HomeMy WebLinkAboutSMU Sorority Gamma Phi Beta Pwposcopnspcction: Re,gular_ Follo\Vup_ Complaint_ Other_ LJALLA~ COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES . Environmcnt.:a1 Health Divuton 2377 N. Stcmmons Frwy - Room 607 :Dallall Tex2...S 752Q7 . (214) 819-1115 Fax: (214) 819-1868 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT iN'SPE.CrION REPQRT Date (,1 ,- j- 'Eslabli,shment: Physlcal Address: IVei'?<S1 , ...."':E. '.. ',:S~ tEO'Odi i=:1=f" 'tfem-''":'rct(uferiim~~' ....'"'crirem-~~.. ~.~~~~ K"';;Y-{~"'2.F;)h~.,...,...~.B;"7==~::P"~A'=-~~"'~""""_~ ':..Ht?jB:t$}&.~ l.Y ~.a}.jo.~...'Q ~.s:ll..J.tt ~!.I,ITlU~I~Il.~>JjJ,rI.~u.~~:p'-'",u.o [J::.~i.;;_ 1. Proper CooUn,g for CookedJ?repared Food 2.. eoldj-iold (41 "FJ 45 'F) 3. HotHoTd{140'F) 4. ' PrOper Cooklng Temperarures per PHF 5. R2.pid Reheating (16S'F In 2 Hrs) FoodlTemoeralures ,/ / J ..\l ,J;:"' M.-1 '1 (. m:z::TE / (0.) p{ o EMER'ffS1 {p.e'"rs8M;;th='ia?i8Wn~~."~""~~-Fi"~dir€frl'''mtf:i:'i; ::> ![if"P.fS"'''J:r.:;' {'V.oJa'tr"""~B ..,....""-,."'IJ.~,..crt.r..B'B*-,.p.EAA:;ACt(~.' :y:-,c.l..,<;.. 0:;;,,-~ !i.:_..,~. gnEi...:..Ei.ql!~.: ,mm~._~':l_~;,':::_!JE.f_.___. __Q.D,,!)i. 6. Personnel \'lith lnfec\ions Rest.icted/Excluded 7. Proper/Adequate Handwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (Eatins'DrinkinglSmokingJOther) 9. Approved SourceJLabeling 10. S,ound Cond'rtion . 11. f'roper Handling of Ready-Tl>Eat foods ,l.11l:::r7tu:l6., 12. Cross-Contamination of Raw/Coo~ed Foods/Other 13. Approve;j Syslems (HACCP Plans'Time as PubITc Health Control) 14. Vtater Supply -Approve<! Source/SlIfficient CapacitylHol and Cold Under Pressure rrEME'-RTfs~;I{~c~"~~fili'rE"~UT~P' . me}r(fr1t;;ui7errtenis~E~~~~~~~~W~~~~~-r~~: ...-: ~ ._~.. '<:::':'''''.r:~', ,,',..,.,. ~ti.:'~ .,.:...,.., .,...'::::;l_.." ~'...,-.,:,..~....~1..' .,.......'-'...,.,..t.. -;:.: -;"';;'.i;',",,<.~.,:,;,~~;."O'=""''''~.'- ~~.t?!f..B};~)i:~:t ~j~~>-}JD;.S~1i~..s~J!",e.Ar:pWf?),~~~IT.,~~t.;.~~q..~,1.1~'f;1;t~?'4.v;..,~,,,,4,,,i;~1t-~~ 15; Equipment Arl equate to Maintain Product Te mp erarure 16. Handwash FacTIities Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash FaciJitieswiih Soap and Towels 18, No Evjdence of Insect Contamination 19. No Evidence of Rodents/Oti1er Animals 20..Toxic lIems Properly LabeledlStorecllUsed 21. Manual Warewashing and Sarulizing at, 22. Mechan!ca1 Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( pp 23. Approved Sewa,geN/astewater Disposal SYSlem, Prope 24. Thermometers ProvidedlACC1Jrale/?roperly Calibrated (:!:. 2" 25. Food Conlact Surfaces of Equipmenl and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Posting of Consumer Advisories (Heimlich/Raw ShelJiish Wamin,glBuffet PIal e) 27. FOod EstabTIshment Permit . . , :: ~ta&.'g".... ';;:-::;~.::.:? "I':O~::-.!"'E<';;';"'~"'-~"";"""'''''''Co'''''"'''~:::'..;'A.:1i..''''./~ND;~~.dlfu--:Da~'Q;:-n.,EfFf Ba'1nS'~~WfJCh,~ff0b~~*~ t .. ....""'-.- ._. :~u r:?...'::!.!.e.:~.~1~~.!.'!:I~~QS_9...~~~ V~y cJ,,_....... ~ l(;...........~_."". ........~~_":_~ ....J.;!-........~~-.... _~~_.',Joo;_...~~........'__........ 5Pts 4 Pts 3 Pts. .~il_..II<<I!~11~ Inspe~tcd by: