HomeMy WebLinkAboutHealth Svcs Contract FY2003ORDER NO. DATE: 2002.1.035 JUN - 4 2002 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS COURT ORDER BE IT REMEMBERED, at a regular meeting of Commissioners Court of Dallas County, Texas, held on the made by Mike Cantrell, Commissioner of District No. 2 4th day of June John Wiley Price, Commissioner of District No. ,2002, on motion , and seconded by , the following Order was adopted: WHEREAS, on May 28, 2002, the Commissioners Court was briefed on the FY'2003 Interlocal Health Services Agreement; and WHEREAS, each year, since 1980, the Dallas County Health and Human services Department has negotiated Interlocal agreements with most of the 25 cities within the County for services related to communicable disease control; and WHEREAS, each participating city pays a pro-rata share (based on health services provided each city the previous year) of the county's sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, communicable diseases, and laboratory budgets; and WHEREAS, the total cost of the FY'2003 Health Services Agreement is $2,209,913.00, of which $1,995,807.00 is the County's contribution to public health Communicable Disease services to Dallas County; and WHEREAS, to further offset program costs, the Health and Human Services Department recommends the proposed new fees (see Exhibit A). IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Dallas County Commissioners' Court does hereby approve the following: (1) re-issuing of the Interlocal Health Services Agreements for the following cities: Addison, Balch Springs, Carrollton, Cedar Hill, Cockrell Hill, Coppell, Farmers Branch, Glenn Heights, Grand Prairie, Highland Park, Hutchins, Irving, Lancaster, Rowlett, Sachse, Seagoville, Sunnyvale, University Park, and Wilmer: (2) authorize the fee schedule as attached; and (3) authorize the County Judge tosign the Interlocal Health Services Agreement on behalf of Dallas County. this the 4th day of June ,,,---'~. ~"~0~/ Lee F. J~~ -::"-~ '-'' : ~ t ' ~ed by: · lot :/:/:3 Kenn~th-A. M~yfi~l~, D~ict #4 /// ,/~etty CU~reat~iste/Director THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS INTERLOCAL HEALTH SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003 This Interlocal Health Services Agreement For Fiscal Year 2003 ("Agreement") is made by and between Dallas County, Texas, on behalf of the Dallas County Health and Human Services Department ("COUNTY") and the City_ of University Park, Texas ("CITY"), acting by and through their duly authorized agents. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, COUNTY has offered to provide certain health services to cities throughout Dallas County on a contract for services basis; and WHEREAS, CITY desires to participate with COUNTY in establishing coordinated health services for all of Dallas County; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, and for other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: PURPOSE CITY and COUNTY agree that COUNTY will operate certain health services for the residents of CITY in order to promote the effectiveness of local public health programs. The cooperative effort will allow all cities in Dallas County to participate in providing public health services for their residents under the terms of this Agreement. II. HEALTH SERVICES INCLUDED (A) COUNTY agrees to operate the Dallas County Health Services Program hereinafter referred to as "the Program", which will include the following health services: (1) Tuberculosis Control Services- providing preventive, diagnostic treatment, and epidemiologic services; (2) Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Services- consisting of education to motivate people to use preventive measures and to seek early treatment, prophylaxis, epidemiologic investigation, and counseling in accordance with COUNTY policy; (c) (D) (E) (3) (4) Communicable Disease Control Services- providing information concerning immunization and communicable diseases and coordinating with the Texas Department of Health in monitoring communicable diseases; Laboratory Services- performing chemical, biological, and bacteriological analysis and tests on which are based diagnosis of disease, effectiveness of treatment, the quality of the environment, the safety of substance for human consumption, and the control of communicable disease; COUNTY agrees to provide to the contracting CITY, as mandated by state and federal law, the following public health services: (a) immunizations; (b) child health care; (c) high risk infant case management; and (d) home visits. COUNTY also agrees to work with CITY in order to decentralize clinics and to plan and provide for desired services by CITY; however, any