HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 16-024 Creating PD-26 at 6517 HillcrestORDINANCE NO. 16-024 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP OF THE CITY OF UNIV~RSITY PARK, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY CREATING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 26, ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 7-12 AND PART OF LOT 6, BLOCK 3, UNIVERSITY PARK ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2, PAGE 6, MAP RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND COMMONLY KNOWN AS 6517 HILLCREST; APPROVING A CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City ofUniversity Park and the City Council of the City of University Park, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning classifications and changes, have given the requisite noti ces by publication and otherwise, and have held due hearings and afforded a full and fa ir hearing to all property owners generall y and to all persons interested and situated in th~ affected area and in the vicinity th ereof, and the City Council of the City of Uni versity Park lis of the opinion and fi nds that a zoning change should be granted and that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS; I SECTION 1. The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map of the City of University Park, Texas, as heretofore amended, are hereby amended by creating Planned De)elopment District No. 26 (PD-26) on the property described as Lots 7-12 and part of Lot 6, Block 3, University Park Addition, an Addition to the City of Uni versity Park, Dall as County, Texas, according to the pl at thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 6, Map Records of Dall as County and commonl y known as 65 17 Hillcrest, University Park, Texas, by adopting a conceptual site plan ("site plan"), authori zing multiple and accessory land uses for PD-26, which site plan is attached hereto in multiple sheets as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof fo r all purposes, the same as if fully copied herein. That the site plan contain s the data requi red by Section 17-1 0 1 ( 1) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, and is hereby approved in all respects. SECTION 2. Approval of the site plan for Planned Development District No. 26 is subject to the following special conditions: A. Development of the property shall be m accordance with the detailed s1 plan to be approved as provided in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of University Park. A detailed site plan must be submitted for review by the Planning and Zoning Commi~sion and approval by the City Council, as required by Section 17-101 (2) of the ComprehensiJe Zoning Ordinance, but an additional public hearing is not required. Unless otherwise defined herein, all terms used herein shall have the respective definitions assigned to them in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; B . The uses on the property shall be those allowed herein and shown on the site plan for Planned Development District 26, PD-26, as adopted hereby; C. The owner of the property, SPC Hillcrest Investments, L.P or its successors, will demolish the existing building and construct a new mixed use building with a maximum floor area of 119,000 square feet on the site, as shown by the use and area data on the site plan. The building on the east end of the site will be up to six floors above grade, with a vertical height not to exceed eighty-six feet (86') measured from grade at the northeast building corner to the top of the parapet wall, plus ten feet (1 0') additional height for mechanical equipment and screening and sixteen feet ( 16') for the elevator penthouse, provided the mechanical equipment cannot be seen from any abutting public property. This project includes property in an abutting alley easement on the West side of the existing building, to be included in the PD-26 site provided the alley easement is abandoned to the abutting owner by the City Council in the manner provided by law. D. Site Plan: The building components, configuration, development standards and special conditions required for the proposed facility are summarized as follows: 1. Permitted Uses. The uses/activities to be accommodated in the PD are shown on the site plan, cumulatively not exceeding 119,000 square feet, are summarized as follows: (a) Office uses, not exceeding 119,000 square feet; (b) Retail uses, not exceeding 27,285 square feet; (c) Restaurant uses, not exceeding 14,695 square feet; and (d) Cellular Communication Equipment and Antennae. 