HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014.04.15 City Council AgendaCity Council City of University Park Meeting Agenda - Draft City Hall 3800 University Blvd. University Park, TX 75205 Council Chamber5:00 PMTuesday, April 15, 2014 EXECUTIVE SESSION 3 - 4 P. M. Pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.072, the City Council will meet in closed executive session to discuss a confidential real estate transaction; Pursuant to TGC§551.071(2) to receive confidential legal advice from the City Attorney with regard to the City’s legal obligation to the Firefighters’ Relief and Retirement Fund (FRRF). No action will be taken. Executive Conference Room, 1st Floor, City Hall. PRE-MEETING WORK SESSION 4 -5 P. M. City Council will meet in open work session to receive agenda item briefings from staff. No action will be taken. Council Conference Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall. TO SPEAK ON AN AGENDA ITEM Anyone wishing to address the Council on any item must fill out a green “Request to Speak” form and return it to the City Secretary. When called forward by the Mayor, before beginning their remarks, speakers are asked to go to the podium and state their name and address for the record. I.CALL TO ORDER A.INVOCATION: City Manager Bob Livingston B.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: City Manager Bob Livingston / Boy Scouts C.INTRODUCTION OF COUNCIL: Mayor W. Richard Davis D.INTRODUCTION OF STAFF: City Manager Bob Livingston II.AWARDS AND RECOGNITION None III.CONSENT AGENDA 14-059 Consider Resolution designating the Rotary Club of Park Cities the organizer of the annual Fourth of July Parade Staff Report Resolution Attachments: Page 1 City of University Park Printed on 4/11/2014 April 15, 2014City Council Meeting Agenda - Draft 14-049 Consider and act to appoint Robbie Corder City Manager effective April 30, 2014 Staff ReportAttachments: 14-048 Consider and act on minutes of the April 1, 2014 City Council Meeting with or without corrections Staff Report April 1, 2014 City Council Meeting Minutes Attachments: IV.MAIN AGENDA 14-058 Consider approval of a detailed site plan for the YMCA proposed development located in Planned Development District, PD-12 and situated at 6000 Preston Road Staff Report Staff Report - P & Z Draft Ordinance Detailed Site Plan Minutes of the March 11, 2014 P & Z Meeting Attachments: 14-050 Public hearing and consideration of an ordinance approving the 2014 Water Conservation Plan Staff Report Executive Summary Draft Ordinance Attachments: 14-051 Public hearing and consideration of an ordinance approving the 2014 Drought Contingency Plan Staff Report Executive Summary Draft Ordinance Attachments: V.PUBLIC COMMENTS Anyone wishing to address an item not on the Agenda should do so at this time . Please be advised that under the Texas Open Meetings Act , the Council cannot discuss or act at this meeting on a matter that is not listed on the Agenda . However, in response to an inquiry, a Council member may respond with a statement of specific factual information or a recitation of existing policy. Other questions or private comments for the City Council or Staff should be directed to that individual immediately following the meeting. VI.ADJOURNMENT Page 2 City of University Park Printed on 4/11/2014 April 15, 2014City Council Meeting Agenda - Draft As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into Closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any Agenda items listed herein. CERTIFICATE: I, Elizabeth Spector, City Secretary, do hereby certify that a copy of this Agenda was posted on the City Hall bulletin board, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and on the City's website, www.uptexas.org, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. DATE OF POSTING:____________________________ TIME OF POSTING:_____________________________ ________________________________ Elizabeth Spector, City Secretary Page 3 City of University Park Printed on 4/11/2014 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Users\GRANIC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\BCL Technologies\easyPDF 7\@BCL@240586E0\@BCL@240586E0.docx 10:13 AM 04/11/14 AGENDA MEMO 4/15/2014Agenda TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Bob Livingston, City Manager SUBJECT:Resolution authorizing the Rotary Club of Park Cities to organize future annual Fourth of July Parades BACKGROUND: For a number of years the Rotary Club of Park Cities has organized the 4th of July Parade held in University Park and Highland Park. Approval of this Resolution will grant the Club on-going permission to conduct the Parade in University Park until such time as the City wishes to withdraw it RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Resolution granting on-going permission to conduct the Parade. RESOLUTION NO. _____________ A RESOLUTION OF THECITY COUNCIL OF THECITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, STATING ITS INTENT THATTHE ROTARY CLUB OFPARK CITIES CONDUCT THE FOURTHOF JULY PARADE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS EITHER PARTY WISHES TO DISCONTINUE THE RELATIONSHIP; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,for several years the Rotary Club of Park Cities has organized theFourth of July Parade conductedin the City of University Park and the Town of Highland Park; and WHEREAS,the event has been a successful joint venture between thesethree organizations; and WHEREAS,the Parade and related activitiesin Goar Park have beensuccessfulfor many years; and WHEREAS,the Rotary Club of Park Citieswishes to continue to organizethe event; Now Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The Rotary Club of Park Cities is permitted to conduct theportion of theParade and related activitiesin University Park until thepermitiswithdrawn by the City of University Park. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so resolved. DULY PASSED BY THECITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, on the 15th day of April 2014. APPROVED: ______________________________ W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________________ ELIZABETH SPECTOR, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ CITY ATTORNEY 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Users\GRANIC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\BCL Technologies\easyPDF 7\@BCL@3C05B424\@BCL@3C05B424.docx 4:53 PM 04/08/14 AGENDA MEMO 4/15/2014Agenda TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:City Manager Bob Livingston SUBJECT:Appointment of Robbie Corder as City Manager BACKGROUND: City Manager Bob Livingston will retire effective April 29, 2014. To that end, the Council should act to appoint Assistant City Manager Robbie Corder City Manager effective April 30, 2014. RECOMMENDATION: 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Users\GRANIC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\BCL Technologies\easyPDF 7\@BCL@FC04ACAD\@BCL@FC04ACAD.docx 5:10 PM 04/07/14 AGENDA MEMO 4/15/2014Agenda TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Liz Spector, City Secretary SUBJECT:Minutes of the April 1, 2014 City Council Meeting BACKGROUND: Minutes of the 4/01/2014 City Councilmeeting are included for the Council’s review. RECOMMENDATION: City Hall 3800 University Blvd. University Park, TX 75205 City of University Park Meeting Minutes City Council 5:00 PM Council ChamberTuesday, April 1, 2014 EXECUTIVE SESSION 3:35 - 4:25 P.M. Pursuant to TGC§ 551.072 the City Council conducted a closed Executive Session to discuss confidential real estate matters. No action was taken. Executive Conference Room, 1st Floor, City Hall. PRE-MEETING WORK SESSION 4:30 - 5 P.M. The City Council met in open work session to receive agenda item briefings from staff. No action was taken. Council Conference Room, 2nd floor, City Hall. CALL TO ORDERI. Rollcall Mayor W. Richard Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Bob Clark, Councilmember Bob Begert, Councilmember Dawn Moore and Councilmember Tommy Stewart Present:5 - City Manager Bob Livingston and City Attorney Robert L . Dillard, III were also seated on the dais. INVOCATION: Assistant to the City Manager George ErtleA. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Assistant to the City Manager Ertle / Boy ScoutsB. Boy Scouts Mason Hinckley and Grant Needleman of Troop 82 led the Pledge of Allegiance. Both scouts stated they are working on the Citizenship in the Community merit badge. INTRODUCTION OF COUNCIL: Mayor W. Richard DavisC. INTRODUCTION OF STAFF: City Manager Bob LivingstonD. Staff present included Community Information Officer Steve Mace , Director of Information Services Jim Criswell, Police Captain Bill Mathes, Director of Public Works Bud Smallwood , Purchasing Agent Christine Green , City Secretary Liz Spector, Acting Director of Community Development Jacob Speer, Library Director Sharon Martin, Chief Planning Official Harry Persaud, Assistant to the City Manager George Ertle, Director of Finance Tom Tvardzik, Fire Chief Randy Howell, Director of Parks Gerry Bradley, Page 1City of University Park April 1, 2014City Council Meeting Minutes Assistant City Manager Robbie Corder, and Director of Human Resources Luanne Hanford. CONSENT AGENDAII. 14-042 Consider and act on cooperative purchase of truck for the Parks Department Purchase of a truck for the Parks Department in the amount of $54,364 from Rush Truck Center via BuyBoard was approved. 14-046 Consider and act on cooperative purchase of onboard scales for Sanitation Dept. vehicles Purchase of the scales from Heil of Texas via the BuyBoard in the total amount of $48,842 was approved. 14-045 Consider and act on recommendation from the Urban Design & Development Advisory Committee regarding traffic signal equipment Consent agenda approval accepted the recommendation of UDADAC to continue to utilize round poles, straight round mast arms, and traditional bases for the signal replacement program. 14-047 Consider and act on minutes of the March 18, 2014 City Council Meeting with or without corrections The minutes were approved as submitted. Approval of the Consent Agenda A motion was made by Councilmember Stewart, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Clark, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore, and Councilmember Stewart 5 - MAIN AGENDAIII. 14-043 Consider and act on an ordinance amending the Special Sign District for Southern Methodist University to provide for additional campus identification and entryway monument signs Harry Persaud addressed the City Council regarding a request from SMU to add 5 entryway monuments to various intersections in the campus. A motion was made by Councilmember Bob Begert, seconded by Councilmember Tommy Stewart, to adopt this Ordinance. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Councilmember Begert, Councilmember Moore, and Councilmember Stewart 5 - Enactment No: ORD No.14/008 Page 2City of University Park April 1, 2014City Council Meeting Minutes 14-044 Consider and act on an ordinance abandoning certain street right-of-way at 7320 Turtle Creek Blvd. A motion was made by Councilmember Dawn Moore, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bob Clark, to adopt this Ordinance abandoning 1,982.4 square feet of right of way at 7320 Turtle Creek for $64.76 per square foot. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:Mayor Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Councilmember Begert, and Councilmember Moore 4 - Abstain:Councilmember Stewart1 - Enactment No: ORD No.14/009 PUBLIC COMMENTSIV. No requests to address the City Council under Public Comments were received. ADJOURNMENTV. As there was no further business, Mayor Davis adjourned the meeting at 5:11 p.m. Considered and approved this 15th day of April 2014: _____________________________ Mayor W. Richard Davis ATTEST: _____________________________ Elizabeth Spector, City Secretary Page 3City of University Park 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Users\GRANIC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\BCL Technologies\easyPDF 7\@BCL@4C0550CF\@BCL@4C0550CF.docx 3:14 PM 04/10/14 AGENDA MEMO 4/15/2014Agenda TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Harry N. Persaud, MRPTI, AICP, Chief Planning Official SUBJECT:Consider approval of a detailedsite plan for the YMCA proposed development located in Planned Development District, PD-12 and situated at 6000 Preston Road. BACKGROUND:The Park Cities YMCA has existed on the current site since 1951. The existing development is located on a tract of approx. 3.37 acres more or less, and zoned Planned Development District PD-12. In April 2013, City Council approved a conceptual site plan to demolish the existing building and construct a new facility on the site to include a below grade parking garage. City ordinance 13/15 dated April 2, 2013, provides the basis and conceptual framework for the proposed development. Section 17-101 of the comprehensive zoning ordinance requires that a detailed site plan “shall conform to the data presented and approved on the conceptual site plan and supporting documents” and it “shall be the basis for the issuance of a building permit”. City staff in the Community Development, Public Works and Fire Departments reviewed the detailed site plan (attached) and found the same to be ingeneral compliance with the approved conceptual plan. (1) The detailed site plan is amended to show an additional curb cut on the south east corner of the site on Connerly to provide access to the service area for trash and recyclable pickups. In view of the new driveway, the service area has been reconfigured to add 10 feet on the north side. (2) A minor change in construction materials as shown on the conceptual elevation drawings is proposed on the south side of the building. A portion of the exterior wall shown as “composite wood siding” is changed to glass. Approval subject to the following special conditions: 1. Traffic signal equipment for the Normandy-Preston intersection shall be replaced by the YMCA as part of this project.All traffic control devices associated with this project shall be installed consistent with the approved traffic engineering submittal approved with the detailed site plan. Installation plans for the traffic signal and related appurtenances includingpedestrian crosswalk, shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works before the issue of a building permit. 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Users\GRANIC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\BCL Technologies\easyPDF 7\@BCL@4C0550CF\@BCL@4C0550CF.docx 3:14 PM 04/10/14 2. Trees along the Normandy frontage, in full view of the single family homes, shall be installed and maintained prior to the public opening and use of the parking garage, provided that construction personnel may use the garage when it is available. 3. The service area asshown on the approved conceptual site plan has been redesigned with a curb cut on Connerly and expanded by 10 feet to the north to facilitate trash pickup by the City. The detailed site plan as submitted should be amended to reflectthe service area with the 10 feetexpansionto the north. 4. The details for the proposed flagpoles and signage for the facility to include but not limited to specific location, setbacks from property line, illumination, height and size will be reviewed and approved at the time of issuance of a sign permit. A detailed report submitted to P&Z for their consideration of this item on March 11, 2014, is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item at its regular meeting on March 11, 2014 and voted unanimously to recommend approval with special conditions. 1 Planning & Zoning Commission Staff Report DATE:March 11, 2014 TO:Planning & Zoning Commission FROM:Harry N. Persaud, MRTPI, AICP, Chief Planning Official RE:PZ-14-002: Consideration of a detailed site plan for the YMCA located at 6000 Preston Road and zoned PD-12. GENERAL INFORMATION APPLICANT:Duncan Fulton,representing the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas LOCATION:The subject site is located on the north east corner of Normandy and Preston Road, the same being Lots 1-8 Block D, St. Andrews Place Addition, City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas. REQUEST:Requesting approval of a detailed site plan for Planned Development District,PD-12. . EXISTING ZONING:Planned Development District, PD-12 SURROUNDING LAND USE:Residential:North –SF-2, West –D-2 and SF-3 and SF-4, East –SF2, South –PD-24(First Unitarian Church) STAFF Background: COMMENTS:The Park Cities YMCA has existed on the current site since 1951. The existing development is locatedon a tractof approx. 3.37acres more or less, and zoned Planned Development District PD-12. Over the years the current PD was amended in 1989 and later in 2008. The existing two story building contains approx. 30,041sq. ft. and provides an outdoor swimming pool, outdoor basketball court, a surface ball field and 109parking spaces located on public streets around the facility. 2 In April 2013, City Council approved a conceptual site plan to demolish the existing building and redevelop the site with a new facility to include below grade parking garage. City ordinance 13/15 dated April 2, 2013, provides the basis and conceptual framework for the proposed development. Section 17-101 of the comprehensive zoning ordinance requires that a detailed site plan “shall conform to the data presented and approved on the conceptual site plan and supporting documents” and it “shall be the basis for the issuance of a building permit”. Accordingly, City staff in the Community Development, Public Works and Fire Departments reviewed the detailed site plan as submitted for compliance with the approved conceptual site plan and other applicable codes, ordinances and policies. Staff comments were forwarded to the developerand additional information/changes were resubmitted to the City. (A) Permitted Land Uses: Primary and accessory uses associated with the functions and activities of the Park Cities YMCA,including, but not limited to,the followinguses: (1)Non-ActivityUses: a.Hallways,includingLobbies; b.Elevators; c.MechanicalRoomsandChases; d.Stairways; e.Restrooms; f.LockerRooms; g.Storage;and, h.Undergroundparkinggarageandsurfaceparking. Total gross floor area (GFA) above grade 58,500 sq. ft. Total GFA for Activity and Office Uses 44,596 sq. ft. Non activity uses on 1st and 2nd floor 13,904 sq. ft Non activity uses below grade 3, 500 sq. ft. (2)ActivityandOfficeUses: a.Pre-Kschoolanddaycareclassroomsandrelatedsupport. Enrollment forthepre-schoolportionshallbelimitedtoa maximumenrollmentof60children; b.Gymnasium; c.Pools; d.Fitnessandspin; e.Multi-purpose; f.Administrationoffices;and, 3 g.Outdoorplaygrounds,playingfieldsandotheroutdoorareas locatedon thenorthsideofthesite. (3).TheDetailedSitePlanshallidentifythegrossfloorareaofthe Activity/Office UsesandtheNon-ActivityUsesasdefinedinthis section. (4)NoActivityor OfficeUsesshallbeallowedinthebelow-gradeparking garage. Total Activity and Office Uses as shown on the detailed site plan are in full compliance with the approved conceptual site plan. First Floor 32,896 sq. ft. Second Floor 11,700 sq. ft. Total 44,596 sq. ft. (B) MaximumBuildingSize: (1) Above-gradestructure:Themaximumgrossfloorareaoftheabove- grade structureshallnotexceed58,500grosssquarefeetinareawithinthe outsidedimensionsofthe building,ofwhichamaximumof44,596gross squarefeetmaybeusedfortheActivityand OfficeUseslistedinsection A. (2)above; (2)ParkingGarage/below-gradestructure:NoActivityorOfficeUses shallbe permittedintheparkinggarage/below-gradepot1ionofthebuilding.The onlyHVACspace permittedinthebelow-gradeportionofthebuilding shallbeelevatorlobbies,elevators,shaft areas, machine/controlrooms, stairways,andstoragespaces;and, (3)OtherNon-ActivityUses:Inadditiontotheparkinggarageuseinthe below-gradestructure,otherNon-ActivityUsesaslistedinsectionA. (1)above,excludinglockerrooms andrestrooms and notexceeding 3,500 gross square feet,shall be permitted in the parking garage/below-gradeportionofthebuilding. (C)BuildingSetbacks:Allbuildingsetbacklinesshallbemeasuredfromthe property lineandshownontheDetailedSitePlanasfollows: (1) MinimumfrontyardsetbackalongPrestonRoad: 45feet; (2) MinimumsideyardsetbackonthenorthsidealongShenandoah: 147feet; (3) Minimumsideyardsetbackonthesouthside along Normandy: 49feet; (4) MinimumrearyardsetbackalongConnerly: 18feet; (5)Ascreenedserviceareafordumpstersandoutdoorstoragewillbe attachedto thesoutheastcornerofthebuilding.Theprimarybuildingwill besetback34feetatthat location;and, Permanentfoundationstructuralsupportsintheparkinggarage/below-grade structuremaynotextendpastanypropertylineandanytemporarysupports shallcomplywith allCitycodesandpoliciesineffectatthetimeof 4 construction.DrawingspreparedbyaState ofTexaslicensedprofessional engineer,providingalldesigncalculationsbeingemployedto resistlateral soilloadsasspecifiedinSection1610ofthe2009IBC,shallbesubmitted with theplansfor permit. All building setbacks shown on the detailed site plan are in full compliance with the approved conceptual site plan. Details for structural support for all below grade construction are to be submitted for review at the time of issuance of a buildingpermit. (D)BuildingStandards: (1) Twostoriesabovegrade,withavehicleparkinggaragebelowgrade providingforaminimumof284off-streetparkingspaces.Aparkingspace isdefinedasbeinga minimumofninefeet(9')inwidthandtwentyfeet (20')inlength.TheCityCouncilmay, uponapprovaloftheDetailedSite Plan,authorizenot morethanthirty-three(33)parking spacesofsmallcar size,whichisdefinedasaparkingspacenotlessthaneightfeetsixinches (8'6")inwidthnorlessthansixteenfeet(16')inlength; (2) Maximumbuildingheightof35feet,exceptthatthegymnasiummaybe constructedwithamaximumheightof44feet; (3)Maximumplatelineheightof31feet; (4)Buildingmaterials:Insulatedglasswithanodizedaluminumframe; prefinished woodsiding;naturalstoneveneer;stuccoveneer;andstanding seammetalroof;and, (5) The parkinggarageshallbelocatedasshownontheConceptualSitePlan. Parking spaces shown on detailed site plan are code compliant. Building heights are in full compliance with Ord. 13/15. (E)Parking: (1) Anundergroundparkinggarage withaminimumof 284parkingspaces shall be providedas describedinE(1)above.Carbonmonoxideorlike sensor(s)willbeinstalledand willregulatetheoperationofthe exhaustfansfortheparkinggarage.Seven(7)at-grade spacesshallbe providedonPrestonRoad,eachaminimumof23feetinlengthand9feet in width; (2) Detailsfortheparkinggarage,includingdesignofparkinglayout,drive aisle width,parkingspacedimension,turningradii,accessrampsand numberofspaces,shallbe providedwiththeDetailedSitePlan. DrivewayrampsshallcomplywithArticle3.12oftheCodeofOrdinances; and, (3)No on-street parkingshallbe allowed abutting the YMCAproperty on Shenandoah,ConnerlyandNormandy 5 Number of parking spaces located in garage 292 Number of parking spaces at grade on Preston Rd. 7 Total parking spaces shown on detailed site plan 299 (F) LandscapeDevelopmentPlan: (1) PerimetertreesshownontheConceptualSitePlanshallbeevergreen varieties, withaminimumof5"caliperand9feetinheightatthe timeof installation; (2) TreesalongtheNormandyfrontage,infullviewofthesinglefamily homes,shallbeinstalledandmaintainedpriortothepublicopeninganduse oftheparkinggarage, providedthatconstructionpersonnelmayusethe garage whenitisavailable; A total of 46 Live Oaks are shown on the detailed site plan, minimum 5” caliper and 9 feet in height. 