HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 16-028 Abandoning alley right-of-way adjacent to 6517 HillcrestORDINANCE NO. 16-028 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK TEXAS, ABANDONING AN ALLEY EASEMENT, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A HERETO, TO THE ABUTTING OWNER, SPC HILLCREST INVESTMENTS, L. P., IN EXCHANGE FOR A MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT FOR STREET AND SIDEWALK PURPOSES AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DANIEL AND HILLCREST, A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT AND OTHER CONSIDERATION; PROVIDING FOR THE FURNISHING OF A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS ORDINANCE FOR RECORDING IN THE REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AS A QUITCLAIM DEED OF THE CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, has determined that a certain alley easement, as described herein, is not needed or necessary for public purposes by the City and any claim to it should be abandoned to the abutting owner, subject to the provisions of this ordinance; Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The City of University Park, Texas, hereby abandons and quitclaims, in favor of the abutting property owner, SPC Hillcrest Investments L. P. ("Owner"), a 2,250 square feet alley easement that is no longer needed or necessary for public purposes by the City, said alley easement being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, the same as if fully copied herein, in the City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas (the "abandoned area"). SECTION 2. That the City of University Park does not abandon any other interest other than described in Exhibit "A", but does hereby abandon all of its right, title, or interest in the described real property, together with any and all improvements thereon, if any, subject however, to the conditions of this ordinance. SECTION 3. That upon delivery of a Mutual Access Easement for Street and Sidewalk Uses by Owner to the City of University Park for the property described in Exhibit "B", a Public Utility Easement to the City of University Park for the property described in Exhibit "A" (to be released by the City upon completion of the relocation by Owner of the existing utility lines into public right-of-way or easement and acceptance of such work by the City), and payment to the City by Owner of $310,834.88, the City Secretary is directed to prepare a certified copy of this ordinance and furnish the same to the Owner for recording in the Real Property Records of Dallas County. The recording of this abandonment ordinance in the Real Property Records of Dallas County, Texas, shall serve as a quitclaim deed of the City of University Park of all such right, title or interest ofthe City ofUniversity Park in and to the abandoned area, plus all improvements thereon, if any. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council ofthe City ofUniversity Park, Texas, on the 61h day of December 2016. APPROVED: ATTEST: CHRISTINE GREEN, CITY SECRETARY (RLD/1 1 /29/ 16; 77840) .,.:. EXHIBIT "A" 15' ALLEY ABANDONMENT BLOCK 3, UNIVERSITY PARK ADDITION JOHN SCURLOCK SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1351 CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS. Being a 2,250 square foot tract of land situated in the John Scurlock Survey, Abstract Number 1351 , City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas and being all of a 15' alley in Block 3, University Park Addition , an addition to the City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 2, Page 6, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a chiseled "X" in concrete found for corner at the intersection of the north line of Haynie Avenue (50' right-of-way) and the east line of said 15' alley, said "X" being the southwest corner of Lot 12, said Block 3; THENCE South 89° 16' 53" West along the extension of the north line of said Haynie Avenue a distance of 15.00 feet to a chiseled "X" in concrete found for corner at the intersection of the north line of said Haynie Avenue and the west line of said 15' alley, said "X" being the southeast corner of Lot 10 of said