston
Staff present included: Community Information Officer Steve Mace, Director of
Information Services Jim Criswell, Police Chief Gary Adams, Director of Public Works
Bud Smallwood, City Secretary Liz Spector, Director of Finance Kent Austin, Director
of Parks Gerry Bradley,Assistant Director of Public Works Jacob Speer, Director of
Human Resources Luanne Hanford, Library Director Sharon Martin, Director of
Community Development Robbie Corder, Assistant to the City Manager George Ertle,
Fire Chief Randy Howell and City Engineer Bob Whaling. Also present were police
department employees Todd Jenkins, Captain Greg Spradlin, Nancy Escobar,
Captain Jim Savage, Lt. Keith Burks, Lt. Bill Mathes, Sgt. John Ball, Robbie Keenan,
Don-is Certain, and Dawn Kossmann.
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City Council Meeting Minutes July 2,2013
A. 13-164 Recognition of Construction Inspector Harold Newman's retirement
with 12 years of service to the City.
Director of Public Works Bud Smallwood introduced former employee Harold
Newman and thanked him for his service to the City. Mayor Davis gave Mr. Newman
a plaque and Mayor Pro Tom Clark gave Mr. Newman a check in recognition of his
B. 13-165 Recognition of Police Lieutenant Gerald Bishop's retirement after 26
years with the City.
Police Chief Gary Adams introduced former UPPD Lt. Gerry Bishop and thanked him
for his twenty-six years of service. Mayor Davis gave Lt. Bishop a plaque and
Councilmember Moore gave him a check in recognition of his years of service to the
A motion was made by Councilmember Moore,seconded by Mayor Pro Tem
Clark,that the Consent Agenda be approved.The motion carried by the
following vote:
Aye: 4- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert,and
Councilmember Moore
A. 13-167 Consider and act on an amendment to the City Manager Employment
This Contract was approved.
B. 13-168 Consider approval of minutes of the June 18, 2013 City Council
The Minutes were approved.
A. 13-102 Consider and act on proposed amendments to the Ordinance
regulating park facilities usage
Mayor Davis said the latest draft of the ordinance amending park facilities usage was
published on the City's website Friday,June 28, 2013. He stated during the work
session that the Council suggested some clean-up language prior to adoption of the
ordinance. He said those changes will be detailed in the motion.
Councilmember Moore stated the deletion of the sentence is acceptable as long as
the ordinance provides authority to the director of parks or his agent to relocate any
sports clinic scheduled for longer than one week if deteriorating field conditions merit
such relocation. Councilmember Begert stated the ordinance does provide that
A motion was made by Councilmember Begert,seconded by Mayor Pro Tern
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Clark,that this Ordinance be adopted as amended subject to deletion of the
sentence in Section 1.09.153,Sports Clinics,(b)stating: "no park site will be
reserved for a sports clinic or clinics for more than one week in any month."
The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 4- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, and
Councilmember Moore
B. 13-155 Consider resolution amending master fee schedule
A motion was made by Councilmember Begert,seconded by Mayor Pro Tem
Clark,that this Resolution be adopted as amended to include the word
"annual" in relation to the fees for sports clinics,trainers and instructors in
Section A6.005.The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 4- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, and
Councilmember Moore -
C. 13-171 Public Hearing on a request to amend the Special Sign District for the
Plaza at Preston Center to allow for a specified number of colors for
signage within the shopping center.
Mayor Davis stated that the representatives for the Plaza at Preston Center
requested this item be moved to the July 16, 2013 City Council Meeting because they
are unable to attend tonight's meeting.
Mayor Davis made made a motion that the public hearing be postponed to the
July 16,2013 City Council Meeting.The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 4- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, and
Councilmember Moore
D. 13-172 Consider and act on an ordinance amending the Special Sign District
for the Plaza at Preston Center to allow signage to contain not more
than ten colors.
A motion was made by Mayor Davis that action on this Ordinance be
postponed until the July 16, 2013 City Council Meeting.The motion carried by
the following vote:
Aye: 4- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, and
Councilmember Moore
E. 13-175 Discuss objects allowed in the required front yard under the City's
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
Director of Community Development Robbie Corder addressed the Council regarding
a resident request to amend the ordinance addressing objects allowed in front yards.
He said the first part of the request relates to whether non-permanent play structures
such as toddler swings and slides should be regulated by this ordinance and the
second part is whether to allow permanent or semi-permanent structures, such as
basketball goals, in front yards. Mr. Corder reminded the Council that in 2006 this
issue was studied in-depth by UDADAC and during public hearings at P&Z. He said
after receiving P&Z recommendations, the issue went before the Council. He said
an ordinance was adopted which provided guidance on items allowed in the front
yards. Mr. Corder said permanent or semi-permanent basketball goals are not
allowed;however, temporary structures such as trampolines, soccer goals and other
non-fixed recreational items are allowed.