19 -Crape Myrtles, 8-9 feet in height, single trunk Nachez are to be installed along the Normandy frontage. Details for shrubs and ground cover are shown on the detailed site plan with required irrigation. (3) Aperimeterfencewillbeinstalledaroundtheplaygroundwithlimited access throughgateslocatedincloseproximitytothedropofflaneon PrestonRoadandatthe midpointof theplaygroundonConnerlyDrive; (4) Alandscapedevelopmentplan,willbepreparedbytheYMCAorits designee andpresentedforreviewandapprovalbytheCityCouncilwith theDetailedSitePlan;the landscapedevelopmentplanwillprovidedetails forshrubsandgroundcoverandinclude species,caliper,heightandlocation ofalltrees;and, (5) Alllandscapingshallbeirrigatedandmustbeinplacepriortotheissuance ofa certificateofoccupancy. Irrigation details are shown on the detailed site plan. (G) Signage:AllsignsonthesitemustbeincompliancewiththeCityof UniversityParksignregulationsineffectatthetimeofthesignpermit application. Signage will be submitted and reviewed after the issue of a building permit. (H) Dumpsters:RefuseortrashcontainerswillbelocatedintheServiceArea and alltrashandrecyclablepickupsfromthecontainerswillbeconducted bytheCityof UniversityPark.Thespecificlocationofdumpstersshallbe shownontheDetailedSitePlan. Thefinaldesignandplacementof dumpstersissubjecttotheapprovaloftheDirector of PublicWorks. The detailed site plan is amended to show an additional curb cut on the 6 south east corner of the building on Connerly to provide access to the service area fortrash and recyclable pickups. In view of the new driveway,the service area has been reconfigured to add 10 feet on the north side. (I)Utilities:Thesizeandlocationofallwaterandsewertapsshallbeshown on theDetailedSitePlanandshallbereviewedandapprovedbythe DirectorofPublicWorks priortotheissuanceofabuildingpermit. (J)External Walls:Detailedspecifications,includingcolorandtextureofall materialstobeusedforexternalcladdingofthebuilding,shallbe providedwiththeDetailed SitePlan. A minor change in construction materials as shown on the conceptual elevation drawings is proposed on the south side of the building. A portion of the exterior wall shown as “composite wood siding”is changed to glass. (K) Sidewalks:Acontinuoussidewalkisrequiredaroundtheperimeterofthe building. DetailswillbeshownontheDetailedSitePlan. (L) External Lighting and Loudspeakers:Location, mounting height and photometricdetailsforallexternallightfixturesonthesiteshallbe providedontheDetailed SitePlan.Exteriorlightingoverflow/spillageshall notexceedfive(5)footcandlesatthemid-pointofanysurroundingcity street.Lightingfortheplayfield,whethertemporaryor permanent,to support night play isprohibited. Onlysecuritylighting shallbepermitted. Permanent exteriorloudspeakersareprohibited. (M) ExhaustFans:Noisefromexhaustfansinstalledintheparkinggaragemaynot exceedcurrentambientlevelsof71dBat thepropertyline. Noiseinexcessof thislevelshall beattenuatedtothatlevelbytheYMCA.Fansshallbe programmedtoshutoffatthecloseof business,exceptasotherwisemaybe requiredbythebuildingcode. (N) TrafficStudy:AtthediscretionoftheCityCouncil,anduponwritten notice fromtheCityofUniversityParkDirectorofCommunityDevelopment, theYMCAisrequired topaythefullcostforcomprehensivetrafficstudies. Suchtrafficstudiesshallbeperformed byaconsultantselectedbytheCity Council.TheYMCAshallpaythecostforanyfuture trafficcontrol measuresorstudiesdeemednecessarybytheCityCouncil.TheYMCAwill, to theextentdeemednecessarybytheCityCouncil,cancel,rearrangeor rescheduleitsactivities duringthepeaktraffichoursdeterminedbythe comprehensivetrafficstudy. 7 (O) Hours of Operation: (1) Maximum hours of operation of the Facility shall be as follows: Monday-Friday 5:30 AM to 9:00 PM Saturday 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sunday 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM (P) NogamesorpracticesofficiallyorganizedbythemanagementoftheYMCA shallbeheldontheoutdoorfieldoutsidenormalhoursofoperationoron Sundays.Organized specialeventsontheoutdoorplaygroundorplayfield occurringbeforeorafternormalhoursof operationoronSundays,sponsoredby theYMCA,willrequirepriorapprovalbytheCity Council. (Q) InteriorLighting:Interiorlightsvisiblefromtheexteriorwillbeturnedoff no laterthanthirtyminutesafteroperationclosing,exceptintheareas beingcleaned,provided that,withtheexceptionofemergencyandcode- requiredlighting,interiorlightingwillbe turnedoffnolaterthan11:30 p.m.dailyandlock-insheldinspaceswithblackoutshadesfully extended. (R) VehiclesParkedintheServiceArea:Ascreeningwall,nottoexceedtwelve feet (12')inheight,shallbeprovidedfor theServiceArea.Novehiclestaller than the screeningwallintheServiceAreashownonExhibit"B"willbe parkedintheServiceArea overnight.Nostructuresorstorageitemsthatare tallerthanthescreeningwallwillbeerected orplacedintheServiceArea. NoovernightparkingofYMCAvehiclesonthepropertywill beallowed unlessthevehiclesarelocatedintheenclosedServiceAreaorinthe underground parkingstructure. (S) Service Area:The service area will be gated,and the gate will be a metal- framed gate with an exterior face using wood similar to,or the same as,the wood on the facility,and will have an automatic opener and closer to keep the service gate closed when the service area is not in use. (T) Delivery during Construction:Unless written permission is granted by the Director of Public Works,all deliveries of construction materials to the construction site will begin no earlier than 9:00 a.m.and will end by 4:0 p.m. Monday through Saturday.All contractor(s)will make reasonable efforts to receive deliveries through the Normandy Avenue/Preston Road intersection entrance,understanding that this might not be possible at varying time during construction. (U) Staging:No residential streets will be used for continuous staging of construction work and or materials. (V) Full-Time Liaison:The YMCA shall provide a full-time liaison that has authority during to respond to questions and complaints from the nearby 8 citizens during the construction period.A phone number for this contact will be provided to all property owners from the St.Andrews Neighborhood Association ("SANA")and the West of Preston Neighbors ("WPN")and posted on the job site where it can be readily found by interested patties. (W) Construction Vehicles:No parking of construction vehicles or equipment will be permitted on City streets.Parking of construction workers'vehicles will be located off-site and workers will be transported to and from the construction site,provided that when the Parking Garage is available for use,it can be used parking construction workers'vehicles. Parking of construction vehicles on City streets which are closed for construction must be approved by the Director of Public Works. (X) Construction Hours:Unless written permission is granted by the Director of Public Works,construction work on the site is restricted to Monday through Saturday from 7:00a.m.to 6:00p.m.,except holidays specifically prohibited by City ordinance. (Y) Background Checks:Background checks will be performed by the contractors for all construction workers prior to them working on the site.Information relating to background checks will be kept on file by the contractors.A convicted felon or pedophile will be barred fi·om working on the site. (Z) Explosives: No explosives shall be used in the construction operations. BB.Security and Traffic Control:The YMCA or its designee shall provide and pay the costs for adequate security and traffic control around the site for all functions during construction. CC. ScreeningFence:Theconstructionsitewillbescreenedwhileconstruction is ongoingwithatemporaryeightfoot(8')screeningfenceconstructedwith plywood and paintedgreenorothermaterialapprovedbytheCommunity DevelopmentDirector. DD.TrafficControlPlan:TheYMCAoritsdesigneewillsubmita construction trafficcontrolplanforreviewandapprovalbytheDirectorof PublicWorksbefore constructioncommencesonthesiteandbeforeany changeintrafficflowsorstreetclosures aroundthesubjectproperty. EE.ElevatorAccess:Anadditionalelevatorshallbeconstructedonornear the northsideofthebuilding inthegeneralvicinityoftheplayingfieldto facilitateeasyand convenientaccesstotheplayingfieldfromtheParking Garageandbuilding,butshallnotbe exclusivelyrestrictedtosuchuse. 9 Special Conditions 1.Traffic signal equipment for the Normandy-Preston intersection shall be replaced by the YMCA as part of thisproject.The traffic engineer shall provide a schematic design of the traffic signal and pedestrian crosswalk to include but not limited specificsignal locations, timings, striping, signage, and other traffic control/mitigation devices for review and approval withthe detailed site plan by the City Council. 2.TreesalongtheNormandyfrontage,infullviewofthesinglefamily homes,shall beinstalledandmaintainedpriortothepublicopeninganduseoftheparking garage, providedthatconstructionpersonnelmayusethegarage when itisavailable. 3.The service area has been redesigned and expanded by 10 feet to the north to facilitate trash pickup by the City. The redesigned service area has a curb cut on Connerly with a sliding gate asshown on the detailed site plan. 4. Sidewalk and landscape easement shown on the north side of Normandy on the preliminaryplat to be changed to “Sidewalk Easement” 5. The details for the proposed flagpoles and signage for the facility to include but not limited to specific location, setbacks from property line, illumination, height and size will be reviewed and approved at the time of issuance of a separate permit. 10 DRC MEETING 02/06/2014 YMCA DETAILED SITE PLAN Public Works Review Comments: 1.Provide locations for proposed traffic signal improvements. Engineering plans conforming to City specifications, including sequencing, for traffic signal improvements will be requiredto be submitted to the DPW for review and approvalof the detailed site plan. 2.The City cannot provide trash collection service at the site shown on the detailed site plan. Please contact PW for requirements. Again, approval of the detailed site plan is conditioned on providing the necessary access. 