HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 15_010 Alley abandonment- PD 33ORDINANCE NO. _1..:....;5/'--0_1_0 ___ _ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK TEXAS, ABANDONING A PORTION OF THE ALLEY EASEMENTS BETWEEN LOVERS LANE AND HYER STREET AND BETWEEN HYER STREET AND GRASSMERE STREET, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO, SUBJECT TO THE PROVISION BY THE ABUTTING OWNER, INTERCITY INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, INC., OF PUBLIC UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENTS OVER THE AREAS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT B ATTACHED HERETO; PROVIDING FOR THE FURNISHING OF A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS ORDINANCE FOR RECORDING IN THE REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AS A QUITCLAIM DEED OF THE CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, has determined that certain alley easements, as described herein, are not needed or necessary for public purposes by the City and any claim to them should be abandoned to the abutting owner, subject to the provisions of this ordinance; Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The City of University Park hereby abandons and quitclaims, in favor of the abutting owner, Intercity Investment Properties, Inc., a portion of the alley easements between Lovers Lane and Hyer Street and between Hyer Street and Grassmere Street, being more particularly described and depicted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, the same as if fully copied herein, in the City_ of University Park, Dallas County, Texas (the "abandoned area"). SECTION 2. That the City of University Park does not abandon any other interest other than described in Exhibit "A", but does hereby abandon all of its right, title, or interest in the described real property, together with any and all improvements thereon, if any. SECTION 3. Upon payment to the City by Intercity Investment Properties, Inc., of $470,809.05, the fair market value of the interests described in Exhibit "A" as determined by an appraisal obtained by the City for this purpose, and the dedication by Intercity Investment Properties, Inc., of public utility and access easements over the areas described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made part hereof for all purposes, the same as if fully copied herein, the City Secretary is directed to prepare a certified copy of this ordinance and furnish the same to Intercity Investment Properties, Inc., for recording in the Real Property Records of Dallas County. The recording of this abandonment ordinance in the Real Property Records of Dallas County, Texas, shall serve as a quitclaim deed of the City of University Park of all such right, title or interest of the City of University Park in and to the abandoned property described in Exhibit "A", plus all improvements thereon, if any. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council ofthe City of University Park, Texas, on the5th day of May 2015 . APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~R-~ CITY ATTORNEY \ (RLD/04-27-15/7 1359) APPROVED: 04£- 0LIN B. LANE, MAYOR C):! ATTEST: / ~~ CHRISTINE GREEN, CITY SECRETARY EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBI T ALLEY !.t-...1 Cl TY f3!...0':t<. S. POF'P~[WEu SUt?Vt.Y. AIJSTRA<~ f NU!vli3E.R 1:45 Cl-:-':" OF U.\::V[f?SJTY =.t:.RK, OAi..L .-:.S CO:_;t-..jTY, T[XAS Hf:. •. ~(; u U.04U ocrt-tract of land, S'tvotea •r the S. Popple~elt ~ur·..-ey. A!.J~j!roc t No. ; 14~>. c=ty o t !Jn··.tcrs•'ty Per~. Dol!cs Cov~ry, rexas; B~Gi~"-1!1\:G ot on "x" cut ;q <..oncrete set fer tne noril•west CO'''e' of nereifl d~!i>Ct ioed !fOCt ono be.;r.o the scuthecst corner ot Lot 8. 81ocf.l !, .Jt 4.;25 !..ove,.s Lone Condom;n~:...f'V)s as reccrCed ... ,.n Vo1(Jme 20CJOJ4, iJage /i, o f the Conoorn:niurr. Pecorcs, Oa!•cs Countv. lcxos onQ SCvthwest Co,.ner of Lot 9, &toe~ 1, ot rrot ... & d)Swe!i's :,.ieco,...d h....,esut>divf>ion, OCCOtcinq !O {t;(' VIet (hc:cof rer;ortfe<J ;n Vc1ur:iC ~1, Paq!:> ,j/J, '·"CO h~t'CO"dS, Du:!os (.,'OLH':ry, le><CS, ~C ·d ''..<" ~e t !.H:!;rH.J So· .. :~i. u d:~tuncc o f lj~ 20 fttet (rorr, t"'e nortrtWt'~~ corr:er of soiti :_:.;t 9, R:ocl( : on:' be:r;!j ;..., the sourh r:yht-ef-W(1Y .•J.·;e o' L,-;;ers tm:e (75' R.O.W.), fi-I£'1/CE "'orth 89'56'00" [a~:. o•or:y (he o'O'Jtli !;r;e r;' ~aid ~o; 9 Ofld con r:n •.;in~ .J•or:g the south ,"/nes o f Lots :0 o.nc i' of so;o ir~:h & Bcswe•:'s Second Resubdivision. fo• a dis lcnce nf : l.:S 00 feP.7 to en ''y" CJr ;n cor. crete set for o--or fhP.of.t C!)f'(iCf o f nerein descr,'herf !•'OC! and teir:\) in the we!;l :ine ;;! on nl!ey; TI•'ENCE SctJth, o!nr~g thp WP.5t t:..,e of soid a:tey, for n distor.Ge of 10 Qd fer.t ~o an "x" c:u: :n r.oncret e SF.t for rhe southeast corner c~ herein ':'lt":"Scr.ined trar.r. sa'd ··)(·· 'Jlso being ~he no··rned.o.,r <-or·ner of i_f)t :t1 of !:laid /roth & tJo"·wen's ')f~cond Hesut)divi'-.ior:: :-1-.'l:.'\'CE. 5'lv'""' 89'56'00" Wcsr, o·coartir.q so;d oi:cy crd a~o..-~q the nc;rtn iirrc of :~c~s 18, :g. ono 20 ot soio i.-o t~"'' & Boswc<s Sc=or·a '?csubd'v·s•o, for :J cistoncc of 1/t:.OJ fee t to on "x" cvt '·"" concr e!e ::;~t fr.,.r itte ::;outhwesr cvrner of .roereir: described Uoct. sorne !.Je.ng Ult' nor ~tJ t:ost r.;orr~~r Qf Lor 22A. Btock. :, of HofselEs Additior, accordir:g to fhe aJut t-·1ereof reccrcco i:. :r; s ~r:..:r.-.en t ,'turnb</ 2-'Ji 200 i68 18 4, 0.1fici:J• Pub;lc RC>cords, iJoiios Coun ~y. iexo~: :r·t."-:Ci:. NorU•, Of'pr;rr:nq :he northc:J(,;-cortl(~! u t •..;oin' ~()T /LA. *or o dis :o:~ce o t 1U.G4 fe~~r :o the PO·t-.:1 0."-8!:C!N"i:·'JC. 0'10 contc:,.,;nq :,157 so~ ... ·)•C feet or 0040 oc,.cs cf tono, mo··c or less. i:Jo s'' of Beurinqs ;s lh.: soulro line (S 89'S6'00" W) of Hyer S:reer, as sno"f'lf" o,., map o; ...... ohfl S Troth Subdivis:or., or. cad:r.or. to lhe c;ry of J'1iver-s'ty Por)(, Dci!as County. ~exos acccrc•r:r; ~o {rte ;:;·1ci ""e:;or ded •n Vc•'vr;:e 5. ,?ogf; .14J, V.ao Re:ords, Oo·.'os ~cur.ty, Texas ()f,iE .'Jcve .... ,oer· 74, 2014 Pro.~~c ! 1\:o. : 4{.'5/ SHEET OF 2 A PIBURN& CAl~ SON 95 .. ~5 rorcst .:..a,o -~~:..·.rc 229 Dcl'c.s, Texcs 757'1.3 p'1:(;?14) 378-3~0(; tu,-:(774 ) .~?i3-.!~lt'2 C!'TiO •I~•b .l•·rt;nr . ..,.O-"'. {~Orr EXHIBIT ALL::Y •,'\i CrTY B~o·:K 5. PQPP; t ~o\1E! L 5Uf.('/:_ Y. Af3S F?.L, ':! NlJiv1[3fJ{ ~; 45 c:~Y o ... u.':.·vtHS!i ~ i--'AF?K, D.Ai...L 4S ccu~\·:v, r:_xt.s LOVERS LANE (75' p (:, ~ .. x-~..,r ----------------·~··--~··,·-----------------------,--~~~·~8~9~~~6~··c~·v~··-"~::~=-~'~7J~~-~o~o~·----------------------~ Lot 8 4125 LOVeRS LANE CONDOMINIUMS VOL 2003034, PC n ------ tot 9 Lot 10 Troth & Boswell's 2nd Resubdivision Vol 5, Pg 373 ;,·..: 't.1iC· ,"f ·~·v •t..:::: <:1: tJ t-.: !..0\-C.·?S L.At•O:L vo;_ 69~!1..1. ~c o; Lot 71 (*.) C\J --·- 11") 0 ~?). P.O.B:r:.~-·v· .•. :~. •. N 89"56 '00" f -175. )0' ------------~~~o~~~------------~~~~~~--~--~~~~---------------2··~·~,_~, ~-~ 0 0 1,757 sq. ft I 0.040 ac. :::> o --------~~ty~----------~~~~~------r-~----------~00 ..::::. ~ ..-,., S 89"56 '00" VI -175. bo' -.-"' {!)~ Lot 22A Halsells Addition !nst No 201200168184 .,v=.;.:: rwQ. L ~~ 4i24 HYE.'I ST'i~r;· ·t .. ·s r. ,\''). ?{~: J:Jn/ 4 1.3 7B DATE: ,\ovcrr"~:JC' i4, 20.'11 r:;n•it~c:' ~n 14C.'i? Lot 20 !.ot 19 Troth & Bo:;well's 2nd ResubdNision Vol 5, Pg 373 '.\' rt,.!~c;;: v ·r~·.; •"-<." 4 112 1/Yt..r? S i£.;1f:[ r VOl 69'9". :~::; 6: Lot 18 C'J " .. , ~ c~ ... : ·{~ J>IBUR:"J& ph:{2'•; 328-.JsoG 'a•.(2:4! J2o-~5'2 CARSON rmn··"'""'·n '"-·'"''"0 co...-. ':)HEET 2 ~~F 2 i)A';'£: .!..JOVf!IP!Jer ]1., /Q?4 PrO)CC\ "-.'0. IJQ52 EXHIBIT ALLEY IN Ci TY !3LOCK S .. °CCPL[WEU_ SURVEY, AGS'JT<Ar:T NU!vli3ER 1145 C:TY ()F t:NIV[F?S!T''!" PARK, D.A i..L A:; CDUNJY, iFXAS ((:=============·~ VICINITY MAP 1,1 li 'i !I f! i: :• ;I H 111";:; f-- ! \:::.=============J :Jc::cs, Texas 75213 !'!BURN& pi"(2'4) 328-35DC fo<.-(214) 328-!.512 (~ARSON omoi.'&;b·.)r·r.c o,.son.com EXHIBI T A~cE Y IN Cl TY [l:..OC-< 2 S. f"QPPLEWELL SuRVEY, A/3STRFCT NU/.AiJU? 1145 C!tY Of U"'IVtRc;;rv ;:>ARK, OALL,;S COUN IY, T~XAS Ht•l\IG c :·; 09/ cr;re !f1Ct o r !or.:i, :1;to~reo .-..... tne <;. P;::-po'e ...,e!~ ~)t,:rv(')', A!)s'rac ... \•o : ;4-,, c=ty of ~)f"1•Vt:r .... .-~,. _..J,u K, :Jo::as Cou• ~y. re>tc;<..;; t:!!.C:to.,',\'!1\1(; O! ~p; .. ~·· Cu t in concrete fuuno fc( the r;tJ:'fhwe~t ('Ot"';C'' :Jf •,•ere,n descr."b eo t ra<..'~ o'ld be:rq Uie so:JL·~·vest corr.er of : O! 7, Bwck /, ci Johr. S froth's l".(esu!.)C;v,'sion, c;ccord:n] to the v!at :t;ereo.' "€CJ"dea ;r. Volurne 5. Paye 4-1.3, ~.~ap Rec':J'cls, DaiJas Coun~y. ·:exes, !iCid ·:x ·· bein a South, 0 dis!0"1Ce cf 112.85 fee: from ~he rt,Jr~r.wes~ corner of said :._o: 7, s:ccl< 2 a11d tein ... g ir the sot~th r;<;r.t-of-way tinP. of ;1yer Strfh:r (50' i(.O.W.): !h£fo.,'(.'E ·'~orrh A~F56'()(;" Fo:"Jf. o•o:HJ ~he f)Q~;:t, t:nc: or .s:1ra 1 ct 7 one r;or:tir.·;ir-:g :J!or~g the suuih :;ncs of :..o·s 8. 9. iQ or.cl ~: of so~c . .John S •'"o!,'s Rcsvbd··,.;~ior:. fo.'" o c.s1onc.c c: ?69.00 fee ~ to 0'1 ")(" c;.,•t in con~re :e set for !r1c n('r .heost carne' or r•ere;P .:;escr:oeG rrac• ar1tj be:nc; in /t1e wesr ,•i,e of on o::ey: T,il[NC£ So·...-t.o;, o•ong •r·e wesl ::,.,e of saia oUey, for .1 rt·s~a,r,ce Df ~11 .98 feet ro a .'5/R" iron r()o· fo:)n.-:J for :ne sot.J!heast cc··ner of ;,ere:r· de:::t' :bed trac t, so:c :rcr• o.'so .oe:ng ~he ,..,o,·rt;e."'J!'-;~ ~orr.er of i -:-J t 1?. of so:1 ,Johr. ~-!'rc·t: 's Rf..:;:Jtd.v.s;r,r;. :Ht"-.'Ct. Sau \~1 HC1"~b'O()" N(•:;t, :Jc:>crr:nq sa:c: •cl•!cr o:-r: ~J,or.q lhn r.or:r-1'ir'c of I.Gr'; iH, ~'1. 20. 21 ond 22 of scid Jon(1 S. lro !r• 's K-esuott,.visio'l. t')( o ::1-'stor.c.::e of 269 00 +cct to en "x '' t:.:: ;,. ::-u·:c:ret~ rvur•d tc, ihe ~::;u:~;v:e~~ ~·cr,.er '..){ i.~;.•t e;ro ve::;c.:r;"b~d trc:c t, ~urr;t' t;e:nc; the n;:;• 'l"eUto~ ~orr"€' c ~· '11 J2-.1.: 34 G"<.rti5""'€'€ ConOOfTI•/""I'__,•""'S, OCC(;rc.-.--.g to Cc-urrty c:er;.. 's f-•1e f\~'c. 2008C: /i ~I 7. Deed ii'e<.crCs. Doi':cs Cv-~· ry, iexc~. "iHENCt. Nor~h. aeport,-,..c; the no• th eos ~ carr e·· vf sc:d l.l .52-41.54 Grcss•Y.ere Cor.dorninh.:ms, ;or :; cistonce of 11.98 feet fG /ne POir-.,.·:-OF f3£G.1,\:I\',f\'G, or:c ccntoir.ing 4,02;1 sauare •eer or C.092 ac"es of :cno, more or less. Su::;i~ of 1:3ear;nq~ ·~ U•t: ~ouu• .1ine (S 89".:J6'9C/' II) ot Hyt'" S:ree•. cs shown or-rna~ of .. ·or." 5 !ro~h SLJt>d:v.is:cn. a .. ; C·-::Jd,;~:on to the (:!'y of Jn•versi~y ;-'Jorl<, !Jc.'!cs S'C'ur.ty, !exos cccorc:-:g ::; 1ne pic/ re~:o.'derJ ir• ·vci..;:;.e 5, :=>age -11J. V.ao .~e2urds. Oo1•'os County, Texas 0/1 U:. ,"'cve·""Ot'' · t:, 2014 ,>,.o,ICC N~ 14(.i!;.J SHEET ' OF 2 A Pli3UR:-.I& CARSON qsJ:=-Forest t r.v1c -S·1:t0 ??.9 [.la:!a:;, Texcs 752~ J pr;· (21·1) .~/8-.. ~50~ f(J)("{?:4) .~78-3!,,;· t~'""lO•."!!'Jp•burr r.-:"l"'.'iO-"~. C:O.,... I s ' H) m-:;::- """ '-~ Ci I';S .:· :\ •·-'1 rt· •• C' • ~?:. Lot 7 EXHIBIT .A~Li:. y 11\1 c: 1Y U!..(lCK 2 S. PC.;~PiE.W!::: S~f~VE..Y .. A.[;:;r:.;t.~~! .~~','.Af.3tf? ~14~ (:::Y o.~ U•\','\tti~S·.1 Y :..:t.r?.~. :J A ~i...l\5 CCl.J•\iY, :~.XAS HYER STREET {!)C''I!.J fll'j (a~e~t po.,.,..q; N 1:!9-::,G·ou" E. -2G9 co· :__ ______ -----, ___ -----""'1 I i Lot 9 Lot 8 Jofm 5. Troth Subdivisk f't Vol 5, Pg 443 :.\JTEF?CITY III..•V \',': 4!L3 MYl:.r( .sr,'?:.i-r vo; 69194. Pr. r;: Lot 10 ! '·' I ~~: ('(~ Lot 1i '-""' I ~; I ·:·~ I I I I I I 1 >-. I J! I ~ I I P.O.B:~ N 8 '56'00" [ -~ 69.00' I ----~~T~~~;~~·~··~··c~·----------~--------------~------------~--------------~---------·-·-·-~,., ~~- O~ 1 4,029 sq. ft. I 0.092 ac. -JJ ~ ..C:. ·y·rno S 89'56'00" W -D69.00' 5/P.":•t ~~ ::..:) ,r; .l' :...; f-. " (l:: •• 0 ,_ ?. Lot 22 !;·t. T£: .>v:)\/w·•:H!' rt.. ;-o, 4 Or~'Jlh-• ".'r1. '4(1'}) I tot 21 )hn 5. T~~), 2fuodivisi n 1 Vol 5, Pg 443 lot 19 Lot 18 .'NTERC•TY !."JV ,',\': 1 102 GRt..S9..4£RE S~·?£[, 'JOL 69:94, PC 61 I i _I ---------~~--~~------L 5 89"!)(:;'00" W -J6<J OC' GRASSMERE STREET (SO' RO.W) fasptlo.! poV~nq; I I I I ---__L Oa:tas. Texas 752~ J Pll3UR:--J& pc. (2 ''') .32B-.35CG ra •. (:?:4) · CA RSON <'Moi/tf.r>ibu'n<eo•·snn.co•-, <!) ...---.,.OJ ::; <'-i "6 ;~ l.) l.") ~ ~' -~ :> '--0 <r. ;J.tt "";£ ."t~ve .... •:;er :-:, 2C'4 Pr.,,rH:~ 'Vo. :4Q!)? EXHIBIT ALL£Y IN C!I"Y 13LOCK 2 5. POPP/ EWE::~ SURVEY, ABSTI?J.CT NUMGER 1145 C,·l Y OF UNIVtRSt 7 'f PAI'?K, OALi_t.S COUNTY, ILXA S .;:::·================·':::\ VICINITY MAP t' ,, tl f.! !/ /i j' A-~ T //,;1/ !_ j! 95J!:: Forest Lo•,c -~;1~./rc 229 :.Jcl!cs. Tfxcs 75)-1.3 PfllUR~& ;J'I:~/1 4) 328-3~0C ru,..·(214) .528-3.5,2 CA RSON c -.,o•l(/fp•h,,,rca".'<'>n co-r EXHIBIT "B" 17 foot Public Utility & Access Easement on Lot 1, Hyer Street Addition Being a portion of Lots 9, 10, 11, 18, 19 and 20 and a 10 foot alley of Troth & Boswell's 2nd Resubdivision of Lots 9 to 20, Inclusive, Block 1 of Preston Heights Addition as recorded in Volume 5, Page 373, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas (M.R.D.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point, South and a distance of 120.00 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot 11; THENCE South, for a distance of 36 .00 feet to a point at the beginning of a curve to the left with has a central angle of 86.58'03", a radius of 10.02 feet, and a chord which bears N 46.28'08" W, for a distance of 13.79 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left, an arc distance of 15 .21 feet to a point for corner; THENCE West, for a distance of 165.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North, for a distance of 17.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE East, for a distance of 165.00 feet to a point at the beginning of a curve to the left with has a central angle of 86.56'07", a radius of 10.02 feet, and a chord which bears N 46.27'17" E, for a distance of 13.79 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left, an arc distance of 15.20 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3,018 square feet or 0.069 acres of land, more or less. 17 foot Public Utility & Access Easement on Lot 2, Hyer Street Addition Being a portion of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and a 10 foot alley of John S. Troth Subdivision as recorded in Volume 5, Page 433, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas (M.R.D.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point, North and a distance of 143.74 feet from the southeast corner of Lot 18 of said Troth Subdivision; THENCE West, for a distance of 269 .00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North, for a distance of 17.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE East, for a distance of 269.00 feet to a point for corher; THENCE South, for a distance of 17.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4,573 square feet or 0.105 acres of land, more or less.