HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017.03.07 City Council Meeting Minutes376
City of University Park City Hall
3800 University Blvd.
University Park,TX 75205
Meeting Minutes
City Council
Tuesday,March 7,2017 5:00 PM Council Chamber
3 -4 P.M.Pursuant to TGC§551.071,the City Council met in closed session to discuss the
purchase or lease of real property on Haynie west of the Park Plaza project.No action was
taken.Executive Conference Room,1st Floor,City Hall.
4 -5 P.M.The City Council met in open work session to receive agenda item briefings from
staff.No action was taken.Council Conference Room,2nd floor,City Hall.
Present:5 -Mayor Olin Lane,Councilmember Taylor Armstrong,Mayor Pro Tem
Dawn Moore,Council member Randy Biddle and Councilmember Gage
A.INVOCATION:Director of Human Resources Alicia Dorsey
B.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:Director of Human Resources Alicia Dorsey /Boy
Boy Scouts Luke Morse,Jed Graham,Joshua Martin,and Benjamin Martin
of Troop 82 were present as part of earning their Communcation and
Citizenship in the Community merit badges.They assisted Director of
Human Resources Alicia Dorsey and the City Council in leading the Pledge
of Allegiance.
D.INTRODUCTION OF STAFF:City Manager Robbie Corder
Staff in attendance included Community Information Officer Steve Mace,
Director of Information Services Dale Harwell,Chief of Police Greg Spradlin,
Communications Specialist/Deputy City Secretary Amanda Hartwick,City
Secretary Christine Green,Director of Organizational Development Lea
Dunn,Director of Human Resources Alicia Dorsey,Director of Public Works
Jacob Speer,Community Development Director Patrick Baugh,Director of
Finance Tom Tvardzik,Purchasing Manager Elizabeth Anderson,Director of
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Parks Gerry Bradley,Planning and Zoning Commission member Blair
Mercer,and Library Director Sharon Martin.
Consider approval of an agreement of services between Canine
Country Club &Well ness Center (CCC)and the City of University Park
for animal impound services.
City Manager Robbie Corder said that this is a renewal of an
agreement with Canine Country Club &Well ness Center (CCC)to
provide animal impoundment services to University Park.This
agreement has been in place since February 2016.The only change
to the agreement is in the Saturday hours of operation.
This agreement was approved.
Consider approval of the purchase of a camera van for the Utilities
City Manager Robbie Corder said this purchase is a planned replacement of
a 2007 model vehicle.
This van houses and transports the sewer camera used to inspect the City's
sanitary sewer lines for problems and to locate service laterals.Today's
purchase is for the van only.The camera equipment will be purchased at a
later date.
The new van is a 2017 Transit-2S0 Cargo Base model available from
Chastang Ford via an HGAC contract in the amount of $33,618.HGAC
contracts have been competitively bid and thus satisfy statutory purchasing
This purchase was approved.
Consider approval of the minutes of the February 21,2017 City
Council meeting,with or without correction.
The minutes were approved.
Approval of the Consent Agenda
Approval of the Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Councilmember Armstrong,seconded by
Councilmember Biddle,to approve the Consent Agenda.The motion carried
by the following vote:
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Aye:5 -Mayor Lane,Councilmember Armstrong,Mayor Pro Tem Moore,
Councilmember Biddle,and Councilmember Prichard
Public hearing on amending PD-25 to allow a new Seay Indoor Tennis
Director of Community Development Pat Baugh gave a presentation about
this amendment to Planned Development PD-25 to relocate the existing
Seay Tennis Center to this new location within the PD.He said that staff
notified residents and property owners within 200 feet of the property about
this proposed PD amendment.They received 12 responses -four opposed,
seven in favor,and one undecided.
Pat said that the primary elements of the PD-25 amendment are:
•Expand boundaries to take in the area of three lots
•Lots are currently zoned SF-1
•New tennis center (3 indoor courts)initiates campus bond projects
•An agreement for use of city right-of-way is included in this meeting's
agenda and Ordinance (abandonment)
•No landscaping is proposed for the site
•Rerouting the existing storm sewer line
•Relocating the existing storm sewer line
•Relocating the existing fire lane
•Reducing the number of student parking spaces in the adjacent
parking garage to meet the required parking spaces
Pat said that the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z)recommended
approval of the amendment to PD-25 at its meeting on February 14,2017
and that staff concurs with the recommendation.
Highland Park Independent School District (HPISD)Chief of Staff Jon
Dahlander gave a presentation.He recognized HPISD Trustee Jim
Hitzelberger in the audience.Mr.Dahlander thanked city staff for their
diligence and patience in working with the school district on this project,in
particular City Manager Robbie Corder,Director of Public Works Jacob
Speer,and City Planner Jessica Rees.He also thanked Councilmember
Prichard for his help.Mr.Dahlander said that moving the Seay Tennis
Center will allow HPISD to add classroom space to the high school building.
Mr.Dahlander introduced Jonathan Aldus,principal architect at Stantec
Architecture.He explained the Highland Park High School construction
phasing plan and how the project will be staged to minimize disruption to
students and area residents.He also covered how traffic and parking will be
configured when the project is complete.He said they had worked hard on
the traffic plan as he knew this was a big concern for the neighborhool.
Mayor Lane opened the public hearing.There were no speakers.Mayor
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Lane closed the public hearing.
Consider an ordinance amending Planned Development District
PD-25 to allow a new Seay Indoor Tennis Center.
A motion was made by Councilmember Randy Biddle,seconded by
Councilmember Taylor Armstrong,to approve this ordinance.The motion
carried by the following vote:
Aye:5 -Mayor Lane,CouncilmemberArmstrong,Mayor ProTem Moore,
CouncilmemberBiddle,and CouncilmemberPrichard
Discuss a request from the HPISD to abandon a portion of the 4100
block of Glenwick ROW in exchange for alley ROW in the 4100 blocks
of Hyer /Lovers and Hyer /Glenwick alleys.
Director of Public Works Jacob Speer gave a presentation.He said that
related to the Seay Indoor Tennis Center construction,city staff and HPISD
representatives met and concluded that a transaction which trades the
Glenwick street right-of-way for rededicated alley rights-of-way in the 4100
block of Hyer would be mutually beneficial.With this proposed transaction,
the City would abandon a 9,500 square foot (190'x 50')portion of the
Glenwick street right-of-way to the HPISD.The District would dedicate the
current easement areas back to the City as rights-of-way.The dedication in
the Lovers/Hyer alley would be 3,018 square feet and the Hyer/Grassmere
dedication would cover 4,573 square feet.The combined area of the alley
dedications is 7,591 square feet.Jacob said it makes sense to abandon
some right-of-way on Glenwick because the street will be part of the tennis
center and not really a City street.
Mayor Lane asked the group if there was any discussion.There was none.
The Mayor directed Jacob to prepare an ordinance to abandon the Glenwick
Street right-of-way and present it for consideration at a future Council
Discuss a request from the HPISD to remove the 4100 block of Lovers
Lane from the Residential Parking District near the HPHS.
Director of Public Works Jacob Speer gave a presentation.He said that the
Highland Park School District (HPISD)has requested to remove the 4100
block of Lovers Lane from the Residential Parking District (RPD)near the
high school to allow for student parking.HPISD owns seven of the nine
adjacent properties on this portion of the block.
Jacob asked if staff could survey the residents as to their preference.He
said that staff will prepare an ordinance to amend the RPD and present it for
consideration at a future Council meeting.Mayor Lane directed Jacob to
conduct the survey but said that the Council needs to pay close attention if
the two non-HPISD residents in this area oppose the removal of the RPD.
Public hearing on amending PD-15 to facilitate replacement of the
University Park Elementary School.
Director of Community Development Patrick Baugh gave a presentation.He
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said that HPISD's bond program provides for the reconstruction of University
Park Elementary School (UPES)on Lovers Lane.UPES students will
relocate temporarily to the new elementary school at Northwest Parkway and
Durham Street in Dallas.UPES is situated in a Planned Development
District.Because current development standards do not allow the design
parameters requested by HPISD,development standards for PD-15 must be
Major elements of the new facility include a three-story classroom wing,a
more compact overall structure footprint that yields more useable
greenspace,lawn,and play area,and an underground parking garage for
employees (85 spaces).
Jonathan Aldus of Stantec presented the school district's proposal for UPES.
Councilmember Prichard complimented Jonathan's presentation,but said he
would have preferred red brick instead of tan on the exterior of the building.
Jonathan said that the community was nostalgic for the tan brick as it would
more closely resemble the current building.
Mayor Lane opened the public hearing.Chris Murzin of 3709 Hanover
spoke.He asked about traffic leaving the parking garage going right (west)
on Lovers Lane.Jonathan Aldus said that there is a recommendation from
the traffic engineer to add a crossing guard to help cars and pedestrians
cross Lovers Lane.City Manager Robbie Corder said that there will need to
be a discussion between the school district and the police chief about adding
the crossing guard.
Stacy Kelly,3405 Bryn Mawr spoke in favor of the project.She said she
worked on the UP Legacy Committee.She told Councilmember Prichard
that there was unfavorable reaction to the proposal to have red brick on the
building exterior when the fist rendering came out,so it ended up with tan
brick like the current building.
Jean Signor said she is the UPES PTA president.She said that the
students,neighbors,and PTA are excited about this project.
Carrie Cothern,2829 Stanford Avenue,said she will be UPES PTA president
next year.She thinks this is the best possible solution for the school and
that the design will solve a lot of space problems.She also approved of
increasing the green space at the site.
Mayor Lane closed the public hearing.
Consider an ordinance amending Planned Development District
PD-15 to allow a new elementary school.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Dawn Moore,seconded by
Councilmember Taylor Armstrong,to approve this ordinance.The motion
carried by the following vote:
Aye:5 -Mayor Lane,Council member Armstrong,Mayor Pro Tem Moore,
Councilmember Biddle,and Council member Prichard
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Consider approval of a CMAR contract with W.B.Kibler Construction
for the demolition and expansion of buildings at the Holmes Aquatic
Director of Parks and Recreation Gerry Bradley gave a presentation.He
covered the 2008-18 timeline of improvements at the Holmes Aquatic
Gerry said that the City received five proposals from construction firms for
the demolition and expansion of the Holmes Aquatic Center buildings via the
Construction-Manager-at-Risk (CMAR)delivery method.
