HomeMy WebLinkAboutSMU Montague's Deli DA,=,LAS COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 2377 N. Stemmons Frwy-Room 607 Dallas, TexlU 75207 (214) 819-:1115 Fax: (214) 819-:18'08 P~osc of Inspection: . RETAIL FOqD ~TABL!SHMENT INSPECTI~.1.~PQRT.: " Follo\Vup_ Complaint_ Other_ Date 'Eslabli;shment: PhysTcatAddres ". E-A '/V/V-c../?...s:1 .. ....~. .,..... .......t .......~~"...i'}i_. 1ii......~:.;,. ,"~.~~, ......."'"~~t ~~~..~4?".Jo.~. .. q~~~~ ~~(fL,~~~~..<;~ct~Wr.~t)J..;o<. - .~.< .J '" . :J:~"Z 11. " .aUq~.. _ ~~ .tt:e.:L.m..... I~.: _ .rr..etti.Y..E~l\5:;ll.o..!J 1. Proper CooTing for CookedIPrepared Food 2. Cold Hold (41 "FJ45"f) '. 3/ffotHold (140"F) 4. . Proper Cooldng Temperatures per PHF 5. RapTd Reheating (15S"Fln2Hrs) Foodlfem~eralures ~./ft d~.' Sf) ~p/7d OF {! thLki::A, Me:Jjsr 150 '~r Owner.. " '0 EMERrrsl {i=f~~nn;~liFiaHanti"'~~''&i'ffi~~ft'''''"di?~mehffi ~. 'C-;c.,oo;::::,\",wl:" ~'1"'~"""~:'~"~'ri-"'''''-'-"~f~''''~''''l'''=<:'h~'''''''l':H~''i.<?'ti''. ~-~ -:d<:<;.~.J~~1.~ :iiY;I;.Y;1,C::}l_on~~-"-'3~q4~~mm~":I.~~~~;,~[T%.!:Q:E~...... 5. Personnel with Infections RestrictedlE:xcluded 7. Proper/Adequale Handwashing 8. Good Hygienic P.actices (EatinglDrinkinglSmokinglOther) 9. Approved SourceJl....abeling 1 O. ~ound CondItion' 11. frope. Handling of Ready-To-Eal Foods 12. Cross-Contamination of Raw/Cooked Foods/Other 13. Approved Systems (HAecp PlansfTime as Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply -Approved Source/Sufficienl C2pacitylHol and Cold Under Pressure i::>EME'Rfrs{ {~c~~}~h'd'("""''lii-'''m''e:nt~ff~'~[jjr~i's' ""'1'3-"" .<~~.t~; }.~~ti?'~ '<<-"'''4:iIS... PI"'.......::::-:f:i~~;:,:i"'...~i7."" ~'S{..J..e~Wl::+l;:: ~e...~4,,~\,~~~J..c.e~"'~~!.~1,~~~Jl~~~~,,'"',......."'.. 15; Equipment Ad equale to Maintain Product Temperature 16. Handwash FacTIitiesAdequale and Accessible 17. Handwash Facilities with Soap and Towels 18, No Evjd ence of Insect Contamination . 19. No Evidence of Rodents/Other Animals 20..Toxic llems Properly LaheledfStoredlUsed 21.. Manual Warewashing and Sanitirlng at ( ) ppmllemperature ~ Mechanical Warewashing and Sanitirlng at ( ) ppmllemperature 23. Approved SewageN{aslewaler DispoS<l1 System, Proper DispoS<l1 24. Thennomelers P.ovidedfAccuralelProperly Calibrated (:.2'f) 2S. Food Contact Surfaces of Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Posting of Consumer Advisories (HeimlichlRaw Shellfish WaminsIBuffet Plale) 27. FOod Establishment Permit . -:~tars:m '~~'~~'I'::~~...r:,<r.\r.~~;:-:<"';'''"'''''''~~~W~~'''~''~~"1!Cf~dSo-:Da~~~N~'~'*''''''J "~~;,~~~~~~J.~ ~ .. ., .........._".;..~; :~~r~.!.~.."?~l::?:r.t:!}~'^!QS..;~~~..;...~:c~...!E~~z;..!t~.~....;.. ..v.\......~...;.~ oOl(..l.r~~~~~~Ja).~a..~~:.~~..~;o;:.~,.. .; '~: . SPts 4Pts :3 .' ro~mems \.~CZ'-UP ~d ReceIved by;