HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014.02.04 City Council AgendaCity Council City of University Park Meeting Agenda City Hall 3800 University Blvd. University Park, TX 75205 Council Chamber5:00 PMTuesday, February 4, 2014 EXECUTIVE SESSION 3:30 - 4 P.M. Pursuant to TGC §551.074 a quorum of the City Council will meet in closed executive session to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee. No action will be taken. Executive Conference Room, 1st floor, City Hall. PRE-MEETING WORK SESSION 4 - 5 P.M. The City Council will meet in open work session to receive agenda item briefings from staff. No action will be taken. Council Conference Room, 2nd floor, City Hall. TO SPEAK ON AN AGENDA ITEM Anyone wishing to address the Council on any item must fill out a green “Request to Speak” form and return it to the City Secretary. When called forward by the Mayor, before beginning their remarks, speakers are asked to go to the podium and state their name and address for the record. I.CALL TO ORDER A.INVOCATION: Fire Chief Randy Howell B.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Fire Chief Howell / Boy Scouts C.INTRODUCTION OF COUNCIL: Mayor W. Richard Davis D.INTRODUCTION OF STAFF: City Manager Bob Livingston II.AWARDS AND RECOGNITION None III.CONSENT AGENDA Consider and act on proposal from Nathan D. Maier associated with updating the City's Stormwater Management Plan A.14-015 Staff Report University Park - SWMP 07104C 2014-01-29 Attachments: Page 1 City of University Park Printed on 1/31/2014 February 4, 2014City Council Meeting Agenda Consider and act on a proposal from Nathan D. Maier to provide engineering services associated with an update of the City’s Water Conservation and the Drought Contingency plans B.14-016 Staff Report University Park - WCP DCP 2014-01-29 Attachments: Consider and act on an ordinance calling the May 10, 2014 General Municipal Election and authorizing a contract with the Dallas County Elections Administrator for conduct of said Election C.14-011 Staff Report 2014 General Election Ordinance Attachments: Consider and act on minutes of the January 21, 2014 City Council Meeting with or without corrections D.14-012 Staff Report 2014.01.21 CC Mtg Min Attachments: IV.MAIN AGENDA Public hearing on a request to install a private lighted tennis court on a tract of 0.9688 acre more or less, situated on a portion of Lot 2A, Block 1, East University Place Addition, and located in the Joel Sykes Survey, Abstract #1338, City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas. A.PZ 13-006 Staff Report Ordinance - SMU tennis courts SUP Detailed Site Plan Photometric Layout Responses Tennis Courts PZ 13-006 PZ Draft 20121013 Minutes Attachments: Consider and act on an ordinance approving a Specific Use Permit to install a private lighted tennis court on a tract of 0.9688 acre more or less, situated on a portion of Lot 2A, Block 1, East University Place Addition, and located in the Joel Sykes Survey, Abstract #1338, City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas. B.14-017 Staff Report Ordinance - SMU tennis courts SUP Detailed Site Plan Photometric Layout Attachments: Page 2 City of University Park Printed on 1/31/2014 February 4, 2014City Council Meeting Agenda Consider and act on a proposal from RL Goodson to provide engineering services associated with silt removal at Williams Park pond C.14-002 Staff Report RLG desilting proposal 2014 RLG - Man Hours Attachments: V.PUBLIC COMMENTS Anyone wishing to address an item not on the Agenda should do so at this time. Please be advised that under the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council cannot discuss or act at this meeting on a matter that is not listed on the Agenda. However, in response to an inquiry, a Council member may respond with a statement of specific factual information or a recitation of existing policy. Other questions or private comments for the City Council or Staff should be directed to that individual immediately following the meeting. VI.ADJOURNMENT As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into Closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any Agenda items listed herein. Page 3 City of University Park Printed on 1/31/2014 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 P:\Agenda Packets\915_City Council_2_4_2014\0001_1_Staff Report.docx 10:41 AM 01/3 AGENDA MEMO 2/4/2014 Agenda TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Gene R. Smallwood, P.E.; Director of Public Works SUBJECT: NDM Proposal for Storm Water Management Plan BACKGROUND: In August 2007, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) approved the TPDES general permit to authorize discharges of storm water from small municipal storm sewer systems. That action required each City to submit a Stormwater Management Plan to the state, which included “Best Management Practices” and “Measurable Goals” to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent possible. University Park complied with that requirement and staff has submitted an annual report to the TCEQ for each of the past five years, detailing the City’s compliance with each BMP and measurable goal. A note for clarification – the five-year period expired, and it took the TCEQ almost two years to develop the new regulations. The TCEQ has now promulgated new rules for the next five-year period, and each City must update their Storm Water Management Plan to comply. Staff solicited a proposal from Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers to review our current SWMP with respect to the new regulations and recommend changes that will provide compliance after approval by the State. The consultant’s fee for the proposed work is $24,780, which is in line with their original work in 2007 at $20,000. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of the Nathan D. Maier proposal in the amount of $24,780 to provide engineering services associated with updating the City’s existing Storm W ater Management Plan. January 29, 2014 Mr. Gene Smallwood Director of Public Works City of University Park 3800 University Blvd. University Park, TX 75205 Re: Stormwater Management Program - Proposal Dear Mr. Smallwood, Pursuant to your request, Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. (NDM) is pleased to submit this proposal to provide engineering services for the update of the Phase II Stormwater Management Plan. These services are described in the following tasks: SCOPE OF SERVICES NDM will conduct a review of theACity’sAexistingAPhaseAIIAStormwaterAManagementAProgramA (SWMP) and the new effective General Permit TXR040000 for Phase II MS4s. This includes the best management practices (BMPs) and measurable goals for the six minimum control measures required by the Phase II regulations. NDM will attend one meeting with the City of University Park at the beginning of the project to collect information about any changes in City operations. The City will provide the annual reports that were submitted to the TCEQ during the previous permit term for NDM to review. NDM will evaluate what BMPs to keep as a part of the SWMP and will add or revise existing BMPs according to the new requirements. A draft SWMP will be put together and provided to the City. After the City has reviewed the draft SWMP and provided comments, NDM will attend one meeting with the City to review the draft SWMP and comments. NDM will prepare the final submittal of the SWMP for the TCEQ. This includes review of the draft SWMP and making any changesAnecessaryAaccordingAtoAcommentsAfromAtheACity’sAreviewA of the draft SWMP. The final submittal will also include preparation of the Notice of Intent (NOI). The final submittal will be sent to the TCEQ, and the City will be provided with five copies. Digital copies will also be provided to the City. This contract does not include the submittal fee to the TCEQ. Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 2 Compensation Engineering services will be provided on a lump sum basis with a fee of $24,780.00. Reimbursable expenses, including reproductions, mileage, and deliveries will be billed at the rate of actual cost plus 15%. Any services requested but not defined in the scope of services above will be performed on an hourly basis. Hourly items will be billed in accordance with the schedule ofAfeesAinA ttachmentA“ ”.AANDM’sAliabilityAforAerrorsAandAomissionsAisAlimitedAtoAtwiceA the value of this agreement. The above stated fee is available for 30 days from the date of this proposal. If this proposal is not accepted until after 30 days from t he date of this proposal, then the fee will be subject to adjustment. Exclusions Any meetings in addition to those specifically outlined above, including but not limited to any meetings with the City of Dallas, Southern Methodist University, and North Central Texas Council of Governments, trips to Austin to meet with TCEQ, cost analysis for SWMP implementation, or additional tasks requested after the final submittal, are outside this scope andAwillAbeAbilledAatAanAhourlyArateAasAoutlinedAinA ttachmentA“ ”. Schedule NDM anticipates that the work in this scope can be completed in order to meet the June 11, 2014 TPDES General Permit TXR040000 submittal deadline to the TCEQ. Payment Invoices for services outlined in this proposal will be submitted, with supporting information as appropriate, on the first day of each month and due within 30 days of receipt. Termination of Services In connection with the services to be provided to you by NDM, we agree that you may cancel or indefinitely suspend further work or terminate this agreement, or any portion of it, upon written notice of thirty (30) days to NDM, with the understanding that immediately upon receipt of such notice, all work being performed under this proposal or any portion of it shall cease. Before the end of such thirty-day period, NDM shall provide an invoice for all work completed and shall be compensated in accordance for all work accomplished by us prior to the receipt of such notice. Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 3 Governing Law This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Acceptance NDM is pleased to have the opportunity to submit this proposal and looks forward to working on this project. If you have any questions about this proposal, I would be pleased to discuss them with you at your convenience. If you are in agreement with the contents of this proposal, please add your signature and return one copy to our office. Sincerely, NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ACCEPTED BY William L. Wallace, P.E. Executive Vice President Name: Title: Date: Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 4 ATTACHMENT "A" NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES The following Schedule of Fees and Charges shall be modified on January 1, 2015. Principal $140.00 - $250.00 / hour Expert Testimony (Trial and Depositions) $350.00 -$500.00 / hour Expert Testimony (Preparation Work) $250.00 -$350.00 / hour Registered Engineer $110.00 - $230.00/ hour Registered Surveyor $90.00 - $150.00 / hour Engineer-in-training $80.00 - $110.00 / hour Senior Designers $85.00 - $130.00 / hour Technician $80.00 - $115.00 / hour Drafter $50.00 - $80.00 / hour Field Party $150.00 / hour Secretarial/Word Processing $60.00 / hour Construction Manager $100.00 - $210.00/ hour Construction Inspector $75.00 - $110.00 / hour Emergency Services $160.00 - $275.00 / hour Reimbursables 1. Direct costs, such as reproductions, equipment rental, delivery services, travel expenses, or subcontractor services will be billed at actual cost plus 15%. 2. Unless otherwise stated, statements will be submitted monthly for charges incurred during the month and payments will be due within thirty (30) days following receipt of the statements. Effective January 1, 2014 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 P:\Agenda Packets\915_City Council_2_4_2014\0002_1_Staff Report.docx 10:41 AM 01/3 AGENDA MEMO 2/4/2014 Agenda TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Gene R. Smallwood, P.E.; Director of Public Works SUBJECT: NDM Proposal – Water Conservation Plan / Drought Contingency Plan BACKGROUND: State law requires cities to develop a water conservation plan and a drought contingency plan. Together with the Town of Highland Park and the Dallas County Park Cities Municipal Utilities District (MUD), the joint staff solicited a proposal from Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers (NDM) to review and update plans from all three entities. Once the plans have been amended and approved by the City Council, they must be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Water Development Board. Once approved by the State agencies, the City, Town, and MUD are required to provide an annual report to the State on compliance with the parameters set forth in the two plans. The NDM proposal in the amount of $12,400 provides the engineering services necessary to review existing plans and assist staff in amending same to comply with State requirements. The City Council approved a contract with NDM in 2009 for $10,700 for the initial 5-year plans. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of the proposal from Nathan D. Maier, in the amount of $12,400, to provide engineering services associated with update of the City’s Water Conservation Plan and the Drought Contingency Plan. January 29, 2014 Mr. Gene Smallwood Director of Public Works City of University Park 3800 University Blvd. University Park, TX 75205 Re: Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plans Dear Mr. Smallwood, Pursuant to your request, Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. (NDM) is pleased to submit this proposal to provide engineering services for the development of the Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plans for the City of University Park (City). These services are described in the following tasks: The following provides a description of the project understanding and scope of services to update the City of University Park (City) Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plans. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The overall project is to review, update and submit a Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan (Plans) for City. The project will be divided into five separate tasks:  Task 110 – Project Coordination & Meetings  Task 111 – Data Collection & Regulatory Review  Task 112 – Water Conservation Plan  Task 113 – Drought Contingency Plan  Task 114 – Reports/Deliverables SCOPE OF SERVICES The following provides the scope of services and work plan for the project. PROJECT COORDINATION NDM will provide overall project coordination. This shall include coordination with the City, the Town of Highland Park and the Dallas County Park Cities Municipal Utility District, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 2 Region C Water Planning Group, and all other appropriate federal, state and local regulatory agencies. The City will provide notice of the revised Plans to the public. A public meeting for comments on the revised Drought Contingency Plan will be administered at a regularly scheduled City Council meeting. PROJECT MEETINGS AND MILESTONES NDM will participate in two project meetings with City personnel. These two meetings include an