HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 16-013 Creating a Special Sign District for the Park Cities Family YMCAORDINANCE NO. 16/013 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, CREATING A SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICT FOR THE PARK CITIES FAMILY YMCA, BEING FOR THE PROPERTY BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY PRESTON ROAD, ON THE SOUTH BY NORMANDY A VENUE, ON THE EAST BY CONNERLY DRIVE AND ON THE NORTH BY SHENANDOAH STREET; PROVIDING CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Urban Design and Development Advisory Committee of the City has considered a request for a special sign di strict for the Park Cities Fa mil y YMCA and has recomm ended to the City Council the adopti on of a special sign di strict with conditi ons; and WHEREAS , the prov isions of the sign ordinance have bee n complied with and th e City Council has provided notice and a public hearing with regard to such request and recomm endati on and is of the opini on and find s that such special sign distri ct should be granted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNC!L OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The City Council finds and determines that the Urban Design and Development Advisory Committee has considered a special exception to Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances, submitted by Park Cities Family YMCA to provid e signage for the YMCA property, bounded on th e West by Preston Roa d, on the. so uth by Normand y Avenu e, on the East by Co nn erl y Drive, and on th e North by Shenandoah Street, co mmonly known as 6000 Pres ton Road, as part of an overall graphics program. That suc h reques t was accomp anied by a pl an which provided such details and spec ifica tions as were required by the Committee and in the op inion of the Committee , such graphics program wi ll resul t in the signage appearance of the area being beneficial to the public health, safety and general we lfare and in the interest of the City ofUnivers ity Park. That the Committee has reco mmended to the City Council that a special sign di strict be establi shed fo r such area, permittin g signs and other graphics in accordance with the pl an. SECTION 2. That after notice and public hearing, the City Co uncil has determined th at such spec ial sign di strict is in th e best interes t of the public health , safety and ge neral welfare of the city and should be granted subj ect to the fo li o'"' ing spec ial co nditi ons: ' I . The specificatio ns of the signs to be placed on th e pro perty shall be subject to the "Signage Standards ti.)r Park Citi es YMCA" dated June 3, 201 6, attached hereto and made part hereof; 2. The signs may be pl aced at the locCJtions shown on Attac hment s "A- L" attached hereto and made part hereof. SECTION 3. All ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. Should any paragraph, senten<;e, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional. SECTION 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction in the Municipal Court of the City of University Park, Texas, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense, and each and every day any such violation shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication ofthe caption, as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASS ED by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on this 5th day of July 2016. C TV ATTORNEY (RLD/6-15-16/77398) APPROVED: . ~ £". OLIN B. LANE, MAY R ATTEST: CHRISTINE GREEN, CITY SECRETARY 1. SCOPE Sign age Standards for. Park Cities YMCA University PGl~rk , Texas Project · 13094.00 June 10, 2016 A. The area covered by this signage standard is bounded .by Preston Road , Shenandoah Street, Connerly Drive, and Normandy Avenue and is shown on Attachment A. These standards supersede the City of University Park typical business zoning standards and have been incorporated into a Special Sign District specific to this property. 