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Shuttle Me Lunches - New
1JA.I:-LA.~ l.U Ul'\! l' HEALTH AND HUr.rAN SERVICES Environmenbl Health Divi.sion 2377 N. Stemmons Fl"n'Y - Room 607 ])2112$, Texa..s 75207 . (214) 819-2115 Fax: (214) 819-2858 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPQRT purpose opnspection: Re.,gular'/ Fotlowup_ Complaint_ Other_ Datef-/S vG, 'Establi.shment SfI u rrt-.C I-J E LUA../C-HE..S PhysTcalAddress': .. 6/FOlvVAc"#./"'/t:5 <'ItJlv~J' . ....-. .0._ ... '''1. ......~~ ~"'1i-' 'tii"":".-'~""~ ~~,.,... ......~~t". ~."...r,(~".~"':"".J.~ D~~&~ w-.~m...~6)~~mR(.r,a~~~~q1L~t;Q.JO '!.W~J~}':;''''Z il. " .a1.iq~...:t3~l:j~l'{EtUI1. .".. 1~~.!Ie;ct:iXEt},\~.o_' 1. Proper Cootins for Cookedl?repared Food 2. Cold flold {410FJ45'F} 3. HotHold(140'F) 4. . Proper Cooking Temperatures per PHF 5. Rapid Reheal:ing (16S'F In 2 Hrs) FoccllTemoeralures o. k. To pt=./J/-o1t I /? y::; D EMER'ftSi iP.ersaM;;tJHawcnnig[~oti"'~~-P.AAdirlffu'^~:r.f~t~~~., :::.> !{ir?iS''''~:>''~.ol~''''''''''''B -"~"-".''''J' ."''''~;''~j''-~<!ta.... -,"",.Wt:A:Co'~\€' ~h(...L<;.. t./1:'t:>;' L. ..,~. _on..~'::'",.El.ql!!@-.; .m.mE:._~q._~~,::__[l'_~..___'. _.9.1];1 6. Persoonel with InTections RestrictedlExcluded 7. Proper/Adequate Handwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (EatinsJDnnXinglSmoXingJOther) 9. Approved SourcelL2.beling 10. S.ound Concretion' 11. froper Handling or Ready-To-Eat Foods 12.. Cross-Contamination or Raw/Cooked FoodslOtller 13. ApproY~ Systems (HACCP PI2J1sITjme as PubTic Health Gencrol) 14. Water Supply -Approved Source/Sufficient CapacitylHot and Cold Under Pressure . ..' lo" -"Co. :............,.....;:i.~~ '-~~~Uf%.._~-t,~...~,:::..'1,...-...c."......~.~;s :.f:"'~:..:-~"~~-....~~~~~~~V"..~".......~.""~~'~~~.~":~~ D EM E811.S't !;r.d Cl:ana :gflUJp m e...rt'fl e~ u IremenlsY€f'~~;<.;~'4.""~,~~ ....,~ '_.~n '<~r::-'r.~' '~--ti' ,<:;~~:"~,, .-. ..I....~..::'.::i~""...,..n:~.......~. '.....;,...~'A.. -;::.; -:j..:r.tr:i''''t'~.. ~~{?J.e~~ li:;[:.i; ~;~e...9DtA~,\'~..s~.lr..e.).,~~!,~!,~~~rL.~~~,;,....~~.p...~fil.'fd.J:!.?'4.v;"'_,,;':d;;;'11-." 15;EquipmentAdequate to Maintain Product Te mperature 16. Handwash FacTIil:ies Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facilities wi'crl Soap and Towels 18, No Evj'dence or Insect Contamination 19. No Evidence oT RodenlslOtherAnimals 20..Toxic ltems Properly labeled/StoredlUsed . Manual Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( ) ppm/temperature 22. M echanicaJ Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( ) pprrJlemperature 23. Approved SewageN/astewaler Disposal System, Proper Disposal 24. Thennometers ProYided/Accurate!?ropeny Calibraled (:!:. 2'F) 25. Food Contact Surfaces of Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Posl:ing oT Consumer Advisones (HeimiiclVFlaw Shetnish Warnin,glBuffet Plale) 27. FOod Establishment Permit . . , .: ~ta~~: ':"6the~'Vi ~T'~"E<vr~.;.t"-~:R ._....~co......~A'8i~NOt'1f'&~~d:OODa~'!.Qi;:7.h"'ErFi~1nS-~~~~~ff6b~~~~ t . .. .~"""""---.....::,. ......"'#-.~.e..'?......_:F~.~..:I~~QS_.......~~.:.._tT_..._ J.,.:.;,....., r;....................._-"~_'!_~.... ~~.~~-.......---~~!,:.o~~~.,.;..o..,.;.._...........- :~: II'APv/~:Je St~'-46E ~ ~IJ S)N.I~ 3?t . J1.. L/flSe'- .5/A.I~' ,3 roW Demerits :=oUOW-l1p Insp YES NO Received by:.