HomeMy WebLinkAboutPAC Meeting Agenda - January 26 2023City of University Park Printed on 1/19/2023 Page 1
City of University Park
Meeting Agenda
Park Advisory Committee
Thursday, January 26, 2023 4:00 PM Peek Service Center
The Parks Advisory Committee will meet in person on Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. in
the 1st Floor, EOC Conference Room of the Peek Service Center located at 4420 Worcola Street
Dallas, TX 75206. If you are unable to attend the meeting as scheduled, please notify the Parks and
Recreation office at 214-987-5489.
•NEXT PAC MEETING: ________________
Parks Advisory Committee Meeting November 10, 2022 Peek Service Center - EOC
4:00 p.m.
Committee Members Attending: Committee Members Absent:
Staff Members Attending: Sean Johnson – Parks & Recreation Director Ann Allen – Parks Superintendent Kaylon Jackson – Special Events/Reservations Coordinator
Robert Coleman – Aquatics/ Recreation Coordinator
Jebte Veliz – Parks Supervisor
Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Mr. Skelton at 4:01pm.
The minutes from the October 27, 2022 meeting were reviewed by the committee. The
motion to approve was made by Walsh. Motion was seconded by Reinke. Minutes approved unanimously.
Margaret Carter
Angela Fontana (Dialed-in) Albert McClendon Steve Moore
Bill Skelton – Chairman Kelley Brown Gretchen Henry
Jim Martin Bryan Reinke Melissa Rieman Barbie Stewart Sarah Toraason
Jeff Turpin Ben VerHalen Laura Walsh Phillip Philbin – Council Liaison
Parks and Recreation Policy and Fees Discussion
Director Johnson opened the meeting by reviewing the cost recovery study philosophy that was briefed to the City Council at the previous meeting. He explained that if there are any proposed fee increases, as recommended by BerryDunn consultants, should be passed to
nonresidents and for-profit ventures. Director Johnson then gave an overview of the sample fee structure models that highlighted priority levels, one - time reservations, seasonal reservations and commercial/ for profit use of park space. Examples of commercial / for- profit users of parks in UP was shared with the PAC which include tennis instructors,
camp gladiator, cross-fit, athletic sports camps and clinics. Proposed instructor zones in designated parks were also presented and discussed.
Director Johnson proceeded with proposed fee adjustments in the following order with motions taken after each sub-section as follows:
Holmes Aquatic Center
Proposed amendments for the HAC was presented by Director Johnson. PAC Member Toraason expressed a preference to increase nonresident
pool pass fees versus increasing the daily admission fee to avoid any surcharge to residents. There was further discussion and deliberation.
Chairman Skelton entertained a motion to apply no change to the daily admission fee ($5) and to increase the nonresident pool pass fee to $150
(currently $120). Member Toraason made the motion was seconded by VerHalen. The motion was passed unanimously.
Director Johnson then presented a proposed range for recreation and aquatics programs. There was further discussion. VerHalen made a
motion to accept the recreation/aquatic program fee range of $20 per day class - $400 per month. The motion was seconded by Reinke. The motion was passed unanimously.
Land Use Fees/ Party Rentals
Director Johnson presented the proposed land use/ party fee rental amendments of making reservation of 200 – 299 people consistent with that of reservations $300 + people (from $300 - $500). Both of these
currently require council approval for mass gatherings. Also presented was memorializing time blocks for rentals (max 2 hours for parties for reservations up to 100 people; max 4 hours for parties over 100 people). There was further discussion. A motion was made by VerHalen and seconded by Toraason. Motion passed unanimously.
Athletic Fields
Director Johnson presented athletic field hourly rates for UP in comparison to survey cities. There was further discussion. Rieman made a motion to
increase athletic field hourly rental rate to $25/hour (currently $10/hour). Toraason seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Program Instructors
Director Johnson gave a briefing on current instructor pass fees and proposed “instructor zones” at Smith Park, Caruth Park, Williams Park and Germany Park. Johnson further explained examples of various types of instructor agreements used in survey cities (e.g. 85/ 15 % revenue splits; annual flat rate of $1,000; etc.). There was further discussion on revenue
splits or flat rates. Johnson explained the current annual instructor rate (e.g. $250 Security Deposit + Participant Fee: (1-10) - $50; (11-25) - $100;
(26-40) - $500).
Toraason questioned if an increase in instructor fees would also apply to
youth instructors who have summer camps. It was discussed to look at youth camps as a separate case-by-case basis. Director Johnson stated he would look into options and would report back as we have not had very many youths led camps as such.
Rieman made a motion regarding program instructors to keep the $250 security deposit, keep the participant fee, and apply the $25/hour field rental rate. The motion was seconded by Reinke. The motion was passed unanimously.
Tennis Instructors
Director Johnson briefed the board on tennis instructor fee options as with program instructors. When discussing the tennis instructors, VerHalen
asked if there has been consideration on setting up gate locking systems the tennis courts to only allow entry by swiping in. Director Johnson responded by explaining the hardware requirements that would be needed, as well as, a cloud-based reservation system that we currently do not have. Johnson stated he would look into the feasibility of this and will
report back as information is received.
There were further comments from members regarding instructors monopolizing courts for six hours at a time. Johnson reminded them that instructors are prohibited and should not be making reservations on courts
as this is only allowed for resident pass holders.
Director Johnson explained the proposed three fee structures for tennis instructors: An established flat annual rate, an 85/15 concessionaire agreement, or an hourly rate. Johnson also displayed a sample survey
that could be sent out to current registered tennis instructors to get their feedback on the fee options.
Chairman Skelton expressed that the fee structure should be left up to the Committee recommendation with City Council to decide, not the
instructors. Reinke and VerHalen agree that a survey should not be sent.
Rieman strongly expressed that $50/year for a tennis/pickleball instructor permit is extremely low. There was further discussion.
Toraason made a motion to apply the $250 security deposit to tennis instructors and to increase their annual rate to $250/year (currently $50/year). Motion was seconded by Henry. The motion was passed unanimously.
Tennis Passes
Director Johnson proposed the idea of tennis passes for residents going from $20 annually to $40, as well as, opening tennis courts to non -
residents as a result of multiple requests from those in the Town of HP and surrounding areas and asked the members
Toraason expressed that we should not consider a nonresident fee as it is already hard to secure courts for UP residents alone. Adding nonresidents
would make it even more challenging. There was further discussion. There was no action on tennis permits and was recommended that they remain the same ($20 annual pass fee with no non-resident pass sales).
Court Reservation Fees
Director Johnson informed the group that currently we only have an established fee for court rentals at the Burleson park basketball court which has not had any request, historically. He mentioned the popularity of the pickleball courts has resulted in a number of requests for birthday
parties and private events that would require exclusive reservation of the courts and if the committee would like to consider establishing an hourly rate for tennis and pickleball courts as well. There was further discussion.
Toraason questioned if exclusive reservations would be allowed for
residents only or to everyone. Brown expressed her hesitation to allow exclusive reservations at all since the courts are already so heavily used. Reinke, Toraason and Rieman agree.
VerHalen made a motion to not establish an hourly rate for tennis and
pickleball courts and to not allow exclusive party/event reservations at the courts; nor allow nonresidents to reserve any of our courts. Reinke seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
With no further business of the Park Advisory Committee, the meeting was adjourned by Mr. Skelton at 5:27 pm.
Bill Skelton, Chairman Date Park Advisory Committee
Subject: Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Master Plan Briefing
Prepared By: Sean Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation
In February 2020, the City of University Park initiated the process of updating the 1989 City of University Park Comprehensive Master Plan, affectionately known as the Centennial Master Plan. This newly updated Centennial Master Plan was adopted in
Summer 2022 - creating a vision for key aspects and serving as a planning tool to provide growth, development and major initiative for the University Park community.
One of the key action items identified under the primary theme of Affirming Sense of
Place; (action item #2.5) called for the development of a Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Master Plan and to make a commitment to update the plan at least every ten years.
In August 2022, purchasing staff posted RFP # 2022-09 for consulting services and received seven (7) proposals. A committee comprised of staff and Park Board representatives reviewed and scored each proposal on evaluation criteria that included
experience, cost, references, project understanding, and schedule/availability. As a result of this process, staff recommended Dunaway Associates, L.P. for the award of this contract and was authorized by City Council at the December 6, 2022 regular
Dunaway Associates and staff will provide an overview of the master planning process
to the Parks Advisory Committee.
Meeting Date: Item Type:
1/26/2023 Discussion Item
Fiscal Impact:
☐Not Applicable
☐Budget Amendment Required
☐Proposed Revenue
☒Proposed Expenditure
Funding Source: 2023 CIP Budget
Master Plan Goal:
Please check the associated Theme and provide the corresponding action item number.