2. BUSINESS SIGNS: A. Primary Business Identification Signs: One (1) primary business identification sign per business frontage shall be permitted . Corner occupying businesses or businesses with front/rear dual entrances will be allowed two (2) primary signs. Primary signs shall be wall signs. Primary wall signs may be internaliy halo illuminated with white light source or non-illuminated. Reverse channel, pin mounted, metal or painted individual letters shall be the standard acceptable sign style; however sign styles acceptable to City of University Park sign regulations will be acceptable. Letter color, style and business corporate logos may be unique (non-standard) to each business and shall be allowed within this ordinance. Total sign area shall be li mited to two (2) square feet per each linear foot of business frontage providing that no one (1) sign exceeds one hundred twenty-five (125) square feet. In cases where a business occupies a corner or front/rear dual entrances the second allowed s.ign will not exceed fifty (50) square feet. Business logos are included in the sign area calculations. Signs shall be installed a minimum of eight (8) feet above grade. Refer to attachments B, C, D, and L. B. Secondary Business Identification Signs: A maxi mum of two (2) secondary business identification signs per business frontage may be selected from the approved list. 1. Interior business signs. (See Section 3) 2. Perpendicular projecting blade sign that may be internally illuminated. (1 '-6" H x 3'-0" L sign plate with tenant letters and graphics. Refer to Attachment J) 3. Wall sign that may be internally illumin9ted. Reverse channel , pin mounted, metal or painted individual letters and/or graphics/logo not to exceed fifty (50) square feet. (Refer to Attachment K) 4. Wall plaque. Maximum two (2) at 3 sq yare feet per plaque. C. Business Address Identification Sign : One business address identification sign may be located along Preston Road. The sign will consist of reverse channel , pin mounted, metal or painted individual letters and may be internally halo illuminated. Letter color and style will be of a consistent aesthetic that coordinates with the building design. Letters are to not exceed ten ( 1 0) inches in height. Graphics and/or logos are also permitted. The maximum sign area will be fifty (50) square feet in area and the sign type may be a wall sign or a ground sign. Refer to attachment E. 3. INTERIOR BUSINESS SIGNS (SECONDARY SIGN): A. Signs inside buildings that include such information as store hours, trade association memberships, and the like may be displayed only in the form of individual adhesive vinyl letters, screen-printed letters, or gold leaf letters to the inside of the glass storefront and not exceeding one inch (1 ") in height. Vinyl die-cut graphics and/or lettering serving as business secondary signage are permitted on the inside of the glass storefront facing outward. The size of an individual graphic or logo may not exceed three (3) inches in height and the cumulative area of multiple applications may not exceed one hundred fifty (150) square inches. Such signs shall be limited to a total of one hundred fifty (150) square inches facing the street on which the building fronts or abuts. Signs or emblems indicating acceptability of credit cards shall not be permitted. Vacuum-formed, plastic signs for the display of "Open" and "Closed" and store hours shall not be permitted. 