HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeggy Sue BBQ '. DAtLAS COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health DivisIon 2377 N. Sfemmons Frwy - Room 607 Dat/u, Texas 75207 (214) 819-2115 Fax: (214) 819-2868 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLisHMENT INSPECTION REPORT . . . .. . . :.. ; ...: 'P~osc ofInspection: 'Estabti,shment b (, . uE PhysIcal Address: . C) . SA/IDE/? . ............. ~..... ......-s. ......~~"-H-.1tiY':w;,."""":':~i!C~~,......,,~~~.~~K..^~........~... q~~~~ te--~m~~f:?~J1.mB.(~~.~I)J.oH , -1''< .J "" . ~rk~ 1l. " .aJtQ~.. ~ ~~l!t{~dn. .... I~.' _.II.. .._e~~.oll' 1. Proper CooTingfor CookeclJPrepared Food 2. CoTd J-ioTd (41 "FI45"f) 3. Hot HoTd (140'F) 4. . Proper Cooldng Temperatures per PHF 5. RapTd Rehealing (16StF In 2 Hrs) FOodffem~%;.ures (! IhJ<AI /5' OIJ-r ...)':.._.u............~: :;O:,.~~~~:~....~r.:-:;~.....~~~....~:::...."..IC.,.,..:t;'...~~~~~.,.;\IW~ 2.~E6Xf~~ Wi~~W~.l1J!a.,.Q,9)~I~..9H~$'~~~.~r.~..w.~ \'t-~(41.~)i:iit 1.,;tQJ.~_on~.::.:e.El.ql!!@; .!!!m~9.L~J~;.@r.rJ!.f~WJi.9.n.~ 6. Personnel With Infections RestlictecllE:xcTuded 7. Pioper/Adequate H2Jldwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (EalingfDrinldnglSmoldngJOther) 9. Approved Sourcell..abeling 10. ~ound CondItion' 11. pioper Handling of Ready-Te-Eat Foods 12. Cross-Contaminalion of Raw/Cooked Foods/Other 13. Approved Systems (HACCP PlansTIime ?S Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply -Approved Source/Sufficient C2pacitylHot and Cold Under Pressure I)"EMERff.S~ {E~i;"C'PJ+i.'-'~~~;~nar''"'.. .'ur'''nreitttfl1t.[iir~i ~~ ........ -"5:m.t.:i" )",,'~~'~.~~4~,. .'(~......,.p """"~""'''':''~",,<,~.,. '(~~w.-"'....,.,.." ~:-<"13!ELS ;.~.~t ",V"tOIations~e("1Ulre~lmrh€{Jlare:COTTectiVe' " .' ... -.".l..^......... "".:~W .~M~,.;.:.-::;.~~4~;;'\;'~~p~.#.~~~:",'>-~;~~'!)1i~~~~~~~f;";N~Y,~:_-.::.f"~.. ;>~~l!-... 15; Equipment Adequate to Maintain Product Temperature 16. Handwash Facililies Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facifilieswith Soap and Towels 18, No Evjd ence of Insect Contamination . 19. No Evidence of Rodents/Other Animals 20..loxic Items Pfoperly labelecllStoredlUsed 21. Manual Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( ) ppmltemperature Mechanical Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( ) ppmltemperature 23. Approved SewageM'aslewater Disposal Syslem, Pioper Disposal 24. Thermometers PiovidedlAccurateIProperly Calibrated (:!:.2tf) 5. Food Contact Surfaces of Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Posling of Consumer Advisories (Heimlich/Raw Shellfish Wamin,glBuffet Plate) . 27. FOod Establishment Pennit . . ~:~fu~:m: 'Oihe~V1~iiili@n"'<;E<m~it:OM'~R'''''''-'''''co--~AC1i'&1~~~''CYoo''':Da~~~Nm:rns-~~~~~~~~.~ " -.. .............-.-. : ,.._......-s..::.~....., ........._~~.!..:1~ .~_..:....~~...::..._m...._ ^-:."~t;.;40_~.....~. ..........~...~~~.... /.~.~~~-.".~~~..QQ,Jo;~~.~.~..~ SPts 4Pts :3 Pts .' roJt.mems :=:oUow-up Insp YES NO f:-D6! ~ ~ Cuf! r tJASf/ S; 1P)J4CE. ~47~ tr.;v .jS/jW4b:1I&Z. ReceIved by:.~ OTHER VIOLATIONS WHICH MUST BE CORRECTED Food protection during storage, preparation, display, service, transportation. Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, clean: controlled incineration. Handling oHood (ice) minimized. Utensils properly stored. attached equipment: constructed, good ean, s rfaces, dustless cleaning methods. Clean clothes, hair restraints Food (ice) contact surfaces: designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located: . Non-food contact surfaces: designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located. Ware washing facilities, designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located, operated. Ided as r~quired, fixtures shielded. ; Non-food contact surfaces of equipment and ut / Single-service articles, storag~, dispensing, Ventilation: Rooms and equipment - vented as required. ,( Accurate thermometer (1/4" IPS valve). , gauge Dressing rooms - rooms clean, lockers provided, facilities clean, located properly . Premises maintained" free of litter, unnecessary articles, cleaning maintenance equipment properly stores. Authorized personnel, Complete separation from living/sleeping quarters. Laundry. No re-use of single service articles. Clean, soiled linen properly stored. Plumbing: installed, maintained. Registered Food Service Manager registered with City, on site. Toilet rooms enclosed, self-closing doors, fixtures, good repair, clean, proper waste receptacles. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TO ENSURE SAFE FOOD ;:i\1 i'O. 1. COOLI:\G - Potentially hazardous food cooled from 1400F to 700F more tllan 2 hours OR 70'F to 410F (4S0F) more than 4 hours OR preparecHoods cooled to 41 'F (4S0F) more than 4 hours: ACTION: Voluntary destruction 2. COLD HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held above 410F (4S0F) more tllan 4 hours: ACTIO:\: Voluntary destruction - Potentially hazardous food held above 410F (4S0F) less than 4 hours: ACTIO:\": Rapid cool. (e,g.lce bath) 3. HOT HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held below I400F more than 4 hours: ACTIO:\": \'oluntar)' destruction - Potentially hazardous food held below 1400F less than 4 hours: ACTIOi\: Rapid reheat to I6S0F or more' 4. COOK.l:\"G . Potentially hazardous foods undercooked: ACTION: Recook to proper temperature 5. RO\PID REHEA TI:\"G - Cold potentially hazardous food improperly reheated: ACTIOi\: Reheat rapidl)' to 16soF HAi'D WASHl:\G - Food employees observed not washing hands: ACTIO:\": Emploj'ees should be instructed to wash hands before starting work- and after smoking, eating, drinking, using the toilet, and all other times specified in the Rules. 7. 9,10 APPROVED SOURCE/SOUND CO:\"DITIO:-I- Foods from unapproved sources/unsound condition: Acrt"O;<'\: Detention or voluntary destruction II. PROPER I-L-\:\"DLI.\G OF READY-TO-EA T FOODS - Ready to Eat foods handled \\"ith bare hands and employee did not properly wash hands before handling: ACTIO:\: Voluntary destruction ' , 12. CROSS CO\1 A:'II1:-\.-\ TlON OF R-\ W/COOKED FOODS - Ready-to-Eat foods contaminated by ra\\" potentially haza,rdous foods: ACTIO;<'\: Voluntar)' destruction of read)' to cat foods 13. APPRO\"ED SYSTE:\I - HACCP Plans for ROP, shellfish tanks, variances. others, Wrillen procedure for time as a public health control. /.,\ .~ I 'J "".Jl;.:.,., \,)" ". ~'J'1t,,~ "