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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013.07.16 City Council Meeting Minutes 657 Saw City of University Park City Hall 3800 University Blvd. University Park,TX 75205 Meeting Minutes City Council Tuesday,July 16,2013 5:00 PM Council Chamber 3:00-4:00 P.M. Progress Update on Council Goals and Objectives. Council Conference Room, 2nd Floor,City Hall Assistant to the City Manager George Ertle reviewed staff progress toward goals and objectives identified by the City Council during a July 2012 work session. No action was taken. 4:00-5:00 P.M. The Council met in open work session to receive agenda item briefings from staff. No action was taken. Council Conference Room,2nd floor, City Hall. CALL TO ORDER Present: 5- Mayor W. Richard Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Bob Clark, Councilmember Bob Begert, Councilmember Dawn Moore and Councilmember Tommy Stewart A. INVOCATION: Director of Information Services Jim Criswell B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Director of Information Svcs. Criswell / Boy Scouts Boy Scout Spencer Hardin introduced himself to the Council. He stated he is a member of Troop 125 and is working on his Communications merit badge. C. INTRODUCTION OF COUNCIL: Mayor W. Richard Davis Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Councilmembers Begert, Moore and Stewart were present. Also seated on the dais were City Attorney Robert L. Dillard, Ill and City Manager Bob Livingston. D. INTRODUCTION OF STAFF: City Manager Bob Livingston Staff present included: Director of Information Services Jim Criswell, Police Chief Gary Adams, Director of Public Works Bud Smallwood, City Secretary Liz Spector, Director of Parks Gerry Bradley, Chief Planning Official Harry Persaud, Director of Community Development Robbie Corder, Library Director Sharon Martin, Assistant to the City Manager George Ertle, and Fire Chief Randy Howell. II. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION A. 13-187 Recognize Holmes Aquatic Center lifeguards for 2013 North Texas Guard Games participation Director of Parks Gerry Bradley introduced lifeguards Michael Machak, Morgan Kemendo, Carlos Girod, and Olivia Donoghue who placed first in the First Aid and City of University Park Page 1 658 City Council Meeting Minutes July 16,2013 Safety Event and Brett Williams, Crayton McIntosh, Madisyn and Aubree Miller who placed fourth in the Spinal Event. Mayor Pro Tern Clark presented them with a plaque acknowledging their award. III. CONSENT AGENDA File 13-179. Consider amendments to Library Borrowing and Meeting Room Policies and acceptance of Friends of the University Park Public Library Funding Guide was removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration. A motion was made by Councilmember Moore,seconded by Councilmember Stewart,that the Consent Agenda be approved.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore, and Councilmember Stewart B. 13-186 Consider and act to cancel the August 6 and August 20 City Council Meetings and to schedule Meetings for August 27 and September 10 This Action Item was approved. C. 13-192 Consider and Act on an ordinance designating two (2) 15-minute parking spaces along the 6900 block of Hillcrest This Ordinance was adopted. Enactment No: ORD No.13/023 D. 13-178 Consider and act on revised SSO Initiative agreeement with TCEQ This Action Item was approved. E. 13-189 Consider approval of minutes of the July 2, 2013 City Council Meeting The July 2,2013 minutes were approved. A. 13-179 Consider and act on amendments to Library Borrowing and Meeting Room Policies and acceptance of Friends of the University Park Public Library Funding Discussion Guide City Council member Dawn Moore made a motion that the funding guide be amended. She motioned to approve the FOUPPL funding policy with an amendment to page 7 to clarify that the City Council had the ultimate authority to approve naming of library spaces by including the statement: "donors who have contributed $250,000 or more may select specified naming opportunities subject to University Park City Council approval." She then requested to amend the next sentence by deleting the phrase "and will require approval by the University Park City Council." A motion was made by Councilmember Moore,seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Clark,that the library use rules and Friends of the UP Public Library funding guide be approved as amended.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore, and Councilmember Stewart City of University Park Page 2 • 659 City Council Meeting Minutes July 16,2013 IV. MAIN AGENDA A. 13-182 Public Hearing on a request by St. Christopher's Episcopal Church to amend the detailed site plan for Planned Development District PD-27 to provide for a children's playground Chief Planning official Harry Persaud addressed the Council regarding a request to amend the detailed site plan for St. Christopher's Church. Mr. Persaud said church representatives have requested to enclose a small interior courtyard with a cedar fence to transform the area into a young children's playground. Mr. Persaud stated P&Z recommended approval in a 4- 1 vote. He said the lone dissenting vote by Commissioner Liz Farley was over concern about the appearance of the cedar fence planned to enclose the space. Mayor Davis asked if any representatives of St. Christopher's were present. There were none and Mayor Davis closed the public hearing. B. 13-181 Consider and Act on an ordinance amending the detailed site plan for Planned Development District PD-27 for the St. Christopher's Episcopal Church to provide for a children's playground Mayor Davis asked that consideration of the request be postponed until a church representative is present. No action was taken on the item. C. 13-171 Public Hearing on a request to amend the Special Sign District for the Plaza at Preston Center to allow for a specified number of colors for signage within the shopping center. Chief Planning Official Persaud addressed the Council regarding a request from the owners of the Plaza at Preston Center to amend the Sign Ordinance to allow use of additional colors in signs. He said the current sign ordinance for that location allows for a maximum of three(3)colors and the owners request to increase the allowed number of colors to a maximum of ten(10). There were no more questions for Mr. Persaud and Mayor Davis closed the public hearing. D. 13-172 Consider and act on an ordinance amending the Special Sign District for the Plaza at Preston Center to allow signage to contain not more than ten colors. A motion was made by Councilmember Moore,seconded by Councilmember Begert,that this Ordinance be adopted.