HomeMy WebLinkAboutFelissa's LJA~LA~ COUNTY HE.A.LTH AND HUl\iAN SERVICES Environmenbl He:l.lth Divmon " 7377 N. Stell'1mons Fr\Yy - Room 607 D:lII2:, Texas 75107 . (214) 819.2115 F:l.x: (214) 819-:2868 RETAIL FO OD ESTABLISHMENT iN'SPE'CTION REPqRT Ci PhysTcal Address': q. ) /'.1/ t..7ZJ;(J- ~ I V EnSI . ....-. ...- ", ....1. .....~~ ....i}:j-. fu..,....:.:;.:.~.....~ ....,:.;.;.... ...........,.~t"~ ""'Io.(~(:~4o;"".....~ ~p;.; . D~~~~ W~{fL-)5)~.Jtg).Bf'7m~~~~g1L~r.u~~:.. '!J(q:J~}~.og~. " .a~o.M..B!;Rl.!l'{~UIl. .l:". 1~~.!I.~~:t:.01.on::@t~:, 1. Proper C00l1n!) for Cookedl?repared Food a("'Cold flold (41 " F/45 'f) a./Hot Hold (140'f) 4. " Proper Cooklng Temperatures per PHF 5. Rapid Reheating (16S'F In 2 Hrs) FocdfTemDeralures T 1M. , FoUowup_ Complaint_ Other_ Date --/-o~ :Purpose opnspeclion:Re,gtJlar "Eslabli,shmenl: 5cJ(.,,/~ 17$'''1=' o EiY\Efffffi1 {p.E?rs:8M;r1iFfarnnitj""'"c;G""rf~-R~djte'"m~Ff :::,v,,;<""'r;.;:;::-i",-""''''' '~r":::1~~""""""6"""'~"-'.''''I'~''''::.r.~NI'''''-'h~':-<:<''~f~'fi~'ti'''Pi ' ~-~hl::-':.~J:;!~1!f:!:-i:',~}Ipn_~'::'''3~qLl!I?-~:J"m.m~,::@_~,,~[I'.~~~ _QJIf~ 6. Personnel with lnIections ResliictecllExcluded 7. Proper/Adequate Handwashing 8, Good Hygienic Practices (EalinglDrinldn,glSn-.okingJOther) 9. Approved Source.ll...2beling 10. S.ound Conartion . 11. f'roper Handling of Ready-To-Eat Foods 12. Cross-Contamination of Raw/Coo"ed Foods/Other 13. Approved Syslems (HACCP PlanslTime as PubTic Health Control) 14. Waler Supply -Approve-d Source/Sufficienl CapacitylHol and Cold Under Pressure D'EME~Arts~ t~t~~~~fffi1'~uJ~p' . me;!fttHe9~~fiTr~iits~~fl~%l~~~ii&!i~~~ f~~~ """:1 ._",.. '<~"'-r:~l~~':;'~:;.:r;",....~";...-.. ..,.;, ....,........:;"~.......,..:GO....-.....'.-',...!ACti .:,t.<j,'N8Tq;"'" .. '''6-<:'' ' :f'SI~J8~~ ;:'+.fJ $~~;,..RI)f"",-,\'~~Y.Lr..e.)lr:;::~!.~~';,)J,",~~';"'r.~"..,o,..~.4"..J~?";";.."~,,~,,,,;';;"[1,.". 1S.-EquipmenlAdequate to Maintain ProduclTemperature 16. Handwash FacTIities Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facilitieswi-:h Soap and Towels 18, No Evjdence oUnse-ct Contamination 19. No Evidence of RodenlslOther Animals 20..Toxic llems Properly l2.beled/StorecllUsed 21. M2.I1ual Warev.rashlng and Sarutjzjng at ( 22. Mechariica! Warewashing and Sanitizjng at ( ppm'! mperature 23. Approved SewageJ\-'lastewater Disposal Syslem, Proper Disposal 24. Thermomelers ProvidedlAccurate!?ropeny Calibrated (:!:.Z'F) . ood Contact Surfaces of Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Poscn!) 01 Consumer Advisories (HeimlichIRaw Shelifish WaminglBuffet Plate) 27. FOod Establishment Permit . .. . , :: SUb';Ofu~~ ":oih-e'r:V1~ii~ti-6ri<;E<~lF"'~"-:::R .,.....,.""'CO,.....e@V2'tA:B~~~xrd'~'"d.9{FDa"1i'!Qr.:-n,"'€fFi~'1ns'~~*~~~~Fd~~ r . .............-..-.-', :.,. ..._"'.;.....~............u_~~.t.:I~~~_......~~. ~___ ...._.-., t'........_........._.....__..~_~_~.... .Il...........~~-.........__~~_'''''''__~'''''...;..o.........-.......... 5 Pts 4Pts {}ie1AJ /~JSI/)c..-. ICE H4e1#A./c 3 Pt . 3 roW Demerits c-oUow-L'p Insp YES NO ReceIved by: Inspe~ted by: OTHER VIOLATIONS WHICH MUST BE CORRECTED '. Food protection during storage, preparation. display, service, transportation. Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, clean controlled incineration. nsils properly stored. Garbage & refuse containers covered: adequate number. insect/rodent proof. freguency of disposaVc1ean. Floors. construct~~,drained, clean, good repair. cov~ring '.' installation..clustless cleaning niethoqs.' : . . . Non-food contact surfaces: designed. constructed. maintained. install ed, located. Walls. ceiling, attached eguipment: constructed. good repair, clean, surfaces, dustless cleaning methods. Ware washing facilities, designed. constructed. maintained, installed, located, operated. . Lighting provided as r;:quired, fixtures shielded. Ventilation: Rooms and equipment - vented as required. Accurate thermometers, chemical test kits provided, gauge (1/4" IPS valve). Dressing rooms - rooms clean, lockerspro\'ided, facilities clean, located properly . Wiping cloths: clean, use restricted. Premises maintained' free of litter, unnecessary articles, cleaning maintenance equipment properly stores. Authorized personnel. Non-food contact surfaces 'of equipment and utensils clean. Single-service articles, storage, dispensing. Complete separation from living/sleeping quarters. Laundry. No re-use of single service articles. .. Plumbing: installed, maintained. Clean, soiled linen properly stored. Registered Food Service Manager registered with CitY; on site. ~ COOLl:\G - Potential I;. hazardous food cooled from 1400F to 700F more than 2 hours OR 70' F to 410F (~5'F) more than 4 hours OR preparecl::foods cooled to 41 'F (450F) more than 4 hours: ACTION: Voluntary destruction COLD HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held above 410F (45' F) more than 4 hours: ACTIO:\: \'olunlar;l' destruction - Potentially hazardous food held above 410F (45 OF) Jess than 4 hours: ACTIO;'-;: Rapid cool. (e.g. ice bath) HOT HOLD. Poteiltially hazardous food held below1400 Fmore than 4 hours: ACTIO:\: \'oluntaf)' destruclion - Potentially hJ.Zardous food held below 1-100 F I.ess than 4 hours: ACTI01'\: R:Jpi d rehea l to 1650 F or more . COOKl:\G - Potentially hazardous foods undercooked: ACTIO:-l: Re~ook to proper temperature R-\PID REHEA TI:\'G - Cold potentiallj'hazardous food improperly reheated: ACTIO:\': Reheat rapidl)' to 16S"F HAi\"D WASHI:'\G - Food employees observed not washing hands: ACTIO:'\: EmpJo~'ecs should be instructed to wash hands before starting work and after smoking, eating, drinking, using the toilet, and all other times specified in the Rules. . o . . APPRO\'EDSOURCE/SOUi'\D CO:\'DITIO;"I/ - Foods from unapproyed sources/unsound condition: ACTr'O:'\: Detention orroluntal")' destruction. PROPER 1-VI.:\DLI.'iG OF READY~TO-EA T FOODS - Ready to Eat foods handled with bare hands and employee did not properly wash hands before handling: ACTIO.": Yolunt3ry destruction CROSS COXT A)lI:\A TIO:'{ OF R-\ W/COOKED FOODS. Ready-to-Eat foods contaminated by ra\\" potentially h:u:ardous foods: ACTIO:'{: Voluntary destruClion of ready to eat foods APPRO\'ED SYSTE.'I - HACC? Plans for ROP, shellfish tanks, variances. others. Written procedure for time as a public health contro!. ~\