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LJAJ,.LA::i COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental He2lth Divi.SIon ~377 N. Stemmons Frwy - Room 607 n2U2.t, Texas 75107 . (214) 819-2115 F:l.x: (214) 819-2868 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPqRT , \ purpose opnspeelion: Regular V Fo"llow up _ Complaint_ Other___ Date q-; ~()~ ---:-:-- D EMEfHfs1 {p.e"rsannKtiHaW8Wn""":OO....~~T~:-lij?€m"'mtS:f.f.'~~qF~~ ::" ~_..~. ..."..",~=. 'M--"~"-''"'''' . -"~"'"".'''IJ~'''' ~W"',,"' .~.:-<:<.-........:A:C....P.,W'.~2:f:'.. ~-~(4J.~JJi~~ Lt.9l~_c,ln_~.::.:e_e9.~!I?-.; .mI!l~crr'!-J~,,'9i!J_~JJS~'. Jl.9.D3t.;;@ 6. Personnel with lnTecUons RestIicteclrc:):c1uded 7. Proper/.Adequate Handwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (Eating/DrinkinglSmokingJOther) 9. Approved Source.!l...2Deling 10. S.ound Conortion . 11. froper Handling of Ready-Tc-Eat Foods Cross-Contamination of Raw/Coo'i<ed Foods/Other 13. Approve-d Systems (HAecp Pl2IlSlTime as PubIT Health Control) 14. Waler Supply -Approved Source/Sufficient CapacitylHol and Cold Under Pressure D'EME~Rft'.s~lrr?ab~"~~ndl'E-~uYp~. . me;.m7R1triiJrr~-Ots~~?~ili:--r~Y?~~}.~Tt4*~~~~~.~~~;:~. """:; .-.,... "5'""'1;'i ~;',....,. ~ti.:.~ "<;~.., .,...~...,;, ~''''''.''::''~,",~":!.., .,......'-'....,..!""'li..; -;...-:s,....,"'.,..':r..:.:.~.~1."'O.tr-..-<..~'J:;:.1:::- . ti",/3!F.'.1.S ~;i:-=. ~:V';CJa ons~egUlre.lm~Ii:rtE::05rrectNe lO.",uon..I'o'V!,tICl":: . . ~ .:.~a~'1~ .. .\ ......... ...... .....:~.,;~ "';~"~~'~'~Jl,.lo~;':':\;f.$-.;"'"""""'~!::lr:~i~'f'o;:~")~:~~~~~1"~~:::'~t.;~':':o:n!,..~~~.~..r.~t'...>.:.:sn""-:~~~~:~~:r':'i":~..::....~~ 15; Equipment Adequate to Maintiin Product Temperature 16. Handwash FacTIHies Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facilili es with Soap and Towels 18, No Evjdence of Insect Contamination 19. No Evidence of RodenlslOther Animals 20..Toxic Items Properly Lc.beledlStorecllUsed 21. Manu2J Warewashing and Sanilizing at { 22. Mechanical Warewashing and Sanilizin9 at { pprnllemperature 23. Approved Sewage/Wastewater Disposal System, Proper Disposal 24. Thennomelers ProvidedlAccurate!Propeny Calibrated (.::.Z'F) 25. Food Conl:act Surfaces of Equipment and Utensils CleanedlSanilizedJGood Repair ~ 26. Posling of Consumer Advisories (HeimlicNMaw Shelh'ish Wamin,glBuffet Plate) 27. FOod Establishmenl Permit . '. . , :: su..~ta1517: '~'Viiii"~'}E<Vi;"'~"--::R"-''''~D5'"'''e8N2'i'A:1i~NOf.Tcr~'-d:9{)7Da~~~Fi~.':rn?~~~~ff~-?~*~ r ~ .........._,-._. :... .n..."-......:~......._~...:.~..:I'r-Zf~r;::s_......~~~ ~___ ....:..:;...... (,......"'~_"'O";..._..J_.._~.... ~-"""-.~~--.........-_~~...92..4i'O_...__.,.,.~.._...~ 5 Pts 4 Pts 3 Pts' foW Diem, y~O;-UP ~~p ReceIved by: lnspestcd by: