HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014.03.18 City Council Meeting Minutes 734 119 City of Universit Park Meeting Minutes y 3800 University Blvd. University Park,TX 75205 City Council Tuesday, March 18, 2014 5:00 PM Council Chamber PRE-MEETING WORK SESSIONS: 3:30-3:50 P.M. The City Council met in open work session with Director of Public Works Bud Smallwood and other staff to review city policy on 15-minute parking spaces. Mr. Smallwood said the shod-term spaces are difficult to enforce and take up already deficient number of 2-hour spaces. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked if a parking consultant should be hired. Mr. Smallwood said all cities have different parking needs and concerns and no objective studies exist that will address the issues. Mayor Davis asked if a distinction should be made between parking space time limits in the interior of Snider Plaza and parking space time limits on Hillcrest. Assistant City Manager Corder said staff will come up with some criteria and look into hiring a parking/traffic consultant to perform a study. He said once details have been compiled staff will provide the information to the City Council. 3:50-4:05 P.M. The City Council met in open work session with Director of Public Works Bud Smallwood to discuss traffic signal pole design. Mr. Smallwood said there is a 10-year capital project underway to replace all traffic signal poles in the city. He said each pole costs approximately$50,000 with three budgeted to be replaced per fiscal year. He displayed photos of different styles of signal poles for the Council to consider. Mr. Smallwood also mentioned that there are currently approximately 25 different styles of signal poles in use in the city. Mayor Pro Tem Clark suggested the issue be referred to UDADAC for their recommendation. Mayor Davis concurred. Mr. Smallwood stated a UDADAC meeting is scheduled for March 19 and he will add discussion of the item to their agenda. 4:10-5 P.M. The City Council met in open work session to receive agenda item briefings from staff No action was taken. Council Conference Room, 2nd floor, City Hall. CALL TO ORDER Present: 5- Mayor W. Richard Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Bob Clark, Councilmember Bob Begert, Councilmember Dawn Moore and Councilmember Tommy Stewart City Attorney Robert L. Dillard, Ill and Assistant City Manager Robbie Corder were also seated on the dais. A. INVOCATION: Councilmember Tommy Stewart B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilmember Tommy Stewart / Boy Scouts Several Boy Scouts from Troop 82 attended the meeting. They assisted in leading the Pledge of Allegiance and then introduced themselves. They included: Eric Pask, Cameron Johnson, Mark Huber, Hunter Heath, John Luke Piepgras, Marshall Mcllyar, Harold Glasscock, and Andrew Brown. All the scouts stated they were City of University Park Page 1 735 City Council Meeting Minutes March 18, 2014 working on the Citizenship in the Community merit badge. Mayor Davis thanked them for coming to the Council Meeting. C. INTRODUCTION OF COUNCIL: Mayor W. Richard Davis D. INTRODUCTION OF STAFF: Assistant City Manager Robbie Corder Staff in attendance included Community Information Officer Steve Mace, Assistant to the City Manager George Ertle, Director of Public Works Bud Smallwood, Purchasing Agent Christine Green, City Secretary Liz Spector, Acting Director of Community Development Jacob Speer, Library Director Sharon Martin, Chief of Police Greg Spradlin, Director of Parks Gerry Bradley, Fire Chief Randy Howell and Director of Finance Tom Tvardzik. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. 14-035 Consider and act on a request from Council for Life to conduct a 5K benefit run on certain city streets The Council for Life race organizers will be required to pay for a police officer to be present to direct traffic as necessary. This Action Item was approved. B. 14-033 Consider and act on a proposal from Binkley & Barfield for engineering services associated with design of six traffic signals This Contract was approved in the amount of$76,000. D. 14-039 Consider and act on a contract with the City of Dallas to provide wastewater services for the City of University Park This Contract was approved. E. 14-038 Consider approval of minutes of the March 4, 2014 City Council Meeting with or without corrections The Minutes were approved as submitted. Approval of the Consent Agenda A motion was made by Councilmember Stewart,seconded by Councilmember Begert,to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore, and Councilmember Stewart C. 14-037 Consider and act on a proposal from Binkley & Barfield for engineering services associated with design of water and sanitary sewer improvements Consideration of this contract was withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. No further recommendation was made nor any action taken. City of University Park Page 2 736 City Council Meeting Minutes March 18, 2014 III. MAIN AGENDA A. 14-034 Consider and act on Ordinance abandoning certain street right-of-way to the abutting property owner of 7320 Turtle Creek Blvd. A motion was made by Councilmember Dawn Moore, seconded by Councilmember Bob Begert,to postpone action on this abandining Ordinance and directed staff to obtain a second appraisal at the City's expense. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 4- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, and Councilmember Moore Abstain: 1 - Councilmember Stewart B. 14-041 Consider and act on an ordinance establishing the Over-65 and Disabled Homestead Exemption amount at $288,000 A motion was made by Councilmember Dawn Moore,seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bob Clark,to adopt the Ordinance establishing the over-65 and disabled homestead exemption at$288,000. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore, and Councilmember Stewart Enactment No: ORD No.14/007 IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Mack Yarbrough was called to speak. He said his and his wife are the proprietors of Maudee's Cafe, located in the Miracle Mile shopping district on Lovers Lane. He said he is concerned over published reports regarding potential improvements to the area. Mr. Yarbrough stated the majority of businesses located in the Miracle Mile are small and any interruption of traffic flow and/or parking problems will cause undue hardship and potential bankruptcies, closures or relocations. He asked the City Council to seek the input of the business owners early in the exploration phase of this potential project. Mayor Davis thanked Mr. Yarbrough and asked that he remain informed through the City's website, the Arbor, and the local news media. V. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Davis adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m. CONSIDERED AND APPROVED THIS 1ST DAY OF APRIL 2014: Mayor W. Richard Davis ATTEST: City -c etary City of University Park Page 3