HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17-017 Special Sign District PD-41 for the existing Jarrell BuildingORDINANCE NO. 17-017 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, CREATING A SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICT FOR THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS A 1.832 ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THE JEFFERSON TILLEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1480, IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND COMMONLY KNOWN AS 2651 FONDREN DRIVE, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXIDBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO; PROVIDING CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Urban Design and Development Advisory Committee of the City has considered a request for a special sign district for the property described herein and has recommended to the City Council the creation of a special sign district with conditions; and WHEREAS, the provisions of the sign ordinance have been complied with and the City Council has provided notice and a public hearing concerning such request and recommendation and is of the opinion and finds that such special sign district should be granted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Urban Design and Development Advisory Committee, has considered creation of a special sign district as authorized by Article 3.09 of the Code of Ordinances, submitted by the Jarrell Family Exempt Trust. to provide signage for the area described herein, also designated as PD-41 , as part of an overall graphics program. That such request was accompanied by a plan which provided such details and specifications as were required by the Committee and in the opinion of the Committee, such graphics program will result in the signage appearance of the area being beneficial to the public health, safety and general welfare and in the interest of the City of University Park. That the Committee has recommended to the City Council that a special sign district be established for such area, permitting signs and other graphics in accordance with the plan. SECTION 2. That after notice and public hearing, the City Council has determined that such special sign district is in the best interest of the public health, safety and general welfare of the city and should be granted subject to the special conditions contained in Exhibit "B" attached hereto, including uniform design criteria, and that Section 3.09.192 of the Code of Ordinances should be amended to add such district as subdivision (1). SECTION 3. That all · ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect TM 86531 the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional. SECTION 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction in the Municipal Court of the City of University Park, Texas, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense, and each and every day any such violation shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council ofthe City of University Park, Texas, on this 6th day of June 2017. ~~~~. CITY ATTORNEY (RLD; 5-24-17;86531) APPROVED: OLIN B. LANE, MA YOlf ATTEST: CHRISTINE GREEN, CITY SECRETARY EXHIBIT A B£1NG A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN TH£ JEFFERSON TILLEY SUR\IE"Y. ABSTRACT No• .. 1480, DALLAS COUNTY. TEXAS, BEING ALL ,QF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A OECD TO .)ARR~. CRWJT E:OUJVALENT TRUST RECORD. 0 IN INS TRUMENT No. 20070046.314~ OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS. DALLAS COUNTY. TEXAS (O.P.R.D.C. T.), AND BEING MORE PARTTCULARLY DESCRIB£0 BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 1/2 .. JR,ON ROD SET WfTH A CAP STAMP£0 .. WIER ci' ASSOCIATES JNC .. IN THE SOUTH RIGHT -OF-WAY UN£ OF FONDREN DRILl£ (A CALLED 50 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY); FROM WHICH AN •x• CUT OUND BEARS S 88~1'1,0.. W, 2.19 FEET, SAID POINT B£1NG THE NORTH'WEST CORNER' OF SAJD JARRELL TRACT AND THE NOR'f'H "AST CORNER OF A TRACT OF LAND D£SCRIB£D AS TRACT No. 5 IN .A 0££0 TO DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART). RECORDED IN VOLUME 92042. PAGE .3001. DEED RECORDS. DALLAS COUNTY. TEXAS (D.R.D. C. T.): THENCE N 88"5t•to• £, ALONG TH£ SOUTH RJGHT-OF-WAY UNE Or SAID FONDREN DRIVE: AND THE NORTH LIN£ OF SAID JARRELL TRAC 1: AT A DISTANCE OF 225.72 FE£T PASSJNG AN ·x· CUT FOUND, ANO CONTTNUING IN ALL A 1VTAL DISTANCE OF 251.39 FEET TO AN "'X .. CUT SE'T. BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID JARRELL TRACT, 'ROM WHICH AN •x• CUT FOUND BEARS N 00'53, W. 1.5 FEET. ALSO FROU ',M-IlCH ANOTN'ER •x• CUT FOUND BEARS N 88"51 '10 £. 177. 14 FE:ET, SAID SECOND .. X .. CUT BEING THE NORT1-IEAST CORNER OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIB£0 IN A DEED TO THE CITY 0 UNIVERSITY P ARK RECORDED IN VOL.UU£ 72052, PAG£ 706, D.R.D.C. T.; THENCE S 00'52''57 .. £, DEPARTTNG THE SOUTH Rf.GHT-OF-WAY LIN£ OF SAID FONDREN DRIVE AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID JARR:ELL TRAC T. 309.72 F£ET TO AN .. X .. CUT FOUND ON A CONCRETE RETAINING WALL IN THE NORT1"1 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF A CALLED 15 FOOT ALLEY. SAID "X"' CUT BEING TH£ SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID JARRELL TRACT. FROM WHICH A 1/2 .. IRON ROD OUNO WITH A CAP BEARS N 89*21 '04" £, 177.93 FFET. SAID IRON ROD BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID CJTY OF UNIVERSITY PARK TRACT; THENCE S 89"21'04"' ~ A LONG THE NORTH LIN£ OF SAID ALLEY AND THE SOUTH LINe OF SAID JARRELL TRACT. A T A DISTANCE OF 25.02 FEET PASSING A POJNT. FROM WHICH AN •x• CUT FOUND BEARS N .Of'OO't7• W. 0 .23 F££T. CONTINUING IN ALL A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 230.9'5 F££T TO AN "X" CUT FOUND, BEING THE SOUTH£AS CORNER OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A 0££0 TO DART R£CORD£D' JN VOLUME 95038, PAC£ 616~ D. R.O. C. T.: THENCE A L ONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID DART TRACT RECORD :0 IN VOLUME 95038. PAC£ 616, D.R.D.C. T. AS F OLLOWS,· (1) N 61"18'01• W. A DJS TANQ OF 24.8 7 FEET TO AN ·x-CUT FOUND: (2) N 34"23'79" W. A DISTANCE OF 23.51 FEET TO AN •x• CUT FOUND. 8£/NC THE NORTH CORNER OF SAID DART TRACT R£CORD£D JN VOI..UM£ 9'5038 .. PAG 616 AND IN TI-l. EAST LIN£ OF SAfD DART TRACT No. 5, AND BETNG TH£ BEGINNING OF A NON-TANG£NT CURVE TO THE RIGHT,· THENCE NORTH£RL Y. AN ARC .LENGTH OF 276. 12 FF.cT ALONG THE M£S T UN£ ·OF SAID JARR l.L TRACT. TH£ EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY U N£ OF SAJD· DART TRACT No. 5, AND SAID NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT. HA VIN·G A RADIUS OF 6624.56 ff£T. A DELTA ANGL£ OF 02.,9'05 .. AND A CHORD' 8£ARING OF N 02"7)2'57 .. €. 276.10 F££T TO THE ~ AC OF B'E:GfNNJNG AND CONTAINING 1. 832 ACR£S (79,820 SQUARE FE:E:T) OF LAND. MORE OR LESS. 1. SCOPE EXHIBITB Signage Standards for The Jarrell Home Center 2651 Fondren Drive, University Park, Texas 75206 7 April, 2017 A. The area covered by this signage standard is bounded by Fondren Drive on the north, City of University Park Fire Training Facility on the east, a 20' alley on the south and the D.A.R.T. ROW on the east, or more commonly known as The Jarrell Company, 2651 Frondren Drive. This is further defined on the attached Exhibit A, key plan. These standards supersede the City of University Park typical business zoning standards and shall be incorporated into a Special Sign District specific to this property. 2. BUSINESS SIGNS: A. Primary Business Identification Signs: Current owner existing signs shall be permitted to remain being identified on Exhibit A, details 4 and 6. The sign in detail 4 is approximately 30 SF and the sign in detail 6 is approximately 140 SF. Additionally, the iconic "Jarrell Company" tower sign shall be permitted to remain and the Jarrell Company, aka Jarrell Exempt Trust, its successors or assignees, shall have the right to restore the sign to its original condition induding lighting and motion of the "star" atop the sign. The existing copy area of this sign is 288 SF each face. In addition to the current owner signage permitted to remain, the owner shall have the right to add one (1) additional wall sign as identified as detail 7 on Exhibit A, such sign to be limited to 100 SF being of similar design and manufacture as the two existing signs permitted to remain as defined in details 4 and 6. New tenants shall be permitted one ( 1 ) primary business identification sign per tenant entrance each. Primary signs shall be wall signs. Primary wall signs shall be box signs with routed-out -Plexiglas backed aluminum faces, internally illuminated with LED lighting. Letter color, style and business/corporate logos may be unique (non-standard) to each business and shall be allowed within this ordinance. Total sign area shall be limited to 32 SF. Business logos are induded in the sign area calculations. Signs shall be installed a minimum of eight (8) feet above grade. Refer to detail 7 on Exhibit A, attached. Tenant signage located above the doorways must maintain consistency with one another. B. Address Identification Sign· One business address identification sign shall be located on the glass entrance to each tenant space for 911 and fire/rescue identification. The sign shall consist of a Jam II Home c.nter Slcn•P Standards For I SpKial SiCftiCR District Univfisity Pwlc, Texas 1 IP •ge minimum 10" high white vinyl numerals reading "2651• and 4• high white vinyl letters reading "XXX", being the suite number, immediately below the address numerals. Refer to detail 5 and 7 on Exhibit A, attached. 3. BUSINESS HOURS SIGNS (SECONDARY SIGN): A. Signs at exterior tenant entries that include such information as store hours and trade association memberships may be displayed only in the form of individual adhesive vinyl letters not exceeding one inch (1 ") in height The size of an any individual graphic or logo may not exceed three (3) inches in height and the cumulative area of multiple applications may not exceed one hundred fifty (150) square inches. Such signs shall be limited to a total of one hundred fifty (150) square inches on the door or adjacent storefront at each tenant entrance. Signs or emblems indicating acceptability of credit cards shall not be permitted. Vacuum-formed, plastic, or illuminated signs for the display of "Open" and "Closed• and store hours shall not be permitted. 4. CENTER IQENTIEICATION SIGNS: A. Each tenant shall have the right to add a sign banner to the iconic Jarrell Company tower sign up to a total of four (4) additional banners. Each banner sign shall be a box sign with internally illuminated Plexiglas faces, double facing. Each banner sign shall be double facing at 72 SF, each face, and shall be spaced per detail 7 on Exhibit A, attached. Banner signs shall be internally illuminated with LED fixtures; however, flashing or motion signage shall not be permitted with the exception of motion for the "star" atop the tower sign permitted to remain under Section 2.A. The total area of the existing tower sign and banners shall be limited to 506 SF each face, double facing and the copy area shall be limited to 410 SF, each face. Legacy sign additions must remain in character with the original "Jarrell Companies" sign in lighting (must be internally illuminated), material, colorization and font. New tenant signage should be subordinate in size and spacing to the legacy sign. No company logos are allowed on the rooftop sign. B. One ground mounted , double facing, monument sign shall be permitted for the center as located on the attached key plan. It shall comprise a center name and address banner as well as up to four (4) additional double facing tenant banner signs. Each banner sign shall be 6.7 SF, per facing side, and shall be spaced per detail 2 on Exhibit A, attached. Banner signs shall be box signs with Plexiglas faces, internally illuminated with LED fixtures; however, flashing or motion signage shall not be permitted. The overall area of the monument sign shall be 66 SF, each face and the copy area shall not exceed 42 SF per face. and be constructed per details 2 and 3 on Exhibit A , attached. 6. TEMPORARY SIGNS: A. Temporary signs with messages such as "Grand Opening," "Coming Soon," "Remodeling, Pardon the Inconvenience" and "Relocating" may be displayed on the building at each tenant entrance, provided the aggregate area of such signs shall not Jarrell Home Ce~ Sicnace Standards For a Special Sicnac• District Unmrsity Pwtc, T •xu Z I P ace exceed 15 SF each. The letters or numbers making up such sign shall not exceed twelve (12} inches in height, and prices shall not be advertised on such signs. Temporary signs shall require a separate permit and shall be valid for a period of 90 days beyond issuance of said permit. 6. PROHIBITED SIGNS: A. The following signs shall be prohibited in the Special Sign District: 1. Internally illuminated awnings, with or without signage. 2. Electronic message displays. 3. Signs painted on the wall of a building. 4. Any portion of a projection extension perpendicular to the wall of a building may not be used for signs. 7. Signs related to credit card use. END OF JARRELL HOME CENTER SIGNANGE STANDARDS Jarnll Hc>nw C.~ Sicnap Standard~ For a SpKial Sicnac• District University Parle, Texas ~~ -(ftiQ.IT.) ~ • • II I I Ill I I I '/.0 '.0 '.0 '.0 /_/., /_/., 2~1 -f--El ~~~~~ATION ~~~~..,ELEVATION ~~~l}~N ~~ IDI(ntQ.rT~ .... . I II ~ 2~1 UU-'.0 f • ~ sr=:€-~ & ..,..._ ---~~ -(IDtQ.rT.) ~ ~:~ONUMENT SIGN I I I ~ ~~~~ 1~LEVATION lllifoloCIHGICD(~ (tStQ.FT.) _..,.<OC .. -{J'IQ.n.J-tTP. @]~!!~~N-MONUMENT SIGN ~---~1--* -;::.__ =..CMNIINNI' 10 ~ l -l m'£... ..... ::;:o..:::-: IN'f'IICIX.U:IIQ.n.) ~­r::c--71.011'.)-+---------~~~ E ~~l}~N -EX'G BUILDING SIGNAGE EXHIBIT "A" OfY Of U~ PAAK. TEXAS Nf'IN:NAL I I ~Bm~ ~n,LLC 13101 PNibl Rc* ... 107W... O...,T-~ Tel. 214.1134.1330 ~J.!!IM,NCrW; ---....... __ JARRELL HOME CENTER l661 FOHDRIH DIM IWJ.V,llXAI,.,.. """""""' EUVATION-SIGNS 300 ORDINANCE NO. 17-017 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, CREATING A SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICT FOR THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS A 1.832 ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THE JEFFERSON TILLEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1480, IN THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND COMMONLY KNOWN AS 2651 FONDREN DRIVE, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXIDBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO; PROVIDING CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. DULY PASS ED by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on this __fuh._ __ dayof __ Ju_n_e ____ 2017. APPROVED: /}t,..· £~. OLIN B. LANE, MAYOR ATTEST: CHRISTINE GREEN, CITY SECRETARY