4. DONOR RECOGNITION. AMENITY. AND INSPIRATIONAL SIGNS: A. Signs that include information such as donor names (personal and/or commercial), donor graphics/logos, facility amenity area names, and inspirational quotations will be permitted. Total sign area per building side shall not exceed one (1) square foot in area for each one (1) linear foot of first story street linear frontage. Signs will consist of a masonry panel with engraved lettering and/or graphics that may be painted or stained. The list of approved sign types is as follows: 1. Wall Signs 2. Bench Signs 3. Ground Signs 4. Commemorative Walkways Refer to attachment L for frontage and area calculations. B. Wall and Bench Signs: Letter color and style will be of a consistent aesthetic that coordinates with the building design . Letters are to not exceed ten (1 0) inches in height. Graphics and/or logos are also permitted . Maximum area of any individual sign not to exceed fifty (50) square feet. Refer to Attachments E and F. ~ lf)l!d(Jl' ~;l:m!ld'tl•, tut f ·;. rk '·' (!'~'' Y\M ;:. ),pf',2•)1t f' (j" 1 " 1. C. Ground Signs: One ground sign per street frontage will be permitted on Preston Road , Shenandoah Street, Connerly Road, and Normandy Avenue. Ground signs shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet for each sign face and installed a maximum of six (6) feet in height above grade. All ground signs placed in the public right-of-way shall be in accordance with a license agreement to be entered into between the owner of the property and the City of University Park after approval by the City Council. Refer to Attachment E. D. Commemorative Walkways: Paved commemorative walkways may be installed within the property line. Walkways will consist of engraved pavers and meet adopted City of University Park building codes at time of adoption of this document. Refer to Attachments G and H. 5. TEMPORARY SIGNS: A. Temporary signs with messages like "Grand Opening," "Coming Soon," "Remodeling, Pardon the Inconvenience," and "Relocating" may be displayed from inside the building facing each street on which the building fronts or abuts, provided the aggregate area of such signs shall not exceed 72 square inches per each linear foot of storefront. The letters or numbers making up such sign shall not exceed twelve (12) inches in height, and prices shall not be advertised on such signs. These temporary signs must be placed a minimum of two (2) feet behind the glass. 6. TRAFFIC SIGNS: A. One (1) Parking Garage Occupancy Monument sign will be located outside of the vehicle parking garage entry. The sign may be internally lit and will be of a maximum height of five (5) feet. Refer to Attachment K. B. Distinctive traffic regulatory signs will be permitted provided such signs comply with the requirements of the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and approved by the Director of Public Works, prior to installation. 7. REAR WALL SIGNS: A. Rear service doors shall identify the service function with 3" high black vinyl die-cut self- adhesive numbers and/or letters. The maximum area per sign shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) square inches. 8. PROHIBITED SIGNS: A. The following signs shall be prohibited in the Special Sign District: ) 1•' <( 1( r, \h' -L f 4 1. Internally illuminated awnings, with or without signage. 2. Electronic message displays. 3. Signs painted on the wall of a building. 4. Internally illuminated sign cabinets attached to the wall of a building. 5. The portion of a projection extension perpendicular to the wall of a building may not be used for signs. 6. No illuminated signs will be allowed to face north , east, or south toward residential zoned properties at the time of sign installation. 7. Signs related to credit card use. END OF PARK CITIES YMCA SIGN STANDARDS P:\2013\13094-PC YMCA Post PD Work SD-CA\g-jurisdictional agencies\Signage Standards for PCYMCA_current.docx n ATTACHI'viENT A SITE PLAN 0 c( 0 a: z 0 t- Il> w a: Cl. PARK CITIES FAMILY YMCA 01 6000 PRESTON ROAD UNIVERSITY PARK. TX 75205 J --1 --_j_ SHENANDOAH STREET ATIAC.riME.NT 8 ATIAChMENTO A ACH~!ENT K , .. NORMANDY AVENUE SITE PLAN Scale 1" = 80'-0" PRIMARY BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION WALL SIGN (125 S.F. MAXIMUM) -----., \ \ ;--INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED. PIN 1 MOUNTED, INDIVIDUAL LETTERS I I! INTERNALLy ILLUMINATED LOGO $:-~ \ I I ----\ / I~ /I J1 \ I I I I I I I I I \I I I I I I I l !J l I I I I I I I \ I I l I ;1 /I I I I I .-·-r-· 1\ I ·-r-· L_ ~· ,.... 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INDIVIDUAL II LETTERS ~NALLY ILLUMINATED LOGO \ r-PRIMARY BUSINESS \ IDENTIFICATION WALL SIGN \ (125S F. MAXIMUM) l \ l l I J l I I l t\ I l I l I ' I I I I I I I ' I r--1' I -;r----r· -r---------r--r----r-· -·p, I ·~ ... r run. w ~ .... 1. ~ 1 •.• : ~.h.-'ll-& N ..... nu .••. .~ I !/~ l ""[ ........ ~""'.!':""'I"'"'""' ~-r .... ..:r"'" ~-~"i I I I I .1 PV wontQ>r Namct. • H¢te I I I I I I / I lJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Jll ' I j:IH I HI I IJL I I I <:> I I I I CATION WALL .1 19 ~l l _I .1 xiMUM. PER siGN) n 1 ~L ~ -' I I , ~ -\ ::J l I I ~[ I-I 1 I I (.) -I I i ~ I ..---\!.-. I a w -I I V I I I I I a:. ~~ -I I I I I @ I I tr= rzJ I I i I L I I I n::l I J I I ~ I I I I I l...--~--1----1-i 01 ELEVATION-PRIMARY WALL SIGN ::>cate· 3116" = 1'-0" II II II ~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J-DONOR IDENTIFICATION BENCHj Jj i I SIGN (50s F. MAXIMUM. PER SIGN) ! I l I I I I v I l l l J I I I l l I I I I I l I l l I I I I I I I I Jll I Jll I I Jl I I J l I I I I I I l I I I I _Lo~~~ 1\ ==c= I I I T I • rzJ _ I I I I _ I I I I I I I I I PRIMARY BUSINESS WALL SIGN. DONOR IDENTIFICATION WALL SIGN AND BENCH SIGN G -~· <or.t<J' »-~·-··~ .. ATIACHMENTC PARK CITIES FAMILY YMCA 6000 PRESTON ROAD UNIVERSITY PARK. TX 75205 SECOND PRIMARY BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION WALL SIGN (50S F MAXIMUM) ---\ \ ~ INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LOGO lo • I / I I I I! =F I ·, i 1 I I t;' I ' 1 : I ' , // J J = i rE \ I I(L \ I I tr= I -~ ! -T I IJ c(L , / I -T I I I T I I I I I [] Ll= , ' ,'"__ I I I I I I I T 1 I I I I I L ··r :rJ rr-T =FP\11 ; T I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I J_ L_____;_~ iL-...lu. VT I I I I I I I I I l T I ir T 11.:> )T 1 I I I Ill 1 I I I 111 1 I l II T -m,. 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OR BUILDING WALL 02 ELEVATION-BENCH SIGN 01 ELEVATION-WALL SIGN ATTACHMENT E TYPICAL DONOR WALL. BENCH AND GROUND SIGNS PARK CITIES FAMILY YMCA 6000 PRESTON ROAD UNIVERSITY PARK. TX 75205 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" Scale: 1/4" = 1'..0" ..... ,.,.." -~"'''. 02 ELEVATION-INSPIRATIONAL SIGN Scale 114 • = 1'-0" 0 1 ELEVATION-AMENITY SIGN ATTACHMENT F TYPICAL AMENITY AND INSPIRATIONAL WALL SIGNS PARK CITIES FAMILY YMCA 6000 PRESTON ROAD UNIVERSITY PARK, TX 75205 Scale. 114" = 1'-0" PAVED COMMEMORATIVE WALKWAY---------,_ INTERMEDIATE 0 <( 0 cr: z 0 t-(/) w cr: a.. LL LL 0 w ....J (/) ;:{ w ;;::: cr: 0 CONCRETE WALKWAY ----tt--- PAVED COMMEMORATIVE WALKWAY -------111 0 1 PLAN-COMMEMORATIVE WALKWAY A TT ACHI\1ENT G TYPICAL PLAN VIEW OF COMMEMORATIVE WALIWVAY PARK CITIES FAMILY YMCA 6000 PRESTON ROAD UNIVERSITY PARK. TX 75205 Sc<:~le . 1/16"-1'-0" 01 ATTACHMENT H - s B LOR EM tPSUM DOLOR $1T A.ME> - AMPLE ORDER PAVER SAMPLE FIELD PAVER LOR EM !PSUM DOLOR SIT AMET LOR EM !P3\JM LOR€~ COLOR SIT tP5UM A.MET DOLOR SIT AMET LOR EM IPSUM LOR EM COlORS fDSUM M~ET DOLOR SlT AMET LOR EM -tPSUM COLO~ SIT M'ET TYPICAL COMMEMORATIVE WAL't<YYAY PAVER LAYOUT PARK CITIES FAMILY YMCA 6000 PRESTON ROAD UNIVERSITY PARK. TX 75205 LOR EM lPSUM DOlOR SfT AMET LOR EM IPS.UM LOR EM DOlO~ S.IT IPSVM AME'T DOLOR SfT Al.1£T LOR EM IPSUM LOR EM DOLO~ SIT IP5UM AL·e·r DOLOR SH AAtET LOR EM IPSUM DOLOR S.JT lOR EM AMET IPSt..,.'M DOLOR SIT AMET LOR EM IPSUM DOlOR SIT AMET LOR EM !PSU~~ DOlOR SIT AMET lORE.J.~ !PSUM DOLOR SIT ~MET LOR EM !PSU\4 DOLOR 31 AA.1ET LOREM !PSU DOlOR Sll W.ME'T LOREM IPsu~ DOLOR SIT AMET r-~-l I I I l I I L ___ .J LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET LOR EM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET INTERMEDIATE CONRETE PAVING BEWJEEN DONOR PAVER AREAS ENGRAVED TEXT FOR DONOR ENGRAVED DONOR LOGO OR GRAPHIC ENGRAVED TEXT FOR DONOR INDIVIDUAL PAVER SIZE, COLOR, AND LAYOUT TO BE OF A STYLE AND AESTHETIC THAT COORDINATES WITH THE BUILDING DESIGN AND IS APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OWNER PLAN DETAIL-PAVER LAYOUT Scale 1 112"-1'-0" 318" THICK ALUMINUM PLATE WlTH VINYL, DIE CUT COPY, BOTH SIDES ------._ r it;> ::E :::;>W :;EO ~~ :;E<.? •0 ~~-CX) WALL -----f'. SHAPE, COLOR. GRAPHICS, COPY AND A TIACHMENT METHOD DESIGNED BY OCCUPANT 3'-0" 01 ELEVATION-BLADE SIGN ::;cale: 3/4" = 1 '-0" ATTACHMENT J OPTIONAL BUSINESS BLADE SIGN PARK CITlES FAMILY YMCA CD 6000 PRESTON ROAD UNIVERSITY PARK, TX 75205 RECTANGUlAR STL TUBE GUARDRAIL -GRADE I PIN-MOUNTED. 02 ELEVATION-SECONDARY WALL SIGN Scale 3116" = 1'-0" ATIACHMENTK PARKING GARAGE OCCUPANCY MONUMENT SIGN AND SECONDARY BUSINESS WALL SIGN PARK CITIES FAMILY YMCA 6000 PRESTON ROAD UNIVERSITY PARK, TX 75205 INTERNALLY LIT BUSINESS LOGO SIGNAGE OPEN MESH OVERHEAD COILING SECURITY GATE INTERNALLY LIT. 6" TALL CUT OUT v 5'-0'' v LETTERING ~.1 MAXIMUM WIDTH 1 INTERNAL, LE TRAFFIC CON SIGN--INTERNALLY BUSINESS LOG 0 . l ~----GARAGE> 6 -------[OPEN I CLOSED I ~ !---.• , ' I ALUMINUMC MONUMENT CONCRETE B ·u ~~ ~~ET r :. ~--.~ 01 ELEVATION-PARKING SIGN :.ca1e· 1/2:' = 1'-0" 0 I Primary Business Identification Signage Area Calculations • Park Cities YMCA Rise School of Dallas Frontage Business Allowable Proposed Business Allowable Proposed Road Frontage Signage Area· Slgnage Area Frontage Signage Area* Signage Area (linear feet) (square feet) (square feet) (linear feet) (square feet) (square feet) Preston Road 63.5 127 117 126 5 253 89 Normandy 323 646 0 0 0 0 Avenue Shenandoah 126.5 253 Street 0 146 5 293 0 Connerly Road '138 276 0 0 0 0 ·Allowable Signage Area= (Business Frontage Lengt11} X (2 square feet per Linear Foot) Donor Recognition, Amenity, and Inspirational Signage Area Calculations Street Frontage Length (linear feet) Signage Area (square feet) Frontage Park Cities Rise School Total First Allowable Proposed Remaining Road YMCA of Dallas Story Street Sign age Slgnage Area Signage Area Frontage-Area**" (square feet) Preston Road 63 5 126 5 190 190 128 62 Normandy 323 0 323 323 0 323 Avenue Shenandoah 126.5 146.E· 273 273 67 20f) Street Connerty Road 138 0 138 138 0 138 "Total First Story Street Frontage= Pari< C1t1es YMCA Frontage Length+ R1se School of Oollas Frontoge Length ... Allowable S1gnage Area= (Total F1rst Story Street Frontage Length ) X (I square foot per L1nem Foot) Note Commemorative Walkway area IS unlimited Within the property line. ATTACHtv·JENT L FRONTAGE AND AREA SIGNAGE CALCULATIONS PARK CITIES FAMILY YMCA 6000 PRESTON ROAD UNIVERSITY PARK. TX 75205