initial meeting to gather required information from the City and a second meeting to review the updated Plans. Project milestones and budgets will be confirmed during the initial meeting to ensure the Plans are complete for City review and Approval before the May 1, 2014 deadline. NDM will monitor and adjust the project tasks and schedule as necessary dur ing the project duration. This effort will help ensure timely and efficient presentation of deliverables. DATA MANAGEMENT The Project Consultant will locate and obtain information previously collected by the City, specifically existing Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plans, treated water deliveries and water loss data for the previous five (5) years, population projections, and all other information related to completion of the Plans. Data and Plan information will utilize Microsoft Project and SureTrac for scheduling and budgeting and Microsoft Office for report editing. NDM will provide Plans in a Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF version. The City shall provide NDM with a copy of the most recent Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan in Microsoft Word compatible format, and assistance in obtaining the information required for completion of the Utility Profiles as attached to this Scope. WORK PLAN Based on our current project understanding, some of the specific project require ments are:  Review existing Plans.  Review regulatory requirements.  Identify key regulatory changes to the Plans.  Update existing Water Conservation Plan goals and strategies.  Update existing provisions of the Drought Contingency Plan and Water Conservation Plan.  Submit updated Plans to City for City Approval.  Submit Plans to TCEQ and TWDB. The following describes the elements of the Work Plan for the project. Description of Work Plan Tasks 100 Update City Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency P lan Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 3 110 Project Coordination and Meetings – NDM shall participate in two meetings that will address the following: Confirm project services Review required data and regulatory changes Confirm City goals Submit final Plans for City Approval All data collected related to this project will be organized by NDM and made available to the City. 111 Data Collection and Regulatory Review – NDM shall receive plans, reports and data from the City and shall secure additional information for the project. NDM shall review the information and data acquired that will include the following:  Supporting documentation (Plan-related Ordinances, Region C submittals, implementation practices, public education and information programs, etc.)  City Water Use Data and information related to the TCEQ/TWDB Utility Profile  TCEQ and TWDB Rules and Requirements 112 Water Conservation Plan – NDMAshallAupdateAtheACity’sAexistingAWaterA Conservation Plan. The Water Conservation Plan outline shall be similar to the existing and is as follows:  Introduction and Objectives  TCEQ/TWDB Rules  Specification of Water Conservation Goals  Minimum Conservation Plan Requirements  Additional Water Conservation Strategies  Additional TWDB Requirements  Appendices The TCEQ requires an Implementation Report be submitted with the revised Water Conservation Plan on May 1, 2014 based on the previous planning period (May 1, 2009 submittal) and will be included. The TCEQ & TWDB now require that all wholesale and retail public water suppliers who are required to submit a Water Conservation Plan must also submit an annual implementation report to the TWDB beginning May 1, 2010 and every year thereafter. In addition, a schedule of implementation and methods for tracking the specified goals are explicitly required to be listed in the Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 4 Water Conservation Plan to facilitate completion of the annual implementation reports. 113 Drought Contingency Plan – NDMAshallAupdateAtheACity’sAexistingADroughtA Contingency Plan. The Drought Contingency Plan outline shall be similar to the existing and is as follows:  Introduction and Objectives  TCEQ Rules  Update Provisions of Plan Procedures  Update Provisions of Response Stages  Coordination with Regional Planning Group  Appendices Plan Procedures and Response Stages enforced by the Dallas County Park Cities MunicipalAUtilityADistrict’sADroughtAContingencyAPlanAwillAbeAincludedAinAtheACity’sA Drought Contingency Plan. 114 Reports/Deliverables – NDM shall review and submit five (5) sets of Plans to the City for review. Upon review, NDM shall submit ten (10) sets of Plans to the City for approval by Ordinance. Upon approval of each Plan, NDM will submit one (1) set of the approved Plans on behalf of the City to the following agencies:  Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (for approval)  Texas Water Development Board (for approval)  Region C Water Planning Group The TCEQ/TWDB require that the City must approve the Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan, and a signed Ordinance by the City must be included with each Plan. The City Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan will be submitted to the Region C Water Planning Group as submitted to the TCEQ and TWDB. ShouldAtheATCEQAand/orATWDBArequireAmodificationsAtoAtheACity’sAWaterA Conservation Plan or Drought Contingency Plan, NDM will revise and resubmit on behalf of the City to all three agencies. END OF WORK PLAN TASKS BASIS OF SCOPE Estimates of required work are based on the following understandings. Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 5  NDM will provide a draft Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan to the City no later than March 25, 2014 for review and approval by the City.  The City will provide NDM with a signed copy of the Ordinance adopting the Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan no later than April 25, 2014. PROVIDED BY THE CITY See Attachment B for a list of items and information required by NDM to update the City Plans. This includes required water use data for the previous five years and additional information the City may have on implementation of their existing Plans. NOT INCLUDED The following services are not included but may be added as an additional service.  Review of future water use related to the submission of the annual implementation report to the TWDB.  Review of annual tracking methods for submission of the annual implementation report to the TWDB.  Submission of the annual implementation report to the TWDB.  