other services that CITY requires, in addition to the above mentioned services, may result in additional fees to CITY. COUNTY agrees to charge a sliding fee based on ability to pay to all residents of every city in Dallas County. The fees charged by COUNTY under Article II (A) (1), (2), (3), and (4) above, will be used to offset the contracting CITY'S Program costs in the upcoming fiscal year. A schedule of fees to be charged by COUNTY is set out in"Exhibit A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. COUNTY agrees that the level of service provided in the Program for CITY will not be diminished below the level of service provided to CITY for the same services in the prior fiscal year except as indicated in Article II (E). For purposes of Article II (E), level of service is measured by the number of patient visits and number of specimens examined. COUNTY will submit to CITY a monthly statement under Article V (B), and a statement of the number of patient visits and number of specimens examined during the preceding month. The possibility exists of reductions in state and federal funding to the Program that could result in curtailment of services if not subsidized at the local level. If such a reduction in state or federal funding occurs, COUNTY will notify CITY in writing of the amount of reduction and the extent to which services will be curtailed as a result. This notice will also include an amount which CITY may elect to pay to maintain the original level of services. CITY will notify COUNTY in writing no later than 15 days of the date of the notice of funding reduction as to CITY'S decision to pay the requested amount or to accept the curtailment of service. If CITY elects to pay the requested amount, payment is due no later than 45 days after the date of the notice of funding reduction. 2 (A) (B) (c) (D) III. BUDGET COUNTY agrees to operate the services listed in Article II at the level of services and for the amount stated on Exhibit D, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, to be paid by CITY for the fiscal year October 1, 2002, through September 30, 2003. COUNTY agrees to submit to CITY by July of each year a proposed budget describing the proposed level of services for the next fiscal year. CITY agrees to pay COUNTY, as set forth in "Exhibit D", the sum of $ 4 8 ;0 0 for fiscal year 2001-2002 which is the agreed upon CITY'S share of the total cost less federal and state funding. If CITY desires, it may request a negotiation for in-kind services, equal in value to the total amount, in lieu of paying actual dollars. This Agreement is contingent upon CITY'S appropriation of funds for the services set forth herein. In the event CITY fails to appropriate such funds, neither CITY nor COUNTY shall incur any obligations under this Agreement. IV. ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROGRAM The Program will be operated and supervised by COUNTY. (A) (B) FINANCING OF SERVICES The health services provided under this Agreement will be financed as follows: (1) CITY and COUNTY will make available to the Program all federal and state funds, personnel, and equipment previously used by CITY or COUNTY to provide the health services included under this Agreement and will use best efforts to cause these funds to continue to increase. (2) CITY shall pay to COUNTY, or provide in-kind services, its share of budgeted costs that are in excess of the federal and state funding for providing the health services under this Agreement. Budgeted costs are those reflected in Article III (C) set forth above for the appropriate fiscal year. COUNTY shall bill CITY each month an amount equal to one-twelfth (1/12th) of its share of annual budgeted costs that exceed federal and state funding for the expenses of the preceding month. CITY shall remit payments to COUNTY in accordance with the Prompt Payment Act, Chapter 2251 of the Government Code. (c) CITY and COUNTY agree that no more than ten percent (10%) of the CITY'S cost of participating in the Program will be used for administration of the Program. (D) All payments for the performance of services under this Agreement shall be paid from current revenues available to the CITY. VI. TERM The duration of this Agreement shall be for a one (1) year term beginning on October 1, 2002, and ending September 30, 2003, unless otherwise earlier terminated in accordance with Article VII set forth below, with an option to renew this Agreement for additional one (1) year terms based on fiscal year funding and appropriations in accordance with Article III (B), (C), and (D). Any renewals of this Agreement shall be made in writing and agreed upon by a duly authorized representative of each party. VII. TERMINATION (A) CITY or COUNTY may terminate this Agreement for any reason by giving the other party written notice of its intent to terminate at least 45 days before the effective date of termination. (B) If CITY or COUNTY defaults in any of the obligations under this Agreement, CITY or COUNTY may give notice of the default to the other party, describing the nature of the default and specifying a reasonable time to make a correction. If the default is not corrected within the time specified in the notice, this Agreement shall terminate. (c) If this Agreement is terminated for any reason, each party will pay for, as a sole remedy for such termination, all obligations incurred up to the effective date of the termination. VIII. CITY RETAINED HEALTH SERVICES Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to restrict the authority of CITY over its health programs or environmental health programs or to limit the operations or services of those programs. IX. ACCESS TO PROGRAM CITY and COUNTY agree to provide to the other upon request, copies of the books and records relating to the Program. CITY and COUNTY further agree to give CITY and COUNTY health officials access to all Program activities. 4 AGENCY COUNTY and CITY agree and acknowledge that each entity is not an agent of the other entity and that each entity is responsible for its own acts, forbearance, negligence and deeds, and for those of its agents or employees in conjunction with the performance of work covered under this Agreement. COUNTY and CITY agree that any liability or damages as stated above occurring during the performance of this Agreement caused by the joint or comparative negligence of their employees or officers shall be determined in accordance with comparative responsibility laws of the State of Texas. XIo OTHER CITIES CITY and COUNTY agree that other cities may join the Program by entering into an agreement with COUNTY that contains the same basic terms and conditions as this Agreement. XII. CONFIDENTIALITY CITY and COUNTY agree that the confidentiality of all reports, information, client records and data prepared, collected or assembled by COUNTY and CITY pursuant to this Agreement shall be maintained in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations. Any disclosure of confidential patient information by either party shall also be in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations. CITY and COUNTY shall further insure that their employees understand and are familiar with confidentiality requirements regarding HIV/AIDS-related medical information. XIII. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions, hereof shall not be affected or impaired, and such remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. XIV. APPLICABLE LAWS This Agreement is made subject to the governmental immunity of CITY and the sovereign immunity of COUNTY and all applicable laws of the State of Texas. Exclusive venue for any legal action arising between the parties as a result of this Agreement shall lie in Dallas County, Texas. XV. ASSIGNMENT Neither party shall assign or transfer, in whole or in part, any rights or obligations under or interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. XVI. NOTICE Any notice or certification provided for in this Agreement to be given by either party to the other shall be required to be in writing and shall be deemed given when personally delivered or within three (3) business days after being deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified, return receipt requested or registered addressed as follows: To COUNTY: Lee F. Jackson County Judge Administration Building 411 Elm Street Dallas, Texas 75202 To CITY: City Manager City of University Park XVII. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement represents the entire agreement among the parties with respect to the subject matter covered herein. XVIII. COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be considered one and the same instrument. The City of University Park has executed this Agreement pursuant to duly authorized City Council,l~l~~ t. ilNU~v.s NO. 221;3dated 3ui,¥ 2 , 2002. The County of Dallas has executed this Agreement pursuant to Commissioners Court Order No. 2002 1035 , onthis 4~H dayof 3UNIg ,2002. Dallas County Judge RECOMMENDED: By'. Betty~t~ ~lb th-Lis~er /BDTrector By: Mayor Attest: B~. ~'y~t~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: {~anet R. ~ergus n~ ~x~)eputy Chief, Civil Section "District Attorney's Office APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: City Attorney FY'2003 FEE SCHEDULE EXHIBIT A SEXUALLY TRANSMITrED CRIMINAL TESTING Treatment Blood Drawing Cryosurgery (F) Cryosurgery (M) Chemical Lesion Reduction Medical Records Copies $15 - $45 (Sliding Scale) $5 $60 $50 $45 $1 each Blood Draws Buccal Swabs TUBERCULOSIS Clinic Treatment Chest X-Rays Sliding Fee Scale -Minimum $40 $40 Skin Test Chest X-Ray Copies LABORATORY Wet Prep Gram Stain GC Culture RPR GEN Probe GC Screen GEN Probe CT Screen S almonella/Shigella TB Culture & Concentration TB Identification TB Susceptibility TB Acid Fast Stain $6 ' each $6 each $14 each $11 each $23 each $23 each $16 each $25 each $15 each $31 each $ 8 each Pregnancy Test Urinalysis Dark Field Chancroid Culture Herpes HIV Test Group A Strep LCx Urine Screen Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Chlamydia Trachomatis L, ead Screen NURSING SERVICE Hepatitis A Havrix Hepatitis B. Vaccine HDCV (bM) Rabies HDCV (ID) Rabies Japanese Encephalitis Menegococcal Vaccine Typhoid (Polysaccharide) EPSDT Tattoo Removal Tattoo Removal Laser $25/Injection $130/series $390/series (Proposed) $270/series $255/series $75/Injection $45/Inj ection(Proposed) $40/Screen $50/First $25/Additional $150/First(Proposed) $100/Additional (Prop) Rabies Administrate Fee/ Serves State Vaccine $25 Foreign Travel Office Visit Fee $25 Varivax Yellow Fever Vaccine Lyme Disease Vaccine Immunization/VFC Program DPT,DT,Hib, Pneumococcal Influenza Vaccine TD IPV Diabetic Testing Records: Foreign Travel Yellow Card Immunization Record ENWIRONMENTAL HEALTH Septic Tank Inspection Food Establishment Inspection Mosquito Spraying for Non- contracting cities *$210/Inspection $15 O/yr./establishment $105 per hour Day Care Center Inspections Half-Way Houses & Brdg Homes $38 $38 $12 $5 $10 each $ 5 each $16 each $10 each $38 each $13 each $14 each $47 each $47 each $10 each $60/Injection $70/Injection $180/Series $5/Per child $15/lnjection (Prop~)sed) $12/Injection (Proposed) $35/lnjection (Proposed) $12/Injection $25/Injection $5/Test $3 each $5 each/(Proposed) $1/per authorized child $50/per year $10 of the charge is for State fee Revised 04/08/02 TOWNS EXHIBIT B REPORT PERIOD: January, 2001 thru December, 2001 TB STD LAB COMMUNICABLE JANUARY 15, 2002 DISEASE Addison 85 37 301 172 Balch Springs 491 103 327 227 Carrollton 843 174 1695 955 Cedar Hill 110 95 312 208 Cockrell Hill 658 8 0 34 Coppell 139 23 57 196 *Dallas 40893 13526 67139 21671 *Desoto 201 192 398 412 *Duncanville 279 144 546 402 Farmers Branch 384 52 400 296 *Garland 3962 516 6038 1975 Glenn Heights 0 32 39 41 Grand Prairie 1455 347 2291 962 Highland Park 0 0 0 288 Hutchins 102 33 136 13 Irving 2506 798 4979 1975 Lancaster 327 209 593 543 *Mesquite 760 320 2258 1410 *Richardson 1279 136 847 1047 Rowlett 251 33 142 393 Sachse 244 1 3 63 Seagoville 289 30 190 102 Sunnyvale 1 0 0 10 University Park 0 0 0 173 Wilmer 8 29 2378 97 *Unincorporated 186 769 3176 7062 Total 55453 17607 94245 40727 DALLAS COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES FY '03 EXHIBIT C Municipality Public STD TB Health Clinic Clinic Lab Communicable Disease Control FY '03' Contract Total Same as FY '02 Addison 2,230 1,214 3,154 Balch Springs 6,209 7,012 3,426 Carrollton 10,489 12,039 17,760 Cedar Hill 5,727 1,571 3,269 Cockrell Hill 482 9,397 0 Coppell 1,386 1,985 597 *Dallas 815,373 583,995 703,477 * Desoto 11,574 2,870 4,170 *Duncanville 8,681 3,984 5,721 Farmers Branch 3,135 5,484 4,191 *Garland 31,105 56,582 63,266 Glenn Heights 1,929 600 409 Grand Prairie 20,918 20,779 24,005 Highland Park 0 0 0 Hutchins 1,989 1,457 1,425 Irving 48,105 35,788 52,170 Lancaster 12,599 4,670 6,213 *Mesquite 19,290 10,854 23,659 *Richardson 8,198 18,265 8,875 Rowlett 1,989 .3,585 1,488 Sachse 60 3,485 31 Seagoville 1,808 4,127 1,991 Sunnyvale 0 14 0 University Park 0 0 0 Wilmer 1,748 114 24,916 *Uninco .rporated 46,359 2~656 33,278 $1,061,3'83 $792,527 $987,491 1,918 2,531 10,650 2,320 379 2,186 241,658 4,594 4,483 3,301 22,025 457 10,728 3,212 145 22,025 6,055 15,724 11,676 4,383 703 1,137 112 1,929 1,082 78,751 $454,174 5,751 9,377 23,823 2,498 2,301 3,131 1,754,252 17,620 11,273 14,853 80,156 574 38,854 132 3,149 81, ,906 12,106 31,608 23,756 4,925 362 7,620 99 48 2,597 77,142 $2,209,913 r~un-','l ~i~i~dj TO: 9~149875399 P:5/5 MUNICIPALITIES FY'03 CONTRACT COSTS EXHIBIT D CONTRACT COST ADDISON BALCH SPRINGS CARROLLTON CEDAR HILL COCKRELL HILL COPPELL * DALLAS * DESOTO * DUNCANVILLE FARMERS BRANCH * GARLAND GLENN HEIGHTS GRAND PRAIRIE HIGHLAND PARK HUTCHINS IRVING LANCASTER · MESQUITE * RICHARDSON ROWLETT SACHSE SEAGOVILLE SUNNYVALE UNIVERSITY PARK WILMER * UNINCORPORATED TOTAL $5,751 $9,377 $23,823 $2,498 $2,301 $3,131 $1,754,252 $17,620 $11,273 $14,853 $80,156 $574 $38,854 $132 $3,149 $81,906 $12,106 $31,608 $23,756 $4,925 $362 $7,620 $99 $48 $2,597 $77,142 $2,209,913 "N O N -'CO N3];L~ C'TI N O C]TIr~ Jnnuary 25, ~