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3- Mayor Davis, Councilmember Begert, and Councilmember Moore Nay: 2- Mayor Pro Tern Clark, and Councilmember Stewart Enactment No: ORD No.13/024 E. 13-184 Public Hearing on a proposed amendment to Section 40 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to repeal the current definition relating to Community Center(Public) and institute a new definition City of University Park Page 3 660 City Council Meeting Minutes July 16,2013 Chief Planning Official Persaud addressed the Council regarding an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. He said staff requests the Council consider this amendment which will add the definition of"Community Center"to the zoning code. Mr. Persaud said this definition will bring the City's code up to industry standards as reflected in ordinances adopted by other local communities. Mr. Persaud also stated that P&Z unanimously recommended approval. There were no questions for Mr. Persaud and Mayor Davis closed the public hearing. F. 13-185 Consider and Act on an ordinance amending Section 40 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to repeal the current definition relating to Community Center(Public) and institute a new definition Mayor Davis asked the Councilmembers for a motion. No motions were made and the item failed. G. 13-175 Consider and act on a request to revise items allowed in required front yards under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Mayor Davis said he is not inclined to amend the decision of the 2006 Council. Councilmember Stewart said he doesn't consider this basketball goal to be affixed and he said it is safer than those filled with sand and water. He said he is supportive of the request to allow the goal. Ms. Erin Schreyer was called to speak. Ms. Schreyer stated these goals are safer and more attractive than ones currently allowed. She said the current ordinance disallows permanently affixed structures, but she said her family's goal is not permanent because it is held in place by four removable bolts. She said the Council has three solutions, to stop calling this goal permanent, to rewrite the ordinance to make it less confusing or to allow her family to keep the goal through a variance or exception. Mayor Davis thanked Ms. Schreyer. Resident Mark Hardin requested to address the Council. Mr. Hardin asked the Council to ban all front yard basketball goals. He said they were unattractive. Councilmember Begert says it is difficult to list in an ordinance all possible items that could be in front yards, allowed or disallowed. He stated this issue was completely vetted by the City Council in 2006 and he does not feel this request warrants an exception. Mayor Pro Tem Clark said he was on P&Z in 2006 and discussions about items allowed in front yards began as a clean-up effort. He said initial discussions favored banning all recreational equipment in front yards;however, a compromise was reached to allow portable recreational items. Mr. Clark said staff has determined the Schreyer's goal is permanent and he supports staff's decision. There was no more discussion and Mayor Davis asked for a motion. A motion was made by Councilmember Begert,seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Clark,that this Action Item be denied.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 4- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, and Councilmember Moore Nay: 1 - Councilmember Stewart H. 13-125 Consider and Act on an ordinance amending Article 3 of the Code of vie City of University Park Page 4 661 City Council Meeting Minutes July 16,2013 Ordinances regarding sidewalk and ROW improvements for building permits in excess of$10,000 in valuation Director of Community Development Robbie Corder addressed the Council. He said this item was reviewed by the Council in February and was referred to the Public Works Advisory Committee (PWAC)for study and recommendation. He said PWAC made two recommendations to the Council. He said they suggested removal of the requirement for sidewalk and right-of-way(ROW)improvements associated with building permits in excess of$10,000 for permits that are categorized as "repairs"or "replacements." He said they favored maintaining the requirement for permit applications submitted for new construction, remodels, additions, concrete, and fences. Mr. Corder said the second suggestion was to remove language pertaining to appeals in the section that applies to sidewalk improvements. He said they determined the code language addressing ROW encroachments should match the code language addressing sidewalk improvements for better consistency throughout the code. Mr. Corder stated staff finds enforcement rules should clearly state what items must be addressed. Mr. Corder also stated that the draft ordinance included in the agenda packet has been slightly revised with non-substantive text changes. He said the word Section is changed to Chapter in the second sentence discussing removal of ROW encroachments and then moving that sentence to the end of the paragraph under Chapter 3.14.043. There were no questions for Mr. Corder and Mayor Davis asked for a motion. A motion was made by Councilmember Moore,seconded by Councilmember Begert,that this Ordinance be adopted.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore, and Councilmember Stewart Enactment No: ORD No.13/025 V. PUBLIC COMMENTS No requests to address the Council were received. VI. ADJOURNMENT There was no further business and Mayor Davis adjourned the meeting at 5:34 p.m. Considered and Approved this 27th day of August 2013: Mayor W. Richard Davis ATTEST: c / ��' Eliza,: Spector, City Sec/'ary City of University Park Page 5