Block 3; THENCE North oo o 24' 47" West, departing the north line of said Haynie Avenue and along the west line of said 15' alley and the east line of said Lot 10, a distance of 150.00 feet to a chiseled "X" in concrete found for corner at the intersection of the south line of Daniel Avenue (70' right-of-way) and the west line of said 15' alley, said "X" being the northeast corner of said Lot 10, from which a chiseled "X" in concrete found bears North 08° 43' 15" West a distance of 0.44 feet; THENCE North 89° 16' 53" East along the extension of the south line of said Daniel Avenue a distance of 15.00 feet to a chiseled "X" in concrete found for corner at the intersection of the east line of said 15' alley and the south line of said Daniel Avenue, said "X" being the northwest corner of Lot 11 of said Block 3, from which a chiseled "X" in concrete found bears North sr 15' 51 " West a distance of 0.88 feet; THENCE South oo o 24' 47" East, departing the south line of said Daniel Avenue and along the east line of said 15' alley and the west line of said Lot 11 and said Lot 12 , a distance of 150.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 2,250 square feet or 0.0517 acres more or less. Basis of Bearings: The east line (N00024'47"W) of Lot 10, Block 3, University Park Addition recorded in Volume 2, Page 6, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas per City of University Park Geodetic Control Monument System (Monument No. 16) and azimuth marker, as re-established by Raymond L. Goodson, Jr. Inc. dated July 2003. "'"'" . ·· .. '· . '! ' ') . .......... ·-----... ~~~~··:~~~:_?:::· G. Richard Busb 02-03-2016 R.P.L.S. No .4111 SHEET 1 OF 2 LOT I, BLOCK H CAMPUS HCICHTS NO. I VOI.UME 4. PACE 198 M.R.D.C. T. DANIEL A VENUE {VARIABLE WIDTH R!GffT-OF-WA Y) EXHIBIT "A" LOT i, BL OCK A j t LOT 7, BLOCK F CAMPUS HDGHTS NO. I :j IJN!Vl::RSITY PARK ADD!IION VOLUME 4, PAGF 198 «: VOL/JMr 2. PAGr S4 MRDC T ~ MRDCT L-------L------ 0 30 60 (FEE T) 12 0 N89"16'53"E S89'16'5J''w /S OO' inch = 60 ft. .384.40' . ' ,/L..,-CMF. '1-~LC INC" BLOCK 3 ~ .__ .__ UNIVERSITY PARK ADDITION c:::i LO! II r YCIRF ---' I --s4. 4-0-, --::- <::1 <::;, VOLUME 2, PAC£ 6 Lf) .... .... M. R. D. C. T 0.P V)' "· I £J''s. (.:) BLOCK 3 ~ .csn-ler:~ ~ it-IV"Ni.Jt-1 ts' t:t-1' z7Bs \5 t1il-l-c~t<LI~~oozB c.\. Qj ~ 5pC 1N5 z01 p flO· ~ ~ UNIVF.RSITY PARK ADDITION VOLUME 2, PAGE 6 M.R.D.CT. /-----,8-0-.0-0-:, 0· "' I ~ ,'l- ~ o, ·e:, LOT 70 t;'i '~}' ~ '-L· -c $\J <::1 ()~ C) __, 'M) .._, -C) _ V4"1C'~-t-83.60' <: SPC HIUCR£ST INVfCSTM£NTS, L.f'.- INSTRUMENT NUMBER 201500282785 ) , OPROCT ~ LOT 12 ~ ~---____ 1_80)J_Q~--_____ _ S89'76'53"W 323.60' HA YNIE A VENUE S89"16'53''W 15.00' (50' R!GHT-OF-WA Y) POINT OF BEGINN!N.:...:G:___ LO~I BLOCK 2 UNIVERSITY PARK ADDITION VOLUME 2, PAGE 6 MR.D.CT. I BASIS OF BEARINGS· The east line {N00'24'47"W) of Lot 10. Block 3. University Pork Addition recorded in Volume 2, Poge 6, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas per City of University Pork Geodetic Control Monument System (Monument No. 16) and azimuth marker, as re-established by Raymond L. Goodson, Jr., Inc., dated July 2003. CONTROLLING MONUME:NTS SHOWN LEGEND ·----PROP[RTr LINE ...... LOT LINE YCIRF "RLC INC" ... . 1/2" IRON ROO WITH YELLOW PLASnC CAP STAMPED "RLC INC" FOUND IPF .. . IRON PIPE FOUNO CMf ...... CHISELED ''X" FOUND LOT 11 •:. -~·-. ,(. '. '·'· ·. ' .... ~ I C5 ~ s ~ )... I "-Vi ~t:s ~ ~Q) ~--..~ J'<) ~'<) Y;G ::::ll..J .__..., a:: & '-0({ ~~ 2;) c;,_. ::t-""<o (j '=: ~t..J <~ -.....j es~ ~ ~s :t :::, &i SHrf:T 2 OF 2 (CM) ...... CONTROLLING MONUMENT 15' BLOCK 3 , ALLEY ABANDONMENT Uf.!I VER S ITY PARK ADDITION RA YMOND L. GOODSON, JR., INC. 5445 LA SJERRA, STE 300, LB 17 DALLAS. TX. 7.'iZ31-4138 2 14 -739-8100 rl,g@rLginc. com TEXAS PE REG #F-4 93 TBPLS REG N 7 00341 --00 JOHN SCURLOCK SURVE Y ABSTRA CT N O. 1351 CITY OF UNIVER SITY PARK, DALLA S COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE 1" ~7 60' DATE' ·~----------~-----~-----------r------.-------~ JOB NO 16009 E -FILE' 16009oo. dwq 26,3!0X EXHIBIT "B" MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT LOT 1'1, BLOCK 3 UNIVERSITY PARK ADDITION JOHN SCURLOCK SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1351 CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS Being a 392 square foot (0.009 acres ) tr::1ct of land s1tuated in the John Scurlock Sur,rey. A.bstract o. 135'1. City of Univ ersity P::1rk. Dalt::1s Count·,-. Texas. being part of Lot 11. Block 3 of University Par'k Addition. an ::1ddition to the City of Unive rsity Park. according to the plat recorded in Volume 2. Page 6. rv ap Records. Dallas County. Texas and being a part of the same tract of land described in a Special vVarranty· Deed (·: .. ith Vendor's Lien). to SPC Hillcrest LP. recorded as Instrument No. 20150028278: .. Official Public Records. Dallas County. Texas ::1nd being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING from a chiseled ·x-fou nd in concrete at the intersection of the south line of Daniel Avenue (a variable w·idth right-of-·.'."af'). the north line of said SPC Hillcrest LP tract and the northeast corner of a '15-foot alley for the north·::est corner of said Lot 11. from which a chiseled ·x" found in concrete bears ·south 00' 24" 4 T Ea st. a distance of 150.00 feet to the intersection of the north line of Ha:mte Street (::1 50' right-of-way). the south line of said SPC Hillcrest LP tract and the southeast corner of said ·I S-foot ::1lley for the south\"'·est corner of Lot 12 of sa id addition: THENCE North 89' 16' 53'" East. along the south line of s.Jid Daniel Street and the north line of said Lot 1 ·1 and said SPC Hillcrest LP tract a dist:Jnce of 150.32 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE North 89' 16' 53'" East. contHIU ing along the south line of said Dan1el Street and the north line of said Lot 1 I and said SPC Hillcrest LP tract. a distance of 29.138 fee t to a 11,.•1AG Nail se t at the intersection of the south line of said Daniel Street with the w·est line of Hillcre st Driv e (a 100" right-of-\vay; for the northeast comer of said Lot 11 and said SPC Hillcrest LP tract: THENCE South 00 , 24' 47" East, along the ._,~~est line of said Hillcrest Drive and the east lme of sa id Lot 11 and sa1d SPC Hillcrest LP tract. a dtstance of 31.99 feet to a point, from which a ch iseled ··x" set in concrete at the intersecti on of said west li ne of Hillcrest Drive and the north li ne of sa id Havnie A.,renue. bears South 00' 24' 47" East. a distance of 1 18.01 feet for the southeast cor~er of -aid lot 12 and said SPC Hillcrest LP tract for the beginmng of a non- ta ngent curve to the left; THENCE over and across said Lot 11 ;:mel sa id SPC HiHcrest LP tract ::1nd along said non- tangent curve to the left. which has a chord that bears North 43' 24' 31 " \'Vest for 4352 feet. a central angle of 29'· 50' 3T East and a radius of 84 .... 0 feet. for an ::1rc distance of 44.01 to the POINT OF BEGINNING contam1ng 392 square feet or 0.009 acres of land. more or less. Bearings are based on a ca ll of South 89° 16' 53" West. ::1long the north line of Haynie Avenue per the City· of University Park Geodetic Control Monument System (Monument No. 16) and its azirnuth marker. as re-established by Ra ymond L. Goodson Jr.. Inc . dated July· 2003. SHEET 1 OF 2 xx .xxx Ll~it ! 1 i.2 0 L 0 T !() 8J60' 20 (FEET) 1 in ch = 10 I JN! TAB/ [ fit ARIN&' Lt NC: If/ N89 'J6'!J.J"t 29.68' S0/4'1/"t. .$199. f~. EXHIBIT "B" 80 LEGEND --·--PRQP£R7YUN£ (;/.Is / CMf ...... CH."5tLt0 "X" st.' / f()if·VIJ loiRf!CT O.P.R.D. C 1: (J,RDC.f . .... MA(; NAil SF l UAP R[r:Oli'O.\ 0~11 A\' C:OIJh'TY. TF:<A <; ...... GY:.TtCIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, DALLAS COU.Nl'r; !£XA~ ....... !;£[0 R£C()R{J.'i, OAIIAS COUNTY, TfXA~ 18000' f{)T J? D P &:L EASEUENT /Ol 721 !l, PC 859 ·-..,_ D.t?O.C.T f \ __ _.r: I HA YNI£ A VENUE {50' R!GHT-OF-WA Y} C!JR Vr TA/?1 [ -l.__ _j__} C1t15 CU.h/Vt I /)t/ fJ. I HAIJ!US 1 /ANW::.N ! l t t.NC/."1 I CH. HHG~ I CHOHiJ c .t I 29 '!JO 'J/" I 84. j ()' I 22. ::,.;!' I 44. a:' I N4.J '24 '.JI "w I1J. j2' BASIS OF BE.A.RINCS: City o f Uni•ersily Pork Ceoc!ettc Control .V~?numr::n t Sy.:;rc:'rn (,Von:.Jtnf:n r No. 16) anCJ ozirr.utn tr..ao:or. os rr~-(.'s·loDJ/()ht:•d by Noyrnond f. Coori.';Ot}, .Jr. lnc., rintcd S!!EET 2 OF 2 ~'u.'y ?OO.J. CONTROLUNC MONUMENTS. 51-iOWN RAYMOND L. GOODSON. JR. INC. 5445 LA S'JEllRA. S1'E 300, LD 17 DM./.AS. TX. 7528 I 4 I .':18 214-739-8100 rlgCrrg"in.c.cO'm 7'P:XAS PP: RKC #i" 49,1 7'8Pl.S RE'G #I 0034 f -00 MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT LOT 11, BLOCK 3, UNIVERSITY PARK ADDITION JOHN SCURLOCK SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1351 CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE 7" = 40' DATE 12-1-2(.),'6 JOI?No l 1600 9.!0 l t -111 £ l60u9tOU.L i lD f'lCNO XX. XXX AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Kane Russell Coleman & Logan PC 1601 Elm Street, Suite 3700 Dallas, Texas 75201 Attn: Raymond J. Kane STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT FOR STREET AND SIDEWALK USES THAT the undersigned, SPC Hillcrest LP, as Grantor, owner of the property described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made part hereof for all purposes (the "Property"), in the City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas, (the "City"), for TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, does hereby impress a MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT for street and sidewalk uses upon said Property and grant, bargain, and convey unto the City ofUniversity Park, its successors or assigns, as Grantee, a non-exclusive mutual access easement for the use of the Property for public street and sidewalk uses, in common with Grantor. Grantor retains the right of usage and access over the Property, for street and sidewalk purposes, in common with Grantee. Grantee shall be solely responsible for any and all construction, maintenance and repairs to the Property. In the event that City's maintenance and/or other activities on the Property results in any damage to or destruction of any improvements constructed or installed now or in the future on the adjacent land owned by Grantor, then Grantee agrees to repair or replace, as necessary, at Grantee's expense, any such improvements so damaged or destroyed. It is hereby further agreed that this MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT for street and sidewalk uses may not be released, altered, amended, or waived in any respect without the prior written consent and joinder ofthe City, acting by and through its duly authorized officer. [signature page follows on next page] 5813577 v6 ( 19250.000 18.007) rJ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on the.3_ day ofBecember 2819. ~nuJ)J L-j 1 Jolt. GRANTOR SPC HILLCREST LP, a Texas limited partnership By: SPC HILLCREST GENERAL LLC, a Texas limited liability company, its general partner Snider Plaza, Suite 220, Dallas, Texas 75205 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS ~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 0 1 d day of . J{l()LLtJ...,r..._f ~ Ol ~ 2017, by :Tame~ f .5-frccJ~ manager of SPC Hillcrest General LLC, a Texas limited liability company, the general partner of SPC Hillcrest L P, a Texas limited partnership, on behalf of such partnership. diJJ' r GAILJ BOND ~ 0 Notary ID #6459511 A--,., My Commission Expires lLJ'-( Mar22,2o21 Notary Public, State of Texas J... ... ~~ .............. """ My Commission Expires 2 5813577 v6 (19250.00018.007) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on the /2 day ofJanuary, 2018. GRANTEE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK By: Q _Q.____ Name: __ ~~~b='=~~~~~=~~--------­ Title: &iy AINA.J<C ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS This instrument was acknowledged before me on the l'l---\W day of January, 2018, by R_ob'v\-e. LorA-e"f" , C.\~ 'fY\a..~~r of the City ofUniversity Park, on behalf of the city. Notary Public, State ofTexas o"i / ~ 5} '}_o\ ~ My Commission Expires ,.~v''P~··· CHRISTINE L. GREEN ,$0~~ i" "'% Notary Public \"">~~~) State of Texas V .. '£ .. ~ .. :;.