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SMU Sorority Chi Omega
lJA~LA~ COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environment"t He"tth DivisIon :!377 N. Stem mons rr\Yy - noom 607 Xhlbs, Te:ca.s 75207 . (214) 819.:2.115 F:l.:C: (214) 819-2868 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT iNSPE'CTroNREPqRT -l~ ()C, Purpose opnspeclion:Regular _ Follow up _ Comptaint_ Other_ Date 'Establi;shment: )4/1 CCt'fCl=;SL:: l.lfo'F D EMEfH'i%1 (P.Srs8M;~'IJi{a?i'dWrjg'i~oti"'~"'€:-FrAAdi?€m"'~f.r~~{f!. ~'f" :.> V';("r-H::::~"t:;,.!:'. ~~r..;tl:zo;~"'''''''~'ci ""',..~"-,"'''''''I'. -"''''~'''''l''''''';'''':::''' .~.I~f~'..~.t:i'..~~~~.: "{. -~ ('=!l::-":-"..J;;1:Z~'~,!:Y;>,~.u_o nE'::"'3,fm l,!!@:.:J.m.m.~':',L~_~;,~[l'~.!:IY.!':~ .Q.Q,fci;:. ~'-' 6. Personnel \'lith lnTeclions Restrictedrcxcluded 7. Proper/Adequale H2l1dwashing 8. Good Hygienic Prac:lices (EalinglDrinXinglSmoking/Other) 9. Approved Source./l2.beling 10. qound CondItion' 11. Froper Handling of Ready-To-Eal Foods 12. Cross-Contaminalion of Raw/Coo'r:ed Foods/Other 13. Approve-d Systems (HACCP Plansrnme as PubTi Health Control) 14. Waler Supply -Approve<! Source/Sufficient Capacity/Hot and Cold Under Pressure rrEME~Rrt'.g~rX~Cf~'??gWdIffg'UJ~p' m~.Httffe'~urrerrtent~;:E~~'1:!~~~Tt~~~~~ "'-'"J ._~.. '<~""'fl' ~\rttJ';:'t;J;4~'i:;::i:"_" ." "~,,,,,-,,,,,,~,",....,,...<..,,,,-....,.~,,..tAiti-:"'(~'t\1.OT1f.'"'~~'&D''''''' :f,:>,I~;I'J~ J:':,s~ ~~e..Rl);:S"";.,~..s.:}J,r..e,AI]~!,~~g;g.1J~~~,.;.,~g..~.J.,><J~~;."=--,,,~,,,~;,;.1t-_,.~ ..f<<I~~11 ~ 15:EquipmentAdequale to Maintain ProductTemperature 16. Handwash Facnilies Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facilities wf:h Soap and Towels 18, No EYjdence of Insect Contamination 19. No Evidence of RodenlslOther Animals 20..Toxic Ilems Properly LEbeled/StoredJUsed 21. Manual Warewashing and Sanitizing at { 22. Mechanical Warewashing and Sanitizin,g al ( ) p h-Jl mperature 23. Approved Sewage.!V/astewaler Disposal Syslem, Prop 24. Thermometers Plovided/Accuratel?roperly Calibraled (.:!:. 2'F) 25. Food Contact Surfaces oT Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Poslin,g of Consul1}er Advisories (Heimlich/Raw ShelJJish Wamin,g/Eluffet Plale) 27. FOod EstabTisnment Permit . . , ~---"J""~~ '>' :: ~tars<m '5ih-e~'\iilT'ti6rf~E<Vi;"'~~""~R .,,....,....~co~e@Y2':'a~NCt;rd~~'"d&.:}-:fk}i'!Qr.Th"'ifN rn:.inS'~~~...wrr63 mis:r. ~l%t-.;:, \: ' h........_~_._. :... .n...",-.~.e..!J........_~c.~...:I~~r::=s_......~~, ~_..._ ....~_..... r...........~_......_~._"!_~..... ~.,..;..r..o..~~-......:.__:.J:';~..:..;..;:.'.>o__...__........,..o..,...___..-- 5 Pts 4 Pts 3Pts' :/ ! roW Demerits .-oUow-up Insp YES NO ReceTv Inspe~tc:d by;