HomeMy WebLinkAboutSMU Fraternity Phi Delta Theta .. '. '. DAl:-LAS 'COUNTY HEALTH AND HUi\fAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division \ i ~377 N.StemmonsFrwY-Room 607 Dallas, Texas 75207 . (214) 819-2115 Fax: (214) 819-2868 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT iNSPE'CrION REPORT . ,. . .: -.. . P~osc opnspcct..ion: Rc~ular V Follow up_ 'Eslabli,shmenl: eLT:JJ. . PhysTcal Address: Ii 14, ......-;-.. ....- ......~ -..~~.....H-. tii.......:.::.o.,."'""':':....<<~...~ .......~~~. <<.w~..(.;.~-.;-.Jo~ qg!,.iEJ1fJ~~ ~~(~,.-,.5)r..smE1~~&fWg1!;~m..... -.;'{:?.1at$}"",.oz~. " .a1.iq~J3~SI~t(~dI1. _'". I~.:_ .a.~~1.\5::ti.oo:.. 1. Proper CoolinS for Cookedl?repared Food 2.. ColdHoldC41'FJ45'F) 3. Hot Hold (140'F) 4. . Proper Cooking Temperalures per PHF 5. Rapid Reheating (16S'F In 2 Hrs) FoodfTemperatures '. ".~'-''''''''''''''''''';. :~.. ~~~.~:~"""'~~~~"""'.'.-':~"'~-;."W:I\"":t...-.......~z:.~~..;y,.,~~:....;:;t'.....~:.~i1J.~~_ . f?gM(";(,.~~:. $Ah~.W1~.~"I1~_l.w~,.~n:l~;!;~.~rl?~~~%~1~~' ?-~ ':!JE.-<;'~JJ.!t~ }:::M~.u_On..~,::,':)_Em4!@-_:l.mrn.~~L~_~,,~r.r_~_':Ix.E:~'!.Q.f]r!J.; .:. 6. Personnel with lnlections ResUictecll'Excluded 7. Proper/A.dequale H2f1dwashing 8. Good Hygienic PracOces (EatingIDrinldnglSmokIng/O'j-Jer) 9. Appreved Source1l..2beling 1 o. ~ound Condition' 11. preper Handling .01 Ready-To-Eal Foods 12. Gress-Contamination 01 Raw/Cooked FoodslO'j-Jer 13. Approved Syslems (HACC? PlanslTime as Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply -Approved Sou'rce/Sufficient Cap acitylHot and Cold Under Pressure O"EME'"RffS{ tNt~~~~n81~~urp.~ . m~!ft~ffe'Hfiir~nts~~~~~j~~igrt:~. . "", .-.-,. "fj'''''~'' ,...'.-t "':':ti~."'~)' .;"'~., .....':::t;i..... .........F_.,;:..~......":t.. ..,......""'...,,..!A.. -cti~'. _:j.'Z-'~'1~'f"~""" ",,;:;:;w.: ~,",,73iP.LS ~~l;, .;V"lO!~ ons;Beglme.lmme{jlare:;(kirrectNe' . on,".l~ltlo-;, : . ~" :." .. ... ......\. ........ ........ .....:~:.~ '"~)'-~':''''''''';'.,.lo4;';':~(';:''':'''''''"AI''.~:):.''.:~lI';:~lI")~:~~~,",~1''~:'':~:~,*i;''!;~:n-!'''''~-.::.,.....,.,..~;r.,).:;m~~~~~.~~~<f.f~';",,,~ '. 1S;EquipmentAdequate 10 Maintain ProductTemperalure 16. Handwash Facilities Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facifities wi:h Soap and Towels 18, No Evjdence 01 Insect ContarrJjnalion . 19. No Evidence or RodenlslOtherAnimals 20..Texic Items Properly LabeledlStoredlUsed 21. Manual Warewashing and Sanilizins at ( 22. MecmrucaI Warewashing and Sanitizing at { pp 23. Approved SewageN/astewaler Disposal System, Proper 24. Thermometers ProYided/Acctlrale/?roperly Calibraled (:l:.Z'F) Contact Surfaces 01 Equipment and l11ensTIs Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Posting of Consumer Advisories (HeimliclVRaw Shelliish WamingIBuffet Plate) . 27. FOod Estabnshment PerrrUt.' . . . . , ::~ta~.~:: '~'-?Zviijj~ti6rfs'E<vt~"""'~R':""'-"'~CO~~.;:B~N&;rw~'-dOO"":Da~~~Fi~~~~~~ff~~~~ t ~ ...........---.-. : #0 ......._.!.............._.....:.t..:i~~QS_......~~.. tf-..._ "'-,.....~(..................._..................._'!_~..., ~.,.;.t..:.:.:.rl?'~--.... _~~_..J>O:.!.t.~......____.......- 5 Pts . 4 Pts 3 '; .' ~ .. fa emerits. ~oUow-t1p Insp YES NO ReceIved b~