~;/ Comm. Expires 04/25/2018 3 58 13577 v6 (1925000018.007) MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT LOT 11, BLOCK 3 UNIVERSITY PARK ADDITION JOHN SCURLOCK SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1351 CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS Being a 392 square foot (0.009 acres) tract of land situated in the John Scurlock Survey, Abstract No. 1351, City of University Park, Dallas County, Texas, being part of Lot 11 , Block 3 of University Park Addition, an addition to the City of University Park, according to the plat recorded in Volume 2, Page 6, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being a part of the same tract of land described in a Special Warranty Deed (with Vendor's Lien), to SPC Hillcrest LP, recorded as Instrument No. 201500282785, Official Public Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING from a chiseled "X" found in concrete at the intersection of the south line of Daniel Avenue (a variable width right-of-way), the north line of said SPC Hillcrest LP tract and the northeast corner of a 15-foot alley for the northwest corner of said Lot 11 , from which a chiseled "X" found in concrete bears South 00° 24' 4 7" East, a distance of 150.00 feet to the intersection of the north line of Haynie Street (a 50' right-of-way), the south line of said SPC Hillcrest LP tract and the southeast corner of said 15-foot alley for the southwest corner of Lot 12 of said addition; THENCE North 89° 16' 53" East, along the south line of said Daniel Street and the north line of said Lot 11 and said SPC Hillcrest LP tract, a distance of 150.32 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 89° 16' 53" East, continuing along the south line of said Daniel Street and the north line of said Lot 11 and said SPC Hillcrest LP tract, a distance of 29.68 feet to a MAG Nail set at the intersection of the south line of said Daniel Street with the west line of Hillcrest Drive (a 1 00' right-of-way) for the northeast corner of said Lot 11 and said SPC Hillcrest LP tract; THENCE South 00° 24' 4 7" East, along the west line of said Hillcrest Drive and the east line of said Lot 11 arid said SPC Hillcrest LP tract, a distance of 31.99 feet to a point, from which a chiseled "X" set in concrete at the intersection of said west line of Hillcrest Drive and the north line of said Haynie Avenue, bears South 00° 24' 47" East, a distance of 118.01 feet for the southeast corner of said Lot 12 and said SPC Hillcrest LP tract for the beginning of a non- tangent curve to the left; THENCE over and across said Lot 11 and said SPC Hillcrest LP tract and along said non- tangent curve to the left, which has a chord that bears North 43 ° 24' 31" West for 43.52 feet, a central angle of 29° 50' 37" East and a radius of 84.50 feet, for an arc distance of 44.01 to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 392 square feet or 0.009 acres of land, more or less. Bearings are based on a call of South 89° 16' 53" West, along the north line of Haynie Avenue per the City of University Park Geodetic Control Monument System (Monument No. 16) and its azimuth marker, as re-established by Raymond L. Goodson Jr., Inc., dated July 2003. 4 5813577 v6 ( 19250 000 18.007) 0 ?0 40 0 (FEET) ir c = 40 t. LOT 10 6()' UN£ TAB E UN~ B!..~RINC tf.NCnl CU. liE: Ll N89'16'S.J"£ 29.58' Cl L2 so 4'47"£ ]1.99' LEGEND 5 / CJ.(; ···-··-00/S. CD Y SET / rOi.li 'IllS U.II.D.C I. o P o c r. _ ()ff1CL4l ro . .vTY, ~s 0 0 C T .. f'!'D R£C(JPD. CA C'OVNTY, Tf):AS POINT OF .._CiNNINC 1saJ2' J :J' 0. P. ASt .. KN f /Ct. 1 052. PC 22 O.R.O.C. T. LOI II MUTUAL EASEJ.IENT 392 SO.FT. 0.009 ACRES LOT 12 D P •L. £AS~).(£Nf VOL . 72/11, PC 8.59 D.R.O.C. T. r- 1 --------~·~oo~·--------.~....' __ _..._~ 01$ D-LTA 29"SO'J7" HA YNI£ A V£NU£ (!>0 ' RICHT-OF-WA Y) CURVE: TA8l£ RADIUS T,t..NC!:f:T LNCTH 84.5.0' Z2. 2' U .OI' CH. BRC. CHO.'?O N4J74'Jnv 4J.SZ' BASIS OF BEARJNCS Cdy of un,v.:rSJ y Porlc Ce<Xtetlc ContrOl Monument Systr:m (Manum n/ No. I ) ond or.mu/h mor. r, os rc-es/oblisllod by Roynond L Ccodson, Jr .• inc., doted SH:.rr 2 or 2 vl.lly 200J. CONTT?OWNC J.IO.·:UJ.IEN TS: SHOt.~ RAYMOND L. COOD ON. JR .. INC. 54 45 1..A SIERRA, S1'E 300, LD t 1 DA.UJ.S. rx. 15231 -4 I 38 214-739-8100 rlgO.,.Ig{>IC eom fE~S Pl RlC tF-493 rOPLS REC 1100311-00 MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT LOT 11, BLOCK 3, UNIVERSITY PARK ADDITION JOHN SCURLOCK SURVEY. ABSTRACT NO. 1351 CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLA COUNTY. TEXAS SCALE t" = 40' OAT[ !2-1-2016 JOB NO. 16009.10 [-FIL E xx.xxx 5 58 13577 v6 (19250.00018.007)