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Cultured Cup
DAI,.LAS COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 2377 N.StemmonsFrwy-Room 607 Datlul Texu 75207 . (214) 819-1115 F~x: (214) 819-2868 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLisHMENT INSPECTION REPORT . .' .. .. .. . ": ... . -... 'P~o5eopn5pcction: Rc~ular~ollo\Vup_ Complaint_ Other /' 'Eslabli;shmenl: " -. 0./(, - 10 GfEV DEMEfHtsi {p.e>iStWm'etJHa?i'dHrig~oti"~~Ft~dir€iTI"'mwt;f~~~fI ::.> Y(-'''P.iS,...,-...,~~ ~xrK>1?rtr:w.'~R """""---~J" ."''''E!r''f''':':-co''' '''''''liW~ti'~~~~if' ~-, 41.<;., tJ:i';;.:..~ !i_,_..,~.g..D~,::",,",~qt.!~..:,D]rn.~,.~~_~;,.::__!J_~..___: . __ql:tj~;; 6. Personnel \'lith Infections ResllictedlExc1uded 7. Ploper/Adequale Handwashin9 8. Good Hygienic Practices (EatingIDrinXinglSmokinglOther) 9. Approved Source/Labeling 1 O. ~ound Condition' 11. ploper Handling of Ready-To-Eal Foods 12. Cross-Contamination of Raw/Coo1<ed Foods/<Y.J1er 13. Approved Syslems (HACCP Plan.sIl1me as Public Health Control) 14. Waler Supply -Approved Source/Sufficienl Capacily/Hol and Cold Under Pressure . " .,. ~ :"'."'....~..""<~: ').......;;....~ "-N;'~~'::-:""""~"'-:")I'..'-~"';;;C",~:Vo~""~'~l:"~;'''''''~~~~~''''''~'::'I'~~>:.lIi~~''''.,:,,~~ol:~~...r:;::;''~~~ D EMERI:l.S".: "sa cItttY,ana ,l=riuJnm en'Hl en u Irem~mts<g:!J.'Bi4;<;~~;+'-rr.~.:,)i"<i< v-:,- .-...... .'tfj'.':"1"':~': ~",,~r:"'1: ~-..c ....c:.:~~~ .<-=-~.......,.'!; ......""""'.......~:-...."'<......~..n.~~~~...'"lI"~t'A.. ~ ...;t.'~~":"'t~~ '4~ >>. . . . :;".13!t?L$ ~':'~? ilf"lOl"ations'BegUlre.lmrJ1.eOlare':0vrrectNe' \;.ovon 'I~ tlo-:: . . ... :." a~.. .. -.....\ ..,..'.;:..... "'.f~?J''';~,*:':-';~'~1I~4';':':).;f~JIIo''->-''''''.~:):~~''''f-:;~~lt,:~:~~':'Z~>!:!''.z.~'''::~'L1I;~;~y,.~-.:..to'~fJ,:.:r");;~~J:-~~~.~~r.'<<:~;):'..:~ .'~ " 15;EquipmentAdequale loMaintaih Product Temperalure 16. Handwash FacTIities Adequale and Accessible 17. Handwash Facilities with Soap and Towels 18, No Evjdence of Insect Contamination. 19. No Evidence of RodenlslOtherAnimais 20..Toxic Items Properly LabeledlStorecllUsed 21. M anu2J Warewashin9 and Sanitizin9 at : eralure 22. M echarJjcaJ Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( ppmllemperalure 23. Approved SewageN/aslewaler Disposal Syslem, Proper Disposal 24. Thermometers Provided/Accuralel?roperly Calibrated (z. 2'F) 25. Food Conl:act Surfaces of Equipment and Utensils OeanedlSanilizedlGood Repair 26. Posting of Consumer Advisories (HeimlichIRaw Shellfish Wamin,glBuffet Plale) . 27. FOod Establishment Pernt,' , . . . , ':~furs:~ '~~"';:; "I'::~:::.!""l:<\i:-~"'''''~.o'''''''''''~~~'''''~::::<:''''~'';-'lj.N''-c;~o'~'"cj'90--:Da''''\::'i~~.N~'~~r ../~;"""'%~6'rdO~~~~ f. . "".........-....;~~; i~~~~.t~..?~.!~~.~:!'h..:rf~QS...:~~~~~{r~ y c:;~~~l,.._~_.;. .._..t_'!~~ ...,J~-~~~~~~~~.~v....~~.~..---....-:.-._--..... .. ... 5~s . 4~s 3~s' " ~ .. fa Demerits :=oUow-up Insp YES NO ReceIved by:.