HomeMy WebLinkAboutFatima Catering Truck - New ....., DALLAS comITY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES . Environmental Health Division 2377 N. Stemmons Frwy - Room 607 Dall.23, Texas 75207 . (214) 819-2115 Fax: (214) 819-2858 {ilU(jJ. LJC:#.' 04. p~se opnspection: Re~ul2J' / Follow up _ Complaint_ Other_ "Establi;shmenl: A'-/;J1 ~ II\JL. " Physlcal Address: u..i:flEI5, . 'Vi'\I Eflu 7. .............0.... ......'t .---.~,;..CO;...~,.....""'_. fu.....:.:~~""~"",~.... ........,.:~~. ~~~~\.~..-..r~.\:{ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~sfttW~af~~_\~l1" 1. Proper Cooling for Cookedl?repared Food 2. Cold Hold (41 "F/45'F) 3. Hot Hold (140"F) 4. . Proper Cooklng Temperatures per PHF 5. Rapid Rehealing (16S'F In 2 Hrs) FOo-dfT'emp'eratures rem f (! fh JJ'eJV ;JJ;i../ '-S /(J 5 (.IF II it.L./m L;::, ~ I J/ () I'F D EMERrrs1 (E€"~MKUH:ar=?tmtr~"'Ob""rcWtr~=mte'-';"erifgi''' ~.. ...-......'. .-s-:~1;:;.~~ .~,...~~...,.:"',..~~~~..6~....,..~.....~t.~7'"'..~..,....~~:r;~~:"rl.....~~:A~-... 'f.-~(41~J!!,~ h':!91~.on~'::''3.ll.ql,!f@.:1.mme;.~@J~;,~[TJt~~~t1_Q.l]x;i~ 6. Personnel with Infections RestnctecllExcluded 7. Ploper/Adequale H2fldwashing ~" ygre .c Prac.ices (EalinslDnnldnslSmokinglOther) proved S rcelLabeling ISc. 1nbCXJ AT n~'7 E 10. nomon' 11. Floper Handling 01 Ready.To-Eat Foods 12. Cross-Coritamination 0/ Raw/Cooked Foods/Other 13. Approved Systems (HACC? PlanslTime as Public Health Control) 14. Waler Supply -ApproYed Source/Sufficient CapacitylHot and Cold Under Pressure D"EME"afrs8i {Ea"crtifu?~n81E-~ulp""me;rt1=l~rimr~iS'~f~!t;:",Ye;'. '"'~r .r., '-':'".' '<5""""~..j, ~Y.@'s . -'ti'~ ."'.,.., . .<.~... "'1......'...,.~"'..-:!,;.'i~.._........,"'t'A=~ ."~';.1;.; . . ,c:<,: ~"'.13:J:?1S ',:<.:, WIO a ons~egulre. mrrre{:!iare::0vrrectNe. ,,-uon..~ t O~, . "',. a .. -.".\. .'^\::.~'. "".:'Il;.'.;.-;", ).",...-;,.~~:,-;r~4-:;;.:~~;;;..;..;""Jo~'~':::+~,~(Io:;':'~~':~'~~~~~>>'~z..:..::w::"*,~~:}'::'!':)".:-",:.~,~..y.'.t:.~.,).,;~.~~~~~:~~..~~:~~~./.~~~;:..... '. I:)er;r(J 1t7~~'4--I?;LoF (!/fB15Je(3i//.I~ /a5~;=:- 15; Equipment Adequale 10 Maintain Product Temperature 16. Handwash Facnilies Adequate and Accessible 17. Hand....'aSh Facifiti es with Soap 2l1d Towels 18, No Evjdence orInsect Contamination. 19. No Evidence 01 Rod entslOther Animals 20.,Toxic Ilems Properly LaDeled/SloredlUsed 21. Manual Ware washing and Sanitizing at ( ) ppmltemperahJre 22. Meehan! arewashing and Sanitizing at ( ) ppmltemperahJre 23~ geN/astewaler Disposal System, Proper Disposal Provided/AccurateIProperfy Calibraled C. 2"F) ntact Surfaces 01 Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair . -of Consumer Advisones (HeimlichIRaw Shellfish WaminsfBuffet Plate) . 27. FOod EstabTIshment Permit . .' . " . . .: SUbk)t:a~ .!;;>.:-~,r. ~.I."~~..!""tc(r:~;C;:~.o'''''''"'''~:r:=:''''''.J;::Z~'''~''''''''.>JcN.~~~1''dSo"Da~'''''~~~N~'~~I. ."..~. "~~~masrF.ftI:~~ .~ . ~... ......... ..._~..:~B ;~u ~.~~.~.e..~..~.!~\~.t~:1~~QS~9...~tE.P...:-.~Q"...~~~~f!!~...~....~. ._.~_<!~~ ~.J~...;.~i~~~J:;~.2n,JJ..!J-~.,.......J....~~~...-:o'........ '" ...... . : ~: t.b"-1 {I...1 j ~s.It-R...-t (~LP efE fDo'I>S ~C-. 3 Pt. J LJ. \/J '7 &, /1'", lZ ?E~ IT '7. r foW rkmerits ' \.~~-up ~rgP ReceIved by:. -..".., _1 I; "1 ;::cLr"7-~2.x. I . InspeSlcd by: .I~U ~