HomeMy WebLinkAboutJiang's Chinese & Japanese Cuisine DAI,.LAS COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Divbton 2377 N. Stemmons Frwy - Room 607 Dallu, Texu 75207 . (214) 819-:lIlS Fax: (214) 819-2868 I- P~ose opnspection: Rc,gul31 ,;/' Follow up _ Complaint_ Other_ RETAIL F09D ~TABLisHMENT INSPECTION REPORT . . .,.. . . :.. ~ . .: Date ? ~..;.(:)(, 'Establi;shmen1: '. ~. >....v;;-~'> ..~. D EMERffSi {p.~iS6n.n;~llln[Yal~~:"'cjti"'~~~P''''~W€mmN"!' ;::..;w.... ....,..,.,.""~:>. ~m--"'""'''''''''''' ...,....,.""..Jir~,... ~~"'~..~.~,.........,...<",..... 'f-~(4J.RtSJ:i!~; ~.,!.o19>Lo n~.J3.~ql.,!~..; .mm.~crr~l~;,'QQ!J%.~WJi.9..." 6. Personnel with infections ResttictedlExc1U<led 7. Proper/Adequale H2Jldwashing 8. Good Hygienic Piactices (EalingIDrinkingfSmokinglOther) 9. Approved SourcelLabeling 1 O. ~ound CondItion' 1. pioper Handling of Ready-To-Eal Foods ross-Contamination of aw/Coo~ed Foods/Other 13. Approved Syslems (HACCP PlansTnme as Public Health Control) 14. Waler Supply -Approved SourcelStIfficienl Capacity/Hol and Cold Under Pressure OOEME"afrs{ ~fNt~~~rarrd1:=~u7p~m~;ttH1.t~firr~nts~~?~3i:1;.~~~~ ~1 .-....... .~fj\~.f":~.. ,.,.~~. ~~;.:r:<:;~~;o. .<~~.,., . ......~_,.......:;..:.."oo(""""~ . ..(~~~..........~~~'.. "';).':i:~""':"~.:.:' . :;,..,.13!t:!.t.S ;;;i:~t iN-KJations~egulre~lmme{jlate';C.OTTe:ctNe)o"ction ",-.vhlo-;; , ;. :." a~. .. -..,.\ .." '::.~.. .4..:~;;~.~t:.;;;;")~i~""""'.:t~ :i:/.:;~~~JJ.~'.iI".;::l"~';~''''';~~~~~:~~~~)!:1"~,,",;:''~f;'f:o.:~'''~~-'::''''''''.''J,i.~.~).;;~"'-;~~~~:~~t:'cf.:~~)..-!.;"'~.. '. 15; Equipmenl Adequale to Maintain Product Temperalure 16. Handwash FacTIities Adequale and Accessible 17. Handwash Facifities with Soap and Towels 18, No Evjdence of Insect Cont.am!nalion . 19. No Evidence of RodenlslOtherAnima1s 20.,Toxic Ilems Properly l..2heledlStoredlUsed anu21 Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( ) pprnltemperature 22. MechanicalWarewashing and Sanitizing ate SCJ ppmltemperalure 23. Approved Sewageli'/aslewater Disposal system, Proper Disposal 24. Thermometers PiovidedlAc:curalel?roperly Calibraled (:f:.2'f) cod Conl:act SUnaces of Equipment and Utensils aeanedlSanitizedlGood Repair 26. Posting of Consumer Advispries (HeimlicWRaw Shellfish Wamin,glBuffet Plate) . 27. FOod Establishment Permit . ::~!3rs:~ '~Vi6'i~iti~ifs"~m;"'~~~R~"""~'.co"""~ACiiOf{{~'1'f2f~"dOO-:Da~~~N~irlS'~~~rr~~.m.~ t -..-._. 1 ,..._.u..._..............._.....:.~...~ ...._.......~_..._ ~..._ ""_,.~~(i"".......~....~..........~t_":_~'"'. ~""""-.~~~..-~~m!.>ou~...............-..~ 5Pts 4 Pts 3Pts' .. '. fow!b, :;oUOW-l.lp Insp ReceIved by; YES NO . OTHER VIOLATIONS WHICH MUST BE CORRECTED Food protection during storage, preparation, display, ........... service, transportation. Handling of food (ice) minimized. Utensils properly stored. -L .!~~. ' ~r .......v.. A Clean clothes, hair restrai~ts Food (ice) contact surfaces: designed. constructed. maintained. installed. located. . . Non-food contact surfaces: designed. constructed. maintained, installed, located. ll.:vare washing fa .. es,designe . constructed. maintained, . mstalled, loca 0, erated. Wiping cloths: clean, use restricted. ~on-food contact surfaces of equipment and ute Single-service articles, storage, dispensing. No re-use of single service articles. .. Plumb ins.: installed, maintained. Toilet rooms enclosed, self-closing doors, fixtures, good repair, clean, proper waste receptacles. Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, clean: controlled incineration. Floors, constructed, drained, clean; good repair. cov~ring '. installatIon, dustless cleaning~~'effiOds.' . . , . ~... ' Walls, ceiling, attached equipment: constructed, good repair. clean, surfaces, dustless cleaning methods. -"q7.~ Lighting provided as r~quired, fixtures shielded. Ventilation: Rooms and equipment - vented as required. Dressing rooms - rooms clean, lockers provided. facilities clean, located properly Premises maintained' free of litter, ulUlecessary articles, cleaning maintenance equipment properly stores. Authorized personnel. Complete separation from living/sleeping quarters. Laundry. Clean, soiled linen properly stored. Registered Food Service Manager registered with City; on site. :~I 1\"0, 1. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TO ENSURE SAFE FOOD COOLI:"\G - Potenti~lly hazardous food cooled from 140cF to 70cF more than 2 hours OR 70'F to 41cF (~SCF) more than 4 hours OR preparecl:foods cooled to 41cF (4SCF) more than 4 hours; ACTION: Voluntary destruction 2. COLD HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held above 41cF (4SCF) more than 4 hours: ACTIO:"\: \'oluntar)' destruction - Potentially hazardous food held above 41cF (4SCF) less than 4 hours: ACTIO:": Rapid cool. (e.g. Ice bath) 3. HOT HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held below 140cF more than 4 hours: ACTIO:"\: Voluntary destruction - Potentially h:lZaIdous food held below l-locF I,ess than 4 hours: ACTION: Rapid reheat to 16scF or more' COOKI:"\G - Potentiall)' hazardous foods undercooked: ACTIO:':: Re~ook to proper temperature t 5. 7. R.\PID REHEA T1:"G . Cold potentially hazardous food improperly reheated: ACTIO:": Reheat rapidl)' to 16Scr HAi'\D WASHIi'\G - Food employees observed not washing hands: ACTIO:"\:.Emplo)'ecs should be instructed to wash hands before starting work and after smokin". eatin". drinking. using the toilet, and all other times specified in the Rules. . 1:1 1:1 ~ 1. . , APPRO\"ED SOURCE/SOUND CO:"\DITIO:-.l- Foods from unappro\'ed sources/unsound condition: ACTr'O:'\: Detention or I'oluntal')' destruction. PROPERHA:"\DLI,'\G OF READY ~TO-EA T FOODS - Ready to Eat foods handled with bare hands ~nd employee did not properly wash hands before handling: ACTIO:"\: \"oluntary destruction 1,10 2. CROSS CO:\T A:lII:"\A TIO:" OF RA "'/COOKED FOODS. Ready-to-Eat foods contaminated by ra\\' potentiall)' hazardous foods: ACTIO:':: \'oIuntar)' destruction of ready to eat foods 3. APPROVED SYSTDI . HACC? Plans for ROP, shellfish tanks, variances. others. Written procedure for lime as a public health control.