HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013.04.02 City Council AgendaCITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER AGENDA #2858 APRIL 2, 2013 CALL TO ORDER: 5:00 P.M. 2:30 - 3:45 P.M.EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to the authority of GC §551.071(2), the City Council will meet in closed executive session for a consultation with the City Attorney to receive confidential legal advice regarding legal ramifications of proposed special conditions applicable to the Park Cities YMCA zoning application; and, under GC §551.071(1)(a) to consult with Attorney Rick Tubb, representing the City in pending litigation. Consider Legacy Hillcrest Investments, Ltd. v. the Board of Adjustment of the City of University Park, Texas. No action will be taken. Executive Conference Room, first floor, City Hall. 3:45 - 4:00 P.M.DISCUSS: request to consider annexation of the former Mrs. Baird's site on the southwest corner of Mockingbird and Central Expressway 4:00 - 5:00 P.M.WORK SESSION FOR AGENDA REVIEW: The Council will meet in open work session to receive agenda item briefings from staff. No action will be taken. Council Conference Room, 2nd floor, City Hall. TO SPEAK ON AN AGENDA ITEM Anyone wishing to address the Council on any item must fill out a green “Request to Speak” form and return it to the City Secretary. When called forward by the Mayor, before beginning their remarks, speakers are asked to go to the podium and state their name and address for the record. I . CALL TO ORDER A .INVOCATION: Councilmember Tommy Stewart B .PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilmember Tommy Stewart / Boy Scouts C .INTRODUCTION OF COUNCIL: Mayor W. Richard Davis D .INTRODUCTION OF STAFF: City Manager Bob Livingston II . AWARDS AND RECOGNITION A.RETIREMENT: recognition for Kenneth Chance, Sanitation Superintendent, with 24 1/2 years of service, Juan Martinez, Sanitation Driver with 38 years of service, and Kathleen Mashburn, Finance Administrative Secretary, with 22 years of service. III . CONSENT AGENDA A.RECOGNITION: of Tree City USA Certification for 2012 B.CONSIDER AND ACT: on Williams Park reservation request from Highland Park Presbyterian Church C.CONSIDER AND ACT: on an ordinance amending Article 13.300 of the Code of Ordinances, Swimming Pool Regulations D.CONSIDER AND ACT: on minutes of the March 19, 2013 City Council Meeting E.CONSIDER AND ACT: on minutes of the March 27, 2013 Special City Council Meeting Page 1 of 59 IV . MAIN AGENDA A.CONSIDER AND ACT: on an ordinance granting approval for a conceptual site plan to amend Planned Development District PD-12, to demolish the existing structure and redevelop a 3.72 acre tract more or less, with a new YMCA facility and a below- grade parking garage. B.CONSIDER AND ACT: on a resolution authorizing acceptance and use of SWHEA and THEA surplus funds C.CONSIDER AND ACT: on approval of a proposal from Imaginuity Interactive, Inc. to redesign the City's website V. PUBLIC COMMENTS Anyone wishing to address an item not on the Agenda should do so at this time. Please be advised that under the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council cannot discuss or act at this meeting on a matter that is not listed on the Agenda. However, in response to an inquiry, a Council member may respond with a statement of specific factual information or a recitation of existing policy. It is the Council’s policy to request that citizens not address items that are currently scheduled for a future agenda or public hearing. Instead, the Council requests that citizens attend that specific meeting to express their opinions, or comment to the Council by e-mail at City-Council@uptexas.org or letter addressed to the Mayor and Council at 3800 University Blvd., University Park, Texas 75205. Other questions or private comments for the City Council or Staff should be directed to that individual immediately following the meeting. As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into Closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any Agenda items listed herein. Page 2 of 59 AGENDA MEMO (4/2/2013 AGENDA) TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Luanne Hanford SUBJECT:RETIREMENT: recognition for Kenneth Chance, Sanitation Superintendent, with 24 1/2 years of service, Juan Martinez, Sanitation Driver with 38 years of service, and Kathleen Mashburn, Finance Administrative Secretary, with 22 years of service. BACKGROUND: Page 3 of 59 AGENDA MEMO (4/2/2013 AGENDA) TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Gerry Bradley, Parks Director SUBJECT:RECOGNITION: of Tree City USA Certification for 2012 BACKGROUND: The City of University Park has again received Tree City USA designation from the National Arbor Day Foundation for 2012. This is the eighth consecutive year the City has received this recognition. The Tree City USA program recognizes the City’s achievements in promoting the environmental and economic benefits of planting and preserving trees in our community. In 2012, 85 trees were planted as part of our “Trees For Town” program. This brings the total number of trees planted in University Park since 1985 to approximately 3,500 trees. ATTACHMENTS: Letter - Texas A&M Forest Service Page 4 of 59 Page 5 of 59 AGENDA MEMO (4/2/2013 AGENDA) TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Gerry Bradley, Parks Director SUBJECT:CONSIDER AND ACT: on Williams Park reservation request from Highland Park Presbyterian Church BACKGROUND: Staff received a request from the Highland Park Presbyterian Church to reserve Williams Park on Saturday, August 24, 2013 from 2:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. for a family event. The event will include a band, bounce houses, food and games. HPPC representatives have indicated they anticipate approximately 300 individuals to attend. Staff has contacted HPPC and reviewed the various ordinances and fees associated with the rental. The church will will be charged $750.00, including a refundable $250.00 damage deposit. HPPC has held similar events on park property in the past with no problems reported. RECOMMENDATION: Staff will take direction from City Council on how to proceed with this request. ATTACHMENTS: Reservation Request – Highland Park Presbyterian Church Page 6 of 59 • Highland Park U PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH March 19, 2013 To: Jerry Bradley, UP Park Director Mr, Bradley, This is a request to reserve Williams Park on Saturday, August 24, 2013 from 2-9 pm for a family event for Highland Park Presbyterian Church. Set up will begin at 2 pm and the actual event will occur from 5-9 pm. We anticipate 300 in attendance and plan to offer bounce houses, food, games and an outdoor concert, Thank you for your consideration, Sincerely, ~~.~ Christi Glasscock 214-525-4104 D' ctor of C 'Idr 's rogramming and Events .­ fw1 Mark Story 214-525-4247 Executive Director Page 7 of 59 AGENDA MEMO (4/2/2013 AGENDA) TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Liz Spector, City Secretary SUBJECT:CONSIDER AND ACT: on an ordinance amending Article 13.300 of the Code of Ordinances, Swimming Pool Regulations BACKGROUND: Pursuant to discussions at the March 19, 2013 City Council Meeting, the City Council requested the City Attorney draft an ordinance amendment to allow use of the swimming pool by former University Park mayors who no longer reside in the City or within HPISD boundaries. Staff also requested two additions to the same code section as follows: members of any swim team, whose membership consists primarily of City residents, which has been approved by the Parks Director, may use the pool as a practice area, and members of the families and bona fide guests of qualified residents or property owners may also use the pool. The amending ordinance is included for the Council's review. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance amending pool use regulations Page 8 of 59 ORDINANCE NO. ___________________________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 13.300 SWIMMING POOL REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The Code of Ordinances, City of University Park, Texas, is hereby amended by amending Article 13.300 “Swimming Pool Regulations” in part as follows: “ARTICLE 13.300 SWIMMING POOL REGULATIONS … Sec. 13.303 Who May Use Pools The persons listed in this Section may use the City swimming pools, to wit: … (e) Members of any swim team, whose membership consists primarily of City residents, which has been approved by the Parks Director, may use the pool as a practice area; (f) Members of the families and bona fide guests of qualified residents or property owners described in (b) or (c) above; and, (g) Former Mayors who are non-residents of the City.” SECTION 2. All ordinances of the City of University Park in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part Page 9 of 59 or provision thereof, other than the part decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional. SECTION 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction in the municipal court of the City of University Park, Texas, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on the 2nd day of April 2013. APPROVED: ______________________________ W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR ATTEST: ________________________________________ ELIZABETH SPECTOR, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________ CITY ATTORNEY (RLD/3-22-13/59976) Page 10 of 59 ORDINANCE NO.________________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 13.300 SWIMMING POOL REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Duly passed by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on the 2nd day of April 2013. APPROVED: _________________________ W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR ATTEST: ______________________________________ ELIZABETH SPECTOR, CITY SECRETARY Page 11 of 59 AGENDA MEMO (4/2/2013 AGENDA) TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Liz Spector, City Secretary SUBJECT:CONSIDER AND ACT: on minutes of the March 19, 2013 City Council Meeting BACKGROUND: Minutes of the March 19, 2013 City Council Meeting are attached for the Council's review. ATTACHMENTS: March 19, 2013 CC Mtg Min Page 12 of 59 0,187(6 $*(1'$ &,7<&281&,/0((7,1* &,7<2)81,9(56,7<3$5.7(;$6 &281&,/&+$0%(5±&,7<+$// 78(6'$<0$5&+30  3:00 - 4:15 P.M. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to the authority granted under Texas Government Code, the City Council met in closed executive session under Section 551.071 (2) for a consultation with the City Attorney to receive confidential legal advice regarding legal ramifications of proposed special conditions applicable to the Park Cities YMCA zoning application, and, regarding an alleged Title IX violation; and under Section 551.074 (1) for an evaluation of the City Manager. No action was taken. Executive Conference Room, 1st floor, City Hall.   7KH([HFXWLYH6HVVLRQZDVDWWHQGHGE\0D\RU'DYLV0D\RU3UR7HPSRUH&ODUN &RXQFLOPHPEHUV%HJHUW0RRUHDQG6WHZDUW&LW\$WWRUQH\'LOODUGDQG&LW\0DQDJHU /LYLQJVWRQ$OVRSUHVHQWZHUH&RPPXQLW\'HYHORSPHQW'LUHFWRU&RUGHU3XEOLF:RUNV 'LUHFWRU6PDOOZRRG&LW\6HFUHWDU\6SHFWRU&RPPXQLW\,QIRUPDWLRQ2IILFHU0DFHDQG $VVLVWDQWWRWKH&LW\0DQDJHU(UWOH  4:15 - 4:20 P.M. DISCUSS: Possible modification of pool pass ordinance to allow use by former mayors no longer residing within University Park   0D\RU3UR7HP%RE&ODUNUHFRPPHQGHGDOORZLQJIRUPHU0D\RUVZKRKDGUHORFDWHGIURP WKH&LW\WREHDEOHWRFRQWLQXHWRSXUFKDVHSRROSDVVHV&RXQFLOPHPEHU%HJHUWDVNHGLI IRUPHU&RXQFLOPHPEHUVZKRPRYHGRXWRIWKH&LW\VKRXOGEHDOORZHGWKHVDPHRSWLRQ 0D\RU3UR7HP&ODUNVDLGKHWKRXJKWRQO\IRUPHU0D\RUVVKRXOGUHFHLYHWKLVEHQHILW+H DVNHGVWDIIWRSUHSDUHDQRUGLQDQFHDPHQGLQJWKHUXOHVIRUSRROXVHDQGSUHVHQWLWWRWKH &RXQFLOIRUDFWLRQDWWKHQH[WPHHWLQJ  4:20 - 4:30 P.M. DISCUSS: Donation of sculpture to be installed in Hitzelberger Park   'LUHFWRURI3DUNV*HUU\%UDGOH\DGGUHVVHGWKH&RXQFLO+HVDLGKHZDVFRQWDFWHGE\ IRUPHU0D\RU%DUEDUD+LW]HOEHUJHUZLWKDQRIIHUWRGRQDWHDVFXOSWXUHIRULQVWDOODWLRQLQ +LW]HOEHUJHU3DUN+HSUHVHQWHGDGUDZLQJDQGSKRWRVKRSSHGLPDJHGHSLFWLQJWKH VFXOSWXUHIRUWKH&RXQFLO VUHYLHZ+HVDLG0D\RU+LW]HOEHUJHUZLOOSD\DOODVVRFLDWHG FRVWVIRUSXUFKDVHRIWKHVFXOSWXUHDQGLWVLQVWDOODWLRQ7KH&RXQFLOKDGQRTXHVWLRQVDQG 0U%UDGOH\VDLGKHZLOOSURFHHGZLWKSODQVWRLQVWDOOWKHVFXOSWXUH  4:30 - 5:00 P.M. WORK SESSION FOR AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council convened into open work session to receive agenda item briefings from staff. No action was taken. Council Conference Room, 2nd floor, City Hall.   'LUHFWRURI3XEOLF:RUNV%XG6PDOOZRRGEULHIHGWKH&RXQFLORQDUHVLGHQW VUHTXHVWIRU WKH&LW\WRDEDQGRQDQXQXVHGZDWHUOLQHHDVHPHQWORFDWHGDW6DQ&DUORV0U 6PDOOZRRGVDLGWKHOLQHLVDQDEDQGRQHGOLQHWKDWDWRQHWLPHIHGDILUHK\GUDQW  Page 13 of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age 14 of 59     6WDIISUHVHQWLQFOXGHG&RPPXQLW\,QIRUPDWLRQ2IILFHU6WHYH0DFH$VVLVWDQWWRWKH &LW\0DQDJHU*HRUJH(UWOH3ROLFH&KLHI*DU\$GDPV'LUHFWRURI3XEOLF:RUNV %XG6PDOOZRRG&LW\6HFUHWDU\/L]6SHFWRU&KLHI3ODQQLQJ2IILFLDO+DUU\3HUVDXG 'LUHFWRURI)LQDQFH.HQW$XVWLQ/LEUDU\'LUHFWRU6KDURQ0DUWLQ'LUHFWRURI &RPPXQLW\'HYHORSPHQW5REELH&RUGHU$VVLVWDQW3XEOLF:RUNV'LUHFWRU-DFRE 6SHHU)LUH&KLHI5DQG\+RZHOODQGSROLFHGHSDUWPHQWVWDII6KDQQRQ-RQHV2IILFHU -RHO+ROOH\6JW-LP6DYDJH'DZQ.RVVPDQQ/LWD6QHOOJURYHDQG'HQLVH 2ELQHJER    &KLHI$GDPVDGGUHVVHGWKH&RXQFLO+HSUHVHQWHG2IILFHU-RHO+ROOH\DPHULWRULRXV FRQGXFWDZDUGIRURXWVWDQGLQJZRUNKHGLGLQFKDVLQJDEXUJODU\VXVSHFWIURPD UHVLGHQFHDQGDSSUHKHQGLQJKLPDIWHUDIRRWFKDVH&KLHI$GDPVDOVRSUHVHQWHG 2IILFHU+ROOH\DXQLIRUPEDUGHVLJQDWLQJWKHPHULWRULRXVFRQGXFWDZDUG    ORDINANCE NO. 13/10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK TEXAS, ABANDONING A WATER LINE EASEMENT IN LOT 1R, BLOCK 3, OF THE LOMA LINDA ADDITION, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AND DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT "A", TO THE ABUTTING OWNERS; PROVIDING FOR THE FURNISHING OF A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS ORDINANCE FOR RECORDING IN THE REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AS A QUITCLAIM DEED OF THE CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.   ORDINANCE NO. 13/11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, PROHIBITING PARKING AT ANY TIME IN THE 3000 BLOCK OF SMU BOULEVARD; PROVIDING FOR THE ERECTION OF SIGNS; $,192&$7,21&LW\0DQDJHU%RE/LYLQJVWRQ %3/('*(2)$//(*,$1&(&LW\0DQDJHU%RE/LYLQJVWRQ &,1752'8&7,212)&281&,/0D\RU:5LFKDUG'DYLV ',1752'8&7,212)67$))&LW\0DQDJHU%RE/LYLQJVWRQ II.AWARDS AND RECOGNITION $5(&2*1,7,21RI2IILFHU-RHO+ROOH\IRUPHULWRULRXVFRQGXFW III.CONSENT AGENDA $&216,'(5$1'$&7RQDQRUGLQDQFHDEDQGRQLQJDXWLOLW\HDVHPHQWDFURVVWKH SURSHUW\ORFDWHGDW6DQ&DUORV %&216,'(5$1'$&7RQDQRUGLQDQFHHVWDEOLVKLQJ123$5.,1*$1<7,0( DORQJWKHEORFNRI608%OYG Page 15 of 59 PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.   Consent Agenda approval will authorize award of a contract for screening wall construction to Superior Concrete in the amount of $89,163.75.   ORDINANCE NO. 13/12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING ARTICLE 8.01 "GENERAL PROVISIONS" BY AMENDING SECTION 8.01.001 (b) TO PROHIBIT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ON CERTAIN HOLIDAYS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITYCLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.   &RXQFLOPHPEHU6WHZDUWPDGHDPRWLRQWRDSSURYHWKH&RQVHQW$JHQGDDVSUHVHQWHG &RXQFLOPHPEHU0RRUHVHFRQGHGDQGWKHPRWLRQFDUULHGXQDQLPRXVO\    &KLHI3ODQQLQJ2IILFLDO+DUU\3HUVDXGDGGUHVVHGWKH&RXQFLO+HVDLG+3,6'KDV SURSRVHGDUHODWLYHO\PLQRUDPHQGPHQWWRWKHLUVLWHSODQWRHQODUJHWKHH[LVWLQJ NLWFKHQDQGFDIHWHULD0U3HUVDXGVDLGWKHH[SDQVLRQLVDSSUR[LPDWHO\VTXDUH IHHWZKLFKUHSUHVHQWVDIRXUSHUFHQWLQFUHDVHWRWKHEXLOGLQJ VWRWDO+HVDLGGHWDLOV ZHUHSUHVHQWHGGXULQJWKHZRUNVHVVLRQDQGZHUHDOVRLQFOXGHGLQWKH&RXQFLO V DJHQGDSDFNHW7KHUHZHUHQRTXHVWLRQVIURPWKH&RXQFLO  0D\RU'DYLVRSHQHGWKH3XEOLF+HDULQJ7KHUHZHUHQRUHTXHVWVWRDGGUHVVWKH &RXQFLOUHJDUGLQJWKHLWHPDQG0D\RU'DYLVFORVHGWKHSXEOLFKHDULQJ  &&216,'(5$1'$&7RQELGVUHFHLYHGIRUVFUHHQLQJZDOOVIRUWKH3HHN6HUYLFH &HQWHU '&216,'(5$1'$&7RQDQRUGLQDQFHSURKLELWLQJFRQVWUXFWLRQDFWLYLW\RQFHUWDLQ KROLGD\V (&216,'(5$1'$&7RQPLQXWHVRIWKH0DUFK&LW\&RXQFLO0HHWLQJ IV.MAIN AGENDA $38%/,&+($5,1*RQWKHSURSRVHGDPHQGPHQWRIWKHGHWDLOHGVLWHSODQIRU 3ODQQHG'HYHORSPHQW'LVWULFW3'WRSURYLGHIRUWKHH[SDQVLRQRIWKHH[LVWLQJ FDIHWHULDDQGNLWFKHQDWWKH0F&XOORFK,QWHUPHGLDWH+LJKODQG3DUN0LGGOH6FKRRO ORFDWHGDW*UDQDGD&LW\RI8QLYHUVLW\3DUN %&216,'(5$1'$&7RQDQRUGLQDQFHDPHQGLQJWKHGHWDLOHGVLWHSODQIRU 3ODQQHG'HYHORSPHQW'LVWULFW3' Page 16 of 59  &RXQFLOPHPEHU6WHZDUWPDGHDPRWLRQWRDSSURYHDQRUGLQDQFHDPHQGLQJWKH GHWDLOHGVLWHSODQIRU3ODQQHG'HYHORSPHQW'LVWULFW3'&RXQFLOPHPEHU%HJHUW VHFRQGHGDQGWKHPRWLRQFDUULHGXQDQLPRXVO\  ORDINANCE NO. 13/13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY AMENDING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 19 FOR THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 1-28, BLOCK E, UNIVERSITY ANNEX ADDITION TO THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING COMMONLY KNOWN AS 3555 GRANADA; APPROVING AN AMENDED DETAILED SITE PLAN; PROVIDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.   0D\RU'DYLVVDLGIROORZLQJWKHGLVWULEXWLRQRIDSURSRVHGRUGLQDQFHWR<0&$DQG QHLJKERUKRRGUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVWKH&LW\UHFHLYHGPDQ\UHTXHVWVIRUUHYLVLRQVWRWKH GUDIWRUGLQDQFH+HVDLGDGGLWLRQDOWLPHLVUHTXLUHGWRIXOO\FRQVLGHUWKHPDWWHUV EURXJKWXS+HVDLGWKHGUDIWRUGLQDQFHZLOOEHUHWXUQHGWRWKH&RXQFLOIRU FRQVLGHUDWLRQDWWKH$SULO&LW\&RXQFLO0HHWLQJ   7KHUHZHUHQRUHTXHVWVWRDGGUHVVWKH&RXQFLOIURPWKHIORRUDQG0D\RU'DYLVDGMRXUQHG WKHPHHWLQJ   &RQVLGHUHGDQGDSSURYHGWKLVQGGD\RI$SULO  BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB :5LFKDUG'DYLV0D\RU $77(67  BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB (OL]DEHWK6SHFWRU&LW\6HFUHWDU\  &&216,'(5$1'$&7RQDQRUGLQDQFHJUDQWLQJDSSURYDOIRUDFRQFHSWXDOVLWH SODQWRDPHQG3ODQQHG'HYHORSPHQW'LVWULFW3'WRGHPROLVKWKHH[LVWLQJ VWUXFWXUHDQGUHGHYHORSDDFUHWUDFWPRUHRUOHVVZLWKDQHZ<0&$IDFLOLW\ DQGDEHORZJUDGHSDUNLQJJDUDJH V.PUBLIC COMMENTS Page 17 of 59 AGENDA MEMO (4/2/2013 AGENDA) TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Liz Spector, City Secretary SUBJECT:CONSIDER AND ACT: on minutes of the March 27, 2013 Special City Council Meeting BACKGROUND: Minutes of the March 27, 2013 Special City Council Meeting are included for the Council's review. ATTACHMENTS: March 27, 2013 City Council Mtg Min Page 18 of 59 MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK COUNCILCONFERENCE ROOM – CITY HALL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 2013 3:30 P.M. Mayor Dick Davis called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. Also present were Mayor Pro Tempore Bob Clark, Councilmember Bob Begert, Councilmember Dawn Moore, Councilmember Tommy Stewart, City Attorney Rob Dillard and City Manager Bob Livingston. Staff present included City Secretary Liz Spector, Director of Public Works Bud Smallwood, Director of Community Development Robbie Corder, Director of Finance Kent Austin, Community Information Officer Steve Mace, and Assistant to the City Manager George Ertle. Mayor Davis explained that the discussions would be limited to the possible realignment of the Normandy and Preston intersection. He said much additional information was received prior to today from the YMCA, the First Unitarian Church and several neighbors. He stated the Council will need more time to review that information. Mayor Davis said he hopes to finalize the PD ordinance at the April 2, 2013 meeting and he asked the rest of the Council to verbalize their thoughts about that. Councilmember Begert said he agreed with the Mayor. Mayor Pro Tem Clark said he understood that they will only be discussing the potential realignment today and he also would like to take action on a proposed PD ordinance at the April 2 meeting. Councilmembers Moore and Stewart agreed. City Manager Livingston asked DPW Smallwood to review his memorandum that details “pros” and “cons” of a possible realignment. He mentioned that total costs of the realignment will be approximately $880,000 with the YMCA contributing approximately $150,000 for the traffic signal. Mayor Davis asked if the reconstruction of the intersection could be coordinated with the school year to limit traffic impact. Mr. Smallwood said the work will take six months or more so it will be difficult to avoid work on the street during the school year. He also mentioned that traffic on Preston will be affected as the road will be reduced to one lane of traffic each direction. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked if Mr. Smallwood had safety concerns related to moving the intersection closer to the YMCA entrance. Mr. Smallwood said there will be no problem in his opinion. Councilmember Begert asked how the City could prevent traffic from “dog legging” across Preston from Normandy if the intersection remains as it is. Mr. Livingston suggested the City post signs indicating “left or right turn only” on both sides of Normandy at Preston. Page 19 of 59 Councilmember Moore asked how the City could make the intersection safer for pedestrians crossing at Normandy. Mr. Smallwood stated crosswalks will be clearly marked and placement of the crosswalks will be carefully studied. Councilmember Begert said most people seem to be against the realignment. Mayor Davis stated he is in favor of the realignment. Mayor Pro Tem Clark said there is no compelling argument to realign. Councilmember Moore reiterated her concern about the pedestrian crossing. Mr. Smallwood offered to provide illustrations of a safe crossing. Mr. Livingston mentioned that once the underground parking garage is constructed there will be far fewer pedestrians crossing Preston. Mayor Davis asked the Council to vote on whether they were in favor of realignment of the Normandy/Preston intersection. Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore, Councilmember Stewart and Mayor Pro Tem Clark voted to NOT realign the intersection. Mayor Davis said the issue was decided by a 4/5 vote that the intersection of Normandy and Preston will not be realigned. City Attorney Dillard said he will update the PD ordinance amendment to reflect the recent request of the First Unitarian Church regarding their use of the YMCA garage on holidays when the YMCA is closed. Mr. Livingston suggested the wording in Section P(3) of the draft ordinance be modified to state “as agreed to in the lease agreement between the YMCA and the Church.” Mr. John Bunten, a YMCA representative said the YMCA accepts the wording change as requested by the Church. Councilmember Begert excused himself from the meeting. There being no further business, Mayor Davis adjourned the Council Meeting at 4:20 p.m. Considered and approved this 16th day of April 2013. ___________________________________ W. Richard Davis, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Elizabeth Spector, City Secretary Page 20 of 59 AGENDA MEMO (4/2/2013 AGENDA) TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Harry N. Persaud, MRTPI, AICP, Chief Planning Official SUBJECT:CONSIDER AND ACT: on an ordinance granting approval for a conceptual site plan to amend Planned Development District PD-12, to demolish the existing structure and redevelop a 3.72 acre tract more or less, with a new YMCA facility and a below-grade parking garage. BACKGROUND: Attached is the draft ordinance as revised Friday, March 29, 2013. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance amending PD-12 site plan Page 21 of 59 ORDINANCE NO. ___________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY AMENDING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 12, A 3.7216 ACRE TRACT OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO, IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND COMMONLY KNOWN AS 6000 PRESTON ROAD; APPROVING AN AMENDED CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN FOR PD-12 ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT B; PROVIDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of University Park and the City Council of the City of University Park, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning classifications and changes, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have held due hearings and afforded a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to all persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, and the City Council of the City of University Park is of the opinion and finds that a zoning change should be granted and that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map of the City of University Park, Texas, as heretofore amended, are hereby amended by amending Planned Development District No. 12 for a 3.7216 acre tract of land described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made part hereof for all purposes, in the City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas, and commonly known as 6000 Preston Road, University Park, Texas, by adopting an amended Conceptual Site Plan setting forth the land uses proposed for the amended PD-12, attached hereto as Exhibit "B” and made a part hereof for all purposes, the same as if fully copied herein. That such Conceptual Site Plan contains the data required by Section 17-101 (1) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, and is hereby approved in all respects. SECTION 2. Approval of the amended Conceptual Site Plan for Planned Development District No. 12 is subject to the following special conditions: A. Detailed Site Plan: Development of the property shall be in accordance with a Detailed Site Plan to be submitted and approved in accordance with Section 17-101(2) and all other provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of University Park, as amended hereby, and, unless otherwise defined herein, all terms used shall have the respective definitions assigned to them in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; review of the Detailed Site Plan by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by the City Council is required, but an additional public hearing is not required; B. Permitted Land Uses: Primary and accessory uses associated with the functions Page 22 of 59 and activities of the Park Cities YMCA (hereinafter referred to as the “YMCA”), including, but not limited to, the following uses: (1) Non-Activity Uses: a. Hallways, including Lobbies; b. Elevators; c. Mechanical Rooms and Chases; d. Stairways; e. Restrooms; f. Locker Rooms; g. Storage; and, h. Underground parking garage and surface parking. (2) Activity and Office Uses: a. Pre-K school and daycare classrooms and related support. Enrollment for the pre-school portion shall be limited to a maximum enrollment of 60 children; b. Gymnasium; c. Pools; d. Fitness and spin; e. Multi-purpose; f. Administration offices; and, g. Outdoor playgrounds, playing fields and other outdoor areas located on the north side of the site. (3) The Detailed Site Plan shall identify the gross floor area of the Activity/Office Uses and the Non-Activity Uses as defined in this section. (4) No Activity or Office Uses shall be allowed in the below-grade parking garage. C. Maximum Building Size: (1) Above-grade structure: The maximum gross floor area of the above-grade structure shall not exceed 58,500 gross square feet in area within the outside dimensions of the building, of which a maximum of 44,596 gross square feet may be used for the Activity and Office Uses listed in section B. (2) above; (2) Parking Garage/below-grade structure: No Activity or Office Uses shall be permitted in the parking garage/below-grade portion of the building. The only HVAC space permitted in the below-grade portion of the building shall be elevator lobbies, elevators, shaft areas, machine/control rooms, stairways, and storage spaces; and, (3) Other Non-Activity Uses: In addition to the parking garage use in the below- grade structure, other Non-Activity Uses as listed in section B. (1) above, excluding locker rooms and restrooms and not exceeding 3,500 gross square feet, shall be permitted in the parking garage/below-grade portion of the building. D. Building Setbacks: All building setback lines shall be measured from the property line and shown on the Detailed Site Plan as follows: Page 23 of 59 (1) Minimum front yard setback along Preston Road: 45 feet; (2) Minimum side yard setback on the north side along Shenandoah: 147 feet; (3) Minimum side yard setback on the south side along Normandy: 49 feet; (4) Minimum rear yard setback along Connerly: 18 feet; (5) A screened service area for dumpsters and outdoor storage will be attached to the southeast corner of the building. The primary building will be set back 34 feet at that location; and, (6) Permanent foundation structural supports in the parking garage/below-grade structure may not extend past any property line and any temporary supports shall comply with all City codes and policies in effect at the time of construction. Drawings prepared by a State of Texas licensed professional engineer, providing all design calculations being employed to resist lateral soil loads as specified in Section 1610 of the 2009 IBC, shall be submitted with the plans for permit. E. Building Standards: (1) Two stories above grade, with a vehicle parking garage below grade providing for a minimum of 284 off-street parking spaces. A parking space is defined as being a minimum of nine feet (9’) in width and twenty feet (20’) in length. The City Council may, upon approval of the Detailed Site Plan, authorize not more than thirty-three (33) parking spaces of small car size, which is defined as a parking space not less than eight feet six inches (8’6”) in width nor less than sixteen feet (16’) in length; (2) Maximum building height of 35 feet, except that the gymnasium may be constructed with a maximum height of 44 feet; (3) Maximum plate line height of 31 feet; (4) Building materials: Insulated glass with anodized aluminum frame; prefinished wood siding; natural stone veneer; stucco veneer; and standing seam metal roof; and, (5) The parking garage shall be located as shown on the Conceptual Site Plan. F. Parking: (1) An underground parking garage with a minimum of 284 parking spaces shall be provided as described in E (1) above. Carbon monoxide or like sensor(s) will be installed and will regulate the operation of the exhaust fans for the parking garage. Seven (7) at-grade spaces shall be provided on Preston Road, each a minimum of 23 feet in length and 9 feet in width; (2) Details for the parking garage, including design of parking layout, drive aisle width, parking space dimension, turning radii, access ramps and number of spaces, shall be provided with the Detailed Site Plan. Driveway ramps shall comply with Article 3.12 of the Code of Ordinances; and, (3) No on-street parking shall be allowed abutting the YMCA property on Shenandoah, Connerly and Normandy G. Landscape Development Plan: Page 24 of 59 (1) Perimeter trees shown on the Conceptual Site Plan shall be evergreen varieties, with a minimum of 5” caliper and 9 feet in height at the time of installation; (2) Trees along the Normandy frontage, in full view of the single family homes, shall be installed and maintained prior to the public opening and use of the parking garage, provided that construction personnel may use the garage when it is available; (3) A perimeter fence will be installed around the playground with limited access through gates located in close proximity to the drop off lane on Preston Road and at the midpoint of the playground on Connerly Drive; (4) A landscape development plan, will be prepared by the YMCA or its designee and presented for review and approval by the City Council with the Detailed Site Plan; the landscape development plan will provide details for shrubs and groundcover and include species, caliper, height and location of all trees; and, (5) All landscaping shall be irrigated and must be in place prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. H. Signage: All signs on the site must be in compliance with the City of University Park sign regulations in effect at the time of the sign permit application. I. Dumpsters: Refuse or trash containers will be located in the Service Area and all trash and recyclable pickups from the containers will be conducted by the City of University Park. The specific location of dumpsters shall be shown on the Detailed Site Plan. The final design and placement of dumpsters is subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. J. Utilities: The size and location of all water and sewer taps shall be shown on the Detailed Site Plan and shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works prior to the issuance of a building permit. K. External Walls: Detailed specifications, including color and texture of all materials to be used for external cladding of the building, shall be provided with the Detailed Site Plan. L. Sidewalks: A continuous sidewalk is required around the perimeter of the building. Details will be shown on the Detailed Site Plan. M. External Lighting and Loudspeakers: Location, mounting height and photometric details for all external light fixtures on the site shall be provided on the Detailed Site Plan. Exterior lighting overflow/spillage shall not exceed five (5) foot candles at the mid- point of any surrounding city street. Lighting for the playfield, whether temporary or permanent, to support night play is prohibited. Only security lighting shall be permitted. Permanent exterior loudspeakers are prohibited. N. Exhaust Fans: Noise from exhaust fans installed in the parking garage may not exceed current ambient levels of 71 dB at the property line. Noise in excess of this level shall be attenuated to that level by the YMCA. Fans shall be programmed to shut off at the close of Page 25 of 59 business, except as otherwise may be required by the building code. O. Traffic Study: No more often than once every three years, at the discretion of the City Council, and upon written notice from the City of University Park Director of Community Development, the YMCA is required to pay the full cost for comprehensive traffic studies. Such traffic studies shall be performed by a consultant selected by the City Council. The YMCA shall pay the cost for any future traffic control measures or studies deemed necessary by the City Council. The YMCA will, to the extent deemed necessary by the City Council, cancel, rearrange or reschedule its activities during the peak traffic hours determined by the comprehensive traffic study. P. Hours of Operation: (1) Maximum hours of operation of the Facility shall be as follows: Monday through Friday 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (2) No games or practices officially organized by the management of the YMCA shall be held on the outdoor field outside normal hours of operation or on Sundays. Organized special events on the outdoor playground or playfield, including those which use the Facility, occurring before or after normal hours of operation or on Sundays, sponsored by the YMCA, will require prior approval by the City Council. (3) The underground parking garage may be open to be used for parking passenger vehicles in connection with the operations of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas (“Church”) between the hours of 7:00 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. on Sundays, for any special programs and services of the Church on Saturday evenings or Sunday evenings after 6:00 p. m. The Church may also utilize the parking garage on weekdays after 6:30 p. m. for evening services and programs, provided no access will be permitted after 9:00 p. m. and no access out of the garage permitted after 10:30 p. m., unless the garage is being utilized for Christmas Eve (December 24), New Year’s Eve (December 31), Good Friday or Easter Sunday. For these hours and specific days, additional entry access will be permitted after 9:00 p. m. and access out will be permitted no later than 12:00 a. m. Christmas Eve (December 24) access out will be permitted no later than 2:00 a. m. These additional times and uses by the Church shall be permitted only so long as there is a valid Parking Lease between the Church and the YMCA, containing these terms, in effect for the parking garage. Q. Interior Lighting: Interior lights visible from the exterior will be turned off no later than thirty minutes after operation closing, except in the parking garage and its access vestibules and lobby areas serving the garage elevators and areas of the building being cleaned, provided that, with such exceptions and the exception of emergency and code- required lighting, interior lighting will be turned off no later than 11:30 p.m. daily and lock-ins held in spaces with blackout shades fully extended. Page 26 of 59 R. Vehicles Parked in the Service Area: A screening wall, not to exceed twelve feet (12’) in height, shall be provided for the Service Area. No vehicles taller than the screening wall in the Service Area shown on Exhibit “B” will be parked in the Service Area overnight. No structures or storage items that are taller than the screening wall will be erected or placed in the Service Area. No overnight parking of YMCA vehicles on the property will be allowed unless the vehicles are located in the enclosed Service Area or in the underground parking structure. S. Construction standard: The Detailed Site Plan shall set forth the final plans and shall conform to the data presented and approved on the Conceptual Site Plan and supporting documents. The facility will be constructed in compliance with the Detailed Site Plan approved by the City Council and shall comply with all applicable City codes then in effect. T. Service Area: The service area will be gated, and the gate will be a metal- framed gate with an exterior face using wood similar to, or the same as, the wood on the facility, and will have an automatic opener and closer to keep the service gate closed when the service area is not in use. U. Delivery during Construction: Unless written permission is granted by the Director of Public Works, all deliveries of construction materials to the construction site will begin no earlier than 9:00 a. m. and will end by 4:00 p. m., Monday through Saturday. All contractor(s) will make reasonable efforts to receive deliveries through the Normandy Avenue/Preston Road intersection entrance, understanding that this might not be possible at varying time during construction. V. Staging: No residential streets will be used for continuous staging of construction work and or materials. W. Full-Time Liaison: The YMCA shall provide a full-time liaison that has authority to respond to questions and complaints from the nearby citizens during the construction period. A phone number for this contact will be provided to all property owners from the St. Andrews Neighborhood Association (“SANA”) and the West of Preston Neighbors (“WPN”) and posted on the job site where it can be readily found by interested parties. X. Construction Vehicles: No parking of construction vehicles or equipment will be permitted on City streets. Parking of construction workers’ vehicles will be located off-site and workers will be transported to and from the construction site, provided that when the Parking Garage is available for use, it can be used parking construction workers’ vehicles. Parking of construction vehicles on City streets which are closed for construction must be approved by the Director of Public Works. Y. Construction Hours: Unless written permission is granted by the Director of Public Works, construction work on the site is restricted to Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except holidays specifically prohibited by City ordinance. Page 27 of 59 Z. Background Checks: Background checks will be performed by the contractors for all construction workers prior to them working on the site. Information relating to background checks will be kept on file by the contractors. A convicted felon or pedophile will be barred from working on the site. AA. Explosives: No explosives shall be used in the construction operations. BB. Security and Traffic Control: The YMCA or its designee shall provide and pay the costs for adequate security and traffic control around the site for all functions during construction. CC. Screening Fence: The construction site will be screened while construction is ongoing with a temporary eight foot (8’) screening fence constructed with plywood and painted green or other material approved by the Community Development Director. DD. Traffic Control Plan: The YMCA or its designee will submit a construction traffic control plan for review and approval by the Director of Public Works before construction commences on the site and before any change in traffic flows or street closures around the subject property. EE. Elevator Access: An additional elevator shall be constructed on or near the north side of the building in the general vicinity of the playing field to facilitate easy and convenient access to the playing field from the Parking Garage and building, but shall not be exclusively restricted to such use. SECTION 3. That all ordinances of the City of University Park in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as amended hereby are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof other than the part decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and the same shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance or of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of University Park, Texas, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000,00) for each offense, and each and every day such a violation is continued shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on the ____day of ___________2013. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] Page 28 of 59 APPROVED: W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR ATTEST: LIZ SPECTOR, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY (RLD/11-8-12/58124) Page 29 of 59 Exhibit “A” Page 30 of 59 Exhibit “A” Page 31 of 59 GARAGE ACCESS RAMP DOWN NORMANDY AVENUE SHENANDOAH STREET C O N N E R L Y D R I V E PR E S T O N R O A D 16 SOCCER FIELD 40YDS X 80YDS 5' SIDEWALK PLAYGROUND FENCE RIGHT OUT ONLY LEFT OUT ONLY IN FROM EITHER DIRECTION BUILDING ENTRY SCREENED SERVICE AREA COVERED GARAGE EXIT & VENT PATIO BUILDING ENTRY 4 3 APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF BELOW GRADE GARAGE. 2 STORY BUILDING MAXIMUM SF PER PD 12 ORDINANCE. MAXIMUM HEIGHT NOT TO EXCEED PD ORDINANCE. PROPERTY LINE SCREEN WALL ADD ONE NEW DEDICATED TURN LANE. NORMANDY LIGHT TO BE RIGHT ONLY & LEFT ONLY. NO STRAIGHT THROUGH ALLOWED. ZONE OF ALLOWABLE BUILDING PLACEMENT EXHIBIT B PATIO PATIO TOTAL PARKING = 291 SPACES Page 32 of 59 Job #: 10088 File Name: Elevations - East_North Date: 02.06.13 Drawn by: TLB Park Cities YMCA Park Cities, Texas ELEVATIONS - Representative Facility Images and Materials EAST NORTH EXHIBIT “B” Ridge Eave 31’ Max. 44’ Max. Ridge Eave 44’ Max. 31’ Max. Standing seam metal roof Natural stone veneer Stucco veneer Insul. glass w/ dark annodized alum. frames Pre-finished wood siding Page 33 of 59 Job #: 10088 File Name: Elevations - West_South Date: 02.06.13 Drawn by: TLB Park Cities YMCA Park Cities, Texas ELEVATIONS - Representative Facility Images and Materials WEST SOUTH EXHIBIT “B” Ridge Eave 31’ Max. 44’ Max. Eave Ridge 44’ Max. 31’ Max. Standing seam metal roof Natural stone veneer Stucco veneer Insul. glass w/ dark annodized alum. frames Page 34 of 59 ORDINANCE NO. _______________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY AMENDING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 12, A 3.7216 ACRE TRACT OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO, IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND COMMONLY KNOWN AS 6000 PRESTON ROAD; APPROVING AN AMENDED CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN FOR PD-12 ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT B; PROVIDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Duly passed by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on the 2nd day of April, 2013. APPROVED: ______________________________ W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR ATTEST: _________________________________ ELIZABETH SPECTOR, CITY SECRETARY Page 35 of 59 EXHIBIT A Page 36 of 59 Page 37 of 59 Page 38 of 59 AGENDA MEMO (4/2/2013 AGENDA) TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Kent R. Austin, Director of Finance SUBJECT:CONSIDER AND ACT: on a resolution authorizing acceptance and use of SWHEA and THEA surplus funds BACKGROUND: In the mid-1980s the City established two separate entities known as the Southwest Higher Education Authority (SWHEA) and the Texas Higher Education Authority (THEA). These bodies were authorized under the state Education Code for the purpose of providing independent colleges and universities access to lower interest financing for facilities improvements. In short, the City's tax-exempt borrowing ability was extended to the Authorities, who would then issue revenue bonds and loan the proceeds to participating schools. The City incurs no liability for anything resulting from SWHEA or THEA operations. In return for extending its advantageous borrowing authority, the City received issuer's fees. The City Council is responsible for appointing the Board members of each Authority. Currently the membership of the two seven-member Boards is the same: Paula Calise, Syd Carter, Jerry Grable, Blackie Holmes, Jim Johnston, Harry Shawver, and Wayne Tenney. SWHEA was designed to make loans to SMU for its projects, and since the 1980s hundreds of millions of dollars in loans have been made and repaid. THEA made loans to a series of small Texas schools until 1996; remaining loans were repaid by 2002, and THEA has been dormant since then. Issuer's fees from SWHEA, usually around $20,000 per bond issue, now total $279,823.95. THEA transferred most of its surplus balance to the City to help fund the City Hall renovation several years ago; its current surplus total is $68,130.33. Because the monies are idle and serve no constructive purpose where they are, City staff proposed and the individual Boards approved transfer of the total $347,954.28 to the City. The Boards requested that the monies be used to help pay for construction finish-out of the new UP Public Library. The Boards met March 7, 2013 to approve the transfer. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the resolution accepting the $347,954.28 from SWHEA and THEA and designating its use for the UPPL construction finish-out. Draft minutes of the two board meetings are provided with this agenda memo. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution accepting and authorizing SWHEA and THEA surplus funds SWHEA Board meeting draft minutes 3/7/2013 THEA Board meeting draft minutes 3-7-2013 Page 39 of 59 RESOLUTION NO. _________________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF ACCUMULATED BOND ISSUANCE FEES FROM SOUTHWEST HIGHER EDUCATION AUTHORITY AND TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION AUTHORITY; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TRANSFER THE AMOUNTS OF SUCH FEES TO THE UNIVERSITY PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND FOR CONSTRUCTION FINISH-OUT OR OTHER LIBRARY PURPOSES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City created the Southwest Higher Education Authority (“SWHEA”) and the Texas Higher Education Authority (“THEA”) in accordance with the Texas Education Code; and, WHEREAS, SWHEA and THEA for many years have authorized the colleges and universities of Texas to issue bonds for educational purposes; and, WHEREAS, in connection with the issuance of such bonds, a fee for the City was authorized and such issuer’s fees have accumulated for many years; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of SWHEA and THEA have determined that such fees should be distributed to the City with the request that such fees be designated for the construction finish-out of the University Park Public Library, Now Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Council hereby approves acceptance of the accumulated issuer’s fees from SWHEA and THEA in the amount of $347,954.28 and designates such amount for the Library Construction Fund to pay part of the library construction finish-out expense. The City Manager is authorized and directed to transfer the total amount of such fees to the Library Construction Fund to pay part of the library construction finish-out expense. SECTION 2. The City Manager shall take such other administrative steps as may be necessary to further the objectives of this Resolution. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so resolved. DULY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, on the 2nd day of April 2013. APPROVED: _______________________________ W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR Page 40 of 59 ATTEST: ________________________________________ ELIZABETH SPECTOR, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ CITY ATTORNEY (RLD/03-26-13; 60037) Page 41 of 59 SWHEA Minutes 3-7-2013 Meeting 1 MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTHWEST HIGHER EDUCATION AUTHORITY, INC. THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2013 AT 4:00 P.M. UNIVERSITY PARK CITY HALL UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS M I N U T E S Board members attending: City of University Park: Calise, Paula Austin, Kent Johnston, Jim Dillard, Rob Grable, Jerry Shawver, Harry Bracewell & Giuliani: Tenney, Wayne Partain, Julie Brooks, Ben Absent: Holmes, James “Blackie” Southern Methodist University: Carter, Syd Regis, Christine Fleisher, Martha Ward, Paul 1. Call to order. Mr. Grable called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. 2. Discussion and possible action on a resolution authorizing the issuance of Higher Education Revenue Bonds (Southern Methodist University Project) Tax-Exempt Series 2013A and Taxable Series 2013B; providing for the sale thereof; approving the form and substance of a Seventh Supplemental Indenture, Amendment Number 7 To Loan Agreement, contracts of purchase, offering documents and other documents; and authorizing and taking certain other actions with respect to the subject . Julie Partain explain to the Board that this resolution authorized the issuance of the SMU Tax-Exempt Series 2013A and Taxable Series 2013B Bonds and delegated approval of the pricing of the two series to two members of the Board. She explained that pricing of both series of bonds would take place on March 19th. Ms. Partain also explained that the Resolution approved the 7th amendment to the Loan Agreement with SMU and the 7th Supplemental Indenture for the Series 2013 Bonds and authorized all documents and actions necessary to issue the Series 2013 Bonds. Ms. Partain also discussed the parameters under which the Bonds were to be priced and sold. Ms. Chris Regis gave the Board a brief overview of the projects that the bonds were being issued to finance and talked generally about SMU’s finance plan and capital improvement projects. Page 42 of 59 SWHEA Minutes 3-7-2013 Meeting 2 After a brief discussion of the Bonds and questions from the Board, upon motion and second and a unanimous vote, the Board approved the Resolution. 3. Approve minutes of February 7, 2013, Board meeting. Upon a motion and second, the minutes of the February 7, 2013 Board meeting were approved by unanimous vote. 4. Discussion and possible action on a resolution authorizing the transfer of funds to the City of University Park, Texas; and matters incident thereto Kent Austin reminded the Board of the discussion at the last meeting regarding surplus issuer fee funds that have built up over time and now total $279,824. He explained that the Resolution on the agenda authorizes the transfer of these surplus funds to the City. The Board expressed its desire that the surplus funds be used to fund the finish-out of the City’s new library facility and asked that their request be made known to the City Council. Upon motion and second, the Resolution was approved by unanimous vote. . 5. Other business. There was no other business. 6. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. ______________________________________ ___________________________________ President Date Secretary-Treasurer Date Page 43 of 59 THEA Minutes 3-7-2013 Meeting 1 MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION AUTHORITY, INC. THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2013 AT 4:00 P.M. UNIVERSITY PARK CITY HALL UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS M I N U T E S Board members attending: City of University Park: Calise, Paula Austin, Kent Johnston, Jim Dillard, Rob Grable, Jerry Shawver, Harry Tenney, Wayne Absent: Holmes, James “Blackie” Carter, Syd 1. Call to order. Mr. Grable called the meeting to order at 4:50 p.m., immediately following conclusion of the 4:00 p.m. Southwest Higher Education Authority Board meeting. 2. Nomination and election of certain Board officers. . Since the Board has not met for several years, officer elections were needed. Harry Shawver moved that the officers be the same slate of officers as the SWHEA Board. Jim Johnston seconded, the motion was approved 5-0 to elect the following officers: Jerry Grable, President Wayne, Tenney, Vice-President Syd Carter, Secretary 3. Discussion and possible action on a resolution authorizing the transfer of funds to the City of University Park, Texas; and matters incident thereto Kent Austin reminded the Board of the discussion at the February 7, 2013 SWHEA Board meeting regarding remaining THEA surplus issuer fee funds that total $68,130.33. THEA has been dormant since approximately 2002, and the leftover fees are not required for any purpose because there is no activity. Austin said that the Resolution on the agenda authorizes the transfer of these surplus funds to the City. The Board expressed its desire that the surplus funds be used to fund the finish-out of the City’s new library Page 44 of 59 THEA Minutes 3-7-2013 Meeting 2 facility and asked that their request be made known to the City Council. Wayne Tenney made a motion to approve the resolution transferring the funds; Jim Johnston seconded and the Resolution was approved by unanimous vote. . 4. Other business. There was no other business. 5. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. ______________________________________ ___________________________________ President Date Secretary-Treasurer Date Page 45 of 59 AGENDA MEMO (4/2/2013 AGENDA) TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Jim Criswell, Director of Information Services SUBJECT:CONSIDER AND ACT: on approval of a proposal from Imaginuity Interactive, Inc. to redesign the City's website BACKGROUND: On April 19, 2011, the City Council approved a proposal from Imaginuity Interactive to complete phases one and two of a comprehensive three-year capital project to enhance the City's web presence and online branding. Phase one ported the existing website to a new server environment, and phase two transitioned the current "look and feel" of the website from the ColdFusion development software platform to the Microsoft ASP (Active Server Pages) .NET content management system. Now that phase two is complete, the City's website is positioned to add new functionality, implement desired design changes, and support new technologies as they emerge. For the past three months, Information Services has been working with Steve Mace, the City's Community Information Officer, and George Ertle, the Assistant to the City Manager, to identify functional, as well as artistic ideas for the City's website. As a result, Steve created and presented a well-organized summary of findings to Imaginuity outlining the elements of consideration for the website. The presentation included a review of several city websites throughout the metroplex, highlighting the impressive features, as well as those that were undesirable. As a result of this process, Imaginuity has presented the City with a proposal and implementation plan to redesign the City's website. RECOMMENDATION: To complete phase three of the website redesign capital project, Staff recommends approval of the attached proposal from Imaginuity Interactive in the amount of $102,000. Imaginuity originally developed the City's website as the result of a request for proposal process in 2002, and has completed the work for phases one and two of the redesign effort. FUNDING SOURCE: The Capital Projects Review Committee has approved funding for 2013 of $110,000 to complete phase three of Capital Project 13500 - City Website Enhancement/Upgrade. The proposal from Imaginuity for $102,000 is within the budget allocated for this project. ATTACHMENTS: Imaginuity Website Redesign Proposal Page 46 of 59 ImaginuitySM Interactive Statement of Work Professional Services and Website Redesign for University Park Texas DATE 3/5/2013 Presented by: Gary Hooker Vice President Business Development Office: 214.572.3872 Fax: 214.572.3901 gary.hooker@imaginuity.com Page 47 of 59 03/28/2013 Page 2 University Park Statement of Work 1 Why Imaginuity Translating Brands to the Web Your brand is your organization’s most valuable asset and at ImaginuitySM Interactive, Inc. (Imaginuity), there are no cookie-cutter solutions for translating that identity to the digital space. University Park is a brand – a collection of tangible and intangible attributes, whose combined characteristics define University Park to your City’s target audience. How that brand is delivered to that audience online is our primary focus, and translating brands to the digital world, is what we do better than any other creative or technology agency. Our team is a diverse group of successful strategists, creative designers, IT innovators, and marketing experts with world-class experience. Our team consults directly with your stakeholders to thoroughly analyze, plan, and document each project prior to development or implementation. This simple approach ensures that marketing and communication strategies are executed online, while maintaining focus on real-world business goals and financial demands. Imaginuity has been actively creating and extending brands into the digital space since 1997. Our goal is to provide a creative solution that will support University Park’s pursuit of comprehensive public outreach and municipal government transparency. This proposal provides the information necessary for University Park to define its partnership with Imaginuity, and effectively evaluate and select our agency as your interactive advocate. Goals and Objectives University Park seeks a creative agency to assist in the consulting, design, and structuring of its web presence. Imaginuity will work with University Park personnel to complete the vision, define core website functions, integrate marketing and PR, and develop the architecture and interface design. The current high-level objectives, as understood by Imaginuity are:  Consult with University Park personnel to determine the business goals, processes, and communication objectives for the new website design  Design a website that will improve online branding, provide a cohesive, friendly user experience, and facilitate media and marketing communications  Photography o Provide a 3 day indoor & outdoor multi location Photo shoot o Photography