3.Provide details of new drainage inlets proposed for NE corner of Preston & Normandy and at NW corner of Normandy & Connerly. Information is requiredto be submitted to the DPW for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 4.Provide details forthe ambulance access gate off Connerly. Specifically, is a drive approach proposed??? Sidewalk should be a minimum of six (6”) inches at that location. Information is required to be submitted to the DPW for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 5.Provide information regarding traffic access to the garage, specifically access control (i.e., gates for garage closure, height crossbar, and etc). Information is requiredto be submitted to the DPW for review and approval of the detailed site plan. 6.Provide details onproposed utility and drainage improvements(fire hydrants, manholes, storm sewer,and inlets). Provide location of water meter / fire meter vaults. Information is required to be submitted to the DPW for review and approval of the detailed site plan. 7.Provide details on street repairs associated with utility construction and installation of new curb & gutter (along Shenandoah, Connerly, and Normandy (where head-in parking currently exists). Information required to be submitted to the DPW for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 8.Provide details of intakevent (located in sidewalk), specifically surface treatment. Information is required to be submitted to the DPW for review and approval of the detailed site plan. 9.Prior to issuance of a building permit, contractor shall provide a detailed traffic plan for all construction equipment and activities for review and approval by the DPW. Planning Review Comments: 1.On the First Floor and Second Floor Activity Plans, please show dimensions for “Activity/Office Uses and Non Activity Uses and label floor area shown with gross floor area as per details included in Section B of Ord13/15. 2. Please show and label the property line on the below grade garage plan 3. All on premises signage require separate permit 4. Show details of Garage access ramps for compliance with Article 3.12 of the Code of Ordinances. 5. Specify use of enclosed 924 sq. ft. area shown in the underground garage. 11 6.Provide details for external lighting. Light fixtures in close proximity and facing Shenandoah, Connerly and the Eastern portion of Normandy may require photometric layout. 7.Submit a preliminary plat showing one lot or building site for the subject property. The preliminary plat should include an easement for the public sidewalk along Normandy. An approved plat must be filed before a building permit is issued. 8. Noise level specifications for exhaust fans must be submitted with building permit application. Noise level exceeding approved limits must be attenuated. Fire Department Review Comments: These plans were reviewed in accordance with the 2009 International Building and Fire Codes with local amendments. Below are the following comments for this proposed project based on the submitted plans: 1.An automatic sprinkler system is required for the garage and above ground building (NFPA 13). The garage will need a dry pipe and dry standpipe system. The automatic sprinkler system shall be monitored by a NFPA 72 approved central station. 2.A Knox box at the building entrance will be required for this development. An application can be obtained from the fire department when the box is needed to be installed. The box is used for storage of all keys for this development. 3.The building address must be a minimum of 6 inch in height and color contrasting, facing the street that is addressed. 4.Emergency lighting and exit signs must be installed in accordance with the Fire and Building Codes. 5.Fire extinguishers must be installed throughout the new building and additions in accordance with the Fire Code. 6.The fire department connection (FDC) for the automatic fire sprinkler system must be within 20 feet of the fire lane or street to meet the Fire Code. An approved hydrant shall be located within 100’ of the FDC as the fire hose lies. 7.The building and garage area shall have a manual fire alarm system with pull stations at the appropriate exits. 8.Additional requirements based on the City of University Park Code of Ordinances and the International Fire and Building Code, 2009 Edition with local amendments may be needed in the future as the project becomes better defined. Building Department Comments: 1.Allowable area calculations per Chapter 5 of the 2009 IBC 2.Square footages of all levels, including basement level 3.Specify construction type, and include any special code sections to be used 4.Provide engineered excavation and drainage plans in collaboration with Engineering Dept 5.Specify if spectator seating will be included (A-3 or A-4?) 6.Specify occupant load calculations 7.Provide overall exiting calculations (number and required width) as well as separation distances of exits 8.Specify ceiling height in all areas of Parking Garage 9.Will passenger loading zone be utilized?If so, provide dimensions in accordance with ICC A117.1 12 10.Will valet be utilized?If so, provide dimensions in accordance with 1106.7.3, 2009 IBC 11.Provide van accessible clearance dimensions inaccordance with 1106.5, 2009 IBC 12.At time of permit, EAB project number will be required, as well as more detailed plan review items (IECC Compliance report, UL listed assemblies, etc.) ORDINANCE NO. 13/15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONINGORDINANCE AND MAP OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BYAMENDING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 12, A 3.7216 ACRE TRACT OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO, IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND COMMONLY KNOWN AS 6000 PRESTON ROAD; APPROVING AN AMENDEDCONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN FOR PD-12 ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT B; PROVIDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of University Park and the City Council of the City of University Park, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoningclassifications and changes, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have held due hearings and afforded a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and toall persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, andthe City Council of the City of University Park is of the opinion and finds that a zoning change should be granted and that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended;Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK,TEXAS: SECTION 1. The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map of the City of University Park, Texas, as heretofore amended, are hereby amended by amending Planned Development DistrictNo. 12 for a 3.7216 acre tract of land described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made part hereof forall purposes, in the City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas, and commonly known as 6000 Preston Road, University Park, Texas, by adopting an amended Conceptual Site Plan setting forth the land uses proposed for the amended PD-12, attachedhereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof for all purposes, the same as if fully copiedherein. That such Conceptual Site Plan contains the data required by Section 17-101 (1) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, and is hereby approved in all respects. SECTION 2. Approval of theamended Conceptual Site Plan for Planned Development District No. 12 is subject to the following special conditions: A. Detailed Site Plan: Development of the property shall be in accordance with a Detailed Site Plan to be submitted and approved in accordance with Section 17-101(2)and all other provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of University Park, as amended hereby, and, unless otherwisedefinedherein, all terms used shall havethe respective definitions assigned tothem in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; review of the Detailed Site Plan by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by the City Council is required, but an additional public hearing is not required; B. Permitted Land Uses: Primary and accessory uses associated with the functions and activities of the Park Cities YMCA (hereinafter referred to as the "YMCA"), including, butnot limited to,the following uses: 1) Non-Activity Uses: a.Hallways, including Lobbies; b.Elevators; c.Mechanical Rooms and Chases; d.Stairways; e.Restrooms; f.Locker Rooms; g.Storage; and, h.Underground parking garage and surface parking. 2) Activity and Office Uses: a.Pre-K school and daycare classrooms and related support. Enrollment for the pre-school portion shall be limited to a maximumenrollment of 60 children; b.Gymnasium; c.Pools; d.Fitness and spin; e.Multi-purpose; f.Administration offices; and, g. Outdoor playgrounds, playing fields and other outdoor areas located on the north side of the site. 3) The Detailed Site Plan shall identify the gross floor area of the Activity/Office Usesand the Non-Activity Uses as defined in this section. 4) No Activity or Office Uses shall be allowed in the below-grade parking garage. C. Maximum Building Size: 1) Above-grade structure: The maximum gross floor area of the above-grade structure shall not exceed 58,500 grosssquare feet in area within the outside dimensions of the building, of which a maximum of 44,596 gross square feet may be used for the Activity and Office Uses listed in section B. (2) above; 2) Parking Garage/below-grade structure: No Activity or Office Uses shall be permitted in the parking garage/below-grade portion of the building. The only HVAC space permitted in the below-grade portion of the building shall be elevator lobbies, elevators, shaft areas, machine/control rooms, stairways, andstorage spaces; and, 3) Other Non-Activity Uses: In addition to the parking garage use in the below- grade structure, other Non-Activity Uses as listed in section B. (1) above, excluding locker rooms and restrooms and not exceeding 3,500 grosssquare feet, shall be permitted in the parking garage/below-grade portion of the building. D. Building Setbacks: All building setback lines shall be measured from the property line and shown on the Detailed Site Plan as follows: 1) Minimum front yard setback along Preston Road: 45 feet; 2) Minimum side yard setback on the north side along Shenandoah: 147 feet; 3) Minimum side yard setback on the south side along Normandy: 49 feet; 4) Minimum rear yard setback along Connerly: 18 feet; 5) A screened service area for dumpsters and outdoor storage will be attached to the southeast corner of the building. The primary building will be set back 34 feet at that location; and, 6) Permanent foundation structural supports in the parking garage/below-grade structuremay not extend past any propertyline and any temporary supports shall comply with all City codes and policies in effect at the time of construction. Drawings prepared by a State of Texas licensed professional engineer, providing all design calculations being employed to resist lateral soil loads as specified in Section 1610 of the 2009 IBC, shall be submitted with the plans for permit. E. Building Standards: 1) Two stories above grade, with a vehicle parking garage below grade providing for a minimum of 284 off-street parking spaces. A parking space is defined as being a minimum of nine