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Cafe Trevi
DAl;-LAS COUNTY HEALTH AND HU~IAN SERVICES Environment21 He~lth DivbIon 2377 N. Stemmons Fnvy - Room 607 D~lIu. Texu 75207 . (214) 819.2115 F~x: (214) 819-2868 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT INSPE'CI'ION REPORT . .' .. .. .. ..": .,. . -.. . 'P~oscopnspeetion: Regular v' Followup_ Complaint_ Other_ Date .f-3/--0" 'Eslablip'hmenl: " -. DEMERfi'Si {8e"rs:cinnKl!HaRamt~""oti"'~"f;;~R"'~dWl"m~'" ;:" ,_..... ..,..,.,,~:>. .~V't..,,,",...,,,,,,,,,, . ..,....,."-.._.~J~,... ......."'. ~,....,....""AC..... f.-H4JRJsJ~~~ L,!P.l,~_on~,,:,I3.em4~.: .IT!m~crr'?J~;9?CJ_~_~;;""'Ji.9..r],,~::i 6, Personnel with Infections Restlicted/E:xcluded 7. Proper/Adequate H2Jldwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (Eatin,glDrlnJ.:jnglSmoJ.:jnglOther) 9, Approved Source/Labeling 10, S.ound CondItion' 11. froper HaIldling or Ready-To-Eat Foods 12. Cross-Contamination of Raw/Coo1<ed Foods/Other 13, Approved Systems (HACCP Plzns!Time as Public Health Control) 14, Water Supply -Approved Source/Sufficient Capacity/Hot and Cold Under Pressure OOEMERftS{ {~t~~~raffii1E-~uT~p- n1~'Zfitff~J~Eiir~nts~~g~~?\~~~.iW~ ...., ~ ..,....'ff""..,.' "S~. ,:)~~.:J;""'" ...~_.. '" _....._.,:,..~'"'..'::I.h'~.......""'...."...~^ ~ -;}'~ffi""f'~ ..:" . ~".73!t?LS ~:i:'.~; .V....K'Jations5ReqUlre.lmriiedrare::0vrTe:::tNe:n.\o.uon..I'AJ .tIO':' . }. :." .. ~"".\ ..,..,. '\::...... ",..:~?J~~\~i;/tw~~ :~-;';;\;f~""""'" '.~:):~,;':o'I";t~~~~:~""~~~l"~"";:'1.t~'tJ.:),:;,,!,:)",~-.::.,......oI"~~,,);o\'~.,.oe:~:.'!'~~~:~~\":"d.":~.;.::.....'!\ .", '. 15; Equipment Ad equate to Mainlain Product Temperature 16. HaIldwash FacTIities Adequate 2Jld Accessible 17. HaIldwash Facilities with Soap and Towels 18, No Evjdence or Insect Contamination. 19. No Evidence of RcxlentsJOtherAnimals 20..Toxic Items Properly LaheledlStoredlUsed 21. MaIlual Warewashin,g and Sanitlzin9 at ( 22. M echanlcal Warewashing and Sanitlzin,g at ppmllemperature 23, Approved Sewag eN/astewater Disposal System. Proper Disposal 24. Thermometers ProYided/Accurate/?roperly Calibrated (:l:.2'F) , Food Conl:act Surfaces or Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26, Poslin9 or Consumer Advisories (HeimlichIRaw Shenfish Wamingl'Suffet Plate) . 27. FOod Establishment Permit.' , . , ::~furs:~ '~M6i~~<'E<:Vi~ns-:.R~""'iliE~.co"""~ACii'&1{~""ffCf"~"d:SO--:D;e~'1>r.:~N~1n?~~~~~~m.~ t .......,- ._. .,. ........-........ .......-.. c.~..: ~ .... _..:....~ _...__ ~...._-..^_...... ""-t~._~........ ._~I_~_~..... ...:........~~~..__::..::;.~.fi?..~..!.t..~.,.,.........~..........- :6: 8~u: ~/lVr~%J~ . " ~ .. \3 rot2l Demerits ;::'oUow-vp Insp YES NO ReceIved by:. Inspe"ted by: ,.