Theme Action Item(s)
☒Affirming Sense of Place 2.5 ☐Assuring Connectivity ☐Innovative Governance ☐Technological Integration
☐Preparing for the Future
☐Not Applicable
This is an update for informational purposes only and does not require any PAC action at
this time
Committee Review (optional):
Information will be distributed at the 1/26/23 meeting
Subject: Parks Department Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Briefing
Prepared By: Sean Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation
Annually Park staff develops and updates the parks capital project needs inventory list for major projects and improvements needed within the UP - park system. Staff routinely presents items each year to the Capital Projects Review Committee (CPRC) for consideration and approval. Once reviewed and approved by the CPRC, these items are then forwarded to City Council for review and adoption.
Staff will provide a briefing on the FY2023 approved projects along with an update on “in-progress” capital projects from previous FY budgets.
Fiscal Impact:
☐Not Applicable
☐Budget Amendment Required
☐Proposed Revenue
☒Proposed Expenditure
Funding Source: 2023 CIP Budget
Master Plan Goal: Please check the associated Theme and provide the corresponding action item number.
Theme Action Item(s)
☐Affirming Sense of Place ☐Assuring Connectivity ☐Innovative Governance ☐Technological Integration
☐Preparing for the Future
☒Not Applicable
Meeting Date: Item Type:
1/26/2023 Discussion Item
This is an update for informational purposes only and does not require any PAC action at
this time
Committee Review (optional):
Information will be distributed at the 1/26/23 meeting
Subject: Barns Park Sculpture Donation
Prepared By: Sean Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation
At the October 27, 2022 regular PAC meeting, staff presented PAC members with a request to accept a donation from a former resident of University Park as directed by City Council. This piece of art was reviewed, voted on and accepted at the October 27 meeting.
At the January 3, 2023 regular City Council meeting, this donation was reviewed and
received final acceptance from City Council. Council also directed staff to work with donor representative (I.e. Taylor Armstrong, Former UP City Council), current City Council representative (I.e. Councilman Bob Myers) and park staff to determine potential location of accepted art sculpture to be placed within Barns park. There was a meeting held on site at Barns park on January 12 to review and discuss possible location options.
Staff will provide a briefing and potential locations of sculpture to be placed within Barns park for consideration.
Fiscal Impact:
☐Not Applicable
☐Budget Amendment Required
☐Proposed Revenue
☒Proposed Expenditure
Funding Source: Parks FY2023 Operational Budget
Master Plan Goal: Please check the associated Theme and provide the corresponding action item number.
Theme Action Item(s)
☐Affirming Sense of Place ☐Assuring Connectivity
Meeting Date: Item Type:
1/26/2023 Action Item
☒Innovative Governance 2.2 ☐Technological Integration
☐Preparing for the Future
☐Not Applicable
Staff will seek advisement and direction from the PAC for location of sculpture within Barns park.
Committee Review (optional):
Information will be distributed at the 1/26/23 meeting
Subject: Curtis Park Encroachment (I.e. 3544 Rankin Property) Update
Prepared By: Sean Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation
At the August 18, 2022 regular PAC meeting, staff presented PAC members with a request to purchase a parcel of Curtis Park from adjacent property owner on Rankin St. This derived from encroachment violations resulting from private improvements made at
3544 Rankin St.
After the presentation made by staff, as well as, deliberation amongst PAC members at
the August 18 meeting, PAC members made a unanimous two-part recommendation that is as follows: a) the City should not sell any portion of park land and b) the City should reclaim and reestablish any portion of a park that has private encroachments
Staff will provide a status update on the Curtis Park encroachments.
Fiscal Impact:
☒Not Applicable
☐Budget Amendment Required
☐Proposed Revenue
☐Proposed Expenditure
Funding Source:
Master Plan Goal: Please check the associated Theme and provide the corresponding action item number.
Theme Action Item(s)
☐Affirming Sense of Place ☐Assuring Connectivity
☐Innovative Governance ☐Technological Integration
Meeting Date: Item Type:
1/26/2023 Staff Report
☐Preparing for the Future
☒Not Applicable
This is an update for informational purposes only and does not require any PAC action at
this time
Committee Review (optional):
Parks Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda January 26, 2023
City of University Park Printed on 1/19/2023 Page 2
I, Christine Green, City Secretary, do hereby certify that a copy of this Agenda was posted on the City
Hall bulletin board, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and on
the City's website, www.uptexas.org, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Christine Green, City Secretary