feet (9') in width and twenty feet (20') in length. The City Council may, upon approval of the Detailed Site Plan, authorize not more than thirty-three (33) parking spaces of small car size, which is defined as a parking space not less than eight feet six inches 8'6") in width nor less than sixteen feet (16') in length; 2) Maximumbuilding height of 35 feet, exceptthat the gymnasium may be constructed with a maximum height of 44 feet; 3) Maximum plate line height of 31 feet; 4) Building materials: Insulated glass with anodized aluminum frame; prefinished wood siding; natural stone veneer; stucco veneer; and standing seam metal roof; and, 5) The parking garage shall be located as shown on the Conceptual Site Plan. F. Parking: 1) An underground parking garage with a minimum of 284 parking spaces shall be provided as described in E (1) above. Carbon monoxideor like sensor(s) will be installed and will regulate the operation of the exhaust fans for the parking garage. Seven (7) at-grade spaces shall be provided on PrestonRoad, each a minimum of 23 feet in length and 9 feetin width; 2) Details for the parking garage, including design of parking layout, drive aisle width, parking space dimension, turning radii, access ramps and number of spaces, shall be provided with the Detailed Site Plan. Driveway ramps shall comply with Article 3.12 of the Code of Ordinances; and, 3) No on-street parking shall be allowed abutting the YMCA property on Shenandoah, Connerly and Normandy G.Landscape Development Plan: 1) Perimeter trees shown onthe Conceptual Site Plan shall be evergreen varieties, with a minimum of 5"caliper and 9 feet in height at the time of installation; 2) Trees along the Normandy frontage, in full view of the single family homes, shall be installed and maintained prior to the public opening and use of the parking garage, provided that construction personnel may use the garage when it is available; 3) A perimeter fence will be installed around the playground with limited access through gates located in close proximity to the drop off lane on PrestonRoad and at the midpoint of the playground on Connerly Drive; 4) A landscape development plan, will be prepared by the YMCA or its designee and presented for review and approval by the City Council with the Detailed Site Plan; the landscape development plan will provide details for shrubs and groundcover and include species, caliper, height and location of all trees; and, 5) All landscaping shall be irrigated and must be in place prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. H.Signage: All signs on the site must be in compliance with the City of University Park sign regulations in effect at the time of the sign permit application. I.Dumpsters: Refuse or trash containers will be located in the Service Area and all trash and recyclable pickups from the containers will be conductedby the City of University Park. The specific location of dumpsters shall be shown on the Detailed Site Plan. The final design and placement of dumpsters is subject to the approval of the Director of PublicWorks. J. Utilities: The size and location of all water and sewer taps shall be shown on the Detailed Site Plan and shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of PublicWorks prior to the issuance of a building permit. K. External Walls: Detailed specifications, including color and texture of all materials to be used for external cladding of the building, shall be provided with the Detailed Site Plan. L. Sidewalks: A continuous sidewalk is required around the perimeter of the building. Details will be shown on the Detailed Site Plan. M.External Lighting and Loudspeakers: Location, mounting height and photometric details for all external light fixtures on the site shall be provided on the Detailed Site Plan. Exterior lighting overflow/spillage shall not exceed five (5) foot candles at the mid- point of any surrounding city street. Lighting for the playfield, whethertemporary or permanent, to support night play is prohibited. Only security lighting shall be permitted. Permanent exterior loudspeakers are prohibited. N.Exhaust Fans: Noise from exhaust fans installed in the parking garage may not exceed current ambient levels of 71 dB at the property line. Noise in excess of this level shall be attenuated to that level by the YMCA. Fans shall be programmed to shut off at the close of business, except as otherwise may be required by the building code. O.Traffic Study: No more often than once every three years, at the discretion of the City Council, and upon written notice from the City of University Park Director of Community Development, the YMCA is required to pay the full cost for comprehensive traffic studies. Such traffic studies shall be performed by a consultant selected by the City Council. The YMCA shall pay the cost for any future traffic control measures or studies deemed necessary by the City Council. The YMCA will, to the extent deemednecessary by the City Council, cancel, rearrange or reschedule its activities during the peak traffic hours determined by the comprehensive traffic study. P. Hours of Operation: 1) Maximum hours of operation of the Facility shall be as follows: Monday through Friday 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2) No games or practices officially organized by the management of the YMCA shall be held on the outdoor field outside normal hours of operationor on Sundays. Organized special events on the outdoorplayground or playfield, including those which use the Facility, occurring before or afternormal hours of operation or onSundays, sponsored by the YMCA, will require prior approval by the City Council. 3) The underground parking garage may be open to be used for parking passenger vehicles in connection with the operations of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas ("Church") between the hours of 7:00 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. on Sundays, for anyspecial programs and services of the Church on Saturday evenings or Sunday evenings after 6:00 p. m. The Church may also utilize the parking garage on weekdays after 6:30p. m. for evening services and programs, provided no access will be permitted after 9:00 p. m. and no access out of the garage permitted after 10:30 p. m., unlessthe garage is being utilized for Christmas Eve December 24), New Year's Eve (December 31), Good Friday or Easter Sunday. For these hours and specific days, additional entry access will be permitted after 9:00 p. m. and access out will be permitted no later than 12:00 a. m. Christmas Eve (December 24) access out will be permitted no later than 2:00 a. m. These additional times and uses by the Church shall be permitted only so long as thereis a valid Parking Lease between the Church andthe YMCA, containing these terms, in effect for the parking garage. Q. Interior Lighting: Interior lights visible from the exterior will be turned off no later than thirty minutes afteroperation closing, except in the parking garage and its access vestibules and lobby areas serving the garage elevators and areas of the building being cleaned, provided that, with such exceptions and the exception of emergency and code- required lighting, interiorlighting will be turned off no later than 11:30 p.m. daily and lock-ins held in spaces with blackout shades fully extended. R. Vehicles Parked in the Service Area: A screening wall, notto exceed twelve feet (12') in height, shall be provided for the Service Area. No vehicles taller than the screening wall in the Service Area shown on Exhibit `B" will be parked in the Service Area overnight. No structures or storage items that are taller than the screening wall will be erected or placed in the Service Area. No overnight parking of YMCA vehicles onthe property will be allowed unlessthe vehicles are located in the enclosed Service Area orin the underground parking structure. S. Construction standard: The Detailed Site Plan shall set forth the final plans and shall conform to thedata presented and approved on the Conceptual Site Plan and supporting documents. The facility will be constructed in compliance with the Detailed Site Plan approved by the City Council and shall comply with all applicable City codes then in effect. T. Service Area: The service area will be gated, and the gate will be a metal- framed gate with an exterior face using wood similar to, or the same as, the wood on the facility, and will have an automatic opener and closer to keep the service gate closed when the service area is not in use. U. Delivery during Construction: Unless written permission isgranted by the Director of Public Works, all deliveries of construction materials to the construction site will begin no earlier than 9:00 a. m. and will end by 4:00 p. m., Monday through Saturday. All contractor(s) will make reasonable efforts to receive deliveries through the Normandy Avenue/PrestonRoad intersection entrance, understanding that this might not be possible at varying time during construction. V.Staging: No residential streets will be used for continuous staging of construction work and or materials. W. Full-Time Liaison: The YMCA shall provide a full-timeliaison that has authority to respond to questions and complaints from the nearby citizensduring the construction period. A phone number for this contact will be provided to all property owners from the St. Andrews Neighborhood Association ("SANA") and the West of Preston Neighbors ("WPN") and posted on the job site where it can be readily found by interested parties. X. Construction Vehicles: No parking of construction vehicles or equipment will be permitted on City streets. Parking of construction workers' vehicles will be located off-site and workers will be transported to and from the construction site, provided that when the Parking Garage is available for use, it can be used parkingconstruction workers' vehicles. Parking of construction vehicles on City streets which are closed for construction must be approved by the Director of PublicWorks. Y. Construction Hours: Unless written permission is granted by the Director of Public Works, construction work on thesite is restricted to Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except holidays specifically prohibited by City ordinance. Z. Background Checks: Background checks will be performedby the contractors for allconstruction workers prior tothem working on the site. Information relating to background checks will be kept on file by the contractors. A convicted felon or pedophile will be barred from working on the site. AA. Explosives: No explosives shall be used in the construction operations. BB. Security and Traffic Control: The YMCA or its designee shall provide and pay the costs for adequate security and traffic control around the site for allfunctionsduring construction. CC. Screening Fence: The construction site will be screened while construction is ongoing with a temporary eight foot (8') screening fence constructed with plywood and painted green or other material approved by the Community Development Director. DD. Traffic Control Plan: The YMCA or its designee will submit a construction traffic control plan for review and approval by the Director of PublicWorks before construction commences on the site and before any change in traffic flows or street closures around the subject property. EE. Elevator Access: An additional elevator shall be constructed on or near the north side of the building in the general vicinity of the playing field to facilitate easyand convenient access to the playing field from the Parking Garage and building, but shallnot be exclusively restricted to such use. SECTION 3. That all ordinances of the City of University Park in conflict with the provisions of this ordinanceor the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as amended hereby are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. That should any sentence,paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall notaffect the validity of thisordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof other thanthe part decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and the same shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of thisordinance or of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of University Park, Texas, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000,00) for each offense, and each and every day such a violation is continued shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. That thisordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage andthe publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on the 2°d day of April 2013. SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] APPROVED: e)d- --4e'' W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR ATTEST: fa....:.: ,/.!, CT, , CITY SECRETARY P 'ROVED AS'TO F 1 'a • I1 ' CITY ATTORNEY (RLD/11-8-12/58124) Exhibit "A" PARK CITIES YMCA ZONINGEXHIBIT ST.ANDREWS PLACE JOHN SCURLOCK SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. 1351 CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK,DALLAS COUNTY,TEXAS Being a tract or parcel of land situated in the John ScurlockSurvey,Abstract No. 1351, City of UniversityPark, Dallas County,Texas,and being all ofLots 1 through 8, Block D,St,Andrews Plice,an addition to the City of University Park according to the platrecorded in Volume 1, Page 345,Map Records, Dallas County,Texas,and being more particularlydescribed as follows: BEGINNING at a pointforcorner in the east lineof PrestonRead(70'right-of-way),said point being at the southerly end of thecurve between the east line of said Preston Roadandthe south line ef Normandy Avenue(40'right-of-way), being a northwesterly corner of Lot 1A, Block B, St.Andrews Place Addition,an addition tothe City of University Park, DallasCounty,Texas, according to the plat recorded in Instrument No. 201000083295, Official PublicRecords, Dallas County,Texas; THENCE North 00°29'04"West along the east line of said Preston Road a distanceof 440.00 foot to a point for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right, said pointbeing a northwesterly corner of saidLot 4; THENCE along said curve to the right whose chor bears North 44"3O'5U^ East a distance cf 35.36 feet,having a radius of 25.00 feet, a centralangle of 90°00'00"and an arclength of 39.27 feet to a point for corner in the south line of Shenandoah Street(40'right-of-way),said point being theend of said curve tothe right and a northwesterly corner of said Lot 4; THENCE Nor lh 89"30'56"East along the south line of said Shenandoah Street a distance of 269.67 feet to a point for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right, said point being a northeasterlycorner of said Lot 5; THENCE along said curve to the right whose chord bears South 51* 26'21"East a distance of 5O.38 feet,having a radius of4O.UD feet,m centralangle of78^O5'2G^and an arc length of S4.S2 feet 0oopoint for corner in the west line of Corinerly Drive(40'right-of-way),said point being theend of said curve to the right and a northeasterly corner of saidLot 5; THENCE South 12°23'38"Eastalong the west line of said Conner ly Drive a distance of 327.04 feet to a point for corner atthe beginning of a curve to the right, said point being a southeasterly corner of said Lot 8; THENCE along said curve tothe right whose chord bearsSouth 26°34'48"West a distance of 5O.32 feet,having a radius uf40.0O feet, a centralangle of77~ 5O'52^and mn arclength u( 54.42 feetto a point for corner in the north lineof said Normandy Avenue; THENCE South 00°29'04" East,departing the northline of said Normandy Avenue,a distance of 43.45 feet to a point for corner in the south line ofsaid Normandy Avenue; Exhibit "A" PARK CITIES YMCA ZONING EXHIBIT ST.ANDREWS PLACE JOHN SCURLOCK SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.1351 CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK,DALLAS COUNTY,TEXAS THENCE South 89°30'56"Westalong the south line ofsaid NormandyAvenue a distance of 353.40feet to a pointfor corner atthe beginning of a curve to the left,said point being a northwesterly comer of said Lot 1A; THENCE alongsaid curve tothe left whose chord bears South 44°30'56"West a distance of 35.36feet,having a radius of25.00 feet, a centralangle of 90°00'00"and an arc length of 39.27 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,and containing 162,113 square feet or 3.7216acres, more orless. BASIS OF BEARING: THE SOUTH LINE OF NORMANDYAVENUE ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF LOT 1A,BLOCK B,ST.ANDREWS PLACE ADDITION, INSTRUMENT NO. 201000083295,D.R.D.C.T. r U r# xni. yxr f lsxx a ses 10 0 r' . C,,,,",‘ t YTr k PRESTON ROAD°, . x , t$ N0079'04"w 440 00'1r jr1 1 EY,dYdCw t O t1 Z -rae ce aq.r RtJ a!ry ti Na c N C 1 tJ rl gas U la „ i„..<l I Q of inn a ,w Co MS M1'7 p4 ^.I G+t to 6.+'Aw ffib{S t im,r.ww 7 R R C+y 2 .i': 1 c a 4 , xM-4_.. t,.,";: cat.,; 4 ., rf Attu 'l!, c 0 Z O T N co n Z m mm p Dr c', — X m gg ig cg g L /) C , m r PRESTON ROAD II J 1' g l el Q I w Jr 147 SETBACK a' Ids 6 p Z41/ 1 F hi E 1 , 11,1:1 ii m 101!1 4 I Ti II Wi 1 I II 1 16V SETBACK I 110 6410 4e row- M 3nA a 0 HD°mop,D m r' m -,1 m W CO cg a T, i In 1 I m m Z m O 4 V a, m O x n ZN IFU) C a...., IF Ai cp T N n G g 3 i Lk' 44'Max. rD Ii 111111I up M 31'Max.a liI m I 11''11% a,wile f uir U- All CN Z• C N m p N 0.. w N ak I m C11 en= L. 3 c. a I N r V 3 n ali m 0 3 0 3I.\ 3 i 1 sN - 1 Iw 4 a rS. , . J 1 I z t s GI co 6 i rte' Lib m x If fD m 31'Max. i 44'Max. / d -13 m A r ;r r 0 44'Max. 00 < C v CD 31'Max.1 fir, p,, co K fl D I 7/AP.' m DJ a D m ° m ID( D CD t, CD a s r co rt. I a) gyr m a a 7 s R- i i ar a FE IL iin a cT) 011 3 O m i' y N p 1r d < ( 3 C. M 3 m H 3 < 3 4vwi. IR oo Al a r r IL }t 'MR I 111C3 w. ' - 1 midi. N4. P ill r r m n r I, 311 'Max. ' m i; 44'Max. 1r t ".4,s I,1,1 f x s Ia 2.g t.I D 4., i City Hall 3800 University Blvd. University Park, TX 75205 City of University Park Meeting Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission 5:00 PM Council ChamberTuesday, March 11, 2014 4:15 - 5:00 PM - Work Session for Agenda Review Mr. Harry Persaud briefed the Commission on the case, according to the staff report. He explained the list of special conditions that staff is requesting. A discussion then ensued regarding an adjustment to the conceptual plan to expand the service area, in order for trash pick up to be possible. Discussion of parking and traffic issues also took place. Mr. Smallwood then briefed the Commission on the submitted utility plan. No action was taken at this time. The work session was closed prior to the formal meeting. The Commission moved to Council Chamber for the regularly scheduled meeting. Introduction of Commission Members Chairman Bob West, Commissioner Mark Aldredge , Commissioner Randy Biddle, Commissioner Kim Kohler, and Commissioner Doug Roach Present:5 - Commissioner Liz FarleyExcused:1 - Commissioner Neil Harris, and Commissioner Jerry JordanSeated:2 - Staff in Attendance Harry Persaud, Chief Planning Official Bud Smallwood, Public Works Director Jacob Speer, Acting Community Development Director Robbie Corder, Assistant City Manager Amanda Hartwick, Planning Technician Rob Dillard, City Attorney The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of University Park will conduct a regularly scheduled meeting in the Council Chamber. Consideration will be given to the following item(s): Page 1City of University Park March 11, 2014Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes PZ 14-002 Consideration of a detailed site plan for the YMCA located at 6000 Preston Road and zoned PD-12. Mr. Persaud approached the podium and addressed the Commission. He stated that the conceptual site plan for the YMCA was approved in April of 2013, and that staff has found the detailed site plan to be in compliance with the approved conceptual plan. He added that staff has provided a list of special conditions to the detailed site plan. Mr. Duncan Fulton, a representative for the YMCA, then approached the podium and reiterated that the detailed site plan is in compliance with the conceptual site plan. He added that the YMCA has worked closely with city staff to add requested items . Mr. Mark Aldredge asked Mr . Fulton if he had seen the list of special conditions, and he replied that he had. Mr. Fulton added that the YMCA was comfortable with all of the conditions. A discussion then ensued regarding a potential timeline for the project . Mr. John Bunten added that the YMCA hopes to start construction by Fall of 2014, and anticipates the project to be completed within 12 to 14 months from that time. Chairman West then explained that the meeting was strictly administrative , and no comments would be heard from the audience as it was not a public hearing. Following the vote, he announced that the case would go before City Council on April 15th, 2014. A motion was made by Commissioner Roach, seconded by Commissioner Aldredge, that this PD Amendment be recommended for approval, subject to the recommended special conditions. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. Commissioner FarleyExcused:1 - Consider the previous meeting minutes with or without corrections: 14-032 Minutes of the February 11, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting A motion was made by Commissioner Aldredge, seconded by Commissioner Kohler, that the Minutes be approved. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. Adjournment With there being no further business before the Commission , Chairman West adjourned the meeting at 5:12 PM. Approved by: ___________________________ ________________ Chairman Date Page 2City of University Park 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 C:\Users\GRANIC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\BCL Technologies\easyPDF 7\@BCL@E4043A06\@BCL@E4043A06.docx AGENDA MEMO 4/15/2014Agenda TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Gene R. Smallwood, P.E.; Director of Public Works SUBJECT:2014 Water Conservation Plan BACKGROUND: On February 4, 2014, Council approved a proposal from Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers to review, update, and submit on behalf of the City,a Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan. State law requires municipalwater providersto submit approved conservation plans containing quantifiable five and ten year goals for per capita use. The City Council approved the currentWater Conservation Plan in April 2009. An updated and revised Water Conservation Plan is required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), and Region C Water Planning Group every five (5) years, beginning May 1, 2009. The Water Conservation Plan has been updated and revised as required due to changes in governing rules, in the City’s strategies which will more strongly encourage conservation measures to meet stated goals, and by adding items omitted from the previous plan. A summary of these changes is attached. All approved Water Conservation Plans must be submitted to the TCEQ, TWDB, and Region C Water Planning Group by May 1, 2014. As a related issue, staff will place an ordinance on the May 6Council agenda for consideration of limiting irrigation to two days per week. RECOMMENDATION: Following receipt of comments from the required public hearing, staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance approvingof the 2014 Water Conservation Plan, and authorization for staff to submit the 2014 Plan to the State. City of University Park Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan Executive Summary An updated and revised Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan are required to be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and Region C Water Planning Group every five years. The Water Conservation Plan is a combination of required and voluntary programs and strategies aimed at reducing the amount of water withdrawn from the City’s supply source, Grapevine Lake. The goals established within the Water Conservation Plan are not enforceable. The Drought Contingency Plan is a combination of strategies developed to manage the City’s water supply during times of water supply shortages and water emergencies. Stages within the Drought Contingency Plan are initiated during times of drought, water supply contamination, and treatment or delivery system failure. The Water Conservation Plan has been updated and revised as required due to changes in the governing rules, in the City’s strategies,and by adding items omitted from the previous plan. A summary of these changes is provided below. Total gallons per capita per day(Total GPCD). Total water use goals for the City are the total water purchased in a year by the City from the District divided by the City's population, divided by the number of days in the reporting year. Residential GPCD. Total gallons sold by the City in a year for residential use (indoor and outdoor) divided by the City's residential population, divided by the number of days in the reporting year. Previous Conservation Plan 2013Target Water Use: 235 gpcd (6% reduction in baseline average of 250gpcd). Water Loss: Reducewater loss to 10% or less Water UseThrough 2013 Water Use: Averaged 257.3GPCD from 2009-2013(a 5.2% increase over the previous 5-year reporting average of 244.6 from 2004-2008). Water Loss: Averaged 11.94% from 2009-2013, an improvement over the 2004- 2008 average of 13.29% The City did not meet its 5-year goals, but has show improvement in calendar year water use since 2011. New Voluntary 5-Year Goals New goals are consistent with North Texas water suppliers' goals in percent reduction. Target date of December 31, 2018 Water Use: Total water use of 247GPCD. Residential water use of 217.5 GPCD (both are a 4% reduction in total GPCD over the next 5 years). Water Loss: Reduce water loss to 10% or less(24.7 GPCD) New Voluntary 10-Year Goals Target date of December 31, 2023 Water Use: Total water use of 245.7 GPCD. Residential water use of 216.4 GPCD (both are a 4.5% reduction in total GPCD over the next 5 years). Water Loss: Maintain water loss at 10% or less(<24.6 GPCD) Implementation Reports were submitted over the past 5 years as required by the TWDB in order to track the effectiveness of each conservation measure. This report will continue to be submitted by May 1every year as required under State lawby the City. New requirements related to residential GPCD goals were added to the Plan, as well as revised definitions by the State. All other sections were revised to reflect updates to the City's Water Conservation Program and Code of Ordinances, including the new conservation water rate structure as adopted in Ordinance Number 13-012. Review of existing conservation strategies and Best Management Practices has led the City to adopt the following changes: No Implementation of Water Surveys for Single Family and Multi-Family Customers Revised water rate structure in September 2013, in order to implement a conservation surcharge Continued study of a tiered rate structure for possible future implementation Planned adoption of an Ordinance in May 2014 requiring smart meters on all new irrigation installations in order to better track the City's irrigation use. There were no changes to the rules related to Drought Contingency Plans by the TCEQ or TWDB. TheCity of Dallas revised their Drought Contingency Plan so that it now only contains three Stages, which negligibly impacts the City's regional effort clause inStages I and II of the Drought Contingency Plan. Implementation and enforcement of 4 drought stages is consistent with the guidelines and recommendations set forth in the 2011 Region C Water Plan for North Texaswater suppliers. The District, the City, and the Town all agreed that no changes should be made to the District's regional effort clause in the Drought Contingency Plans. If the City of Dallas initiates Stage I and/or Stage II of their Drought Contingency Plan, the District and City willcontinue toinitiate Stage I and/or Stage II as well. The second involves modified water supply initiation triggers by the District. Normalvolume triggersfor initiating various stages for the City remain the same andare as follows: Stage I: The District’s water supply in Grapevine Lake becomes 35% depleted. Stage II:The District’s water supply in Grapevine Lake becomes 45% depleted. Stage III:The District’s water supply in Grapevine Lake becomes 55% depleted. Stage IV:The District’s water supply in Grapevine Lake becomes 70% depleted. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK,TEXAS,AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK,CHAPTER 13 "UTILITIES",SECTION 13.03.012 (a),BY ADOPTING A NEW WATER CONSERVATION PLAN;PROMOTING RESPONSIBLE USE OF WATER;PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00)AND/OR THE DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICE FOR NONCOMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE WATER CONSERVATION PLAN;PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE;PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,theCityrecognizestheneedtomakeefficientuseofitswatersupply;and WHEREAS, theTexas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and theTexasWater Development Board (TWDB) have developed guidelines and requirements governing thedevelopmentofwaterconservationplans;and WHEREAS,Title30,Chapter288oftheTexasAdministrativeCodeandtheregulationsof the TCEQrequirethattheCityadoptaWaterConservationPlan;and WHEREAS,theCityCounciloftheCityofUniversityParkdesirestoadoptanewWater ConservationPlanasofficialCitypolicyfortheconservationofwater;NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK,TEXAS: SECTION 1.That Section 13.03.012(a)of the Code of Ordinances of the City of University Park,Texas,which heretofore adopted a Water Conservation Plan by reference,is hereby amended to adopt "The 2014 Water Conservation Plan for the City of University Park" by reference and a true copy of such plan shall be retained by the City Secretary and Director of Public Works and be available for public inspection during all business hours of the City of University Park. SECTION2.ThattheCityCouncildoesherebyfindanddeclarethatsufficientwritten noticeofthedate,hour,placeandsubjectofthemeetingadoptingthisordinancewaspostedata designatedplaceconvenienttothepublicforthetimerequiredbylawprecedingthemeeting, thatsuchplaceofpostingwasreadilyaccessibleatalltimestothegeneralpublic,andthatallof theforegoingwasdoneasrequiredby law atalltimesduringwhichthisordinance andthe subjectmatterthereofhasbeendiscussed,consideredandformallyacted upon. The City Councilfurtherratifies,approvesandconfirmssuchwrittennoticeandthepostingthereof. SECTION3.ThattheCityManagerorhisdesigneeisherebydirectedtofileacopyof thePlanandthisordinancewiththeTCEQ,TWDB,andtheRegionCWaterPlanningGroupin accordancewithTitle30,Chapter288oftheTexasAdministrativeCode. SECTION4.ThattheCitySecretaryisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtocause publicationofthedescriptivecaptionofthisordinanceasprovidedbylaw. SECTION5.Thatanyperson,firmorcorporationviolatinganyoftheprovisionsor termsofthisordinanceshallbesubjecttoapenaltyoffinenottoexceedthesumoftwo thousanddollars($2,000.00)foreachoffenseand/ordiscontinuanceofwaterservicebytheCity. Proofofa culpablementalstateisnotrequiredfora convictionofanoffenseunderthissection. EachdayacustomerfailstocomplywiththeWaterConservationPlanisaseparateviolation.The City'sauthoritytoseekinjunctiveorothercivilreliefavailableunderthelawisnotlimited bythis section. SECTION6.Should anyparagraph,sentence,clause,phraseorwordofthis ordinancebe declaredunconstitutionalorinvalidforanyreason,theremainderofthisordinance shallnotbe affected. SECTION7.Thisordinanceshalltakeeffectimmediatelyfollowingitspassage andthe publicationofthecaption,asthelawand Charterinsuchcasesprovide. DULYPASSEDANDAPPROVED bytheCityCounciloftheCityofUniversityPark, Texas,on this15thdayofApril2014. APPROVED: ___________________________________ W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ LIZ SPECTOR, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ CITY STTORNEY (rld;4-09-14;65578) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK,TEXAS,AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK,CHAPTER 13 "UTILITIES",SECTION 13.03.012 (a),BY ADOPTING A NEW WATER CONSERVATION PLAN;PROMOTING RESPONSIBLE USE OF WATER;PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00)AND/OR THE DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICE FOR NONCOMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE WATER CONSERVATION PLAN;PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE;PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. DULYPASSEDANDAPPROVED bytheCityCounciloftheCityofUniversity Park,Texas,on this15thdayofApril2014. APPROVED: ___________________________________ W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ LIZ SPECTOR, CITY SECRETARY 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS 75205 TELEPHONE (214) 363-1644 AGENDA MEMO 4/15/2014Agenda TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Gene R. Smallwood, P.E.; Director of Public Works SUBJECT:2014 Drought Contingency Plan BACKGROUND: The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requires all municipal water suppliers to develop a Drought Contingency Plan and submit revisions to that Plan every five (5) years. Together with the Town of Highland Park (HP) and the Dallas County Park Cities Municipal Water District (MUD), the joints staffs solicited a proposal from Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers to review and update the current Plan, developed in 2009, for all three entities. Since no State laws, mandates, or requirements for drought contingency plans have been enacted during this revision year, NDMCE recommended that no changes, other than updates, be made to the current plan. The consultanthas completed the Drought Contingency Plan for a public hearing prior to Council consideration. The updated Drought Contingency Plan incorporates the same practices and procedures currently in place under the existing plan. All approved Drought Contingency Plans must be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) by May 1, 2014. State statutes require municipalities to provide the public an opportunity to review the plan and provide feedback. RECOMMENDATION: Follow receipt of comments from the required public hearing,staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance approvingof the 2014 Drought Contingency Plan, and authorization for staff to submit the 2014 Plan to the appropriate Stateagencies. City of University Park Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan Executive Summary An updated and revised Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan are required to be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and Region C Water Planning Group every five years. The Water Conservation Plan is a combination of required and voluntary programs and strategies aimed at reducing the amount of water withdrawn from the City’s supply source, Grapevine Lake. The goals established within the Water Conservation Plan are not enforceable. The Drought Contingency Plan is a combination of strategies developed to manage the City’s water supply during times of water supply shortages and water emergencies. Stages within the Drought Contingency Plan are initiated during times of drought, water supply contamination, and treatment or delivery system failure. The Water Conservation Plan has been updated and revised as required due to changes in the governing rules, in the City’s strategies,and by adding items omitted from the previous plan. A summary of these changes is provided below. Total gallons per capita per day(Total GPCD). Total water use goals for the City are the total water purchased in a year by the City from the District divided by the City's population, divided by the number of days in the reporting year. Residential GPCD. Total gallons sold by the City in a year for residential use (indoor and outdoor) divided by the City's residential population, divided by the number of days in the reporting year. Previous Conservation Plan 2013Target Water Use: 235 gpcd (6% reduction in baseline average of 250gpcd). Water Loss: Reducewater loss to 10% or less Water UseThrough 2013 Water Use: Averaged 257.3GPCD from 2009-2013(a 5.2% increase over the previous 5-year reporting average of 244.6 from 2004-2008). Water Loss: Averaged 11.94% from 2009-2013, an improvement over the 2004- 2008 average of 13.29% The City did not meet its 5-year goals, but has show improvement in calendar year water use since 2011. New Voluntary 5-Year Goals New goals are consistent with North Texas water suppliers' goals in percent reduction. Target date of December 31, 2018 Water Use: Total water use of 247GPCD. Residential water use of 217.5 GPCD (both are a 4% reduction in total GPCD over the next 5 years). Water Loss: Reduce water loss to 10% or less(24.7 GPCD) New Voluntary 10-Year Goals Target date of December 31, 2023 Water Use: Total water use of 245.7 GPCD. Residential water use of 216.4 GPCD (both are a 4.5% reduction in total GPCD over the next 5 years). Water Loss: Maintain water loss at 10% or less(<24.6 GPCD) Implementation Reports were submitted over the past 5 years as required by the TWDB in order to track the effectiveness of each conservation measure. This report will continue to be submitted by May 1every year as required under State lawby the City. New requirements related to residential GPCD goals were added to the Plan, as well as revised definitions by the State. All other sections were revised to reflect updates to the City's Water Conservation Program and Code of Ordinances, including the new conservation water rate structure as adopted in Ordinance Number 13-012. Review of existing conservation strategies and Best Management Practices has led the City to adopt the following changes: No Implementation of Water Surveys for Single Family and Multi-Family Customers Revised water rate structure in September 2013, in order to implement a conservation surcharge Continued study of a tiered rate structure for possible future implementation Planned adoption of an Ordinance in May 2014 requiring smart meters on all new irrigation installations in order to better track the City's irrigation use. There were no changes to the rules related to Drought Contingency Plans by the TCEQ or TWDB. TheCity of Dallas revised their Drought Contingency Plan so that it now only contains three Stages, which negligibly impacts the City's regional effort clause inStages I and II of the Drought Contingency Plan. Implementation and enforcement of 4 drought stages is consistent with the guidelines and recommendations set forth in the 2011 Region C Water Plan for North Texaswater suppliers. The District, the City, and the Town all agreed that no changes should be made to the District's regional effort clause in the Drought Contingency Plans. If the City of Dallas initiates Stage I and/or Stage II of their Drought Contingency Plan, the District and City willcontinue toinitiate Stage I and/or Stage II as well. The second involves modified water supply initiation triggers by the District. Normalvolume triggersfor initiating various stages for the City remain the same andare as follows: Stage I: The District’s water supply in Grapevine Lake becomes 35% depleted. Stage II:The District’s water supply in Grapevine Lake becomes 45% depleted. Stage III:The District’s water supply in Grapevine Lake becomes 55% depleted. Stage IV:The District’s water supply in Grapevine Lake becomes 70% depleted. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY O F UNIVERSITY PARK,TEXAS,AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, CHAPTER 13 "UTILITIES",SECTION 13.03.012 (a),BY ADOPTING A NEW DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLAN;ESTABLISHING CRITERIA FOR THE INITIATION AND TERMINATION OF DROUGHT RESPONSE STAGES; ESTABLISHING RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN WATER USES; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR GRANTING VARIANCES;PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00)AND/OR THE DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICE FOR NONCOMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLAN;PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE;PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,theCityofUniversityPark,Texas("City")recognizesthattheamountofwater availabletotheCityanditswaterutilitycustomersislimitedandsubjecttodepletionduring periodsofextendeddrought;and WHEREAS,theCityrecognizesthatnaturallimitationsduetodroughtconditionsandotheracts ofGodcannotguaranteeanuninterruptedwatersupplyforallpurposes;and WHEREAS,inthebestinterestofthecitizensoftheCityofUniversityPark,Texas,theCity Councildeemsitexpedientandnecessarytoestablishcertainrulesandpoliciesfortheorderly andefficientmanagementoflimitedwatersuppliesduringdroughtandotherwatersupply emergencies;and WHEREAS,Title30,Chapter288oftheTexasAdministrativeCodeandtheregulationsofthe TexasCommissiononEnvironmentalQuality("Commission")requirethattheCityadopta DroughtContingencyPlanthatestablishesminimumregulationsandrestrictions;and WHEREAS,theCityCounciloftheCityofUniversityParkdesirestoadopttheCity's2014 DroughtContingencyPlanastheofficialCitypolicyforthemanagementofwatersupplies duringdroughtorotherwatersupplyemergencies;NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITYPARK,TEXAS: SECTION 1.ThatSection13.03.012(a)oftheCodeofOrdinancesoftheCityof UniversityPark,Texas,whichheretoforeadoptedaWaterConservation andDrought ContingencyPlanbyreference,isherebyamendedtoadoptbyreference"The2014Drought ContingencyPlanfortheCityofUniversityPark,Texas"by reference and atruecopyofsuch planshallbe retainedbytheCitySecretaryandtheDirectorofPublicWorksandbe availableforpublic inspectionduringallbusinesshoursoftheCityofUniversityPark. SECTION2.ThattheCityCouncildoes herebyfindanddeclarethatsufficientwritten noticeofthedate,hour,placeandsubjectofthe meetingadoptingthisordinancewaspostedata designatedplaceconvenienttothepublicforthetimerequiredbylawprecedingthemeeting, that such place of posting was readily accessible at all times to the general public,and that all of the foregoing was done as required by law at all times during which this ordinance and the subject matter thereof has been discussed,considered and formally acted upon. The City Council further ratifies,approves and confirms such written notice and the posting thereof. SECTION 3.ThattheCityManagerorhisdesigneeisherebydirectedtofileacopyof thePlanandthisordinancewiththeCommissioninaccordancewithTitle30,Chapter288of theTexasAdministrativeCode. SECTION4.ThattheCitySecretaryisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtocause publicationofthedescriptivecaptionofthisordinanceasprovidedbylaw. SECTION5.Thatanyperson,firmorcorporationviolatinganyoftheprovisionsor termsofthisordinance, shallbesubjecttoapenaltyoffinenottoexceedthesumoftwo thousanddollars($2,000.00)and/ordiscontinuanceofwaterservicebytheCity.Proofofa culpablementalstateisnotrequiredforaconvictionofanoffenseunderthis section.Eachdaya customerfailstocomplywiththeDroughtContingencyPlanisaseparateviolation.TheCity's authoritytoseekinjunctiveorothercivilreliefavailable underthelawisnotlimitedby this section. SECTION6.Shouldanyparagraph,sentence,clause,phraseorwordofthisordinance bedeclaredunconstitutionalor invalidforanyreason,the remainderofthisordinanceshallnot beaffected. SECTION 7.This ordinanceshalltakeeffectimmediatelyfollowingitspassageandthe publicationofthecaption,asthelawandCharterinsuchcasesprovide. PASSEDANDAPPROVED bytheCityCounciloftheCityofUniversityPark,Texas, onthis15thdayofApril2014. APPROVED: ___________________________________ W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ LIZ SPECTOR, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ CITY STTORNEY (rld; 4-09-14; 65577) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY O F UNIVERSITY PARK,TEXAS,AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK,CHAPTER 13 "UTILITIES",SECTION 13.03.012 (a),BY ADOPTING A NEW DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLAN;ESTABLISHING CRITERIA FOR THE INITIATION AND TERMINATION OF DROUGHT RESPONSE STAGES;ESTABLISHING RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN WATER USES;ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR GRANTING VARIANCES;PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00)AND/OR THE DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICE FOR NONCOMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLAN;PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE;PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. DULYPASSEDANDAPPROVED bytheCityCounciloftheCityofUniversity Park,Texas,on this15thdayofApril2014. APPROVED: ___________________________________ W. RICHARD DAVIS, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ LIZ SPECTOR, CITY SECRETARY ________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________