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City Council Meeting Minutes July 2,2013
Resident Erin Schreyer was called to speak. She said she and her family have lived
on Colgate for the past two years and recently received a citation for their front-yard
basketball goal. Ms. Schreyer said allowing this goal gives children a safe place play
where they are in sight of their parents. She said the pole utilizes the safest
technology in the market and has no risk of blowing over or falling down. She said
the design is sleek,professional and unobtrusive. Ms. Schreyer stated that residents
of her block gave unanimous approval of her request to keep the goal. She asked
the Council to consider amending the ordinance to include language that allows
removable goals. She said keeping children active is healthy, safe and in alignment
with other goals of the City.
Mayor Davis asked if the Schreyers had room in their side or rear yards to install the
basketball hoop. Ms. Schreyer said no. She said children playing near alleys is
Mayor Pro Tern Clark asked if other types of goals were considered that did conform
to the City's ordinance. She said goals fall in to three categories-fully portable goals
with bases filled with water or sand, semi-permanent goals like the one she has
installed, and finally, fully permanent goals which require the pole to be cemented
into the ground.
Mayor Pro Tern Clark asked Mr. Corder to explain the process to make this type of
change to the Code of Ordinances. Mr. Corder said the City Council could direct staff
to conduct a public hearing before P&Z, then forward their recommendation to the
Council for another public hearing and possible adoption of an amending ordinance.
Mayor Pro Tern Clark asked if there would be any merit in having a citizen committee
review the request before sending it to P&Z.
Councilmember Begert said the issue had already been thoroughly studied by the
Urban Design and Development Advisory Commitee, by P&Z and by the City
Mayor Davis asked if there were any other comments regarding the discussion item.
There were none and Mayor Davis said the item will be carried forward for further
discussion to determine whether the item should be returned for action to the Council.
F. 13-174 Consider approval of a proposal from Tyler Technologies for purchase
of the Brazos Electronic Citation Solution
Director of Information Services Jim Criswell addressed the City Council. He briefed
them on the electronic citation initiative. He said the system will allow traffic tickets to
be imported into the City's court software electronically, rather than manually entering
tickets as currently done. He said this will reduce error potential as well as free staff
to perform other duties.
Mr. Criswell said the system he and police department staff have chosen is sold by
Brazos Technology and is used by more than 70 Texas cities, including Southlake,
Coppell, Keller, and also by Dallas County. He said Police Officer Al Rosales
surveyed seven local cities on their electronic ticket systems and five of them used
Brazos and all of them highly recommended the system. Mr. Criswell said Brazos
Technology representatives met with him, City Manager Livingston, Police Chief
Adams, along with other PD and IT staff. Mr. Criswell said it was an impressive
Mr. Criswell said he recommended the purchase of ten handheld ticketwriters to be
vieissued to traffic enforcement personnel. He said the City's existing five units will be
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issued to the parking enforcement unit. Mr. Criswell stated that Brazos is a member
of the NJPA and meets the bidding requirements of the City. He said the cost is
$87,964 which will be funded through the Court Technology Fund and use no funds
from the General Operating Fund. Mr. Criswell said$4 from every moving violation
citation paid to the City's Municipal Court goes into this fund and can only be used for
specific purchases. He said this purchase is an allowed use of the Court Technology
Fund. He also stated there is approximately$88,000 in that fund currently and the
fund replenishes at approximately$800 per month.
A motion was made by Councilmember Moore,seconded by Councilmember
Begert,that this Contract be approved.The motion carried by the following
Aye: 4- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, and
Councilmember Moore
G. 13-176 Consider and act on resolution renewing City investment policy
Director of Finance Kent Austin addressed the Council about the annual renewal of
the City's investment policy. He said the policy sets guidelines and boundaries in
how the City manages and safeguards its investment portfolios. He said there were
no legislative changes this year that impacted City investment policies. Mr.Austin
said this is simply a renewal with no changes. He said the Finance Advisory
Committee recommended City Council approval of the renewal at their June 20, 2013
There were no questions for Mr. Austin and Mayor Davis asked for a motion.
A motion was made by Councilmember Begert,seconded by Mayor Pro Tem
Clark,that this Resolution be adopted.The motion carried by the following
Aye: 4- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, and
Councilmember Moore
H. 13-134 DISCUSS: FY2014 budget calendar
Kent Austin asked the Council to set dates for the formal budget adoption process.
He stated he will formally transmit the budget to the Council and file with the City
Secretary on August 6. Mr. Austin asked the Council to provide two meeting dates a
quorum will be available to schedule two public hearings. He suggested August 27
and September 3, with possible adoption on September 10.
The Council discussed their vacation schedules and it was determined that a quorum
will be available on August 27, September 3, September 10 and September 17. Mr.
Austin said he will schedule the public hearings.
No one wished to address the Council under Public Comments.
As there was no further business, Mayor Davis adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m.
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City Council Meeting Minutes July 2,2013
Considered and Approved this 16th day of July 2013:
Mayor W&har '
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Eliz Spector, ity Se/etary ii
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