He said that W.B.Kibler Construction Company (WBK)was selected by the
RFP committee as the best company to perform this project.The scoring
criteria focused on the proposed project team's prior experience and quality
of work,the contractor's proposed contract approach for efficiently and
effectively completing the project,and the contractor's costing methodology
and proposed fees for completing the project on budget.
Kirk Kibler,owner and CEO of WBK,came to the podium and presented his
firm's proposal.He gave examples of other similar projects that his company
has done.
Mayor Lane urged Mr.Kibler to limit the project budget to $5 million if he
wants the project to go forward.Mr.Kibler said he looked forward to the
A motion was made by Councilmember Taylor Armstrong,seconded by Mayor
Pro Tem Dawn Moore,to approve this contract.The motion carried by the
following vote:
Aye:5 -Mayor Lane,Councilmember Armstrong,Mayor Pro Tem Moore,
Councilmember Biddle,and Councilmember Prichard
Consider approval of a contract with Gallagher Construction Services
to construct the University Boulevard west portal entry structure.
Director of Parks &Recreation Gerry Bradley said that staff was directed to
explore the City gateway entrances in an attempt to improve their
appearance and make people aware of when they are entering city limits.
This project is for beautification of the entrance at University Boulevard and
the Tollway and will include concrete,painting,cast stone,ceramic tile,
fencing,and sign letters.The City has worked for a more than a year with
the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA)on the design concept.
This contract with Gallagher Construction Services is in the amount of
$150,200 to complete the hardscape potion of the project.The contract will
be set up through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS)which fulfills
statutory bidding requirements.
A motion was made by Councilmember Taylor Armstrong,seconded by
Councilmember Randy Biddle,to approve this contract.The motion carried by
the following vote:
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Aye:5 -Mayor Lane,Councilmember Armstrong,Mayor Pro Tem Moore,
Councilmember Biddle,and Councilmember Prichard
Consider approval of final payment to Durable Specialties in the
amount of $103,406.78 for Project 49500,Hillcrest Traffic Signal
City Manager Corder said that this is an approval of a final payment in the
amount of of $103,406.78 to Durable Specialties for completing the
replacement of traffic signals at six intersections on Hillcrest Road.This
amount includes retainage in the amount of $31 ,893.38.
The total contract cost was $643,620.00,98%of budget.
Mayor Pro Tem Moore asked if the retainage amount had been held the
required number of days.Public Works Director Jacob Speer confirmed that
it had.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Moore,seconded by Councilmember
Biddle,that this final payment be approved.The motion carried by the
following vote:
Aye:5 -Mayor Lane,Councilmember Armstrong,Mayor Pro Tem Moore,
Councilmember Biddle,and Councilmember Prichard
Consider approval of an ordinance amending the Sanitation Franchise
City Manager Corder said that this ordinance amends the Sanitation
Franchise Ordinance by adding seven disposal companies to the list of
approved operators.These companies engage in the business of collecting,
transporting,and disposing of solid waste using stationary compactors,
discarded tire containers,portable toilets,and/or construction roll-off
containers from commercial and industrial premises and development
projects within the City.
New franchisees are:S&H Waste Disposal,Supreme Recycling,Hart
Brothers,DB Disposal Services,HD Waste &Recycling,Empire Disposal,
and Maldanado Discount Waste.
A motion was made by Councilmember Randy Biddle,seconded by
Councilmember Taylor Armstrong,to approved this ordinance.The motion
carried by the following vote:
Aye:5 -Mayor Lane,Councilmember Armstrong,Mayor Pro Tem Moore,
Councilmember Biddle,and Councilmember Prichard
Consider authorizing City Manager to engage Brentwood Public
City Manager Corder said that this item will authorize him to engage
Brentwood Public Affairs in the amount of $30,000 to represent the City of
University Park before the Texas Legislature.
On February 7,The City Council approved Resolution 17-002 to support
specific legislation addressing pension concerns with the University Park
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Relief and Retirement Fund (FRRF).Specifically,the legislation would allow
the City to place new Fire Department hires within the Texas Municipal
Retirement System (TMRS),which is the retirement system for all other
University Park employees.
Staff asked for and received a proposal from Brentwood Public Affairs to
represent the City before the Texas Legislature.The scope of work would
include legislative advocacy,monitoring and attending relevant committee
hearings,and generally working with all groups to ensure the passage of the
City's proposed legislation.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Moore,seconded by Councilmember
Armstrong,to authorize the City Manager to engage Brentwood Public Affiars.
The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye:5 -Mayor Lane,Councilmember Armstrong,Mayor Pro Tem Moore,
Council member Biddle,and Council member Prichard
As there was no further business,Mayor Lane adjourned the meeting.
Considered and approved this the 21st day of March,2017:
Christine Green,City Secretary
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