will be used on the new web site  Re-organize and architect the site structure and usability of the content  Create and present three new design concepts for the new web site  Illustrate new iconography that this more 3 dimensional  Reformat the existing content into the new web site look and feel  HTML Cut up and implement the new look and feel into the existing Kentico CMS platform  Design a site that will scale and work on tables and mobile devices Page 48 of 59 03/28/2013 Page 3 University Park Statement of Work  Develop a website that is scalable and may be continually updated by University Park’s non-technical personnel  Test and launch the new website The balance of this document is dedicated to demonstrating how Imaginuity can meet and exceed objectives. We are an innovative company that has successfully met the needs of companies whose sites are mission-critical, allowing their online presence to grow quickly and successfully. Page 49 of 59 03/28/2013 Page 4 University Park Statement of Work 2 Our Approach and Deliverables Project Management Imaginuity will provide comprehensive project management services to initiate, plan, execute, manage, monitor, and coordinate the project. Your Project Manager will provide you with the following:  A detailed Project Plan to ensure that University Park’s and our deliverables are outlined and agreed upon  Weekly status updates to University Park to facilitate communication and proactively address development considerations during the course of the project University Park will attempt to ensure that project decisions are made on a timely basis so as to preclude negative impact on the project schedule. University Park will review deliverables and acknowledge approval within three (3) business days. If there are issues to be resolved, both Imaginuity and University Park will attempt to resolve them within those three (3) business days. Delays to this approval time may impact the deliverable dates and cost of the project. Requirements Gathering In order to determine the details of University Park’s initiative, Imaginuity will conduct requirements gathering session(s) which will include functional specifications, client content collection and Imaginuity content assessment phases. The requirements gathering session(s) will help ensure that Imaginuity has a detailed understanding of University Park’s business goals and strategic objectives, as well as determine the website’s desired functionality and how any customized applications will interact with the site. The client will collect all current site content and potential new content (marketing documents, videos, photos, etc.) and work with Imaginuity to review. The content assessment by Imaginuity will analyze all current project content and potential content, and provide recommendations on value, prioritization and usage.  Imaginuity will provide University Park with a Requirements Document describing any custom applications, intended capabilities, and interactions with users for the various features of the site  The Requirements Document serves as a reference point in writing code, testing, and determining that all project specifications are met  Imaginuity will provide University Park with a Content Assessment with recommendations for content organization, prioritization and usage for the project  Imaginuity will consult with University Park on keywords and search terms during this phase, in order to generate content that can optimize search engine performance Page 50 of 59 03/28/2013 Page 5 University Park Statement of Work Information Architecture Information architecture communicates site flow, page arrangement, and content placement. The Information architect process enables the creation of the site map and wireframes. These deliverables will provide a detailed guide for how the creative interface will interact with the technical architecture of the website.  Imaginuity will collaborate with your team to review the goals of the website and the needs of your users to ensure that the site architecture meets those objectives  The site map is a schematic representation of all of the major sections and subsections of the site The site map is documented and approved by University Park prior to development ASSUMPTION: If University Park requests more than two (2) rounds of revisions to information architecture, additional hours will be billed on a time and materials basis. Creative Brief The foundation from which the Imaginuity design team takes its inspiration and direction is a thoroughly completed Creative Brief. The Creative Brief outlines University Park’s current brand positioning, brand standards, target audience profiles, and key brand attributes in University Park’s space. Content Generation The existing web site content will be used for the redesigned web site. Creative Design and Presentation  Imaginuity will present three (3) home page concepts for the University Park web project.  Imaginuity will create one (1) interior design for the University Park web project.  Imaginuity will allow for up to two (2) revisions of the home page and interior page concepts. Front End Development After all content is approved, Imaginuity will enter content into the Content Management System. We will implement one version of delivered content and images, as provided to us by the due date in your Content Document Shell. Imaginuity also will provide the production of template interfaces from visual mockups and wireframes using HTML and CSS combined with XML, Flash, AJAX, and JavaScript. Imaginuity will ensure that current web standards, accessibility, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practices are incorporated. Page 51 of 59 03/28/2013 Page 6 University Park Statement of Work Technical Development Our development team utilizes a component development methodology. For projects with complex functional requirements, Imaginuity builds the system one complete component at a time; reviewing the product with University Park as each individual piece of functionality is finalized for testing. The primary advantage to this approach is that University Park is able to see the system as it progresses, and is able to review each small component in order to ensure that what is being built matches what was agreed upon at the outset. Additionally, each of these components is tested completely before the development of the next component begins. Site Management Imaginuity will use the existing Kentico CMS for the web site redesign. Search Engine Optimization In order to achieve better placement within the search engine market, a website must be optimized to adhere to current search engine requirements and algorithms. With Search Engine Optimization (SEO), your website will be analyzed, optimized, and submitted on your behalf to the prominent search engines. SEO services to be provided and that are included in this proposal are:  Initial Site Analysis  Initial Keyword Research  Creation of Meta Information  Site Map Creation (Yahoo and Google)  Robots.txt File Creation Quality Assurance and Testing At Imaginuity, all of our products are tested to ensure the product meets rigorous quality standards and your specific requirements.  System Testing – Our developers will test the product throughout the development cycle to ensure functionality  User Acceptance Testing – User Acceptance Testing (UAT) verifies requirements are met by conducting a walk-through of the site with the project sponsor. Upon completion of UAT, the client will approve the site and sign off on the Project Acceptance Form Browser Support This solution will be built to function on the most recent version of internet browsers:  Internet Explorer versions 9 and above  Firefox  Safari  Chrome Page 52 of 59 03/28/2013 Page 7 University Park Statement of Work Training In order for the CMS solution to be a success, Imaginuity will need to train University Park on the core CMS modules to ensure the site can be updated and managed over time. In addition to holding a training session on site at your facility, Imaginuity will provide general, written documentation to serve as reference material for your internal teams after the initial training effort has been completed. Customized training documentation unique to your solution can be developed and provided for an additional fee, if desired by University Park. Page 53 of 59 03/28/2013 Page 8 University Park Statement of Work 3 Timeline and Payment Timeline Throughout the project, Imaginuity will work with University Park to re-examine the project schedule, make any necessary adjustments, and deliver a project plan that outlines tasks and milestones. This document addresses a project that will require a great deal of coordination between both Imaginuity and University Park. To that end, University Park will want to appoint someone as the project sponsor and contact for this project. This person will have to collect information, give and get authorizations, coordinate meetings, and find answers to questions that will necessarily arise in a project of this scope. Schedule Due Date Project Kickoff Project Planning 10 business days after signature Requirements Gathering Content Assessment Sitemap Wireframes 30 business days after kickoff Creative Conception Creative Design Content Development and Writing Creative Production Technical Design 60 business days after kickoff Front End Development Technical Development Quality Assurance and Testing Deployment Training and Project Closure 90 business days after kickoff In the event that University Park chooses to host with a third party instead of Imaginuity, you, University Park, understands that the project timeline and cost may be affected. All additional time incurred by Imaginuity staff to coordinate and manage the third-party hosting company will be billed to you at the current hourly rate of $165, and the project timeline will be