HomeMy WebLinkAboutSMU Midnight Express DA~LAS 'COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environment:l.l Health Division 2377 N. StemmonsFrwy-Room 607 Dallas, Texas 75207 . (214) 819-:1115 Fax: (214) 819-2868 .p~oscopnspeclion: Rc~ular ~ Follo\Vup_ Comphint_ Other_ RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT INSPE'CfION REPORT . .' '.... . . . :.. ~ . .: Date q~o(P 'Establi,shment: '. ...r.._...............":;"..." ~~t......~:~........~r.:~;:".."'.."'\'--~....~::.""V;^.,.:\:'.......~~:.~~.,.""~~:....::::~.~:.~'r.J.:r~,-' DEMERITS: l2erso nn e lJH.an d Iln~ource.:Ren u I remems~ff.~f.:'" PX4n~ts)1:~~ ~V'~~rbn'~N:~~..,.U-'.'<IJ'nimeffi'BiK~~<<e<;ti\ie~ti"cr~5!~- .'1 ,(..~.... 'J..._., _.........___.__._q .~_._.._._.~.....__..______._.___. . __.__""'_~= .... 6. Personnel with tnlec1ions Restrictedrexcluded 7. Proper/Adequate Handwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (EatinglDrinkinglSmoking/Other) 9. Approved Source.!l....2beling 10. S,ound Cond"rtion ' 11. proper Handling of Ready-To-Eat Foods 12. Cross.Contamination 01 Raw/Cooked Foods/Other 13. Approved Systems (HAecp PlanslTIme as Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply -Approved SourceJSufficient CapacitylHot and Cold Under Pressure D'EMERrfs~ :f~c~~~wna~'E--;;. "(UJ~p' mea;ttfie.tHuir~nts~~=~~~ii:r~~~~~i~~ ~,.._-:-...:.r.fjl~'f"':~" ,.,,~r""f"~~;~'~'t'~ .<~~....., - ......""""/.......:;..:........,......~......(~~\.:.-........,.,...,!......;..-;it,;tr~--.:"~...:.:~~~ . ~"'.{3!P.LS .~~,~: ~V-l6Iations~egUlre~lmmedlcrte::eorrectNeAction.~I'AJhIO-:, . ,n;... a .. -v. ...... ...~.. ""':"!l"ro 4w;;::..).:.:.--::;~),.lI4;.;'\;(~J......-;.:.:~~~..~'lIo';~~1')~:~c>.~~"':1"z.~...::)l:1::":~:~,...~-.::.,.......r.~~.~).;,;'~-to"I:~~~~;""~r."d.':~.;;..J'O':\. '. 15; Equipment Adequate to Maint.ain Product Temperature 16. Handwash FacTIities Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facilities with Soap 2.lld Towels 18, No Evjdence 01 Insect Contamination . 19. No Evidence 01 Rodenl.s!Other lv1imals 20..loxic Items Properly LabeledlStorecllUsed 21. Manual Warewashing and SanHizing at ( ) ppmltemperature 22. Mechanical Warewashing 2Ild Sanitizing at ( ) pprnllemperature 23. Approved SewageN/astewater Disposal System. Proper Disposal 24. Thermometers ProvidedlAccuratel?roperly Calibrated (:t.2'F) 25. Food Contact Surfaces 01 Equipment and Utensils aeanedlSanitizedlGood Repair 26. Posting of Consumer Advisories (HeimlichlFlaw Shellfish Wamingl8uffet Plate) . 27. FOod Eslablishrm!nl Permit.' . . . . . ::~fars<m 'bUre~Vj6i~iB~s\E<m~"-~R';""""'~~"""~~~~"1fCf~"d:SO"':Da~~-ri,€Fi~"in?~~~~~~~~ t ~ .............--.-.:.,. ...__..............._..~.!..:l~~~............~~~_rr_...._ ,I>._,.....~r,...........-..............._~/_'O:_~"'. ~~.~~~--_~~~!.>O~~.,.,.........__...-- 5 Pts . 4 Pts 3Pts' 'f .' ~ .. rol.2J Demerits ?oU ow -up Ins p R YES NO ecelved b ~. Inspec;tc:d by: