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SMU Sorority Alpha Chi Omega
lJA~LA::; COUi'ITY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmenbl He:tlth DiviSIon ~377 N. Sternmons Fcwy - Room 607 D:llbsJ Texas 75207 . (214) 819-:2115 F:u: (214) 819-:2858 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPqRT Pwpose opnspeclion: Complaint_ Other_ Date 'Establi;shment Vd; Physlcal Addres '. () 'E: . ....:-:E. '., ';s~ fEOSdi 'p.1=f" 'tfem '"::r.itu""rernm~" """'G~m"'~r D~~~~ WJi5!~......,(~,...5)~_It,.~R(","~'---h:>'~ ..oWl.......,...... .~.H:?J~J.:;.,':a~, " ,aj..io.~...::e~SllP(e;'UIl. .,., 1~~,!I.~~~j:;tj.o_. 1. Proper CootinS for Cookedl?repared Food Cold fiold (41 "FJ 45 'F) 3. HotHold(140"F) 4. . Proper Cooklng Temperatures per PHF 5. Rapid Rehealing (16S'F In 2 Hrs) FoodfTemoeralures D EMERrrsi {p.ersBnri'fUHa h'8mi"'<""&i"~'ei:-Fr.:'~m7€m"'mtf:i:f' :::" v:<,..~",~;>. '~"',,:;;:$~"""''''''6 ""'_.'~"---."II.~,..tr.~~I"'''';;~'''''''':Hf:';:ii.<::'-'::-.' ~ -~ hl:...~JJ!E; J':::tu:',~_u.o np.'::""3.El.q L,[!@-_:J.lP.ffi ~~~'?~;;"'H[I'~.!:'.J:'=~u_Q. .,j!). 6. Personnel with I.nfecUons Restrictedracluded 7. Proper/ll.dequale H2.fIdwashing ood Hygienic Practices (Ealin iOkin,gJOther) 9. Approved Source.lL2beling 1 O. ~ound Cond'rtion . 11, proper H2.fIdling olR eady-Ter-Eat Foods 12. Cross-Contaminalion of RawlCoohd FoodsJOther 13. Approve<i Syslems (HACCP PlanslTime;as Public Health C<lntrol) 14. Water Supply -Approved Source/Sufficient CapacilylHol and C<lid Under Pressure ~$g~~~f~ i~~~w~!i~~~*-~~~R~;r1g1~1f~f1: .'i" ~~: ... -.....,\ ..,., ......... ? J ....,:~-;~ ..-;::d;;::")~-:"'........~~A~:':\;(~Jo~"""'.:'~~'-:-'ill';:O~~~~:~c.:l'~~~-=,,,~>>:~)l!:~~':':-:~J':o:.t:-'::.folo",.,..~:r.n;':~""-:~~~~~~~v.t~.~'::'..., ..~ . .~?~~~"';::.~::'~-;-~;-~.tL~..;-::",rr:; :~~~~~)~~~-R.'t'\~"',.t'~~t:' . .-?;-"",~''-"'li _ emark.s~.' ~~::r~...g:J':J.::;t;~~~. , ff!&~ ~ 15;EquipmentAdequale to Maintain Product Temperature , 6. Handwash FacTIities Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facilities with Soap 2.fIdTowels 1 a. No EYjdence 01 Insect Con!2.rnjrJation 19. No Evidence 01 RodenlslO1herh1imals 20"Toxic llems Properly l2beled/StoredlUsed 21. M2.fIu2J Warewashing and Sanitizing at C 22. Mechanical Ware washing and Sanitizing at { pp 23. Approved Sewa9eN/astewater Disposal Syslem, Prope 24. Thermomelers ProvidedJAccurate!?roperly Calibraled (:!:. 2'F) 25, Food Con!:act Surfaces 01 Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Posting 01 Consumer Advisories (HeimlichIRaw Shelhish WaminsJEuffet Plale) 27. FOOd Establishment Pem! . '. . , :: ~tars<:$ ':c:H:h-e~'Vi 6T'ti6rf';E<Vi;.,,-:;.!'-"'-::R ......,..,.'co::..veffiV2'!A:ii~~;ro~~'"d:SO--;Da""R~"€fFi~m~~~~ff<;;:3~~*~ t .. .............-.-.-'. :.... ......_...."..~....._._!f~.~..:J~~'::S_..:_~~. tT_..... ^_......, r"..........__...... -_..~-'!-~.... ~.....-..~~--.._-~~..QQ!Jo;___....";'O"';.......-..........- 5Pts 4 Pts 3 Pts' fol2l t,m, , :-oUow-up Insp ReceIved b Insp.ec.tcd bv: YES NO 01'