reevaluated accordingly. Page 54 of 59 03/28/2013 Page 9 University Park Statement of Work Payment Terms In consideration for the services to be performed under this statement of work, University Park will pay Imaginuity on a time and materials basis $102,000. Payments are due on the date noted on the invoice. Payment schedule does not include sales tax and reasonable travel and business expenses, which may be applicable during various deliverable stages. All payments are due prior to site launch and due in accordance with the schedule outlined below. Should payment be delinquent beyond 10 calendar days, the following guideline applies: the client agrees to pay a 1% penalty per month until the invoice is paid and work shall cease on said project. Payment Schedule Due Date $40,800 Due upon Signature $20,400 Due at Wire Frame Presentation $20,400 Due at Creative Presentation $20,400 Due at Client Acceptance Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality The material contained in this proposal represents proprietary, confidential information pertaining to our services and methods. By accepting this proposal, University Park hereby agrees that the information in this statement of work shall not be disclosed outside of University Park, and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed for any purpose other than to evaluate this statement of work. If, however, a contract is awarded to Imaginuity for this statement of work as a result of, or in conjunction with the submission of this information, University Park will have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose the material contained herein to the extent provided for in the resulting contract. Expiration This statement of work must be authorized within 30 days from the date of issue. If this statement of work is not authorized within 30 days of issuance, it is deemed to have expired. Any statement of work authorized after 30 days of issuance will be deemed null and void. A new statement of work and estimate may be required which can be obtained from the primary presenter listed on the title page of this statement of work. Page 55 of 59 03/28/2013 Page 10 University Park Statement of Work 4 Assumptions The following section outlines the assumptions underlying this proposal. Clarification and acknowledgment of these assumptions is important to shaping this engagement. They must be confirmed and accepted by all parties, and adaptation to them could potentially alter the project’s estimated approach, staffing level, cost and timeline. These assumptions are considered very carefully in estimating the project scope. It is assumed that University Park agrees to the project’s estimated timeline, and that the Project Manager will present the final timeline to you for approval. The success of this project is based upon Imaginuity and University Park meeting delivery dates. As all Imaginuity resources are available during a predetermined window, not meeting these dates impacts our ability to deliver the project on time. University Park understands that Imaginuity is dependent upon the University Park for feedback, information, and approvals. If University Park and/or any its related vendors continually delay the project or withhold, either intentionally or unintentionally, any of the information, data, assets, or approvals necessary for the progression and/or completion of the project, Imaginuity reserves the right to move the project out of the production queue. Upon the projects removal from the queue, all payments are due to Imaginuity in accordance with the original timeline. University Park understands that impeding the progress of a project, either deliberately or by a lack of responsiveness, prevents Imaginuity from planning resources for other projects, and accepts that additional charges of up to 25% of the original project cost may be charged in order to ramp up a delayed project for restart. Once University Park is prepared to move forward, a revised timeline will be submitted. Because resources are available on a limited basis, University Park also understands that once deliverables are approved, any further changes to that deliverable will require a Change Order as well as additional fees and time. This proposal of services is based on existing information. University Park understands that Imaginuity cannot possibly predict all project needs prior to engagement. If the estimate in this proposal is inadequate, Imaginuity will issue a work order to cover all additional hours. This proposal does not cover the cost of: additional custom application development, stock photography, copywriting, copyediting, focus groups, other programming needs, SSL certificates, e-commerce charges, domain name registrations, software licenses, CMS licenses, bank transactions, etc. or additional hours incurred by Imaginuity. Methodology University Park agrees to use the Imaginuity project management approach for this engagement. By accepting this approach, University Park accepts responsibility for the requirements needed to utilize this approach. University Park will promote the use of the approach and will provide necessary internal support for the duration of the project. Page 56 of 59 03/28/2013 Page 11 University Park Statement of Work Management University Park will provide a single project sponsor who will work with the Imaginuity Project Manager to ensure information is provided in a timely and accurate manner. If University Park fails to provide return communication to Imaginuity, for a period of 14 days or more at any time during the engagement, the project is deemed complete and all invoices will be due immediately. If for any reason the project sponsor changes during the course of any project, University Park understands that additional hours and charges may be necessary to ramp up the new sponsor on project activity. Change Management Our current understanding of the scope of work has been defined by this SOW. Any changes to the scope of this project will require University Park to complete a Change Order. The alteration of the scope of a project can cause changes in the project plan, delivery schedule, and costs. Due to the issues involved with such changes, it is an industry standard, that University Park completes a written Change Order. In turn, this will require us to inform University Park of added costs or delays, and will require University Park to authorize them in writing. Please be aware that it is important for University Park to process change orders in a timely manner so as not to delay or endanger the project timeline. We will make this process as simple as possible using e-mails, FAX, or overnight mail so as not to delay the project any more than necessary. Imaginuity reserves the right to charge University Park for the time and expense required if you repeatedly request, but do not approve Change Orders. University Park and Imaginuity will agree to a project plan at the beginning of the engagement and then employ a strict change management discipline. The change management process is to seek agreement with University Park for any required changes in the scope of the project related to tasks, deliverables, resources, software modifications, etc. The process clearly identifies the costs and project impact arising from the proposed changes. Execution of a Change of Scope Request between Imaginuity and University Park will be required to initiate any changes to the original scope of the project and allow work to commence. For purposes of this engagement both University Park and Imaginuity agree that a Change of Scope Request for $8,000 or less can be executed via email. University Park can approve additional hours via email and those hours will be billed to University Park at the end of each month. Additional Obligations of Customer University Park will provide a project sponsor who will work with the Imaginuity Project Manager to ensure that information is provided in a timely and accurate manner. University Park will ensure Imaginuity of reasonable access to the appropriate personnel, both functional and technical. Page 57 of 59 03/28/2013 Page 12 University Park Statement of Work University Park will provide access to personnel that can be utilized by Imaginuity in obtaining information regarding the business processes and practices. This person (people) must have knowledge of the University Park process. University Park will attempt to ensure that project decisions are made on a timely basis so as to preclude negative impact on the project schedule. University Park will review deliverables and acknowledge approval within three (3) business days. If there are issues to be resolved, both Imaginuity and University Park will attempt to resolve them within those three (3) days. University Park will ensure that all personnel assigned to the project have sufficient expertise to undertake the identified tasks. University Park will immediately notify the Imaginuity Project Manager of any concerns or noted deficiencies of work performed by Imaginuity personnel to facilitate correction or adjustment to the work. If University Park requests a change in Imaginuity staff and the reasons for change are not related to work performance, University Park shall absorb all transition costs related to making the change. Page 58 of 59 03/28/2013 Page 13 University Park Statement of Work 5 Acceptance of the Statement of Work IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, each acting under due and proper authority, have executed this Statement of Work as of the date signed below, (the “Effective Date”). The University Park authorizes Imaginuity Interactive, Inc. to proceed with the development of the services and products described in this Statement of Work. ImaginuitySM Interactive Authorized Signature University Park Authorized Signature Printed Name Printed Name Title Title Date Date Page 59 of 59