HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 19-008 create the Special Sign District standards for Hilltop Plaza, 6565 HillcrestORDINANCE NO. 19-008 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, CREATING A SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICT FOR HILLTOP PLAZA, BEING THE PROPERTY BOUNDED BY HILLCREST AVENUE ON THE EAST, DANIEL AVENUE ON THE NORTH, HAYNIE AVENUE ON THE SOUTH AND MULTI-FAMILY USES ON THE WEST, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 6565 HILLCREST AVENUE; PROVIDING CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Zoning and Development Advisory Committee of the City has considered a request for a special sign district for Hilltop Plaza, 6565 Hillcrest Avenue, and has recommended to the City Council the adoption of a special sign district with conditions; and WHEREAS, the provisions of the sign ordinance have been complied with and the City Council has provided notice and a public hearing with regard to such request and recommendation and is of the opinion and finds that such special sign district should be granted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The Zoning and Development Advisory Committee has considered a special exception under Section 3.09.191of the Code of Ordinances submitted by Hilltop Plaza, a commercial building development at 6565 Hillcrest Avenue, for the property bounded generally by Hillcrest Avenue on the East, Daniel Avenue on the North, Haynie Avenue on the South, and multi-family uses on the West, to provide signage for the development as part of an overall graphics program. That such request was accompanied by a plan which provided such details and specifications as were required by the Committee and in the opinion of the Committee, such graphics program will result in the signage appearance of the area being beneficial to the public health, safety and general welfare and in the interest of the City of University Park. The Committee has recommended to the City Council that a special sign district be established for such area, permitting signs and other graphics in accordance with the plan. SECTION 2. After notice and public hearing, the City Council has determined that such special sign district is in the best interest of the public health, safety and general welfare of the city and should be granted subject to the conditions contained in and shown on the site plan and other attachments collectively attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made part hereof. SECTION 3. All ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. 106482 SECTION 4. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional. SECTION 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction in the Municipal Court of the City of University Park, Texas, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense, and each and every day any such violation shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on this 5th day March 2019. APPROVED: OLIN LANE, JR., MAYO ATTEST: CHRISTINE GREEN, CITY SECRETARY PROVED AS T a FORM: TY ATTO 'rl• 1-1 •, 06482) 106482 ORDINANCE NO. 19-008 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, CREATING A SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICT FOR HILLTOP PLAZA, BEING THE PROPERTY BOUNDED BY HILLCREST AVENUE ON THE EAST, DANIEL AVENUE ON THE NORTH, HAYNIE AVENUE ON THE SOUTH AND MULTI-FAMILY USES ON THE WEST, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 6565 HILLCREST AVENUE; PROVIDING CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of University Park, Texas, on this 5th day March 2019. APPROVED: (0 1-)44/1 OLIN LANE, JR., MAYOR ATTEST: ‘ALIalblIAA _1? 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Open air Sign Area 40 S.F. Maximum Photo Reference ATTACHMENT CBuilding Address Sign at Daniel Avenue Building Entrance HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 08 Photo Reference 4”    &$123< $7 (175<7(03(5(' */$=,1* $   ELEVATION | BUILDING ADDRESS SIGN AT DANIEL AVENUE011/8” = 1’-0” SIDE ELEVATION 02 1/8” = 1’-0”4’-0” MAXIMUM16’-0” MINIMUMSign Area 40 S.F. Maximum 6565 Stainless steel numerals (typical all Building Address Identification Signs) 02 1/4” = 1’-0”1’-0” MAXIMUM8’-0” MINIMUM6565 1 6565 D2 | ELEVATION | BLDG. ADDRESS SIGN | INTERNAL PLAZA ENTRY 03 1/4” = 1’-0” D3 | ELEVATION | INTERNAL PLAZA L2 ENTRANCE1’-0” MAXIMUM8’-0” MINIMUMSign Area 4 S.F. Maximum Sign Area 4 S.F. Maximum ATTACHMENT D.1, D.2, D.3Building Address Sign at Hillcrest Avenue Building Entrance & Plaza Building Entrance Levels 1 & 2 HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 09 Stainless steel numerals (typical all Building Address Identification Signs) D1 | ELEVATION | BUILDING ADDRESS SIGN AT HILLCREST AVENUE011/4” = 