HomeMy WebLinkAboutBailey's 1st & Ten DAtLAS .comITY HEALTH AND HU~IAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 2377 N. StemmolU Fewy - Room 607 1),,1121, Texas 75207 . (214) 819-1115 F:ax: (214) 819.2868 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLisHMENT INSPE'CTION REPORT . .' ,.. . . . :.. ;, . ": .P~ose opnspeclion: Re~u'ar /FOtlow up _ Compbint_ Other_ Date q -5- of.; 'Eslabli,snment: II-E finsr .lAJ' ~ O/l1:S PhysTcal Address: II T:At..r. ~LL' IVcFlSl . ......-:E. .~. ':st fE6Q:a; P.H' 'tferTt'"::'rafU"'~~~' ....'Yflfg'rw~~ q.fJ4-M~~ 1\....;;.!-.~_b,..26)r_,.'....~(..,,':::""~.....,..A':-~ .........,...,.. ....""-~ - ~i{~Je.t$J~~ t.Y~.a~o.~-B1'!.~4tte:::.rIlU.!j::;CII~~.r.t~~1.\~.o_n~'lt."% 1. Proper Cooling for Cookedl?repared Food 2. Coldj;old (410F/45'F) '. ot Hold (gooF) 4. . Proper CooklngTemperalures per PHF 5. Rapid Reheating (16S'f In 2 Hrs) Foodffem::eralur *C~l 'lY:lc4Srf/5"f PtJJVf C!TtiJf1S /5ot'r . ~'rvJ5PA~6 j'fS't.F J(rrtl:'J.1;:s> o EMEfH'tS1 {Re"rs:onnKt7HaWd1i1iE@6ti"~"i~fRAAJire"m"~'fr~~~f!~~"$ 7~, :::'>Y(";("i-Z,,,,,~!:,, '~""~~~"':"""""'B' ""^'~"-'.'''II'' ."'''''~''~l'''''';'':::''' '''''',:.'f~';t~-,::.~.~M:f:' ,~~, y:~~ "!':'~<;'~.J!:~~a',{'Y.',~,u.o n~.i..-" ~q t!B:?-_:J.m.m.~,:,.~~.~;,~~_~.~~u_qIIt'~~ ~tr 6. Personnel With Infections Restlictedrcxc1uded 7. Proper/Adequate Handwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (EatinglDrinldnglSrnoldng/Other) 9. Approved Source.lLabeling 10. S,ound Cond'rtion' 11. froper Handling of Ready-To-Eat Foods 12. Cross-Contamination of Raw/Coo1<ed Foods/Other 13. Approved Systems (HACCP PlanslTIme as Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply - Approved Source/Sufficient CapacitylHot and Cold Under Pressure D.EME"Rfts~ rEa~!ffiY~ncfr~urp-i'J rTf~!fttfie~urr~l1ts~~4i!:r;.~1.:~~~Ti4*~r@:: .r. ~ ...,... '<fj"""Il" ,~., . """ti'J -"~" .<....~.. .-. wl-.....'...,;,..~.....l.. .n~......"""......,..~;.i -ctj" .;)..z.m."'I':?"'':;'<""'~~!:;;W''O'" ~,:>{3!~tS ~~.=; WIO a ons~equlre, mm:ed,at8':0-vrrectiVe:r-.. on,';I"'-' .t10':'~':;1. :." .. . .o^ 1..;...... 4'.:<!l~~.';"'_ >'fIo"': )~o:O:....,...;<",:4;'~\;(":;"';Jo~'i'.:'~.'~-";:~1'~~:''''''Qo~~~1''.J~:';'::*-S:~~:n-!)''.~-.:::.,....~.:t;:r,.).;,,:t1'2...-:~~~~;~~r.'d.':~.~),...'" ,". .' -. ~r;~~l6i'r "t7~ '. '. . . 'r=- 1S;EquipmentAdequale to Mainl.ajn ProductTemperalure 16. Handwash FacTIities Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facilities with Soap and Towels 1 S, No Evjdence of Insect Contarn!nation . 19. No Evidence of RcxlenlslOtherAnimals 20..Toxic Items Property L..a1:JelecllStoredlUsed 21. Manu21 Warewashing and Sanitlzing at ( ) ppmltemperalure 22. M echaJ'ljcaJ Warewashing and Sanitlzing at (50 ) ppmltemperalure 23. Approved SewageN/astewater Disposal System, Proper Disposal 24. Thermometers Provided/Accuralel?roperly Calibraled (:!:. 2'F) 25. Food Contact Surfaces of Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 25. Posting of Consumer Advisories (Heimlich/Raw Shelh'ish Warning/l3uffet Plale) :It...~, .. ~ .. . 27. FOod Establishment Pernt . .' . .' .'. . . , .:~tars:,<,::. '~~7,r. ~'I'::~'r.,r.;.,,~"-"n':"-"""1;-:::"""~::::<:'~"'::'i:->~N""""'V~"d90-:-Da~~~;::,?tt="'I' ',j~~~~sr~dI.w~ f. . "....... "'-I":~~; :~u ~~~.te..?~.!~~.~:!h"~~QS"':Q.~~~~Q"~Y c:~~~~...~.2~. "_~/_~~~ .....J~-~~~~~~.fi?t;Jv....~"'...;...__.....-:--_--- .. ... 5Pts 4Pts 3Pts' /' fa em-ems :=oUOW-up-lnsp . j YES NO ReceIved bJ'V' Inspe~tcd by: