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Cisco Grill
DA~LAS COUNTY HEALTH AND HUl\IAN SERVICES Environmental Health Divhion 2377 N. Stemmoos Frwy - Room 607 Dallas, Texu 75207 . (214) 819-2115 Fax: (214) 819-2868 -, . RETAIL FOqD :E:STABLisHMENT INSPECTI~~..~PQRT.: . P~oscorInsptCtion: Rcgulu_ Followup_ Complainl_ Othcr_ Dale 'Estabfl,Shment: C./$LO PhyslcalAddress: L, 6,30 I-J 1/)"- ZA ....-. ...- ....... _.~~4'....~_. ~.....;.::.:.,.""-':.'~~~_..""~~~. m~""~"',J.ii+.' OF:M,.E... ,. ~~m..,*~~Jl-l]Br~~~.l~~m.. ,!J{:?1at$. l.Y}QI.a'-iq~':''Q~s:lu.H:e.l.I.m~~I~~lI.~~:t;\9i. 1. Proper Cooung for CookedIPrepared Food 2. Cold Hold (410FJ45'f) 3. Hot Hold (140'F) 4. . Proper Cooking Temperatures per PHF 5. Rapid Rehealing (16S'F In 2 Hrs) Focdffem~eratures /{)/.l.~ :3/"i5t..'F . {J1f1'-1 ~lf(jF j3E~ I*,~ /OcJT717-o Suvp I~ 0 "'F' 'DEMERfi'Si mg~MKt1i1amm1J~~"'&J""~~~R~ir€m""'~ ~. '(A""n<::::'i";&.i,J, .!l,....;t'1~~'...,,~"6 .....,..,.N.~.~t.~::;',..~.",.t".V>~*."....-:t~.~>l~.ti'. ~-~ '=d<:~~.J:;it~ i~{M,':3.IJ~onE':'Q~q4!@jtm!!lE?,:,.~~~~,;~[I'~~"".Y.E~_~L 6. Personnel with Infections RestlictedlExcTuded 7. Proper/Adequate Handwashing 8. Good Hygienic Pra . g/DrinldnglSmolclnglOther) Approved Sou ,n:::. ~ 1 O. ~ound CondItio 11. proper Handling of Ready-To-Eal Foods Cross-Contamination of Raw/Cooked Foods/Other 13. Approved Systems (HACCP PlanslTime as Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply -Approved Source/Sufficient CapacilylHol and Cold Under Pressure D'EMERiT.S~ [N~"'~WnB"(""'Ui"""Memtffs'.mr~t ....-'.:',._-~...<~~.t.:J> ~~.~ . ~ti.:...~ ...~.c:;;.......'I. .-:.s......,.Plw.~:-"......,.::-":.."'<.....g...n~~~'W-'......, \". ~"'73!9.!S ~:.<.,,; .,.\f1O a ons)Begulre. mrfu!<"are:~TTei::tNeT'\ .. -o/.\,:.......\:;~.. ",.,:":''ro .;~ " >.~)~-::;.~~4;.:.:~(~....;ooIY;.~:l=!.,;~.~:~~'lC~~:1'!f:"~~~:.'*i::~~.:~>>. 15; Equipment Adequate to Maintain PtoductTemperature 16. Handwash Facilities Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facilities with Soap 2JldTowels 1 B, No Evidence of Insect Contamination . 19. No Evidence of RodentslOther Animals 20..Toxic Items Properly LabeledlStorecllUsed 21. Manual Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( ) pp ture 22. Mechan!cal Warewashing and Sanitizing at (Qj pp mperature 23. Approved SewageNlastewater Disposal System, Pr .er Disposal 24. Thermometers ProvidedlAccurateIProperly Calibraled (:!:.2'f) 25. Food Contact Surfaces of Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Posting of Consumer Advisories (HeimUchlRaw She1ffish Wamingl8uffet Plate) 27. FOod EstabUshment Permit . ::~fuG~ ';b'1he~I~iii11@rf~;m~~g;B~~~~~ACiic:r;i~~'-dOO':Da~~~1rN~1n?~,'r~, ~~~~~.~ ..........-._. .. ~._......~......... ......._..~.~..: ~ .... ..."..:...':(.~_...__:C\.::.y_-..J.,:-:."~(~""...",..;.,.tIi,,....""'.~_.._'!l~~ Jo(...ro":-~.~~_.......,...::.r:;~..;:::;..;..;:,~~~..,.,.~.,~___.~ :~: l:;e;>tJ~ ~k ~~/\. f#OTTl!/h) 3?ts' .over?' .' ~~ Inspe~tcd by: OTHER VIOLATIONS WHICH MUST BE CORRECTED )(,.. Food protection during storage, preparation. display. service. transportation. !:limd/in! of food (ice) minimized. Utensil4 pro~ . -.) n~ c.. 8vo ;p.17. (j j)ek. ~ Clean clothes, hair restraints' ./ Food (ice) contact surfaces:designe.d. construct~d. maintained, installed, located. . \' , ~ Non-food contact surfaces: designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located. Ware washing facilities, designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located, operated. Accurate thermometers, chemical test kits provided, gauge (1/4" IPS valve), Wiping cloths: clean, use restricted. ~ Non-food contact surfaces of equipment and ut Single-service articles, storage, dispensing. No re-use of single service articles. Plumbing: installed, maintained. Toilet rooms enclosed, self-closing doors, fixtures, good repair, clean, proper waste receptacles. Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed. clean: controlled incineration. Garbage & refuse containers covered: adequate number, insect/rodent proof, frequency of disposaVclean. Floors~ constl;ucted, drained, clean, good repair, covering , installation, ., ss cleaning methods.' ' , \_ 'i L." , . . L Wal , ched equipment: constructed, good rep' c a.n, su' aces, dustless cleaning methods. ........."" .,c,' ,,-.' " Ventilation: Rooms and equipment - vented as required. Dressing rooms - rooms clean, lockers provided, facilities clean, located properly Premises maintained' free of litter, unnecessary articles, cleaning maintenance equipment properly stores. Authorized personnel. Complete separation from living/sleeping quarters. Laundry. Clean, soiled linen prop~rly stored. Registered Food Service Manager registered with City; on site. Ei\1 f\"O. 1. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TO ENSURE SAFE FOOD COOLI:'\'G - Potentially hazardous food cooled from 1400 F to 700 F more than 2 hours OR 70' F to 41 OF (4S0F) more than 4 hours OR preparec!:foods cooled to 41 'F (450F) more than 4 hours: ACTION: Vo1untar)' destruction 2. COLD HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held above 4loF (4S0F) more than 4 hours: ACTIO:'\': Voluntary destruction - Potentially hazardous food held above 4 I OF (4S0F) less than 4 hours: ACTIO:\': Rapid cool. (e.g. ice bath) 3. HOT HOLD. Potentially hazardous food held below 1400F more than 4 hours: ACTIO:\': Voluntary destruction - Potentially hazardous food held below 1400F kss than 4 hours: ActIOI':: Rapid reheat to 16soF or more' COOK.!:'\'G . Potentially hazardous foods undercooked: ACTION: Recook to proper temperature 4. 5. R-\PID REHEA TI:'\'G . Cold potentially hazardous food improperly reheated: ACTIOI':: Reheat rapidl)' to 1650F 7. HAf\"D WASHI;O\G . Food employees observed not washing hands: ACTIO:\': Employees should be instructed to wash hands before starting work and after smoking, eating, drinking, using the toilet, and all other times specified in the Rules. 9,10 11. APPROVED SOURCE/SOUND CO:'\DITION - Foods from unapproved sources/unsound condition: ACTI'OI':: Detention or \'oluntaf)' destruction PROPER HA.:'\'DLI.'>G OF READY~TO-EA T FOODS. Ready to Eat foods handled with bare hands and..employee did not properly wash hands before handling: ACTIO:'\: \'oluntary destruction 12. CROSS CO:\1 A:'III:'\A TION OF RAW/COOKED FOODS. Ready-to-Eat foods contaminated by raw potentially hazardous foods: ACTIO:'\: Voluntary destruction of ready to eat foods 13. APPROVED SYSTDI - HACCP Plans for ROP, shellfish tanks, variances. others. Written procedure for time as a public health control.