HomeMy WebLinkAboutMn 10-17-05 4 MINUTES #2521 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17,2005,5:00 P.M. Mayor Blackie Holmes opened the meeting of the city council at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Pro Tempore Jim Roberts and Councilmembers Syd Carter, Kelly Walker and Harry Shawver. Also in attendance were City Manager Bob Livingston, Acting City Attorney David Dodd and Deputy City Secretary Kate Smith. City Attorney Rob Dillard and City Secretary Nina Wilson were absent and excused. A WARDS AND RECOGNITION PRESENTATION TO WINNER OF EMPLOYEE SLOGAN CONTEST: Firefighter Brandon Whitney: City Manager Bob Livingston stated that the winning slogan submitted by Firefighter Brandon Whitney was "Committed to Excellence" and thanked him for his submission. He will be presented with a check in the coming days. PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION: Councilmember Carter presented certificates to Section Chief Shane LeCroy, Lt. Bob Poynter, Driver/Engineer Rusty Massey and Firefighter Devin Penny for their efforts in aiding victims of Hurricane Katrina. RECOGNITION OF ADMINSTRA TIVE ASSISTANT KATE SMITH: Councilmember Walker recognized Administrative Assistant Kate Smith for her Profile in Courage Award given to her by the University of Kansas Public Administration Department. RECOGNITION OF BOY SCOUTS: Three boy scouts introduced themselves and announced the badges upon which they were working: Joe Beeby, 4237 Colgate; Will Cobb, 3525 Greenbrier and Trey Parker, 4605 Hanover. Mayor Pro Tern Roberts moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Carter seconded and the vote was unanimous to approve the following: CONSENT AGENDA CONSIDER COOPERATIVE PURCHASE OF SIDELOADER AND TRANSFER TRACTOR FOR SANITATION DEPARTMENT: The Sanitation Division budgeted for the purchase of an eight-yard sideloader and truck tractor. These vehicles are available through the Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative, also known as BuyBoard. The cost for the new Sideloader totals $65,725.38. The cost for the Transfer Tractor totals $89,700.00. CONSIDER BID #05-20, TYPE "D" HOT MIX ASPHALT FOR REPAVING PROJECT AND REJECT ALL BIDS FOR BID #05-19: Bid #05-20 for the purchase of type "D" hot mix asphalt was opened October 6th. Austin Bridge and Road submitted the low bid of $34 per ton. This is a $7 per ton increase over the last contract issued in June 2003. The estimated total of this contract is $121,550.00 based on usage of3,575 tons. This asphalt will be used by Cutler Repaving for the repaving project scheduled to begin later this month. Bid #05-19 was issued August 19th as an annual contract for asphalt with a one-year guaranteed price. Hurricane Katrina occurred just before the bid opening date of September 2nd, so the City received an inflated bid of $36.50 per ton from Austin Asphalt. 5 CONSIDER UPDATE FOR THIRD QUARTER STRATEGIC GOALS: On December 14, 2004, the City Council adopted six strategic goals and objectives. Upon adoption of the goals, a responsibility chart was created to track the progress of goal and objective achievement. The 2005 third quarter responsibility chart includes information to date regarding staff that has primary and secondary responsibility for goal accomplishment, status, timeline and comments. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: For October 4,2005. MAIN AGENDA DISCUSS DATES FOR COUNCIL A V AILABITY FOR FEMA TRAINING: The IS Department has contracted with PC Rentals Company to provide twenty computers for upcoming FEMA training that will be conducted by the Fire Department personnel. The training dates are October 31 though November 11. The training will concentrate on the IS- 700 National Incident Management System (NIMS) online course which is mandated by the Homeland Security Presidential Directive - 5 and abides by the City Ordinance passed by the City Council on April 5, 2005, that adopts ICSINIMS as the model for incident management in times of disaster. Completion of this course is mandatory for Mayor Holmes; however, during the pre-session meeting of the City Council, each member expressed the need for all members to take the course and become familiar with the National Incident Management System. It was decided that the Mayor and Council will take the course on November 8th prior to the city council meeting. CONISIDER RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT FOR 3557 CENTENARY: The property owner of 3557 Centenary has begun construction of a single family home designed with a basement. Section 3.103, Amendments to the Building Code, contains language in Section 1803.3.1, Drainage requirements, that requires all basements or below grade construction in residential units to contain drainage systems that must be drained through enclosed pipe into the City's storm water drainage system. The closest storm sewer inlet for the property to use is at the intersection of Centenary and Turtle Creek Blvd., approximately 1,000 feet to the east. The builder has proposed a directional bore in the City's ROW. The bore will go under all driveways, trees, and irrigation systems in the parkway. Due to the distance involved in the bore, the city has required the builder to abide by additional requirements. Staff discussed potential insurance requirements with Mr. Frank Swingle, Chairman of the Property Casualty and Liability Insurance Committee. His recommendation to staff regarding license agreements for subsurface drains included a homeowner's policy and a certificate of liability insurance from the contractor. Mr. Swingle also recommended the City require the license agreement to be recorded against the property. Councilmember Walker recommended the contractor inform residents along the block prior to all activity. Councilmember Shawver moved approval of the ordinance. Councilmember Walker seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the right-of-way agreement for 3557 Centenary. CONSIDER AGREEMENT WITH SCHRADER & CLINE, LLC FOR CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO POSSIBLE CREATION OF A TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE: In order to accomplish many of the possible alternatives regarding the Snider Plaza/Hillcrest Master Plan, some expenditure of public and/or private funds will be necessary. City Manager Bob Livingston had discussed this with Townscape staff who is leading the planning process. The feasibility of a Tax Increment Reinvestment 6 Zone (TIFZ) should be evaluated as a possible funding alternative. City Manager Bob Livingston had solicited a proposal from Schrader and Cline, LLC. This firm has played a role in the development of TIFZs' throughout the DallasIFt. Worth area. The fee for the work is broken down into three phases: Initial Analysis (most of which has already been accomplished), $5,000; Meeting and Negotiations with other taxing jurisdictions, $2,950; Creation of the TIFZ, $12,000 - $21,950. It will not exceed $30,000 plus expendables. Work can be halted at the point it becomes apparent that creation of the TIFZ is not economically feasible. If that decision is reached, the City's exposure will be for the actual hours of work performed by the consultant to that point. If the TIFZ is feasible and is implemented, the cost of the contract can be charged back against the TIFZ. Resident Steve Dawson, 8440 Tulane, spoke on the issue. He stated that he was not speaking in favor of or in opposition to the issue but that his mission was to be informative. Mr. Dawson posed several concerns to the council and questions that he hoped would be addressed. He also stated that if a TIRZ is created, he hoped that the City Council would be dedicated to a high level of transparency. Councilmember Walker moved approval of the ordinance. Councilmember Carter seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the agreement with Schrader & Cline, LLC, for consulting services related to the possible creation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone. CONSIDER RESOLUTION APPROVING CITIES AGGREGATION POWER PROJECT EFFORTS TO NEGOTIA TE CAPACITY CONTRACT FOR FUTURE ELECTRIC SUPPLY: University Park has been a member of CAPP since its formation in 2001. CAPP has successfully pooled the electric loads of its 80 member cities and obtained electric rates 20% lower than the regulated rate. CAPP estimates that the price of electricity for a 2006 contract written now would be $0.082. The key factor for electric prices in Texas, since deregulation began, is not supply and demand or generating capacity, but natural gas futures prices. CAPP now proposes to secure capacity from a coal-powered plant to supply the base load power needs (about 55%-60% of total energy needs) for CAPP members over a 10-year period. Each member city would commit to a 10-year electric supply agreement. CAPP would sell bonds to finance the purchase of the capacity. Even with the debt service included, the price of power is forecasted to be lower than prices in a natural gas-driven market. City Manager Bob Livingston clarified that this power will be supplied to City facilities only. Mayor Pro Tern Roberts moved approval of the ordinance. Councilmember Shawver seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the resolution approving cities aggregation power project efforts to negotiate capacity contract for future electric supply. RESOLUTION NO. 05-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK, TEXAS, APPROVING THE CITIES AGGREGATION POWER PROJECT'S LETTER OF INTENT TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS FOR A CAPACITY CONTRACT WITH THE OWNER OF COAL (INCLUDING TEXAS LIGNITE) GENERATION TO SUPPLY THE BASE LOAD ELECTRIC POWER NEEDS (APPROXIMATELY 55%-60% OF TOTAL ENERGY NEEDS) FOR CAPP MEMBERS OVER A 10- YEAR PERIOD. CONSIDER: RIGHT-OF-WAY LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY FOR 6000 AIRLINE ROAD: Southern Methodist University is requesting approval of a license agreement to work in the City's right-of-way on the 6000 block of Airline Rd. The new SMU parking lot located on the south side of Airline will have -- 7 an electronic gate to control access. Electric service to the gate will be provided through an underground conduit that needs to go under Airline Rd. SMU will bore under Airline approximately forty feet and connect electric service from the new building on the north side of Airline. Staff will not allow work to begin until the SMU contractor has provided the appropriate insurance naming the City as additional insured. Councilmember Carter moved approval of the ordinance. Mayor Pro Tern Roberts seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the right-of-way license agreement with Southern Methodist University for 6000 Airline Road. CONSIDER: REPORT REGARDING BUILDING AND ZONING STANDARDS TO REGULATE SIZE OF SINGLE FAMILY HOMES: Community Development Manager Harry Persaud gave a PowerPoint presentation specifically addressing issues and alternatives for regulating the size of single family homes. Following the presentation Councilmember Carter stated that he would like to know how the builders felt about this. Builder and resident Gage Prichard, 3809 Southwestern, spoke in opposition to this item. Mr. Prichard stated that the current ordinances are the most stringent in the Metroplex. He also stated that we have very few large lots and that it is unfair to penalize the smaller lots. Mr. Prichard stated that he is currently meeting the demands of clients. Mr. Prichard stated that the current ordinances work and urged council not to place any further restrictions on builders. Builder and resident Mike Solari, 3117 Purdue, also spoke in opposition to this item. Mr. Solari stated that builders had significant restrictions placed on them the last time the city dealt with this issue. Mr. Solari urged the City to pursue more community input on this issue. Resident Betty Marquis, 4384 San Carlos, spoke in favor of the item. Councilmember Walker suggested council gain input from all three groups interested in this item: builders, realtors and citizens. Mayor Holmes stated that the Council would take Councilmember Walker's suggestion and would not go any further with the item until feedback is received from these three groups. The Mayor stated that the City will hold a public hearing on this item. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of November 2005. ATTEST: Kate