HomeMy WebLinkAboutBubba's Cooks Country DA~i.AS 'COUNTY HEALTH AND HUi\fAN SERVICES Environmental Health DivisIon 2377 N. StemmolU Frwy - Room 607 J:>2112.f, Tens 75207 . (214) 819-2115 Fax: (214) 819-:2868 RETAIL FOOD ~TABLisHMENT INSPE'crION REPQRT ' ., ~ . . . .: .. . -.. . 'P~ose opnspeclion: RegUlar'/ Follow up _ CompTaint_ Other_ 'Eslabli:shmentLoO C OuAJ Tn. PhysTcal Address: LL.(;P.eri/ A11veiAsi 'Ei-'XE' '-, ":Sf rE~; 'p. -' trem"':-rJ(u"'re.rnm'et -,...r.tWt;m~t?J.': q"-'""'"~~~W,Ol._m,..~6)f_it,....W7r.i'm€dftl"''''G5~ .........."..,.. .........~ -.I{:?} '" . }...;,"'Z 11, .. .aJ.jq~J3~HU.t(~d11. _,... lirtEt.' _ .r.t~Et1,\~.o_l'Jj,i$'zt. 1. Proper Cooling for Cookedl?repared Food Cold fiold (410F/45'f) ~ot Hold (140'F) 4. . Proper CooklngTemperatures per PHF 5. Rapid Reheating (16S'F In 2 Hrs) FOodlTem~e~~iifTc:l;S I~)'F Cf{-llk/:N' FRr~ /55~ . L0tft~ CA~ IScor Date ..q.- 5'- 0 G,: 2Jf373'ia52.'i- '. ~~~~,/~(J~ D EMERrrsi 1R~iSbnnKtJFiati'81ni"<"~oti"'rc~'fff.~'K'Jir€m~~'~~' :::""-".' ....,.,"'*.,"'. .m...".....,"",...... '-"""-,"."'IJ~"" ~~"""",~.,"",.,........,..,,",...,~~ ?--~(4J.~)1!t~ L!9l~pn~.::.R.Etq4!@-...: ,mm~Cfi.~J~;,'9i{.T~.~:~ti_9..l]"",= 6. Personnel \'iith Infections Restrictedrc::.:c1ud ed 7. Proper/Adequale H2fldwashiog 8. Good Hygienic Practices (EatingIDrinklnglSmoking/Other) 9. ApprovedSource!l...abeling ", . S,ound Cond'rtion . 11. proper HaIldIing of Ready-To- I Foods 12. Cross-Contamination 01 Raw/Coo~ed Foods/Other 13. Approyed Systems (HACCP PlansTfime as Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply -Approve<! Source/Sufficient CapacitylHoland Cold Under Pressure O-EME"aTrs{ I~~tmi~~Wrm~'~UJ~p' . rn~!ft!ffe;';urr~nts~€f~~i~:f4l*~~~~@:~~f.f~-;. ..I': ~ .-.~.. "fj'''''r-;.j, '~,'. ~ti'~-;.J;' "..~., "<.-"< .-, "1~'''''''-''':'''~'''''':1-.n-~"""",",...,,.,tA'' ~;"'.:x.~""~''''c~iw.l1.l''O''';:'iC:'''J ~~73?P..t.S ,.:J;""i ~YJoC a ons'BegUlre, mm€{liate'~rrectiiie' 1,;.Uon "1'N,tIO':' . . ~ .:.(:Ja ... .\............... "'..:~~ot.: -.~,... >.~\~..;;".,;,.,.lI4/.~};(""J.'*"..,.~:.):.,;~.II';~~~~~:~&>.-~~~1"~"..:~~~,:'!o:~~~...::.~.J'~.t'.i);;~~I)>~~~::'l-.~r:'d.'~~;;:...... " 15:Equipment Adequate 10 Maintain Product Temperature 16. HaIldwash FacTIities Adequale 2fld Accessible 17. HaIldwash Facilities with Soap and Towels 18, No Evjd ence of Insect Contaminalion . 19. No Evidence of RodenlslOtherAnimals 20..Toxic Items Properly l2beled/StorecllUsed 21. Manual Warewashing and Sani6zing at C ) pp 22. Mechan!ca1 Warewashing and Sani6zing at ~ erature 23. Approved Sewagelr'lastewaler Disp<lsal Syslem, Disposal 24. T'hennomelers ProYidedlACC1Jralel?roperly Calibraled (:!:. 2'F) . Food Contact Surfaces of Equipmenl and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Posting of Consumer Advisories (Heimlich'Flaw Shellfish Waming/8uffet Plale) . 27. FOod Establishment Permit". " . . . , .:~tars:'<"<' '~~,,'r. ,ul::~::-..!"'r.,r.~"""'~"";"""""'~"'CCl'''''''''''~::::<:,..:~:i:-';r,.N''''''''"'>ffi:f~''dSO"7Da~'''''~~t,~="'1'''~~~'~~s'r~clW~ ~ . ., .......---_....;;':S~; :~u ':::~~.~.e..~.~!~:;.~:!:I~~QS..;~~~~_~~yc:;.:~~~..~...;.. .._~,_~~~ ....J~-.:..~~~~~..QU.~..!J....~""'...;.:.__,~..--~,.. .; ... 5~s~ . 4 Pts ~ ?.OST liNeD t.J1r;ll Slt"'~ ~ 3 Pts )J:2"fJ4z~ /)cJDI{ tm /oe M "1<IfrA/C / ~ /lEf"h~ ?J~ fv)/l.frd:. ~e/J roW Demerits :-oUow-up lnsp Recelved b' YES NO " . .. Inspe~ted by: OTHER VIOLATIONS WHICH MUST HE CORRECTED Food protection during storage, preparation, display, service, transportation. Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, clean: controlled incineration. Handling offood (ice) minimized. Utensils properly stored. Clean clothes, hair restrai~ts .'/11... A .Fo~ci (~ce) c~ntactsurfaces: deSign~d.r,'" s~cted. ! ~ mamtamed, Installed, located. ,., I Non-food co~tact surfaces: deSigned~ maintained, installed, located. ,Jtc- Garbage & refuse containers covered: adequate number, insect/rodent proof, frequency of disposal/clean. Fool's, c nstructed, drain~~7g\)Od ~e~air, cov~ring . al n, dustless c1eanJhr~;~hodt ' , ",,--~.,.' , Ware washing facilities, designed, constructe'd, maintained. installed, located, operated. .JL Walls, ceiling, attached equipment: constructed, good /~urfaces, dustless cleaning methods. _ Light~ded as r7quired, fixtures shielded. Ventilation: Rooms and equipment - vented as required. Accurate thermometers, chemical test kits provided, gauge (1/4" IPS valve), Dressing rooms - rooms clean, lockers provided, facilities clean, located properly Wiping cloths: clean, use restricted, Premises maintained' free of litter, unnecessary articles, cleaning maintenance equipment properly stores. Authorized personnel. Non-food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clean. Single-service articles, storage, dispensing. Complete separation from living/sleeping quarters. Laundry. ice articles. '\, , \ It.!i~mbing: . alled, ~7tained. Toilet r06 sed, self-closing doors, fixtures, good repair, clean, proper waste receptacles. Clean, soiled linen properly stored. Registered'Food Service Manager registered with City; on site. :;\Ij','O. 1. COOLl:'\G - Pot~ntially hazardous food cooled from 1400F to 700 F more than 2 hours OR 70' F to 41eF (4SeF) more than 4 hours OR preparec!:foods cooled to 41 OF (4S0F) more than 4 hours: ACTION: Voluntar)' destruction CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TO ENSURE SAFE FOOD 2. COLD HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held above 410F (45 OF) more than 4 hours: ACTIO:\": Voluntary destruction - Potentially hazardous food held above 410F (4S0F) less than 4 hours: ACTIO:'\: Rapid cool. (e.g. Ice bath) 3. HOT HOLD - Potentially haz:ll'dous food held below 1400F more than 4 hours: ACTIO:\": \'oluntaQ' destruction - Potentially h=dous food held below l-IooF I,ess than 4 hours: ACTION: Rapid reheat to 16SeF or more' t COOKI:\'G - Potentially hazardous foods undercooked: ACTIO:\: Re~ook to proper temperature i. R-\PID REHEA TI:\'G - Cold potentially hazardous food improperly reheated: ACTIO~: Reheat rapidl)' to 16SeF T, HAND WASHI:\"G - Food employees observed not washing hands: ACTIO:": Emplo)'ecs should be instructed to wash hands before starting work and after smoking, eating, drinking, using the toilet, and all other times specified in the Rules. ' , , 1,10 APPROVED SOURCE/SOUKD CO:\"DITIO;'Il- Foods from unapproved sources/unsound condition: ACTfo:'{: Detention or "01 un ta!")' destruction I. PROPER H..\SDLI.'\G OF READY:TO-EA T FOODS. Ready to Eat foods handled with bare hands and employee did not properly \\'ash hands before handling; ACTIO:\': \'oIuntar,)' destruction 2. CROSS CO~T A:lII:\"A TIO:'\ OF RAW/COOKED FOODS - Ready-to-Eat foods contaminated b)' ra\\' poientially haz:ll'dous foods: AcrIO:'{: Voluntar,r destruction of read)' to cat foods 3. APPROVED SYSTE:lI - HAeCp Plans for ROP, shellfish tanks, variances. others. Written procedure for lime as a public heallh control.