HomeMy WebLinkAboutSMU Sorority Delta Gamma lJAJ.,.LA~ COUNTY HEALTH AND HUi\IAN SERVICES Environmental He:llth Divi5ton ~377 N. Stemmons Frwy -Room 607 D211:l!, Tex:u 75207 . (214) 819-:2115 Fax: (214) 819-:2858 RETAIL FO OD ESTABLISHMENT iNSPECTION REPqRT ." ''''- Purposeopnspeclion:Rcgular_ FotlolVup_ CompTaint_ Other_ Date 'Establi,shment: D EiY\.ER"ffSTltp.e"iSZ1m:{1JH3.'.'" ti'8Hh,""...~O'ti"'~WP'.~.:~Ujr€m"'.eBli{;i:f~~q..fl.,.~..- ::.:.. ~_..~. ''''''''''*-.'.' .M--"~'..."".~. '...,....""-.._.""IJ~,..,. ~w."...... ,.tg.,...;.-...~....'..."'r_.~;>,<.~z:h'.. 'f.-~(4.1.~JJ:i.~ }.,&l_~.CJD_~.::..e.EE..qt,(!@..; .mm~c:fl-,?J~;Q6IJ_~~~ti.9)]j"J=,@ 6. Personnel Yiith lnTec\ions Resllictedrc.;z:cluded 7. Proper/Adequale Handwashing ood Hygienic Practices (Eati 9. Approved Source.ll.2beling 10. S.ound Conartien ' 11. proper Handlin9 or Ready-Tc-Eal Foods 12. Cross-Contaminalion or Raw/CooKed Foods/Other 13. Approve-d Syslems (HACCP PlansTfime as Pubic Health Control) 14. Water Supply -Approved SourceJSLTfficienl Capac:ity/Hot and Cold Under Pressure D" "'~-""""E:""".""'-';;'''''.~:t i,:.:.-..;;....<"'fi...H-i<l;'\,:.;:.o>J~~":.E-~...:..~...;J:.r.,,<'::w..-~4.(~':,:":;.-...:~~::--~~.V"-:..~_,:-;,:):.)i~'~'''''''':'l"''~'":~~~.v~~;l<!':'~~.;i':':'~'''.::I':~:~~~~~~.." ~~~'.:;-~.(.::l. .~.' 1::10 RiLS~i :i~ c!..\.~;.:!;",~l fU :~ UJ p m e;'it'R eg u [reme n ts.1.C!f2i:?...;<~&.,:7,~;~'*~J2'$F.'.e,j;.l.4. "." j=.=~~f~$f\-;:i;"; ti.;<.i37R.iS~t~rJi ~WatlonS:P-e~qtljfe~rn:rn1e(j,ate9j:Orre'aNe!ACti CiW~'Ncrt~T&;~~16:ni~..., #d".&;at~ill~ .. ~.\. ..- ....... ? J.....:~..l.,;.~~,,~-i~.~;,.,.lo...:.::.';,:.:\;~~"'"........; '~~~~'~"~;:~~':~:~4>.~~"':l";':"':--:~.Ill::C:'$~:~""__~-'::"folo"..r.!).i~.~);,:~~~~~~:~~r:'~:~":;:'A'~ ~"'''':~~r.f~t;:~j;~(;.-:,.. .. _.~. 15: EguipmentAdequale to Mainla.in Product Temperature 16. Handwash Facilities Ad equale and Accessible 17. Handwash Facilities wit"! Soap and Towels 18, No Evjdence or Insect Contamination 19. No Evidence 01 RodentslOtiler Animals 20..Toxic Items Properly Labeled/StorecllUsed 21. Manual Warewashin~ and SanHizins at { 22.. M ec:harUca! Warewashins and Sanitizins at ( pmlte perature 23. Approved SewageJ\Vastewaler Disposal Sy.;lem, ro . posal 24. Thermometers ProvidedJAccurate!Propeny Calibraled (:!:. 2'F) 25. Food Conl:ac:t Surfaces oT Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 25. Poslins 01 Consumer Advisories (Heimlich/Raw Shel1'fish Wamin,glBuffet Plale) 27. FOod Establishment Permit . . . , . , -- .. ., ...__._~ . . .... ~_.._.v_.......--...::='~~,""~'" " ~tars:,<,,:,' '~~:ir. "I'::4:':~.!"'l<\,,;..,~~""'~-n .,,.,.,.....,~::""""~~...~'c-.::;.N.--~t:~.d So.Da~......~~N-.~~I.,l~""""-';r;::i:~.~..s.".C<:i.ma.S:t':t=:~~. <. . ~ h........._ ~...;~~; :~u 17::~~.~.e.:~.~!~:.r.~.'!:I~~QS-=~~~,~~~ '{ t::~onr<;.......~~.9'::'~:,._.~.;....;..x: .....J~-~~~~~~J:,,~~;;J.!.!..~~..:t.:._......:...:--.__':"'..... .. _ 5 Pts 4 Pts 3 Pts' roW .-oUow-up Insp YES NO ReceIved b