1’-0” Sign Area 4 S.F. Maximum   6565 1’-0” MAXIMUM8’-0” MINIMUM PARKING HILLTOP PLAZA ATTACHMENT E1, E2, E3Project Identification at Daniel Avenue and Haynie Avenue HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 10 Dimensional letterformsTitanium Rose GoldStainless steel with titaniumcoating, clear coat finish.Even illumination of face ofletterforms both sidesprovided by fixtures set withinlandscape Open-airTravertine stone base 015’-0” MAXIMUMSign Area 90 S.F. Maximum 18’-0”8”1-0”HILLTOP PLAZA E1 ELEVATION | PROJECT IDENTIFICATION GROUND SIGN | DANIEL AVENUE 1/4” = 1’-0”4’-0” MAXIMUM02 E2 ELEVATION | PROJECT IDENTIFICATION WALL SIGN | DANIEL AVENUE PARKING GARAGE ENTRANCE E3 ELEVATION | PROJECT IDENTIFICATION WALL SIGN | HAYNIE AVENUE PARKING GARAGE ENTRANCE NTS 03 NTS Sign Area 60 S.F. Maximum 1/2”Dimensional painted aluminum letterforms mounted directly to ACM panels with exterior grade epoxy. Sign Area 24 S.F. Maximum P PPP PLAZAPARK HILLTOP PLAZA FACILITY ENTRANCE FACILITY ENTRANCE4’-0” MAXIMUM5’-0” MINIMUM2’-6” MAXIMUM5’-0” MINIMUM1/2”Dimensional painted aluminum letterforms mounted directly to ACM panels &$6&21 *5$5() $&03$1(/6<67(0 $&0 0(7$/0(6+6&5((12167((/)5$0(6<67(0 5(92& 3$,17('&21&5(7(&2/801 37 7<3 3$,17('&2/801 37 7<3 PARKING 1 2’-0” 4’-6” ATTACHMENT F1, F2Parking Identification at Garage Entrance | Daniel Avenue and Haynie Avenue HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 112’-0” MAXIMUM8’-0” MINIMUM4-0”Sign Area 130 S.F. Maximum DANIELGARAGE E -55401 1 ” Painted aluminum mounted to parking garage structure up and over ACM panel at entrance. LED illumination at night behind signage band to provide even halo illumination around perimeter or sign panel and behind letters “PARKING’. 01 F1 ELEVATION | PARKING IDENTIFICATION AT PARKING FACILITY ENTRANCE | DANIEL AVENUE 1/8” = 1’-0”02 F1 SIDE ELEVATION 1/8” = 1’-0” 03 F2 ELEVATION | PARKING IDENTIFICATION AT PARKING FACILITY ENTRANCE | HAYNIE AVENUE 1/8” = 1’-0”04 F2 SIDE ELEVATION 1/8” = 1’-0” PARKING1’-11” 7’-6” EQ.EQ.5’-6” EQ.EQ. 18 2 3 2’-6” 5’-9” 8’-6”2’-0” MAXIMUM8’-0” MINIMUMSign Area 16 S.F. Maximum $6 Reverse channel painted aluminum PARKING letterforms mounted to brushed stainless steel shelf Internally illuminated LED lighting-halo illumination ATTACHMENT G1, G2, G3Site Directional Sign | Fire Command Center and Fire Pump Room Exterior Wall Sign | Service Area Sign HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 12 Sign Area 8 S.F. Maximum 01 G1 | ELEVATION | SITE DIRECTIONAL SIGN 1” = 1’-0”02 G1 | SIDE ELEVATION | SITE DIRECTIONAL SIGN 1” = 1’-0” G2 | ELEVATION | FIRE COMMAND CENTER WALL SIGN03NTS G3 | ELEVATION | SERVICE AREA WALL SIGN041” = 1’-0” 4’-0” 5-1/4” 5-3/4”PARKING 3-1/4” 1.5”1.5”1/4” Polished stainless steel 1/4” deep letterforms and arrow symbol mounted to first surface of signface with exterior grade industrial strength epoxy Fabricated painted aluminum cabinet with UV clear coat finish. Stainless Steel fabricated cabinet mounted flush with painted cabinet. Sign Area 600 Square Inches Maximum CENTER FIRE COMMAND 1” 1’-0” 2’-0” Novapolymer Novacryl EX Series photopolymer sign panel with integral raised text and Grade 2 Braille mounted directly to exterior wall surface. 4 Exterior Room ID Wall Signs: Fire Command Center Fire Pump Room Fire Department Connection Retail Service Elevator Novapolymer Novacryl EX Series photopolymer sign panel mounted directly to exterior wall surface at service area and loading dock identification. 2’-0” 8” SERVICE AREA Sign Area 600 Square Inches Maximum ATTACHMENT H1, H2Project Entrance Identification at Haynie Avenue | Stair Identification at Plaza HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 13 01 H1 | ELEVATION | PROJECT IDENTIFICATION AT HAYNIE AVENUE ENTRANCE 1/2” = 1’-0” 02 H1 | PLAN | PROJECT ID @ HAYNIE AVE. 1/2” = 1’-0” 1 2 5’-0”5’-9” 1/2”BREEZEWAY 8” 6 TO PARK PLAZATO HILLTOP PLAZA 6’-0”5’-0”9” 9’-0” MINIMUM11’-0”1’-9”8’-0” MINIMUM TO GRADE Sign Area 12 S.F. Maximum 3/16” deep anodized aluminum letterforms mounted with epoxyto brushed stainless steel bar. Assembly pin-mounted2” off wall surface. Stainless bar and letterformsbend at 90 degree angleat corner of entranceto breezeway. 5’-0” 23(1 TO PARK PLAZA1TO HILLTOP PLAZA 9’-0” MINIMUMHAYNIE AVENUEBREEZEWAY TO HILLTOP PLAZA04 H2 | PLAN | STAIR TO PARKING DIRECTIONAL SIGN AT PLAZA 1/2” = 1’-0” 03 H1 | ELEVATION | HILLTOP PLAZA ID @ HAYNIE AVENUE 1/2” = 1’-0” Sign Area 4 S.F. Maximum 2” X 1-1/2” open air frameTitanium, Rose Gold finishwith stainless steel sleeveand connections to stair symboland wall surface. Open-air Open-air ATTACHMENT IMonument Sign HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 14 01 ELEVATION | STATIC MONUMENT SIGN NTS 02 LEFT & RIGHT SIDE ELEVATIONS NTS HILLTOP PLAZA TENANTTENANTTENANTTENANTTENANT Sign Area 40 S.F. Maximum 9’-0” MAXIMUM4-1/2” 5-1/2” 1/2”1/2” 3-101/2”2 1/2” 4-1/2” 5-1/2” 1/2”1/2” Hilltop Plaza to be titaniumwith rose gold metal faceacrylic back internallyilluminated letterforms both side. Tenant letterform or logosto be stainless steel or painted aluminum face with acrylicback internally illuminated both sides. Note: layout to be determined based on number of tenant names and letterform / logos, etc. Fabricated painted aluminum cabinet with UV clear coat finish Stainless Steel fabricated cabinet ATTACHMENT JMAJOR BUSINESS TENANT SIGN | MINOR BUSINESS TENANT SIGN | NORTH ELEVATION HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 15 01 ELEVATION | NORTH ELEVATION | DANIEL AVENUE NTS Major Business Tenant Sign TENANT Shaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations.No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area.Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area.[Typical all shaded areas] TENANT Minor Business Tenant Sign ATTACHMENT KMINOR BUSINESS TENANT SIGN | EAST ELEVATION HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 16 01 ELEVATION | EAST ELEVATION | HILLCREST AVENUE NTS Shaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations.No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area.Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area.[Typical all shaded areas] TENANT TENANT Minor Business Tenant Sign Minor Business Tenant Sign Major Business Tenant Sign TENANT ATTACHMENT LMAJOR BUSINESS TENANT SIGN | MINOR BUSINESS TENANT SIGN | SOUTH ELEVATION HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 17 01 ELEVATION | SOUTH ELEVATION | HAYNIE AVENUE NTS Shaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations.No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area.Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area.[Typical all shaded areas]. Major Business Tenant Sign TENANT TENANT Minor Business Tenant Sign ATTACHMENT MBUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | NORTH ELEVATION | LEVEL 1 HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 18 01 ELEVATION | NORTH ELEVATION | DANIEL AVENUE NTS Shaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations.No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area.Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area. TENANT Business Identification Wall Sign ATTACHMENT NBUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | WEST ELEVATION | LEVEL 1 HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 19 01 ELEVATION | WEST ELEVATION | PLAZA NTS Shaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations.No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area.Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area. TENANT Business Identification Wall Sign ATTACHMENT OBUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | NORTH ELEVATION | LEVEL 2 HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 01 01 ELEVATION | NORTH ELEVATION | DANIEL AVENUE NTS Shaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations.No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area.Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area. TENANT TENANT Business Identification Sign [Suspended from soffit] Business Identification Sign [Suspended from soffit] 20 Business Identification Wall Sign - Suspended Type A Business Identification Wall Sign - Suspended Type A TENANT TENANT ATTACHMENT PBUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | WEST ELEVATION | LEVEL 2 HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 21 01 ELEVATION | WEST ELEVATION | PLAZA NTS Shaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations.No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area.Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area. TENANT Business Identification Wall Sign - Suspended Type A ATTACHMENT QBUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | MULTI-TENANT SIGNS | PLAZA LEVEL 1 HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 22 01 ELEVATION | MULTI-TENANT SIGNS | PLAZA LEVEL 1 1/2” = 1’-0” 02 ELEVATION | BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SUSPENDED SIGN on RACEWAY- TYPE 4B | PLAZA LEVEL 1 1/2” = 1’-0” Shaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations.No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area.Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area. TENANT TENANT TENANT TENANT TENANT Business Identification Suspended or Canopy Signs Line of soffit / ceiling behind glass panel Top of Glass Guardrail at Level 2 Glass spandrel panel Metal vertical support with electrical conduit behind glass Allowable Sign Area: Varies 20 to 30 sf \ Dimensional letterforms and/or logo [may be internally illuminated, plex face or open face acrylic / see photo reference] Metal horizontal support with internal electrical conduitTENANT 9’-0” MINIMUM2’-0” MAXIMUMVARIES: 10’ MINIMUM TO 15’ MAXIMUM ATTACHMENT RBUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | BLADE SIGN | PLAZA LEVEL 1 HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 23 01 ELEVATION | BLADE SIGN | PLAZA LEVEL 1 NTS 02 ELEVATION | BLADE SIGN 1/2” = 1’-0”03 SIDE ELEVATION 1/2” = 1’-0”7’-0” MAXIMUM8’-0” MINIMUM TO GRADE2” 3’-0” 2” MINIMUM to 4” MAXIMUM Metal Blade Sign Internally Illuminated letterforms and/or logo to be push through acrylic or aluminum face with acrylic back Letterforms and/or Logo both sides of sign for visibility to Plaza area and through breezeway to Haynie Avenue entrance. Connection to Building Face Storefront Business Identification SignTENANT TENANT Sign Area 24 S.F. Maximum ATTACHMENT SBUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | NORTH ELEVATION | LEVEL 2 HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 24 01 PARTIAL PLAZA ELEVATION | L2 RESTAURANT 1/16” = 1’-0”3’-0” MAXIMUM15’-0” MINIMUMShaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations. No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area. Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area. TYPICAL all shaded areas. Level 2 Restaurant Tenants to choose between: (A) Wall mount sign, 3’-0” letterform or logo max. or (B) Individual Letterforms / Logo mounted to top of canopy, 2’-0” letterform maxiumum height. TYPICAL LEVEL 2 RESTAURANT TENANT BETWEEN OFFICE BLDG & PARKING FACILITY 3’-0” MAXIMUM15’-0” MINIMUM15’-0” MINIMUM12’-0” TENANT Sign Area 36 S.F. Maximum 17’-0”   3$57,$/3/$=$(/(9$7,215(67$85$17 3/$=$5(7$,/ TENANT Sign Area 51’ S.F. Maximum 02 PARTIAL PLAZA ELEVATION | L2 RESTAURANT 1/16” = 1’-0”    3$57,$/3/$=$1(/(9$7,215(67$85$17 3/$=$5(7$,/ 03 PARTIAL PLAZA ELEVATION | L2 RESTAURANT 1/16” = 1’-0” 12’-0” TENANT Sign Area 36 S.F. Maximum 3’-0” MAXIMUMTENANT 2’-0” MAX.10’-6” MIN.2’-0” MAX.10’-6” MIN.TENANT TENANT 2’-0” MAX.10’-6” MIN.(A) (B) (A) (B) ATTACHMENT TBUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | NORTH ELEVATION | LEVEL 2 RESTAURANT HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 01 01 ELEVATION | NORTH ELEVATION | PLAZA NTS Shaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations.No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area.Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area. Business Identification Sign TENANT Business Identification Roof Sign 25 OMITTED ATTACHMENT UBUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | SOUTH ELEVATION HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 26 01 ELEVATION | SOUTH ELEVATION | BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | HAYNIE AVENUE NTS Shaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations. No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area. Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area. Business Identification Wall Sign TENANT ATTACHMENT VBUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | SOUTH ELEVATION HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 27 01 ELEVATION | SOUTH ELEVATION | BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | HAYNIE AVENUE NTS Shaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations. No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area. Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area. TENANT Business Identification Suspended Sign - Type A or Wall Sign ATTACHMENT WBUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | SOUTH ELEVATION HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas 28 01 ELEVATION | SOUTH ELEVATION | BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGN | HAYNIE AVENUE NTS Shaded areas indicates allowable signage mounting locations. No building-mounted signage shall be allowed outside of these areas. Shaded area does not indicate allowable signage heights or area. Refer to written criteria for allowable heights and maximum sf. area. Business Identification Wall Sign Maximum sign area to be 50 sf. 36” maximum letter height 4’-0” minimum distance above grade TENANT PHOTO REFERENCE 1MAJOR AND MINOR BUSINESS TENANT SIGNAGE HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas PH1 PHOTO REFERENCE 2BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION WALL SIGNS HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas PH2 PHOTO REFERENCE 3SUSPENDED TENANT SIGNAGE HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas PH3 TYPE A SUSPENDED TENANT SIGNAGE | INDEPENDENT LETTERFORMS TYPE B SUSPENDED TENANT SIGNAGE | RACEWAY PHOTO REFERENCE 4PROJECTING and CANOPY TENANT SIGNAGE HILLTOP PLAZA University Park, Texas PH4 CANOPY SIGNAGE PROJECTING SIGNAGE