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SMU Fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon
DALLAS COUNTY HEALTH AND HUr.tAN SERVICES . Environmenta] Health DivisIon 2377 N. Stemmcns Frwy - Room 607 Dallal. Tens 75207 (214) 819-2115 F:ax: (214) 819-28.08 RETAIL FOOD ~TABLisHMENT INSPE'CTION REPQRT . . , .- . . . .:.. ~ .: P~05eopn5pect1on: Re.,gular ,;I FoUo\Vup_ Complaint_ Other_ Date .8'-IJ~G:, '. '. OLA< ~ DIa..J D EMERITSi {p.e"rs8M;~liHaliaHrig:;~oti"'~~,=:"p.~LHt€m'"'mts~:r~tigif P'X4TFffi't~~~ N"tOi~ons:B"e"u'~~Jtrimeffi-aie:-Ban:ectNe"1ACti'o~~~~rt '(. ,c.."",.. ~."_' __'_"'..._ ..____q _[!?_'_"_'_'~'__'~_.'_.~___'~'___' . __.__.''''_ 6. Personnel with Infections RestrictedlExcluded 7. Proper/Adequate Handwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (EatingfDrinl<inglSmoking/Ot'1er) 9. Approved Sourcel1...2beling 1 O. ~ound Cond'rtion . 11. proper Handling or Ready-To-Eat Foods 12. Cross-Contamination of Raw/Cooxed FoodslOt'ler 13. Approve-d Systems (HAecp PlansfTime as Public Health Conb'ol) 14. Water Supply -Approve-dSourcelSLIfficienlCapacitylHot and Cold Under Pressure D'EME'"Rffs~ ..fF:at~~ffd'rE-~ul~p. . m~~!ftH1t;.juir~1its~~~~~Y~~~~~: "":1 .-.." '<fjl.""~:' "OO"S...-i .' --ti-"" _4~.., .,.~-,. "I~'''''-''''.~''''-''n~'''''''''''''''''''''~ii ~ -;)"';i,~.'i"'t'~' . ..... . :i::/3!P'.tS ;;"'l:': WIe a ons~eguJre. mm-eo,are:"""rrectiVe:n.",uon ',-.u tier:: . ~. :." a~.. .. ,\..."'....~.. ".;;..~{,f '~., >.~,.~-i~."""')..-J:4.;.:~'("^'A.....~'~f:~.i~-"';:~1')~:...,.~~~"':!"'~,..::*t~-:'):~)I"..:.t:-'::.1'l',.,..~;r.n';:~~~~~~;""'",",~<<t~...::....~.... " 15; Equipment Adequate to Maintain Product Temperature 16. Handwash Facilities Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facinties with Soap and Towels 1 a. No Evjdence of Insect Contamination. 19. No Evidence of RcxlenIs/Other Animals 20..Toxic Items Properly LabeledlStoredlUsed 21. ual Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( ) ppm!temperature Mechanical Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( ) pprnllemperature 23. Approved SewageNfastewater Disposal System, Proper Disposal 24. Thermometers ProYidedlAccurateJ?ropeoy Calibrated (z. 2'F) 25. Food Contact Surfaces or Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Posting of Consumer Advisories (HeimlicWRaw Shellfish WaminglEuffel Plate) . 27. FOod EstabTIshment Permit.' . . . . , ::~furto) '&e~Viiij~'fur1<;E<:Vt;.,,"':;.r"""~R':""""'~co~~~~NOt~~~d'90"':Da~~~Fit:rrns-~~Y:;=::~~~ai!.~~ t .. a... .....-..- .-" : #0 ......._.n..... ........._~~.~...:I~~QS_......~~~_ tr-...- "'_...... r"........~......... __,_~_~..... ~""""'.~~~._-~~.Qi::?"""'":.!.t.~~~.~........-.........- 5Pts . 4 Pts 3 PtS' . .' ~ .. r,12,,,,, . ~~o;-tlp ~r~t ReceIved by: Inspe~led by: