HomeMy WebLinkAboutCVS Pharmacy Snider Plaza DA1:-LAS .COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Divi.ston 2377 N. Stemmons Fnvy - Room 607 DatJu, Texu 75207 . (214) 819-:2115 Fax: (214) 819-:2868 RETAIL FOqD ~TABLisHMENT INSPECTION REPORT . . --. . . :.. ~ . .: 'P~oseopnspection: Regular / Followup_ Complaint_ Other_ Dale 'Eslabli;shmenl: -. D EMERrrsi {8e"rs3nn=r1fHaR8rill""'~"''Ob''''~~'fp''''~(fitlm''~t ::::a,""-""!'" .-..:~~:o:..; '~:Y';:~~:"'lo...,~:~" '~":':'-.""~r~7O'''$o ~J:ooo~:t":'~"~'''.~~'f>.A.4:'''r.l'''''' 'f.-~(4J..~)i!i~ 1y:~,?}ig..D~.:J.3.~ql!!@-_~.DJm~CR9J~;.~[T~_~~ti.9._j' 6. Personnel \'lith Infections RestrictedlExclud ed 7. Proper/Adequale H211dwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (EatingIDrinldnglSrnoldnglOther) 9. Approyed SourcelL2.beling . ~ound Conortion . trJl1:'re 'S n.J ,-"<;.. /lS'r IA.J 11. proper HGIldling of Ready-TcrEal Foods 12. Cross-Corilaminalion of Raw/Coo~ed Foods/Other 13. Approyed Systems (HACCP Plansmme as Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply - ApproYe-d Source/Sufficient Capacity/Hol and Cold Under Pressure . ",,' ...-""':"'..........""..,.0(:>.:: 'r.......;;....~~~~...;<')'. ...-,..................)l'....~.~;s;O:"~....~....:-.:4(..._.....~:-~~--:.,,;,.~"',...,):....'-<._....,-~~..;,f.~.~ ._. ._. ....:1;.~>:-'~~.:.1' D EM ERITS,: J:acln~Y; 'aM :t::";uinm e:."if'fl eri'[jireri"i-enls'n;;l>~,,,,n.;i,'!;~:!'7~~~'"'~;~~-;'~~O;:- ..r. ~ ._~.. '<fj:6't:~l '~., .' '-'t-'" ."~., .<;~_.. i;1.........-.,:,..~......"::I..n-~........8::-.,..,t'A""'~~~tr:t'!~.~"",5.~;r"'O.:r;,; :>~73?PLS ~:i:.-; <Vie a ons~egUlre. mrhci:lJate':0vIT=..uve' ,,"uon "1't'V tlCY.: . . }'. :.0 .. .\........'^.... ,ol",:"!l~ -.$'- )~)~';;/t--~~:~1:':\::~';:"';A~""':"::;~~~~'~;~~~)~:~~~~~1"':;'~_~~~'~:~)",~..::,t"'A'!;).l.r.~)';;~-t<"':I!-~~~~~r:-<<:~..:......,.,~ '. 15;Equipment Adequale 10 Mainlain Product Temperalure 16. Handwash FacTIities Adequale GIld Accessible 17. HGIldwash Facilities with Soap and Towels 18, No Evjdence of Insect Contamination. 19. No Evidence of RooentslOther Animals 20..Toxic Ilems Properly t2beled/StoredlUsed 21. MGIlu21 Warewashing and Sani6zing at ( ) ppmltemperature 22. Mechanical Warewashing 2lld Sani6zing at ( ) ppmllemperature 23. Approyed SewageN{aslewaler Disposal system, Proper Disposal 24. Thermometers Provided/Accurate/Properly Calibrated (:t.2'F) 25. Food Contact Surfaces of Equipmenl211d Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Posting of Consumer Advisories (HeimlichIRaw ShelJiish WaminslBuffet Plale) . 27. FOod Establishment PellTlit . '. .:~ta~m: ':ru~'r.1'1'::~:r.!'<;~,r.~~""'~"';'''''''''''~~~''"'''~::::<:'",.:s:;;~::,~Fr'c;Wo~~''dOO"':"Da~~~N-'~~1 ..o~~~s.tt(~~dt~~ t . - a.e ...........,-._: =~uTP:r--;!.!.~..?~!~~.!:!:I~~QS_~~~~"'"'tr-~~".~~ It;...................~. .._~,..~_~ ""t.J;.-~~~~~s:!.:J~~.,..;.o:...__..~._-,.. 5Pts 4Pts 3Pts' . .' ~ .. 'f ro1.2l Demerits ~~O:-UP ~~p ReceIved by: ~~"