2. Building Setbacks: Building setbacks are measured from the property line to the closest point of a building, except as described herein. (a) Minimum front yard setback on Hillcrest: (b) Side yard setback on Daniel: (c) Side yard setback on Haynie: 20 feet 10 feet 10 feet l (d) Rear yard setback: 3. Building setbacks for below grade parking garage: (a) Minimum front yard setback on Hillcrest: (b) Side yard setback on Daniel : (c) Side yard setback on Haynie: (d) Rear yard setback: 4. Building Height: 10 feet 5 feet 5 feet 5 feet 0 feet Maximum building height of the eastern office portion measured f~om grade at the northeast portion corner to the top of the parapet wall, from the eastern property line west approximately 200', to include the office tower: 86 feet; Maximum building height of the central retail/restaurant portion r easured from finished grade of the Plaza at the northeast portion corner, from approximately 200' west ofthe east property line west approximately 105 ': 40 feet; Maximum building height of the western elevated parking portion measured from finished grade of the northeast portion corner: On the Daniel face : 31 feet; On the Haynie face: 31 feet. In addition, air-conditioning equipment, cooling towers, chimneys, radio and television antennae and vent stacks not to exceed ten feet (1 0') additional height, and sixteen feet (16 ') for the elevator penthouse, in height, screened with materials similar in appearance to the exterior walls shall be permitted, provided they cannot be seen from any abutting public property. 5. Visible Light Reflectivity All exterior glass and glazed surfaces on or within the building's fayade shall have a visible light reflectivity within the range of 12% to 20%. 6. Parking Standards: (a) 626 parking spaces, of which 136 spaces shall be at or above grade, are to be provided onsite as shown on the site plan. .•. (b) Compact parking spaces (8 feet 6 inches by 16 feet) shall nbt exceed 25% of all onsite parking spaces and standard parking spaces shall be 20 feet by 9 feet. (c) Parking on the grade level and the above grade levels, numbering 136 spaces (per §6 (a) above) shall be free for the first hour and, for the first three (3) years from the date of issuance of a Certificate ofOccupancy, three dollars ($3.00) for each hour or part of an hour after the first hour. After the first three (3) years, the owner may adjust the hourly rate as determined by market conditions in the area. (d) Tenants of the facility and their employees will be required to utilize the on-site parking garage for their personally owned vehicles or vehicles which may be owned by the tenant and furnished to employees. (e) Parking garage ingress and egress on Haynie A venue shall be to and from the East, from and to Hillcrest A venue. 7. General Landscape Development Plan: Landscaping will be added to the site and the abutting public rights-of-way as shown in the General Landscape Development Plan. 8. Traffic Study: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is required for the proposed deyelopment and is attached. The TIA concluded that the traffic generated by the various activities of PD-26 will impact existing traffic at that location. The projected traffic load based on the proposed uses and activities on the site will be more than existing peak conditions and no specific mitigation measures are recommended at this time. No more often than once every three years, at the discretion of the City Council, and upon written notice from the City of University Park Director of Community Development, the owner is required to pay the full cost for a comprehensive traffic study, including tenants and tenants' employee vehicles entering and exiting the on-site garage. Such traffic studies shall be performed by a consultant selected by the City Council. The owner shall pay the cost for any future traffic control measures or studies deemed necessary by the City Council. An initial follow-up TIA shall be required to be provided by the owner six months after issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Upon review of that TIA or any additional traffic study required by this section, the City Council may require traffic mitigation measures to be provided by the owner at owner's expense. ·~ 9. Miscellaneous Special Conditions: (a) Signage: All new signs on the site must be in compliance with the City of University Park sign reg4lations in effect at the time of the sign permit application. Alternatively, the owner may request con~ideration of a special sign district to serve the proposed development. (b) City Alley Abandonment and Easements: The owner shall provide a survey of the site, including a legal description of the alley easement owner has requested to be abandoned by the City and sold to owner, and the utility easements to be provided to the City as shown on th~ site plan. The City will commission an appraisal of the fair market value of the alley proposed to be abandoned, together with the proposed new utility easements to be dedicated, if any. The descriptions and appraisal will be at the cost of the owner. The City Council will then consider an abandonment ordinance for the alley easement. (c) Utilities and Easements: Details of size and location ofwater and sewer lines, taps, and meters, and the location of all private utilities (gas, electric and telco services) and easements including relocations to serve the proposed development will be reviewed in accordance with city policies and approved by the Public Works Department before the issue of a building permit. I (d) Construction Fence: An 8-foot solid plywood screening fence must be installed around the construction site during construction and remain in place while construction is ongoing. The fence must be painted green, or as otherwise approved by the City Council, and installed prior to demolition of any existing structure on the subject site. (e) Explosives. No explosives may be used in the demo~ition and construction on the subject property. I (f) Neighborhood Liaison. Applicant will provide a liaison during construction to respond to questions and complaints from residents and businesses. Applicant will provide notice to residents and businesses located within 2 blocks of the subject property of the name and methods of contacting the liaison 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The contact name and number will be posted on the construction site. (g) Construction Vehicles. Construction vehicles and equipment may not be parked on City streets, except on streets closed for construction by permission of the Director of Public Works. All parking will be accommodated on-site. If additional parking is required during construction, owner will secure off-site parking and shuttle workers to the site. l (h) Construction Hours. Unless written permission is granted by the Director of Community Development, construction work on the site is restricted to Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 6:00pm and 8:00am to 6:00pm on Saturdays (i) Background Checks. All contractors must perform backgrou~d checks on all construction workers· prior to their working at the site. The contractors must keep the background check information on file. No registered sex offender may work on the site. Identification badges are required for all contractor employees. SECTION 3. All ordinances of the City of University Park in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as amended hereby are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. Should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof other th~ the part decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and the same shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance or of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City ofUniversity Park, Texas, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not ~o exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense, and each and every day such a violation is continued shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council ofthe City ofUniversity Park, Texas, on t~e 181h day of October 2016. APPROVED: Qc., 1 If?. , ~~ OLIN B. LANE, MAYOR ATTEST: CHRISTINE GREEN, CITY SECRETARY EXHIBIT "A" PARK PLAZA UNIVERSITY PARK, TX CONCEPTUAL PD SUBMISSION OCTOBER 26, 2016 Cover Sheet / Land Use Statement Boundary and Improvement Survey Preliminary Grading Plan Preliminary Utility Plan Replat Plan Conceptual Site Plan Conceptual Landscape Plan Parking Plan - Level 1 Parking Plan - Level 2 Conceptual Section North Elevation East Elevation South Elevation Proposed zoning change request are for the property at the Southwest corner of Hillcrest Avenue and Daniel Avenue, which is currently zoned O2 for Lots 11 & 12 of Tract 1, Abstract No. 1351, P for Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Tract 2, Abstract No. 1351, and MF-3 for Lot 6, Abstract No. 1351. This Application is seeking a Planned Development classification for lots 7-12, and half (30’) of lot 6. Proposed improvements will include a six-story, 119,000 SF mixed use development comprised of office, retail, restaurant and wireless communication (rooftop) tenants. In addition, a four-level sub-grade parking garage with vehicular access at grade will be provided for on-site occupants and patrons, along with a two-level above grade parking. Retail lease space will be approximately 27,285SF and will be located on the ground level and second level. Restaurant lease space will be limited to 14,695SF and will be located on the ground level and second level as well. Office is approximately 77,000SF and allowed on all six levels with a maximum of 119,000 SF. Proposed 50% reduction in parking requirements for outdoor seating areas. Current site maximum FAR restrictions will remain. However an increase in building height for lots 11&12 to 86’-0” measured from from parapet to immediate adjacent grade on the project’s Northeast corner. An open air plaza will be created on the Daniel Avenue side of the property which a majority of retail and restaurant tenants will be facing. A landscape buffer will be created along Haynie Avenue at street level to soften the impact on the adjacent residential community and level one and two glazing will not be permitted west of lot 10. We are currently requesting abandonment of existing alley right of way between lot 10 and lots 11 & 12 and will include this parcel in a future Preliminary Plat Revision request. Existing utilities will be abandoned and rerouted off-site. Any external equipment relating to communication use will be screened or a stealth technology device used. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS LAND USE STATEMENT October 26, 2016 EXHIBIT A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT #26 (PD-26) October 26, 2016 FEBRUARY 23, 2016 PARK PLAZA MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT UNIVERSITY PARK, TX PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN October 26, 2016 FEBRUARY 23, 2016 PARK PLAZA MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT UNIVERSITY PARK, TX PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN October 26, 2016 October 26, 2016 0’15’30’60’ CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN SCALE: 1” = 30’-0” 0’15’30’60’ ABANDON UTILITY EASEMENT EXISTING PARCEL ZONED 0-2EXISTING ALLEY R.O.W. CURRENT FAR = 4 to 1 EXISTING PARCEL ZONED P COMBINED SITE FAR PROPOSED = 1.68 to 1 ELEVATED TRASH COMPACTOR BOX TRUCK LOADING BAY DROP OFF LOADING DOCK DELIVERIES ONLY SHEET 5 EXISTING COMMUNICATION CABINET, TO REMAIN NEW CURB 10’ LANDSCAPE BUFFER EVERGREENS 12-15 FT HEIGHT EXISTING CURB LOCATIONEXISTING CURBEXISTING SIDEWALK EXISTING CURB EXISTING CURB LOCATION MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT NEW CURB EXISTING EDGE OF DRIVE REMOVE EXISTING PARALLEL PARKING 5 SPACES ELEC OVERHEAD DOOR GARBAGE PICK-UP AND LOADING ZONE LOCATION. TRUCKS WILL BE INSTRUCT- ED TO STRICTLY USE HILLCREST. THESE DIRECTIONS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DESIGNATED TRUCK ROUTES OUTLINED BY THE CITY. 10’ SETBACK EXIST PROP. LINE EXISTING CURB STAIR NEW CROSSWALK PROPOSED NEW PROPERTY LINE EXISTING PARCEL ZONED MF 30’-0” REMAINING SITE ZONED MF NOTE: (1) PARKING SPACES LOCATED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY ARE NOT INCLUDED IN TOTAL PARKING TABULATIONS (2) STANDARD PARKING SPACES WILL MEASURE 9FT X 20FT MINMIMUM (3) COMPACT PARKING SPACES WILL MEASURE 8.5FT X 16FT MINIMUM. COMPACT SPACES WILL NOT EXCEED 25% OF TOTAL SPACES (4) OUTDOOR SEATING AREAS WILL BE PARKED AT 50% OF OCCUPANCY PARKING LOAD PARKING SPACES PROVIDED ON SITE TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED ON SITE 626 SPACES AT OR ABOVE GRADE PARKING ON SITE 136 OF 626 SPACES OUTDOOR SEATINGAREA OUTDOOR SEATINGAREAOctober 26, 2016 studioOutsidePark Plaza University Park, Texas 1 2 2 2 14 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 7 7 7 7 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 12’ TALL CRAPE MYRTLE STANDARD PLANT LEGEND 6” CALIPER EVERGREEN TREE 4” CALIPER DECIDUOUS TREE 8’ TALL EVERGREEN HEDGE LAWN GROUND COVER LOW EVERGREEN SHRUB LOW ORNAMENTAL GRASS CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE: 1/16” = 1’-0” 0’8’16’32’ HARDSCAPE HARDSCAPE HARDSCAPE PLANTING AREA PLANTING AREA PLANTING AREAPLANTING AREAPLANTING AREA studioOutsidePark Plaza University Park, Texas 1 2 2 2 14 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 7 7 7 7 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 12’ TALL CRAPE MYRTLE STANDARD PLANT LEGEND 6” CALIPER EVERGREEN TREE 4” CALIPER DECIDUOUS TREE 8’ TALL EVERGREEN HEDGE LAWN GROUND COVER LOW EVERGREEN SHRUB LOW ORNAMENTAL GRASS studioOutsidePark Plaza University Park, Texas 1 2 2 2 14 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 7 7 7 7 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 12’ TALL CRAPE MYRTLE STANDARD PLANT LEGEND 6” CALIPER EVERGREEN TREE 4” CALIPER DECIDUOUS TREE 8’ TALL EVERGREEN HEDGE LAWN GROUND COVER LOW EVERGREEN SHRUB LOW ORNAMENTAL GRASS October 26, 2016 CONCEPTUAL BASEMENT PLAN - LVL 2-4 CONCEPTUAL BASEMENT PLAN - LVL 1 SCALE: 1/16” = 1’-0” SCALE: 1/16” = 1’-0” 0’8’16’32’ October 26, 2016 CONCEPTUAL LEVEL 2 SCALE: 1/16” = 1’-0” OUTDOOR SEATINGAREA OUTDOOR SEATINGAREA October 26, 2016 CONCEPTUAL SECTION SCALE: 1/16” = 1’-0” 0’8’16’32’ 86’-0” MAX 40’ MAX 31’ MAX October 26, 2016 Penthouse Top of Roof Level 10’-0” NORTH ELEVATION - DANIEL AVE. October 26, 2016 Penthouse Level 10’-0” SOUTH ELEVATION - HAYNIE AVE. October 26, 2016 Top of Roof SOUTH ELEVATION - HAYNIE AVE. - ALTERNATE 1 October 26, 2016 Penthouse Level 10’-0” Top of Roof SOUTH ELEVATION - HAYNIE AVE. - ALTERNATE 2 October 26, 2016 Penthouse Top of Roof Level 10’-0” Penthouse Top of Roof Level 10’-0” WEST ELEVATION Penthouse Top of Roof Level 10’-0” EAST ELEVATION - HILLCREST AVE. WEST / EAST ELEVATIONS October 26, 2016