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SMU Fraternity Kappa Alpha
DALLAS 'comITY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES . Environment:;.l He:;.lth DivisIon 2377 N. StemmolU Frwy - Room 607 D:all:;..s, Texas 75207 . (214) 819-:2.115 F:ax: (214) 819-:2.868 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT iNS PE'crIO N REPORT ,. . .. .. . .: -.0. .P~oseofInspection: Regular vi' FoUowup_ Comphint_ Other_ Date g.- I J ';"'O(P 'Establi,shment: -. C;..../~ . .-- /0 f.>/aJ . 0 EMERffSl {8e"rs8n.n!~17Hati'mih"'<:'"OtJ""';"i~rFr~ilire"~"~f~ ::.:t. ,_...,.. .""".,,""~. .m......,""...,..,.~. . ...,....,.N.~.""J~,... 'w"..,' '~."""""''''''ji1''_'Pi ~-~(4jJJJ:S)1!;S 1.,&I.~_onE.::..e.El..qll!@;.!r!.m~cnl?-J~}~:9.9'_~~'. Ji.Q.I],,~= 6. Persoonel with Infections Resttictedrc:xcluded 7. Proper/Adequate H2!ldwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (EalinglDrinkinglSmoking/Other) 9. Approved SourceJL2beling 10. S.ound Cond"rtion . 11. F(operHandling of Ready-To-Eat Foods 12.. Cross-Contamination of Raw/Coo1<ed FoodslOtiler 13. Approve<! Systems (HACCP PlansfTime as Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply -Approve<:! Sou'rcelSufficienlCapacitylHet and Cold Under Pressure D'EMEtRftS~ r~tTIffifS?rrd1'E-~uT~p' . m;J~!fttffit~uir~n~ts~~~ii:1;a~~~1J~~~??;t. ""'=' .-..." '<fj''''''''' '~., . ....,-... ."~..' .<.~_.... _......~..,..c"'....".. .<..................,...~;.; -::.:: -;}.';t<.~.~.!. ~..;.~~1"'O'''''..''''''J :;","3iPiS ~~~, ,VIO ations9=legUlre.lmmealate:@rrectiVe:n.I;.Uon,+I-.v tl~' . . ~. :.Cla .. -.....\............... ",".:~~.r,; .(', >.fo"o:)~.;;,')w;r~4;.;;~(~..,.....,.~.1'.-i~....;~~1'~,:~f>.~~":~~:..:);o;~)l:S;';~:~)l'l.~-..::.,....,.I",:.t.:.f.,>;:~~I:'~~~;"""~~:~.;;:....~ " 15:Equipment Ad equate toO Maintain Product Temperature 16. Handwash Facilities Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facifitieswi:h Soap and Towels 18, No Evjdence of Insect Conl2minalion . 19. No Evidence of RodenlslOtherAnimaJs 20..Toxic Items Properly LabelecllStoredlUsed 21. Manual Warewashing and Saru~zing at ( 22. Mechanica1 Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( pp 23. Approved Sewage/'r'{astewater DislX'saJ System, P(eper 24. Thermometers P(ovidedlAccuratel?loperly Calibrated (:!:.2'F) . Food Contact Surfaces of Equipment and Utensils cteanedlSarutizedfGood Repair 25. Posting of Consumer Adviseries (HeimlichIRaw Shelffish Wamin9lBuffet Plate) . 27. FOod Establishment Permit . .' . .' .'. . . , :: SUtqQfuTs:m .bthe-nVit~ii~Wrf'E<m;':;.:..t"-~R ..--....~co"""e8m'!'g:'fi~~ifC?"~'-dOO--:Da~~ThWFi~1M'~~y-;;:-~~~~m~ t "A44....._._..... :.,.. ..4...._....4...4......._:?~.t.:I~~Q:S_..:....~~~_tr_..._ Jo._...... (1f'o.........................._~_~_~.... ~~.~,.."..--.....-_~_...:-<u~~"".~.._...........- 5 Pts 4Pts 3Pt ;~Iilj~ ~ . .. ~ d roW Demems . C'oUow-up lnsp Recelved b YES NO Inspe~tcd by: OTHER VIOLATIONS WHICH MUST BE CORRECTED " Food protection during storage, preparation, display, service, transportation. Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, clean: controlled incineration. Handling of food (ice) minimized. Utensils properly stored. Garbage & refuse containers covered: adequate number, insect/rodent proof, frequency of disposal/clean. Clean clothes, hair restrai~ts ^- Floors, constructed, drained, clean, good repair, cov~ring '.. installation. dustless cleaning metho9s.' : . . . Food (ice) contact surfaces: designed. constructed. maintained, i~stalled. located. . . )A .::............ Walls. ceiling, attached equipment: constructed, good repalr~ clean) surfaces, dustless cleaning methods. Non-food contact surfaces: designed. constructed, maintained, installed, located. d Lighting provided as required, fixtures shielded. --~ ........,,~ Ware washing facilities, designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located, operated. Ventilation: Rooms and equipment - vented as required. Accurate thennometers, chemical test kits provided, gauge (1/4" IPS valve). Dressing rooms - rooms clean, lockers provided, facilities clean, located properly Wiping cloths: clean, use restricted. Premises maintained' free of litter, unnecessary articles, cleaning maintenance equipment properly stores. Authorized personnel. Non-food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clean. Single-service articles, storage, dispensing. Complete separation from living/sleeping quarters. Laundry. No re-use of single service articles. .. Plumbing: installed, maintained. Clean, soiled linen properly stored. Toilet rooms enclosed, self-closing doors, fixtures, good repair, clean, proper waste receptacles. Registered Food Service Manager registered with City; on site. ~I i'O. 1. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TO ENSURE SAFE FOOD COOLl:\'G - Pot~ntially hazardous food cooled trom 1400F to 700 F more than 2 hours OR 70'F to 410F (4S0F) more than 4 hours OR prepareQ:foods cooled to 41 OF (4S0F) more than 4 hours: ACTION: VoJuntar)' destruction !. COLD HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held above 410F (45 OF) more than 4 hours: ACTIO:'\: Voluntary destruction - Potentially hazardous food held above410F (4S0F) less than 4 hours: ACTION: Rapid cool. (e.g. ice bath) HOT HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held below 140oFmore than 4 hours: ACTlO:'\: "oluntar)' destruction - Potentially h:u:ardous food held below J.JooF less than 4 hours: ACTION: R:1pid reheat to 1650F or more. COOKI:\'G - Potentially hazardous foods undercooked: ACTIOX: Re:ook to proper temperature 10 R-\PID REHEA TI:\'G - Cold potentiallyhazardous food improperly reheated: ACTIO;\,: Reheat rapidl)' to 16soF HAND WASHING - Food employees observed not washing hands: ACTIOX: Emplo)'ces should be instructed to wash h:1nds before starting work and after smoking, eating, drinking, using the toilet, and all other times specilied in the Rules. . APPROVED SOURCE/S'OUJ'\D CO;'\DITION - Foods from unapproyed sources/unsound condition: ACTfO:'i: Detention or ,"oluntalJ' destruction. PROPER HA:\'DLI.\'G OF READY:TO-EA T FOODS - Ready to Eat foods handkd with bm hand:; and employee did not properly wash hands before handling: ACTIO:\': "oluntar)' destruction CROSS CO:-'T A:lII:,\,.\ TlO:'i OF IV.. W/COOKED FOODS. Ready-to-Eat foods contaminated by raw potentially hazardous food.: ACTIOX: Voluntary destruction of ready to eat foods APPRO\'ED SYSTE.\I - HACC? Plans for ROP, shellfish tanks, yariances. others. Written procedure for lime as a public health control.