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.~ DAJ,.LAS COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Divlston 2371 N. Stem mons Frwy - Room 607 DalluJ Texas 75207 . (214) 819-2115 Fax: (214) 819-2868 RETAIL FO~D ~TABLisHMENT INSPE'CTION REPQRT . . .. . . ": .,. . -... P~oscorInspection: Rc~ular oJ Follo\Vup_ Comptaint_ Othcr_ Date '-cX,{}-O(b 'Establi,shment: . F SUs J-/ I 71 r .5.~. d" Physical Address: I 'fO' C~. sr. 1\1 I VEilS I' . DEMEi:'rrj;S.t rE(~Qd7iR1Iblt{'rTi" '?itU~~~b~"Yi'.---rmJ.-~i< ~i.-'T::1;Z';,k>;,"2 ~~"''''''~''''~'''J~-''''e;;r'''~'''''''&o~~ ~.... - .;i,<~.lB.f$)~~ ~. " .a}to.~",:e~~l!l{ .i..111 ... I~.:.. .lI.~e.;r..~. 1. Proper Cooling for CookedlPrepared Food V"Cold Hold (41 "F/45"f) 3. Hot Hold (140"F) 4. . Proper Cooking Temperatures per PHF 5. Rapid Reheating (16S"F In 2 Hrs) Foodlfemperatures tJ./( lD /~/7-- # I? .DEMERITSl (p.e"~M:eliHa[faHh<OO<~~''&l'''~WR'''~i(;r-~ ~y,4"atS"'~""~--~"""'''''''B-''''''''-~J'~''''&f'''I'''13'Oes,,,,,.~~o 'f{-~(.J.s" ih,:1.~ LiP-t., 9n~.....::..~q4!@-..;.mme:...~~...!h'::_J:.r_~...,~__:""'_.._ 6. Personnel with Infections ResmctecllExcluded 7. Proper/Adequate H211dwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (EatinglDrinkinglSmokinglOther) 9. Approved Sourcell...abeling 10. &ound CondItion' 11. proper Handling or Ready.To-Eat Foods 12. Cross-Contamination of Raw/Cooked Foods/Other 13. Approved Systems (HACCP PlanslTime ?oS Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply -Approved Source/Sufficient CapacityIHot and Cold Under Pressure j)'EME"afrs{ {N~"l-a'na'("""''Ur.<rMeffir~'.ai1~i~~' ...., .-...... .,~~....J, 'YRi!,! . ~~ti.~.~ .,~.,.., .<S...t'..I........:;-:;o'11,.s.;.;:~.......~~ ~",13ft?1S .~:i:~'" i'VIO a ons~egulre. m.."""'lare:"""rrc:;o.,uve' . on ' '10 -.,.\........~..... "":~W -;$ ". >.~)~~~~~~):;:c;;;...;..A:.#'.~~~..~~:~~~)):~~~~:.'*1.:";'>.:~>'~:u.,-.::.,......,..} ..f'..~~l!>~~.... 15.. Equipment Arl equate to Maintain Product Temperature 16. Handwash FacTIitiesAdequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facifitieswith Soap and Towels 18, No Evjdence or Insect Cont.a.mination . 19. No Evidence or Rodents/Other Animals 20..Toxic Items Properly l.al:JeledlSloredlUsed 21. Manual Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( ) ppmltemperature 2.2. Mechanical Ware washing and Sanitizing at ( ) ppmltemperature 23. Approved SewageM'aslewater Disposal System, Proper Disposal 24. Thennometers ProvidedlAccurateJ?roperly Calibrated (:!:.2"F) 25. Food Con . ment and Utensils OeanedlSanitizedlGood Repair . PosHng Co umer Advisories ( eimlichIRaw Shellfish WamingIBuffet Plate) . 27. FOod Es ent Permit . ::~fuJs:~ '~Vi''j''~'<E<m~~-~R'''''''''''''X%''''''~ACiic:n:fNOtffiF~'Hoo''':ik~{%:-n..~N~-ms-~~~~6.<~~~.~ ' ..... .........,,-.-: : #o.._.u..."$.:.!.e..~......._~..:.t..:I~ .QS~......~~__~....__~-:.~ ~1'",~..............~. ~_..~-"!~~..... ~~.~~~-...~.9!!,~~~.~...............-.......----.~ SPts 4Pts 3Pt. .' ~15i,J IN Iv-; 4-/AJ k/ Tl./iD../ t>J-/L7. 3 roW Demerits E=oUow-up Insp Yes NO Recetved by:~ Inspe~ted by: