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Zuzu Handmade Mexican Food
~ DAti-AS COUNTY HEALTH AND HU~IAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 2377 N. Stemmons Frw)' - Room 607 Dalln, Tex:u 75207 . (214) 819-2115 Fax: (214) 819-2868 \ .' .~ . n ".'"- A RETMLFOOD~TABLisHMENTINSPECTIJJNREPOai:.' " }.JZ5/. U~4'-"f' .. " (;!~7~;> . /.. / . I..J::' ~ r' 'P~scofInspeetion: Regular_ Followup_ CompYaint_ Other_ Date' -.....1- 0 .' .. : "Eslabli;shmenl: 'z. u' . z... IC~~' PhyslcaJAddress: (PJ..fZ! ,flL.l.CRJ5Sr'. AllvBj'Sl~ . ......-. ...... h'."l-'~~~~-H-' 1ri""':';;';"~"""~:"\~ .'-~~t'P. .....,Cfi\,.~.......~. . qfJ4~~~ ~~m",*I5):\..s.\IJW~~&~~r;u..~ .:;.<~.:~}...,,~ 11. " .a~q~",'B~Qu.lJ" .:'...m. ..".. I~", _ .1letti.Y..~.t,1j:;U.o__ 1. Proper Cooling for Cookedl?repared Food 2. Cold Hold (410FJ450F) 3. Hot HoTd (140'F) 4. . Proper CookIng Temperatures per PHF ~apid Reheating (16S'F In 2 Hrs) FoodtTemperalures ~. o EMERfffi~'1R(?~nn;ertiF.iaWa1i1ig@...5ti~'e":R~illt~rn"f"'l ~. ':C"~"'''-"",~ .!I,....;t:1~~_:""''ri ..,....,.,...,._.~I". ...,..';r........I...."""'':1;..;:t.......~..;.~'fi':!!\:. ~-~hlrs.!-"J1:.':.S ~y:M.~.u.on~.::.~~ql!!@H.mm~~L~_~k:i!'H.!J~..':l.Y.E'r.\l..;..!-'_Q._ 6. Personnel with lnfec:Uons RestnctedrcxcTuded 7. Proper/Adequate Handwashing 8. Good Hygienic Pra rin~jnglSmokjng/01her) 9. Approved Sou~ 10. ~ound Conortio 11. froper Handling of Ready-To-Eat Foods Cross-Contamination of Raw/Cooked FoodslO1her Ka:. ~.:Fiia;:,.s. 13. Approved Syslems (HACCP PI2IlSfTIme as Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply - Approved Source/Sufficient CapacitylHol and Cold Under Pressure D"EME~Rf.f.S.~ {~Hnffi!WnB'f~Gi"""p' . fu"e;rt1reRmr~YSitffi:;r,t; , ..,:>< '-'~'.' '<5'T<'r.r' ~~;(!r:'":t -ti'::.<-!."-. .<..~_.. ~.'I""""'-:-::f:i;'~';-;:~"'-~~~''A'' ~ -'oil... ,. . ~K.13~I:.!tS ';'):.;:'l 0;\[1O C!- .OlJS)iRegulre.. mrrlC\JIC1\l::::"'^'n:~,,~' ,"uo.n,,,! .: : . . -':. .' ....v.\..."V;:,... "'..:~~~, . >'-='~;;-~,.l:4:'-~\:.r;,.......~~.~l!:~",~(lo;;f~"':~~~~>>~::'Jl:,,~~)".:.f:'~fV~..~f,'~~lr:~~~~.?!o.~~.. ". ~~~ 1S;Equipmenl Adequate to Maintain Product Temperature 16. Handwash Facnilies Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facilities with Scapi!1ld Towels 18, No E\jdence of Insect Contamination . 19. No Evidence of RodentslO1her Animals 20..Toxic Items Properly Labeled/StoredlUsed 21. Manual Warewashing and Sani6zjng at ( ) ppmft rature 22. Mechanical Ware washing and Sanilizjng at ( mil mperature 23. Approved Sewag e./Wastewater Disposal System, Proper Disposal 24. Thermometers ProvidedlAccurateJProperly Calibrated (:!:.20F) . Ood Contact Surfaces of Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 25. Posting of Consumer Advisories (HeimtichIRaw SheTlfish Waming/Buffet PIal e) . 27. FOod Establishment Pennit . .. .'. . :: ~ta~ '~-r:;Vi~ji:~"Bm~"~R'''''''-'''''x;o'''''~b8i->~NOt~~.CrSoDa~~-ri.."'''erN~T~~~<W'w..ff~P.1.~ .~ ., _...........~--. :,. .....:~.!.....~........_~~.t..:J~~QS_.......~~__ tt....- ~~.""f!!t;.;:...""...~...~. ."""..~_.o:""'~ "",. ~~.~~..-...........~."~$,,,,,~~,,,,,,,,,~,,-- 5Pts 4 Pts 3?t~. /1 folcl Demerits Follow-up Insp YES NO ReceIved b Inspe~ted by: : OTHER VIOLATIONS WHICH MUST BE CORRECTED Food protection during storage, preparation. display, service. transportation. Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, clean: controlled incineration. Handling of food (ice) minimized. Utensils properly stored. Clean clothes, hair restraints 'K Garbage & refuse containers covered: adequate number, inse odent proof. frequency of disposaVcIean. \Floors . onstructed, drain:d~ood ~epair. cov~ring ',' a latlOn, dustless cIeanm~s.' . ~/'~' '\ ',:. , at! Bing, attached equipment: constructed.~d pair, clea , surfaces, dustless cleaning method~,_ Food (ice) contact surfaces: designed., constructed. maintained. installed, located. ' Non-food contact surfaces: designed. constructed. maintained. instalIed. located. Ware washing facilities, designed, constructed. maintained. installed. located. operated. Lighting provided as r~quired, fixtures shielded. Ventilation: Rooms and equipment - 'vented as required. Accurate thennometers. chemical test kits provided, gauge (114" IPS valve). , ;C- -'"-- A: ~ ,- Wiping cloths: clean, use restricted. ,/ . 1'(;::) , / Non-food contact surface,S of ~quipment and utens~) Single-service articles, storage. dispensing. Premises maintained' free of litter, unnecessary articles, cleaning maintenance equipment properly stores. Authorized personnel. No re-use of single service articles. Complete separation from living/sleeping quarters. Laundry. " Plumbing: installed. maintained. Clean, soiled linen properly stored. Toilet rooms enol os ed, self-closing doors. fixtures, good repair, clean,proper waste receptacles. ~ , " Registered Food Service Manager registered with City~ on site. E:i\ r 1'\0. J, CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TO ENSURE SAFE FOOD COOLI:'\'G - Potentiall)" hazardous food cooled from 1400F to 700F more than 2 hours OR 70'F to 410F (45 oF) more than 4 hours OR preparec!:foods cooled to 41 'F (450F) more than 4 hours: ACTION: Voluntary destruction 2. COLD HOLD. Potentially hazardous food held above 410F (45 'f) more than 4 hours: ACTIO:'\': Voluntary destruction - Potentiall)" hazardous food held above 410f (45 OF) less than 4 hours: ACTIO:'\: Rapid cool. (e.g. ice bath) ยท HOT HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held below 1400F more than 4 hours: ACTIO~: Yoluntal)" destruction - Potentiall)' hazardous food held below 140'f I,ess than 4 hours: ACTION: Rapid reheat to I6soF or more' COOKI:'\'G. Potentially hazardous foods undcrcooked: ACTIO=": Re~ook to proper temperature RAPID REHEA TI~G - Cold potentially hazardous food improperly reheated: ACTION: Reheat rapidl)' to 16soF 3. 4. 5. 7. HAl"D WASHI:\G - Food emplo)'ees observed not washing hands: ACTIO~: Emplo)'ecs should be instructed to wash hands before starting work and after smoking, eating, drinking, using the toilet, and all other times specified in the Rules. . I I. . . APPROVED SOURCEISOUl"D CO:\DlTIO:-': - Foods from unapproved sources/unsound condition: ACT(O:,\: Detention or \"oluntal)' destruction. PROPER H...\:\DL1:'\'G OF READY:TO-EA T FOODS - Ready to Eat foods handled with bare hands and employee did not properly wash hands before handling: ACTIO:\: Voluntary destruction . CROSS CO~'T A:\Il:'\'ATION OF RA W/COOKED FOODS. Ready-to-Eat foods contaminated b)' ra\\' po'tentially hazardous foods: ACTIO:'\: Voluntar)' destruction of read)' to cat foods APPROVED SYSTE:\I . HACCP Plans for ROP, shellfish tanks, \"ari~nces. others, Written procedure for time as a public health control. 9,10 12. 13,