Revision of the existing University Park Irrigation Code  Trips to the TCEQ or TWDB COMPENSATION Engineering services will be provided on a lump sum basis with a fee of $12,400. A breakdown of this fee is as follows: Task 110 – Project Coordination & Meetings $3,475 Task 111 – Data Collection & Regulatory Review $3,000 Task 112 – Water Conservation Plan $2,710 Task 113 – Drought Contingency Plan $1,160 Task 114 – Reports/Deliverables $1,800 Reimbursable Expenses $255 Total $12,400 Reimbursable expenses, including reproductions, mileage, and deliveries will be billed at the rate of actual cost plus 15%. Any services requested but not defined in the scope of services above will be performed on an hourly basis. Hourly items will be billed in accordance with the scheduleAofAfeesAinA ttachmentA“ ”.AATheAaboveAstatedAfeeAisAavailableAforA30AdaysAfromAtheAdateA Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 6 of this proposal. If this proposal is not accepted until after 30 days from the date of this proposal, then the fee will be subject to adjustment. SCHEDULE NDM anticipates that Tasks 110 through 114 can be completed in order to meet the May 1, 2014 submittal deadline to the TCEQ & TWDB. PAYMENT Invoices for services outlined in this proposal will be submitted, with supporting information as appropriate, on the first day of each month and due within 30 days of receipt. TERMINATION OF SERVICES In connection with the services to be provided to you by NDM, we agree that you may cancel or indefinitely suspend further work or terminate this agreement, or any portion of it, upon written notice of thirty (30) days to NDM, with the understanding that immediately upon receipt of such notice, all work being performed under this proposal or any portion of it shall cease. Before the end of such thirty-day period, NDM shall provide an invoice for all work completed and shall be compensated in accordance for all work accomplished by us prior to the receipt of such notice. GOVERNING LAW This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. ACCEPTANCE NDM is pleased to have the opportunity to submit this proposal and looks forward to working on this project. If you have any questions about this proposal, I would be pleased to discuss them with you at your convenience. If you are in agreement with the contents of this proposal, please add your signature and return one copy to our office. Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 7 Sincerely, NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ACCEPTED BY ___________________________________ William L. Wallace, P.E. Executive Vice President Name: _____________________________ Title: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________ Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 8 ATTACHMENT "A" NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES The following Schedule of Fees and Charges shall be modified on January 1, 2015. Principal $140.00 - $250.00 / hour Expert Testimony (Trial and Depositions) $350.00 -$500.00 / hour Expert Testimony (Preparation Work) $250.00 -$350.00 / hour Registered Engineer $110.00 - $230.00/ hour Registered Surveyor $90.00 - $150.00 / hour Engineer-in-training $80.00 - $110.00 / hour Senior Designers $85.00 - $130.00 / hour Technician $80.00 - $115.00 / hour Drafter $50.00 - $80.00 / hour Field Party $150.00 / hour Secretarial/Word Processing $60.00 / hour Construction Manager $100.00 - $210.00/ hour Construction Inspector $75.00 - $110.00 / hour Emergency Services $160.00 - $275.00 / hour Reimbursables 1. Direct costs, such as reproductions, equipment rental, delivery services, travel expenses, or subcontractor services will be billed at actual cost plus 15%. 2. Unless otherwise stated, statements will be submitted monthly for charges incurred during the month and payments will be due within thirty (30) days following receipt of the statements. Effective January 1, 2014 Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 9 “ TT CHMENTAB” Items Requested from the City of University Park Major Rules Changes Since Plans Last Updated Most rules changes since the last update to the water conservation and drought contingency plans are related to definitions, dates listed in the rules, and plan reporting practices. Plan reporting practices are inherent in the Utility Profile forms and annual update forms. The City of University Park's current billing system already meets the revised reporting requirements.  Water use data is now reported in total GPCD and residential GPCD.  Water use must be sector-based (i.e. residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) The schedule seems to be inherently included by stating specific 5 -year and 10-year goals, but the methods of tracking these goals may not be explicitly stated within the existing plan. There have been no updates to the rules governing Drought Contingency Plans since the last plan was adopted. TCEQ LINKS: http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/permitting/water_supply/water_rights/conserve.html http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/permitting/water_supply/water_rights/contingency.html http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/rules/indxpdf.html Note: Changes to a PWS's drought contingency plan stage should be reported to the TCEQ here: http://www.tceq.texas.gov/drinkingwater/homeland_security/security_pws/pws -drought- contingency-plan-reporting-form TWDB LINKS: http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/assistance/conservation/Municipal/Plans/CPlans.asp Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 10 Items Requested from the City of University Park: Confirm data/fill in the missing data for the TCEQ/TWDB utility profiles. The TWDB utility profile is more comprehensive of the two and is acceptable per the MOU between the TCEQ and TWDB (§288.2(b)). Included in the following list are data required to complete these profiles and update both plans. NOTE: Most of the data listed below would be available from the annual conserv ation report submitted to the TWDB (except 2013 data), the annual report submitted to the TCEQ, water billing information, and/or water loss audits. 1. Most recent water distribution system map if significant changes made since December, 2008 (pdf and/or shapefiles, CAD drawing). To include location of existing & proposed elevated and ground storage tanks, pump stations, supply 2. Number of active metered and not-metered connections for the following account types: residential (single, multiple), commercial, industrial and other. Note whether multi-residential service is recorded as residential or commercial. 3. Total number of connections per year for the previous 5 years (calendar or fiscal) for the following account types: residential (single, multiple), commercial, industrial and other. 4. List the water use for the previous year for the five highest volume customers. 5. Amount of water use for the previous five years (in 1,000 gal.) for the following account types: residential (single, multiple), commercial, industrial and other. 6. Recorded water loss for the past five years (the difference between water diverted (or treated) and water delivered (or sold)). 7. Peak water usage for the past five years (maximum daily pumpage for each year). 8. List all water supply sources and the amounts authorized (in acre-feet). Confirm no amount specified in DCPCMUD Contract. 9. Verify Design daily capacity of the system (25 MGD) 10. Verify Elevated and ground storage capacity (4 MG and 0 MG) 11 Any records of drought contingency implementat ion, particularly Stage II, III, IV? Mr. Gene Smallwood January 29, 2014 Page 11 12. Are there any additional Ordinances specifically related to drought contingency not currently referenced in the current drought contingency plan, or proposed to be referenced as listed below? Major Revisions to Water Conservation & Drought Contingency Plans The following items are intended to be included in the plans that need to be revised or items that need to be added based on experience of implementation over the previous 5 years: 13. Update goals of 5-year and 10-year targets? - 5-year Targets: 6% reduction from baseline year and unaccounted for water at 10% or less - 10-year Targets: 8% reduction in total gpcd from baseline year and unaccounted for water at 10% or less 14. Any changes anticipated in meters/metering related to accuracy, testing and replacement? 15. Any modifications to the public education and information program? 16. Any changes required in triggers for initiation and termination of drought stages? 17. Any revisions required not mentioned above to the water conservation and drought contingency plans? 18. Please provide copy of the most recent data submitted to Region C Water Planning Group. 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 AGENDA MEMO 2/4/2014 Agenda TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Liz Spector, City Secretary SUBJECT: Consider an ordinance calling the May 10, 2014 General Municipal Election and giving authority to enter into an election services contract with the Dallas County Elections Administrator BACKGROUND: A General Election is being ordered for Saturday, May 10, 2014 to elect a mayor and four councilmembers for two-year terms. The Election Day polling place will be at Highland Park Middle School, 3555 Granada, in University Park from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Early Voting will be conducted at City Hall from April 28 through May 6. This ordinance also authorizes the Mayor and City Secretary to execute a joint election agreement and election services contract with Dallas County Elections Administrator. At the request of the Dallas County Elections Department (DCED), all Park Cities entities (HPISD, DCPCMUD and the Town of Highland Park) will be on the countywide joint election contract with all other Dallas County cities, towns, school districts and utility districts which are contracting with the county. The contract authorizes DCED to coordinate, supervise and handle all aspects of the joint election including but not limited to equipment and all mandatory equipment testing, supplies, services including appointment of election workers and administrative costs. The City is responsible for preparation, adoption and publication of all required election orders, resolutions or notices. The City Secretary will request pre-clearance from the Department of Justice as required. The cost of the election will be shared by all participating entities based on population. An amount equal to one-half of the estimated total must be deposited with the Dallas County Treasurer prior to the Election. Currently, Dallas County has not provided a cost estimate for the 2014 Election however, the previous General Election of May 12, 2012, was contracted with Dallas County for a total cost of $7,071.41. I anticipate the cost for the upcoming election to be comparable. Dallas County has called a joint meeting with all participating entities February 3, 2014 wherein a copy of the contract will be provided. I will have copies of that contract available for the Council’s review prior to the Council Meeting on Tuesday. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of this ordinance, calling the May 10, 2014 General Municipal Election and giving the Mayor and City Secretary authority to accept the terms of the contract generally and approve any non-substantive changes that may occur with the Dallas County Elections Administrator for assistance in conducting the joint election. ORDINANCE NO. 14/ ______ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, ORDERING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2014 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FOUR (4) CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND POSTING OF NOTICE; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AN ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT WITH DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, under the provisions of the City’s Charter, it is necessary that the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas call a General Municipal Election for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four (4) City Council Members; WHEREAS, Section 41.001(a) of the Texas Election Code, as amended, provides for a general election of City Officials to be held on uniform election dates; the second Saturday in May or the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November; WHEREAS, Section 11.0581(a) of the Texas Education Code requires independent school districts (ISDs) to conduct their general election for trustees on the same date as the election for the members of the governing body of a municipality located in the school district; the general election for state and county officers, or the election for the members of the governing body of a hospital district; and, WHEREAS, Section 271 of the Texas Election Code authorizes the elections ordered by the authorities of two or more political subdivisions that are to be held on the same day in all or part of the same county to be held jointly in the election precincts that can be served by common polling places. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS; SECTION 1. That a General Municipal Election be and the same is hereby ordered to be held on the second Saturday in May 2014, the same being May 10, 2014, for the purpose of electing at large a Mayor and four (4) Councilmembers for the City of University Park, Texas, for a two- year term as heretofore established by the City Charter. SECTION 2. That said election shall be held in accordance with the Election Code of the State of Texas, the statutes of the State of Texas, and the Charter and ordinances of the City of University Park, Texas, and shall be in conformity with the procedures set forth herein. SECTION 3. That the election shall be held jointly with the Highland Park Independent School District, the Town of Highland Park, and the Dallas County Park Cities Municipal Utility District, and other Dallas County governmental entities on May 10, 2014, pursuant to Section 11 of the Texas Education Code and Section 271 of the Texas Election Code. The costs of said election shall be shared by the governmental entities as set forth in the Election Services Contract on file in the City Secretary’s office. SECTION 4. That a single election precinct is hereby created, which shall consist of the territory located within the corporate limits of the City of University Park, Texas, including all or part of Dallas County precincts 2220, 2221, 2222, 2223, 2224, 2225 and 2226. The official polling place for voting on Election Day shall be the Highland Park Middle School, 3555 Granada Avenue, University Park, Texas. All resident, qualified voters of the City of University Park, Texas shall be permitted to vote in said election. In addition, the election materials as outlined in Section 272.005, Texas Election Code, shall be printed in both English and Spanish for use at the polling places during Early Voting and on Election Day. SECTION 5. That the polling place for said election shall be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. SECTION 6. That Toni Pippins-Poole, Dallas County Elections Administrator, is appointed the Joint Election Early Voting Clerk for all of the participating political subdivisions in compliance with Sections 31.097 of the Texas Elections Code. SECTION 7. That in compliance with Section 85.004 of the Texas Election Code, early voting by personal appearance shall be conducted at various Dallas County polling locations, including a branch location at University Park City Hall. Said branch polling place shall be open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. beginning Monday, April 28, 2014, and continuing through Friday, May 2, 2014; and from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. beginning on Monday, May 5, and ending Tuesday, May 6, 2014. SECTION 8. The Mayor and City Secretary are authorized to sign the Election Services Contract on behalf of the City. The City Secretary is authorized to prepare a Notice of Election as prescribed by the Texas Election Code, to be posted not later than April 19, 2014, and published in accordance with the provisions of the Code and the Charter one time no earlier than April 10 and no later than April 30, 2014. SECTION 9. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of University Park on this the 4th day of February 2014. APPROVED: ____________________________ W. Richard Davis Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM ATTEST: ____________________________ _____________________________ Robert L. Dillard, III Elizabeth Spector City Attorney City Secretary 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 P:\Agenda Packets\915_City Council_2_4_2014\0004_1_Staff Report.docx 10:42 AM 01/3 AGENDA MEMO 2/4/2014 Agenda TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Liz Spector, City Secretary SUBJECT: Consider and act on minutes of the January 21, 2014 City Council Mtg. BACKGROUND: Minutes of the January 21, 2014 City Council Meeting are included for the Council’s review. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of the minutes of the 1/21/14 meeting. City Hall 3800 University Blvd. University Park, TX 75205 City of University Park Meeting Minutes City Council 5:00 PM Council ChamberTuesday, January 21, 2014 PRE-MEETING WORK SESSION: The City Council met in open work session to receive agenda item briefings from staff. Present were Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore and Councilmember Stewart. City Attorney Dillard was also present. Director of Public Works Bud Smallwood reviewed a resident request for the City to abandon a 10 foot wide strip of right-of-way adjacent to property at 7320 Turtle Creek Blvd. Mr. Smallwood said staff requests Council approval to obtain an appraisal to determine fair market value of the right-of-way. He said once the FMV has been determined, staff will provide that information to the Council along with an abandonment ordinance for action at a future meeting. Director of Finance Tom Tvardzik reviewed the amendment to the fee schedule . He said the change was to incorporate new fees for certain library services. Library Director Sharon Martin reviewed the updated Use Agreement for the Library 's community room. Ms. Martin said per the Council's direction at the previous meeting, Director of Human Resources Luanne Hanford contacted the City's liability insurance carrier, the Texas Municipal League , and confirmed the city's liability insurance was sufficient to protect the City and no additional insurance requirement for room lessees will be necessary. Director of Public Works Smallwood briefed the Council on a proposal from RLG Consulting Engineers for engineering and surveying services required prior to silt removal at Williams Park pond . Councilmember Moore expressed concern over the cost of the proposal and asked if staff would review the proposal with RLG and request a lower fee before the Council took action on the proposal. Mr. Smallwood then briefed the Council on a proposal from RLG for preliminary horizontal design of travel lanes and parking areas in the Miracle Mile commercial neighborhood. He said the proposal also includes provision of a preliminary drainage pattern and sewer layout. Mr. Smallwood said the proposal should be approved subject to deletion of the limit of liability clause. Mayor Davis adjourned the work session at 4:57 p.m. Rollcall Mayor W. Richard Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Bob Clark, Councilmember Bob Begert, Councilmember Dawn Moore and Councilmember Tommy Stewart Present:5 - CALL TO ORDERI. Page 1City of University Park January 21, 2014City Council Meeting Minutes INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem Bob ClarkA. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tem Bob Clark / Boy ScoutsB. INTRODUCTION OF COUNCIL: Mayor W. Richard DavisC. INTRODUCTION OF STAFF: City Manager Bob LivingstonD. Seated on the dais were City Manager Bob Livingston and City Attorney Robert L . Dillard, III. Other staff in attendance included: Community Information Officer Steve Mace, Director of Information Services Jim Criswell, Police Chief Greg Spradlin, Director of Public Works Bud Smallwood, City Secretary Liz Spector, Director of Human Resources Luanne Hanford, Library Director Sharon Martin, Director of Parks Gerry Bradley, Assistant City Manager/Director of Community Development Robbie Corder, Assistant to the City Manager George Ertle, Assistant Director of Public Works Jacob Speer, Fire Chief Randy Howell and Director of Finance Tom Tvardzik . AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONII. Mayor Davis asked the Boy Scouts in the audience to come to the lectern. The scouts included: Luke Schneider, Charlie Featherston, Jack Pease, Cooper Flint and Sam Sessions. All of the scouts were members of Troop 518 and were attending the meeting as part of obtaining their Citizenship in the Community merit badge. CONSENT AGENDAIII. 14-005A.Consider and act on a request to abandon certain street right-of-way adjacent to 7320 Turtle Creek Blvd. Consent Agenda approval authorized staff to obtain an appraisal of a 10 ft. right-of-way along 7320 Turtle Creek. 14-008B.Consider and act on a Resolution amending Appendix A - Fee Schedule of the Code of Ordinances Consent Agenda approval adopted the resolution. Enactment No: RES No.14-001 14-001C.Consider and act on minutes of the January 7, 2014 City Council Meeting with or without corrections The January 7, 2014 City Council Meeting Minutes were approved as submitted. Approval of the Consent Agenda A motion was made by Councilmember Begert, seconded by Councilmember Moore, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: Page 2City of University Park January 21, 2014City Council Meeting Minutes Aye:Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore, and Councilmember Stewart 5 - MAIN AGENDAIV. 14-006A.Consider and act on proposed Use Agreement for the Library Community Room Bob Livingston summarized the revised use agreement for the library's community meeting spaces. He stated staff has verified the City has sufficient coverage under its general liability policies. A motion was made by Councilmember Bob Begert, seconded by Councilmember Tommy Stewart to approve the Use Agreement for the Library Community Room subject to specific language being added to the document by City Attorney Dillard strengthening the City's indemnification for its own negligence. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore, and Councilmember Stewart 5 - 14-002B.Consider and act on a proposal from RL Goodson to provide engineering services associated with silt removal at Williams Park pond City Manager Livingston said based on the Council's discussion during the work session, staff will contact RLG Consulting Engineers and request RLG reevaluate their proposal for possible cost savings. Councilmember Moore asked if the de-siltation of Williams Park pond would be delayed if the time is taken to go back to RLG. Mr. Smallwood said he didn't think this would delay the project as the dredging is not planned to begin before September 2014. Councilmember Begert mentioned that a good portion of the cost of the contract involves satisfying legal requirements in obtaining Corps of Engineers approval of the project. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked if there would be any disadvantage in requesting RLG to revisit their proposal and Mr. Smallwood said there would not be. A motion was made by Councilmember Dawn Moore, seconded by Councilmember Bob Begert to postpone action on this proposal. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore, and Councilmember Stewart 5 - 14-004C.Consider and act on a proposal from RL Goodson to provide engineering services associated with proposed Miracle Mile improvements A motion was made by Councilmember Bob Begert, seconded by Councilmember Tommy Stewart, to approve the proposal from RLG Consulting Engineers for preliminary layout of travel lanes, parking areas, drainage pattern and storm sewer layout on Lovers Lane in the Miracle Mile commercial area at a cost not to exceed $15,500, including reimbursables. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore, and Councilmember Stewart 5 - Page 3City of University Park January 21, 2014City Council Meeting Minutes PUBLIC COMMENTSV. No requests to address the Council under Public Comments were received. ADJOURNMENTVI. As there was no further business, Mayor Davis adjourned the meeting at 5:14 p.m. CONSIDERED AND APPROVED this 4th day of February 2014: _____________________________________ Mayor W. Richard Davis ATTEST: _____________________________________ Elizabeth Spector, City Secretary Page 4City of University Park 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 P:\Agenda Packets\915_City Council_2_4_2014\0005_1_Staff Report.docx 10:42 AM 01/3 AGENDA MEMO 2/4/2014 Agenda TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Harry Persaud, MRTPI, AICP, Chief Planning Official SUBJECT: Public hearing on a request to install a private lighted tennis court on a tract of 0.9688 acre more or less, situated on a portion of Lot 2A, Block 1, East University Place Addition, and located in the Joel Sykes Survey, Abstract #1338, City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas. BACKGROUND: SMU owns the subject site and is requesting a Specific Use Permit to add sports lighting to the tennis court as required by the comprehensive zoning ordinance. The subject tract is situated north of Potomac and south of Bush Avenue and currently split between the UC-1, UC-2, and RC zoning districts as shown on the attached site plan. Proposed sports lighting and photometric layout are summarized on the detailed site plan showing the minimum, maximum and average illumination in foot candles (FC). The detailed lighting plan provides for nine light poles each 22 feet in height with die cast aluminum fixtures and hinged tempered glass lens. Seven of the light poles are fitted with 4 fixtures per pole for a total of 28 light fixtures (noted as C1 on the detailed site plan) The other 2 poles are fitted with 2 die cast aluminum fixtures and hinged tempered glass lens. The proposed lighting fixtures will not result in any significant impacts to surrounding land uses. The photometric layout shows the intensity of illumination on surrounding tracts. Student housing currently under construction on the west side of Bush Avenue is the only residential land use. The illumination on this site is reduced to about 0.4 FC at the buildings. A maximum illumination of 4.2 FC is shown on the north side of the retail center. The maximum illumination in the parking lot south of Potomac is 2.7 FC. The playing fields with synthetic turf for inter mural sports is located on the north side of the Tennis Court where maximum horizontal illumination is in the range of 2.4 – 0 FC. A public notice for the SUP was published in the Park Cities News on November 21, 2013 and January 16, 2014 and notices were mailed to property owners within 200 feet of the subject site. At the time of this report two responses from SMU were received in favor of the request. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item at its regular meeting on December 10, 2013 and voted unanimously to recommend approval. ORDINANCE NO. ___________________________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE LIGHTED TENNIS COURT ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AND DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT “A”; APPROVING THE SITE PLAN, PHOTOMETRIC LAYOUT AND LIGHTING DETAILS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT “B”; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND ($2,000.00) DOLLARS FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of University Park and the City Council of the City of University Park, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning classifications and changes, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have held due hearings and afforded a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to all persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, and the City Council of the City of University Park is of the opinion and finds that a zoning change should be granted and that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map of the City of University Park, Texas, as heretofore amended, be, and the same are hereby, amended by granting Specific Use Permit for a Tennis Court-Private with Lighting on the property described and depicted in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. This Specific Use Permit is granted subject to the special condition that the project be developed in accordance with the Detailed Site Plan, Photometric Layout and Lighting Details, attached hereto collectively as Exhibit “B” and made part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 3. All ordinances of the City of University Park in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as amended hereby, are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof other than the part decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and the same shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance or of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of University Park, Texas, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars for each offense, and each and every day such a violation is continued shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on the ____ day of ____________________2014. APPROVED: ____________________________________ W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________________ LIZ SPECTOR, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________ CITY ATTORNEY (12-11-13/63928) ORDINANCE NO. _______________________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE LIGHTED TENNIS COURT ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AND DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT “A”; APPROVING THE SITE PLAN, PHOTOMETRIC LAYOUT AND LIGHTING DETAILS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT “B”; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND ($2,000.00) DOLLARS FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on the ____ day of ______________________ 2014. APPROVED: ____________________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________________ CITY SECRETARY City Hall 3800 University Blvd. University Park, TX 75205 City of University Park Meeting Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission 5:00 PM Council ChamberTuesday, December 10, 2013 4:30 - 5:00 PM - Work Session for Agenda Review The work session was opened at 4:30 PM in the Council Conference Room. Mr. Harry Persaud briefed the Commission on several upcoming agenda items including submittals from the YMCA and HPISD. He then presented several Power Point slides for the current case including a site plan and photometric data layout. Mr. Persaud stated that there were 2 notice letters sent for the case, and both were returned in favor of approval. He stated there were no staff concerns. A discussion then ensued regarding potential parking requirements for the tennis courts. No action was taken. The work session was closed prior to the public hearing. Introduction of Commission Members Chairman Bob West, Commissioner Randy Biddle, Commissioner Doug Roach, Commissioner Neil Harris, and Commissioner Jerry Jordan Present:5 - Commissioner Mark Aldredge, and Commissioner Kim KohlerExcused:2 - Commissioner Liz FarleySeated:1 - Staff in Attendance Robbie Corder, Community Development Director Harry Persaud, Chief Planning Official Amanda Hartwick, Planning Technician Rob Dillard, City Attorney The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of University Park will conduct a public hearing in the Council Chamber. Consideration will be given to the following item(s): Page 1City of University Park December 10, 2013Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes PZ 13-006 Public hearing on a request to install a private lighted tennis court on a tract of 0.9688 acre more or less, situated on a portion of Lot 2A, Block 1, East University Place Addition , and located in the Joel Sykes Survey, Abstract #1338, City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas. The public hearing was opened at 5:00 PM. SMU representatives included Jay Meister, Stuart Markussen, and Paul Ward. Chairman West opened the floor to city staff for comments. Mr. Persaud stated he had nothing further to add from the work session. With no one present to speak further in favor or against the proposed SUP , Chairman West closed the public hearing . A motion was made by Commissioner Biddle, seconded by Commissioner Roach, that this Special Use Permit be approved. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. Consider the previous meeting minutes with or without corrections: 13-290 Minutes for October 8, 2013 A motion was made by Commissioner Roach, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the Minutes be approved. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. Adjournment With there being no further business before the Commission , Chairman West adjourned the meeting at 5:05 PM. Approved by: ___________________________ ________________ Chairman Date Page 2City of University Park 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 P:\Agenda Packets\915_City Council_2_4_2014\0006_1_Staff Report.docx 10:42 AM 01/3 AGENDA MEMO 2/4/2014 Agenda TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Harry Persaud, MRTPI, AICP, Chief Planning Official SUBJECT: Consider an ordinance approving a Specific Use Permit to install a private lighted tennis court on a tract of 0.9688 acre more or less, situated on a portion of Lot 2A, Block 1, East University Place Addition, and located in the Joel Sykes Survey, Abstract #1338, City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas. A draft ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a private lighted tennis court is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item at its regular meeting on December 10, 2013 and voted unanimously to recommend approval. ORDINANCE NO. ___________________________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE LIGHTED TENNIS COURT ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AND DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT “A”; APPROVING THE SITE PLAN, PHOTOMETRIC LAYOUT AND LIGHTING DETAILS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT “B”; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND ($2,000.00) DOLLARS FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of University Park and the City Council of the City of University Park, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning classifications and changes, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have held due hearings and afforded a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to all persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, and the City Council of the City of University Park is of the opinion and finds that a zoning change should be granted and that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map of the City of University Park, Texas, as heretofore amended, be, and the same are hereby, amended by granting Specific Use Permit for a Tennis Court-Private with Lighting on the property described and depicted in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. This Specific Use Permit is granted subject to the special condition that the project be developed in accordance with the Detailed Site Plan, Photometric Layout and Lighting Details, attached hereto collectively as Exhibit “B” and made part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 3. All ordinances of the City of University Park in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as amended hereby, are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof other than the part decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and the same shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance or of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of University Park, Texas, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars for each offense, and each and every day such a violation is continued shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on the 4th day of February 2014. APPROVED: ____________________________________ W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________________ LIZ SPECTOR, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________ CITY ATTORNEY (12-11-13/63928) ORDINANCE NO. _______________________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE LIGHTED TENNIS COURT ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AND DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT “A”; APPROVING THE SITE PLAN, PHOTOMETRIC LAYOUT AND LIGHTING DETAILS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT “B”; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND ($2,000.00) DOLLARS FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on the 4th day of February 2014. APPROVED: ____________________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________________ CITY SECRETARY 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 P:\Agenda Packets\915_City Council_2_4_2014\0007_1_Staff Report.docx 10:43 AM 01/3 AGENDA MEMO 2/4/2014 Agenda TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Gene R. Smallwood, P.E.; Director of Public Works SUBJECT: RLG Proposal – Williams Park Pond BACKGROUND: Following a staff briefing at the January 21 meeting, the City Council requested additional information prior to their consideration of the R.L. Goodson proposal to provide engineering services associated with silt removal from the pond in Williams Park. Concern was expressed regarding the cost ($14,000) of the proposal and they deferred action on the matter to their next meeting. Staff subsequently met with representatives of RLG to discuss the proposal. They provided an estimate of the man- hours (copy attached) necessary to perform the required tasks. Following a review of that submittal, staff is satisfied with the original amount of the proposal. In addition to the discussion with RLG, staff reviewed City Council minutes from 1994, and found that the cost of engineering services for dredging work for Williams, Curtis, and Caruth parks was approved at $24,000. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of the R.L. Goodson proposal in the amount of $14,000 to provide engineering services associated with silt removal from Williams Park pond. Williams Park Lake Silt & Debris Removal PermittinglDredging 12/30/2013 Scope of services: J) Provide boundary/topographic plans Princ 4hr @ 210 840.00 Tech 4hr @ 85 340.00 2) Provide existing "bottom of pond"" grades Tech 4hr @ 85 = 340.00 3) Draw cross sections to city agreed existing silt grade Princ 1 hr 210 = 2 J 0.00 Tech 6 hr @ 85 51000 4) Calculate silt volume per above parameters Princ 2 hr 210 420.00 Tech 8 hr @ 85 c.= 680.00 5) Misc. assistance to IES Princ 8 hr 210 1680.00 6) Misc. bidding assistance to CUP, evaluating bids, contractor, attend pre bid meetings etc Princ 16 hr @ 210 = 3360.00 Summery Princ 31 hr ({iJ 210.00 = $ 65]0.00• -.J Tech 22 hr @ 85.00 $ 1870.00 Est. Total Fee $ 8380.00